Newspaper Page Text
Wants Situations Wanted—Male. fA LEHMAN NOW ON ROAD. 8BLL lng stationery, lithographing, cn g raving, blank books and printing, desires to affiliate with Richmond Arm. calling on city trade only, salary or commission. Address LITHOGRAPHING. lilt Houlevard, City. kt’TOMOBI LE MACHINIST WISHES position with garage; A 1 references. Address R. A. M„ 221 East Clay street City. _ ROY WANTS POSITION AS 8TENOU rapher for half day. Good refer ence* Would like place from 9 to 2. Address Q-l, rare Richmond Vir ginian. REGISTERED OR ASSISTANT RKG Istered druggist; give terms and references. Answer Lock Bo* 14. Blacks!one. va. ___ tlCENSKD CHAUFFEUR, COLORED, wishes position; references fur nished. Address 0. K. PRINCE, DO 1 V* North Seventh street, city. _ WANTED POSITION HY DRUGGIST; si* years' experience, reference fur nished. Address llox No. 14, Old • Point. Va._ __ WANTED, POSITION AS FINE ME chanlc and genersl rei>alr man or assistant foreman, best of references given. Address E W. CHARLES, Bermuda Hundred, Va. Wanted, position by druggist; six years' experience; reference fur nished. Address Box No. 14. Old Point. Va. __ WANTED— POSITION BY COLORED chauffeur. Address JIM FORD. "0t> _North Third ___ JANITOR. PORTED, ELEVATOR MAN, experienced R H Holmes. 412 N Graham __ A RICHMOND COLLEGE STEDKN > . also experienced teacher and clerk, desires few boor* work • each day during I lie present session. Box Mi Richmond College. VO I 'NO WHITE M AN WANTS POSI tllr. as machinist helper or In ft'". - •.ri Address R. F. D No, 1, Box 22, AAoiand, Va, _ A PRACTICAL DaTkY WORKER. CA - pahle of managing s dairj. wants situation, uamo from best dairy sec tlon In Canada. In Virginia three years. Address I. E MARTIN, R. F D.. N 2 Ashland. Vs Wanted, by m'ahri'ed~man with wife and self, for now and coining year, position at farm work or on shares, well experienced in farm ing. Address tua Decatur street. Manchester. Va Wanted— hy capable young man. position In office, city salesman tir house salesman, experienc’d m ail lines of merchanttle business, ref erences exchanged Address II . 42t. North Tenth street, city EXPERT ACCOUNTANT RK8IRKS work outside regular office hours Address ACCOUNTANT DOtf East Leigh street BOOK KKt.F EK WANTr in u ».> A-ldrtw FRANTS 6lv North* Eighth. yen nu foloked ih>y, is ykahsOf ago, not It Ion with prlvai* family \ddre«K MELVIN WHITE. « «re Virginia!). KLKt'TKM'AL FOSITH >N WANTED BY Krartuafr of ©b ctric&l *t hyt»L Ad dress Box 7, Wiliianiston, N. C. A FI l;8T CLASS KXFERIKNVLi ■ bookk^oper and tv pewriter d*** iro> position, knowledge Monograph y thoroughly competent tt * take charge, excellent New York referen r©« WILLI AM PLi'MB, Sorro rvilh * V J V A NTKD 11Y EX Cl’ 1! 1KN ■' K1 * Man place nu manage r on farm, or would rent farm on shares, also hand?- with tools, good at repair work. *t< . can give good reference* Address MAN AGER, 18<r» Dance street Licensed chaitkeck. colored, wishes position, reference* furnished Address CiiAlTFEnt, 70* -North Fifth street, city 2an lexpBkiKNci:i> sten<«iuhii:i: desires to change position Add re** A Box ti!6 , Situations Wanted—Female. V ANTED BY KXPERIKN'-EI> T-'l'N'i lady, single entry bookkeeping. po 1ns. cashiering • T k.m ■ • !* . • work Address C. cure Richmond Virginian Wanted in wit ion by kdi catkd stenographer «»f live, expe rience In commercial, law and im-m • nc- offices, and us private ■■eerotary to college president. ample refer enoe*. including present employer Address Ml SB VV J. K. Box DM. tod fortl City. Va W'ANTED—POSITION To ASSIST IN doing light work in « private no rot or institution In the cli> Good home and moderate con4w»n»utioi». Addre* giving rvferene*' .MISS J*\. cire post master, Carters vt!h\ Va AN KU'KRLY LADY DKSIRKS IM»8I tlon as companion in refined famslv: would assist in hous*-k« fpinK anil sewing Addr^Kj* A. 14. N Fourth itrret £ A DY \Vt >1: LP LI K K TO G FT DAILY employment to asaist in a family from 10 o'clock A M. to 5 o’cIock I\ M Address MISS N M.. Station V. Hit hrmoul. Vtt REFINED CUl>»UED GIUL WANTf> position as Ijouhc girl or waliregu. Apply at 1027 Hickory Mr> « t STAMPING AND DESIGNING FOB embroidery and art work 1033 West Grace street. X \Y A NT F V MIL Y W ASHi.Nti S A ! isfat lion «niar<inteed. Apply 711* N Second a treat. WANTED. WASHING To DO At home. Apply Monday No. 60? Kant Baker street. Wanted—peace as 'cook, ntksi. or chamber rua,*!. good reference. Apply 2 West I»ck*on. 10 A M young lady,' with five yeah.; *ucces«ful experience in toarhtng. deslren position in private school, 1» or rear Richmond; can furnLsh best reference* Address It.. 61? Fifth avenue. Highland Dark, Richmond. Va. __ Volnu uoir or experience de •dreg position to teach in private family: usual English branches: hc Klners in I-atln and algebra Ad dress MISS C., Box 25, Chula. Va EXPERIENCED TEACHER. WITH first grade certificate, normal train ing, good references." desires position In a graded school, a grammar grade preferred Address MISS It M., II. F. D. No. 64, Hampton. Va A REFINED YOUNG LADY, WHO IS excellent housekeeper, has given sat isfaction as companion for invalid reads well aloud, and can do plHln sewing, wishes a position at once, references exchanged, Address MISS J. B., 61SI Fifth avenue. Chestnut Hill. Richmond. Va. WANTED—BY YOUNG LADY. C.EN eral office work. Address MISS L. Box IT, Uourtland, Va. In eij>krly lady Wishes a home in a refined family to assist in •owing and housekeeping, refer ences given and required. Address A. B. O., No. 14 North Fourth street. Richmond, Va. Wanted—EXPERiEN' itb . young lady stenographer, with best refer cnees and diploma. desire* position Apply to BUSINESS. P. U., Box 74, Flncastle, Va. _ WANTED—PLAIN SEWING TO DO AT home. «00 East Grace street. WANTED. BY COMPETENT. KXPE rienced and well educated stenogra pher and office woman, position at .,n„ Address 210 Virginia street. Farmvtlle. Va._ A NICE WASHERWOMAN WOULD Ilka nice waahlnir to do at home Ap ply to 70S North Second street MARY PARKER _ FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS TO' BE _ftmndet5j£iJNortliThlrd*trt>et___ MILLINERY. III^ROTKCTrOgCTrTyTatfBfSrBgS ether old stand, >14 E. Broad street, serve her old c aeneraHy; of millinery Wants V Wants i Want Ad Rates One cent per word when paid taken for less than ten cents. in advance. No paid ad No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. U .= I Situations Wanted—Female. 1 WANT KAMIL. V WASHING. NICK, clear water. satisfaction guarantees. 1 ^^ammmB Help Wanted—Female. 1 only whites an employed—■chamber maid ami waitress; private family Address 127 this office. _ _____ | w^tko^SihlsTto make paper boxes good pay: steady employment and light clean work; beginner* paid well while learning. Apply to Till 1 RANDOLPH PAPER BOX CO., Ho*a Help Wan ted -Male. WANTED—1! FIRST CLASS STEAM Hiid hot waltr fltt.’rs at once. *'■ LUNG WORTH & CO.. No. 1 North Seventh street. _ WANTED- BRIGHT. CLKVKK. INDCS trtou?* hoy for office work Apply M ram Richmond Virginian, _ Lost. eTfrmrrrrn^f'^ from iny place, adjoining Chestnut Hill and formerly known as the !>« Witt Poultry Farm, my black and tan female Hotter, pup Liberal reward for her return or any information leading to her recovery. W. H MOORE __ | Real Estate for Sale. M’Kmi, K IKM BARGAINS. $6,750 «0 ACRES. CLOSE TO CAR line. excellent road; dwelling contain* 13 rooms, all necessary outbuildings j 5o acres m good state cultivation, bal i m wood. Thin is a dandy bargain. $15,000 -1800 ACRES: ro.VVKNiKNl to f: It. ir room dwelling and out buildings in fair condition, aevera; large .tobacco barns; TOO acres clear e»i and in good state cultivation, well water-d by stream- This is an in vestment $4.5 00-— 54 A1: H I- l A C LC>8 K TO E L*E < ' trie line, Lg chared in good state ol i cultivation, bal. In wood. T room hou*p and outbuildings in good eon <)>!!■•• « nt sre place fenced ; good or 2SS n*NVRMKNT T< R. R s* room good i ^usi- and out bu 1 Idi ng• lart* lubai-co barns. 1<*< j x< res cleared. bal. In timber and wood i Tin* i*. a rar^ bargain ; 370 ,\rj<K DAIRY FARM. UliOSE T< Hit imiond, modern equippment Srutip t<» h quick bu' jt-r. Jli.fHh* --i'lj -V< Hi:s CLOSE to south. j Richmond 11 room house In «oo< rofidUlot! ever> n* cessary outbuild i Imk on *-%*■> Kent road. T& it » high state of cultivation bah in «c»<h: grad** wood We hive hundred* oi ntln-r bargain' K^e u» GAHKKTT A < o 4 Hn>'« K Main I Shoe Repairing_ ~,iV HALF SOLE MEN'S KHOBS; LA <1i»s »0c, children's S«c. and up. e» «> t y pa t r mo wed DK E 'V S E LFa - THir SHOE FACTORY. 716 E Ma.n Street Rhone Monroe -hb~ Miscellaneous. H \NTED TO IIENT. UTdT.D LIKE To HUNT HOI 8 8 WITH HESS'NSIBLE I'ARTV ' > \\ i;<T END I! \VK SBVKHAt llul'si.H IN VIEW ItKFF.ItKNtT l-.XiTI iXlilT ADDRESS H-42. CAHK KITH NluX D VIRGINIAN WAIiONS W U.IINS, W AIiOXS. I OPEN AND TOP FROM $6T> TP. SI R rles. runaburns and ton buggies from !4.'. up MUburn and Thornhill Earn W .-iRons, narrow and wide tires, ffoni $3:. up Uepatrin*. painting and rubber tiring a specialty Tome and net my prices before you buy. B. C BRISTOW. 11-13-15 North Eighteenth »Tt)PI l-OOK t'I> THINK. JOHN I.A TOV’TIIK. JR. NEW PI. \CtI 417 \\ . Main. Moaroe 1452; French and steam cleanup, ladies princess and dresses cTeaned $1.5tlj_ pleated skirts French cleaned. 75 cent.*; plain. 50c.; gloves cleaned. any length 10 cents per pair, gent s *uR* dry cleaned, oOc, French cleaned 51.0U reduction in all work. TOR KENT NICE. LARGE OFFB'K beat, light and water, ground floor 1114 East Main sircv AVILES LAM COMPANY _ _ A1.1M1M M At VUE. SET. Till'. EVANS HARDWARE «!’** for the best assortment of pure Hlurhniiim ware in the city, at lowest prices 700 West Hr Olid sireel MILLINERY. MISS RTTHEUFORU IS IN BTSINESt at her old stand. 324 E Broad street and will be glad to serve tier Oh customers anil the public i?en«rally j»hc baa a beautiful line of milUner> at reasonable prices. UNREDEEMED ELGIN AND VVAL* than* watches. 20-year gold-filled case, only $7 50. STEINERS, 14 41 moukh' \mi buh i.k tires. SKK THK EVANS HARDWARE CO fur lawn mowers and bicycle tires We have the best In the. city. \t < have reduced our prices on bicycle tires for two week*. 700 W Broad j street. FORFEITED SUITCASES. At.I. SIZES $1 each. STEINER S, 1441 East Main ! street. __ HAIR. HITMAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at Hughe's. I0» N. Third street. t'Ol.U WATER PAINT. ! C’AU'IMO, THE ORIGINAL COLL water paint; easy to apply; all col ors; write ur phone for color card more Calcimo sold than aU the watel paints combined. ELBA HARo WARE CO.. Agents. Henry and Broad TOOLS AND CUTLERY. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN TOOt> or cutlery. see the EVANS HARD WARE CO., best line at lowest prices In city. 700 West Broad St. 10.. FIVE-FEET STEP LADDERS GO AT ROc. this week; six-foot. go at tic. VAUGHANS. Opposite Cohen Co. FORFEITED REMINGTON DOUBLED barrelled haromerles*. 10-gauge only 117.50. STEINER’S. J1441 East Main street. FORFEITED , makes, I*. Main street. SINGLE GUNS, STEINER’S 1441 ALL J Business Opportunities. CITY 8 A LKRM A N, T ft A V K LINO Kalenman and office man wanted tor immediate position wltii going con ccrn«, application* received until Tuesday night; must invest $600 to J 1,000, ask for the. help man. OINIA INDUSTRIAL CO., 1102 East Main. - MAIL. ORDER. CHEMICAL BUSINESS pressing club, laundry, architect, pat ent medicine, optical business, sign hoard. others, if you want to buj or sell a business come to headquar ters VIRGINIA INDUSTRIAL CO. 114>2 East Main Stret. YOUR OPPORTUNITY' TO SECURE drummer's samples of hlgh-clase trousers' persents itself now; we got 'em cheap—so can you; but be quick. N F. JACOBS & SON, Ninth, near Broad street. _____ Personals. --———~ MRS. HAMMOND'S DRESSMAKING! AND LADIES' TAILORING PAIU IAIKS AND MODISTE. 401 W. MAIN STREET, PHONE MADISON 297T-J. For Sale. FOB SALE—WAOONS' DELIVERY farm and grocery. buggle*. aurryi and runabouts. THOS. II. DI KE ai CO. *04 Brook avenue FOR WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSON BROS *16 Brook avenue. Flat Wanted. i WANTED TO RENT A FLAT OS THREE OK FOUR ROOMS. WEST OF FIRST STREET. RENT MUST RE REASONABLE. REFERENCES KXCHAKGD. ADDRESS E. A. O CARE THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN Rooms, for Rent. FOR RENT-TWO BRIGHT ROOM.' for light hou»ekeeplng or unstable for gantle-men lodger*: u*e of l..r and phono; nice locality. Phone Madison 2678-L. _ S14 EAST CLAY; N’KWL! FU1U nished back parlor; central, modern conveniences furnished rooms to l?t Terms mod vratf 508 N. Eleventh street. T WO CON N KCTING FU KNISH K1 rooms; suitable for light house keeping. Apply 104 West Grac*\ THE A LJ51 OX, T16 EAST FRANK El N rooms for rent, permanent and trun dle tit WANTED, ONK UR TWO oenti.TT I men or a couple, for a bright fur nished room, newly papered. next L bath, convenient to phone, good ta i bio board. Address *05 Grace street or phone Monroe 2550 IFOR KENT.NICELY FURNISH El front r ootn. private family. $T pet month 2»0T East Clay. Rhone Mon i roe 2550 NICE. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS convenient to bath, hot and cold wa ter 112 North Eighth street FOR RENT, LARGE SECOND STORY front room; heated; alaio other rooms Apply 904 East Clay street. ; FOR UK.NT, A LARGE BRIGHT front room: southern exposure, suit able for couple. Apply 126 West Clay. 1 HAYTS A FEW NICE ItuiMS Koi rent rooms have all conveniences well located for business folk, boat'’ If wanted Phone Monroe 1230. oi ■ all 16 South Fifth street FUR RENT. THREE I.ARGE ROOMS with use of bath, separate eoa house, to parties without children Apply 1412 1-2 West Main. Phone Madison 2 54 6-J LARGE? BRIGHT FRONT. COMFORT able rooms. Apply 301 East Frank lin street TWO NICELY FURNISHED R* a.MS centrally located. Phone Madlsor 4 22 6. I FOR RENT. TWu. THREE OR FOCI rooms and private bath, suitable fot light housekeeping, rent cheaf Phone Madison 6633 HALL ROOM, 6l'PER WEEK; LA KG ( er room for two. *6 cents cadi pet week. 60k North Tenth street. THREE NICE. LAROE ROOMS? FI* ' stairs; with use of bath. 616 Nort! Thirty-second street. j LARGE, FURNISHED FltONT ROOM TRAYLOR. 2321 Stuart avenue Pone Monroe S4*. LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH AL j cove, newly napered; Southern ex posure, use of phone and bath, fur j nlshed or unfurnished Apply a < 1320 West Main street, or call Mad Ison *471. FOR RENT. FFHN1SHED ROOM# A& Joining bath: back porch, conveni ences Apply 15 South First street. ! FOR RENT? COMFORTABLE ROoVl furnished or unfurnished. Apply 10; \ North Twenty-ninth street. : FOR RENT, ROOM FOR UENTLEM AN Apply 304 East Main street. COMFORTABLE ROO M SFf > HI <E.-y T also transients accomodated, at SOI 1 East Main. Phone 4736. I CONGENIAL yofng lady TO SHARP j room: best locality: references ex | changed. Phone 4736. ji HAVE A NEW BRICK RplSiDEScl I occupied by myself and son; wll rent out four rooms on second (loot for 110 per month. Phone Madtsoi i K67-J, or call 3127 West Franklin. ; LARGE. "BRIGHT, EAM -HEAT EL room for gentlemen. 104 South Third ■ ■ ■ " * • «. /A l > I • | 1 I' date room*; with or without board 104 North Ninth. FOR RENT. ONE NICELY FURNISH ed small room, on Itrut floor, for gen tleman. Apply 1 *7 South Fifth 8t. FOR RENT, TWO LARUE. BRlGH'l rooms; Second and Franklin. Phon< Madison «J»1-J. NlokLr'FUBNISHfet) nROOMa wiTfi heat, bath, hot and cold wattr. 311 East Main street. FURNISHED ROOMS. NEWI„Y ~ PA* pared; central location. Apply 101 North Seventh street. FOR RENT. ONE NICK UKFUKNIHH~ ed room, on second floor. 11 1-: North Third. TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED light housekeeping; also others. *Ui East Franklin street. FURNISHED ROOM 8~CF.NT R aLLV located. E0« North kifth. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS light houeekeeplng if dealred. Ill Edit Clay. FOB RENT, A NICE LARGE FRON1 room, convenient to bath. Apply |]] Woat Clay, f ENDORSE Mil. TIFT MD HER TARIFF “Bos?'’ Aldrich Also Comes in' for Encomium «t R. 1. Convention. PROVIDENCE. R. T., October 19 — 1 After renominating the entire elate of I i present State officer*, the Republican i . State convention here to-day adopt - 1 ed strong endoHMIMiti of the Taft administration. Pa.vne-Aldrlrh tarirf bill, and the senatorial services of j Nelson W. Aldrich. The first diatriet congressional < on ; ventlon renominated Representative j : Sheffield, in the Second diatriet for-! ! mer Governor George K. Utter and [General Walter R. Stine** are lighting ; for the nomination to succeed Repre sentative Capron. HEAVY Sufis IMPOSED ON NEGRESS) —-- i Policc N'mv Searching for Men | Who Cut Henry (Jilman in • Iler Hou«o. 1 Mattie Price, colored, charged with j j conducting a disorderly house at 111 ' East Clay street, was fined $26 and placed under a bond of $:100 for six’ t months in Police Court Wednesday, j Henry Gilman, a negro, was badly ! cut in the house Tuesday night dur • ing a fight. The police are now look- j ! ing for Robert Crump and Julius; ' Vaughan, who are alleged to have i done the cutting. rOR SALK. A FOR SALE IN THE RICHMOND Virginian Want Ad*., will bring you a buyer. _ Special Norice. 'notice TO THE PUBLIC THE TA bor Realty Corporation has opened offices at 312 K. Marshall street.; where they will conduct a general) Real Estate Business and Loans. | List your farms and city property with us Prompt attention given to all. Phone Monroe 6F.+ i LADIES, TOP CAN SAVE YOCR RAIL ROAD FARE TO NEW YORK OK, ! WASHINGTON. J KATZ IS NOW I HERE. ONE OF THE BEST LADIES TAILORS FROM NEW YORK, SPE CIAL ARTIST ON FANCY SUITS | all work guaranteed, in I ORDER TO ADVERTISE HIS WORKMANSHIP. A SPECIAL PRICE ! WILL HE GIVEN ON EACH SUIT. I 200 NORTH FIFTH STREET ynr cavt hklp being satisfied, if yor get your suit frd.m ME 1 AM EXPERIENCED IN FI V I,INK AND DON'T CHARGE YOU; FANCY PRICES GOODS. TRIM MINGS AND FIT GUARANTEED, ALE THE LATEST F\BR1CS FUR NISHED LA SKA LADIES' TAILOR-! !NG CO.. 301 NO SECOND ST.,' PHONE MONROE 49?. WANTED—TO KNOW WHY THE | combined laundrte- local" th*-ir of fice* Ha near our YOU TOTE office* 1 a* they can set. and why they don’t take business as cheaply at their plants as at these offices which are j run under another name Address VIRGINIA LAUNDRY WORKS, old ] est In the business and maker of low ! I prices YOU TOTE Offices 611 W ' I Slain. 317 E Main. 1021 E. Broad. 393 North Firs:. 414 E. Marshall. 7 14 i W Broad. 107 North Seventh. 1107 j Hull. __ j : MEMBERS OF MCCARTHY COUNCIL. Nir. 4SS Royal Arcanum, are urired to attend th* regular meeting on Thursday. October 20. UG'O. at Lee i Camp Hall. Grand Regent. Henry j K. Fields will pay us an official visit, i By order of H. E. Richardson, He- j gent. (ODD FELLOWS SHOULD CARRY Aj Protection Certificate In the Fraternal Life and Accident Association. For full Information, call at offices, third floor. .Ninth and Main. City. WANTED— lt»c FOR MENS COLLARS, and cuffs: he. for shirts, 10c. for counterpane*. 20c. for blankets, at | VIRGINIA LAUNDRY'S Y< >U TOTE, OFFICES: «U W. Main. 303 North: First. 317 E. Main, 2021 E. Rroad. 711 W. Broad. 414 E. Marshall, 107 N. Seventh. HOT Hull street. .REMEMBER THE MAN WHO WILL ! dye for you R. B. LUMPKIN I i Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing Works French, dry cleaning and ' scouring Ladles' work a specialty. | Work called for and delivered Phone Monroe 23*2. 6 North Fourth St. SEVERAL TRUNKS OP DRUMMERSj ; sample trousers; special bargains; I high-grade gods; bought cheap; sold same way. N. F. JACOBS & SON. Ninth near Broad street. Rooms for Rent. LARGE FRONT ROOM; NEWLY FUR nlehad: also large heated room;, strictly private family, telephone, hath and home comforts No. 3 West j Clay. MRS. D A. BROWN. (EXTRA LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. ' steam heared. to one or two gen tlemen; permanent. $16 Phono Mad-' ' Ison 11130-1. Third flat. 403 East ‘ Franklin street. References ex- ; j changed. __ __j TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH I ed rooms for gentleman or couple on ! business women, no children; latrohe heat; nice boarding houses conven ient, centrally located. ‘“'Phone Mad ! Ison 5070-J. or 30* South .Third St. J WANTED. GENTLEMAN OCCUPANT i for hall room. Apply after 7 P. M.,i , 401 West Marshall street FOR RENT. NICELY FURNISHED i | second floor room: central location. Phone Madison 2547-J. I FOR RENT, FURNISHED ROOMS, steam heal. Apply »10 West Main street. _ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH or without hoard. 1S24 Floyd ■ avenue. _____ j WANTED, LADY ROOMERS FOR : two connecting heated rooms. Call! Madison _ ! $& A MONTH FOR BRIGHT. NEATLY ; furnished room. 1 North Sixth; street, third flat. FOR RENT, ONE NIC RUT FTKXISH cd room. Nat 1 North Sixth (Second ; * flatR __ ONE Kick BRIOHT ROOM ON I second floor, unfurnished. Ill* N. I Thtrdstreet. ._ Furnished rooms for rent—; front parlor. , furnished for office—i dortor or hunine**, roll top desk, revolving chair; Remington type writer; reasonable; private family. 507 North Sixth street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT— furnished rooms; private family; two squares from Broad. 507 North Sixth street. ___ _ DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS-; heated In winter, with, good board. JJ^JTh___ Bushaew Wants. WANTED—MEN TO RUT AN EXCEL lent line of drummers’ sample trou sers; several trunks lost opened; all avas: w*mFFast Ninth, near Broae street. PROSPECTS EXCELLENT FOR DEMOCRATIC HOUSE f> Success Magazine Makes Can vass, Which Shows That Republicans Have Lost Congress CONTROL NOW HINGES ON THIRTEEN DISTRICTS With 21 Probable Victories in 1 h< sc, 1 iemnerats will l ie, Having 189 JU*])rescniatives, And Win I5v Vote in Doubtful l.ocalitiii. PROBABLE ELECTION RESULTS I'rnt*. Proli. l>«*m Hrp Hera UTATKH Seg Knu. Me.l!f \. H. At. M. I. . I 1 I . I Tot ill ...'ll Mid. Allan. V V.IS V ,1.2 I'fna.2.K Del. Md. . Virginia W. \n. 2 Total 15 t en. <>.1> ln«l. I Kj. I Mich. ... I I Win.J» Total U» lea. West. Minn. 7 Mo. , * i 1 X. D. .... 2 *. D.2 \eb. ..... J Kan.S Mont. .I Col. Total ..20 Sou. State** X. I. *. C . ...... t;a. Fla. Ala. MImm .... * Tenn. .... 2 Ark. I .a. ....... Okla. Te*. Total I'aclfie \\ n»b. Ore. . Cal. . Aev. . I tnh H * 0 I :u j i 3 o . i Total . . II t.d. Total. KM* I l ION 20 e—Vlreail.v eleolH. Doubtful—-Maw., I; X. V„ It \. J., It |n<l. 4; Mi«*h. It Inna, 3| X. i., 2—13. NEW YORK. October 19.—r-Contro of the next congres* hinges on tht result in thirteen districts and the out come is likely to be so dose in then* that the official count will be needei to decide. This prediction is made by Succes; Magazine as the result of Its confi dential canvass of fifteen thousand o: Us life subscribers scattered in ever: section of tho I'nited States. J vs • years ago this magazine in the samt ‘way predicted the election of Presi dent Taft, its poll of the State agree tng absolutely with the official resui excepting in Missouri, which it gav« to Bryan, but at the time insistec was very doubtful, and which wa« found to ha\e gone for Taft only when the official count was available Tho present poll was'reached by sending ballots to 25,000 of the iif< subscribers and the figures compiled from the replies of the fifteen thous and was answered present what th, Success publishers believe to be i fairly accurate portrayal of the sen tlment in the country at large. It h shown that where the reactionary can didates won out in the fight for tht re nomination, they are so secure ii their districts that it would require i landslide to oust them. Where insur gents won they robbed their Demo eratic opponents of their ’paramount' issue, downward revision ot the tarif and Oannonlsm. This is especially the case in the Middle West and or the Pacific slope. Commenting on this, Success wil say: “Both wings of the Republic*! party are now diligently engaged ir their historic occupation of buryim the hatchet.” The result of the poll indicates tha 160 congressional districts are safe!: Republican; 168 safely Democratic that 29 are probably Republican am 21 probably Democratic. This hein* true the two parties would be tie< with 189 each and on the remain In* thirteen districts would hinge contro of the house. Tired of Barnes. First of these actually doubtful dls tricts is the Tenth Massachusetts, Bos ton, now represented by O'Connell Democrat. He won the last electior by four votes out of 35,000 east. Nex comes the Twenty-third New York xv here Scvuthwick, Republican, was elected two years ago by a plurality oi 5 85 out of 68.000 cast and Success savs that It is doubtful “because oi the strong and growing feeling again* the rule of “Boss'’ Barnes. The other doubtful districts in ordei Second New Jersey, where Gardner Republican, was elected by a pluralttj of 3.400 out of 45.000 votes cast. Sixth Indiana, "here Barnard. Re publican, was elected by 1.100 votes out of 65.000 cast. Seventh Indiana. where Korbly Democrat, was elected by 683 votes out of 70.000 cast. Ninth Indiana, where Morrison Democrat, was elected by 1,100 votes out of 66.000 cast. Eleventh Indiana, where Ranch Democrat, was elected by 1,200 votes out of 53,000 cast. First Michigan, where Denby. Re publican. received 9.000 plurality out of 54.000. but who is now fating th« hardest fight in his career. First Iowa, now represented by Kennedy, Republican, whose plu rality wall 1.600 out of a total ol 36,000. Second Iowp, where Dawson, Re publican. won by 1,900 out of ,46.00 votes- i * Sixth Iowa, now repreaented by Kendall. Republican, whose plurality was 300 in a total pt 40,000 vote*. Fifth North Carolina, now repre sented hr Moo rebead. Republican. V- ; j who won the last election by less than 200 In the .18,000 votes cast. Eighth North Carolina, which was carried by Cow les. Republican, whose plurality was 1,400 In a total of 32,000 votes. Analysing the figures as compiled from the votes of the life subscribers. Success says: "In New England the Republicans ; have already lost two members in 'Maine. Representative Sulloway’a New • Hampshire district Is in doubt, but I he will likely win. In Rhode Island] 1 Representative Sheffield will prob- . ably fail of election, in Connecticut there is a strong Democratic wave of revolt but tl*»- Republican majori ties tn all the districts are large and 'except for the Second, Sperry's, there is little chance of Democratic success j "In New York the districts of Foel ker. ('aider, Oleott (who was defeat-] led for the nomination by Bennett),; South wick. Millington. Perkin* and | Faasett are doubtful, with tne protia 1 billtiea favoring the Republicans in alt but the Southwtck district. (South-l wick declined a renomination in this district.) Malby. Dwight. Payne and Vreeland, who are strong stand-pat- | trrs, are virtually certain of re-elec tion. but by reduced pluralities. The ] •same is true of Fitzgerald. Democrat, who came to Cannon's aid. In the Thirteenth district represented by j Herbert Parsons. Republicans. the | contest will be especially close, w-ith the probabilities favoring the Demo-; ■ rat. In Vow Jersey. “In New Jersey the nomination by ! the Democrats of Woodrow Wilson. ; president of Princeton, is popular with j both parties, ami it Is believed that ] he will sw eep the State and probably [ carry with him a number of Demo cratic < andidates for Congress. The : State Is now represented by seven Re- i publicans and three Democrats, and in : but two districts is Republican sucre** certain. The Republican majorities i in the various districts are so large, however, that in spite of the dlssatls- ; faction with ring rule in New Jersey, ! auccesa In three out of eight remaining districts. The "no really doubtful dts- j trlct la that of Gardner, while Rep- j i resentatlve Doudenslager will algo j have a hard light in spile or Ms ten thousand majority at the last election. | ."Pennsylvania is likely to remain j the same, with the exception dr the j Thirtieth district, where John Palzell i is facing a bitter tight It is locally | ' believed that he will he elected, at- j though hy a greatly reduced plurality. ! "Maryland will probably continue Its j present three Democratic representa- > tlves and the party will likely gain the Third and Sixth districts, which 1 are now Republican The Fifth ills- j trlct will probably remain Republi- j can by a narrow margin. "Nil changes are likely in Virginia, 1 West Virginia or the South, although ’ the Republicans hope to get a Con- ; gressman in Oklahoma, while the j Democrats are trying for a complete 1 delegation from South Carolina. In 1 Ohio the Republicans are likely to lose 1 three members, and In addition Gen eral Kelfer, in the Seventh, Is having , a hard struggle, but should win out. In Indiana Senator Reverldge ts re ceiving support from Democrats. Crumpackor Is most certain to win out. but the fight against Representa- j tlves Barnard, Korbly, Morrison and ! ; Rauch is most bitter. Two in Kentucky. "In Kentucky the Democrats will probably gain two Congressmen. No changes are likely In Wisconsin. In Minnesota the delegation Is likely to be unchanged, although Anderson, who defeated Tawney at the prima ries. and Hammond, Democrat, In the Second, have hard fights. In Iowa the result is doubtful in the First, Second . J and Sixth In the Eighth the Repub licans will return a member In place | of Jamieson, Democrat l "In Missouri Democrats will replace Republicans In the Twelfth, Thlr i teenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Six teenth districts, in Nebraska a Dem . ocrat will succeed Hlnshaw- m me Fourth. Norris Is Bure to win, hav ing Democratic and Republican sup , port. In Montana a Democrat will , replace Pray, Republican. "The Pacific States, except Nevada, are solidly Republican as usual, ex ' eepting that in California a Democrat will replace Kahn in the Fourth ata | trlct." According to the managers of the poll the big surprise has been the , | number of stalwart Cannon Republi cans who "have seen a great light," and who are now either "openly or ■ surreptitiously" announcing to their constituents that they are against the : speaker. The poll was secured hy each mem , her of the life subscribers, stating how he voted two and four years ago; how he would vote this year, and in dicating his natural political affilia tion On these figures averages for all of the districts were made. Canithers—Coakley. lj (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KING GEORGE, VA„ Oct. i5.—A ’ pretty home wedding was solemnized i j lh« evening at the home of the bride's parents, when Miss Maysel Coakley was united In marriage to Dr. Viola - Overton Caruthers, Jr. The house was beautifully decorated with chry santhemums and evergreens, a large arc.h extending across one side of the parlor, beneath which the solemn cer [ emnny was performed by Rev. H. H. Fones, of Hanover Baptist church. I The fair young bride looked lovely in ; ' white mult, with veil and orange blossoms. Immediately after the oere j mony a wedding supper waa served I the bridal party, after which the | happy couple left for a Northern brl-' 1 dal tour. The bride is the oldest i daughter of Mr I). Frank Coakley, superintendent of the King George j schools, and a cousin of Mrs. Ray-1 ner, wige tof Senator iRayner, of Maryland. The bridegroom ts the oldest son of Dr. V'. O. Caruthers. Sr., formerly of Fauquier county, but for : j thirty years a i^sident of King George, i I Dr. Caruthers, Jr„ graduated In med- i ) Icine at the Richmond College of1 Medicine two years ago, and for a ] ! short time did hospital work In Nor I folk, returning to King George, where! he tats practi'-ed his profession In ' : partnership with his father. Many | beautiful gifts attest the popularity! of the young couple. Bernard—Stondm. BEDFORD OITV. VA , October 19. j —At noon Tuesday an Interesting wed- i ding ceremony was solemnised at the : home of W R. Sauners. on South j street, when his daughter. Miss Lena H. Saunders, and John..Bruce Bernard, of Alta Vista, were married. Rev. Mr. Ware, of Lynchburg, officiated. The color scheme of decoration was white ! and green, skilfully executed in the i arrangement of growing plants againft j a background of white. The wedding march waa rendered by Miss Willie Saunders, sister of the bride. “ The maid of honor waa Miss Fr ee* Blanche Saundefs, the sister the bride. The groom was panted by his beet man and broths William Bernard. At the conclusion of the „_ Mr. and Mrs. Bernard drove to station and took the trata for a I *. .Jxi, Llk.'tf. Li Six-Koo: renienoes jnce. For Rent 13 106 East (Iraeo Street, 15 J06 East 1 Street, 12 rooms JOT South Fourth Street,, 12 root 6 South Plum Street, 7 rooms J2S Park Avenue, 15 room*. JOHN T. CODD1N k FOR RENT, STORE 610 EAST MAIN STREET, (t'ncxpired lease—(’heap). #1,00.0# per annum. J A. CONNELLY & CO. V. 10-10-10. It. FOR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS Seven-Room Frame Dwelling BROOKL4ND PARK $20.00 Per Month .1 A. CONNELLY * CO. V. 10-19. It. FOR RENT, 306 South Bolvidere Street. v 3 East Clay Street. 3 East Cary Street, 2107 Hanover Street. AH in Rood shape. Rental reasonable. J A. CONNELLY k CO. V. 10-19. It. $3,100 will buv a Seven-Room Dwelling on Thirty-Third Street, between Marshal) and ('lay Streets. This will make a moat excellent home or a good investment* \VM. B. PIZZINI CO. $5,000 will buy a strictly modem Six-Room Brick Dwelling in the 2100 block Stuart Avenue. This property must be seen to be appreciated. WM. B. PIZZINI CO. $5,000 will buy a modem Eight-Boom Bride Dwelling on Davis Avenue, now paying more than 8 per rent, on thejtbovg^irtm. WM. B. PIZZINI $5,250 will buy a Nine-Room $rick DwdUag on Lombardy Street, near Grove Avenue, now paving more than 8 per cent. WM. B. PIZZINI CO. $5,250 will buy an Eight-Boom Briak Dwdiing in the 1400 block, Floyd Avenue, now tin » per c WM. B. PIZZINI CO. $7,500 will buy an up-to-date Nine-Room Sfftt Dwelling, on West. Avenue, near Harriaon Street. This is a bargain. WM. B. PIZZINI CO. FOR RENT, BY WILLIAM B. PIZZINI CO, 723 East Main Street. For Mo. $35.00—200 35.00— 202 20.00— 725 20.00— 727 12.50— 909 12.50— 813 60.00— 712 30.00— 105 WEST-END. Room. Sheppard Street. fl Sheppard Street.. fl West Clay Streetfl West CLay Street.fl Randolph Street.. fl Randolph Street.... I East Franklin Street..,. 13 East Marshall Street.fl FLATS $45.83—816 Park Avenue, second.... fl 15 00— 200 East Main Street.fl $9,00Q will buy a Three-Story Brown Stone and Brick towelling, containing ten-* two baths and alt modem conv newly papered throughout and class' condition, Lombardy Street, tween Park and Monument Avenuea. WM B PIZZINI CO, L $6,250 will buy an Eight-Room Brick on I*irk Avenue, near Harrison St; WM. B. PIZZINI ON Money i SHORT NO to OTICE IN LARGE ' SMALL LOTS. WM. B. PIZZINI CO. HUTZLE R E AL RENTA.S L ■ ) A *, ■ ■■ jSB ern tour, embracing a vtait to before proceeding to their fut at Alta Vlata. Mi«*t Wilhelm!na Dirlie. (Special to The Richmond LEBSBXJRO. VAm Oct Wllhelmlna Divine, widow <j||| Divine, of Leeeburg. died hMiif o'clock to-day after a chert r pneumonia. Vi re. Divine h Invalid for a number of. pneumonia developed only She wu elxty year* of age i of Arthur F. Divine, Loudoun Mirror. One ___ Je.vele Divine, of Leeeburg, vives her. Clumr (Special to The Richmond DKEHHVRG. VA„ Oct rence Thomae, a watt fc and author at Doudeua at “Rutledge," hie hoine die burg, iaat night eaae. "He waa flftJMJ A wife, who waa - 06 near Middlebwrg;