Newspaper Page Text
IS IS HEED « GHIREE tor Iiwk Saws H*> !)»■< jh n*-«l Cellar of House \Vijhont Permit. Irt KCTI KK lol l KUINt. K. P. IP in \ ii!nl laiiiiK Onli iv.i (.i i Out v! 1i* din . IV oiling I. I H t! Au attempt .inhhr.g ■ *In: Soun. i! John T f caused th» ■SU e ot «',»|iian foo Hanover Wmung i \icni tcre lotted m f*»dn-. *uay right ‘ The WfcH* of (>: »W«l in-. I,- v h i fCck-d I y ; uly I Hitter ill uii-d it .msaie i - kiu and li.i tamlly Mtf*. overnight Hu-} >v* | move i-rthwith. ami v Wi thi n-M V 'linn i-g n it in : I nt pe. rt main >rdei ■ d tint ;ii th- it irm liirpe.t H • ■k. Mr. ntltl V» (fan the >ut ihi ... suit. h. ■* iny. Hu i’n iwed tn r-neo. ani o ire. »-r even th. dish*. According t inn N»w**n) contracted ; p#rfc tt.k;. ITjf permit' ti le Will haii Mr H ** Four! tor Hi., ■ Mr. l’oni-r- admits not having ask • for a permit, hut sa.o he was ■■■■’ iui opinion that this should have i One by the owner of the h.usi T‘ Lairu l* srietrol with smi: ; of t..h Ide on the part of Mr. It- ■ K. .;"f9»i'r» i an ! hi !j> hut kno» the uitiliim coil*. tor In is one ... the {ken Who helped frame it said he lie km w that t permit had t lit then out. and that it wn-s Iris dm» |r aat.’ that this was dom 'i hi con (taetor always takes out tin permit |r. Ton -re is respontdhh . and he kost answer in court ||u addition to till polite prosit n Mr. Toners will not Improbably put to a considerable expense in trill* ' apt a in Henry's residence owner says in ha* n written roii I, in which the councilman agree* make good any damage in the way era eked nr settled walls Mr. Heck it may hi necessary to tear awn;, rebuild about hull' of the house « work which i aused all the trou waa tdfti# several days ago. i'ap Henry engaged Mr powers to the cellar, and that a turna«, t he installed. Aakad For Help vili Tower* in gan work and for a le all went well. iWTndnesdav evening 1 •.•!• itt Httild Inapector John Hutler happened kf driving out !’ movi r A emu aaw a pile of dirt in front of i'ap Henry'* residence, and .-topped Investigate In the cellar -if the he found Mr. Towers, greatly ed. ?>*Help me out of this implored tin These walls hi* settling and king and I'm in an awful ti\ A brief inspection showy d Mr |«r that things were serious 11 Captain Henry and his family get out of the house at once Thor •retired the services of laborers, ire to work bolstering up tin walls. P ,nt a total collapse. The m*'i far Into the night Mr. Beck says that tin foundation dr the house are only nit.- bn 1.-' The building code requires that thickness te not less Hum thirteen Mr. Beck says he w ill insist that Powers strengthen the walls m irtt as 1* necessary Altogether, hi Mr. Power's contract is going o most costly. KjSi; struck by Stris-I < ar. r. A few moments after his jir:it ■Licitmopd from HhuinansvtUe. \" . Wednesday Mr V. U Wharton we ICfc by a westbound ''lay dr, He "a* painfully bruised. Itu' not seriously injured. He w a :«n to the Virginia hospital. or injuries were treated. Hallowe'en Turly. * There will It u Hallow. - n pan: "k the attendant watches am its at the Woodland Heights Hup •rhUTch Friday night, October young ladles of the church wll the hostess.- and Mrs. l.u. , am West End Angels will gio- .-■■» 1 number t-liol Through Both lags. fSftlXlAMSBFU.:. V He-pd..., (r. A. tv. Hitchens a lo. al but. «ud very dangerously woun elf while unloading a ftk cal rolTer Wednesday afternoon at O’clock. Th- bull i nn-red tin rl and passed through both I ph»i. ian i-ar that paralysis i lit io service* at Jsrusa Heathsville -4*1 to The Richmond Virginian 1 P!KATmMV!U,K. VA , Ort 2:. hom*- 01 Mi. ami \lr> J. \\ llill. wi i.iirgcsi t*to|.-. this 1 .juiiti the acetic hi .t ■ ■ r? prett? • wawning when their yonngevi i liter, Nannie 1‘auiiin . Iiwame tin Of Mr. Samuel <• ul Beater count? At the earl? . a mile lighting tin entered th>- parlor on the urn r«he groom to the strains .4 i,.>h<-n • wedding imroi rend. re.l In Aimed* t.'routher. Mi>- Gertrud* lUn, lister 01 tin i.rib , turning tie Rev. C. II William*. foon-led slfcev. A. 1' Kh . . |..110l ined tin my The bride was bccomingl? in white atul carried a I.. «[ white chrysanthemum*, hoi the c erenion? lunvhcon a a: to the bridal part? and friends | jell da? the couple left f..r Ho i home in tiinu« « n. r Je’s traveling red ?? as ol si. 1 Cloth, with hat .. g: o• s e turn Point, at tin mouth ot c..ui on the Potomie. rivet, at ihb is the center of great a.tiiit? Is the most important point ui hod? of water Captain Andrea rl*, one of the best bueiries In Northumberland, who is < re in the fish and oyster busincsi point, is. giving .inpiovm.n t* large number j • op;.- Tb. Sing of the oyster wae.n tia. ght to the liar bo r oyatermen fron _ part of the coast to find a mar • for th«ir oysters, and daily th< Is Ailed with craft of every d* In search of the crisp bill of this property so numer ibuted among y>e oystermei »on. Lake, a short dlatane, fiver, is Walnut Point’s cio* •friftn a standpoint of aetlvit season of the ?.-ar. Messrs A Headley are buying oyster shucking house t» in opera lem Baptist * hun h. In Richmond comity, Here largely attended h> peo pit* from the upper end of this rount\ »*n Sunday. I *r W illiam K. Hat* her preached i*'» sermons which capti vated hi* heir«Mi ] n It. K Booker. of i .out burg. this county, i« attend I rot a meeting *»f the State Medical A?s \ iuti<*n in Norfolk, Va . this week. I'nlcsa more interest is shown it* th* political situation in Northumberland county during the next week than is now manifested, it l» safe to say, that a small vote will polled at the Clou to he he»»1 November H. Not for many yearr has as little interest been shown in any ampuUrn While it is a foregone conclusion that Hop V\ t Junes will, m« usual, receive « most flattering vote in this county. every thing indicate* a email vote, ami mntiv uualiin d voters will not even take tin time t-» g«* t«» the polls Every 'ear x • « apitMtimi tax -t shows a falling ..rr t. th mimi" r of person* paying their poll ta\«s in time, the number .{, rs !.. r verv v ert r. Anm-:nrcm* nt* < th»- dates of th« ; 11r> t< he in »•! In ♦}•«* se* tioti Iip.v* »m n mud* an*! *r« m follows . ’ * ; *! .l Jv Math* w IP ;,jh' u . N* vemher 2. and 4 Kil \ N • • \ * * m t1 • • i •* hi and Jl Kll m*rn*-k ‘ di.r***! Fa*r 1*. IT aid ’V He.ithsville i’td,>r*tl Fair. 2 - 24 and TO HELP HARDING IN OHIO CAMPAIGN w VS»i I \( ;t< in. i > ' < >ot - * — |.|,1.* f.-r th" , mnp.cKii fjtffi he* to • l.-in.-in* > > r.tury of Slat" Kno* mol S. • r. cry of th. Trp«#urj MiirV. ich, >n i »hio. w . r," annoitnrc.l I).'!"- to .la. Mr Kii"\ i» to spfrtk with (Inril.n^ * • .I'oluinhu* on .V> .-nil- I .' mill ut t ‘in<-lnnatt Nnx.rn !.,.r Ma< \ ">iKh « ill <|>i'Mk at To on Vovritihr-r ... m.l ;it Cl*'." Imii.I on Nov "ttihw “ Sii.rt t« . .. rto\ to ini'. ]i"kf.|i . ' in ! o t i "I \ ■ iVI-Ulbor 1. t * i * t .*i *. ChairritHit Lnylln io>k"d for n . hntiK*-. in of.lHt to hnvi- the Ki . ro tarv at tin hitf • I.oul ns miottns nt Cno innnti GREAT BRITAN FEARS AN EGYPTIAN HOLY WAR IMma liriii^h l;«irn' m Souchti; <*n War Kooiin- With All IV >il*lc SjUAui. i.'»NhMN, « »• t 27 In .* *1 -*p»rat* effort to put th-* Finish force in Egyp • n t war l' * o ting with (he greater posfihle ape* !. fill e»f(i« ers of Kgyptiai regiment* are hurrying 1 * rejoin the! commands. Their leave .as cmmcvIUm » y an order issued a week ago. many of them wet. giv*n unni t-< »i. t«* . «i*i*1 * :»• preparation* for their re turn to Egypt. Th«- war "Hi* * nutko* no attempt t< <<ui'**Ml it.- feiu oi an. uprising ii Egypt ami the Soudan during th* coming winter Last year's* mires pioHontt-d 1111L • hut political animu tion, hut in the last ms months tin situation has taken a molt seriou turn and the g* n« ra! impression i that a Mohammedan- holy war'' wii i he preached soon. npd that this wil lit- the signal for a widespread natlv* oiitbre* k. (Afticial. Loudon das!. expects th* recall of Sir Eldon tJoist, the gover nor general, and th* appointment ii his plac* *»t tin- Hirdar *»f the Soudan Sir Kegnmid W'ingat*-. with the pow *‘rs <»f a military dictator "MAYOR GAYNflfi IS OFF HIS TROLLEY," HE SAY! ( hii i of Washington I’iiIht 1 Ku' Nut l.ikf ( ritiri-m hv New Vi irk* r. Washington, ii <\, 11.1 .'7. Mu Vi.r lia.vnor is 'ill li!.“ Indie;. This jg thi' r* |ily .if Major Hyivestei h(> l nl thi- Washington imliiv, i thi' rev elutions of New Vol k's m#vn . oio i i 11111x Ihi mnrnllt; of the i upl till. 'll Muior Guvnor walked tin'** mill .* "ii IV mis.', !v anla no mu ’ hoi Major S* h I'Mi-r to-day, "all h»- »nv was a tin*' of in.Him; pietlire shows bright light* anil a few smiling me and noliifn. Min and women smll ever; win n It isn't a i rime. "In Washington w i* nev er hav e ttior than inn arrests oil a Sundav high In .New York I v enture t" sa v. the have tivi or six hundred on Kunda’ night along T.ioadwu.v alone. N'ei York Is a i.-mniereinl city where wick idness thriven." Ur. <1. V Goricll l oiiinl Head. iTU’KPKIl, VA„ Oct. 27.— Hr. .In |,|i V leirrell, a iiromlnent druggie i t ’n11>< per. was found dead hi h. i-. d hen- Wedn.i I >r. mured r. tire.I last night In his usual goo. health and his oiddeii death i'll most s* Vere shot k. Mrs. i ill*s< >1). who lives in the l-'We end of (’ulpetier . ounty, had li,.r nrn broken and sustained other initiri. t. ii u runaway A portion of‘the harm s on the hors** she was driving hrok. ..11 a steep hillside. frown King Voveintx-r II WASHINGTON. I >. <’•. "ft -'7 The . ereTTiOllies of till* aee. ssi el ' the King of Siam will i"inm< n.'t ..i Nov.-mlar s. The coronation prope . , urs on the 11th. As the frtuntr: s in mourning for the lut*. kind. th. . I.ronation festivities will h» post [„,n',.(| nee..ruing to Siamese custom intil after the . nhmtion of rlie Ian kniK. n* xl >f*:ir I I I I.ATI^T t i:\*l * Fllil HK-*. \U^UIX.TO\, Oct. 27.—Ihr iphniim «Wi»r ■uiiHiiapptl thr fol IohIiik rental In «*f the 1HIO enutu rJ-Allou l A«ritalk, < oait., UitMVt, laprMuw uzo, Oberlfn, Ohio, 4,1015, I nrrenne U«*« VWtliluu. Ohio, d,**7f», deerenoe *oulh Ni*r«nlk, < \ph i.ouiiou, < i<nu, i:»,nr>o. Mlddlelot* h. liii ludlaK Middle' town l It*, i «nu , 20,7 40. Middle lot* u City, <oii., 11, M». Asufalurk, t'o.-Rxteantya with JlMfalUfk burough, (uu., 12, 722. Mil It man tie, lonn, II^M. Wl anted laorongh, ioaa.,7,T.*VI l>*abur>, l oan., 20,234. Manchester, ( onn„ 12,041. T«»rdii* on town, including Turrlnaton lioronich. («>ui., 10, b2**. Nertvfeh town, Including \or vrleh t 'Uf, 2*^!t>. \arwteh (It?, W^t7. MACK SIGNS UP FOR LIFETIME .Muiiiip r of Athletic* Wiic ( u pifl's (Janie uml I-*■«<IFtri<1* to Altar. iiui.Ai'Ki.piiiA, t'A tm — i ’-irni-Uu* Mi-Oillicnddy (' < 'onnie Mark"*, manager ot tin- Athleth s. and I'aiheiftne Kallohttn. of this eit>. were married m AII-8ouls Oatboii?' chnreh in Tioga at V o'clock lo-du>. Nat. to ins an n tanitli, niT to ini’ relatives . i hns briar, nr tn anj ot ihe mem bers of tnc champion basenail tram that hi led to victory. did < outlie i ilia MMlIotiHd tvnitprr the news that thry «rtf going to i>i- married bi-da} . Not until Mu k ualieieo Ins briiie into hi* borne ami murmured ba“h i ulh to thorn* »> t his lamlly "ho hap Itent*tl to t>e there V\ ant yon to meet m> wile." did any one know that this war? Connie's" wedding day. When the big parade Is held her? on Novembei -• In honor ot the vn - tortoti* ti'nm. amt the bamim1’ at ti^ It, II. vne-Htratforii. and all tin other i ? si 1 vttier that ar. planned in honor of the world’s bas.-hall ehantpions, ■Connie” won't be to* re. It* will b* on the high seas with his brnb. sail ing away toward Italy on his noney 111 lent storm Warning. NKW liulK. October .it The lol lowiriK special Htorui warning "as or dered postt'd 11> tile It" a i .* eat m*r hute»u tn-dtfy Southwest storm warnings "111 oe displayed at 11 A. M. ir*>m Kastpoft. to tin* lieiawafe breakwaters The rotrrri that has tieeh central over tin* lower lake region Is moving east ward and w ill on use nrt. k to high southwest winds to-day shifting to northwest to-night ’ omul lot-time in Itiii-cau. l.l'RAV \ A oi l. -’i After a sys Iriimtli search of several days the relatives of Mrs. Mart liruhaker. who died in this county n lew days ago have iteen rewarded b\ ilmlitig shug.y tui ketl away in a bureau drawi-r •> i ? - uOO. representing tin savings ot in.-uy years. Many *>f the ? atns bear dai » which allow the old woman began e •tidin ' hor money in middle Hit She " •j2 years old at the time id he.- d? nit COMMISSION ISSUES BATCH OF CHARTERS! Local Concern Gets 1 *:i£>« r- ol In corj(oration Koreign I.icitusc ALo Granted. i Thu Stun (' i ‘ommesim rhurj.ilay issued a heavy *»:*!« It " iluuter*. one foreign license and at amendment, the list being ud tullows Shun uf tin Craftsmen, Inc., o. Richmond, Vu. ineoriiorators Xu IhanUI il. I'ttltl, president anil man iger, Alexandre* W. Jones. vice president, Oscar 1. Jones, Jr., trees urtr. all of Hielitnond, V«. Capita stock Mtixlntnni. $r..«>oo . mitiiniutn t'J.lddi. 1 injects Mini purposes Will paper and dc< oration business. The CatHlpu ('lull. Ini . of Culpeper Vu. Incorporators A. 1.. tioodbu president, .1 F. J.atliam. wrretur.i I-*.. 1.. Slaughter, treasurer. Otis Mai shall, John J. Davies, K. S. Sperr'. a ot Culpeper, in. Capital stork Max iutuni. none qhjcels ami purpose Si elul ('lull. Weaver Investment Company. In ot Roanoke, Va lmorporutors J 'I Strickland, president; Jeunnetti > Weav er, vice-president; 1“. H. Weave! seereturv and treasurer, all of Koa noki . Capital stock Maximum. # 1 f*. iillil; minimum, $1,000. ithjeets an purposes I tea I estate imslmss A. Well are, Inc , of Norfolk Vu I ' Im orpofators- Mrs. A Welfare, pres . ■Idem. James T Atwood, seereturv I John M. Arnold, all of Norfolk. cMpi tal stuck -Maximum, $5,000, mini mum. $1,000. objects and purpose I H al in bair goods. ' English Investment Corporation, a ltoanoke, Vu. Incorporators J I Hear, president; J. A Hear, vjee-pres idem., li. ft. Fairfax, n< -cretan an treasurer all of Roanoke t'aidta stuck Maximum. $25,mm. minimuti $2,000. Objects and purposes- Ke»i estate business. Charles II. Potter A Co., in, , , ' Alexandria. Va 1 m .u-porators Charles it. Potter, president; F. I Williams. sei retHlv ; I. M. itewlet all of Washington. I*. C. Capital Mm , Maximum, $25,000; minimum. *5. dim. ( ibjc ts and purposes- Ilian ' and stationery business Th Improved l.aboring Men's lien 1 ctieiul Association. of Norfolk Va. In corporators Thomas I Unrnivv i president; Junius Cox. vice-president t A t'ouke, seereturv. ail of Norloil Va Capital slock- Maximum, nnnt i ibjects and purposes l-'raternal ben ein iury association. ‘ The F II- Mend Manufai turtn (‘ompany, ine,. of Farmville, Va In corporators • Joseph limner, presi dept, Wlllianistovvri, Ky.; J. F. Hugx secretary and treasurer. Farmvilb Va,: <•. M. Hold son. viee-presideti Fartnv ille. Va. t'a|iital stock- Maxi * mum, $20.001'; minimum/ *20.Inn J i ibjects and purposes -Manufaeim , eUithitlg ol all kinds Hayes Memorial Orphan Home. . Staunton. Va Itu otporators Mr , i queen K Taylor Miller, president j Mrs. llorunse Fosby. treasurer; Am , ! tin Cosby. William Ashby Miller, set . I retary, all of Staunton, Vu. Fupita I stock- Maximum, none. Objects an ! purposes—Colored orphans' home. And amendment was this da' is sued to charter of Ha wyer-Htev ens , 1 Cooper (,'ompan.v, ine.. Norfolk. Va , i changing name l‘> Ka wyer-Htev en i Company. Inc i A license to do business in the Htat , of Virginia was this day issued t Fhited States Orand Hodge of the < >r dm- of Hrith Abraham, a i orporatio . organized and existing under the law ,,f the State of Net' York, a wrltt.e power of attorney having been hie with the 11 tnmb.sion appointing J" sepli Hutton, Commissioner of In or „me, Ktehmond. Va statutory No capital stock. (ibjects and pur poses—Conducting a fraternal betut! clary insurance association. ltosensteln Hros. Co , Incorporator Norfolk, Va. William Kosenstelt president; Jessr- ltosensteln, vice presidt nt; Edward J. Knsensteln. see retai y all of Halt.. MJ. Ca|d tal i ti. -k--Maxirnittit. liti.noo. mini room, $ 15,000. objects ami pur pm.ev’ Manilla'tun- of iailles' cloth i ing , , , (ierman Mutual Huilding and I.oa ! Association. Incorporated. Htchmonf Va. W. J- Oilman, president; Chsj 1 E I.ohr, vice-president; E. W Bowles. Jr., secretary and treasurer all of Illchmond. Capital stock Maximum. $500,000; minimum, $5, ! mi0. (ibjects and purposes. Hulldlni and bat! association. rOM HKVT. A FOR RENT IN THE K1CHMO.N Virginian want ads.. wtU nst vou waist. A..-,q ..-.I. e. • , M • M".''-. FIND NO BODIES II FIDE DEBRIS N ;uvlli" in KuiilS Fltil- I') Sul» '•fimliiifD Itmnor* of Incinora li'>n» ll.miKUts. YJi'TOHIA H <\ Oct. 2T.-Search t«* - cl ti > of 11 * ♦* ruins of the li t’»» which hut night destroyed a large part of the business s. i lion of \\ t* ria fails to show ;tp\ causualties nesptte the many reports that several pf*rsi ns were dead t i»i th. debris Neither i* it ,*>elieve..l j that any one was Injured The property damage w ill approach to Th. ipholstcring d« piirtment of David Sj•* * * r and Com pass* sustained the greatest individual loss nh»ut CiOO.tMMi. The Western Colon building and »t large number of other lesser buildings were r< npUtely de- , simyed. The Times Herding was de stroyed, *T1 e Driard }l el and Pem berton Hotel, two of the larges? struc tures were in imminent d.’ ..•/ r hut ware raved. I BE EtECTEfi AGAIN Mi dical Sori.'tv <>f \‘: 'iniu Will Srlict Richnu'ii'ii r ii' bcentary. MillHil.K, VA, i), .. The j Medi< al Foeietj of Yirg.:. in session h< rp. H expected la,te tl s afternoon to elect l >r <* C. Bright. of Jarratt's, it- president. I>r. Ban ...*n B. lid ward.-. ut Richmond, nil »»e re-elect »d • • i *-thry. He has t;li< j thin place toll\ »ars, but was unn <• . because of sickness. to come .*• Xoifoik. Hi. son. i *r t'harlea M. hd ..rds. is tilling his place here. to. • H. Havinder. the Marin® Hospital Se.rvli f-.. was nnahP* to mint' to read a pa per on ,»• iagra. i >r. 1: Wilson, i ■ h i < • j put <• t Mayo > Clinic, Ho hester. waj« heard with interest to-da; on • malig nant tumor." In*. Knni* i S Williams, • i Kit hmoud. and a niimt. r of phy sicians ussed "hook • ■rm Tht session ends to r iron after noon with an oyst* r *st at Capr Henry. NKWTnKT NEWS, VA.. October -'7. It is learned here that this alter noon at Norfolk the rv , utivc Coun cil * f the State Mode - So.-ietv will in minute officers for th ensuing year as follows: i I *r i*. Wright, of ,1 "ratt's. presi dent i I*? Joseph T" Huxt' i. of Newport New S, V iei -president. f »r Hatidoxi f>. Edvvar !> Hi* hmond, s< . iv tar>. l>r. U M. .Slaughter Theological S. urinary treasurcr. Nominations are eqtii •.Hut to elee 1 tioti ITALYS KING AIDS : IN RELIEF WORK i XAl'LKS. i K lulu r J.".— King Vic tor • ! to-day inspt t ted the relief w ork at • <Yi«irt and tin* nth* r hamlets on the • Gulf of Salerno which were devastat ed by the recent < v‘i*>ne. Kvery where i In went he was given an ovation by the sufferers and h.> presence aided the authorities in stimulating the i re I ogees to help themselves. ; Th** work restoring the towns stricken by the • Pnidhurst and tidal vcivr is being pushed rapidly. PETERSBURG PI f * Mimv Visitor? Opi ning of Fine A^rirnhui'iil Kxpo ^il ion. PKTKUHHlkr, VA„ Ort. L’T.— With an Htti'iulMiH . .'.jual to the ex 11 • • i ■ i it 11 o 11 s of tin management, the r> t< rsburg Agricultural ; iir opened Thursday morning -nd will continue for t h• • remuindei .f tht> week. Ktorn an early hour Thui-day morning the ( crowds thronged in. i,ig lair hullcllnir. viewing splendid <xhlblts of farm produrts and handsome displays !>y Petersburg merchants and manufac turers. Corn, peanut* o tobacco pre dominated in ipian :ty, tlti* three be ing shown in all iiieties of grades and conditions. Im --resting specimens *.f in i- db-work broidery we f e j- included in the "'men's division, while dairy [>rod ts came in for a good share of intention. Cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, goats . and all live stock i being shown In 1 the second largest i-ollding, and this I featute jiroleihly dr. u thp lion's share ■ f Interest Thun for the visitors lloektd her.' thro _ .tlt the day. dis playing marked o. u ht in the lint exhibits. k Premiums and -oils in air de partments will !>. i yarded through v mill tent .fudge- r ihe best exhibits. The handsome . yhlblt of the Nor folk and Western railway shown at i the Hlackstone fair has been Installed s and is attracting nor h attention. , The fair is gay o 11It red. white and I idtie bunting win n the. occasion is - enlivened with p o.,r selections ron lered niiii tanti\ • veral hands. HEART FAILURE SECOND IN MORTALITY LIST I VVASHINUToN I) (•., (let. 27.— Hi art disease rank.- next to tuber , culosis as one ol the principal causes , of death among tin employed men ij | of thy United States, according to Ur. Cress}- I,. Wilbur, expert on vital statistics. In a bulletin published to day by tile census bureau. 1 At the age period of from 25 to . 24 years, nearly 5 per cent, of the ! deaths occurring among males are > due I" hi art dhi m at the period of ■ 26 tu 44 'ears nearly H per cent., I and at the period ,.r from 46 to 54 the rate is 12 per cent. Heyond that age. It is more than 16 per cent. t. Ifi; 00 1 i. . LIFE HIED ODT It STEAM EIIEINE George Light Succumbs to In juries Received When Kugiuc Leave.- Tracks. Crushed against the wall* of a tool i house by a runaway engine at the Locomotive Works, tteorge l.ight. colored, of t*2S North Thirtieth street, had both lu- legs broken, and re- ; eelved internal Injuries which result ed ITi his death at the Virginia hos pital Wednesday night The victim was working near the tool house when a shitting engine Von off the tracks. The cowcatcher pinned him a'frninst the wall of the building ami It was several moment' before tie could be’ rescued. The city ambulance wag summoned ■ with l)r Turman In charge. The In jured man was taken to the City Home where It was seen that hi was desperately injured. Later he was re moved to the Virginia hospital, where he died. GONGESTIOPI CAUSED BY STRIKING EXPRESSMEN J (*!*-( v ('it y Tipil Iji i>v Jlplptrs Who Want More Pav. .1KHSKV <'ITV, N. J.. <>ct. 27.-— X.urly ,lII >.f the .'xpreer companies' union helpers in thin city arc on rtrikt. the men employed by the Adams Kxpress Company having re fused to go to work this morning. Ail ol the employes in the main de pot and in the West Short depot are now out and there is great conges tion. >i< the regular drivers refuse to work with the strike-breakers. The i ■ nl}.,1111• s afteettd are the t imed States. Wi lls Fargo and Arinins com panies The strikers are affiliated with the teamsters' union and a general s11 ike is threatened if the companies do not soon n< . , de to the demands i f the men who want an increase el wagi s of three dollars a month. A crisis is expected in the strike tins aft. rnoon, wln-n the l.'nited States Kxpriys Company, with tile assist ance of a large fort - of special oni cer-- and p ilh raiui, will attempt to move loaded wagons from the com pany's Idg building at Johnston and .Monitor streets to tin- Jersey Central tt rminal at Communipaw. The Fnited states Company's ser vice is completely tied up, every em it' their I 'ifi wagons being out of commission. The Wells Fargo Com pany is also unatde to distribute or # oil, , t i xpress matter The Adams Kxpress Company is moving a few ‘ wagons lift ten and 2.'#00 . driven helpers ami platform men are ; oil strike in Jctsi y City. NO SPELLBINDING LOO I SECHEIARY OF NAVY __ I. 1 alt '1 Pinks Ku<>a aipi Mac \ <-igh I'.ii-dioli p, ('aiiipiiigu in Ohio. W ASHINGTON Oct. 2i - Set retao of the Navy Meyer will not be a .spell binder this y» ar. The secretary «ia:< has been engaged on an inspect ior* tour of all navy yards In the country, ami ltay been receiving appeal* fro:n the Ohio Hepublk-an committee to hold out iu the campaign there at everj stop. Yesterday, at -Mobile, he receiv ed the moat urgent plea Meyer was for cam-oiling h}« inspection trip im mediately and rtushini? to Ohio, but .'■'topped ion'u enough to ask President Tuft about the mailt r. Ti executive wired the secretary that inasmuch as he’d already assigned eecrethrle> Knox anti MacWlgh to th. Buckeye cumpaiftn that Mever could un ahead with the inspection. Mean whim. linwrV'T, May* r had let his <*n thusiasm loos-e, and dfspauhes were sent to Ohio that he would be there to help out. MORE PROJECTION FOR OUR NATIONAL DEFENSE f ouinv'MHitn Hiciiiiiuinl IVarx.n ! I<.1 i-i..i» Plan, I nrerc'ting Pioiiram fin- I'iii, Winter. W ASH lNt.iT* »N. di t, I'T. "< *ry#t ali/ ing in the discus-«ton of th« fortlttea Uon of tht* i’anaina Canal, the subject ' of national defense will come up for serious consideration in congress this winter/* declared Hepreswrtative Kicli i rnon IVarson Hobson to-day. Hobson returned to Waslilngton early to be i Km work of his program for the win ter. I "We must fortify the canal That is j certain.’' ht continued. "Wo are un der obligation to preserve the neutral ity of the canal, and it is our duty to defend our own shores. To do iht: adequatcly. we must control the sea. "To do this. I shall propose the ! building of three battleships and twelve destroyers, and 1 hope that con gress will realise the seriousness of the situation sufficiently to add at least another division to the army. "1 shall also do what I can to hr in a about an agreement to the end that v\o may put through a ship subsidy scheme for the development of tie * merchant marine. Further measures which lie hopes to bring to the attention of congress §r<? farm sanitation and education in the ' rural districts. HEAR APPEAL CASE OF A DAIRYMAN Th* < use <>f 1. II. DiGniff, u dairy - 1 man charged with selling Impure milk to the Rennie Dairy Oopany, occupied ih* attention of Judge Wilt In the 1 Hustings Court throughout the greai i-r tart of Thursday. Mr. DeOraff was convicted In the no lle* court put took an appeal. The ! hearing of this appeal began at 1U I o'clock Thursday morning, and. at o'clock Imii i-> l been completed. I.tul Hun Dimn. i Special to The Richmond Virginian.) EMPORIA. VA., Oct. 27.—John Shindle, a white boy four years old, of North Emporia, was run over 1 y i a negro, Junius Stiff, who drove a wagon, Monday. The accident te siiltecj In a bad scalp wound and a crushed shoulder. Dr. I.ofton reports th< boy as resting well. E. A. Spence, a farm. rHu North Emporia, was struck by the shift ol 1 his plow while plowing Monday which resulted In a serious abdomi nal rupture. earned money in house rent? OUR PLAN, we »*»“ owner of your FOR EACH $1,W* you prv $7.50 per month, pin* 5 per cent. Interest on yearly balance*. which pnvs out the loan in 10 and t-i year*, you can pay off the loan AT ANY TIME, thus stopping further interest. Write or call on The Standard Home Company, J. W. PONDER, State Agent, A4-.t6 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Richmond. Va. Phone Monroe 580. ('.INTER PARK, The Suburb Beautiful The Homeplace Ideal Extraordinary opportunities offered the home builders, both ns to terms of purchase tor lots and loans with which to build the home of your choice. Sec us for handsome folder giving information. Lewis Ginter Land and Improvement Co., lilt Main Street. VETOES CHANGE IN CUT'S SEAL Mmv./i- Uiohanison i TcIm h ~ < > r< 1 i iiiuicf* is Ketn'Motive mul Net Projh riv Worth'll. Tin* seal of the i Sty will not l»e i hunjo J tor sewraI months at least. The ordinance arranging 'or a rever tam i- to the original soul of the muni cipallty has been returned to lounrll with the mayors veto. "I vetoed the ordinance foua"- 11 is r* troactive and bet aus.- it would invalidate any number of important documents whh b have been pass'd upon. “The ordinance reads that on and alter < h tuber, 190k. the new seal shall • used on all puldie documents Since that date, a large number of papers have been stamped with the present seal To sign the measure as it is now Molded would be to Invalidate every on< of these j The rejected measure will go be j fort council and ih. mayor's veto will j probably be sustained Then lati-r a new ordinance will b< framed by the proper committee, will be duly passed on to common couneil and the board of aldermen, and finally will reach ; the ina?or. Hut ail this takts time. Conse quently It Is more than likely that the J preg< nt seal will be in use for several i months to come. DESPERATE FIGHT I .WITH Fi THIEF j -hgiuTt Hull, < uloivil, of fiirli Ufini llek( a- J»iir”iar in i’liiladclpliiit. A dispatch receiv ed at local police headquarters suites that Egbert Hall, alias John Williams, a gigantic negro giving luehmond as ins home, has necu arrested in I'hiiadelphia alter a desperate battle with Ih. police, charged with the uUemjited robbery >t the furrier establishment ot Jo seph Ab.-rltuiger. When eicrks opened the store Thursday morning, according to the dispatch, they found the negro ar ranging fur* valued at several thous and dollars into a portable bundle. One of the Clerks telephoned i or the poiti c, while others graptlled w ith the thief. The latter, who is six feet two and | one-half inches lull, and weighs near ly 2»« pounds, fought despeiately. A i battle royal was in progress when the police arrived. '1 bey called on Hall to surrender, hut he refused, ahd backing against a wall. continued fighting. it was finally necessary to beat him into insensibility with a blackjack. The negro was given a preliminary j hearing anil was held in *kOtt bait for i court. Hall or Williams has ,n» criminal record in this city. COLONEL TOO BUSY TO OBSERVE DAY Uipuscvi'li i* o- av« Old, But Hasn't l inn- to (.Vie-* bra to. JOHNSTOWN. N. V , October 27. — Accompanied by former Congressman Lucius Llttauer, Colonel Theodore Hous.oflt touted Johnstown, Gluvors vtlle, 1-'midu ami other titles lit the Mohawk valley to-day. This was the colonel's titty-second birthday, hut he said that hr had tin time for a tele Oration" now, being too busy with his ■ sf.eet hmaking. Itoosevelt was anger ed with Judge Parker's .contemptuous relentin' to hit Tafimany and tVai! stie, t circular and showed it ni his speech. • Judge Parker tetei.t to this < ir culat which shows that there is an alliance between Tammany Hall and Wall street a* alleged," said Itoone velt. "but lots of people have aeen It. 1 will tell hint now where I got It. jit war sent through the mall to Wal ter Woods, a man you all know.” "Yes, and 1 got one through the mail myself." chimed In Llttauer anil ' the crowd laughed at the Joke of a Tammany circular for funds to right House.,‘it going to the millionaire glove manufacturer who has been one : of the ue+onel's closest political : friends since 1K»8. Hnosevelt assailed again what he ! claims Ik an attempt on the part of ; Tammany Hall to "‘Tammunylze the «tatt" and also denounced the Demo ' c.ratlc candidate as a member of the "wall paper trust." Ha accused fix ■; of Insincerity In his attacks on the ! Payne-Aldrich tariff la . saying that i "inas much ns he whs willing to bene fit by the duty on wall paper he has no right to oppose the duty on other products.” MS } \. . V., FOR SALE, A Beautiful New House One block of Burton Heifcht* school ami <ar Imp. With or without hot water heat. Every convenience of city with out city taxes. Easy term*. Apply » > 708 Wickham Street, Barton Height! Phone Monroe 2tM>4-J. First Call for This Little Bargain. H) acre* of land; only two mile* of the city limits; new, four-room paimetl cottage; some fruit anti grape* No land adjoining can lie bought for less than $100 per acre. Owner flow in the Wen Hus just authorired us to sell for $1,800. See at once. CASHELMAN A CO. HFNRV5 HIJTZLER8.CQ BANKERS 5CUCIT TOUM MAT RtlN ACE its At i unf -i nr LFNtrVAL BANFiNti. IN t Kt j 1 All U W[ D UN FjAVING'j ACCOUNTS MRS. BURTON AS THEIR PRESIDENT (Special to The Hichmond Virginian, i STAt'NTi »N, VA . Oft. IT.—-The following officers were elected to-day at the state convention Of the Kings Daughters, in session here Mr*. O Burton. Richmond, State secre tary; Miss Elizabeth Neely. Ports mouth. recording secretary, and Mr*. Robert Price Petersburg, treasurer. Executive board—Mr* Charles Curry, Ptaunton: Mrs. Edith Butlar. Warren ton; Mrs hula C. McPhatl, Rich mond. Delegate to Central Cotincll. Mrs. C. G. Burton, Richmond. DENIES THE TALE OF ESCAPE PLOT MOMTRKAL CAN. Oct. 27—When ■aptaln Kendall, of the steamer MOm rose was questioned to-day about l'r. It H, *’rlppen e story that the vessel! quartermaster was to aid him to es cape. he characterized the story a* false ".Nothing of the sort happened." sa.d tile captain. "As a matter of f»ot ceil her I>r. Crlppen nor Miss I*tnev« suspected for a mogjent that their di * guise had been penetrated. 1 was very careful to so- that they had no r» ason to believe that were w ere un<P i* suspicion and no one was more sur prised than was Dr. Crtpjien when In spector Dew stepped forward In hi! uniform of a pilot and plated the cou ple under arrest The story was sim ply manufactured by Crlppen U# »'4 hie defense BUCKINGHAM COUNTY RSPORTS INCREASE Jiatli Dixtrirt* Show Kiftr m Iixaltf Valuf-«- Auditor (jets Assess ment Books. A»simftu books Just re.«K*d tin* Stale auditor t.r pniJil. urctutti from Hit. klngham indicate an !>• crease In the realty values in that county of f332f10SK over the total o( last year. The county is cut into two district*. The first reports for this year $7Y>5,184 against $t»5l,K61 for 1303 showing an increase of 1113,303. Tne second dis trict hooks gne it total value of 11, 339.32.'; as against 3S1U.79X tor 1909, giving an Increase for the distria* <• $21S, 725. Vaval trophy I'rrw-ntM. NORFOLK. VA., October 27.—U the navy yard to-day there was pre sented to tlvc battleship South t'aro llna th-- naval trophy unn by that whip In attaining the highest percen tage in the spring and summer tar get and manuver practices of th* : Atlantic battleship fleet off the Vir ginia and Massachusetts coasts. ; gfte.o pkuhgHHhethchgst ahdrlu i , . — . Hnitai from VlrglalM*. I (Special to The Hlr-hniend Virginian.) NORFOLK. VA.. Oct. 27.—H. I'. It. •• gart. assistant general manager of th* Vlrginh n railway, with l.euii-nuarier* if. Norfolk, has resigned to btcoi.t* actively lrr*retted In tin- f'!i Kr?,l neerlng Company, and the me tric 1 loy Company, New York and Ct-..- . I ! .1 ' 1.. '. ■.J-i.J. 1. ..MU M V Matter That Will intercut Any Pro dent Man or Woman. W* depart from our usual custom 1 and call attention to an advertisement of Tho Virginia Trust Company, which will be on the financial pags ' of to-day's h <■. We call attention to this advert.s« ruent for the reason that it contains mattyr which will I prove of interest to eyery prudent : man or woman In he city of Kicfea |mond and state of%Yirflui& ' ** ■ - *