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?rs from Mass, lit irj[ Will ('boose Spot to X FALL Njclflf Tmublf * from afters of Now Hottst— Other Items. petal to The Hu hmor.d Virginian, i pnrEHSHritO. n. tVtoher 1* - alters of the < ommlwdon appointed B»e State f Masaachuaetta t>> pt a position lyr the erection of a jhmetu to Maamchnsetts troops in .Civil w around i’ct< ralmrs »r fc Tueadav. coming in over ih.-■ (oik and Western railway from lolk. hav ink made the trip oj ft. A. P. Hill representatives ami Secretary of the . haniinr of com- i pe, H. Gordon Kincj met tin dele. Ml at the depot one: escorted tfTtm he Shirley hotel lie commissioners ar* Captain Hn H. Portct, of Guny. presi S Coionel James Arnicrson. o! Wlond. of Won i st< r. M;o> A *-'m. jrjng the mu Mr. John rlor. of jspringtu-Sd. the contractor t i* to elect the monument Mr j Bird W. Joins. <>t Pennsylvania, l Mr. W. 1’. Jilanir. >-t Sprlng rotiil U.3 I Ills monument is at jjjgred amt is to be next year as possible. •h* members of tm commission g. taken <*ut me; thi battlefields jitesdai morning b> Mayor germ. Captain 1 K. Heath ami Main Carter it Bisnop, engineer ' the commission. fihert Nichols, a ; "tm* son of ||kin J- A Xi. hoi*, ot Petersburg. gErtously injured n> lulling Tiles sthrough the ratters- t a resident e t It being erected hy Mr T. V igtto on Park Pbo <■ m u Central tThe boy fell through to the cunt, rendering him uneons. iou* HI hours. Hoiie'.er. no boms % broken and In getting along |g. Thomas i- Fo ld, of I.oiidon. gland, agent-general in Europe tor Pjpoiithern Commereiai Congress. | came to Ami re u to attend thi (nary conference of Cm eon recently held in Atlanta, spent ;jr night and Tuesdnj in peii-r*-i the guest of Mr. Charles Hall; chairman ol the exmithtcom of the- congress f - Jurors SiniMiionod. She following jur r* ht»-< been j intoned »>> the oily sergeant to 1 at the (ictolier 1* rm of the i court. which reopens on 'my. the 2(Mh Bd jury—Messrs ’ < i. Strait- ; H. S. Seward. I: »> Kgerton. T l lb, Jshani K. Iip r, George \V. . J. W. Sutherland. I H-nnle Per J. I) Shaekelford jury—Messrs, c. H Hidenour. ! Campbell. V H. \V. VV. Townes, pr. Short. Jr , W A “ Hurt. 1 remen—Messis It A. Paine Nttinnally, K. 1;. Spotsivnmi, w Hemroy Jones. T. J. Hills. Wheary, J a Wilkin*. Isaac Haird. IV s T K. Heath, Worth, Pel Bailey. H W Pri, ti ll It. I lunlop, James >. Barksdale. W. K Coleman. J. It Jolly, ban. J. Harry £ K. K. lryer. ■Shark In*. c prgtl. James p ii*. Plummer. Ut* funeral of Mrs Mary H Kanes, itfrick. took plat > Wednesday ;ng at tl o'clock from Hrm e pal church. Bi t, mburg. of L_had long I't in a member Eams was n much beloved and she w as well know n in IV as in Ettriek, when* ahe re 8he is snriiii il by her hns geveral sons and daughters h«*r sons are Messrs Pelham Jlerman Kanes, well known and esteemed young men. who an iy*>d In Petersburg. LX TI OX KI.KCTS SIX \K\V bishops |kciknati. ci., of six ^jppdtng feature At thf < n tobcr m*vv bin ho of to-day H>al rhurrh J !♦.— ps s\as pro »n hoswi Mill pr»> Kca rruy. Nch. fOklahoma und to Im* |pt Wuhu, < *hina West Texas loaqotn. fal. iy’t m.»*kon was* largely <t> - 4o thf* transacth»n -»f routine Fridav has htn set as the pApy <*t th«- triMrmiai ronvontion Y. LEADERS TALK NIT Mi's Supporter* KiuJi’avor f<> et Tuft to Kutor S au YORK, October Ilf In au to persuade I'r*->■ i•Ik-iit Tan to j,«|\ »ctlvt part in the Vi •, V .,r k (campaign and aid in tie .■]>■: imm ary 1- Btifuje n and hi* »«,. on the Republican ticket, < iliu nnard and Uoyo tiris* um New York eount.v committee, with the |>r. stdent to-day Understood that liannurd sag to Taft that he write a letter one In the State expressing fa to See StliriHon elected disposing of Ihi .Veil Vdk ulitlcjans President Taft saw I men interested in railroad h g , that is being framed for Con Hjext geindon. Walker Ic Hines, gident and chairman of the Of directors . t the Santa 1-Y airmail Frederick Strauss and William K S Hriswold. of JI road Securities iTm mission, none th> men who talkedrail Diutter*. tFJ) PKOIM.K WII.L BfVEXK HKRK \OV. 1<* fhave been Issued t>\ the Negro Society of Virginia, r* by the Hampton Negro for representatives of all •octettes and organizations In to meet here Nov. 10, when convention will held to on what the colored race lied during recent years the old organisations will nor is it the special pur > aociety to inaugurate new proposed merely to a» Taruwreu the negro U m mu kin* to suggest new (lnr* for growth and deselopme nt. Sent to Hcfnrma tory. tVilliam Jackson. n small colored In.y. was sent to. the reform whom following hi* trial in poller rnurt Wednesday The hoy wit* charge.i with entering the dw elling of P .1 Mullen. SOI St Paul Ktreet. on the night of October 4 and stealing $15. William Paine, another boy *h" war charged with being Implicated in the robbery. was dismissed OIUKCT TO PAVING OKMIRRAUK ON GAPS \v asington, i» c Oct is -serious <>b»jc tion to a railroad rule requiring Pro* tor and Gamble a Cincinnati firm, to pay damutriiRe charge* on their own .-ar* on their own private trmck§ «ip made Hi the hearing before the Inter state Commerce < ’ommission io-daj lawyers for the firm grjrited that wh *n • heir private tars am on the private track* of the company. there xhouM t>e no demurrage charg* The case wa* taken under consideration by the Com - mission CHILDREN MM ( li.'iiilor'- Offspring Plan liling Sit!- !.> lire;,k Cavalii’ii Aoifi incut. NEW YnJtK. ,‘ttohei- II* —Prep- i aratlons w»r«- mad*- h* re to-da> lor the filing of suits b> th** children of j Robert VV. Chanter f<* set aside the j aK 'cmcni nl • tinnier and l.lna CavaluTi Ciordem Treland, j ", h" iva< ye*te*rda\ appointed euar- 1 dinn of the two c hildren of Chattier i and hi* first wife. Julia Chamberlain i <‘hauler, will bring the suite*. Frederick Watrls*. who represents the first Mrs Chanler. will also eare fer the Interests of the children who have oil h n $5,000 arirult} from the Chattier estate COL SMITH CHOSEN LIEUT. COMMANDER Ndi nt Wiir (mve-nnir Now hi Lint1 In Rt Ileinl of Veteran."'. tSpe. ini to The Kie hmond Virginian ) .N'lillFuCK. VA . Oi’tober 10.-■■Col onel Thomas Smith, of Warrenton. son of Fxtrii Hilly" Smith. Virginia s war governor, was telet teel third lleu tenant eommander of the* fTmnti I'arniJ. Virginia Confederate* Veterans, to-day Me Is thus put In lint for the grand eommandershlp. Captain \V (' Whittle, of Norfolk, w as i It t te*d grand eontmander and Hon. Harry Wooding, of Hutnlllt, se-e .#mel lieutenant eommander All other "direr* remain In office. Warm tribut'-s wen- paid to tha late Senator John W Iianlel, who wa* chairman of the history committee by ills sueeessor. Cetural T. T. Mun forei. ami others. WHOM; MAN CAUO.HT IN sonn CAROLINA Because the (’oniniunwva 1th attor ney of Brunswick ban learned that the man now being held in South Carolina for a murder committed In V irginia i* not Kddic Simmons, the fugitive wanted, he has asked that the requisition made on the* governor of the Palmetto State be recalled. Secretary B 1\ Owen has conse quently telegraphed to the sheriff, who in holding the suspect, that he is no longer wanted by Virginia offi cers. and authorized him, as far an this State is concerned, to liberate him. KKCmsi KILLKD, SLA Y VAIS lirXTKD .hfKSo.V KV . Oct. 19—Matt t’rawford. wealthy Kentucky distiller and a nephew of the late Judge James Hargis, of feud fame, was shot and instant!> killed it his distillery two miles from Jaeks«»n to-day The authorities ar» searching for three no n and a women seen to leave th« vicinity after a number of shots were heard. ^ RAM. IM.AYKRS 111’KT I N .1 oV R11)K WRECK N K W teltl.KANH l.A Oct lie K.l LuuL Brown*. and St Paul Association team. and two other baseball players tt'i-rn injur* '!. or » fatally, while joy riding »*arh today Plarence Hi’If formerly a player of the Wellington • 'lull. State league. wan hurled tw«»nty fret and his condition to-da\ is critical. George Grant, a retired player was also badly hurt. The rnaehine struck a raided plank mi a bridge while traveling .sixty miles an hour. POWHATAN AUTHORITIES COMING FOR PRISONER Lula Lockett. the negro woman frnm Powhatan count.\ who if* being held tor the authorities of that county on the charge of Infanticide, w ill he taken away for trild the latter part of this week. A telegram was sent to Pow hatan county advising the authorities that she is tuftler arrest and a reply was received Thursday. The woman has he'*ti advised by her attorney not to talk and she refuses to give any in formation concerning herself or her alleged crime. .irm*punik \ r i: k \ p put l».\IU>0\KI> BY .irilCJE WELTS !>. .7. Dunnlvant the white matt who attempted to advise Judge Wells how to conduct the Henrico County Clr« nit <*ourt at the afternoon session Tuesday was released Tuesday night nftt r spending several hours in Jail. II*- apologized to the judge and was n«»t charged up with any fine for con tempt of court ^ Marriage ldceu*e <. ran ted. A marriage license was Issued in the clerk's office of the Henrico County Gireuit Court Thursday to Joseph M Winston and Mary Lucille Brauer \Cuh*—Brent (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) HEATH8VILLK. VA o< t 19 St. Stephens Episcopal church, tn Heathsvtlle, Va. was the scene of one of the most elaborate weddings this season at 7 1 o’clock Tuesday morning, when Miss Alina Mason Brent. daugh ter of i>r. and Mrs. A. M Brent, be came the bride of Mr. Milton Mercer Neale, of Itonora, Pa., Kev. Lewis Car ter Harrison performing the cere rnon Mr. Garnett Booker was maid of honor and Mr Wirt Neale was test man. Little Miss Brent Boyd was ring bear ar. The unbar* wars Os. j Richmond Virginian s Commercial Weather Map Oct. 19 ObttrviUMi tftk'cm »t I A. U. luttoi Tim*. U. S. Department of Agriculture' WEATHER BUREAU /Ys WILLIS. LMOORC.^Chief Htghait t»mp»ntur»i lurlni preceding >1 fcoura at— >M»u,ira ••Awn Ml •r ceatlDwow* Um mm • M.T 0£t* m«rt4Uf ilM . • fkrwili Wictr. if hm) t|r nirmrovn, va . o, t m for Richmond and vicinity night and Thu'f»da> . colder afternoon For*-*' a *t Ha In to Thursday WASHINGTON. D <\. Oct 19. For' < ast for V'lrginia Rain to-night and Thursday, colder Thursday afternoon STMaoulndirate Mf of wither O alaaffi A Mni, the wlndT First fleur*. ■Iiliiwi tiBMntm »y^kcM,f rminfslT. If ft «4aftl« !■!•«£! »kir4, wind of M wilna mr kMf or wonw Ronton .. New York Washington RICHMOND Norfolk . Atlanta . New Orleans Galveston Jacksonville Buffalo . St. Paul . St. Louis .... Kasas ±City . . . Chicago . Denver . Salt Isike City San Francisco Portland Ore . Memphis Pittsburg . .70 .76 .71 .75 .74 .76 84 .*« .74 .80 . 82 .80 .78 . 54 . '.4 .80 .61 HU .80 Highest J a. Lowest Current. 78 at Burr wood 16 at Alberta. Swift WKATHKR CONDITION8. The tropical storm reported in the cast Gulf region is moving alowl> northward along the Atlantic coast, and this morning It appears to be central just nt,rth «»f Jacksonville. Fla. Oab-s. with moderate to heavy rains and high tides continue to attend It* progress. ln the northern Rocky Mountain region and in the northwest Canadian pro vinces the temperature* have fallen (1t>(|(h»(Uy during the past 24 hours and are now below the freezing point at Gal gary. Albutc and at Swift Current also at Havre. Montana. Snow Is falling at Denver. Colo., and at Winnipeg. Manitoba. Mends 8. B, ent, of Petersburg. Va.; Mcsars. Catetby Ware. M Robinson. H. Gordon Biumlon The bride was beautifully (owned in prune colored satin flnlahed broadcloth, with hat and (love* to match, and colored violets.! The maid of honor wore lavender j messallne and large black picture hat. and carried pink lat France roses. The out-of-town guests were Mrs | I. I- Neale, of Whealton. V'h ; Pr. ; Meade 8. Brent. of Petersburg. Va.; Professor J H. Brent, of Richmond, j Va.; Mr. S. G. Neale, of Bowler*. Va.; Miss Mary N'ealr. of Bowlers. Va.; Messrs. t'ateaby Ware and Robinson, j Bonier*. Va.; Mr. N. W Neale. Park ersburg. W. Va.; Mrs A. K. Cralle, i Mundy Point. Vn ; Mr. and Mrs. • ’laude Neale. Bnluda. Va. The church was beautifully deco rated with ferna and potted plants. siramrr Otcrdtic. GALVESTON. TEX., t >ct. IK No report had been received at noon to day from the steamer Progreso, four days overdue from Havana to Galves ton. and the vessel's agents fear she has been lost In the Caribbean hurrl ] cane. The Mallory line teamship Concho '■ arrived to-day from Key West, hav ' ing passed south of the gulf storm. A part of the deck railing on the Concho, however, was carried over , board by the high sea. THEY KNEW HIM AS OTTOMUELLER Frcilorick Oohlianlt. on Trial far Murder is identified as Another Man. RIVER HEAD. J,. 1 . Oct. IP. Pos itive Identification of Frederick Geb j hardt. on trial for the alleged murder | of Anna Luther, as the man who pos ted a* Otto Mueller, was made at the trial to-day by Henry VVerpup, of Newark. N, J. Werpup testified that Gehhardt, under the name of Mueller. * ftved at hi* home In 190#. and that it was In his home that he married | the Luther woman. « i The witness did not know at the i time that Gehhardt had a wife and | twl children. He said thut shortly after Oelihardt's marriage to Anna j Luther the couple went to Europe to visit relative* of the witness. Werpup also Identified pieces ot I Jewelry found alongside the skele ) ton in the Islip woods as belonging ! to the Luther woman. He Identified | also * picture of the dead woman. W’hen Werpup rose in hi* seat and ' pointed out Gehhardt as the man he , knew as Mueller, the prisoner winched. | but soon regained his composure. Mrs. ! Werpup .corroborated the testimony of | her husband, i ' i Western Union Officers Re-elected. I NEW YORK. Oct. i».—The direr- j ' tor* of Ihe Western I'nion Telegraph ! Company met to-day and re-elected ull ! ! the retiring officers. Including Presl- | j dent Robert C. dowry, who had been I i "slated to go." according to Wall Street rumor*. _ _ * New Mail Edition. From this dale. The Richmond Virginian, will, in addition to the three editions already * printed, issue another edition in time to mail it on the trains leaving Richmond at 3 P. M. This edition can be sent to all stations on the Norfolk <* Western between Petersburg and Norfolk and Petersburg and Lynchburg, and to such Mat ions on the Southern Railway between Richmond and Durham as have postal service. If any of our subscribers who are getting the State Edition desire to be served with this 3 P. M. edition, and receive this edition of The Virginian in the evening, instead of the State Edition in the morning, they will please write at once stating iht ir wish and the change will be made. With this addition to our service, The Virginian will be printing four editions, two of which are prepared with special reference to our city subscribers, and two with special reference to our out of town subscribers and thus our out of town subscribers who desire an evening service can receive the 3 P. M. edition of The Virginian, and those who desire the morning service.can secure the' State Edition, as heretofore. The growth of our circulation both in the city and in the State at large has been so great In recent weeks, that we feel constrained to make public acknowledgement of our thanks for the support Which we are receiving. - h The Virginian for Virginia. ' ___• • _ NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND n’uUa(*oi Ward Iltaii aad Alr«rtl»»amta rcfdvtd a< Vlrjlil* Bwrcaa, J. W. Craaa'a Start, ISM Hall alraM. COUNTY FI OPENS MONDAY Kirs; Annual Exhibit of Products of' ('lioMortH-ld Will 1 ake i’lacc. Tin- llrst annual fair uf i m sterflold county will open Monday at the Court* house, and the occasion promises to usher in what will be h yearly treat Governor Mann and Superintendent of Public Instruction Eggleston will make addresses The event is assured of success. judging by the Interest which has been manifested by farmers and other residents of the county. There will be many prizes for corn, and, in fart, all agricultural products, as well as for the handiwork of wo men. The Merchants and Mechanics Bank of Manchester has offered a prize of $100 for the best five acre crop of corn, to he divided equtilly between the high land and low-land yield. A second prize of $50 will be divided In a simi lar manner. Four prizes of $*T- vat ii will be given for the next best crops raised on high land. The judges for thes. awards will be chosen from the six magisterial dis trieis. The object of the fair is to promote interest Id agricultural pursuits and Increase the development of domestic science. COIN TV AKTHOKITIES SEEK HAD NEGRO For feloniously assaulting Albert Palmer, colored. George Kedd. a bad negro of Drewry's Bluff. Is being sought by the <'hest. rib Id county po ller. Palmer appeared before Magis trate l„ VV. Cheatham Tuesday with a severely out head lit declared that he had been struck with an Impro vised blackjack by Kedd, but had suc ceeded In taking the weapon away from nim. The ''blackjack** consisted of an Iron nut. weighing nearly a half-pound, sewed up in a piece of overalls. INSANE NEGRESS FINALLY i APTTRED I.ula Jackson, colon d. an insane ncgress. who left her home in Sec ond street. Northslde, last Friday, was found by Counts tittle. - Fllnn Tues day afternoon at McIntosh's quarry, with her clothing wet and almost In tatters, the woman w.ts idiotically talking to herself, but offered no re sistance when taken Iti custody. She declared she was going to Powhatan county and had walked across the rocks i.l the James river- Her ap pearance gave truth to this statement, for what garments she wore were wet and bedraggled and torn almost to rags She had nearly 13 hidden In her shoe. The woman was sent to the Richmond Jail and a lunacy com mission has been called to pass upon her case. Fined for Fighting. "Boots” Williams. Kinney Kills and Jim Taylor were each lined J2.60 and costs In police court No. 2 Wednesday morning for righting Henry Holland was fined Jf> and i costs for drunkenness and disorderly i conduct. Ho to Petersburg. Washington Camp. No. 32. Patri otic Sons of America, of Manchester, and other lodges of Swansboro and the N'orthslde. will go to Petersburg Friday night, where the members will be the guests of Washington Camp, i No. 30. Engagement* Announced. The engagement of Mr Russell | Fitzgerald, of No. 1208 Hatnbridge ! street, and Miss Masie Strader, of I McDonough street, has just been an i nounced. The wedding will take place November 19. IVrsonals. Messrs. K. L. Kidd and A. F. Don j aW have returned from Philadelphia, where they witnessed the first two games of the world's championship , baseball juries. 1 Mr. L. V. Lucas, who has been in business in Manchester for some time, will return shortly to his former home i In Greensboro. N. C. ! STRIKE IMMINENT ON WESTERN ROADS —--— ST. UiFIS. Oct. 19. — A general istrlke of union employes In the me I ehanlcal departments of the Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain Railroads will be effective to-morrow unless the demands of the striking machinists arc I granted Machinists numbering 1,200 I have been out for three months. A ! strike among allied tradesmen will in crease the strikers' ranks to 5.000 t’nlon officials to-day are awaitin'! ; Wte return of A. W. Sullivan, general : manager of the system, who will act on the union's ultimatum. TRIBUTE OF RESPECTS TO SENATOR POLLIVER KURT DODGE, 1A.. Oct. 19—This city paid Its last respects to Its late (fellow townsman. Senator Dolllver, this afternoon when nearly the en tire population of the city filed paat the bier of the dead statesman. The body lay In state on the wide front . porch of the Dolllver Ijome. and will again bet on view from 7 to 9 o’clock this evening In order to give laboring men who were unable to be present to-day, an opportunity to view It. The funeral will take place -to-mor i row afternoon. 1 COM DIMES OBSERVE mm Mr*. Cox Gives Handsome Lunch eon in Honor of Eighteenth Anniversary and Guests. BRIGHT SPEECHES MADE Mrs. Dashiell Gives Toast to So ciety ami Mrs. Robins Reads Sketch of It* Life. Mr*. William Ruffin Cox. president of the National Society, of Colonial Dames, and also president of the So ciety of the Colonial Dames in the State of Virginia, was hostess at a beautiful luncheon in her home, Sb9 West Grace street, on Wednesday. Mrs. Cox invited the Colonial Dames of Richmond and or Petersburg to meet her house guests. Mrs. Jamieson, of New Volk, tirst vice-president «>f the, national society, anti Mrs. Miller, of Delaware, who I* the national secre tary, and to celebrate the eighteenth anniversary of the founding of the Virginia society. i The table was appropriately and at tractively decorated in blue and yel low. the colors of the society. A large birthday cake, surrounded by eighteen yellow candles and ornamented with blue and yellow roses. wag cut by Mrs. James Lyons, w ho founded the \ ir ginla society. Mrs. William Todd Robins, the his torian, briefly sketched the most im portant accomplishments wrought by tile Dame* during toe past eighteen years in a vivid and interesting man ner. The Colonial Dames number among their members many of the most prominent women itt the State, and their work along literary and histori cal lines has accomplished much This luncneon. ceieuraung iut-u - anniversary, was a unique as well as a most interesting affair. Mrs. I>tislih‘irs Toast. Mrs. Dashiell's t«>ast t\» the society was as follows: “Eighteen years ago to-day there issued Into being the Society oi Colo nial Damea of America in the State of Virginia, under the will, the cour age and the enthusiastic energy of a small number of women wh■ >*e an cestors had been makers ot the na tion. “in making good wishes to a being of eighteen years, one general!) looks towards the future only, with but small regard for the past, but not s«* In this case, for these eighteen years i show a wonderful record of accom plishing nt. From the beginning the I society entered upon great works— works of moment to the State, the na | tion and to future generations. His i tory and education, one t<» her the i preservation of records whose loss would have been Irreparable; the res toration of churches and historic graveyards: honor to the memory <*t [illustrious men in giving opportunity to their descendants, honor to her i self by the bestowal of scholarships. ! (memorial tablets on Institutes of learning and tribute and honor 0> the heroes and martyrs of the Span ish war. “Between the sections severed by blood and disaster of civil strife, the society has been a potent factor in bringing about a eorclial. one may 1 well say. a loving friendship; there fore, anu for all these things, l ask I you to join in a toast and a -birthday wish to one so fair and so deserving j with the cure faith that, under the guidance of one of that small number ] who brought th< society Into being I and who, “As one lamp lights anoth* r and glows not less. j S<> nobleness enkindbth nobleness." has given of her thought, time, tal ents and gracious courtesy, the best wish we can offer to the society on ' this. Its eighteenth birthday. Is in j the poet1* words j ’ That her future may but copy* fai; her past!** Report of Mrs. Robins. Mrs. Uohins kk etched in detail the manifold activities of the society from j the time of its birth until the pres j ent day. While at first it essayed few ! branches of work, it has since broad ; ened its scope until its influence is lelt 1 in the preservation of Colonial anti ques in the educational advantages of | Virginia. In the making of history and the recording of history, an l In ; a|l things dear to the patriot’s heart. | Its entertainment, of a social charac ter, Including several large affairs at wit' jriiriMin HI1U UI l<»rK town and other historical points, have been brilliant and have added much to the aortal life of the Old Dominion. In conclusion Mrs. itoblns said: "The society of Dames loves its State and its country. It is therefore able to undertake all Itung*. and It completes many things and brings them to a conclusion where he who does not love, found his doom." KvM< nee in ( 'Hiring Serape Not Surticu nt to Warrant a < 'onviet ion. The case of Eva Warrlner. the young white woman, charged with cut ting J. H. Herring with a knife, woe dismissed in Police Court Wednesday morning. Herring, Mrs. Lucy Kranzer and her ' brother, Walter Wingfield, testified for the prosecution. Several witnesses for the defense served to mix up the evidence in such a way that no conviction was possible. The trouble occurred Monday night at 108 South Second street, a board- | lug house kept by Mrs. Kranzer. The j Warrlner woman was a boarder in the i house and had some words with Her- j ring when he came in from work. She | testified that she did not cut the man. : and he stated that she did cut him, but that he could not see what she cut him with. I The woman made her escape fol- ; lowing the quarrel, and was looked j for by the police all day Tuesday. She gave herself up Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock. | Herring Is well known In police dr- : cles, having served a term In Jail for killing Charles A. Hern several years ago. SENDS THREE STAMPS TO CONSCIENCE FCNb WASHINGTON, D. C„ Oct. 1».— The conscience fund of the Postofflce Department wtg to-day enriched by the receipt ot three two-cent stamps. The sender declared that he was short a lew cents on the postage of eev crtl document* end wished to settle hU account with Uncle Sam. The let ter wee postmarked Muncy, Per., Octo ber >6, and addressed to, the post master in Washington. Flay* radian Inspector*. I.AKG MOHONK, N. T.. Oct. I*:— Before the take Mohonk conference of friends of the Indians and other dependent peoples, which opened here to-day, Matthew K. Snlffen. secretary of the Indian Rights Association, se verely criticised tne operation of the Indian Inspection service, suggesting a special secret service as a substitute. Francis K. I.eupp. ex-commissioner of Indian affairs, urged popular sup port for Commissioner Vallentlne. and deplored the public tendency to form "snap Judgment." Net* Count for Tacoma. WASHINGTON. O. C-, Oct. IP.— A new census' enumeration may be or dered for Tacoma. Washington, as the result of protests "received from the commercial bodies of that city, since the discovery of padding frauds there was announced. JIGKSONCISE GOES TO JURY ! William Finnegan. Badlv Shot I'p Appears Against Hi Assailant. The case of L. A. Jackson, charged with shooting William Finnegan witli a shotgun on September 6. came tit, for a hearing In police court Wednes day and was sent mi to the grand Jury. The case had been continued Tfrotn time to time for the reason that Finne gan was not able to appear in court on account of his injuries He came to court on crutches Wednesday. He stated that he can give no reason for the -hooting An X-ray picture of one of Finnegan's Know# irial no Jcs* than t#*n *nnf atv imbedded in the flail surrounding tiie heel and ankle. So evidence was heard. The ease was sent on by the mutual consent of the attorneys. Jackson was released on $1,000 bail. GOULD NAME OWN PRICE FOB VOTE IV (iravt-i Strrtck Hv ('omuiiucc I uvcsii(-ating Xcw 1 "rk Fraiuls. XKW V'»IIK. < hr J i* That he i nuld have "named his own j.ri< .• ' for his to kill the ant!-rm <• trw k gambling Wile, forced through the t.-g i Mature of l!>f>* tty Governor Hughes, was sworn to to Congressman Otto Foelker to-day. Foelker wns a inern lier' of the Ftate Seriate at that time, anti the story he ■ t-vealed to the leg islative graft inveatlagting I'ommil I tee was the most sensational ever to - I veloped In the State's history. Front an initial offer ot Slu.tMMi for i his vote, Ktielker swore, the figure orawjed up to f$9,00U Then, when he still remained adament. the "lid was torn off and word was s. nt to him, i while he lay on what »«? at tne time expected to be liis death tool, 11titt all he had to do was i . itx th. sunt tie ileal red and the money would i t>e forthcoming "Hut there was not nionev enough jin the State to have enusetl me ro ia-tra.v my constituents." said Foelker ! with emphasis. l‘lt> Gravel. The investigation to-day struck the 1 first "pay gravel.” All of the shame . till story of the bridge trust influence, ] of the beet sugar gralters and of th. 1 stock manipulation Is barred by tne statutes of limitations Hut Fociker » I charge is actionable under the law, atul it was the opinion of the mem bers of the commute* that a wide spread grand jury investigation, which ' will tuke in a great portion of the State, must result. Foelker and two other witnesses ! united in geeusing former State Sena tor Frank J Gardner as the almoner of the rave track fund Gardner was present, and, sitting by the side of his bride of three weeks, listened to the story without a change of counte nance. "They tell It well, don’t they," ha said when asked by the t'nited Press If ha had anything to say in reply. Gardner. Is under indictment for al leged bribery. MR. CHOATE PLEADS FOR HISTORIC TITLE Former Ambassador A>k* That Whiskev Makers Be Allowed to Keep *'Blemletl’\ WASHINGTON, R. Oct. IS.—With ■Jos. H. Choate. former United Stat, » ambaesndor to Ht. James. appearing Hi behalf of a Canadian wulskey Arm. tha light against forming the concern to l>ut the word "blended" In tha title of Its product when aold In this country, was thrashed out before Attorney Gen eral VVlckersham to-day. Solicitor Mc Cabe of the Department of Agriculture appeared for the government. Choate made a masterly plea In bqpalf of the whiskey concern, contending that It should be allowed to retain Its '‘histor ic title". Wlekersham reserved title. CASE LOOKS BID This Now Common Belief and Inquest Has Been Indefinte Jy Postponed. SAN FRANCISCO. CAD.. Oct. 1*.— That anarchists of the red type blew up the plant of the Doe Angeles Times Is now the belief of the San Francisco police, following developments result ing from the recent finding of 500 pounds of dynamite in a vacant cot tage In South San Francisco. It was announced to-day In Dog Angeles that the Inquest had been i.idettnltely postponed "on account of important developments." The pollcg are preserving thW utmost secrecy, but arrests are expected before night Mrs. Belle Davln, arrested yesterday on chargea of being an accesory of the crime, is believed to know where the two men who gave the names of ‘‘Bryce" and “Morris" are. The police assert that she has communicated with the tgo men within the lwi/weefc. f: «/ , t , y ■ N ■h v k M ■u&mL?!k £ it\ hi m W