Newspaper Page Text
Mill. To U i ’ K \ AU<£. <1 !u Mill kn Chiltlrcii lui nt\»vmjr Other (8|te< ml to Th> Ki-hmond Vu tnan i R>Kt;, \ .v < vt<»i i, Ananias Vnisenherr Watt Whitt • H Williams and John 0;1, 'pie white. Mil tai!ig--o : "f< ' t ‘= brought (O Roanoke Moiniuv nigt t ■ It the way U1 the S'tale penitentiary. they »til jinf n.-nter r« for crimes committed •. ?•• tH«» >t Vir ginia. iT " As *v!'ii * - a nt vt sn; -k*.-'t.i k - r ceivod. the ii -tn. cotton m; begin active o|»r«tu>its It order pi from the factory s.>m. tint, te but it was not shipi*. d nn: > ■ >'.* t day. Mrs Annie "a* it- P >’ court Tuesday morning etui rant with keeping a rtser,..a uairant o.r ton afrest having been sworn out l ; het neighbor Ml ,i K tliMitis MU' lt >'V i dance was given t>. memtifts >( the Ooetie family. i»ut the toiirl held tiint this was aa.t eutti- sent t - l-t 1 *1“ , guilt of the at i ll*. <1. nt .1 . >"> 1 u*t!) the case was diamiasrd 'a wnrratit BOW has been sworn out for Hampton I Hofawgcr. charging him with dis orderly conduct, and he w tu to- tried : ; later. Mrs. James I*rydeti is being held l.y j TBe ponce unill nmrs’i.i) " I* 11 e | it to be tried for disorder). • nnJwi | Twice she railed tb appear v h« n her - case was* called Finally tie polo ». went after her and now ihe. propose j to keep her until the court has dis- J | posed of « barge* resting against her. j Boh White, colored, was titled | in police court Tuesday morning for j S?. mwaulting William intone The negro : f paid the fine Annual lne|*c< Won. E Monday night Ha yard Commandery, i Knights Templars, had He annual In IMCtlnn, eondus ted by the lie. J Cleveland Hall. I). T>. of 1'anville j S\: After inspection. a hanmiet waa aer\ • i* ed in the dining hail of the Masonic polfltflple. Fifty knight* wen* in linr in | Yoll regalia s’ The inmates of the Haptist orphan age at Salem. "who have been suffer ing with amoebic dysentery an im i> proving, and no fear >s entertained Vo | the management that any new < a.»c« . trill develop. f; A few days ago f: r. 1* irfae & i- Company dosed a deal l>> a hi. h the. 1 p gold to l»r. J. R Garrett for M.Mio j - a house and lot on ffclson si re. ♦ ; owned by J. Dudley Holt, of l.vnch- j " iMirg. The house was built tiy Mi Molt i f geveral month* ago. p A few day* ag«. an offer of tin.non ii for a house Hfid lot on Jefferson street S hfltween Sixth arid Seventh avenues. » r reatdential aeetton. was refused Five j p hr aia year* ago the property «#< sold j , hy the city for taxes anti it-brought j ' #*.ooo. Messrs 1. and Frank Ikelaney and ! C. A. Hrtngmeti left Tuesda. morn ing at daybreak in a Hun k car. with the Intention of driving to Hagerstown Md.. a distance of 240 miles, before flight IJL R. MEETING ITiryinia Desorndf-ms of Rovolu-1 tionar/* Hfirops Arp Holding: Annual Sm-Mon. tBpeeial to The Richmond Virginian i BRUrrOT. TK.VN . Oct 12 —Vir ginia. flapghters of the American Rev - fltwtion met 1n annual session at the _s..®rtrtol, Va , city hail thl* evening , Mr*. Hamiiel W. Jamison, state agent, preaiding The council chamber of the ha!! j', 4»fla gall}' decorated for the meeting | The delegates were welcomed by .Mr* fc 4. H. McOue. regent of Sycamore c Cvflll Chapter, or this cit> The proefledlnga this morning were ron ;tlfle, flieepf the address of welcome : gfld a abort talk by Mr* Jamison R*presentat1y'ea are pregent from All of the chapter* in the Sint, nod I -Ttgttora are being highly entertained. _Wednesday evening Mri H. E. Graves t-.'flhl entertain at "The Towers" «uh an elaborate affair. Tuesday night t;, . *h« local chapter gave h <1**i i*;»iif si I ' 6 reception for the visitors The pr 7 fliini for ^Wednesday's session* in* / elude* music by Prof, k T Sehroet- i fer, and a solo to A!r«. ilordon 17 I! Xeaner. of this <|i\. The election if 1 officers will occur this rvrninsr The meeting has not yet gotten ! I down to business, bill xircah;. jirom- I 1 1«* to he a most tnjnvalde’ one to,1 , th* many who arc In attendance. ! dot* information call on. thsrn Railway Ticket Ag-1 V nvstaMtm. d. p. a.. SAN SALVADOR October !. Ii, formation was received hire to-tine tt*t the United States gunl, -at Rein. i,; iwi reached Amapals yesterday arid | demanded the surrende r of t |‘pandante Valladares, who inaugural foM » reign of terror against A morn an l British interests In Western c Honduras Valladares refused io cm fl»<*r say Ing he was not subservient .American pigt Prealdent Davit la aent word, to Va: jfcdsres to meet any demand made B|8F the American commander Vaila l wired hark that he whs run ttie port a* it suited hin, and r> I to comply with President r. Jlaa request to surrender. Further word from Amapala d that American marines are pre to laud and «take forcible corn aad they Will win meet resis ALA CHAIN EXPOSITION. UJt TKNN.. BEST 1 TH OCTOBER 12TH. ifiol ’ ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. fares from all point* on Railway. Tickets on sale r l*th. to Oct. mti. mu, 1 limit returning ten not Including date of i/jUj/alt Optical Cmc {] OPTIC1HNS in Tin HI M SORT 211 I . Broad St.. Rkhmofid. 'a OUTLOOK IS DUSK FOR ALFONSO NOW K' lnwal “i War in M<in«To al ( i'iiii-al I imc Mi duci l!i- Tlu-nm. AK.MKh KKVOl/1 ll.ARKD Morotvan-i K« fn*i- :»» l’ay lu tii'nmiiy' a in I Burn Siuuais t-i Attrm-t Warrior.-, MAliRID V ;a ll' hila>* <nt — Spain - war in Moroetu was rni«*w e < i t • • -»1 a fuming hk it (inf-H when Spain is in the <• 5ut. he** r»I a Republican move ment. following ilu- am i «.f the H*-puhh< ans in Portugal, the war in Afrit a, w hi«*h caused «o< h bio<>d> riot ing all over Spain last > * «r, Is almost to 1*v seized uj.»c»n as a bams f«»r armed revolt against Alfonso It r un the mustering of the reserves caused the terrible rioting '.n Faroe •!*tia. >sHTrtK"‘M and other ( cnlm last ,v. »*a r. The war was ?o-da> he <>.-<»♦' the t-ana d* inert t<* meet the indemnit *, to r»*inii’Ui se Spain for h« j f x|)enp*i* in the* war of iimf.f A large Spanish punwMal exper <Fn(. n-mniamicd by chm-tai Aldave, left to-iJa\ for M* ; .he s* ene of last \« Hr « si-w* and f-»r \ nzaniM for the purpose of forcing the* payment of th» imlemnit\. The < miser Rio de LnpiaiR is Just <>f( shore, .o .'otnpan> lux the land forces, so that the mldivrs may retire under hf*r Rims and thus protect 1ln*m«^iv'i a in the event tney are nt tat kf*d h> an uvi rwholmiiig force. Summoning Warriors. Th<- Murm-.aii* arc burning signal (b f'R on e very hilt., auminofnnu I hr tribesmen to the front to oppose the prom. s* of the Spaniards. It is be lieved that this m ttori presages a de termined defense find a general out break, especially on the part of the Rb'ff tribesmen, who maintained the si* k*' of Melliila. If wan last year’s Moorish re volt that indirectly caused the exec ution of Pro fessor Ferrer, director of the modern school, looked upon as h martyr by the Spanish republicans. Rv ,•+ strange* coincidence Ferrer’s exeu nt mi took place on October 13, 1809- a year a wo to • morrow <’*>ming, as p floes, on the \ cr> eve of the Anniversary *.f Ferrer’s death, this second Moroccan war is looked upon with grave slarm by AifonMo’H ministers, who realize that Thursday will be a critical day for the young monarch. I. P. MORGAN LEAVES CHURCH CONVENTION .Monrv Kintr IK>r<» N.«if Bdicvp in Miradfs Sav? IP B 1 PIN. 'INNATT, O, Oct. 12.—Al houtfh h<■ nh» lind rm rllffii tilty In linking two millions where one ex st* d before. .1 f'iorpont M o wan Js *mphaticali> hot a believer in mira* , When the discussion **n the divine ; eiiiinw *>f tin sic k by prayer and the ppibatioii .»f holy <*il was at Its eight in the Fpiseopal * mention i *’11s< *'f deputies, the Wall Street iJ!ii rd lurid* huriti> lb.- d.n«r •'What do yu'u think about y, Mr j dorga n "" h delegate asked him us lit- < 181'h-iI .i minute in the lobln ”|1 is Ihf most disgusting affair I m i- i i listened to I have Hoard , rod absurd statements from that! datfi rni >01 this subject than I ever loan before. w as the reply of the i nolle' king Kellevrre in present day miration 1 tot divine healing pro'dominate mi.m» th< ■ 'orioal delegates One f them. Hot II. 11 Hi.1 rison'." of i dizebetb. N .1 it authority for the liitf-ment that lie had himself been r-t. !>-(1 by urntibn. and that ho In u’n had fo inred in six weeks n tan ufhm■ t< d of an alleged ineurable tseaeo and given up to dii by phy. > ii ii n.« v.VKiUTs I’RKRARI \(; rou i.mi’OR-r.w'r kvkxt \ round the lianuuet hoard at the itughtv of Columbus headquarters on last fir;*1 1 street Wednesday, pa re full, orator wit and good-fellow hi|> ex j11 hi served with every course,; nd tin members if the organization n looking forward to one of the nosr eniojahle eelehrations in the iuor.\ of the Itirhmwnd rounell. About 4ioi knights will t,e present, ] Ir. J< hy *' Hagan, president of the late I ouneil, w ill preside and in-j reduce the speaki re, unions whom lll*o- Major J. Hemphill, on "Co- j iint'ii,' and His Voyage"; J, Garland 'ollard, on "America, the Discovery"; ijaurlce a Powers, on "Virginia, a ‘ai t Of tie I ilse,,\ er> " : John J. Hiake, n, "The Knights of Columtius." Tliv Verc Hey. (tiehop A. Van d« ’J’ver will he a guest, and there will {■ Other distinguished prelates in at 1 ndanee. \ l-i Hue Mrs. 11 a 111 toe Srljtrr. Miss Jjueile Snead, of Fork Union, a , is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. f-.nlioe gclater, of 2721 Floyd «\e ug. , - - ... .'1 - 1'- . - : eT 1 .-'ii-,, ^tHf. A beautiful wedding will take place J Wednesday evening at half after 6 J o'clurK iii the Awntn Baptist church. v. her Mi.vs I’.iru l Chrystitie * t.'hildrev, da nghnu h! - Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hill 'hlldre;. will bt?« •<mo the la id* of Mr. Jesse Wood. Hon f Mr. and Mrs. Jatnps H Wood, Palms and yellow chi y santloitnirns will attrai-ti\c*.. ut corah the « fuych. '!'•*• Ite\ M T. PhildfVs. pastor of the First Baptist i lmrdi of «‘best* r. 1 '• . an urn I* of the bride. will officiate. The wedding marrhi s will la* played b\ Mt U Kirk Matthews,- organist • *! tin* church Little Miss Salim H* il* i'iuldiev . sla ter at' tin* bride, and Mias Bertha Hew - h*tf. cou«in of thf* Ki’iMiin, will In- the ■ flower girls and will pieced* th< bride. Thff will wear chaining frocks of w hite organdy with golden ribbons, a ml -cw ill ; «arn gilt baskets of white rosebuds. The bride will enter «ui the arm of her father, who will give her in mar riage. Sh* will wear a handsome gown of white satin dm ln ss triman d with point lace and pearls Her dowers will be a shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Florence Wood, sister oi tin j*rocnn, will be the maid of honor, ami will la* attractively K“"n»Ju in p'lijpn i ne \ f noil Hi « urn < «i|«“»n*(i chiffon. She w ill chit> yellow . hr> f<Hntn#*inuni8 tinl with yel- . low tull*\ T)>* matron of honor, Mrs Robert J Has* < wo Minn Laurie ban se.v>. will wear a very attractive gow n of white tncssaline veiled In white pompailour chiffon, and will cnnv white chrysanthemums caught with white tuile The hriilesniuids. Misses Juanita Shaw. Lemhi Rraucr, I'an nie Bristow and K it*- "Dorset, have especially pretty frocks of white porn padour chiffon huiJt ovei corn-colored nrieHsallm1 and will carry arm bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums tied with white tulle. Mi. (Jeorg- \\\ Davis, of Lassiter, Va . a cousin of the groom, will he tlu best jnart, and the ushers include M-sstT It X Ihiekctt, H. W Melton.! Alien .1 Haville, Staiih ; t nrnpocll and 1m. J«*hn A. Shaw. A delightful reception was given the ; hr id a l parly at the home of the bride i on Tuesday evening, when golden rod « and ferns w* re used in decoration. An j informal dinner to the bridal party at , the home of the groom will follow the < ereniom. Mr and Mrs. Wood will sy ml tiled i honeymoon touring Northern cities i 1 hey will he at home filter -November, i I at - • 21 .North Twenty - third street. Informal Tea. Mrs. <’Ifftoil Miller entertained Turs j day afternoon at a delightful informal tea in honor of her sister-in inv . Mrs. Larroll Miller, of f*r< »videncc. li J., j w ho is the guest of Mrs. \\ L. Mill, i at the "Berkley.Just a few • > Mrs Miller's most intimate friends w» re in vited in for a cup of tea. The parlors j were very attractive with howls of J pink and white doses about hero and ( there and on the tea-table. Mrs. V\ . U. Miller poured lea and Mrs. John Coke served coffee. Mr* I’tinoll Mliter will he in rtieh- ! inimil until Sunday, anil any numhei of t-liarmiriK little niTairs wili h. Ki'i-n for her during her sla.v liere. Jeffrie*—Woodfin. The marriage of Mien Anne Chester - man WomHin, daughb r of Mr and Mrs Solon |t. WoodIIii. to Mr. .Inines Walden Jeffrie.”, of Warrenton, V#., will take jila. c W ednesday afternoon ; at hair after .> ..*. look, at the l.ride's hone1, "Sans Solid." Ashland. V;i. Ih ... , feasor Ernest L. Hollins:, of Hi< iimmid, . w ill jiIuy I he “Bridal Man-h." from J.o- , heiigriii. for tin- fiitrnnee of the bridal Baity, and "Trauinerei” during the , oerem/itiy. The eerotnont will be per- ^ formed by the fto\. Ktigene W. Stone, formerly of Blehmdnd, uovt or Eliza-'' be t h City. .V t', The bride will bate as her maid of honor her sister. Mis* Maude llowlett ' Wood tin, and as her Viridesma ids Mis* 1 Helen Johnston Slone, of Elizabeth <'tty. X. and .Miss I'lare Kerrhr t'liurehill, of "Belgrade,” Fluvanna 1 eouiily. Mr Charles E. Jeffries, of 1 W hi Teuton, Va., will tie the groom's 1 beet man Mr Hew Wood, of Warren ton. and Mr Solon 1! Woodtln. Jr. of Ashland, will i.e the ushers. Mas- 1 lers Clareaie and Hit-hard Woodfin, 1 brother* of the bride, twill hold the rib- 1 Assisting in llie dining-room, will he .Amur nnwips, <»x KiCnmutiu, 1 Mims .Martha Hughes, of Ashland, and ' Mims Evelyn Morris, of tlear Water * l-'ia. •Mr. and Alia. Jeffries will leave for a •Northern trip, and will he at home iri 1 \\ arreriton. Va.. after November If. 1 Engagement Announced. Air. and Mrs. George Addison Dea, of i iam ills, announce the engagement of their daughter. Emma Ul. to Mr. August us Booth, of' Richmond, the wedding to take plane .November k. Brilliant Wedding. A wedding of much interest and l.eauty took plat e Tuesday evening at s n'eloek in tile Grace Episcopal church, Berry \ IIP . Ya., when Miss Mary Green McDonald, daughter of Mra, William M. McDonald, became ttic- bride of Mr. Hayanl Stevens, son of Colonel and Mrs. K. A. Stevens, of Castle Point, Hoboken. N. .1 Palms, ferns and white blossoms decorated the ehurrh. Miss Janie Moore played the wedding marches and "O, Perfect ; Dove." during the- ceremony, with vio- ' lirt . accompaniment by Allss Sanford •Norris. The Rev. Edward Wall, as sisted by the Rev. Arthur Powell Gray. ] of Westmoreland, mi uncle of the : bride, performed the ceremony Airs. Nannie Mi Donald Kustuphiere was the danio of honor and wore a beautiful gown of yellow crepe me teor and carried American beauty ' roses. The bridesmaids, Misses Eleanor Dee Botts. uf Bhepherdatown, I W. Va., Ellen Douglas Gray, of West- I iimreland County. Elvira Moore and Katherine 1*. McDonald, ‘if Berryvllle, j wore frocks 0/ white meSKaline eirt- I hroidered In gold anil carried yellow j ihrysiynthemumg. Mr. Husll Rteveng was the groeths best man, and the list.ere included Messrs. I ,aw fence Btevens, of “Castle Point.” Hoboken; Harry Norrts, Richard P. Gordon. Dam bert Rlelev. of New York; John B. i l 1 t c H h n r v t h H \ 1*' a r< i\ r< d i» M\ c;^.v, ' Parrish, of Richmond; (loverly Obtr, of Bait in '.ore. — Tlii' bride entered with her brother. Mr. Hugh M. McDonald. who gave her In marriiiK* • She wore a lovely cre ation i»f ivory satin trimmed in real ia< < and embroidered in pearls. A coronet of orange blossoms hold her 111vn\ veil of illusion, and she carried • shower bouquet of white orchids ami Itli' S of the valley. Following the ceremony there was n brilliant reception at the home of th* bride's mother, where palms and yel low chrysanthemums decorated the nail and rooms. Mr. and Mrs Htevens are spending, their .honeymoon at tin- Virginia Hot Springy, and will be at in me at "Cas tle Point," Hoboken. N J . after No- ) vember 10, when they will return from nn extended Southern t« ur. Guests from « distance \v» re Mrs. In*wis Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Kenney White. Miss Emily Stevens. Frank S. laintei. Rev. A. <1 Maglll. Colonel and Mrs E. A. Stevens, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Ogdon Hammond, of Her iiardsvtltf. X. Y.; Mrs. Oustavus Ober, Miss Rebekah Ober. of Haltitnore; Miss Mattie Davis, of Haltitnore. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. McDonald, of New York; Miss Marlon Parker, of Washington, i >. <\ Johnson City Wedding. Says a paper of recent issue from J Johnson FJiv, Tenn.: \ wedding which will come as a -»‘, t surprise to their many friends was solemnised this morning at H **'« J'»ck at the residence of the Rev. W S. Hu< hatian. 11*« officiating minis - 1 ter, when Miss Outdo M. Feathers and Mr. Herman M. linkman, two popular • miiiK people of this c it;.. were united I in marriage. Mr, Hickman is tin son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hickman, and Is-associated with the Ft* bison Hat- Company, of Richmond, \ a., as traveling salesman, witii headquarters at Johnson «Mty. The bride is the accomplished daugh ter of Mrs A. M Feathers. This noo n ing's wedding iftilted two of Johnson I'ny's representative families, who; hav* long been prominent in social mill business circles. "Mr. and Mrs. Hickman expect to make their home in Johnson < iiy, and have a host of friends whrv congratu late them and wish for them a happy future.-' Kellcv—lliooks. Kt Mark s Episcopal < hur« h will - th* S' ene of a very prettv wed ling Wednesday evening at k o'clock. ■ Io n Miss Eva Marion Brooks. daagli er of Mrs. Mar> li. Brooks. will ue -nie the bride of Mr. John H. Kel ey. The * hut ch will he decorated ; n palms and ferns, and tin Ron. j Rogers Tyler, rector of St. Mark’s * hi.r<h. will perform the ceremony.! ‘tofessor Phillip de Foster ''ill pre lide at the organ, and will pia> the vedding marches. 'Th*- bride will enter with her bro- ! h*r. Mr. I. H. Brooks. who will give; t»r away. She will wear a handsome-! pi'vn of blue broadcloth, with hat and I tU-ces to match, and will carry a j louquet of Bride roses. Mr. A. K v’esi will be the groom’s best man. »nd the ushers will be Messrs. H K LkMiker. A. F. 1 >izze. G. R. Barlow trtc S JK. Delaney. Hittle Misses Ma> A'< od and (inline Baker, in dafrntj , ingtria frocks, made with short vaiftr and white ribbon sashes, will I tom tno notion* Mr. ami Mrs. Kelley will leave im-j THoiately after the ceremony on a no to New York and the New Eng and States Thro will he at honie | liter i >i tolier 'J5 at 60U North Sixth itreet Personals. Mr. and Mrs. E F. .eoniiio'rs, who tavr hi en guests m Richmond. have '•‘turned tr> their home in Orange ■utility. Miss Elizabeth Wlngo. of this cite, stln guest of Mrs Heeatur Hulrombe! it' I'anville. for this week. Mrs. Marvin i’aee and Mrs. S. R. ’si r. "f Roanoke, w ho have been vts ting frit nils here, have gone to Suf oll. for several days. Mr and Mrs. Eppa Hunton hate etnrned from Harrisonburg, where hey went to attend the funeral of a ri< nd. Miss Sue K (Jordon has returneil o Richmond after a visit to the. Vhiti Sulphur Springs and to Fred- ! ricksburg. Mrs.-H T. Farsim, of Norfolk, who as keen spending several dnvs here, us returned to her honie. Mrs l.ejvls, of ,\. rfolk’ is tile guest f her daughter, Mrs. W. YV. Sate * * * Mrs. .1. S. Stevens Is the guest ol " parental-. Mr. and Mrs. X,. J. (jold .. it; Harrisonburg. ^ 1ILLKLVS .Vi STAKE KAILKOAhS EIGHTLXG i WASHINGTON. !>. ( p • 12._ V'ith many millions ,.f dollars at stake, abroad magnates and representatives f big commercial intereata met In a lental tug-of-war before th» Inter tale Commerce Commission to-day. The Issue between them Involves all ho freight rates of all tha railroads ast of Chicago and north of the Ohio nd Potomac rivers. Increased rates live been proposed by the railroads lo o into effect on November 1, and It (mains for the commission to say hether the Increases shall be permit id. modlhed or vetoed. Railroad experts testified recently (fore special examitiera of the Inter ate Commerce Commlaalon in New ork. To-day the heads of the rail tad system# laid aside their important lilies to argue the , auae of increased •venue before the commissioners, lost conspicuous in the crowd tljat Ihd the room were several high rall ied officials and Attorney 1-ouis Bran, *is. who haa figured in (ha Ballinger vestigation. lie appeared .for the Upper*. ' j Books and Stationery Note the following new books on sale in | otir Ixtok department, together with many j other interesting attractions not mentioned j here. The Mistress of Shenstone—A sequel to "The Rosary”, $1.35. The Rose in the Ring, by George Barr McGutcheon, *1.08. Pan’s Mountain, by AmeJie Rives. 11.10. The Lost Ambassador, by K. Phillip Oppenheim, Clever Betsy, by Clara Louise Burnham, $1.25. Max, by Katherine Cecil Thurston. $1.08. Whiting's ami Katun ILirlbuts Box Stationery, ! our regular 39c value, to-morrow; special at 25c per box. National Linen, an extra value, at 19c per pound; on sale. Thursday. 2 pounds for 25c. Box Statiofterv, regular lu and 19c qualities, ehoiee 10c. Halloween Postals, a eotnplete assortment, including; many regular 2 for je cards; choice (> for 5c. Picture Loupes, at very special prices. Ail styles and sixes are in these lots. Frames worth 25c. special 15c Frames worth 35c, special . 20c Frames worth 50c. special 25c Oth£r Frames at special prices to-morrow. China Dinner Sets. No use waiting any longer to buy votir Dinner Set: take advantage of this apodal ofler and buy. here to-morrow. Prices to suit every purse, and shapes and designs to please every one. 42 pieces in dainty floral dlc4," worth $.'>.00; special $2.98 Porcelain Dinnnr Sri patterns ami gold handle gel. Porcelain Dinner Sots, t*M> pieces in pretty spray decorations of lilhos of thr valley find purple flowers; gold lines and handles; spread $19.00 set. Porcelain Dinner Sets^ 100 pieces, green and pink and white and gold, with red borders, in new and dainty designs; gold lines and handles; t penal value $14.89 set. Porcelain Dinner Sets. UK) pieces, green and pink bordered decorations; gold lines and handles: special $15.89 set. Austrian China Dinner Sets, 102 pieces in pink and green spray designs; new and dainty, with gold lines and handles; special $20.00 set. French China Dinner Sets. 1(K) pieces, in prettv green and pink and green spray decorations with bread anti butter plates and striped gold handles, all new : special $22.50. New and dainty pattern* in I.imoges French China Dinner Sets. l(Kl pieces, pink and green borders with bread anil butter plates ami striped gold handles; special $25.00 set THE TREATMENT Svrian Iiitft n by Rabid Terrier, Now L'uilcr la re of Doctor?. Experts of th<- St at*’* pasteur >1* part «<?nt at Second and Cary streets re •rived h n«w patient W»Min«Maay morn rig. She was Mias Phllomena Ktosh. !:** pretty Syrian girl whoa*" father dijeoted to her taking the treatment, hough ahr was bitten by a rabid ter •ter ten days ago and was in intim ,.t langrer of contracting hydrophobia Mr. Ktosh, who resides at 713 West da In street, relaxed in ills opposition Puesday afternoon when the Virginian lointed out the danger to which hit laughter was subjected. Bright and smiling. Mis? Ktosh a p >eared at th* pastcur quarters and tool; he first treatment without whimper, teali/.ing th* danger of further delay, tie said she was glad to place herseit mder the doctors. Louis Pollock, son of Mrs. H. H. hdlock. 309 North Third street, to vfiom the terrier belonged, also placed imself under the care of the experts Vedneaday morning. Though bitten nore than a week ago. lie left the city n a business trip before burning that he terrier was mad. He returned to tiohmond late Tuesday right declar ng that he would lose no time avail ng himself of the pa&teur preventive. The past cur serum is injected hypo ermically into, the aide of th* stomach, ’he operation is somewhat painful but he patients say they are willing to ltd ergo any amount of pain rather han run the risk of contracting rabies, 'hey remember the case of Mrs. .1. .1. 'aims who died in fearful agony In lighland Park last summer because he put off taking the pasteur treat ient until it was too late The serum Injection continues for wentv-one days and then the patient < practically immune from hydropho la. JAT1I ASSESSMENTS SHOW BIO INCREASE Assessment books just received by lie State auditor of public accounts how an increase on realty values for !<10 over those of 1 909 by over $330, 00. The county Is divided Into two dls rlctn. the first Indicating an Increase f $226,379, the second $126,270, sriv ig a totfTl of $350.54$. The value of ropertv In the county In 1909 was 1,685,828. This year It is $2,036,377. () HEAR PETITION ASKIXG FRANCHISE A petition for a franchise for the lehmond Electrical Corporation will a heard oy a sub-committee from ic Committee on Streets Wednesday tnlng. , The petitioning corporation asks a gfc» of way through city streets and •er the proposed new James River, ridge for the laying of electrical indults. There Is no known oppu tloi; to the granting of the fran ilre i Al'RKI. STREET CHURCH * COVOUCTIKfi USE MEETING "The Joy qf Salvation" was the , '. A1 , . - . . .... .. theme «*f Rr v. Ijr KO a in <\ > Kri*nv*n at rev!\a] services Ttu*$da> night at l.auroj Street ehuroh l>r Glenn is meet ins: with marked success and has been greeted by far#*-* erowdn each evening vim e the re vival started. The meeting iH continue until next Tuesday, it is an nuu need. MISS GRAVES IS iiiurn nnniif (. oiicrr-'iiiini’s Neice \Yill Krjirr .'f'lit Soiia of Veterans at Grand Camp. | • Miss Allen*1 Graves. daughter of Captain .J»>hu E. Graves, commandant 1 ol th.1 Soldiers' Home, will represent j the Richmond I imp. Sons of Vete rans. as sponsor at the meeting of •In' Virginia grand ramp next week in Norfolk. Mias Graves nas named by th* Sons camp Monday night and on Tuesday Indicated hrr willingness to serve. Wednesday morning. Major H. B. Morgan, commander of the Sons' camp, wired her name to N’or i folk to Colonel \Y w. Old, "ho Is making preparations fur the reception of the sponsors and attend ing to other details in connection with the Sons’ participation in me mate meeting. Miss Graves is a Pretty blonde, viva* ious and attractive. She attended the Mobile reunion last spring and on that occasion was the recipient of much attention. Though yet a school girl, she is dignified in bearing and possesses many womanly charms. Miss Graves is a niece of Captain John Umh. congressman - from the Richmond district. The grend .amp will be in session in Norfolk October 18-20. For Rent Bargains. 40ft Eftft C*mre Street; I,1* room*. 00ft Ernst Leigh Street: 12 loom*. 307 South Fourth Street; 12 rooms. 110 Drop Run St root; 1) rooms. 6 South Plum Street; ft rooms. 036 North .Seventh Street;.ft room?. ____JOHN T GODDIN & CO. Rent List. ! $300 Pet Annum 3410 Per Annum 240 Per Annum 300 Per Annum— 210 Per Annum 10 Pei Month—! 0 50 Per Month 8 00 Per Annum •No. IIS North Seventh Sttnet •No. M0 Notfh Eleventh Street No; S South Htrvie Sueet. No. 331 West Mein Street. No. 500 South H»m*on Stter-, No. 518 1-4 8outh Laurel Stitt1 No. 814 Sprint Stieet. •No. 2315 “T” Street. E. A. CATLIN * CO.. 10 North Eighth Street, HUTZLER R t: AL E5TAT E b M fA I c. , . i t ;;v By. Real AICT10N SALE Mr* lure-1 >*i rnpart-Taylor Co., 1110 L. Main Street, 1 tat< Agents and Auctioneers. Planing Mill at Gordonsville, Ya. I RIDAV, OCTOBER 11. 1910, 12 O'CBK'K NOON. Bv tin’ request n( the owner, we will sell it* public auction to higlicet bidder, planing mill in Gordonsvillo, V awith one acre of land adjoining (& O. Rail way. building 40x00, new machinery worth $1,200, second-hand machinery, good condition, consisting of 12-horse power engine arid boiler, saws, planers, etc. Complete information on applica tion. I HUMS: Third cash and balance one, two and three years. ' McCLl' RE-DAVEN POT-TAY LOR CO., j Auctioneers. Bryan Park Lots ~ " e have some beautiful one*, with water and sewer available and only a short distance from the' Bryan Park. They are the right si*e and can be bought at the right price. LEWIS CENTER LAND & IMP. CO.. 1111 East Main. Ginter Park No better place to be found in which <•*own a lot or a home. It has ita own up-to-date water works and sewer system and miles of beautiful streets, well shaded and Itordered bv privet hedges. LEWIS G INTER LAND & IMP. CO., 1111 East Main . Ginter Park Call for a folder telling you what excellent water is supplied to the lot owners in Ginter Park. LEWIS GINTER LAND A IMP.CO., 1111 East Maim_ $6,850 will, to make a quick sale, buy a most attractive home in Ginter Park; easy terms. ’ • ELAM A FtJN8TENv_ New Rent List Just from the printer; full and complete. Call for one. ELAM A FUNSTEN. Madison 1062. Knit and Flannelette Underwear for Women—at Low Prices. Now as the cool weather is drawing ne<y you will need some of these warm knit and flannelled te skirts and gowns, we have a complete line of the best, at reasonable low prices. Knit Skirts, cotton, all colors with fancy borders, excellent value* for only 50c. Other Knit Skirts, part wool, in all colors for $1.00. Better quality^ oolen Skirt*, $1.50. Skirts of silk and wool mixed, navy, grey and red for $1.75. ' Wonfen's Flannelette Clowns, in fancy colors, cut full length and width, for only 50c. Other Flannelette Clowns, trimmed with fanrv stitching and braid, in colors, 85c. Women'* Flannelette downs, with turn back cuffs and collar trimmed with braid and embroidered, at $1.50 and $1.00. Flannelette Petticoats, extra good weight, in plain or fancy color*, at 59c, 50c and 25c. Special Hair Goods Offer: $1.50 Clus ter Puffs, 98c We* have just received an excellent lot of Cluster Puffs, full size made of real hair, in all the desirable shades; these goods are worth SI.50. We bought them under price and will sell them; special Thursdav. at 98c. Some Unusual Offerings from the Bargain Basement lftc Percale 7c -iti inches will*’, in light and dark colors, perfect good*, usual 1CK- grade for 7c yard. 10c Outing. X 1 - St yard Heavy double Oceepi light ground outing, in stripes ami cheek* of blue, tan, and pink, 8 l-3c. 7c < ‘alien. 5c Best grades of ('alien. in dark colors for fall, worth 7c yard; special to-morrow. 5c. 1'ntilencUcd Sheeting, special. .1 cttg'hs of 2 l-_’ to 10 yards, in heavy grade unbleached fheeling and aijout 1 -3 less than usual (trice. 0-4 full width 10- 4 full width 11- 4 full width 1**c yard Jflc yard iOc sard S|\ft0-ineh Heavy Bleached Sheet*, full width and perfectly free’of dressing, worth 7dr, each fcOc.