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ids Company of Petcrshni Grays Succeeding William L. Zimin er. ZAliO BEAT IIIS SPOTS] la Arrested in Cockade City VTas Getting l'p “History ' of Town—IKatii Ileporud. —Com e MCT£R£BL'KG. Ott< p*ny U. r«icr*ii*u!« * r»trr - * iiays, Fi£*t laeuteiiaa; k»'*h ri v caputiu of tii« t omj>aiiy u SUi a \ avAjicy v . v« montns a*** t-.v t;,• u> CmpUftii. v« iui«m i- /-ai.ji Mr. GnilAfti »> a ; iai ley of Foie nsour^ aiui 4; Mr. Ko^eri \inu*jn. « - courts t*i the city, i j iiKiin, jr L t a »vin* ii ilivJt O ii.ti, jr. lut at cuior t.v t ? * I‘t IK MT »* t I'lUlli i* U. s i> h nul, mi r im L'uiitpftll) Wli iittr V« -ill t-<i Novtin iiu-mbt-rs <• * < tint at*rat uenied U10 t" 030 it i tlllii >mnuf u. Mr jri?. ih na jar t tin Of the company were tMUl LitiuWn*ai i-■ u.» commit nni iieuit-uatu, |«ut O. W., Jr second lieutenant. Tin wuna tftr un• «mana ■ •rate monument a-, her S, as will also im A. P. Hill Camp - : Veterans. \ Itayor Cameron has Robert GUnum, e ie-ra <-i to render ttira ttu r» j commission mauve i • i Use city jail Im the last ters et the year. This appointed by Judge Mu hunting* court. ilea Johnson, who severely eat lr.ii Onvc* on lh« head wvetal week Ago, has been arrested m Norfolk. 1 »• InMive- Heel an bus gone to tluu ett: & bring Johnson to i’ei. rst-urg i<> trial Both of these puriie-*- t.i hegroes. This afternoon at i o'elo< k Mi Baajamin t. Keener and Mies l-ioivto Perkin#on will be married at Jlat taraea Place In the western part ■■ Ota city. Hr. KecU-r is a pruminen young contractor »nd builder ^Petersburg. and Miss Perkinaon is th daughter ol Mr. ami Airs, fsenni Parkinson. Police Officer Charles it, Mtmnie a&d bride have returned from Wash isgton, D. C. Mrs. Mounter teas th daughter of Mr. and Airs. A. \\\ Bry aht, of Petersburg. Heat ills Wire. H. Zarru. a no has been 111 Peter; iMirg, soliciting advertising for ^History of Petersburg,’ is under ai fast charged with beating his \vif< •arrci and his wife have been st-q ping at the Prospect hotel on Polling igrook street. He beat his wife Tues day night and again Wednesday morn lag, when a young man hearing th AOMe, entered the room and restrain ad Zarro. Petersburg Vnk-n Koval An h Chap tar holds a meeting to-night i Masonie: Hall and will confer etegreei sir. Hatcher is. -Seward is (he hig priest of this lodge*. A number of the Knights Templet Pt Petersburg will attend the . v r Clkes incident to ti meeting of th grand command-i. in Kichmuu Thursday night, going by < ie-ctric eai Mias Alice Caine run died Wertne 4ay evening at 6:lii t-block at ti residence* of her mother on Ol Church street in Pdand/ord in ih twenty-first y ear of her age. Miss Cameron has been in failin health about a year but he r death Wu JAAexpeeted at this time. She is survived by he r mother, Mri Harr P. Cameron, and four sist Misses Ellen. Blanche- and Cameron and Mrs. it C. McCann, o this city. GOVERNOR MANN PAHKONk MAN WHO htoi.i: BOA Gilbert Turner, of Washingm ward, sent t-i the roads some tim •go for stealing a boat, whs pardon, Wednesday morning by (Jovcrno it being shown that Turn, served a great jfart of hi* sixty •ay term and that the man's moth was critically ill. Pail to Get (Juoruin. There was no meeting of either e the two coum-U r-ominltt-m-iioii tiled to convene Wednesday night. Both the committee on’local a munenti end the subcommittee - Water failed of a quorum. The bet ter body will probably meet Wed A—day afternoon and discuss the- pi gweed Increases In the- salary «i »a t*T department employe-. Tin tne-rn here will report to the 'full e-ornmiite on water which meets Thursday ntgli At 8 o'clock. AWMMwment Increased. to The Richmond Virginian VA., October 2fi.—Oh Endowment hove beei 1 the! antoun •loot b Three Garment Makers Arn .-tec | and Score Injured in Gen eral Melee. ^CHICAGO, Oct. 27.—Rioting n; j; 1 - U** ■trike of the union garment * here to-day following the is of «n order calling lor a gon Walkout late yesterday, and tally to at police headquarters re in police being rushed to the Of the Hart, behalfmr & Marx IJT. where the trouble was tin Three arrests were made ami of persona injured, tl hundred striking garment Whose wages range from 125 Mr week, attempted to parade the streets in the clothing district. All were dressed in eoets and silk hats. The police up the parade and shortly alter l several hundred strikers, an Wt the action of the police, at ■trike breakers who atiempiec ,J» the Marx shops. A genera followed and the police wen “to use their clubs. Pastor Aceepw Call. to The Richmond Virginian.) )LK, VA., October 27.—Itev Oe.Iarnett, of Irwin, i’a., re railed to Immanuel Raptisi at Ocean View to succeec M. Itabb to-day annnuncec Us will take chargi -PUT CHESS GAME I FROM 10 SHIPS g Win It i4.- Telegraph is I'scil and Gamp is Finished in Fight Hours. MKKLIN. Oct. 27.—A chess same by wireless telegraph between Fount K.tlowrat, an Austrian nobleman, on board the Australian steamer t*ran - i-t n, and t’aplaln Von. Ftntnkenberg, of the tji rnutn army, on the German steamer i.lom ra Woerinan, was re ported! l». till war office to-day. fount Kulow at was the victor after eight hours’ j.lay and forty -three incus The count was en route from Tru st to Montevideo and tried to find s»•me one aboard the Frances'a to ' play with, but in vain. Me then ask . oi the v. ireioss operator to search iur . on opponent on their ships, and with in two hours u w Irlees message was rt • deed from Captain Von Frank' il ls rg. who was bound from Bremen to Swaknpmund. Terms were act e.-pted, and the match began at 2 . o'cl'c k in the afternoon. It continued , until 6, was resumed at S and finish ed at midnight. To insure accuracy . each move was repeated twice. 10 SUPPORT SOUTHERN IN FIGHT FOR CRATES Corporation < 'otnmission Notitiou Tliat 1 >* nutmi for Stove Cas ing is (Jem rai. ,< has been received by the stain Corporation that all other lines to \ irgiiu.i will "back statnl ’ the Southern railway in its light to have ,1.111 order issued requiring all stoves I,* be t rated when offered for intra state shipment. ! The notification was sent by Mr. tamoln Green, lreight traffic mali nger of the Southern railway. Mr, ' i ;ieeti ttsk- tb it the commission s, t a day tor a hearing, advising that similar request regarding the < rating of stoves "is to bo made I■> ail Vir ginia lines’." 1 Thursday morning the commission set November ti as the day for the . [.taring, and cent out notice to all tin* - , reads and .-love men interested. Move manufacturer throughout the Statu have sent m many protests to - the ettnimission, being unanimous in t declaring that such an order would - pia< e a great hardship upon them, ,. and would increase the cost of «liip - ping, sut h cost Iging ultimately and - necessarily borne by the consumer. - j Tie railroad making the appliea - ! tion points to the breakage which it c alleges occurs when stoves are not - crated, and shows also that under the ' interstate traffic laws uniting is re - , (pitied, asking therefore that the in i tersiate clause be adopted by Virginia as an intrastate law. 1 : That there vvill be a light before the commission there is not the least r doubt. Kichtnond stove merchants - and manufacturers are now prepar • ing to ( nii r the lb.Is, and it is more l than probable that they will enlist tiie support of the Kichmond Cham t.< r of Commerce, while it is not tm e probal.le that the National Assucla d tion of Steve Manufacturers, to which " the local men belong, will be (ailed upon for material assistance. EG UI PS CRUISER TO LAUNCH FLYERS i France liuiUs Platform on War Yiss'l fur Aeroplane* to .Sturt, frmn on Sea. * l'AKIS, oct. 27.—The French cruiser I.a Foudre is Inins transformed into i mu ’■ A eroplan* auxiliary’' a platform i* U‘.> ft vt Ions' bring erected upon her I Mipi ryirtirttiri* so that aeroplanes may be launched while under way at A is* vt bleriot monoplane. parrying two 1 j>;t- H;..t rs and equipped w ith a 100 h< *r>*' pow i-r gnome motor, is belli g;#< x r p riiuenf'ti with by the government ; with a view to uslns; it on the nuflier, it rises almost p< ryendicularly. it is said, tin r»et hcir.K suHicient runway ,, f' r it to K«t into the air. It is thought that in ease of a light wind, with the ‘ erutser h«a.l«T Into it, the aeroplane . *uid ih. into the air without other - propulsion. MAY NIT BE ABLE 10 COME 10 cm i 1 ]-Var Taft Will Be on High Sea i Ket timing Trout t Panama. . (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) » WASHINGTON. D. C.. Oct. *7.— Because of his probable absence from tho country at the time, Preeldent Taft may not be able to aocept an invitation of the State Teacher*' As sociation of Virginia to address a ! mo tins of the teachers in lUchmond ; to-day that lio invitation had yet been ! received from the teachers, hut that j Mr. Taft Would likely he en route • home from Panama at the time that the Richmond convention is in ses sion. Kur this reason it was said that President Taft would not he able to deliver an address on the date »ug * gested. President Taft will leave, for Pana ma November 10. His present plans ; contemplate an absence from this country of from twelve to fourteen days, as a number of matters in con nection wltii the bunding of tho big canal will necessitate his presence in tho /.one f'*r nearly a week. It Is figured that at high speed the battle ship a nveying the presidential party may make the trip over from Charles ton in tour days. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) LlCKSIU'KlJ. VA., Oct. 27.—The (•rat exhibition of the Roudoun coun ty puldlc school fair, under the sup ervision of 1 division Superintendent W c Rdmttndson and County l>em oinrtr.itor H M. Hogp, will be held in [.si • urg ou November 12. The exhibition of the products of the hoys’ corn club will be held at the same time About *2U0 worth of prize* in cash and useful article* have been I donated by the business men of Igiu j doun. Mr. Lee (jarth right, recently ope I rated on for appendicitis at the Ra-1 • i treat for th% Sick. Is now rapidly in#-# 1 proving. . School l'xldblts. Rapidly Improving. TO GO REPUBLICAN Vice- President Sherman, Speak ing in Kal< igli, Lauds ’I aft as “3lightv Good .* ! (Special to Tin1 Richmond Virginian.) KARKIGH, .V Oct. 21.—Vice* l>r« sidtnt Sherman In his campaign speech last nig it paid tribute to President Tail. declaring him a mighty good president. _ ' Mirai' think bet a use he .trit s to find ways around i i,.etudes and to maintain harmony he is not strong: but no man \s iil stand tlrrin r or strive with more ten acity than hi to carry out what he knows the people want." This ex* presaion is especially significant in tlic light of tlu recent publications as to relations between Sherman and Taft growing out of the New York contest. The most elaborate serial functioifs incident to the visit of Sherman in cluded a dinner by Colonel and Mrs. A. Ii Andrews, at which members of the North Carolina .Supreme Court and other distinguished visitors were • he guests; a reeeption later in the r. nun* by Mr. and .Mis. William J. Andrews, and still inter in the night a “smoki r" in Klks' T. mple. presided o'er l.y Kxalted Ruler W. ,S. Wilson tliat continued until thi distinguish* cd visitor left the city at 2 A. M. The reception by .Mr. and .Mrs. Wil liam J. Andrews was elaborate and delightful to a degree and the social lile of the city was represented In I he hundreds of ‘"gucSts who called. Ill the receiving line with .Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and the guest of honor "ere Mrs. Kitehiri, John M. More h* ad. General T. Ii. Roberson, Chan, lioote. Colonel and Mrs. (’has. K. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harden and Mr. and Mrs. Roster Ijutler. *• A Mill SCHOOL j especial to The Richmond Virginian.) I'A RTUOW, VA., Oct. 21.—The ed | ueationai meeting held at Partlow | Tuesday «ab a success. Superintend ent Chandler, of Richmond. State Su ! perintendent Eggleston, of Virginia. I local Superintendent Ashby anil .Mrs. | Boswell Page, of Hanover, favored | with speeches abounding in wit. hu ' mor, sentiment and orthodox religious | instruction, if they did not exactly | express admiration for the present | school structure us resembling the i time-honored log achoolhouse of "ye I olden fymes." i They endeavored to lead to the I building of a larger and better house, ! and to show the good men present [that even higher taxes would in the 1 long run prove the wisest ci « j The large assembly of "the Lords of j Creation" had a good time, and were 1 kept. In laughing good humor, all of I which is to redound to the lasting [good of the rising and future genera i lions, Caroline county was well represont ! ed. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clowning, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chewning. Mr. and Mrs. Hyland Dillard, Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. John Han cock and others were present. Many friends of Mr. Page and Su perintendent Carter Kedd, of linn et or, were In the audience; Mr. and Mrs Maddox, Mr. ami Mrs; JJeaziey and others. CUN CUBE PELLAGRA B! BLOOD TRANSFUSION CHICAGO, < >ot. 27.—That blood transfusion is the cure for the mys terious disease known as pellagra is asserted here to-day as the result of experiment conducted at the Cook .county gnllrrnnry at Dunning, ill-, where Dr. f. <». Wilhite says this method of treatment l*is won in the thirty-four cases treated to date. “Pellagra is common tit our in stitution," declared Dr. Wiihitc. "and so far as we know the transl usion of blood is the only reliable treat ment. The best blood for inocula tion comes from persons who have been cured of the disease, and only one transfusion is necessary. Short ly niter the treatment the skin of i the patient clears up and tie bi < ones more active In body and ttiitul. I hat e no doubt Hie. transfusion method will prove a cure in nearly, if not in all, cases." TABLET TO MEMORY OF MBS. BELLE BJIYAX At the monthly meeting Wednes i day of the Confederate Memorial Society, held at the Confederate Mu seum, Miss Mary Van Doren, great granddaughter of Commodore Maury, woe presented with a badge by Miee Betty Ellyeon. The eoclety adopted a resolution providing for the erection of a tab let to the memory of Mrs. Belie H. Bryan, founder and flret president. Belle S. Bryan, the email daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Pinckney ! Bryan, was elected to a life member ■ ship. Mrs. J. Enders Robinson was elect* 1 ed delegate to attend the annual meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to open November it at Ulttle Hock, Ark. Mrs. N. V. Randolph was chosen alternate. Join's—Pills. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.-) A ItVONTA, VA„ Oct. 27.- Miss Lottie May Pitts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Letcher Pitts, »un [married to the Ken. Plummer F. Jones at the Presbyterian church here yesterday evening at « o’clock. The Kev. William E. Hill, of Farmville, performed the ceremony, and Mrs. William Evans at the piano and Mr. J. W. Plervc on the violin played the wedding march from Iwhengrin. The church was decorated in palms, ferns and yellow chrysanthemums. The hrlde wore a gown of duchess satin, trimmed In embroidered chif fon and pearls. Her veil was caught with orange blossoms, and she car ried ft shower of Bride roses. She entered with her maid of honor. Miss Mabel Agnes Pitts, who wore yellow satin trimmed frith chiffon embroid ered with gold and carried yellow rosebuds. The bridesmaids, Misses Minnie Moman Hell, of Mount Sid ney; Clara Lee Pitts, of Septtsville; Margaret Peale, of Harrisonburg, and Winn* A. Pitts, of Arvonla, wore frocks of yellow embroid'ered mull and carried nosegays of yellow roses. Mr. Ernest Jones was his brother’s best man and the ushers were" Ur. J. it. Bagby, J. A. Christian, Perkins Glover and 1>. W. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left for a Northern wedding tour, after which1 they will make their homo at J±r ) CHIME OPEHS ! IIS IKITl FI! _ i First Show Proves a Great Draw ing Card and Immense Crowd is Present. OXKoRl'), .X, October 27.—The 1 first, Granville county tair opened Wednesday morning tit Oxford under the most favorable circumstances. Ideal weather conditions added great ly to the occasion, and people are (locking from nil sections of the eoun , ty and elsewhere. The opening address was made by I>r. IUU, of A. and M. College, Kalelgh. Tin feature of the morning was the military parade of the "Grant ilie Greys,” Oxford's famous military organization, and Companies “A ’ and "l> " of the Horner Military school and the Third regiment hand of the North Carolina State Guard. After the pTIratio a.,d speaking the remainder of the morning was given i over to the visitors in viewing the exceptionally tine displays of corn and other farm products, il\e stock and farming implements. The exhibits of women, including fancy work and ' exhibits pertaining to domestic science proved to be one of l be features of the entire fair and attracted constant attention. This is tire first fair ever attempted I In-Granville, and to -ay that it is an' imequnalitied success is to say that! b ust of it, and it is hoped that it will I | continue to improve both in useful- I ness and for amusement, which in ' view of the interest that is being manifested in this first event, seems | ! to be an assured fact Along the mid- I way, in the side-shows, thronging the; three exhlbt buildings and Scattered j throughout the streets, the farmers from all over tho county are in charge of the county fair. They are. here : : with their wives and children, they | are here to see everything and have j I a good time, and they are doing both j j with a vim. 'EXHIBITS THRILL i FARMVILLE FOLK Di-play of Tobacco and Horses at Fair Far Surpass All Previous Shows. FA KMVIJjLE, Ya , October 27.—| The second day of the fair was j ushered in clothed in bright sunshine I and made delightful by bracing breezes. The. crowd began to gather, 1 early and by noon the streets of the town and the grounds of the exbilu- : lion were alive with an eager, moving, • ongeiiial and happy throng of peo- . pie. The exhibits were all in place and the verdict was that they hud never I been excelled at any local fair of the jState. i j .Most of tire premiums have been ; awarded but as y et the list has not been given out. Mr Joe Hazlegrove, the leading farmer of Cumberland, won six premiums on tobacco and ; one on wheat. Btr. if K. Barrow, one of Farmvillc's progressive merchants ; as well as u huge and progressive ( farmer, exhibited a number of horses : which have caused people to open their eyes as to what may bo done on the "shortgrnss" of Southstde Vir ginia. Hiding horses, ridden by the owners, attracted genuine interest. 1 Improvement In this class has been marked in th. recent past. The Northern railway exhibit is impres sive, but as an old Southslde Virginia farmer looked at the mammoth apples and potatoes, said: -They may be lug ger than ours but are nothing like so good.” Tin ladles of different ehuri lies have been feeding the j hungry ones with the delicacies of land and sea. Fire broke out in Hotel Prince Kd ward jit an early hour of the morning, caused by the failing of a burning coal from an open grate, but "mine . host," Hhlck. was aroused in time to. '.smother the h ■./, without the aid of the tire department. Barton Heights Mrs. Ii \V. Owens, who has been the guest of hr daughters, Mrs. . Charlie Hall and Mrs. O. W. Francis, for the past two months, will leave Fridaj for her home in Buckingham county. Mrs. II. I), t'hapman and son, Mas ter J.X'lmar, of W ashington, are guests oi Mr. and Mr.-. Ii, Ii. Stokes, SOl) , : Lamb avenue. Mr. I,. M. 1.'■ . who has been in! Norfolk for two weeks on business, i returned home Thursday. There will he a metr e meeting in ■ the pariah hall of the Epiphany: church Friday night* the object of which Is purely social. Mrs. C. it. Kuyk has gone to Black- ! stone to visit her sister, Mrs. A. S. Wood, who Is 111. The school - children wUl give a Hallowe'en party at the assembly hail Friday night. Mr. Bluford, of T.‘ Bluford & Co., who resides at Thirtieth and Mar shall Streets, has bought and will \ move into the handsome residence of Uev. Ji. H. M dun, f,00 Monteiro ave- j ; nue. 1 >r. Melton will move into his! ! beautiful new residence in West | | Richmond about the middle of No-1 1 vember. . Mrs. \V. i'. Veiteh and little dough- ! j ter, Lueile, left Thursday for Wash ington, where they will spend several . | days with relate, • s. Master Woodvillo Page, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Page, 1010 Rami) j avenue, Is ill at lus home with scarlet j fever. Little Miss Mildred Ragland, da ugh- , ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. t*. Ragland, j who Is. ill w ith diphtheria, is ini- j proving' rapidly. Mrs. Eugem Johnson, of Smithfield, Isle of Wight ( uunty, Is the guest of h< r daughter, Mrs. C. P. Mathews. Mr. J. <1. Jeter, living just beyond Barton Heights, had sold his splen- i did farm to a Mr. Wilbur, of Bos ton, who will take possession Jan uary 1, 1911. Mr. Jeter has not as yet decided where he will make his home, probably, however, in Barton Heights. Mrs. J. T. Wallace, of Church Hill, Richmond, is the guest of her sen. Mr. E. M. Wallace, 716 Barton ave nue. KOINF.R ADDRESSES TRUCK MRS OF TIDEWATER DISTRICT 1 NORFOLK, VA, October 27.— i - Commissioner On.rge W. Kolner ad dressed the annual meeting of the i Southern Product Exchange here to- 1 day. It la composed of truckers of ' < this district. They hold ft taiWiuet i tP-ftifht. i Reduced Prices on Solid Gold Jewelry We are getttyg i!t our holiday supply of Solid Gold Jewelry, and we have carefully gone over our stock, and whereever the assortments were incomplete and only a few articles left, we have reduced the price to clear out. We can safely say these articles are the biggest bargains ever offered in Solid Gold anywhere. $1.00 and $1.50 Solid Gold Brooches, reduced to 50c. Solid Gold Brooches, in < 'resent and heart shape, were $1.00 and $1.50, now 50c. Solid Gold Broaches, in a variety of designs, were $2.98 and $3.50, only a limited number for $1.98. Solid Gold Cuff Pin Sets, only a small lot, originally sold for $1.00 set, reduced to 50c. Solid Gold Scarf Pina, in a variety of pretty designs that formerly sold at $1.50, reduced to $1.00. Demonstration of the Doran Pins. See the demonstrator in reference to these Pins, she will be glad to explain the wearing qualities. Prices are very reas onable. Long Cloth and Madras at Reduced Prices. We made a »f*>cia! purchase of 1,270 yard* of fins Long t ', in lengths of 2 to 20 yards, this is real f f 15e quality, this small lot on sale, at. I IC One ease of Madras, consisting of 2,536 yards, 32 inches wide, lengths from 2 to 20 van!*, perfect | /» goods and worth regularly 2">c yard, on sale, at.. 1 DC Carved Back Combs Reduced to<Half Price We have a lot of Bark Combs, carved fn numbers of styles, these will be placed on sale Friday at about one-half the former prices— Shell and amber. Me Combs for.......25c 51. M Combs for.\....Me 52. M Combs for.Sl.M $3.M Combs for.Sl.M S5.M Combs for.|2.M “NIX ON FANCY WORK” ! SAYS INSPECTOR BECK .Plan of Board of Fire Commissi oners to Ibeorate allsand Ceiling of Assembly Room in Ci tv Hall, is Firmly Rejected. There is no quarrel between Build ing Inspector Beck and President i'harks F. Taylor, of the Board of 1'ire Commissioners, hut all the same the lutter probably is of the opinion that the former is sadly lacking In tn appreciation of the beautiful—par ticularly as regards paint. Inspector Beck says he doesn't caro whether he is artistic or not. Me says ao knows what Is what, and that's all these is to It. “I got my way," he (includes, "and I'm satisfied.” The question of appreciation or tem perament arose some time ago when, ihortly after the Fire Board saw to l that engine house No. U was re painted. While they were painting several members of the board, Presl lent Taylor included, conceived the dea that it would bo real nice to do hlngs to the wffTts and ceiling of heir assembly room on the top floor if the City Hall. A few bright colors, some curly jues and fHUgrees, and mayhap si scene, hunting, historical or sentlmery al, would add to the attractiveness if the room and serve to make their neetlngi far more pleasant, they houfbb /. The members intended to pay for all j this embellishment out of their own : pockets. They didn't intend to ask the city for a single cent. Const uuently It was witn a face beaming! with conlidom-t; that Mr. Taylor uu folded ms scheme to Inspector ling Mr. Taylor smiled as he talked with ; Mr. Meek, but there was no answer ing smile from the latter. Instead there was a snort, and tnen another snort, followed by a dorian e grin "When are you going to put In the pool table?" Meek asked finally. Mr. Taylor showed nis Interrogative surprise. "Sure,” went on ltcck, still gi,li ning. "If you do wliat you intend to to that room, it will look more like a pool room than anything else 1 know of. b lliigree and pk tures, huh? Not much. Not while I’m Building Inspector. "But we Intend to pay for the work j ourselves," Insisted Mr. Taylor. "It won’t cost you a cent,” assured • Mr. Beck. "There isn't going to be any work to pay for. That room up- i stairs was given to you for ofttce pur- j poses. It Is painted as an office should'• be, and that la the way It la going W to stay. It Isn’t a club room. Blin Kreo and pictures, ch? Next thin* I suppose somebody will be wanting to Kite u strawberry festival in it. Not ni uch.” Mr. Taylor argued but in vain. Fin ally he said that considering the op position of Mr. Beck, he supposed ths plan would have to be abandoned. But he nevertheless probably retains his own opinion concerning Inspector Beck's love oF the aesthetic. ST. Lol'trt, JIO., Oct. 37_The return to civilisation of Alan K. Hawley and Augustus Post, after landing their balloon America 11 ftfty miles north oC Chicoutimi, Quebec, relieves ten days of suspena# among St. Bouts aeronauts and turns their attention to th# re markable results -of the fifth Interna tional aerostat race for the Gtordoa ltennott trophy. That three balloons would exceed the world's record held for ten years, was not expected by the Aero Club officials. By their flight of L3SS miles from St. Louis the America's pilots assort the next annual balloon race for tola country. Owing to the wide range of territory accessible form 8t. Lamia, tba. sixth Bennett cup contest doubtless will be started here. The world’s distance record was also broken by Perkins and Gerlcke In ths Uusseidorf. which landed at Laks Kla klslnk, Quebec, 1,330 miles from He Louis and Von Abercron and Bl«am EXDS SUSFEXSE AERO OFFICALS