Newspaper Page Text
Meet in Roanoke Fri Night to Tackle I>i.-tric-t Proposition. RICHMOND IN I.1MKI.KJHT Muon-'- Friend? t ’outi Ue Will Be ^us:aim-ii lu Higher B.ulv. The Third district chairman row be ta. k!ed b> the liean executor conirr.iUi • whin it in apecial region in Roanoke Frida., nicht. to th« <■«.• f at out by Secretary tieurjtf i. Hart Ridgway Mo. -e. who sir ceeded ti. Luce at the recent district convention oe chairman ■ >( the Rich district. will be on hand in tioa f fully exj*c<t,.i t h .'11 I.-Jif will If Utt-re. to ■. rii- latter U now on the road MWnith). !<• irtSi.rar». e matters for the i-i nil-all} h- m mi- In Richmond, I at it statnl that !.* nil! in all pivn-ahiiity t;r.*1 it con.en lent to lie in K >unok*- Fridn night. Me i* due hack in Klohnn n.l some time Saturde;.. it »:;f at i -tiiinril tit th*> offlc i’I Ins vontpati} Wedncsja} morning. l.u< * and hts supporters i-intend that Moor. . I- ok -tty i halrinan. is toot lightluM} emit led hold the po •It loti if ht ail • lii- distrle* tn BUUm. if the part- plan i* strictly Intirprot- ii. is, support of this i - Jc-ntion. ilu: point to th»- pr«< udon Which allows -a-h count} and fit. chairman a tot. in thi dohl.t rati ns of tho district l oinmitt. . a d at ih. miiiii Ilm. allows th. > natrman - trn latter bod} a m u Thus the point tun, thi dlatr- ( chairman has too Voter, and that, the} font. nd. i*. n trar.v t-. tho part} 'law In oilin lll»lrii P, Moore and his :n nos ..n th. nth> r 11MInl. ns} that his dual positi.-.i is du plicated 1.1 s.* I 1 a! nth* r distri .* ..f III. State ar,d that pi.... den* o. at l-ast - •Util' fetlt to lllMh. th* p .SI t i > .11 ill iif - t uples permis-iblc. .No hick, they M;,. has O'lrr from tin other districts Where th. dnub • . halrmanshiji pre vails and the} nss..| i a:J tiiclr t**-lirf that the Stan i....t' is not going to jnake th* Third distent an i-vnpilon. merely li« ann> I.t and hi* do frontier! friends feet that the. ban been handed a raw dial I’t fttmasK r Kdttar Allan, boss , thr Third uistrii t situation. .tai ,i \ . ,j near)nr nomine that lie was u.-t . . r taln whether he would attend th" it.■ committee meeting tt Is reported • that if h< goes lie Old ..III/ til, pr„M of B. B. Arnold, member of the . - entice committee Horn (he Third dis trict. who Will piotiabi; hr. unable to attend th" rn*c*ing on a. ..uni ,, pressing duties n- ■ oil, p.r ,.f the p..ri at Richmond Post mast et A dan sap] h„ had not *een the «all sent out h, ft*.. retar> Mart, lint he fojt prett} s,,rc that the district cuntsst*< were responsitile ti r thi- tall 11* said he was positive th:** the raising .-f mo*e morn, to tuite the (dans of tin- t.i n p m v r Kfnia had nothin* to with the ap proaching meeting Another Richmonder that will at tend the meeting in an inn rfleiul . ap,. cit.v Is J t'. Hrlsfow Insurance man. with offices in ih Mutual building Mr Bristow will i,.. i„ liar naoriburg Th Ill's da L hut l( i. >|i* e \ o ce | u t ii >11 |n make Roanoke h* the w.ll. cuing dll ^Me line* Up with t he rnunv M....n and 'the alleged ! I'lkra oflii , hold, t* trust Thi Ktate eumnidt*. " : ai*n ta*!:b the h'eventh d*str, t situation - vher. John Paul and fluRh l.npp.n 1 • r*. \ielng with ■ oh oilier for Re pul-lhan votes in opposition <.• I'm, gies-man James H i Iir rnoorntn nominee. Th< situation In ties distri t. * htl • apparentl} u< uti , Is expected to be Settled with dispatch b\ 111. State body Pan.! is slated for the t n..g gain for the obvious reason that n. 1*- >ti the wrong sid.- of the fen... a* L-npton's friends in Kiihruontl put it. The Fifth district, where J II. An flip I* running as Independent II* pub) lean against John M Par*,or*. Republican, arid K W Haundrrs Ifetiu trai " it! pot V>e tackled at th:* juncture, it is gnid. TAFT TO SUGGEST MANY NEW LAWS ttvntinued from First Page) wan not fully provided for at the last Congress. and ihf President Hill r. - tall attention t . tht subject. l'l« pvMl of water-power •lies loom large in this connection. The messagi will recommend mat Congress-. pass a la v .that will permit th*' development of Water-p- w ar on public land ti> private capital, but that the government shall keep a restraining hand ..n the mn ceffctons in order to prevent extortion or monopoly. Another hard conservation problem that will be passed up to Congress concerns th. disposition to be niad> of the stores of coal, oil and phos phates on public lands The ptizaie submitted to <’ w •)) be the task c>f devising a law that will to the largest possifde degree protect th*- in terest* ot the government and the people who should receive the benefit j of these resource* and at the name time satiety the States Congress dls- : posed of one phase of the coal ijuen tior, liut the disposition of the Alaska coal deposit* and other problems re main. Two propositions that have hereto fore been strongly urged upon Con gress by the President will be re pasted iri the message—an amend ment of the Sherman anti-trust lau anc Federal charters for corporations. '-The proposed amendment to the Sherman law would permit railroads to enter into limited agreements as to tales, subject to the approval of th# Interstate Commerce Commission. Any agreement between railroads to IbE rates now is a violation of the anti-trust law, It is asserted then railroads could not be operated a* paying business concerns withou. hr.vlng some common understanding as to rates, and it is no secret tiiai practically all the railroad rates in . tUnwce are based on unwritten Agreements. A section to authorize jach agreements to u limited extent •gSjtp In the railroad biii as submitted' Congress by the administration i winter, but It was eliminated by ! statesmen, few of ■whom were to make any change in the ~ act. IHiact Control. . believe* th# granting of y>d-! charter# to targe corporation* government direct control a better opportunity than at for the wholesome j ■th.' message in the Work nn the Van r ama canal ami its IrnmnliBip forlifl .Bli. na will !>• recommended. ('■ ngrras will be urged to #dopt aorif measure for the Improvement the dwindling merchant marina, particularly with a view »<> oneour mrirp the establishment of line* to ft.-s.tit America, the Philippine*.' Ja pan and t'hina Th< researches of the tariff board at and abroad for information hearing on the Question whether an) of the schedule* In the tariff law need rt vision will occupy a section of the message. Senators and representative* v 111 he asked to consider the question ot si rtt r.dering their privilege --r tnrk ti n certain appointments In order that nurc government employes mav be played In the civil servh c. This would rtdt'ce the p< -lltlt-al patronage, Put hi the President's judgment *miM mu- h irr.i r v< the transaction -*£ K >vern mi-nt business. i 'the! suggestions In all probability v. ill include a new form of govern ntei.* t..r Alaska, strengthening >f tn« ant -trust lew*, a law governing the Issuing of injunctions without ti-dlce ano - urrecev reform PLEDGE MU! KEEP VOTERS FROM FULL {f\»ntlnuot1 from First T'-ur. » m«*' ('*nngrf ^tnan H l,. Ma nard mu i i* >1 f r*rn TVrtymouth in «*n\ < h'j'**?* s' d with his signature and pmrK «i . ih< ia! tuiKiri*•*.« I n-»-*" l umpaign literature t«* voters in tht Sta onti m.« tri t adv »>• ating hia own uuidida* > £<>•• renyminatmn. In th*’ i n\f v ns a regulation < amjaign < ard asking the voteis In r»-nn mkr Maynard r»t the polls. « t -I ritten • in uk.r letter signed M .Vn'.nard v<-in iiinic support at tm primary am; m printed « ir< alar, m whhT. hi# r* < ord was < oinmended. This is a . <»p’ of th< » ir* tilar letter. 1 *ar Kir. i vi!l very min'h appre > i: i * * your a* th « support and intlm-ma In behalf of in. ten *mina 1 b«n to i’on Kr*s: - in th*? iP-niwrath1 prim a rs 'lo tion i•» ho hoid Angm,* ‘ next. i hi ,o\< m> exp* r ienee and ao epiaiutam in <'ongtes* nil! make mf mo: ureiul a. vour repn «*ntativt th«i an.' now man < mild he without th* rnmo ^xpcrleme and «n|uairu an* •. Thank mg on in arhan * and imp ing to hear from you. Yours trim. it L MAYNAKlh SAY HOLLAND MOST HUH 111! HAST BALLOT <HlpTWH<\ I h al I • In Will N<diij11a i t<di at .Vilbilk (.« nt i«di. MTHi'lihk \ ' < H t l'J i l K t v Holland fails t*< ran.1 t o Suffolk <o.i V( iition op The ' l l i. allot. .1 T. !> at is th» odd# oh fa\ rite j»»t the rougr*-* sioiiH i m-m.nation iuihmik the | > •»111 i via iik of Norfolk St art mt out with \Y A Young a«# its *a;ndidnt' in' th* August pit unity, the * it\ urganiznnun is K'»ing m Ft.*y with him to the dm»r of the Suffolk < o.u entioi i if h* 'ha s not luivr winning ; strength then* ;»nd it is n garu*<i ns a long rhftiu.*' tlmt he v. i 1! tin.1 «*ity mat lnm w ill taruw it# * ir« tigt h t*> I >eai. There is a different- of opinion r< raiding tin' chanee* of Young and Heal a rt«* >ng the * ;t \ orgmdantion leader#. Sortie of them think Moving will go to the u'livtiilimi a strong ’ham? of coining awa with the nomination 1 Pi th** ether hand, the opinion is held that Young .ms a weaker chance than Deal -Young Popular With "Organization.” That Heals <*ha n< ep at* strengthen ed with Noting staying in the ito c* ig generally admitted. 'Am th “city nmrhine t<> ihrmv Young overboard now Oh* rank and the of regular vot er* would t alk at cummg t*> the poll* for Ilea J. Young is too populai among ill* voter# of the organiaaih u In the I M si. S* com] and fourth to he ditched. Hut with him in the held they will eome to me poll*, \ <de h-r him, get him delegate'*, and tl Young ramiut win those delegates will g - to Heal, James A Trehy was ret hem about the matter whcii seen last night, lie was not mm h pleased hy the publica tion yesterday morning that he was Prim >- \S 11f■ 11, prtfTSi-f d for ,1 statement, .Mr Trchy sail! 1'iehy Siand* by Young. ^ i ran pul thin down. f went inpi this tight lor Young and 1 am >lih tor liiin !n il. I nil! work at Ihr pulls tor him and I "111 go to Suffolk i u him 1 i| lours? onr ran not lore In! what will happen on the flour ot a n-wuition. Conditions will arise th' tr that will ha\e to ho mot as they coni r " | .1 Is known that 1'cal had prartl • nil- abandoned the Idea of .making a light on Sunday night. Me wanted tilt din ' t Mi^pi rt ot the city organi zation. end it was refused him lie-) i uu*i- >nung determined to stay in tli garm Meal did not want to go to Suffolk with a small delegation. Hut ini Monday morning lie had changed It s mind. Advices of support from friends in the r 11y and counties and a n tier ol what has been described as Independent e determined him to re main In the race. Now it looks ns [huugh he will he a potent factor at; :he convention. Portsmouth tlie Pivot. The exposure of Congressman May nards use of the government postal rank to rend out campaign literature t or himself, inarkid olfiital business, • gi rded as a matter that will he felt n tin primal', hut It P still held m mlitical circles that'the Portsmouth I ot - win swing the convention. W ith Mavnaril unable to win. not a lolHoian in Norfolk could saj last ugl f in what direction hig delegation souli lie switched. it Is generally known that the ai ual candidates will ha\e llttlu to say n directing ihi way their delegations 'ill cote after they, themselves, have •e i: eliminated from the balloting. I'm- organization leaders will atti-nu o the swapping, and up to last night li- Portsmouth organization' leaders lave kept tiielr intentions to them-! i lelvtiB B.iMMl Votes Will Ho Cast, Politicians estimate that there will 1 fj between S.Son and it.000 votes cast n the d.sti let. w hich would make the Suffolk convention composed of per- ’ i laps iso delegates. Fifty of that num i»r prohahly will he Norfolk's con tin- i [ent and Voung probably will , w e-thirds of them, with Holland and 1 p.-ui dividing in the others, unless | real cuts into Young somewhat, j i Ifoung expeits to bring the majority >i Princess Anne's delegation and a *rop« rtion of Norfolk county's to his itardard. Whatever Maynard anu Jed can get In the upper counties' ml divert to Holland, In the event -Ither of them Is eliminated. State Chairman Ellyaon decided , >n Wedneeday to make a statement < IJll»«>n Won’t Talk. t*« effort os Uo Richmond Virginian’s Commercial Weather Map Oct. 12 Observation* taken at I A. M.. Kaatern Time. U. S. Department of Agriculture WEATHER BUREAU WILLIS L MOORE. . Chief 30,2 Highest i»mp«r«iur*» lurlnt preceding 34 hours at— 3d.O Oh«*nr*tl<'n* tak*n itFn m.. . —..— - ••▼enty-fifth rotrldlftn t1m». i^o»> N*. or '«:muoou* linen. pa** through pol&taof etjual *if pr***-irfc. ItOTHIftMS, or dottoii lino*. - - pan* through pAlmteof eqaa! fes>. pemtnro; they will bourar.i only <t*r Mni.fratclag.fcjP,and 100° Oct 12. v In nit \ Fore Fair mniMuNP, v.\ f r flithnv ml amt n i m * * 1 HMd Thiirsda. V.';sHIX(}'!'<.)>;. (irt \2. Fo> 'cut f Virginia . Fai** tc-niKht anti Thur.Mlu coder 1cMr?nH' r.*»nh portion a.* t \ o ^vy®-WiiBdiciuo ttn'e n! wfc**h*r Q) cl«ar, partly «lm»dy; ^ cloudy. ^)rsln, (§}«ncw. (fy report mu»ta*. ArroTr* fly *dth the wlnrt FI rot Agorr*, min Iran® f«mn«r»tui f<-.4 pm*. 12 hoar«. fc*car.fl. reiv-fail. it it o<xtto!» .01 ‘ thna, wind velocity of 10 rrult-n pov bear or ruexa. I, r.scMhd weather with light sh«>v. >v frn S aif .»f \ in- country the weather > d* r Sr ate.--. station^ ♦ a t > f MinnAs-da t* rda morning « K \THKH ro\DITIO\«. prevails this inorr;rff in tie Central Gulf Stp fail. There is however a. derided 'porting cooler weather h> from Ho* ton .72 New York .76 A’Hjthlngft n .80 kU’HMOND . 78 j Norfolk .71! Atlanta .70 New Orleans .81 Galveston .8»- j Jacksonville .82 Huffalo .62 St. Paul .$2 St. fx>uis .74 Kansas City . t 'hlc&fro .74 i >ei» ver .7t> ! Salt Lake City .76 j San Francisco ..76 Portland or** .60 Memphis .74 j Pittsburg . ..72 ! t I hut elsewhere in the east change in temperature in the northern bor 8 to is degrees than prevailed there yes i part of Hi«s Norfolk ring to makf prn«it(>r Martin and tho Pemocratb centra! committee ?:n if sue in the )ir nd 1 ng Ffe« <In <T <HsTft• t rontrrt I nm giving the mat tor n<> thought * ithor pi'rsunnli' or otherwise." said r Kllynon v\ h«n asU**d if ho would likf- to inako a rtHWrnent. A I. RA X Y. N*. V nd \ 2 William !tr*rnop. of tho i-ld guard.” t *-da> rovigiiMfi a* a member *d the U'pub )i« a i State* committee. Tho reason. Harees stated, is the la* t that Chuir m r. Prentice had dropped him from th»> executive r‘*mir.U io<*. Rnrnes lod the futile tight at tin recent Saratoga convention again-: Th» odorr Koosewdt and Lloyd <’. Orb* om. Kt ff rring to tho reported statement < t’olonel Hn.-««'o'lt that if ho thought ho < ould carry a single State In tho South ho would willingly run foM Pre-ridenT. Harms says odit«»rJali\ in hit* newspaper to-day Tim mind of tho conservative pub ic . alroadv rtlsturbod hy tho u«pi*-ion that tho ulterior purpose *»f Mr. Hf>i.:f\f*lt s activft\ in< e his rot urn t«* this rounti' u«m t.* put himsf.44 in lino for nomination for a third providential term will ho shirked t*> hi* virtually positive declaration that that is his purpose, Conservative sen timent against him. because .»f htr exaggerated rarih alism. recently pub expressed on several occasions, a* f presidential impossibility "in tho circumstances Mr Koo*e \elt> attitude . ann<*t hut he detri mental to the < ham <-s * f the 1H pun lb m ticket in this State Hi* deciara tion might make his candidacy ,,, lull' an issue in the coming’ election. Mr. Stinson should place himself early on the record in this matter.” LIBEL CHARGED; SS.OIO ASKED As a result of <1 ispaimein* remarks alleged to havs been made by officers of tlio Improved Order of tlie Stiop berda and Daughters of Hethleliem eoiuerning the Supreme tirnnd Council of the Sons ai d Daughters of the In dependent Order of St. I,ukf. the lat i**r have (lied suit In the Law and Kqnit> Court for 15,000 damages. J Thomas Hewln, \V. H. James, Jr, Ft F. Vaneev, Barbara Jenkins and Alary J. Jenkins, all officers of the Bethlehem Order, are named ns de fendants. The members of ihe Su preme Council of the St.'- Order . are the plaintiffs. The latter declare ' that the former tried to increase mem- 1 ershlp In their own organization at the expense of the good name of the other, cross and malicious libel is charged. Both societies do a benefit insurance business. HURT III RUNAWAY DRIVER Will DIE With his .lav, .rushed in. his arm* atm lefts cruelly lacerated and he lmet. tu he Internally injured. Joseph Shephard, colored. Ilea probably la ally Injured at the t'tty Home hos pital as a resttlt of a runaway. Shephard was driving a team be teatl. the trestle at 1'irat and Byrd it ret t» When the horae became fright ued at the noise of a passing train, -an a short distance and then dashed mo a telephone pole. The vehicle j v tit totally destroyed, and Shephard vu« thrown to the ground and crush- ! td under the wreckage. lruconscious, the driver was extrl mtu from beneath the pile of deli ■>., bj Bicycle -Policeman Palmer. He tas hurried to the City Home hoa >i’a! for colored persons, where It is aid he has alight chance for rscovery. Whlakbrooui Sweeps Field. NEW MARKET. ENG.. Oct. 1*— H. P. Whltney’a Whlskbrootn to-day von the delect Stakes for three-year ,<lda and up. with Dean Swift second, j tnd Crltigln, third. Varney won ,tht esarewltch Stakes, for three-year-! PENROSE IGNORES THREATJF PAPER f MIIA PRLPJI1 A «»t i:.—I'nited State; Henator Boies I’mm**’, Tvho i i ! «'('. here from N* n York to-dfp. \y:!! in nor* the demaml of a morning i>* .'l»upor to take * ’ungressma t» IV n» i off the Republican ticket be 1 ;■ t j t-< of alleged misdoings In ;* h s-herne it threatened to < Penrose said to-da> he would «b ••line to enter into an: dispute Republican leaders de.-btro they are not at all distressed at the threaten ed ♦ \j»They sa- that stories con necting the Republican candidate for jfet|.rn<»r m ith a promotion rompanj ha^e been investigated, and that hi? iri< grin «*ann *t be impugned Tetiei himself welcomes the promised ?ensa {ion. [Vt.iv^f had a conference with State Chairman Walters and other?, ib 0* lit:*'.} to dismiss the letter writ ten to him demanding Toner’s retire ment. aiid was rot concerned over the * sj*ok> whu h. it is believed, v ill be mafic 'to-morrow. >lnrrl*jup l.leeusen. M&rrtag* licences were Issued to Hr f» Rowing in ui(' Hustings Court Wed nesday .iMm H Kcliev and Miss Kva Marion I h o«»K - -less. F Wood and Miss Ft hel < <'hildren. Robert W Holman and M ss Sarah T Kutank \ 11 the contracting parties are o! Richmond. f lt> for flttlHi. Suit for ep'c damages was entered by Fdvvard !.. !’• rklns against th>- ('it'- of Richmond and tie* Cared inn electrical Co. Wfdncsdft> The ease will he tried lie fore .fudge Ingram in the Court ot I .ft tv and Kuuifv No declaration ha« ' et been filed by the plaintiff. CUD AND ESCAPES WASHINGTON. D. l\, Oct. 12. The scorch for iiMirsr Hromlev. life-term murderer s<t>H dangerous lunatic, was suddenly shifted to-day- from this city to Chicago y the government officers as the result of a statement Riven the authorities h> Judge ft. S. Voder, former representative from Ohio. i saw turn man on ine rmsruirg, Akron and Chicago limited Saturday." said Yoder "I was called to give him medical attention. 1 studied medicine before taking u]> law. I realized at once that he was insane. He begged to see me alone. “Not suspecting that he had such a record. I willingly went Into the smoking compartment- with him. There he told me of Ills service in the Philippines as a soldier and said he had been In the government asylum at Washington. He declared he whs go ing to Chicago to visit relative*, but spent most of (It. lime telling me that he had an almost overpowering desire to kill himself At length he quieted down and when I left the train he seemed all right. He had a roll of bills." Bromley killed Corporal Kox In the Philippines, attacked a guard with a knife at Leavenworth prison and as saulted a guard here Saturday when he made his escape. He is considered one of the most dangernds men ever at large ip this country and frantic efforts are being made to capture him. AKKOl'I.A\KS WILL UK i SEE) IX WARS NKW YORK. < let. 12.--tn wars of the future aeroplanes will play an important part. In the opinion of Baroi. von Hodetihausen, director of Ihe Krupp Gun Works at Essen, Ger man.!, who has come to New York to attend the meeting of the American iron and Steel institute. The activity of aeroplanes In future war!are. the baron «ald to-day, will lie such that gun maRfibs, and chief ly thu Krupp works, will have to build it new weapon of attack, for no gun yet made has proven satisfactory 'in experimental firing on aeroplanes. COMPROMISE SUIT AGAINST RAILROAD The long pending damage suit filed by the administrator of Samuel' T. Scruggs against th# Chesapeak# and Ohio railroad was compromised and thrown out of the Law and Equity court Wednesday. The terms ot the compromise have not been given out I for publication The suit was for iamageg as a result of alleged negli- j iea«e on the part of. tttg railroad waapany. ■■■ ■*, orb* TEMPLE FBEE I OF ALL BLAME I' Ksoneratnl ,.f Responsibility in tho Killing of Charles •Johnson.; a hearing before MaglS Hfllr W. II Kldwell WednesdRj morn ing c..n»taide Douglas I., Temple was completely exonerated In the matter of tne killing ..f Charles Johnson, a negro, on the morning of October 3. it «as shotvn by tne evidence that the officer «as forced to shoot in self Ueii-nse and that tms shot was not sufficient to stop the desperate negro who, alter receiving, one hall from the revolver, continued his efforts to overpower the officer and do him per sonal injury. The evidence was given hy Marv E. Wallace, an old negro woman, and h< r tw,. daughters, they testified that Johnson came to their house, and, alter asking it there were any men on the pla>e. attempted to break into the house. Constable Temple was summoned. and was attacked hj Johnson upon his arrival upon the scene. The witnesses stated that the officer did not fire the first shot until his opponent reached toward his pocket as If for a revolver. They said also that the negro continued to fight the officer, making th- second shot uecesrarj. Commonwealths Attorney Julian fitinn wag present at the hearing and represented the commonwealth, while Attorney James Russel) represented Temple. SEEKING HEIRS TO LARGE FORTUNE 1* rcdericksburg Attorney is Busy Hunting Relatives of Maria Woodford. (Special to The Richmond Virginian ) FREDERICKSBURG. VA , October' !-• Mr. n. P. Willis, of this city, is busily engaged trying to find relatives of a Marla Woodford, tormerlv of | Caroline county. This Marla Wood | ford was connected with a well known : Woodford family of Caroline but on her marriage to a Mr. McQueen aha Went to Paris. There sue dtea cntld less and with a comfortable fortune. Her attorneys have communicated j : with Mr. B. p. WHIlis and he is now I i ft f rvrtrk- nn (ha oa j tlf thi> 11\ln«f relatives who have a j good claim upon the money are Mr*. ! John C. Willis, of thla city, and Mr. John B. Woodford, of Alabama. Rev. R. J. McBryde, rector of St. j George's Episcopal church, has been, ■ taken to the Mary Washington hos- i I P*tal f°r treatment. He has been sick 1 for a long time. H u b bn rd—•Smith. iSpecial to The Richmond Virginian.)! HKATMSV1LLE, VA.. Oct. 12.—j The marriage of Miss Lloyd Estelle Smith, daughter of the late Hon. ] Lloyd Tyler Bmlth, for many years Commonwealth's attorney of North umberland county, to Dr. B. H. B. Hubbard, of Whltestone, Lancaster i county, Va.. was (jointly solemnised at the home of the bride, "Sunnyaide," here, Wednesday morning, Rev. Lew ie Carter Harrison, of the Episcopal church, performing the ceremony. Mies Margaret Virginia Smith, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Mr. W. C. Hubbard, of Whltestone. Va., was best man. The bride was given away by her brother. Colonel E. Hugh Smith. Miss Genevieve Smith, sister of the bride, played the wedding march. The bride wore brown chif fon broadcloth, with hat and gloves to match. After tha serving of a wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Hub bard took the noon ateamar at Coan for a trip North, extending aa far aa Canada. The bride la one of the most beau tiful women in Tidewater Virginia and Is very popular, while the groom Is a successful praotltloner and one of the most prominent cttlsens of! Lancaster county. Both are of the best Virginia families. They will re side at Whitectoni, Va., on their re turn home. SELLS TWO HOUSES ON BEVERLY STREET A property transfer was listed In Chancery court Wednesday according to the terms of which W. w. Haley and wife convey to W. V. Keller, property Improved with two two story frame la of dwellings, on tha south aide of Bevef ly street between Mgadow and Raw ten* streets, the gpaMtepatten te IV ***• ■ -•* SUFFOLK ENTERTAINING CONFEDERATE WOMEN Sontbside City iu Gala Attire an d Many Social Festivities Are Planned for Patriotic Southern Women—Sessions '* j Will Last Three Days. I (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SUFFOLK. VA.. T)ct. 12.—Suffolk has donned gala attire thin week in honor of the fair visitors to the fif teenth annual State convention. Daughters of the Confederacy. Numerous affairs of a social nature have, been arranged by the local chap ter in honor of the visitors. A brilliant reception will be tender ed them on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. John B. Pinner. An old Virginia oyster roast tv scheduled for Thursday afternoon at the Lake Clubhouse, and on that eve ning "historical evening" will be ob serted. the Pythian Castle having been secured for that purpose. Interesting Affair. This affair has been planned with great care, and will be one of the m et Interesting events of the conven tion. Homes have been secured for near ly two hundred delegates, besides a large number of other visitors. The convention begins Its first ses sion at the Pythian Castle at 9:30 Wednesday morning, and will con tlni’e three days. There will be morning and after noon sessions each day. and all in tercsml friends, whether Daughters or not, will be cordially welcomed. The officers of the Virginia divi sion follow: Officers. Honorary Presidents—Mrs. James Mercer Garnett. Mrs. Philip Tabb Yeatmsn, Miss Mary Amelia Smith, Mrr. William Mahone. Mr.* J. E. B. Stuart. Mis* Sallle Tompkins. Mrs. Nathan D. filler,, president: Mis. K. V. Whtte, first vice-president; Mrs. Samuel Griffin, second vice-pres ident. Mrs. fahell Smith, third vi'e prer.ident: Mrs. Charles W. Black, ro r corning secretary; Mis* Elsie lyeet, coriesponding secretary; Mrs. C. B. Tate, treasurer; Mrs. Thomas R Hardaway, registrar; Miss Mary Nsi ! son Pendleton, historian; Mrs. J. H. Tlmberlake, custodian; Mrs. J. E. ; Alexander, recorder of crosses; Mrs. James Mercer Garnett, custodian ol Virginia Division badges. Program. The program follows: Wednesday—Convention called to order by the president; prayer. Rev. G. H. McFaden; address of welcome In behalf of Suffolk Chapter, tf. I). C.. Mis* Anna Mary Riddick, presl dent of Suffolk Chupter; address of welcome in behalf of Tom Smith Camp. C. V., Colonel R. S. Boykin; address cf welcome in behalf of Suf folk, Hon. James l’. Burges; response, Mrs. Nathan D. Eller; song, "The Bennie Blue Flag''; ritual of the F. D.C.; memorial service; report of credential committee. AXternoon session—Roll call; re port of officers. 1 Evening session—Reception; •’Da rina,'* the home of Mrs. J. B. Pinner, 2D; Pinner street. Thursday—Morning session: Con vention called to order bv the presi dent; prayer by the Rev'. F. L. De laney; reports of chapters. Afternoon session—Reports of standing committees; reports of spe cial committees; oyster roast at I<ake Savage. Evening session—‘ Historical E> an !ng ' historian. Miss Mary Nelson Pen dleton: reminescences, essays and mu sic. Friday—Morning session: Conven tion called to order bv the president; prayer. Rev. W. W. Staley. D. D.; election of officers; unfinished bus! ref?; new business: reading communi cations. adjournment. NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND nukliftn Ward Item* aad Adftrtli*atati meltti at Ylralala Baraaa. J. W. Craaa’a Star*, 1.300 Hall atraat. f LAYS NO BUUE Manchester Mills. Inc.. Xot He sponsible for Accidental Death of Colored Girl. The coroner* jury name.) to took into the cause of the death of Marie 'i.’licmaa. the ttvlrteen-yeai sold t*ol ored pirl who met sudden death by being caught In a grain conveyor of the Manchester Mil!- Monday after noon at 4 30 o'clock rendered a ver dict iato Tuesday afternoon exonerat ing the mill* company from all blame The verdict of the jury is as fol low*: We. the jury appointed to in vestigate the cause of the death of Marje .Th'jmRi. rolored. ifincj that the deceared came to her death on the 10th day of October. 1 S>Jy. at, about 4:30 o'clock P. M . and the cause thereof was due to injuries re ceived by being caught in the grain conveyor of the .Manchester Mills. Inc. t Signed i JOHN W HROJ'N.V \ .Md. Arst. Coroner. J. R. JEWETT. T. M. CRUMP. M A RIGHT? EEL,, E J BARKER, R L. FRENCH Tiie Jury spent several hours . x amlnlng the witnesses and visited the scene of the accident to ascertain exactly how it happened. The mill people testified that the conveyor had Wen ir. operation for the past twenty years and that there has never before been an accident -of any character. They stated that they had never given permission to any body to gather corn there anti that ' all persons who had asked permission ! had been refused. While the mills people are not re- I sponsible for the death of the girl, it is likely that they .will be required by the authorities to arect a sign warning all persons of danger. Tills seems neeassary, as the top of the conveyor is often left off while there ! is nobody around, as happened when > i the girl was killed. ■ WORKING CHILDREN |! HE NIGHT SCHOOL!! Rer. J. Clarence Mile* Will Open i School Two Xights a Week for Their Instruction?. f I s Rev. J. Olartfnce Miles, of the cftop- , ton Street HaptiSt church, will shortly J open a night school at Swansboro for the Instruction of working children who { are not able to attend the day schools. , ( There are a large number of children ! 1 In that neighborhood who want learn- '* Ing and who are not able to take the j J time to go to the schools with more J fortunate children, it is expected that | J the night sessions will be well attend- t ed. j j The night school will he open two 1 > nights a week and the seasionB will be I, held In the Sunday-school room of the •> Clopton Street church. HIGH CONSTABLE FACING CHARGE I' Oeorge W. Blankenship, high consta ble, was arraigned in police court Wed nesday morning to answer charges pre ferred by Mrs. M. L. Andrews, who lives In Rucksr's flat at Eleventh and Decatur streeta. Blankenship was ar rested Tuesday afternoon, charged with (busing Mrs. Andrews. The caee was continued until the 13th on account >f the slckneae of one Of the Important witnesses. Tho trouble has been brewing be-' tween the parties for some time and same to a head Tuesday afternoon, whan the constable went to Mrs. An trows" house to execute a levy on Mtme of her goods. It is stated that Slankenahlp secured a judgment igalnat Mrs. Andrews for 'a case In V rourt and she, refused Jo nay up. He lay morning. Tho consideration was IBM. thfn made n levy on >om» of her Rood* *nd when sh» still refused to make Rood the charges he went to the house t<> R»f the Rood? This happened Tues day afternoon, and It was while he e-:s? there for the good* that he ts alleged to have atuiecd her. (•Ire Chief Joynes paid a vlalt to the Southalde department Wedneadav morning and was highly pleaaed with the < nnditlon of thing? there. After looking around the premlsea and «lt netting u (•rill of the horses, the chief highly complimented the firemen on the conditions. The engine house Is in excellent condition and the horse? show up un usually well In the drill Chief Joynes make* there trip? at short Intervals and ha» always found the Southaida department In fine trim. s„,a|| Deed Recorded. \ deed conveying property No. 33 t-.ari Thirteenth street, between De catur and Stockton streets. from James T. ?>.«•(» and L- H. Drew, spe cial commissioners, to J. Harvey Mar tin »«« admitted to record YVednes \« ^rho ^ hi# daughter Mr* Baratler Harris. 1523 Porter street home* * r ww>k- h** r*,lir,)ed to his -Mr and Mrs Barham, Miss Dortie Nanny, from Emporia. Va.. were here to attend the fair and visited Mrs M K Gar> sot perry street. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. £5 ** Richmond, Y a.. <»rt t? itiia STATE SECURITIES ' Bldi aVkLi >orth Carolina. 4s. c. 191 Asked \a 3». Old c. and R. is its s'4l t a. Centuries !-S, C. and R. * t TTY SECURITIES. M ** Manchester City ... itichmond City. 4s. it Hid. E‘30 . rtlchmond City, 4s car' 1938-1943 _ Railroad bonds Y t’ U R. R. con Tr 4d rt ss \ c. L. Ctfs. Ind . '■ ai»l O. (Jen. Xler 4t?c i&i >a. Pac. 1st. 6s C. 1»2?. j i». Sou. and Kla. 1943.. |gg la Ala. Con. 3? 1915.‘.101 Norfolk and YVest. Hv 4? 1396 .. for. and YVest. Posa. 4s 1944 g« ftlch. and Dan. QoU «s c »« • . .105 leaboard Air Line, 4s. 1950 85 -aboard Adjustment, 3s...70 Jo. R)'. A P. Co. 5s. 1934 Jo. Hi. 1st. 6s. 1994_tog So. K. Rev O M 4s. 19i« lYr'estern N. C. 1st 6s. c 1916 . 105 STREET RAILWAY HONDA Norfolk Ry. A U Co. is. 1949 . .’a. Ry. A 1*. Co. is 1934 . .'is STREET RY. STOCKS. Par Norfolk Hy. A P. Co.. . 'a. Ry. A P. Co. pfd.. 106 'a. Ry. A P. Co com,. 100 14 'a Elec. Ry. Dlv. Co. ..100 RAILROAD STOCKS Par itlanta and Charlotte. . 100 clan Coaat^ Unt com 100 iij 106'g 96 u 71 36 116 275 and O. ||u • or. and We»t Com....l00 t. F. * P. Dlv Ohltg® *70 ou Hallway Com.100 24 outhern Hallway p/d. 100 it BAND AND TRUST CO. STOCK* .merlcan National -100 l«o iroad Street Bank .2« fj lank of Richmond ....100 m lank of Com'r and Tr 110 ... apltol Baalnga'-Bank.. ,i0 ... irst National .100 aOo larchanta National ....100 000 latlonal Bonk of Va.,100 i;s State & City Bank 100 170 <00 1«I irs eterabur* Sav. and ins 20 . .. •lantera National -100 «(o •vine Bank of Rlchd... |]u ri,ion Bank of Rlch d to 310* irginla Truat Co.100 11 j INSURANCE COMPANIES a. Fire and Marine.. «j irginla State ... MISCELLANEOUS mer. Do. Com ... a. far. Chem pfd.122 a. Car Chern Co. 01 m To Co pref Op ct a. Car. Cham bonda IAUM. 1.000 Virginia Centurlra 86; 20 At inta Coaat Dina Com. 115. 00 or m 01 ito RICHMOND UkAJN MARKBT. Richmond, Va., Oct. 12, lilt. Cat Lota. i’HBAT— No. 2 rad Western. 0 LOO No. 2 red Virginian to LOO No. 2 red . 1.02 0 1.01 Stoamer . 00 0 • 1.0} Virginia baa lots 0 L#f Virginia bag lota. for. aaed . 1.06 0 t LOT ORN— No. 2 white . 0 OU No. 3 white . 0 81 No. 8 mixed . 0 00 No. I mixed . S 00 Virginia, bag lota 01 0 M ATS— No. I mixed .... 0 tf No. 3 mixed .... 80 0 No. 3 white ....... 0 >• No. 3 white .... 8714 0 Winter Seed/ bag _lota . 00 0 88