Newspaper Page Text
Wants Wants b Situations Wanted—Male. I »f YQU NO M A N ^AVING OVER riVE years’ experienceas all-round print er wisher, on account of confinement, a situation allowing considerable time out of doors, und not hard to $ Please. LEWtB LAMOND, »0» West | _ Marshall street.___ ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS. ETC., TO Xs * address; II per thousand; handwrlt ; _Ins. Call Monroe 109J-X_ wanted position as shipping clerk or bookkeeper; young man ca pable and energetic; live years' ex perience; best references. Address Hox iit. Suffolk. Va. _ TYPESETTER WHO HAS HAD EXPK rlence lnr both newspaper and job offices; good position lor steady man. Apply Virginia Cltlsen. Irvington. Va. SOBER YOUNG MAN WITH REFEK snees, business experience, and some knowledge of advertising, typewrit-j Ing and bookkeeping, desires a po sition in store or office. Phone Mad- ] Ison 7017-J. WANTED—POSITION BY COLORED chauffeur. Address JIM FORD. J0*> North Third J JANITOR. PORTER, ELEVATOR MAN. experienced. It. H. HOLM EH, 111 N Graham. YOUNG WHITE MAN WANTS Posi tion as a machinist helper or In fact ory. Address R. F. D. No. 1 Hox it, Ashland, Va. A PRACTICAL DAIRY WORKER, CA pahle of managing a, dairy, wants situation: came from best dairy sec tion In Canada, In Virginia three Iears. Address J. E. MARTIN, R. F. JL, No. I Ashland, Va _ WANTED, BY MARRIED MAN WITH wife and self, for now and coming year, position at farm work or on shares; well experienced In farm ing Address ivi Decatur street, Manchester. Va. _ WANTED--BY CAPABLE YOUNG i man, position In office, city salesman or house salesman, experienced in | all lines of tnerchantlle business, ref erences exchanged. Address H.. 42ti North Tenth street, city. _ EXPERT ACCOUNTANT DESIREB work outside regular office hours Address ACCOUNTANT. SOS East Leigh street. BOOKKEEPER WANTS POSITION Address FRANCIS. «10 North Eighth. YOUNG COLORED BOY II YEARS 1 >| age, wants position with private family. Address MELVIN WHITE. c»r» t irvunnn klectuicai, pobition wanted HV graduate of electrical school A-l dress Box 7. WtlHameton. N. C. A FIRST CLA8B EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper (M typewriter desire* position. knowledge *teno*rapr,y. thoroughly compu tent to mk>- entire tnni>. excellent New Vork referen ce" WU.BIAM I'U Mil, Somerville. -V J WANTED BY EX PK KIEN« ED MAN, place a* mxnuRei 014 fnrm or »on M rent farm on iiiano also handy wit'. t< >ls. good a; repair work, etc., <an give good referetues A(ldre*» .MAN, AO EH. 130.' Dance street LICENSED < il tl FFKri:. C<‘DOBED wires position, references furnished Address t'H A CFFECH. 701! Norm Fifth "trect. city AX KXP’.I1IKNi’KD STKXOOHAPHHK desires to change position. Address .1 Box rue.• Situations Wanted—Female. \V ANTED. IfK-KMIAOKMB.VT T<» SC iftnnvcT’ft hou^hold . chap • run t*r mveitni. companion 't0 yuiir-tS l#dl< * r> l:i.' ;s \ m-r u-rc#* . ♦ dUr Ht»Vfl. UlUsli t Fpi;-**’PI*8 Hj»tt term* Address Mllh* a. jK.»*Nb>» l^i>U t MU \‘a, WANTED POKlTb 'N Ah I KiNCtfAte of M honl t»\ axpert^ n-r-d ma r i- Ai’h cr A d«ir**a* VN H t\. tar#* Pom* 1nas’tr. Gimme* t«»r Point. V*. A WKU. UJK1KP. KM’KIilKN' i.l’ position in fam»! or nohoof. Kr Mulish branch#*. l-nUn an<1 locution Addrc** Box i*» i v IWcbmond* \ a AN KXi’Eft 1 KN<'T!I * rUINClTAL A Vi > high school teacher. with good it « it menials Ami ftftrtMi > dftlirti :» school of 100 to 3»>u pupil* w ri 1 «* jour and salary, addressing M." Box l»ftnvttl». Vn VANTEP A FEW BF.UlNN KKS F« Hi piano inatrio i ion Tarm« i ra*u.>nabla Apply 11*S 'N>m Main WANTED—RV AN KXI’URi ENFKU t«Ac**r. a position in privat# family, Jblngllah and mu Me taught. Address K. Beulah vi lie. \ a. SETTl ,K l * FALM WANTS PUCE Vh companion to ©l*.!#rlv or invalid p*r »un. ho objection to city Ap ply to CUM l*A N ION, 40; North. EXPERIENCED TEACHER DESIKEn position in private home, music ant English taught. Audi ess H«>a 7i. R. p. D. No. 3, Bcottsvlllc. v» an experienced tSaBKeTS de sire* posit.oji In famils . li-uelie* English, m title. Latin and French. MIhS M. MASON. S> Adams street. Petersburg, Vs AN I NDEHORAtH ATE MUSE Who I la a woman of refinement, read* welt aloud, ha* given satisfaction a <0111 panion for invalid, sew* well, and good housekeeper, ivtshes a position after November IS. Term* $20 a month, references exrhanded. Ad dress N. V. 101.' Virginia strtet. Charleston, Kanawha county. IV. Va A~ FI R ST-CLASS V ASH UKffuil A h want* washing to do at home. ISOS West E^'sh street. Wa'NTED - WASHING To DO AT home. 7 22 Munford street. WANTED. POSITION BY KMRKi •nced lady stenographer, beat of ret erence*. Phone Madison S071. llol S E K EE PER M t’I A TTO, YOtfEu woman that ha* a child, good home, full charge, fair pay GEORG c. PERKINS, 1361 Ward street, Haiti more, Md. DREBBM A K1NG 1 'ONE NiCELV-. skirt* a specialty. MRS. BAGBV, S South Pine. FOR STAMPING AND DESIGNING embroidery and art work. 1033 M eat Grace street. AN " ELDERLY LADY WISHES ~A home in a refined family lo assist in sawing and housekeeping; refer* encea given and required. Address A. B. C. No. 14 Richmond, Va. North Fourth street, WANTED—EXPERIENCED YOUNG lady stenographer, with best refer ences and diploma, desires position. \ Apply to HVSINKSS, P. 0., Box \74. Flncfcstle. Va. _ WANTED.' BY COMPETENT. BXPUD rieuced and well educated stenogra pher and office woman, position at once. Address 210 Virginia street. Farm villa, Va. MIBB ELLA M CIUIBENBKRRYT M A., graduate of the Woman's College to coaclt pupils for the com gradual -desires lng sessions in high school subjects Address 125 West Main. Phone 4»14. For Sale. BE SURE TO ATTEND AUCTION sale of second hand furniture store and repair shop at No. 507 »,fc North Sixth street, 6; SO r. M. to-day. Borne antique furniture In the lot. Mv CLURE-DAVKNPORT-TAYLOR CO. "SALE—W AOON 0, DELIVER V. and grocery, buggies, surrys .11 u*bouts. THOA. H. DUKE * Hi Brook gTenue. FOR runaji FOR SALE-GROCERY AND MAh ket; stock and natures: central lo cation: very low rent,' owner has other business. Address T-l. care Virginian *E5 AGON* UO TO RICHARDSON «JI Brook avenue. r . eaa be aeea gt lW W. Cary I . Want Ad Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much lesa. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison. Manager of Classified Department, will call. Situations Wanted—Female. j FIRST-CLASS LA I'.S' DRESS TO BE found at 628 North Third street. a NICE Washerwoman ivoru' like nice washing lo do at home. Ap ply to 708 North Second street MARY 1 PARKER i Want family washing nice clear water; satisfaction guarantee-1. 718 North Second street WANTED,' PLAIN SEWING TO Do AT ^home^MjMKaiUOra^BaHjecE^^^^^^^ _Miscellaneous. _ WANTED—TO KNOW WVtV THE combined laundries locate their - 8 flroa as near our YOE TOTE offices as they can get, and \vh> they don't take tiurlnen* as cheaply at tnelt plants as at these office* which ar« run under another name Address VIRGINIA LAfNDHY WORKS olrt est In the business and maker of low prices, for Tt'TK Offices. .,tl \\ Slain, SIT E. Main. t'021 E. Broad SOS North First, tit K Marshall, Til W Broad. 107 North Seven'll, 110. ^ Hull. , j i'OI.D WATER PAINT. CALCIMO THE ORIGINAL COLO water paint east to apply. all col-| ors. write or phone for color tar.l, more Calclmo sold than all the wateL, paints combined, ELBA HARDWARE, t tty Agents Henry and Broad WAGONS, WAGON a, WAGONS. OPEN AND TOR FROM 147, IT. BL’K rle*. runabouts atid ton buggies from *46 up. Wilburn and Thornhill Farm Wagon*. narrow- and wide tires, from $30 up Repairing. painting an I rubber tiring a specialty. Come ana get mv prices before you buy. R C. R It I STOW, 11-13-13 North-Eighteenth Street, MOWERS % \ ll" H It It I.K TIRES. SEE THE EVANS HARDWARE Co lor lawn mowers ant bicycle 11 r• « We have the best in the city W - have red -, e,| our prices on bicycle tires for two we<-ks. 700 W $jroa.i street STOP! LOOK AND THINK. JOHN LA TOUCHE, JR . NEW PLACE. 417 W. Main; Monroe 1452. French and steam i leaning, ladles princess end dresses cleaned $1.30 pleated skirts French cleaned, 73 cent*, plain. JOc.: gloves cleaned. any length 10 cents per pair, gent's suits dry cleaned. 30c; French cleaned Jt 00 reduction In all work TOOL* \ND rlTI.KNB IF Yuf WANT ANYTHING IN TOOL or cut terc, see the KA'AN'S HAfio' W \RE VO best line at lowest price tn . ’t> TOO West Broad streel. __,_ 1'NRFDKKM ED ELGIN AND WAL t bam watches. 20-year gold-fltle i ease only $7.30. STEINERS 1441 East Main street 41.1 MINI M W ARE. tSF.K THE EVANS HARDWARE <•> f„r the best assortment of pure aluminum ware in th* it- at b-west prbes 7*0 West Bt-,ad street FORFEITED SIT IVasks' "all SIZES. »! eat h WTEINKRS. 1441 East Mam street. ____ HAUL HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD al Hughe », 306 N. Third street. Ft MtFEITED REMINOTOS' Dt.H barrelled hammerless tf-gauge. ouiv *17.5* STEINERS. 1411 East Main street. FORFEITED* SINGLE GINS. ALL makes. *3 STEINERS 1411 East Main street _ Special Notice. &rr,< I XL. NOTICE TO THE LADIES mint to nr urn xplred lens'- «<-, were unable to move ns we rxpeot- i f.l nn<l am sill) located nt our old ! e-ar.d. 417 F,. Broad. until November 1, 1410 We are offering for a spec ial ttil* week, a regular IlS.iO suit at $15.44. See our 125 00 and suits \sk any one v ho purchases from us and they will tell you our Bri<e» are much below others, why" erause our expenses are less than lislf the expense of others In same line of business and we ^ive our pa trons the benefit of thp THE WO MAN'S SHOP. 417 E Broad Take elevator First floor NELSON SHOE CO. LADIES, VOC CAN SAVE YOUR RAIL ROAD FARE TO NEW YORK OH WASHINGTON J. KATE IS NOW HERE. ONE OF THE BEST LADIES'j TAILORS FROM NEW YORK SPE- ! CIAl. ARTIST ON FANCY SUITS . A1J. WORK GUARANTEED IN ORDER TO ADVERTISE HIS' WORKMANSHIP. A SPECIAL PRICE I WILL BE GIVEN ON EACH SUIT. 200 NORTH FIFTH STREET. B. FELDM \ V FINE LADIES' TAILOR BEFORE I YOU HAVE YOUR FALL AND WIN-! TER SUITS MADE CALL AND SEE ME; IMPORTED MATERIALS AND LATEST STYLES JUST FROM NEW YORK. SPECIAL PRICES FOR Aj SHORT TIME. IMPORTED GOODS WITH FINE SILK LINING. *35 UP. PERFECT FIT AND WORKMAN-' SHIP GUARANTEED. 211 E. BROAD] STREET. WANTED—-1 Vk& FOR' M EN’S COLLA KS I and cuffs; Sc. for shirts, 10c. for counterpanes. 20c. for blankets, at VIRGINIA LAUNDRY'S YOU TOTE; OFFICES; «11 W. Main. SOS North First. 317 E. Main. 2021 E. Broad. 714 ; W. Broad. 414 E. Marshall. 107 N. j Seventh, 1107 Hull street. REMEMBER THE MAN WHO WILL dve for you. R. B. LUMPKIN Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing' Works. French, dry cleaning and j scouring. Ladles' work a specialty Work called for and delivered. Phone | Monroe 2312. . 0 North Fourth St. Several trunks of drummers i sample trousers; special bargains; highTygrads gods; bought cheap; sold ; same tray. N. ~F. JACOBS A SON. Ninth near Broad street ODD FELLOWS SHOULD CARRY A j Protecttce Certlflcate In the Fraternal Life and Accident Association. For full Information, call at offices, third floor^ Ninth jewd Mein, C<ty Boarder#—Wanted. WANTED ROOMERS FOR I WELL heated furnished, lower front rooms; moderate prices; mil Madison T017-J. Business Wants. Rooms for Rent. WHEN VOl’ COME- TO KICHMOM get ft clean, comfortable bed for 50c. phone, bath and Ice water free, **»► collem meals served next door. 100: East Clay. FOR RENT. TWO NICE. LARGE AIR1 rooms, with or without board; wltt use of bath and telephone. A ppi) 520 West Marshall. ONE ROOM AND LARGE KITCHEN Including ran**- and water; el»h dollars per month. 710 West Mar shall FOR RENT. THREE LARGE CON nacting rooms on second floor, bath closet, hot and cold water, electro lighted, very desirable. rent reason able. Apply 711 North Avenue Brook land l ark TWO LARGE. BRIGHT \TTRACTIV1 second-floor room*, furnished or un furnished. Second and Franklin Rhone Madison 6281-4. HEW TIKI L ROOMS WJTii U,l, CON vsnleme*. centrally located; verj thing for husine.-!- men. board *1** if desired. Phone Monroe 1-10, or cal 15 South Fifth. ONE ROOM. FERNlSHED. SOI TI Richmond with bath. gas and phon< on same floor; convenient to goot board gem lemen preferred; refer ences exchanged MRS E. L BASS TW'i» LARGE BRIGHT FRONT R< H >3® unfurnished, second floor. Apply 8. West Grace. ONE BRIGHT. I NI I KMSHLL R5o* with use of bath, ho? and cold water Apply 204 South Linden. Rhone Mai Ison 3523-L FOR n ENT. DESHt A HUE SF.< ‘UN I > s*ory front room, convenient to baH and telr-phonc. gentleman preferred Third street, near Cary, Phone Madi son 415<5 -J. \V \ N T i: l \ 01% XT 1 .E M A N OCCi fi * A X for comfortably furnished room hath and phone. Apply $34 Wes Grace street FUR RENT. THREE FERN! SHE l rooms, separately or together, fo Hgl;t bou#ekeeping 111 East_Clay fiO<>MB F<)R 1: K,\T. TO XT RLE < >1 gentlemen, second flour. 2u2 Efts Marshall. Desirable ffrnlsh ::d rooms i.etited in winter, with good board 312 S Third street. \Y \ NT ED. W V WF vNT S FUR F RON' room on second floor, with board 306 West Grace sire, FERN I SHED ! 1A Lf ~ROuM FOf: REN at 401 \V. Marshall street tail afte ; o'clock P m LARGE,"" BRIGHT, ~ STE A A -H EATEi ro^m for gentleman. 10 l Souti Third LA RGK. We Ll, FI It N1 SHE D ROoA for rent to gentlemen October 15 steam heat? near Fourth and Frank lin. J. P. O Box 1*4 1 F I' R N IS H K L> OR V N F1 H N1 SI i El room, with or without board, con venient to Second and Frank Un. b: gnt’eman and wife; best reference! given Phone Madison 6107. HALL ROOM'. % rpKR W E K K LARGE? room for two. 85 cent* each pe week 6CO North Tenth street. FOR RENT. TWi I Wi RKiSH r.D R< H)Ui for light houeekeepm*. man and wtf preferred, East < 1h> FIJXNISHKD ROOMS FOR RKNT. PiU vatc familj two blocks from Broad 507 North Sixth Ftr^'t. NICELY FFRNISHED ROOMS. M 1 Ti hot and cold water, bath und phone 312 E. Main street \\ \NTi:i» r GENTLEMAN 6< Ti T I'A.v . for nicely furftlahed room; conveni ent to hath, central -location, souti of Broad, reference*. Phone Madi son 6071 KrHNlSHKl) RoOMSf USE OF BATl Fifth street FOR RENT. L.AKGF FUnxiSHTI front room, use of bath and tele phone 101A South Third. i * '!! "llENT." ONELAROE NTcEE’ furnished front room, convenient ti bath, with board, private family, a!*< hall room It: East Clay Phon 294 S. t't.MFtVlifmV FURNISHED rGoS (to gentleman), all conveniences, a No 5 South Fifth street NICE. SKVi.V FU RNISH Eli ItOONP foi rent to permanent renters. 11 North Eighth street FOR RENT. ON WEST MaTsT W' owner, two dry, clean rooms, suit abb- for storage, access easy, Phon Madison 306-J. FOR RENT. FOUR BRIGHT ROOM on second floor, two closet*, gai use of bath, latrobe heat In on room: beautiful location. 409 Norti Addison street. \v ANTKDT TWO YOINU" MEN OJ couple, for nicely furnished, largr room, on 900 block. West Main St phone Madison 30*-.I. ONE Kuril - Room FI RHT- FLOui flat: furnished $20. One three-roon furnished flat. »n ond floor. $17. VI modern conveniences. 713 Ear to: avenue. Barton Heights THREK OR FOrn 'ROt>MS," lECONl door, hot and (Old water, use o bath. Call or address 3«1 Home St Barton Heights. THREE ROOMS OR ENTIRE FLA T 2313 Hanover avenue; references possession at once Lower" flat for rent; threi rooms. Apply 10 South Cherry St. "ROOMS ‘for RENT "at 402 WES' West Grace. for hent."Large, bright^aTic rooms; centrally located desirable lo callty 301 Eaat Franklin. ONE off TWO ROOMS~f6r RENtTA^ 1881 West Grace Street; private ram llv: board nearby. Rhone Madlsoi 3571. FOR BENT, Yw o" WEbb FURNRvHET heated, connecting, second floor fron room*. Apply *00 Eaat Grace street NEWLY FFRNI8HEtT"FRONT ROOM? also second rooms, telephone, botl and home comforts to right party Phone Monroe 2709. West Clay St Business Opportunities. TRAVELING SALESMAN. CITY SALES man and office man wanted; ltnmedl ate position; $800 to $1,000 required VIRGINIA INDUSTRIAL CO.. 110 Eaat Main. YOUR OPPORTUNITY "TO SECURt drummer's samples of hlgh-cla* trousers' persenta Itself now; we so 'em cheap—so can you; but ba quick N. 9. JACOBS * SON. Ninth, nea Broad straot. Flat Wanted. WANTED TO RENT A FEAT OJ THREE OR FOUR ROOMS, WES’: Of FIRST STREET. RENT MUSI BE REASONABLE. REFERENCE! ITrsme | ■ ! Annual * .Statement <>f Central Stnte Hospital Nrroaiiy Fof More Money. ITS BOOKS INDICATE DEFICIT OF $12,:i0y ’ Superintendent Prewry Exercis ing Every Care. But Ends Won't Meet—Over 1.000 Now in In-titutioii. Appeals for n larger appropriation ir order that more facilitiea may be l| provided and better oare taken of the ! insane patients constitute the ke> | note of the fortieth annual report 1 of the Central State Hospital, .lust t sent to the Governor by the Superin tendent of that institution. I This hospital, located at Petersburg, land being exclusively for colored pa tients. Has becomt. according to the j report.of I >r. William K. Prewry. so j crowded that bed* ami « ots are now placed in the halls and corridors* while the cost of living ha* increased no rapidly that, though every econo my was observed, the institution spent | dicing the year which closed October I i. if»io. more than Its ap Mr it of that amount. !wiring the year 1.815 patients were oared for, the dally average be ing 1.374. or an increase of 47 over . the average roll of 1909. < >f the total ! number eared for 4 51 were new pa tlerti, though sixty of these had open treated at the institution before. The i death roll amounted to 195. and lS:s i j were discharged. ' •fhi hospital now accommodates ■; 1.44'. patients. Of these 5*4 are men 1 About 70 per cent, of the patients are glvni healthy and interesting work. and the report shows that every poe sib’ .are—within th>- means provid ed h\ the appropriation—is taken for | the r health and comfort Not Knough Money. It is shown, however, that the an 1 i novI »pr-roprlatton of t!32,5»41 is not snfll. tent for the maintenance of the hi cplta). unless lower standards are 1 embraced, and this van. as it strongly ■ pi inted out. only result in unhealthy Btui uncomfortable conditions. Wimp the institution was establish ed in 1*70 it has cared for 7.570 pa tients. Of that number. 1.375 re turned after their discharge, gom* I gv nr hack as man as six times With a per capita annual coat of slightly more than fl.oS, the report shows how the aggregate expense in creases when provisions are consumed m such quantities a« Ho.000 pounds of beets. 52.00U pounds of cabbage, t 7».0iK) ear* of corn. 5S.000 bushels of I soiao, 11.6w gallon* or milk—meat i heint only a few items taken from ' tn.. Hat. which covers several pages of closely t,\ pewritten • pages 1 Governor Mann looked over the re port with considerable Interest, and. ; ait'xing his official signature. for ‘ warded it to the public printer, who ! will have it issued In pamphlet form within a few weeks. IGAN HAVE HALL : IF THEY PAY RENT hispcpior PiPck Sav- He Will Let Theatrical Company Have i Auditorium. . i '( Despite the hei'lgerent declaration | of Mi. W. Groan or Neal that he. rep resenting the l.eath Theatrical fom 1 pauy and other Interests, would tight any attempt on the part of the city ) to rent the Auditorium to a theatrical jcompsn;. Building Inspector Beck de clares that if the Traveling Hippo {drome Company sends him a check ! for $50 for the rental of the hah i th. v can have It. Mr. Neal Is ducted as saving that "if the city of Hlehmond intended i entering the theatrh al business he t i intet ded to appear before the State ■Corporation Commission and demand i i that the cit» be taxed accordingly, Hju*t as is done in the case of a pri .j va'i* concern. He does not object to "j renting the Auditorium to such at ' I tractions as the Wednesday Ohih, he - • but he protests v igorously . i against letting it out for the produc 1 i tlof of u honaflde theatrical show, Tn j i conclusion, he declares the City Audl ijtorh'm directly under the control of I the Council Committee on Grounds • j and Buildings, which body must take ? action before the bulKlfng can be . leased or rented to anyone. Inspector Beck says Mr. Neal Is i ■ mistaken in his premises. He hlm 1 self, says Mr. Beck, has entire con 1 tro) of the building, authority having 1 been given him by the committee. “I have orders to rent the build j’ ing whenever 1 get the chance," said Mr. Beck. "I have been doing it in ' j the past, and I intend to continue to do so in the future, unless otherwise | i instructed by the committee. If that ' i Nev. York company wants the Audi ‘ ; torium and sends me the rental—-150 nightly—they can have it. If Mr. ;j Neil cares to take the matter Into the : courts that is not my affair. I only ■ i know what ! have been doing and . what I inteud to do. John lewis Currie. John Lewis Currie, son of W. W. i and Spohia Grantland Currie, died at j hia residence. 1200 Brook Road, i i Tueeday night. 11 He leaves his father, mother and ;! four sisters—Misses Alice C., Alms. . Minnie and Sophia G. Currie—to > i mourn their" loss. •| Mr Currie was born and raised In . Richmond and was in the twenty | fourth year of hie age. Funeral will take place from hie late reeidence ■1 Thursday at 3 P. M. The Rev. G. W. ■ j McDaniel, pastor of First Baptist • j church, conducting the services. ; | Friends and acquaintances invited to ‘ attend. Carringtoit^-Ctemple. f (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SOUTH B08TON. VA.. Oct. 1*.— r At “Oak Cliff." the old Carrington homestead, about ten rallea south .of ! here, Mias Annie., the only daughter of William H. Carrington, was married . to J. Bray Stempta, a young merchant and farmer of Mayo neighborly Shoe Repairing. i Wednesday •fwrnoon. Rev. N. R. Turner, pastor of the Method tat church near the brlde'R home, officiated. A large company of relative* and friend* were present. Mr*, ft. O. Morton. Jr., of 8011th Boston, was dame of honor and John D. Fry. of the aame place, w*a beat man. Soon after the cere mony the bridal party left for Ashe ville, N. C„ where the honeymoon will be spent, and will be at home after Novembef 1. I HEtTF.KFIKI.O URVF.TOR 1UDR RERGRAAT-MAJUH. County Surveyor \V. W. l.aTrade, of Cheaterrteld ha* been appointed Ser geant-major of tha Virginia held artil lery by Major T. M. Wortham, and will enter upon hi* dutle* immediately. Mr. LaPrade la a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, and «'** for *om« years a profeaeor of mathe matlra In that aehool. ROOT ENDORSED FOR CHIEF JUDGE New Y*>rk Senator Would Look Good on Supreme Bench Some Believe. WASHINGTON'. LI. C., October 12.— . Moth prominence is given here to day to a hypothetical story that Kllhu j Root may be appointed chief justice of the Cnited States by President Tatt. if the Republicans carry New York 'and that, bv agreement. Roosevelt j 1 would support Representative William S. Bennett to succeed Root, us Junior senator of New Yura. in that cast-; the -story goes. Gover nor Stimaoii" would appoint Hennett ; to the senate. The Washington post to-day says; Senator Root is probably the one ment would meet with the unanimous? approval of the associate justice* and President Taft has been made aware j of the high regard in which the eon - ator is held." The impression in political cireb•« to-day. however, was that there would he some violent opposition to the con firmation of Hoot hy tile senate. The story, though arousing interest, was not taken very seriously . PLAN A NEW BANK FOR WINSTON-SALEM ,\rw Financial Institution in Carolina to Have $1U0,UU<J ( spiral. fSpecial to The Richmond Virginian.) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.. October 12.—The Merchants National bank, which will have a capita! of $100,000. is the name of a new financial insti tution that will open here the flrst'Of January. All of the capital stock has not been subscribed as yet but It will come forth without any trouble. The annual meeting of the board of trade was held last night and reports from the various committees for the year were heard. Secretary Kuyken dall submitted his annua! report whtch showed that this city has made mag nificent progress during the past y ear. The offirers for the ensuing year were also elected. Much Interest Is heing manifested hgf# In the proposed tour from this city on October 2* Those interested expect something like sixty machines to participate. The tour will be man age din a business-like way and there will be n pacemaker and checkers similar to those In longer tour*. Gurnej Quate. a white man, was convicted of forgery in the superior court yesterday and was sentenced to • he count.' roads for a term of two 'ears. Quite a number of defendants , w ere given terms for larceny. The fifteenth anniversary of the Twin-City hospital will be observed here on the eighteenth of this month A reception "ill he held from S to.S o'clock and all friend* of the Institu i tion are invited to attend. Refresh ments w iU'be served. Bird—Jones. j (Special to The Richmond Virginian.! I STAUNTON. VA , Oct. Is—Mias Katie Crawford Bird, daughter of the late I. Hit» Bird, of the Woodstock bar. and Andrew Lewis Jones, a young law yer. of Monterey, will be married here Wednesday evening at the home of, ttie bride's cousins. Mr and Mrs George B. Crawford. Rev. R. H. Flem ing, D. D.. of Lynchburg, an uncle of the groom, and Rev. A. M. Fraser. D. r>„ of the First Presbyterian church. Staunton, officiating. KICKED TO DEKTH ID CHEAP HOTEL David Marshall Brutally Mur dered by Unknown Assailant. Solitary Witness Held. ROANOKE. VA.. Oct. 12.—David Franklin Marshall was murdered Tuej day night at Tip-Top Hotel, a cheap lodging house. The police have not learned who com mitted the crime. Marshall was beaten and kicked into insensibility and died without recover , lng consciousness. One witness in the room with Mar shall. when he was killed, has told several different stories about the af fair. While is It evident that he had nothing to do with the murder, it I* i thought he knows more than he is wtu ! lng to admit Marshall was a painter, forty-five years old. and leaves a a tfe and four children. He became intoxicated laet night and went to the Tip-Top hotel . to sleep The place has a had reputa tion. TRYING TO SAYK LAND GRABBERS WASHINGTON. Oct. 12— Attor ney* fop Frederick A. Hyde, of San Fraacleco. and Joost H. Schneider, of Arizona, who** conviction In the Dis trict Supreme Court ha* been con tinued by the Court \>f Appeal*, are to-day preparing to apply to the Unit ed State* Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari a* the last resort to save their clients, charged with land frauds, from the penitentiary. Hyde and Schsnider were indicted on forty-two counts with John "a. Ben son and Henry V. Diamond in 1104 for obtaining titles to land through fraudulent practices. Justice Stafford sentenced Hyde to two years in the penitentiary and to pay a fine oCtlt^MC. Schsnider re ceived a sen tone* of one year in the luntiaryand a too of iMr discounts 1 I/oans and 2 Overdrafts 3 Bond?, securities, etc. owned, 4 Hanking house* and lots . 5 Other real estate oitfned. 6 Furniture and fixtures .. 7 Kxcbangck and fiheoks for next day's clearings 8 Other rash Items . ....... . 9 Due from National bunks;.. 10 Due /n»?n State banks, private bunker* At 11 Paper currency • * . .. 12 Fractional paper cur retie:- . nickel* and cent* 18 Gold coin ... .. 14 Silver coin... 15 All other items yf resource . ... trust Total LI AfllMTIEfti 1 capital stor k paid in. .. .. 2 Surplus fund ... I ndivided profit*, less interest, taxes and expenses Dividends unpaid .. 3 4 5 Individual deposits subject to check .$23,910,880.21 Savings deposits . . . . . 12,735.876.99 7 Demand certificates of deposit 2.392,481.27 8 Time certificates »*r deposit 7.895.580.15 !• Certified checks . . .. 137,674.81 10 Cashiers’ checks outstanding ... .. 101.485.16 . $11.778.264 .#1 . 4960.126.23 . 1 078.430.08 103.75J .36 Total Deposits .. . ..* 147,163,388.62 11 Due to National hanks . . . 281,190.47’ 12 Due to State banks, private bankers and trust companies 619,215.7$ 13 Notes and Mils rediscounted . .... 552,140.8$ It Bills pa\able.. including certificate* of deposit representing money borrowed .. 1.405.248.20 15 All other Item- of liability ... 414.218.68 Total .$69.164.980.90 VERY GOOD PRICE l’i tt r-lutrg Market Open* Selling Abuiit 13,000 Pounds of Loose Loaf. Pl.AXMXO FOR . FAIR Prince George fount' A-ktd to Make Appropriation.' for Agricultural Work. (Special ti> The Richmond Virginia!) I PETETiaBfRG, VA.. Oil. 12.—Tin tobacco market opened In Petersburg Tuesday for the ante* of loose tobacco. Thai which wag offered for sale Indi ct,ic< that the commodity which is to h" brought to the warehouses will he ot good grade There was sold Tuesday about 15.non pounds, and the rl; r.< ranged from $5.o0 to $11.75 per hundred. Hr try blanks to the Petersburg fair arc being rapid!.' received, and the exhibits promise to be unusually good The fair is being extensive!' advertised by sn attractive lithograph picture The railroads will make spe cif ! rates to Petersburg for the or casn. n The woman's department of the fair "ill be under the supervision of a committee composed of Mrs. J M - Ruffin. Mrs. Pegram and Mrs K W Grigg. Mr. J. \V. MePomb. of Rich mond. has written his acceptance to be one of the Judges of the (air. Vi. R. \V. Barn well has resigned as rector of St. Paul's F.plscopal church. This "as done at a meet ing of the vegtry Tuesday night. I>r. Barnwell desired his resignation, to become effective December 1. but his ve»trv requested him to remain until January. The resignatb n Us a mat ter of great regret, as he is popular among the people and a valuable man a , a citizen. Discuss Values. The board of supervisors of Prince Ueo gft county held a meeting Tues day at Disputants to discuss matters SAlstmn isles !c. ,s.l . O 1 • I O B . . I county. B< ulhall Farrar. Stale agricultural demonstrator. ami U Gordon Kinney, secretary of the Petersburg Chanibei oi Commerce, appeared before the hoard anti requested that It make ati appropriation of $20 for "ach 1,00b inhabitants to atari agricultural de monstration work and to form boys corn clubs, which hate proved so beneficial in Chesterfield and Pinvvid Ui > counties. The board unanimously endorsed the movement, and ordered the appropi iation. This being Columbus day. Peters burg knights will celebrate with the Richmond council, going over to Richmond this evening to attend the celebration and banquet. The revival services at Grove Ave nne Baptist church are being well at tended. Rev. Oaks Boyars, of East Richmond, Is conducting the exer cises The meetings will continue dur ing thi# week. The district conference of the Home Mission Society of the Petersburg di* trii : convened Wednesday at Chester. MR. IAFI REVIEWS PARENT IN BOSTON Executive. Mayor att<! Archbishop Join in Honoring Discoverer of America. BOSTON. MASS.. October 12.— With 62,000 men In line and the parade reviewed at different points of its march by President Taft, Gov ernor Draper, of Massachusetts. Mayor Fttsgeraid, of Boston, and Archbishop O'Connell, of the Boston arch diocesei this city- to-day did honor to the discoverer of Americas, President Taft arrived from Beverly shortly before noon and for about an hour reviewed the thousands of marchers. He then motored back to Beverly. Masses in most of the Catholic church of the city were a feature of the celebration. OBSERVE ANNUY Of COLUMBUS IMG October 12 Xot Legal Holiday But is Remembered in Eleven States. WASHINGTON, Oct 12.—In eleven States to-day 'will be celebrated legal ly aa Columbus day In honor of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus on.October IS, MSS. The only recognition taken Of the anniversary by the Federal govern ment was mi order from the twgdhsy uries in New York and Chicago to close as far as public business WlU - permit. There tvaa pending before the HOu*t ' during the last session of a resolution to declare October 12 a legal holiday throughout the country in all Federal offices and upon Federal territory- Me did not come up for consideration*./ and win probably be taken up at son>4% subsequent session. If 1* mgllO* ' adopts the resolution. It Is very ltk*» Iv that all the State* will follow It* Bl lehd. c3jf5 m TO DISCOVER WHY SHE RESIGHE ( onnnittcp to Investigate Con ti'dis in ( itv llumt* Aneut the MalroiHhip. The resignation of Mis* Ida Ba*toJ^ from the position of matron of ttwE' *'Ity Home, handed In only a hours after she had bcea elected to (Bj position Tuesday,' will be probed the Council committee on relief of poor at a special meeting at #: o clock Thursday evening. The mltrec members are frankly pua over the situation and their probe may result in several changes Jn the metfcwg ode now pursued at the home. Miss Baffin- resigned from a posltt paying her *40 monthly to resume h former post as nurse in the hospital l a salary of only *20 per month, refuses to assign any reason for action save that she prefer* the la tec ter posit;.m. it Is whispered, however* that the advocacy of Superintended CRbell for Miss Alice Johnson for tl place and resulted, in the latter’* d< feat by Miss Bagby has led the latfi to believe that more cordial relatlo might be maintained between her! and’ Dr. Cabell should she not acn* the position. Dr. Cabell urged committee members to elect Ml** Alt| Johnson matron when the commit) met Monday afternoon. Mi** John* is a sister of Mr*. Mai Dougal, who i cently resigned from the matron* to gi t married Mia* Johnson was i pointed to All the position temporal Mis* Johnson w«» a candidate election to the permanent poaltti Miss Bagby was chosen, however, cause she was thought to have longer experience. At first Miss Bagbv refused to in n« the post, saying that she h«<l t. told by |>r Cabell that aha would required to hoard hospital attends and others at $15 per month and i sh< would l"*r money by ao <Jo1 Councilman t'mlauf told her she not board anyone unless she w. whereupon she accepted the mau. Ship only to resign a few hour* la As n resalt of the mtx-up It is prt able that a separate table for hosp officials and attendants will be ml tained at the expense of the city AGAIN CONTINUES LIGHTFOOT Gl Negro Charged With Assaultt White Woman Has Been in Jail Three Mouths. The rase of Clarkes Ughtfoot.' nogro charged with a felonious eaul; on Mrs. Frank Bonavettl. continued for the third time In lift Court Wednesday morning.. time it was set tor October I*., I.lghtfoot is charged with strii Mrs. Bonavettl over tho head « a clut. and fracturing her skull. . claims an alibi. He has been In stm < last July awaiting trial. The latest postponement wa* sitated by the absence of several^ portent witnesses. In ordering a tinuanee Justice Origgs declared every witness who Is late when - case is called next Wednesday be fined for contempt ot court. Joint Ij. Currie. Mr. John Lewis Currie died | day night In his home in this He was the only son of Mr. and > t W. W. Currie, and was IS years The funeral arrangements will bn j nounced later. Pel lee Board to atari. Members of the Board of Police i missloners will bold a regular i ; meeting Tuesday 'night. TT* i night routine buslnees will be ed. Attempt to Lynch Slayer. LOUISVILLE. MISS.. Oct, U attempt was made last night by i to Jynch Swlnton Fermenter. e© eU of the murder of bla sweatee* was frustrated by a volunteer 1 who ware pledged to allow the t I take lta course. ROANOKE. V Broa. proprietors P. 1. restaurant and Individual pe with llatrtlltlae and assets of Hi