Newspaper Page Text
rureref mnc Help Wanted—Male. TRAVELING SALESMAN CITT SALE8 intn sad o files man wanted; lmraeJl .. ate position: *60# to $1.*0# required VIRGINIA INDUSTRIAL CO.. 1102 - BS|gsySgi&BHSHBggaBH!!!H!Bag!ga«Hie!S Help Wanted—Female. WANTED—TWO WHITE HELP, chambermaid and waitress Private family. Addreaa W-66, care Rlch mond Virginian. PRIVATE SECRETARY, YOUNG LADY wantod for Immediate poaltlon and Sood salary; must Invest $600. VIR INIA INDUSTRIAL CO.. 1102 East Main._ Situations Wanted—Male. YOUNG MAN HAVING OVER FIVE years' experience as all-round print er wishes, on account of confinement, a situation allowing considerable time out of doors, and not hard to please. LEWIS LAMOND. *08 West Marshall street. ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, ETC. TO address; $1 per thousand; handwrlt _Ing. Call Monroe 1.082-J. __ wanted position as shipping clerk or bookkeeper; young man ca pable and energetic; live years' ex perience; best references. Address _Box 232. Suffolk. Va. TYPESETTER WHO HAS HAD EXPK rlence In both newspaper and J»b offices; good position lor steady man. Apply Virginia Cltlxen. Irvington, % a. SOBER YOUNG MAN WITH REFEH •noes, business experience. and .-nine ] knowledge of advertising, typewrit ing and bookkeeping, desires a po sition In store or office, l'hone Mad ison 701,-J. WANTED—POSITION UY COLORED chauffeur. Address JIM FORD, 706 North Third. ___ JANITOR, PORTER. ELEVATOR MAN. experienced. R. H. HOLMES, lie N Graham. YOUNG "WHITE M AN WANTS Posi tion as a machinist helper or in fact ory. Address It, F. D. No. 1 Kui 22. Ashland, Va. _ A PRACTICAL IJAUtY W OKKER. UA pahle of managing a dairy, wants situation; came from best dairy sec tion In Canada, In Virgtnln three years. Address E. MARTIN, R. F. D., No. 2 Ashland. Va. WANTED. BY MARRIED MAN WITH wife and self, for now end coming year, position at farm work or on shares, well experieneed In farm ings Address 509 Decatur street. .Manchester, Va. WANTED—BY" CAPA RLE YoUNG; man. position in office, ettv salesman j or house salesman, experienced <n all lines of merchaiitlh- business, ref - i erences sxehanged. Address H . 428: North Tenth street, city. work outside regular office hour* Address ACVOl'NTAJST. M>« East Leigh street. BOOKKEKPElt WANTS POSITION Address Fit A NCI S, »!3 North Eighth ton® COLOKED BOV.' IS YEABl O* sKh wants position with private! family. Address MELVIN WHITE.; care Virginian ELECTRICAL POSITION WANTED SI graduate of electrical school Ad- j dress Bo* 7, Wllllamston, N. C. A rihbt ~cLass i:xpekiknpku bookkeeper and typewriter <iesir> s j position, knowledge stenography . i thoroughly comptetwiit to tak-- .ntirc <arge. excellent New York referee ccs. W j 1,1.1 AM I'lil Uli, Somerville N. J. TV ANTED BY EXPERIENCED MAN. j place as manager on farm, or would J rant farm on shares, aI«o handy with! tools, good at repair work. etc., can give good references Address MAN AGKH. no: Dance sir-.t Sjcenski.* ciurmint, < < >i> iu;i> ! wises position; references furnished j Address I'H.U’KFKT H. 707 North: Fifth street. City. AN KXI’K111ENCRD iPrKNtniJtAITir.K ! desires to change ' position. Address ; J, Uo* 420 _ Situations Wanted—Female. WANTED. KK-KXO AHEM EXT TU SC - . permit nd widowers household, chat - cron or travellrig companion to young ladles, reliable. ■ -xpertem educated. musical. Episcopalian atate terms Address WHS A jONEc Louisa. Va. WANTED— POSITION AS I'Hl.Nt IPA l. of school by experienced male teach er. Address U H. C. care Post master, Oloucester Point. Va a w e u.~g c a Li fi kd. k x v e ki k n >: t-.V> teacher desires position In family or school, English branches. Latin, and elocution. Address Box <6. <■, Itichmond. \ a AN" EXPERIENCED PKIN<IPAL AND) high school teacher, with good tes timonials and references, desires a school of l«U to 300 pupils write your needs and salary, addressing; "H. ' Bos. :>t Danville. V» W anted a few hkoinnk'hs e<hi : piano instruction. Terms reasonable Apply 1173 West Main. kXf’EIUENCKD TEACHEIt” DTCSiKi.s position In private home, music and i English taught. Address Bo* 73, ft. r. D. No. ■>, Scottsvllle, Va Xn ‘EXPERIENCED TKACHEK UK- : alrea position In family, teaches j English, music. Latin and French. MIES M. MASON. » Adams street. I'aiersburg. Va £lt CNDKUUKADCATE MUSE, WHO' Is a woman of reflnement. reads well. aloud, has given satisfaction us com panion for Invalid; sews well, and -s' good housekeeper, wishes u position after November 1 o. Terms 1711 a l month, references exchanged. Ad dress N. V , 1012 Virginia street. Charleston, IUmwIw oounty, W Va A FIRST-CLASS' WASHERWOMAN went* washing to do at home. 130i> West I^lfh street. WANTED—-WASHING TO DO AT home. T22 Munford street Wanted position by “kxVeHi eneed lady stenographer, best of ret- , erences. Phone Madison 6071. HOUSEKEEPER; MVLATToT "YOURo woman that has a child: good home, full charge; fair pay. GEORUh, I PERKINS, 1361 Ward street. Balti more. Md. ___ DRESSMAKING DONE ' NlfllLV. skirts a specialty. MRS. BAGBY, K South Pine. STAMPING AND" DESIGNING' Foil embroidery and art work. 1033 West Grace street. . an elderly juady Wishes a home is a refined family to assist In | sawing and housekeeping; refer-1 cnees given and required. Address, A. B. C. No. 14 North Fourth street. Richmond, Va. WANTED—EXPERIENCED YOUNG lady stenographer, with best refer ences Md diploma, desires position. Apply to BUSINESS, P. O., Box 74, Flncastln, Va. WANTED, hT COMPETENT. EXPK rtenoed and well educated stenogra pher Md office woman, position at once. Address 210 Virginia street, Farmvllls. Va ElSS ELLA M. OUI8EN BERRY. id. A., graduate of the Woman's College desires to coach pupils for the com ing sessions in high school subjects Address 020 West Main. Phone 4914. F1R8T-CLASH LAUNDRESS TO BE found at 0t> North Third street. A NICE WASHERWOMAN WOOLli lUte nice washing to do at home. Ap. {■JlBKER North Second street MARY i WANT FAMILY WASHlNO~NIcS clear water; satisfaction guaranteed. 712 North Second street. WANTED. PLAIN SEWING TO DO AT Boarders—Wanted. WANTED ' ROOMERS FOR 2 WELL ' heated furnished, lower front rooms; welnas • null Uedisn. 7A17_l t maderets ericas. call Medisoa <017-3 Want Ad. Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates arc much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. Miscellaneous. WANT K I»—TO KNOW WHV THE combined laundries locate their of fices as near our V01' TOTE offices as they can get, and why they don ! take business us cheaply at their points as at these offices which are run under another name. Address VIRGINIA LAUNDRY WORKS, old est In the business and maker of low prices. YOI’ TOTE Offices: 611 W. Main. 317 K. Main. 2031 E. Broad. 303 North First. Ill E. Marshall. 711 W Broad. 107 North Seventh, 110. Hull. n. FELDMW FINE HAWKS' TAIEOB BEFORE YOB HAVE YOl'R FAL.I. AND WIN TER SI T'CS MADE BALE AND SEE ME, l.Ml’ORTED MATER) \US AND LATEST STYLES .JEST FROM NK'V YORK. SBECIAL I’RK'KS FOR -V SHORT TIME l.WBORTKD GOODS WITH FINE SILK LINING. 133 LTV ‘ T'EH FEET KIT AND WORKMAN SHIP GEARANTEED, 311 E. BROAD STREET. UNREDEEMED ELGIN ,\NI> . W A ' . I ham watc hes. 20-year gold-filled case, only J7 30. STEINERS. HU East Main street. FORFEITED SUITCASES. A LI. SIZES. *1 each STEINER'S. 1441 East Main street. HAUL HITMAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at Hughe's. 20* N. Third street. FORFEITED REMINGTON DOERLED barrelled hajnmcrless. 10-gauge, only 11 7 30. STEINERS, 1441 East Main street FORFEITED SINGLE GUNS, ALE makes. J 3. STEINER'S 14 11 East Wain street M Til Iff-:'VI. WANTED T*> RKNT HOl’SE WITH rceponsdbh* party in the West End. Reference exchanged. Address K-61, rare Richmond Vlrsrlnian Flat Wanted. W \XTEO TO RKNT A FLAT Of THREE OH FOtR ROOMS. WEST OK FIRST STREET. KENT MITT HR RE ASON AM.K . RK.KE RENA 'l> KXi'MANGn UlDHKSS K. A O. CAKE THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN For Sale. »> U.I.KRTnx m»ki:. B K S BAV MARK. FIVE STCNH ar.t and r« trial eyed. Ii> Huy Ail* r ton 31#-I dam V* ra, L*> Raymon-l 60SI. grcmul dam Lauretta, b> Dun blane -731. \!-» her font by Bow Axwi«rtl:y - -- * Dropped May 1». 15*10 Tills* U a f andvorne marc, of the right *«*♦- and wav the property «»f f< r lute I'ajvta'.ii J M Simpson. BariJj.# ton. la. She offered for nap* a* i hit\o no ore to look after lo r. Marc and » <dt are- *.n the farm of MBS It I SIMr'SoX K F D No. \. I'artiiiw. Vi Wliom addr«*s f**r price and particular*1 p« »H SA i.I: - W \<I* INS. DHId VKKP farm and grocery, hufnete#. aurry* and r»ii«.lx*ut» THOS. H Dl'KK At t'O., mm Brook avenue FOR WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSON BROS 616 Brook avenue. FOR SAKE—WOOD HEATER IN first class* condition, cheap to quick buyer; can be seen at 130a W. Cary atreet Business Wants. WANTED—MEN TO BUT AN EXCEL lent line of drummers' sample trou sers; several irunks just opened; all high-grade; bought cheap; to be rolJ for a sor;g. N F. JACOBS & SON. Ninth, ne:n i.ruao street Special Notice. LADIES. YOl' CAN SAVE YoKK RAIL ROAD FARE TO NEW YORK "it WASHINGTON .1 KATZ IS NOT HERE. ONE OF THE BEST LADIES TAILORS FROM NEW YORK. SFE CI A L ARTIST ON FANCY SKITS ALL WORK Gl ARAXTEF. D. IN ORDER TO ADVERTISE HIS WORKMANS!!!!’, A SPECIAL PRICE WILL HE GIVEN ON EACH SKIT. .'00 NORTH FIFTH STREET. \\ ANTKD-U,> FOK MKN'8 COLLARS and ctiff*. Sc, fur shirts, 10c for < ounterp# nes. SOc fur blankets, at VIRGINIA LAUNDRY'S YOU TOT K OFFICES: «lt W. Main. SOS Nor'h Klrst. SI 7 E. Main, SO'Jl K Bread. Tit \Y Hroad. tit FT, Marshall, 107 N. Seventh, HOT Hull street. Srr.CIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. Owing to an uncxplred le ase w «■ were unable to move as we expect ed and am ail 11 located at our old stand, 41T E. Hroad. until November 1, 1U10 We are ofL-rlng for a spec ial this week, a regular *18.60 suit at 115.14. See our *55.00 and *35.00 suits. Ask any one who purchases from us and they wilt tell you our price* are much below others, why .' Because our expenses are less than half the expense of others In same lire of business and we *lv» our pa tron* the benefit of this. THE WO MANS SHOP. 117 E. Hroad. Take elevator First floor NELSON SHOE CO. SEVERAL TRUNKS OF DRUMMERS' sample trousers: special bargains: hlgh-grada gods; bought cheap; sold aame way. N. F. JACOBS 4k SON. ^Nlnth^icar^BroaAjttwet^^^^^^^ Shoe Repairing. 75C^”hXlFKOLK^ m'eN'8~BHOKs7 LA - dies' 60c: children’s 60c. and up; ev ery pair sewed, DREW’S ELEC TRIC SHOE FACTORY, T16 E Main Street. Phone Monroe 3607. Business Opportunities. TOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE drummer’s samples of hlgh-claas trousers* peraenta Itself now; we got ’em cheap—so oan you: but be quick. N. F. JACOBS 4k SON, Ninth, near Broad street. TRAVELING SALESMAN. CITY KALE8 inan and oltice man wanted; Immedi ate position; *600 tu $1,000 required. VIRGINIA INDUSTRIAL CO., 1102 ~~ East Main. _____________ WE SELL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES quickly and privately; we are spe cialists In business selling; If you want to sell or buy a business, see us. VIRGINIA INDUSTRIAL CO., U4U East Main Rooms for Rent. ON K HIUGHT KUKNI8HED OK ON furnished fronl room on necotid floor, convenient to good boarding bouses, use of hath, gas. and phone on same floor. References exchanged. 1*27 Porter street. South Richmond. Va. FOR REXT—PL,KASANT NEWLY PA pered furnished front rooms on sec ond atid third floors, with hall room attached; convenient to bath: terms moderate. 101 \\\ Main street. FOR KENT—PLEASANT ROOM ON second floor with home comforts. Ad dress 1', care Virginian. WHEN you COME TO RICHMOND get a clean, comfortable bed for 50c.; phone, bath and ice water free; ex cellent meals served next door. 100* Last Clay. FOR KENT, TWO NICK. LARGE AIRY rooms, with or without board; with use of bath and telephone. Apply i'.JO West Marshall. ONE BOOM ANT) LARGE KITCHEN, including range? and water; eight dollars per month. 710 West Mar shall. FOR RENT. THREE LARGE OON necting rooms on second floor; bath, closet, hot and cold water, electric lighted, very' desirable, rent reason able. Apply Til North Avenue. Brook land Fark. TWO LARGE, BRIGHT ATTRACTIVE second-floor rooms, furnished or un furnished. Second and Franklin. Phone Madison 62*1-.!. PLEASANT NEW LX PAPERED FUtt nlshed rooms on second and third floor, with hall room attached, con venlent to bath; table flrst-olass; terms moderate. Apply 101 West Main. oh.Al 1 ir l L W li 11 aijL* \*t*nltrnrtr^; rt*ni rally loeat*-d; very thins: for business men. board also if d»*-1 red. Phone Monroe 1230, or call 15 South Fifth. <JKE ROOM, FURNISHED. SOUTH Richmond. with bath, gn* and phone on same floor; convenient to Rood board, gentlemen preferred, refer ences exchanged. MRS. E. f*. BASS. TWO LAUGH BRIGHT FRONT ROOMS unfurnished, second floor. Apply 31 West Grace. ONE BRIGHT, UNFURNISHED ROOM with uae of bath, hot and cold water. Apply 204 South Linden. Phone Mai is on 3523- L. NEWLY PAPERED THIRD FLOOR front room Abo* second floor front First-class tabl« . Phone, bath on each floor. 301 \\. Main street. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE SECOND atory front room, convenient to batl* and telephone gentlemen preferred Third street, near Cary, Phone Madi son iLfi'J. \\ ANTED, G i: N T l J£ M \ N CM X TIP AN 1 for comfortably furnished room, bath and phone. Apply &54 West Grate street. FOR RENT. THREE FURNISHED rooms, »« parately or together, f<*r light housekeeping 111 East Ulay. U00MS FOR RENT To COUPLE «>H gentlemen, second floor, 2U2 Hast Marsha!) \\ ANTED, OC< l PANTS FOR FBONT room on second floor, with board 505 West Grace street. LA RG E, B KIGI I T, STE A M -1 i E ATE!) room f»*r gentlemen. 104 South Third. LARGE. WELL FURNISHED ROOM for rent to gentlemen October 15, steam heat near Fourth and Frank lin. J . P O. Box i*4 i. FURNISHED OR UNFPKNISHED room, with or without board, con venient to Second and Franklin, by gentleman and wife; best references given. Phone Madison 6107. HALL KO« >M. $ 1 PER W EEK. LARGER room for two. >*5 cents each per week tiui* North Tenth street Ft»R REN T. T \V O FI H NI SI IE I>” ROOMS for light housekeeping, man and wife preferred. $0* East rlay. Fr BN 1SH ED R< h *MS F< *R It KNT, I’ 1i11 - vale family, two blocks from Broad. 507 North Sixth street. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH hot and cold water, bath and phone 312 E. Main street. WANTED, GENTLEMAN tX’CCPAN 1 for nicely furnished room, conveni ent to bath. central location, south of Broad, references. Phone Madi son 8071. 1 it RNI SHED hoi>MtC FBK~"t »F' BA1~M and phone; centrally located. S>08 N Fifth street. FOR RENT. LARGE Fl^RXlSHKl". front room, use of bath and tele (•hone. 101A South Third. : FOR RENT. ONE large! nToELY furnished front room, convenient tr Ixtth, with board, private family; alst hall room 113 East Ctaj. Phont 394a. Ct »M Ft»RTAHLY- F1; RN1 sfiSFludS (to gentleman), all conveniences, al No 1 South Fifth street. NICE, N EWLY Ft’ RNI8H ED ROSSS for rent to permanent renters. 11; North Eighth street. ' FOR KENT. 'Ox" WEST MAIN, R\ owner, two dry. clean rooms, suit able for storage; access easy. Phont Madison 306-J. FOU KKNT, FUl lt* BRIGHT ROO\11 on second floor, two closets; gas use of bath, latrobe heat in on< room; beautiful location. 409 Nortl Addison street. WANTED. TWO YOUNG MSN O? couple, for nicely furnished, largi room, on 900 block. West Main St. phone Madison 308-J. ON E FOUR-ROOM- FIRST-FLOO! flat; furnished |20. One three-roon furnished flat, second floor. flT. A1 modern conveniences. T1J Bartor avenue. Barton Heights. THREE OR FOUR ROOMS, SKOONZ floor, hot and cold water, use ol ; hath. Call or address 301 Home St. j Barton Heights. j THREE ROOMS OR E NT I RE FLAT ! 3313 Hanover avenue; references possession at once. j LOWER FLAT FOR-RENT; THRU* rooms. Apply 10 South Cherry St. I ROOMS FOR RENT AT 403 WEST West Orace. FOR RBNT, LARGE. BRIGHT, Aliti rooms; centrally located desirable lo cality. 301_East Franklin. ONE OR TWO ROOMS FOR KENtTa'J 1331,West Grace Street; private fam ily; board nearby. Phone Madlaor 3371. FOR RENT, TWO WELL FURNISHED heated, connecting, second floor from rooms. Apply 800 East Orace street. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS also second rooms, telephone, botl and home comforts to right party Ptwtoffloe Receipts Gain. [ Postoffice receipts here for laal * month were IIS.STl.18, or an lncrnas< of *1.435.07 over September of 1909 / ■’ ' U: ' W*»t Clay 8t, MBF*mWWIJL-L..! BECOMES ISSOCMTE JUDGE Former Governor of New York Takes Oath of Supreme Court. CROWD SEES tEKEMOXY Unusual Interest Manifested in Beginning of Fail Term Be cause of Changes. WASHINGTON, Ort. 10.—Charles | Evans Hughes became associate jus tice of the Supreme Court of the Cnited States when he took the oath of office at noon to-day at the open ing Of the October term of that ju dicial body. The session was brief, lasting only seven minutes, the court adjourning out of respect to the mem ory of Chief Justice Fuller, who died last summer. More interest than usual was dis played in the impressive ceremony, j Long before the opening of the court j a line of waiting spectators formed in : the corridor in the hope of obtain ing seats. Most of them were turned I away disappointed, as the entire space I had been reserved for the lamiltee ! and lriends of the justices. I The mother, wife and daughter o! 1 the Junior justice were stated at tin left ot the bench, on the opposite side of the chamber trom Justice Hughes, who is the first Junior justice in many years to take a s,-at on the right on the bench instead of at the evtreim left. This is due to the v acancy er. - ated by the death of Chief Justice Fuller after Hughes appointment. The i family of Justice Hughes was with : the wives of the other justices, most j of whom were present at the eere I meny. Attorney Wiekersham was in ! his usual place, and Secretary Nagel \>a“ ani«»ng me uppriium s. Aclinic t'ltfer Justice. Justice Harlan, as senior justice, taking the chair formerly occupied by Chief Justice Fuller, announced the presence of Justice Hughes and directed that his commission be read lie then extended the new justice a cordial welcome on behalf of the court and directed that the oath ol office he taken. Justice Hughes read the oath dis I tinetly with pronounced deliberation i and did not betray any signs of ner vousness. Although his voice was not raised above tile usual conversational tone, he could be heard distinctly in every part of the room. When he had finished taking the ! oath and kissed the Hook he took hi! seat beside that of Justice Holmes who shook hands with him, while the other members of the court bowed, Justice Hughes glanced in the direc tion of the members of his family and then leaned back* in his chair, sur veying the small chamber as if h* had been a member of the court all his life. Presiding Justice Harlan thereupon announced the death of Chief Justice | Fuller, paying a short hut impressive tribute to his memory and declared I the court adjourned until to-morrow I when the real work of the term be ; gins. COURT WILL HEAR MANY BIG CASES N umber ot InjjKiriaiit I -sues to bf JKriiJtui by Present Supreme Tribunal. WASHINGTON. October 10 - Many attorneys gathered here to-day to ap \ pear before the supreme court of the | t'nitod States to-morrow to present ! petitions and motions .upon a larg j list of important cases which are trendy for immediate consideration. William IVAiton Mann. president 1 of Town Topics Publishing Company. ; will ask the court to review the libel 1 suit brought against him by Samuel ! Dempster, of Pittsburg. Dempster , secured damages of 120,000 against Mann for the publication of a single j paragraph. !■ The court will also reply to ten similar petitions submitted during last j term. These include the suit oif the > government against Richards. Cotn ! stock, Jameson and Triplett, for con spiracy to defraud the government of thousands of acres of land in I Nebraska by fraudulent entries. The i men were found guilty In the lower 1 The court will also be asked to se< that $1,100,000 being divided among the Cherokee Indians is distribute according to its decision. Early decisions on the question ol ■rehearing the Denver rate case am the Missouri and Mississippi river i rate case will also be forthcoming. Ii the court refuses to rehear these, th< rates ordered by the interstate com meroe commission will go into efTce immediately. The Kansas State Hank guarantee law will be given early conaideratlor on the question of constitutionality There are seven hundred cases or the docket for the present term. OEMS MIKE MOTHERS HIPP1 | Babies Assembled al State Fail Show, and Are Awarded Prizes. Fourteen mothers are jubilant ovei the fact that their babies are th< finest in the world, while' some sixtj or seventy others are almost as jqbil ant, for they know that their bablei are just as good as any that wer< ever born and Just as pretty, althoug) they were not awarded prises at th< | State Fair baby show which tool j place Saturday. There were babies of all aixcs anc ; of ail decrees of perfection assem 1 bled in the big administration build' j lng at 2 o'clock when the judgei I passed down the line, and w hen tin j names of the winners were announce! there was not a contest nor complaint the mothers, realising the task whlct had been performed and acceptlni the decisions without a murmur. The prise winners in their reaper tive classes are as follows: Class A—Handsomest child eigh teen months of age—First prise, Hugt Richardson Fairlamb, 1113 Brooi Road; second prise, Alvin Smith, 221 South Belviders street. ,Class B—Handsomest child eigh eteen months and under three yean of age—First prise, Harry Cecil Bern stein, 517 Xorth Seventh street; sec ond prise, Edward Watkins, 631 North Eighth street. Class C—Handsomest child thrs< ; ■; ‘ 'vv and under six years of age—First prize, Elmore Hare. Jr.; second prize; Mary Owen, Highland Park; third prize, Eleanor Blnford, Westhamp ton. Class 1>—Most tastefully dressed ; child—Clinton Kneesl, 2010 Park »v i enue. Class E—Most attractive child— ('First- prize, Daniel Staffer, "2D Bev erly street; second prize. Julia E. Al { len, 422 North .Twenty-sixth street; jthird prize. Dorothy Barnhill, S--'1 | North Twenty-fifth street. Class O—Handsomest twins—Prize was awarded to children of Mrs. G. M. Bowyer, 1018 Hanover avenue. Class G—Handsomest group—First prize to children of Mrs. John Wag” ner, Henrico county; second prize. Mrs. Edward Peaeho, 408 1-2 West Clay street; third prize, Mrs. J. Ft. Hutcheson, 410 North Twenty-fifth ! street. The cash prizes will he payable at ! the offices of the Fair Association in | the Mutual building, In accordance | with the awards made by the Judges. KILLED III EFFOBT I TO STOP OUKBFEL Witnesses Toll Coroner George Thomas Tried to Act uo Peacemaker. That George Thodas. colored, met his death at the hands of Thomas Richardson, as a result of an at tempt on his port to art a peace maker, was the evidence given before a jury summoned by Coroner Taylor Monday, to probe the circumstances leading up to the killing of the victim on Friday night, following u crap game. Alexander Coleman, colored, who witnessed the tragedy, testified that he, Thomas and Richardson, had all boon drinking and were shooting craps in an alley near Eighteenth and Franklin streets, when he and Rich ardson quarreled. They started to fight, and Thomas separated them. Coleman says ho went across the street for a moment and that when he returned. Richardson and Thomas were grappling together. They etrug ; gled a moment and then Richardson j ujuRt" n" aj «uu Kin. i miiiian, Unas said. staggered off, declaring he had been stabbed, and begging Cole matj to catch his assailant. Lena Smith, colored, of 120 North Twentieth street, and Minerva Smith, also colored, of the same address, told practically the same story. Policeman C. J. Koikes, who arrest ed Richardson, said that the latter ran from him and escaped Imme diately following the stabbing of Thomas. Later, however, Richardson gave himself up. He told two stories to the police. First he said that Thomas had tried to "highway rob him.” Later he dented this, and said that he and Coleman had quarreled, and "made it up" when Thomas took up the dispute and struck him. He then stabbed him seteral times, he said. The verdict of the jury was "that George Thomas came to his death on I the night of October 7 as a result ! of wounds inflicted with a knife by j Thomas Richardson w hile he and Richardson "ere disputing.' ' Richardson was held for the grand jury in the police court. He will be tried for murder. PROTEST AGAINST REMOVAL OF HOME j - .Special to The Richmond Virginian.) I LYNOHBKUG. VA., October 10.— j Committees from the chamber of l commerce and the local lodge of Odd t Fellows appeared before a committee j of the board of trustees of the Odd ! Fellows Orphanage and Old Folks’ Home here Monday morning to pro test against the proposal to move the (lid Folks' Home away from this , locality. They urged that if a sep ; aration w as to be made, the Old Folks' Home should be erected on i the property adjoining the orphanage : or somewhere in the city It Is un I derstood that their recommendations were well received. I CHEAP RENT. Eight room*, near Twenty-seventh and Broad, 7 room*, near Twenty-ninth and i Grace, unexpired-leases, greatly reduced) rent. Meadow and Main, cosy. LEWIS B. RCHOMRURG, N’o. 28 North Ninth Street. _ $2,750 Will buy Brick Dwelling on East Franklin, | near 23rd Street, 10 rooms and 2 dwelling* [ in tear renting for $336. A bargain. JOHN T. GODDIN A co R. A. ROHLEDER LAWYER, TITLE EXAMINER Eleven years making title plant in this i city. Office, 003 East Main Street. 'Phone Monroe 3074. SUBBED ID HURT, MAH STILL LIVESi (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WINSTON-SALEM, t\, Oct. 10.— Earl Patterson, a young white man, who came here' recently from East Bend, Yadkin county, to work as a carpenter on the Imperial Tobacco Company's building, was seriously and probably fatally stabbed Saturday night by tiny liege, a young white | man. at a "near-beer’’ saloon on Third 1 street. The knife entered the young ' man's breast and the blade touched , the heart and punctured the lung. One ' rib had to be taken out In dressing the j wound. i Senator F. M. Simmons will address the people of Winstitn-Solem and For | svth county here to-night and a large crowd will be In attendance. Hon. i Locke Craig will be here next week. ; The county candidates of the Demo i cratlc party have completed their schedule for the county ennvasa. It ! will begin the latter part of the month < and last two weeks. Forsyth Superior Court convened Monday morning, with Judge Biggs ! presiding for one week's term for the trial of criminal cases only. There are sixty cases on the docket, but as none i of them will require lengthy trials the | docket will probably be cleared. There are about twenty oases for selling ! liquor and twenty for larceny. FOREIGN OWNERS OF LANI). ' i Only Naturalized Alleiw Allowed to Acquire Property iu Severn! of tlie States. Several States of the I'nion speci . finally prohibit foreigners from owning land within their borders. In Okla homa it la prohibited altogether. Others States allow naturalized aliens to own land and those who have declared their intention to become so. This is also the law In the District i of Columbia. Nevada makes no re strictions as to foreigners except Chin ese, who are not permitted to own land in that State. Some of the States, including Indiana and Iowa, limit the amount of lund an alien may own to i 350 acres, says Case and Comments, i In South Carolina the limit is GOO i acres and in Pennsylvania 5,000. In New York and Texas the laws ara similar in their effect to the law re cently passed by the Japanese diet. This law restricts the ownership of land in Japan to such foreigners as come from a country' which extends similar privileges to Japanese resi dents. The operation of the Japan ese alien land ownership law, It is said, will not materially change the status of Americans in Japan in the matter of land ownership, l'nder the terms of the treaty of 1894 citizen* of each country may own or hire and occupy houses, manufactories ware houses shops and premises in the country of the other, and may leso lund lor residential and commercial purposes, but the treaty does not I ctnfer rights to own or hire agrlcul i t^rai lands_ Rent Bari 1812 Hanover Avenue. 518 West Clay Street. 1010 West Marshall Street. 211 Weet Cary Street. 1108 Weet Marshall Street. 420 Weet Marshall Street. 3415 Floyd Avenue. 417 South Harrison Street 2412 Weet Cary Street 1815 Went Cary Street. 3213 Floyd Avenue. 1515 West Main Street, 2d flat EAST EXD. 520 North Thirtieth Street. 522 North Thirtieth Street. H01 Mosby Street. 3 Elam Street. 2140 Pleasant Street. 321 N. Thirty-second Street, 2d flat; ■SUBURBS. Glen Echo Park, Echo Avenue. STORES. 701 North Thirty-first Street. 2001 West Main Street. 2201 Henrico Street. A. J. CHEWNIXG COMPA1 Here is a 40 Acres of Lam 20 cleared and in first-class cultiv rame house, with brick foundation, ef rooms, and hall, porches, pantriev L"J -loset*. all in first-class condition, f cnant house, bams, stables, new'i Douse and other outbuildings, 7 mileal Richmond. Price $2,400 See CA8SELMAN k < Headquarters for Rent Specials 303 North Meadow Street, 6 bath, good condition and cheap rent. 1315 West Clay Street, 6 room*. 105 North Fourth Street, flat, 71 bath. BLANTON ft High Constable* Sale I will sell by Public Auction, < DAY, the 11th day of October, lit o’clock A. M., at No. 401 North Street the following property, toj a distress warrant (August Rupp K. Callenbergcr), rh my handa: Chairs, Wall Cabinets, Chairs, Heater. Show Cases, Tobacco, TERMS: Cash. W. H. WYATT, Jr., H. C., < TO LET, The below mentioned dwelWnpc ready for occupants, namely: No. 211 West Cary Street. 915 West Main Street, in flat# 16 South Adams Street. 9 South Second Street. 102 East Main 8treet. EDWARD P. ROSE ' Real Estate and No. 11 North Eleventh 1 ; 1 I ! I f ; CUctfO * *,«'*■ Oe»rn . Halt taka .CM Richmond Virginian’s Commercial Weather Map Oct. 1 »■ - — — —. Observation* taken at * A. M.. Xaatarn Tima U. S. Department orAgricultureJ WEATHERfBUREAU w IUJ.SJL* MOORE!*Chiofr 29.9 RICHMOND. VA„ Oct. 10—Forecast for Richmond and vicinity: Fair and continued cool to-night and Tuesday aiMMtwte O elasn (f Mb ■Ort ®~». <f A MM mmaa vhk tknrijl1 ^ —a_^-. - - . ■ * tw WASHINGTON. D. C.. Oct.'10—Fore cast lor Virginia: Fair and continued cool to-night. Tuesday lair and warm er In northern portion. HEATHEa CONDITION*. . The storm that passed over thla section last week and caused the rains of Friday and off the New Kngland coast tfrhile the fair weather area that haa been following la Ita rea country except parts of the southern and western coasts. This great area oftbir weather Is tag by temperatures that range from 40 degrees along the northern borderto TO degrees la i /r ■ " ' ■; •JWW hours aw