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Virginia League Meeting—Lajoie Wins Automobile Ov f NEW VIRGINIA LEAGUE READY FOR BUSINESS 31 nirnH’M«*et t<< Ei\ < ir<-nit. Elect XV U I’ri-iilnif ami Arranp tWtaik. •HARMONY EX l’E< 1 Ki> ix- ciiKn r matri i; IV_" ! *n\ti' Ut-iidv fur Emir I i-hiii Orpuiizatimi if Wi-ii rn ( ini'- Start- Alt' 1 hint:. Hj T. I>. BOVNl V II I I It is generally heliexed among then Virginia l^aifu*? magnates that the meeting of the «ir< uit < ornmittet', t<> btdu Id at Murphvs Hotel at 12 tnitH k Monday will be harmonious, and that a mutual agreement will be qunkly rea< hed. It s* «ms t• * !•♦• thv general wish of the club# that l»«n a Hie he drooped out and Portpfnouth taken in. thu« making a more « om pm t league and one that is likely t» make more money One Yeport has < «»tne in that<‘h burg ami Roanoke w ill stand b\ l>an ville. and if the Hugs are dropped out they also w ill drop out and efTe< t an organization with three ('aroimu Hubs for an interstate league. This is regarded us nothing more than talk b\ some amHtlous s. riI»#*. who either dots not know a n\ thing about league affairs* or else is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of somebody. He reekops without the v lear-sighb d lieaa of the magnates, however. They know how things are going, arid no amount of threat* will frighten them to do anything that the\ do not think for the best. And, aiso. has it not been said that thf re is no possible « hatue for any up "ith any of the Carolina dubs' N*> better authority for this an In* asked than the author of the story published in The Virginian on >n toiler 1. The president of the Holds boro dub is one ot the biggest base ball magnates in Carolina, and he stated poaitlv aly on his re rnt visit to Richmond that an Interstate league would not even b< eonsidered, for the reason that it is regarded as unprofit able. Norfolk Holds ItHiiv It is most !ikel> that the eireult committee. composed of liii hhiund, Roanoke and Norfolk, will be in her mony. as stated above President N\ illiams, of the Roanoke elub. is a vise baseball man and he does not entertain an> idea ol standing up for Danville when he knows ihai It is impossible lor i he liugs in remain, lie ma> he a brave man. loit he will Hot make his elul, a martyr to .mini a cause, shutting himself out m the cold and losing baseball for tils < lty Norfolk simply will not stand tot Danville. The Tars mean what they say when they declare that Urey w II | organize a little Tidewater league ..i their own, with Portsmouth, Newport News and Hampton This will bt a money maker, and they do not eat c much whether they rio ti or not. This, tiieir. settles tile mailt i. il Nt rfolk says so, Jiauvilh must go Richmond does not t are mm h on* way or another, they are neutral bui st th* . same tune, vitally interested in the outcome of the matter. Richmond wants baseball and the Colts will he in the league whatever clubs go to make il up. W lial's in a Nmuie. Something has been said about an enactment of the National Association at the Memphis meeting a year ago It is slated that at this meeting the life of the Virginia league was extended1 until 1U1 s and that this nullifies the five year agreement just expired. Such talk is about in hue with tlu other parts of the uriieie in w ho h this paragraph appears What » in n name : Any number of towns m Vlr I glnia could organize a league just ns ! Piers are more tliaii one ieuguu m , Carolina. What a it* prevent Ai the recent meeting ot the mag nate-s, President Wells said "It se. in to me thai you people can get b,g< ther now about aa you please, lie contract has expired and you are simply in dividuals, you t.m organise .■ league taking in any dubs thai y ou may in - •ire " • our learn la-ague. i.' the circuit committee should nol ho-ei in harmony if President Wil liams, id the Roanoke club, should stand out for Danville. it will make rio reaJ difference. Richmond and Norfolk w ill stand together and Mr. Williams can hut turn in a minority report to the magnates. It is up to the magnates to make a decision and when It conies to them the Bug win probably ge». if Lynchburg and Roanoke see fit to M&nd by Danville, thus splitting up the force* In even par to, there is noth ing left to do but lei them go and knock at the gates m Carolina for ad tniMbm. The Virginia League win then or ganize with four strong dubs in a email circuit, one that will make a minimum transportation expense and Mie that will be a money maker necessity the organization v. ill be romposed of Richmond, Norfolk, Petersburg and Portsmouth. \ni bad organization at that. Roanoke and Lynchburg will probably be ad mitted It* they desire to t nme In but they cannot work any hold-up game. H I* believed that they well undti •tood this, regardless of wild stories to the contrary. Meeting About < o'clock. The meeting ...f the magnates is scheduled for 2 o'clock but several of- them stated Monday that ,they would likely be at dinner at that time and that some time would he spent n lobbying They say that thev will lardly convene before 4 o’clock * The circuit committee will hardly be In ecHHion o\ er a half hour and they will finish their business and draw up their report before the din ner hour. If they are in harindny their meeting will be very brief . President Williams, of the Roanoke club, reached Richmond early Vun day morning with Mr Wilkinson, of the Lynchburg dub. Mr. Williams Is Willing to Tie president of the league, but be says he does not wish to offer by the magnates Mr. Williams is a good baseball man-and would doubt - lea* make a good head for the league. Mr. Hannan, however. Is now the logical candidate and will receive the Support of Richmond, Iv teraburg andf Portsmouth. (t Is not believed that Mr. Williams will Offer •tty atrong opposition to Mr. Hannan -ajgdar the condition*. DanviUe would -- % «»(•• for Williams if th« Hugs " » ro to remain in the league. Port-mouth 1- Kcail>. The Portsmouth Huh i* making pr« paration* to a< • ept a fran« hlae, and if it come# to a tight between ' tb«*m anti Newport Newt* for the I P.t g. ' phice in the < irruit. it is most likely that the Truckers will win out. A meeting *»f pr«»minent btialneae men < f P« rt- mouth met Saturday night and organfa-ed the elub with a capital of $10,000 Resolutions were! passed pro\ Iding tor the construction « of a new baseball plant anti the peo- i p|e displayed considerable enthusiasm! in the project. The magnates who will represent | the various dub* at Monday’s meet ing ar»* \ <’ bmohundro and Chas. M fon* olvNorfolk; W. R. H rad toy. Richmoni. \V. M. Snead. Danville; t*. j R. Williams Roanoke. .!. (’ Van Pat ti n. Portsmouth; Messrs. Porkinson 1 and i run*. petersimrg. Mr. Wilkin son. 1,yn<hburg. and George K A. Bor k* i*. New port News Mr Hannan was iti Richmond last. Frida and talkie! in an interesting; manner <on<ernmg the league. Ilf stated that he had no interest in the' circuit fight, but that he is interested in th»- league as a whole and will use his lost efforts, if he is elected, to make it a sun e*yfu| and profitable organ ization. Pootball Results SOUTH. Vanderbilt, 22; Ros* Poly te« hni> . u. <’binst.ii. 24. Howard. <*. South ParoliDM. S; i*harleat«»n, h Anl-urn, *>. Mississippi A and M . 0 Georgetown, o; North Farolina \ and At.. »» Annapobs. •>. Rutget#, *‘. Virginia, 21; Roanoke. 0 \ M 1.0; Norfolk Rhies, 0. Texas, II; South western. t». Mercer, 22; Georgia. 0. I'inghampYon. i^enoir, o William and Mary. ■>. Norfolk High.. Washington and la » , 10, Hampden* . Sydney. | Kentucky Statu . 11; North Farujina, j «• Rflunond - « ’oileg* Ra ndolph - Macon [ w **Ht h«*r. iieorghi T* » h.t IS; < hattan<M»$»a, o «»eorgiH, 7'.*. «;«n <t<*r» Institute. 0 Hendrix College. 11; l.itrU* U'»i k. j. ! Alabama, 20, Marion, o. IHMKhtK. 11, Mvinplna Jlighj S< huol, o. Louisiana. »>. M bsaipsippi CoIl*K*\ 0 Tfllllt'SM*'*', ti . Moomy, 0 S« w ant'f, 27. An<h*i*s*m Training: S« houl. 0. ArkariHHs. H* tub r.mui, a. i .futm.H Hopkins, li. Maryland Agri- | cultural, 11. EAST. \ all*. '12; K..l> *' i osa. I). 1 I larvm il, 21 . Williams, a. Prim f-toii, 12 , XVu York I’niversity. j 0. Tciinsylvama, Ms, \Wst Virginia, o. ! * ’ornfil, n, < ik' riiii, o. lirovsn U. Ti'iIkhU*. 0. \Y'* st Point, 2*. Tuffs. 0. Carlisle. MW; JUjfkmdl, 0. Dartmouth, ijc Colby. o. Syrm-iisr, ♦’>, *l<o(. h«,sl or, u I .a fa v**tt • »., Suarthmoi*. 0, Lcdiigh, <»; St**v«ms, o Hobart. 17. Hamilton. '* I la v *»rford. I Oda war**. . \ * riuout. o, Main*’. 0. Amherst. ;t: an. 0 Trinit,'.. 1",. Amh'-rsl Vggit's. Howdoln, 2s; N--V, Hampshire, 0. Pittsburg, IK, West minuter. 0 Yah* I-'j • shim ii, 11; tltotun S« li«>«* 1, u. f Vfinsv iva'nia I i *-shmen. »j; Phillips- , K\»*l» r, 0 WEST. Michigan. 2; Cast* S< hool. .>. | Indiana. •.. « 'hit ago, 0. Minnesota. 4:*. Arnes. o WisoonslR. »;; Lmvri-nn , X ort Ii\v« sti rn. 10; low a. a • dim Slat*, Hi; < 'im innatl, o. Ma r<jn**t t*\ '12; Monmouth. »». Creighton. •*>, South Dakota School of Alims. 0. Hurhtel, ,11; Wongt<*r, o Xotre Dame. 4s. Olivet. 0. Harms. 2W. Kaatern Illinois Normal, u. Shnrtleff, 12. \\ ashniKton Cniver sity, Kansas, !♦. St. MarCs, .. Missouri, u, Kolia S* hool of Alines. 0. Wabash, ! . Purdue, o. Nebraska. 12, South Dakota, ij. Western lb »er\* . W; Ohm Wesleyan, ALL-STAR TEAM , AND ATHLETICS! i Alaiiiiiri-r .MrAlwr Names (lie; l.iue-l |i i>t 11 is I < ain 1«>r liig Series. i rmi.AlJELPMIA. <>et III i ’o until I Maek has received *r.>m Jimmy M< - Alter, manager of the Washington leant, ll.s line-up el the American ! League all-stars that "ill oppose tilt Athlete s in the first game of the se-' lies t.> be playetl at Shihe Park t.n . Tuesday. The series w as arranged t>• keep the i Athletes in proper trim for the hat | tie which will begin in the same para i j on 11, tohfr 17 for the world's title. ' The line-up: All Stars—Milan, left held; Kllier feld. set mid bast . Lord, third base; i ', right -field Speaker. renter i iv! c Bride, held. Stahl, first hasp; I Shortstop. , Athletic*—l*>rd. left field; Oldring. . | < enter field; Collin*. second base; Ha i Kerr, third hasp; I>avis. first hasp. ! Murphy right field; Harry, shortstop. ! Thomas, tateher; Bender, pitcher. .f I III111*.S AMI .It HINSON omd.ATF. ON (ilillllHON < Spec la) to The Richmond Virginian > 1iA RKiHi i.Vlil'KCi \’A , ( », t 10.— I “Jeffries him] Johnson'' Has the a! traction I’rlday afternoon at I .ake Park, Hai i i-oiiUiii if. when Augusta Military Academy opened the font-| ball season by defeating Harrison- i burg High Set)ool, 10 to 0 Jeffrie* »as - timekeeper for th<‘ i ' cadets, wliila Johnson, who is a liar- I rlsortburg teacher. ke|>t tlniu for his | eleven The eonihination broiiKht up thought* -if K< no and the downfall of Jeffrie*. hut in this instance there were no pugilistic manifestations, and! it happened that Jeffries this time! j hsi on the winning side. ] AMERIGAE OLYMPIC TEAM ON THE CREOLE NKW VuRK, « >f tober lo.- Much of the excitement that surrounds* the de parture <»r an Olympic team to com pete lor athletic honors in a foreign country was in evidence at the van guard of those who are to represent New York « it> in the national cham pionship athletic meet left for New Orleans There was the same croud • *t dved in.-the-wool athletic en thusiasts on dyed in the wool ath letic enthusiasts on hand. not as large perhaps as once or twice before, but a crowd that airly bubbled over in ita <»ttff*rn«'*s t-* kin «* the »••;< bollttitiK the norayion. Twenty at h let«js nu«d< nearly every «»m* of tin of some national or n.cti or record Lawson K«>la rt>o?i. American Athletic <'I»11• four - «»ther A. A. I ■ >r!'< charge of the Krnnp, K mapped out a program injjf on tin- upper eln t< tli I»* t, * will hr *»Ttp*-i-tn| \ maintain his good form in a send oil ip tin- group, •m a hold* r opiditatr title ih<- irish trann !. ami • i a 1 s wit. in olw*i tson has daily train - at • a« h ath o follow to BIG LEAGUE RESULTS N AT TON' A 1. I.KA«I K. < ’in* inrMti, T. Pittsburg. 1. <'hb'ago, 4. St Louis, 3, Saturdays St'Ori'v Brooklyn, 2; New York. 1. Brooklyn, 2; New York. " St Louis. *i; (’inoinna t i. ’hi* ago. a- Pittsburg. Philadelphia. : Boston. 1 Mi How < ’luba. Chicago Now York ... Pittsburg . . Philadelphia . *’*» < ’ineinnati . - . 7 ;> Brook lyn . ..H 4 St Louis . «1 Host on . f.l Phoy stand. Won. Lost. ....101 4 v H 1 V 7 p.<\ k 7 x ;»y»; ...0 7 .is? . Li! i 1 2 Mondays S iMshilr. St Louis at Chicago. Philadelphia at Now Yuk Boston at Brooklyn A.MKiao.vx i.KACiri;. Sunday'* Cleveland, I. St. Louis, 5 Hirst Karm-1. (‘lovoland, St. Louis, 0 * srcmni game ». I »ot ndt 2 ; < Mi M acro, l. Saturday‘s Scorts. Chicago. 4. Detroit, a. New York 4: Boston, 1. Now York, n. Host on, f>, Cleveland. 2: St Louis. 0. How Tl»«*y Stand. Clubs. Won. Lost. Philadelphia .J <>2 Vow York . I letroit . . Boston .... ’lovoland ’ h I ca k < * . . Washington ■it Louis . , vs s»; a i 7 l *;s n *; 4 7 iv t\:\ ♦; v 7 1 V 1 s ! a 7 PC. . :» a v ,53:t • . 4 H 7 i inT :o f» 1 MonduyV schedule Kamos sc hod tiled. NATIONAL LEAGUE BATTING AVERAGE 'I'tinrtttf A} *m Oiitnm Inclmlnl. V I # Crandall. N. * to* *d **, Bom. Magee, Phil. . . Wagner. Pgh. . < ’ftllipMI. Pgh SnodgraisB. X Hofimm, Hu. Wilhelm, Hkln. Paskert. On, . Keeler, .X V. . Tinker, Chi. . . Byrne, Pgii. . Konetohy, Ht. McLean, Cin. Hums. Citi. Schulte, Chi .. Dev i»re, N. V. Hubert. Cin drain* m. R<»*. .. Hates. Phil. M cin tire, ('hi. . Wlnat. HU In . H Miller, H« s . . I.. Doyle, N V. . Chance. Chi (>. Wilson, Pgh Zimmerman. ' 'hi. T * larke. din Meyer**. V V. , . Merkle. X. Y Becker. X V Luderus, Phil. .. Mowrey. St. I - . I hiblit/.ell. « wi . . Leach. Pfch . Mitchell. Cin. HreMnahan. St Phillippe pyh Heck. He A. Willin’. N. i irant, Phil. Murray. N. 1 IT> mi. Pgh. Sweeney, H«*>*. . D<Milan, Phi! .. ‘ NuiJhoii, Hkln. . H* rzu»,', Hus. . . Downey, Cin. .. BrnJwell. X. V. Duuhert, Hkln. Lennox. Hkln. . Uibnon, l*gb. . . Kvers. Chi. Hyatt. Pgh._ Kariden, Bob. . . Hugging, St. L. Phalpa, St. JL. . Shean. Bob, . Kltnic. Chi. Beaumont, Chi. y. Clarke. Pgh. BUIb. m. I. Devlin, N. V. . Hummel, Hkln. L V. K. . lu 13 . io:» so . 41 . 6* . SO t;: 4 6 101 . s.i 26 s;: 01 .11 4 6 !*r> 5i is 20 7.1 IK M 61 SI 14 .1 X 6 a 32 43 12 51 43 74 66 10 54 K« 20 12 05 24 51 30 25 7 S 6H 67 H. 24 167 121 I 4 r. 6 151 134 170 147 1 S 1 5.1 IIS On s4 1 ::s I 7 IT 1 1.’. 5 161 7S 1 4 X *5 40 10.1 no 34 12S 16 S 141 161 61 1 1 152 12 152 1 46 SS 130 ! 37 20 00 100 .127 141 06 ‘34 114 4 6 1 35 67 156 42 311 123 142 A v. .347 .5 20 524 .110 .316 .301 .200 j .200 .2OS I .306 .305 205 .201 .202 .20 l .200 ‘3 SO . 2 K K 2K7 .366 .266 ,2S 2 .2x2 .2X1 .280 .270 .270 .27S .276 .274 .271 .270 .266 .265 .264 ‘'i:!, .263 , 268 .262 .--62 .262 .262 .262 .260 260 .259 .259 .256 .3f>»; .258/ .256 25i j < hikes. St 1 .. 1-' lit .-“»4 Sheokard. t'hi. 7 7 127 .Jr*:» Dk'kftori. M A. I 1 1*7.0 Simon. P«h. .*» to -.7." lU'Sv hcr < ’in. o:: 140 2»0 Kkmii. rill. 70 11 s .241* A r» h* r. < ’hi. . .52 4 24 s Knahe. . 71* 1. l* 4 7 White. Pv . ■. 12 .24 7, Steinffldt ii. « hi. 0 : 10:: .1*4 7, W Miller. ' m. . JO JO 244 Hrariafield. Phil. :7 *0' .244 Titus, Phil. . *»; 1; 0 .244 I too in. I'tiil . 20 70 .242 Ten Leading Run-Getters. I *!;t > its and tilths. t-nmes K. Av. M UK'1' Phil. ... . 17.1 1 Oa 70 I tevor* . \ V. 120 *'1 „7o Byrn*. I've. . 1 4o PM . 1. Kwrs. < 'In . 127. Mi • :* Hates I *}. 1 i.. 12'.' s7 ,ov HiiKtfitis Si. Louis. 144 *»7. .00 I »o> ]♦• \' N ... . 14*. :»7- 0 . hrarli, Pjib . 1 :-.0 s:; »;4 I ’ < • s < fur. I'm. . i;.ii .02 Wav i' i. PittHlnnx . 140 so .01 Ten Leading Sluggers. 2R. ;:r. hr th. (;.\v. May... Phi]. VJ 17 7, 17. f. 407. Alerkle, \ Y . . j 0 1 21 s m<» St luilte « hi. .. 2.7 12 !♦ '2'.« . i::o Wagn.ei Pgh . . .5 4 S 4 ; a 4:: 7 1 *y r n e, Pill. 4 0 1 2 - 2 7.7, 4 27. i>uh. x. v. ... 2*» n ; 2-;:. ms lit t k. Bus. 2S 111 lo 414 Wheat. Bklti. ... 14 17, 2 _ I 1 $”-7. AI i t el it* 11, 1 ’In ... . 10 is 22 1 .04 i.‘a uhert. Bkht. . . 10 17» . :» 211 a 1 Long Hits by Clubs. 2! 5. 4 4: HR Tl> OAv, Pi M s’h u i'K ......200 7s 21 Is). . :oo < ’hit Hsu .201 77 p;vi .;:i,h New York.201 77 !l 4 7»'.i . :7.7 < 'hu-iimnti .147 so 2.'. losl :: *2 PhiladH|\hir .200 00 Is 101 : :_4 Host.-n k. 172 r, .so 17. ;; ::M Si l.oiu^fl,.100 02 11 1 AM) ..'510 Brookh K.102 j 7" 20 17. 0 .00 Pa.-'^C^l'a lls t/im-im.a 1 i. 21; St. 1 am HrnoK’i > n. 24. Philade Iphia, 22. f: ; tJoston. 17.. ChU-avo, 17,; \ev. V.,rk. 14. AMERICAN LEAGUE BATTING AVERAGE 'I hm-stlit> "m liHmrM Iiiolntlrtl. I’la>«srs .uni clubs. Jackson, < 'Uv. Lajoh?. C!a\. Cobb, I >. t. Madden, llos . llos. K. i ,'ullins. Ath ... . I lohnhorst, ('let . . . Knight. .N Y. Strunk, AUi.. . i Hdrldg. A tli . Kaaterlj. ' 'let .... Murphy, Ath ... Karger, 1; . - . Mi lnnt->. \lh .... . I >Hallant - I ii i .... I'hast*. \ Y' . i 'rawford I k i ... I. (iHMliu r I ’.ns . . Koenun-r. i ’i«-\ ... I .awls. Ill IS.. IT'.VUII i \1 Wash . Thomas. \th. . , . . . I'rai-. .V A . Bender. Ath. I laker, A i h . . ... SfHA’KKl:. Wash. Hang. Chi. i *. Jonas, l I, I. Wagner. Ih>s . If. ].unl, i'hi. MILAN, Wash. l.!l porta ,Y. A. Willi r. \ A' . Stahl lias . Kngb , Schmidt it. HOOper. It,is. Hush. I'al . Harry. Ath. I.BUN Kl.T Wash.. H., Ath. (1 KH.Hl.Kli. Wash.. Stone, si i. Haniels, ,\ A'. Wtailai a. st. l,. T. Jon-s. I'at. Mullen. I a t . Stovall. flat. (SLIVl'Klili. Wash. Carrigan. Hus. Morlaru. hot. Dougherty. i'hi.... rvis-ury. Hat. Maloan, f’hi. C'tNROY. Wash .. OKAY Wash. H Imvls Ath. Wood. Bos . Kn.iupp, i 'In. McConnell, Chi ... . Hoffman. St I. . . F; < lar In r. V A . . . M<■ I i»ty ra, I iat ... S< i.M l.i )TT, Wash fhih tin Mine (I. [’hlladtdjihia ...15 7 K. II. Ate. il .'.I . A 7 !• '.I7 la .378 . Jnti I an .376 I II .355 !>:: 153 .378 VI l:ni . 22s 7 in .517 . r.a 1ii .kill $ 15 . :t i 7:i las . .lea :i3 ll n .301 7 n Hitt . I’k'.i 11 3" .3k a . In 33 .357 . (17 111 .203 •! 'i i<i . 3 a 0 8 3 100 287 . 55 11s . 3 s: t II .280 til Kill 3 SI 3 1 .35 1 11 5 1 .2 x'! 5 1 12S .280 7 25 .270 v: 1 57 .27 8 2a «5 277 ;; ns .277 7 7 102 .2 7 tl til 111 .270 52 1 2-1 .27 1 tut ] 18 .270 13 113 .208 M 128 .207 08 111 .300 5 7 a 8 2 il 5 2 2 5 2 .2C11 SI 151 .201 90 125 .20 0 lid 1 2 5 .25 9 10 a 1 .2 5 a 7 7 12 0 .250 58 125 .258 BO 110 .250 os ao .250 17 127 .2.75 112 1 oil 2 17 1 .27 1 . -1 a 1 111 2 7 3 51 1111 .27 1 :i 5 8>; .2 71 -'I .250 3 0 8 7 3 1 \ 7 21 .217 0 n 12 2 . 2 I 0 10 10 .310 3 11 210 1 a 8 3 14 2d 0. 211 3 'i 0 5 2 13 1 •0 '71 312 0 17 .238 I{4 If Hit •. All ;; Ava elT'J li.'S ,37a 1 Vs# A l he nr n w no niaue me trip Marvin W. Sheppard, AWl K. Kiviat, I X Kdey. John Monument, 1». A Warn. .1 J. UofsrnberfftT. W. J. Koh l-ins. J. .1. Klliott. K. Steven, J. Brodd, Henry SehafT. W. J. Keating. Kobert Kller. John J Kller, T. J Collins, Lb hard Lgan, M ^diitughlin. !■'. Pite-gan and William J Kramer Those who aeebmpunied them to net as officials were Lawson Kohertson. George P. Matthews, the Kov. Joseph Mtirra\ and S. Haubnld I »etroit . . . I ioston ... X e w York Cleveland Washington St. I .ouis . Chicago ... . . 1 2 .. i :>♦; .. l: a ..IAS i»; i . 1 5 2 4 S - 1 510 4 i y s: M‘S I s s •; i 4 a 7 7 4 a y a *. i 9 (»i 4 4 2 4 4>; 1 z 2(P Jen Leading < '.dims, A t li let it s . < ’old*, 1 >etroit I‘aniels. New York Zeider, L’hhago I >uf»h, I >et foil Milan. Washington Phase. Xew York Wotter. Xew York Monart) . I >eln*u . Moop. r. Boston lla.M* G . . 1 Stealer* SB so \vc , I yy 9:4 . 1:? J . I 41» .14 2 1 2 y . l:: \ 1 1 r» : 4 s l s . i . t I : f :ui -J • 1 >. S)»i*a k Hush. M dan. Wo! t I>n Leading Kim <»c G. 1 >etroit .... •r. I >of*t o|j . I »» t roit Washington New Y'rk La.ioic. Cievelallt • ddring. Athletics H i !:-m\ \ thleth s Collins. \tilleties . < 'ra w ; »rd, I Detroit 1 :;y 1 4 1 140 ! f 2 1:? I t A H 1 . I ! 47 I :i 1 5 1 Iter*. K. 1 o t; y :i yo s \ •y 7 y s x :i Jen Loading sluggers. 2 H. . M HU. TH A H I Ue. 1 Speaker Murphy, a < 'hiring. A * 'ra wfi*rd. Stahl. B . . Leu is. ! ‘ i: Lord. A Baker, A 1 ?. 1 s n. . ! y 21 , 2 I l s ! K 2 4 y .249 . 2 :> 1 .214 :!: . 1 y 2 220 Vg\ ■ 1: " 11 h;:* 4 a 4 2 4 27 I ns tor y y <1 Philadelphia I '* mot. I >ston . Xew York < 'leveland Washington St. Louis Chicago Long Hits h> ( IiiIk. 1 hi 1 9 y 1 fit; 1 ;.x 1 s 7 I 4 a 1:: 5 112 ] 00 7 I S I iy 2 x 40 1 7 1 s y 0 17 19 1 7 v» ix r» 1 9 X 2 J 4 1:: i a 7 2 12 x 2 •;1 . '. 1 x . :;nj ;• y' Triple plays--1 »etr<dt ns. Chbago, I Detroit ns. Boston; Chicago v > P.<-s ton. Hnul.dr plays -Philadelphia, 11*-. Washington. lux . Cleveland. 112. St I .< >ui,s. 1 I 7*; <’hi> ago. 1 oti; 112 Boston. 9 2 I )etr«dt# Passed halls Chicago, delphia, 12: I >etr«dt. 2,»: St Louis. 19; t le \ elanil. York. 21; Washington. A A York X. So 17: l-hila Hustnn. 1 :t; 7 -I: .\c u NEW YORK FINS T THE TRUTH Mny Stai'i A hi it ]w'i' I!nsclmll Srilinlil I hi < '• >n 11< ■< ■ imi Willi 1 ———-—— XKW YOLK. i K i HI, New- Y,,rk baseball fans want to know whether l.arrv Lajoie was ■ • nti111 • i to the night hits lio made in yesterday's double header at St, Louts. which derided tin- hatting supremacy in his favor as against T> Cobb. ami incidentally w on for iiiin an automobile prize. The report that the St. Louis tippl ers shirked and loafed on l.ajote's grounders and turned them into safe ties lias aroused tile hasehall colony, and local sport writers are asking whether another hasehall scandal will have to he aired. It is considered significant that seven of Lajoie’s eight hip were infield grounder*. As Lar ry is not tile swiftest man in the game, the opinion prevails that the Si Louis Infield deliberately threw" the hatting honors in his way. If Larry won honestly-, he has the laugh on Ty <’ohb, who in a signed artiele recently said that was an old-time slugger rather than a scientific batter, such as himself. WILL TOT FOR RECORD AROUND THE DIAMOND NEW YOltK. iht 10. In the com ing series between the New York i iiivnta mid Highlanders Daniels, the licet left fielder of the Highlanders, will try to beat the record made by Haris l.obert yesterday la circling the lanes in lft 4-5 seconds. New York fan; believe that Daniels is the fastest mar. in the gaftte to-day, not except ing Joseph Devore, of the tiinnts, or "\ (’obi. of Detroit They have seen Hie speedy Dutchman of the Hods and confident tjuw Daniels car. clip a hfih of a second from Ms record. / v \ LikW:,-,' I .. UUOIE US OUT IS BEST HITTEfl Forges Alnml of CoW* i» the St retell iiml W im Auto mobile. NOT KA1K n-:sT j Si. I.onis I binl Hasemiii 1 bi.'" I cd (till of Position Safin lav ! '• to llel]) Lajoie. 'y I'nleas the oftielul ttgures ’«ary a whole lot from the unofficial, dope that is supplied by George I- Store tu ml. conceded to be the most re liable baseball statistician ill the , eountry. Larry Lajoie is the grettest batter in major league baseball. and has bested his rival. Tyrns t'obn in the light for the possession of an au tomobile that goes along " ith the honors. ’ l.arrv piled up eight hits in as many times at the hat in a double header with tin St. Louis team >1 s - lerdav on the home grounds of thi latter. Hut all these hits were no] neeessary Aerording to the unoffl rial figures, he needed to hat ofiiv .500 to come out at the big end. It has been a great struggle fhr th< past month between the two grea sluggers and it took the games oi yesterday to decide tin1 issue. The averages as furnished b> More land, Including yesterday's games, ar. i; A ll. Hits. .He Lajoie .. 3i*2 2 2s .:W t\,!*b . 14 0 f>tnv 1M .iiM A I’ieveland dispatch gives Lujob- ;• margin of more than points, bu varies «llghtly from figures supplie* by -Moreland. It follows < :i.K V KLA Nl >. ", i. lo By mak;t.» eight hits in eight times at hat in St Louis to-day. Napoleon La ohe. «d tin Cleveland team, pulled ahead of Tv ms fold., of Detroit, it. the rate foi the hatting *hampionshtp °f th* Amerh-an League. A* .orbing t<* th* unofficial figures. Lajoh* s a\ crag* i. • * \ j'. . "i $ *> .8 and i'obb's 183.4. t'orriden l.;t>» lHmii. ST. Lt M IS. M* » . < n t D» Nto e! l*efore in the histor\ of hasehnli ha* the integrity or tin game been ques tion,.d as it was h> tans Sunday when th* Browns and Naps, of <,h*v*» land, split m a double-header, th* locals taking th** first 5 tod ami login* the second i- L" t» In thw double-header the St Louis Brow ns allowed Larry Laj**b* t«► nlak* eight hits out of a am any time* at hat | Lajoie was credit* d with Loir hits ii, as man\ tries in th* first battle. and the same number in th* sc* ond eon test out of fi\r times at hat, hi* *»m failure during the afternoon t*. pun* h *-ut a safe hit eanie in the thtr«i tn fimg of th*- second gam**, when h* was credited with a *»•: rltn ♦ and non* of the hits were the result of ha<; s- orlng or favoritism. Jt was simply a ease of where La job* hunted the hall safely down t* t'orriden At third no less than sB times am! on e t<* Walla*’*’, ami beat ever; one «*f them out. w hile his othei hit went for a*trip!e t<» e-enter. Kwr this drive was misjudg'd and put>e<: badly h;. N*»rthf*n. Lajoie in th* first inning of tn* opening game connected w ith one <>1 Red" Nelson's shoots for a long drlv« straight to renter The hall soared « hit over Northyn s head, landed jusi out of his reach and went bounding to the bleacher f*'iia*. It was cleat and hard hit. but at that there w*-r* many in the stands who won* of th* j opinion that a more experienced out fielder would have captured the hall This hit was the only good. <lean raf Lajoie made during the entire after noon. Makes seven Hunt’*. From then mi 1m contented hint self by hunting the ball down th* third-bar** line, ami just veven time* he got awu> with the trick Lajoie although a great player. I"- by u> imam considered lightning fast, a not speedy enough t-> drop dow r seven hunts and beat every one «• th*m out. Then, too. it must '>< taken into consideration that t orn den is, indeed, a very fast man. am had he played his position as hv + vht uld hav t played it. Lajoie now , would he the owner «»t but one hit. Kveiv time l^ajop* stepped-up b* ill* plate t’orriden walked out to the v*n edge cf the grass almost. The Browns ! third saoker was virtually playing * ■ sh« rt left field for Larry. This kl ways resulted In the same old thing happening, that *»f Lajoie huntinf down ti»«* third base line. C'orrldei ■ rushing in t*> field the ball, and thet i. not throw ing bp* a use a throw to firs vvoiim nnvp i.f'n U'ivJLii.. r In tin- third inning of the seeont i battle a boy who carried bat? for th< i teams war- sent all the way up to th« j second deck of the grandstand t< t Mud out whether or not l,ajoie ha< ! been credited with it hit on his rollel to Corriden, which the latter fumbled A mail wild on base at the time, ant as l.aJoie bunted, he was credited wltt av sacrifice. Cobb la Not Copular. At this stage of tile game I-ajoit had piled up only rice hits. in tin llfth l.arry tieat out a hunt to Cor ilden. In the seventh Maloy, aftei | passing two batters. struck out Ora my anti Jackson. IjtJole laid don: his seventh bunt, a tittle roller t ! Corriden. Masterly fanned. in tlie eighth inning Hornhurs’ walked. McGuire tvas hit by a pitchet ball Peekinaugh fanned. Falken burg forced Hornhurst, Birmingham was out Tills left just three men t< come nil in the ninth, and I-ajoie wa* l In- third man to step up to the plate I Graney fanned, Jackson was out or . a tap. l.aJoie bunted to Corriden anti ! war safe getting his eighth hit. For some reason Cobb Is not popu j lur in St. l.ouis, while Gajoie is held i In high esteem, and has been able b ; fatten his hatting average beyond thi pale of discretion. It is figured b> local experts that he has won tilt coveted prise. Uefore leaving for Cincinnati l„a : job refused to comment on the situ atlon. although he is cognlaatit that the st. l,oub. base ball club luyed down in his behalf. McGovern ami OTwary .Meet. NEW *Y»HK, Get 10.—A rattling bantam-weight bout Is looked for to \ night at th eifijmplc Athletic Club, when Phil McGovern and Young j (I'l.eary will hcok up for ten rounds. McGovern is determined to, freshen ! up his laurels a hit after a*n unex ! petted setback in his last tight. In j O’IseWT. however, he will face a hard mac and one who has never entered the ring except in the best of con 1 dit ion. \ NIGH SCHOOL TEIII1 LOOKS PROMIIC. Twenty-live Youngers Make t p II Squad of Strong Material For Eleven. - \ JOHNS TO COAOII Several of Last Year's Stars Left atnI New Men Will Fill Vacancies. Football enthusiasm has reached & high state at the High School, and already extensive preparations are be ing made for the season. With a sqmul of twenty-five from which to pick a team, Poach Johns, former captain of Hampden-Sidney and Fniversity College of Medicine, In very optimisti< over the prospects of a successful season. The applicants are mostly large* husky fellows, among whom are six of last year’s squad. These men form a good nucleus for a champion team* and with the appearance of several men from other schools to fill in th« open places the team of this year should live up to the standard set by those in tin* past. Parrish, guard on last y»M*rVy Ail Prep *'h‘*'en. has returned and wijl he in his old j < sition on the right side of the lim*. King, left end of last year * team, has i-< shifted to the back field, and is showing up well, as is I 1 It [ i I I Os . . .1 I ...A» iS Is i f f <1. t frit) •! * t in* r ti- tn« k!*\ Willingham skeins to ha\>* taken possession <»f tho cen tral position, while Warrick has dis carded »*r.«i and taken his stand in • I'MMtt-r. Holiins has not as yet re poried hut Will he on .the field Mon ♦ hi\ *m» ,,s t" l»e ready for Friday's Kam> with the A nd**my New Material Strong. The to w material is unusually prom* jsiiii^ tins war and in srv« raf cases Is giv ing Mjtiif of the old men hard‘lights for posit ions. Sands and Forbes are , both mwkliiK good showings in ihs hark field. For tackles there .ire tv.a men who. -vhlh ?,« vs at High School, have had con Sid*1 rah!** experience, Mr H'*>, from Scranton Tech, is a ‘'solid man. ' while Mi \cab who h id; front Arkansas, is well decamp*-! ami seems f These tw* with I lain Hu should, no doubt, have a merry fight for th*» position? Whoever makes end will have he a .good infill, :«*r the com petition for these two places is keen. J King and <’hiidrey have the weight to compare with the others in the line, but «'ss<-n, Fojsb.\ . Smith. Bromide* Trevcit and lie- {tier are fast, fails Id* n eu. who are working hard thinning has reeenth join, d the squad and will flghK Parrish and Hiddn* for one of the guards Altogether the men !«»ok g«wwi and hid fair to make ,t good record this j*e a s«* n. First Game Friday. Tin scholastic schedule has been arranged and will open next Friday at f oVIoik when High School meets Academy on .Broad Street Park. Thors are. howe\er. a few op* n dates in the .fchool schedule which the management i* anxhem to fill, especially that of Tucjiday. October ii If the manager t»f the team desiring this game will ■ nli at the High School, or phone A1ad* lison 4101 J no doubt the gam- cr^p os arranged. The championship gchertule follows: October 14 High School vs. A cads* ; my. October 2\ High School vs. Me* t Juiro'.*A November 4 High School vs A end* emy. ■ Xo-ember M High School vs. NlO* * t Jtlire j*. WtKE FORRESTWON 1 BTUJ6E SCORE Opposing Eleven N Swanijtt'd it Ea.-’y Eiohidti—Seoie to U. to The Mk hinond Virginian.) WAKh I"' > RK.ST. C., October 1" In the s< .>ud game played dur the season and amidst a downpour jot rain, rtakp t-urest won from Hor • Her Mttttnrr Mere...! Saturday " tiy * iseore ol 2.s to o. Although the visiting team put up a hard light in no part of the game did they have an opportunity to s<ere. Wake Forest received trie first khk . off and during the lirst few minutes ol the game two muoh.iou . imade l>> Underwood «>n long end n,n!< Two others were made m the* i second quarter by the same Under* wood and Huntley, |n the last had , ! Captain I'tley. who kicked three goal'*’ j made another, un account of the wet I condition of the l.all it was almost ■Impossible to work the forward pass !at all. Several attempts were mado I b> both teams hut n proved to b« i unsuccessful. j ■s'lm e the Kanin here two weeks ago j with \\ arrenton the team him improved Umi t>er cent. J'his wa* shown by th* strength ol son: ■ of the new men Sat urday Each one did everything pos sible to show up tveli because upon his playing Saturday depended Whether he will get in the more |m. pot taut grimes. Twenty-four men were played and front these will b« selected the team to go against the Norfolk Blues at Norfolk next Satur day. The line-up in Saturday's game was us follows. Ilorner—Irwin, renter; Rrawley right guard; Walton. left guard* firoo. h, right tackle; Grlmsley, left tackle: Wear, right end; Katlett. left end; Allen, quarter; [trigger (cap tain). right half back; Heard, left half | back; Harkins, full hack, i Wake Forest—Bagwell. Dickens, (center; Carter, Ratnseur, Beans, right guard; Green Ashcroft, left guard: Painter, right tackle; McBrayer. Hold ing. left tackle: Betts, Dowd, right end; Fau-ett. Robertson, left end; j Aylett. Betts, Sax age. quartern Utley. (Huntley, right half hack; Underwood (Higbsinith, left half l>»ek; Murehlsoa. Broughton. full bai S. Touchdowns — Underwood Utley (1 ). Huntley >4 l (quart**—10 minutes, j Umpire— Pinuix. iBraughtva..