Newspaper Page Text
RECENT SENTENCE IS ONLY THE BEGINNING (h*r More Trial in ' ii«r ]otte.'vUle I heii'I m Oranp\ Alexandria and Kuiimnnii. Considerate scirf>ri(**- 1 ■1» *0 in Ki> hnion.l over the inraimra lives; Hirtit or.i .-n Mar tin Jack-on, a »» Martin Jac..t-ak the !i»Kk'»k> tht< r who was Implicated with thr uttiws* kana at h t* t*r*t tr>. ta’Char .;t-- 'i'n* 1r'!-rii*<i a \erfik-t V\ .-«nr*ii«v attcr DOi.n ktoi s:\- t i s i'-.nishrarm at >e*f> tht* l'r lillt'UXitkT), It htiB del eloped. howes ♦ r, that tht ptwpecuting nU'Tni'j and tht* differ*- ut railroad c:■ *tn p|> ii '♦'» «’♦ not "> W ith thr v rr.• i .and more indn linrr. - will h* prr±>t u a#ain>t the prlsoru-j until tie has «"-n jeiwn an :? * K r *'K a tt v*f t«ttn« that it hum# with his aio-god » inc the tria Wtnit ♦ sc.a:-. At torne> L •* WrmlenNrg win- rep lenu Jh< Ks n. asked Commonwealth '> Attoru* VU.Krr t drop thr m : Indict nu nt *rt * "harlot iesvllo i -t M Walker replied that he in tender.! pruM-v’dtiMfi all the * harg* - hr had .Severn! other raiiroadi* h*stde* tht Ohe*i«a{:>» a*» and Ohio haw Indict tn<e*nta against Jnekaon and they nr* all iptdined t' prosecute It tv mo-.: that fol low ltig his ru xt trial in Char lot fell's tile he Wei he taken to Orang< tor trial on other charges and thet may he taken t - Alexandria to la tried on \et other indictment* ! Is r,*>t ■ et known whether or not hi will he brought to Richmond foi trial. In the trial just er, Ja ks..n w«i Indicted for stealing a trunk hclongih* t«> Mr* Smith, of (hat lotte*' llle It to is second trial, t>> lu- held un Nov.m her IT. hr 1* charged with steallni three trunk* otir from Mr Hall .> Ifunsey. Ind., another from Mr nrm too. of Harrisonburg V* and 'Mi another from a third parti Messrs J Harper mid (I> org. Btutky, representative* of th< IVnri •yivania railroad, n>rr 1 >r• .*m at th. trial as wire Mr. \V (' Morton tn , Official of the Not Vork and \. - Haven rallt ogd. and other official* N*'f mudi disaatisfat lion ft-1 urnonif the. railroad people over th •mall verdht in th< >3*1 sln< e it «a for the theft of only one trunk Tin are determined, however, that .link son shall receive a sufficient senium > through other trial*, to punish Ir.n proper!) for his offense* it I* said that Mrs Ja' k-on w a in court and that the sympath) o the jury was worked upon h> the at torney for the defense. The prisoner; wife haa stuck h> httn falthfull: through all of his trouble. and he presence tn court served to soften th minds of the Jurymen. flo|M-|c**I> Tangled Jackson took the stand in In* ..w 1 defense and the snhstnm e of his tesll mony was that he was not rt spoiislbl for w hat he had done. lit; adniiltei his association with Rogers the lead er of the gang. hut suited that he wa duped hy the other 1 rook and did in> realise at first what he was doing Jackson stated that he vvas Injured n the head when a ludn and had no hoea aide to recollect or pen etc thirties well since hi* infancy He pleaded the fool In hi* efforts 1 convince tile jury that he vvas not re sponsible, with the final result tha the court and jure were trying to sup preas their a mu gem cut at his lirn o testimony. f t in cross examination he h. ram hopelessly tangled and 1 ould give n j clear account of hi* transactions vvitl Rogers In reference to th- l.aggag ! checks. For one thing he said h t bad been told hv Rogers to expres the checks to New Vork. The attor ney asked him if Rogers were no i in jail when the checks were sent He reffiied yes, but Rogers told bin • before he was arrested. < in accoun of the injury to his head, how .01 r tn could not recollect anything mud about the matter Jaekgon was Identified hj the ata tion agent and hy th« hotel clerk a Charlottesville, and there was at abundance of evidence against him The man has a criminal record tha hurts his chance* in all of the trials He was arrested In Chicago about let years ago and convicted of burglary serving a term for the crime. Witness*** Return. Special Agent I. L. Scherer, of th. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, return ed Thursday morning from Charlotte.* vllle, where he attended the trial Mr Scherer says that there 1* an Khun dance of evidence to convict .fa. Ksor on many Indictment*, and that he e •lire to get an aggregate of penaltb... to fit his crimes Deputy Sheriff Traylor, w ho took George W. Thomas, another of tm gang, to Charlottesville, where Tim ma* wa# a witness in the trial against >r Demand Back oi d Luck superiority more forcibly The voices of MILLIONS the grocery store, nde It the choice of the RAINCOATS All kinds from the $5.00 rubberized coats to the finest imported gaberdeens GANS-RADY COMPANY. ' Closing Out Entire Stock of Heating Stoves! hi order m v.nk- n * ' BriM-BfiH' for :i(.*11 Sr,- ; a? pnct" that v ' .<.-*••• -n at *;» ,;.i priee*.. ( in- I! S'f tX), for $4.M) f»* torv prims 'S hi rent ■ -to* k ot' Fine China. Cut-CIa** ami • "lit our entire line of Heating Stoves Heaters fmtn $1.25 up. Oil Heaters tl.00 u 1 up. Iron Self-Feeder Stoves, worth ■ Iron Heater-,xTo 1 e ehed out at It*-- than ini.*..- this -silo if in need of a Stove of any kind \!*o *i coin)*; ffiri-'o- for this »i*i*k ■ Itt*» ■* Dinner. Tea ami Toilet Sit- at speed N. KLEIN & SON. Erie. MANUEL, OUT OF A JOB, MAY MARRY AMERICAN I Vtlin ned ( '<iiisid rtn K !hit *>f J**»rl dual Ni < *1 11n* .Money ami i- 1H « rinjr 1-.>1!>.wmi; twain ph■ <>i Oilier kuropean a Wliosc ( otfi r- \\ i-rf Hun I Own at tin* Hi ported to In N i iblc •ek I A: I M >.\ ‘ »< ?. L *• \ • ‘111 I'.I !. . d b> his m<nher. tjueen Ami”- in1 • suite. Manu*-I, deposed kini* ->f } ’• • r ■ Kill, is to-da huim»Ml at. \V#Hi.i Not ion. KviT.*luim, \V'»ri f*st rshir- Hi estate of the !»•. k. of ( '}'!♦*;» r: In tin* i x royal parts an* tin Imk* * ’'r~ I Min». th» Mu* on- de S< >. era ih’ Portuguese notii.vt* r and S» not* 1 , ’Frrtitbt. th* Spanish a rn bassnbo r Manual and \mek>- i- ii> hnl P:’> mouth at 7 - k night on :?:«• ! Fnglish r*i>. a ;4 ;o ht ‘ \ n t or . ! a rm A n* rt. a lul Hi. n; * ■ f.»• • ■ i r k ♦ a . u Wood Norton TIm re ' m ami n«* puim. re< » pti■ *ri. Koth M a - uel and his no tm r w. j> \ *-r\ pa!« a mi ( worried N'»w that' - -aft !> r*T 'g«-d | ill I'jiHiHini P*' i . f 151 to ln*> om<‘ of 11.. "KTUfT wit!". •-* i [ J o I > ' it IS ill* k'iiierai • rli*>f i ;. ■ ?! . rlr«. !«•«* that Man • i ■. s->.,ji I • >u , the lookout foi a ri--h * rm i an !u; • it was »*n *• jested w him Ma, . . i had a thro to that hr nun i 11 t a , wealth.** Aim ? an girl !'•*! tit- If i j hut fins w hs mi p< os i hi* f 1 r wh!!» Kmit Ma nun I • i, ;-i w*fj n woman * <d , «»f royal birth 1'ey pc-rat* j* In* riml • ed nmnci . Man .-i m*. <n d more the political strength that u<-< d h. . i < ono- from a fa\orabb* i • ■ mar ring** Taken Seriously. » Xoa, hoWi'\ **r the \m*ii an v. sie talk i« regard* d e.*rp>u«. VVh*-r*. Mann**! needed j.ojlti a! sir. ugth. . hr no w im «d- nj. Oil- ui ! it »*1-1 no id that shvrt: 1 .for. fin • >}» , rising the Mragn had tm csted eon I a id ora Ido m m abroad. This un true Manual hart r * niorn\ t • in * vest 1 i * -» father K :.k r’aiioM !;.?■} [ hroii SU<- h a !• *<*'•*' f*|>«• ndrr Mai .-i i Jarkson. n'lunir.l ’i ll•.!! -■!a ■ moil, hir i with hi?« j*rls-»rirr Thomas is •. >u iliu*i) in Uonrico .mil aw ait m*; trtn ; Sim v 'Phomas i?> u itm-s in a;] i of t hr • a«os against Ja- kson u is Ukol> that ho viaii not la trim! until t th* |»roHfuutlon i» through with Ja son. in the various* < ItIns >v h- r<* !n dirtniant« arr held against him Whflt* on the stand in th* }«r. * * * t . Mur Thomas stated thaj iiu v\oM ]»h*ud u i 11 \ 'vlirn his trial «orri« s up. and «anl that in u to.hi ;n ■ * pt‘ a p n alty of two \»*ars If. saPi. how mo", that In* had l»i***n made no pr -m: and that rm arranmrrmnt had toon maiirt for him t • e<-r ofT with two [ >« ars il< is r» Kardi d a-* an unim portant member of tht khmu. lio‘.\c\*r. I and fits Sf-ntrirr will »>,- Ji^ht To <.i\o Stlwr The La«lo - AidS*»<;l* r\ <■; MiKhloiid I’nrk Matlouiis't rhuf. h will Imid . . ‘silver tea Friday *\«niiiK from S t-i II o’rp.rk at th<- hohiu op Mr.- Uy ;ir Peers*, oorner of X’ir^inin a . nm- and Highland -tree? An flftr;oti\e j*r pram of musi*-. recitations, i f .. v th refreshments will make » pica ant • evening to all. 'TO OUTLINE PLANS OF PHTHISIS FIGHT Anti-Tul« tviilosis J.ejiguo Will lit iir Aililn"-;- liy I >r. I hi-~ Freeman. VKTKKANS VISIT < KA I KK M;i'-ai-liu>(ii- Sun ivni-- Walk ( )vit Kiulil nil \\ !iii-!i I In y Fought in til. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) PKTKKSRiil"RCi. VA . 1 >< t \ niectins "f tip' Anti-Tiitiir alexin liFaguv wi 11 be Held Thursifa> night , in th»* Chamber of Commerce to fur-i ther the plans outlined at a previous meeting for fighting th** spread of tu ’ bercubwis in l*» t<*rsburg The meet-* lng ^ iII be presided ove r by Mr. Hatcher S Seward. and the speaker I will hi* Ur 1 »onglas> i>. Freeman, sec ; retary of the. State Auti-Tubt»r« ulo«is j league It is desired that all ottl * zeiis who are interested in the work ! be present At the meeting r. < ntly reorganized Mr. Hut* h**r S S* ward was chosen, president; I »r William F Drewry. 1 vice-president Mrs <i. Cleveland1 Wright, seereiar' and Mr William : E- Armstrong, treasurer. Massachusetts* veterans Wednesday j 1 visited the * "rater. Fort Mahon*. Fort; Uavi* and Fort Sedgwick, in Prince j fldorge county, f«»r tne purpoae of se- ! letting a sit*- for the erection of a ■ i monument, to e«,*t about $5,000, to ! , the memory of the State’s sold tars who i'frll at Petersburg. The visitors were j taken to these interesting forts by a | delegation of cltixetts in automobiles. This commission will* meet In a few/ | days at Worcester, Mass., to furtheF develop plans and deb nil sly decide rSV&V • . * ■ . . \ *» n.t h i i u'<>.!!•(»• making i"Un enus meet. Tin' tjUH* rj mother. Amelte, Is « orn i'»n:i!>ly It s• ■»i financially She has i large pri ;tl<‘ fortune quite apart Mon •he Portuguese t »• \ t nil es. but wha -'• in< Kv lias she need.* for herself, fo she i- t most extravagant woman Sh will lake can* of Maniu'l as long a she ran. but she would like to s» him si If supporting. and a ni'h \v!r Appears tin «»niy solution. Marriage with a wealthy r^va! prtn • IS lot’, almost out of tno qiirs tii rv » »f ..»urs \ to marry a womn o; t Sill*- the royal circle would fornr bar Manuel from the t bu tforr St rms to bo llo llOpl thilt b w lit * o? get a tliroru again anyway Manuels status in Kngland also I m.uhk conunderabl* worry. IP* \vl hr-, e no official spin dim?, but in hi private capacity h«- will move In roys < ir* ;»’s and bo recogm/ed by other toy ahi- s as --no of them. Tin- foreign of r.< «• could see no way out of givin Manuel i r» ( :«• t i ’t wan not Ke f1 • ? ii;ivm< him in Kugiund It fo that his pr» sourr in f.ngbind woul cause friction with tin* IVrtugues r- i it'ii- Kriglard cannot expel a • \ king as an urulosir., :.i,. alien Hu Kngiand will insist that Manuel «to n 11 against the republic Tier Kngiivh soil Tin government, how r\. has an idea Manuel will settl il'ovn and behuve * himself. Hut It «i>rnc\\ lull worried about Ainclle Th uu.'-n mother is ambitious and d< • atming. and will everlastingly be try mir to p it Manuel up to some j**>liti• , tins hi• • f So the Kfaf'rnmcnt will bo very hat jo a In n bis i*\ m.i jest \ gets an Aniet can 'i!.. ami is away from the 1r dm n-of his «ii signing mother. d"*n tb» sib. it is probable that th point < hosen will lie about one mt; from the t’rater. (•(UN to filackmoim. •Mr K Gordon Kinney rui.5 gone t Pda* ksione t<» attend the fair, whir is being held in that town. Mr. Kir r • to make an address. October 2' 2 sand '2U the Petersburg agrleultun fair will U held in Virginia an Moore’s warehouses, on Kriend stree Pi orn the present. outlook the tai proim. - s. jo be a. v ery »uce#«uwful on id i> toot of space in the larg war* incises ha\> been taken, yet ther are constant inquiries for more.. Workmen have been busy sever? days in erecting booths. The at?! display will be especially line, ther being « ntrb-s for a large number e high class exhibitor*. Many Indus will exhibit in the d< mcKti. sen u- *• department, line need! work, embroidery and specimen c . manual arts. It is expected that th i boys torn exhibit will be especial! Interesting, many having entered th | < on tests for prizes. Two of the even lugs of the fair school children wl be admitted anil special attention wl be given them one day will be give tin whites and the next to colore children. Market street, which has been tor: up for some time to have the side v.ulks paved and the roadway lat with Belgian Block is put on conditio, as rapidly as weather and labor eon dition* will permit. The street 1 being greatly improved in appearanc Him «in-n eompietpu will l'c one of th most attractive in the city. Ther being rniieh heavy travel on thi street. P.eigian l lock Is t ntirely ap propriate to he laid. The October term of the hutting court began Thursday morning. Judg I M. Mullen presiding Wednesda .lodge Watson held a session of th circuit curt In Petersburg, hut n business of interest was transacted. Pit'lly Mari'!age'. Wednesday morning at Id o’cloci at the home of Mrs. James II. Mar grace oil High street, her daughtei Miss Anna Mary Hargrave, was unite, in marriage to Mr. George Panic itolsseau, of Prince George eountj The ceremony was performed by Rev Frank Itidout. of Richmond, who tv a formerly pastor of Grace Eplscopa church, of Peterstmrg. The bride was given away by he brother, I)r. James M. Hargrave, o Prince George county, and was at tended h.v her sister, .Miss Hilda Wilk ins Hargrave, a* maid of honor. Mr William Itlrchett acted as lies man to the groom. The parlors of the home wer tastefully decorated in green am white for ttie occasion. Mrs. t’harle 1). Witherspoon presided at the plan and rendered beautifully the. weddini march from lmhengrin. After th c* retnony Mr. and Mrs. RolBseau lef ■ in a Northern tour. Wednesday at the home of Mr. am Mrs. William Hoyle on Grove avenu Miss Myrtle Estelle Hoyle was unitei in marriage to Mr. John Edward Tur .Ilngton. The ceremony was perform . d by Rev. Ij. H. Ralston, of Seconi Presbyterian church. Moth of th. contracting parties are popular young residents of Petersburg. Thursday evening Petersburg Lodgi No. 15, A.. P. and A. M.. will holt an interesting meeting, at which tlim work In the first degree In Masonn wl)| be exemplified BOAHDKHI. FOR SUMMER HOARDERS TBT THi Richmond Ylrglnlaa Wants Ate . v ■ r,. V", v:\C. *, .. 1 - > ' 'A PHD MUCH COIH TO Kill MEASURES “Slush Fund” of *500,000 to Beat Anti-Betting Bill Not Only Bribe LEGISLATORS PAID TO STIFLE OTHER LAWS 1 Mcctivfs Arc .Making Rigid In vest iga'ion—Newspaper Men Loudly Deny 1U ing ‘‘In on the Deal". ,\K\V YORK. Oct. SO.- Net was a tremendous “slush" fund raised in the effort to kill the .oiti-ra * track stumbling bills, but t?» legislative com mittee which in no\\ uncovering graft in the Empire Pint* bus its jeiectives ih\ oHtlgaiing m report that tt fund aim**!*; as large was us» d in connee i ion with bills affectum. Wall Street huh st<Hk gambling generally, li is expect'd trmt a numb*-: of men win*: were active in connect *m with the passage 1'V the I.egish,?r*' *>f the anti bucketshop bill and wain the measures of a similar chnnui' i' that have been acted on by the legislature during the pits! ten yearn will be asked to toil what they know The race track ‘‘slosh" fund, re , ported. In have been half a million dul rs, was the blg«» . ‘ ov er raised in X* »\ York to defeat legislation. All persons mo far in,plicated in the distribution of the • aumv. according to the stories told vest onlay on the stand, absolutely dens knowing any - tning about the math r. Scribes Indignant. The newspaper correspondents iin- ■ plicated by Assistant District Wtorney Kld. t, of Kings couiitv. yesterday, be- 1 sieged the offices <•! the committee to dav a fid characterized the author as j t absurd. They puinied out to t’hlcfj t (Vnuisi I Hruce that most of the news (i.’itii .•« mi'll t ii ,nc>i J , i. f h i is la Rtii’fl 11V supported the anti•uetting#, laws, and the* said that the Mory was started t<* ‘ net square" with ttoui. Bruce in vited all of them i<> appear before the committee later and get their denials Silt** the record. ’ \1! of the mernhtr* of the Jockey ' <’lub deny the existence of an illegal land. They supplied money for the 1 * \pens' n of their l;rv) era in lighting r against the bills. tin > say, hut they 1 insist that the amount which Eider j says Gardner told hbt> was subscribed had no existence excepting possibly in * Gardners bruin. * According to Eid-i. Gardner told s him that a meeting at DeintonJco's, 1 while the racing 1 ds were pending two yearn ago, at wr.ich were present James U. Keen*, ii«irr> P. Whitney, < Gharles It. Hyde <n >w city chamber - 1 iaint. David M it‘ V :Eugene D. Wood, 1 and "a man iur * Hitchcock and 1 another named Parsons." the fund of ~ was raised Of this amount. Elder said Gardner told him $li.5.oQ0 t whs gm-n to "Jim" Gaffney, the con* 1 tractor, partner of I auder Murphy, of 1 Tammany Hull, to take cure of the Tarmni.ny members ’ The balance " was uBBd by Hyde, he said, to influence * | legislation and Hyde got him (Hard re r» tu do the talking for him. Th<* committee held a long executive - session beginning its public hearing ! , to-day to determine the scope of Its : further action Short ami Ugly Used. Route fceib’.dd, who as Albany cor - respondent of the New York World. | was arv.tised ;n Elder’s testimony of ; having been one of the men that e , Gardner told him was paid $3,000 of the "sduah fund," was the first wit i m ss Io-lIav "If Mr. dmdnrr told Elder that l waa paid $3.0ou or three thousand n ; « ents he* is an i>nmitigated liar." said ^ Seibuld. * l huv** never had any rela tions with Mr Gardner, and had only : a • usual acquaintance with him." I j The World. S» ibold said, had en il . thu.siustie.aj3y advocated the passage j of the anflD-rae. track bills and he Identified certain stories he had writ . j ten telling of the stories currant in e Albany thafc a bribe fund had raised v to defeat rtie legislation. Seibold moused to reveal the source j ! of his information. f, : The witness could recall who it was (l told him thtttf. the two political State j- j organization* each received $2 50,000 ‘ from the ra<fe tr k interests and that _ j $250,000 additional went to certain of ^ j the members of the Senate. f j Patrick C. Etdihan. the Albany eor p i respondent ctf the New York Press. V ; and George Jttunvrin, of the Brooklyn e j citizen, also cbarnctei ized Elder's story . that Gardner h<id bribed them as un* J j true. j Joseph L. 3,l< Entee. Albany corres ! pondent for t\Ut> New York Sun. de j tiled that he lsaH ever received $3,000 of the "slush fund" as Elder said ! Gardner had Utyd him. Subpoenas wAre issued by the com* j ynittee to-day Aar the appearance of 4 James K. Kenia vice-chairman of the . Jockey Club; I tarry Payne Whitney, 3 F. R. Hitchcock and Schuyler Parsons, d j officials of the plulu David Mitchell * and James Guffney and Senator ^ Thomas F. Grads. « No subpoena was issued for City . Chamberlin Charlies H. Hyde, impli cated in Elder’s ;e#timony yesterday. Buys a Comet Heater The only Self - ^Feeding Heater soli in thie «ity that uses less than 3 tons* of coal and gives you heat lfeay and night through the. entire winter without ever going out. More of theafe twaters used, in this city them all others combined. Rothert Friday in this store is a general “C lean I'p" day, when all the odd lots, rem nants and broken sizes are sold at great reductions. Some of the best values are not advertised on account of there being only a very limited amount, but in every department you will find these Friday Bar gains ready for you. Friday’s Store ncwo Muslin & Knit Underwear I’ndenvcar of merit at moderate prices has built up our business in this line arid made friends for the store of every customer. Our strongest ettort is to thoroughly please you. Friday’s items are popular priced articles. Women's Muslin (towns, trimmed with embroidery and tucks. High or Y-Xeck, lung or three-quarter sleeves 50c. WOmen's Circular Cut Drawers, made ot pood qual ity muslin with lawn ruffle and trimmed with linen torchon lace 50c. Dainty Nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed with em broider) and lace and strung w ith silk ribbon \ pry showy and pretty, 50c. Flannelette Night (towns, in pink and 'light blue stripes—all sixes well made and full, splendid values. 50c. Flannelette’Petticoats, with hemstitched and tucked ruffle. These are m neat stripes of blue and white or tank and white, 50c. Women’s Fleeced Vests and pants, unbleached, good quality -really exceptional values for 25c. Hoys' Grey Cotton I'nion Sui's. fleece lined, ntt< s 3 to 1,5 years, 50c. Friday we will plow out a lot of twirl sizes in nur regular $2.00 and $2 50 Corsets of well known brands on a special table, at $1.48. On another table, in the Infants’ Wear Depart ment we will sell broken lots of white lawn (lamps; odd sires in children's White Dresses tS months to '2 year sizes . and infants' Short Skirts. These are all mussed from handling and will go at big reduc tions. Our Book Department Supplies every kind of hook, including poetry, history , fiction, standard works, boxed sets, etc. No matter which hook you want, our prices are sure to interest you. Popular Fiction The Mistress of Shematone, bv Florence Barclay, $1.35. His Hour, by Klenor Glyn, J1.0S. Max, by Katherine Cecil Thurston, SI.OS. The Hose in the Htrie, by Goo. Barr McC'utcheon, $1.08. The Rosary, by Florence Barclay. $1.35. Master of the Vineyard, by Myrtle Heed. $1.50. Alisa Paige, by Robert Chambers, $1.08. The Imposter, by John Reed Scott, $1.08. Whirligigs, by O. Henry, $1.20. Some Good “Specials” Told bv 1'nrle Remus, former price $1 (VO; special $1.00. Book of Sweethearts. $‘2.50 book, to-morrow 08c, $'2.<Hl Edition of ( lassies, '20 titles m lot. special 60c. Alger Books, 7 new titles, regular 4(tc; special 25c. Revolutionary Stories, by F.vnrett Tomlinson Al ways have sold at. $1 (M*: s|>erial 45c. 25c Books—clearing out u lot of odd (viifinns. at 15c. tAsk for a copy of the October “Book Review”. I Extra Special—Half Price Fine Imported Chinn Bread and Buttrr Plates, (told linings, decorated and assorted sh«i>es, worth lOr; special, 5c. 100-Piece Dinner Sts, bordered patterns, with (told lining, all largo pieces, with soup tureen; a few pieces short; $15.00 value reduced to $10.00. $1.00 Pictures, reduced to 30c These are fine quality subjects, printed on satin, fitted with neat. Homan gold frames, size 1‘JxlH inches, assorted sub jects; reduced to 30c. ode size, reduced U> 19c. Same as above. So 50 Fleetric I.amps. one light, old brass finish, art glass shade, shade is little imperfect; redurod to $3.50, Portable Gas I.amps with art glass shade to match, only II. $.-><)(> value: reduced to $2.89. $7.89, reduced to $3.50. 8-l)a\ Clock, fitted with the best movement, large graceful enamel case, only one m running order, case little scratched, $17.V) value, reduced to $12.00. Belts at One-Half Price Children's Patent heather Belts, in colors, blue, pink, brown, white and black, were 10 and l.V each; reduced to 5c each. Women’s Patent heather Belts, in solid colors and solid colors With piped edges, various kinds to choose from, were 2.ric; reduced to 15c. Handkerchiefs at special prices—White Barred and Colored Border Handkerchiefs, an unusual value; Friday. '2 for 5c. Small lot of linen and shamrock all-around Km broidered Handkerchiefs, slightly soiled from display, were 2.V each; tomorrow, 12 l-2c each. $1.00 Hot Water Bottles, 79c Good quality 2-quart Hot Water Bottles, white rulibcr, have patent stopper and equal to any that we have sold for $1 00; for Friday, 79c each. i idds and ands of Notions at reduced price? Small lots of Notions, including Wadi Belting Strips, Skirt Braid Cement Variou* other items, too numerous to mem ion. reduced to one-half price. BARGAIN BASEMENT 10c Percale, 7c yard—-3(5 inch percale in light grounds with stripes and grey and red grounds with figures and stripes of white, 7c yard. In bleached Cotton. 5c yard—30-inch smooth thread, unbleached Cotton, good quality, for 5c. 12 l-2c and 15c Bleached Cotton, 8*ic yard. 3ti inches wide, in assorted grades of F2 1-2 and l.V grades of full Bleached Muslin, perfect goods; special Friday, 83*c yard White Spreads, 89c White Hemmed Double Bed Spread* full size and several different designs, in floral and scroll work, special 89c each. Light Outing. 4'^c- Light grounds in Outing Flannel, with mat stripes, checks and plaids of pink and blue; Fridav, 4'-jC yard. 81x90-lnch Double Bed Sheet*—Full size and nicely made, free of dressing, a splendid sheet for hard wear, 60c. 42x36 and 45x36-inch Pillow Cases -W ell made, full size, made of good grade bleached muslin, torn and hemmed, ready for use. 10c each. REMNANTS—A largo quantity of short ends of desirable Merchandise have accumulated this last week. All will be ticketed anti marked at below i cost for quick selling Friday. BOND HD ON CHAS. JONES Man Who Stole Horst; and Buggy While Intoxicated (lets Off Easy. Charles Jones, the white man who drove off with a horse and buggy belonging to Mr. Alvin Morris Tues day night, was let off easy in police court Thursday morning, his penalty was a bond of 1X00 for twelve months. It was shown fn the evidence that Jones was Intoxicated when he took the rig and after being chased by Mr Morris for nearly a mile, the driver lost control and the horse eventually made ht» way home. The buggy was drawn up Into the yard at about 12 o’clock Tuesday night and Jones was found doubled up on the seat in total ignorance of his surroundings. W NEITHER IFFECTS At First Feeling is Easier, But Report of Snow Causes Sodden Drop. KrEW YORK. Oct. 20.—Weather conditions governed cotton at the opening this morning. At first the feeling was easier, with prices six to eleven points lowsr. Within two or three minutes after the report wae re ceived of stipw In Amarillo. Tex., and heavy buying at once developed which eent prlcee up to about the closing or ysaterday. ounon VOROK SHOWS IlEAli ESTATE INCREASE Clifton Forge assessment books Just received by the auditor of public ac oouata indicate an increase la realty vataee ef 11*4,*0» over the assees &&&&??*****. BIG FAIR OPENS III BUCKSTOBE Large < rotvds am! Number of Ex hibits (’husps Extension of (>m- Day. GOVERNOR MANN THERE Executive Make* Address and is Warmly' Greeted By Great Throngs. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) HLACKSTO.VE, VA„ Oct. !o.—The ip Bluckstone Kair opened Thursday mornieg with twice the number of ex hltilts the most sanguine had hoped to ■ee. Regardless of the rain of yesterday and the strong Indication# of more to day, the attendance surpassed any thing ever seen in Blackstone. Crowds are here from every section. The exhibits are said by experts to surpass, many seen at State fairs. Es pecially is this true of the corn and conned fruits and vegetables. Some of the individual exhibits are also far ahead of the ordinary. On account of the number of exhib its. these reaching between 1.200 and 1,^00, the management decided Wed nesday night to continue the fair for three days, the .original intention being only for a two;da>#’ exhibit. The fair was formally opened by an address by Governor Mann, he arriv ing here from Richmond at 11:40. This Is the governor’* home county and he was specially happy In hi# references to what was being accomplished along the lines of agricultural, educational and road building In hio home section. A large audience greeted the governor In the large warehouse sphere the speaking took place, and after the close of the governor;* remarks the fair was formally thrown open to th« Inspoc - of tho public. Don’t Forget That you havp an engagement to mppt ms at ('hamherhiyve Place, Friday nr Saturday afternoon, at 3.00 o'clock to look at the greatest lot bargain ever offered around Richmond and show you that we can make you money. Take Ginter Park car and get off at Chamherlayne Avenue. •fAiS. B. McCOMB, Manage. Can You Beat This A Beautiful New House FOft SALE, Lot* with side walks, shade trees, water and free sewerage, that are 223 feet deep for $10.00 per front foot and up inChain berlavne Place. SUBURBAN DEVELOPMENT CORP. 404 American Bank Bldg. Think of It! I/its in Chamherlayne Place 223 feet deep at $10.00 per front foot, sidewalks, shade trees, water and free sewerage. SUBURBAN DEVELOPMENT CORP. 404 American Bank Bldg. $2,600 Excellent Detached Corner Dwelling, in West End renting for $270 Nothing better for a home or inveal* ment. BLANTON A CO. Real Estate and Loans 1H0 East Main 8treet.