Newspaper Page Text
m A Page Planned to Please And Benefit the \\ omen T The Richmond Virginian Stories and Standards for Richmond Households THE SKY-MAN |i!.Mn KIT* HI I 1. \\ r.H'TI.U J ,,r >s. :* .'> \! ■ r . u: • 1 ,} ,"t r‘ K i opv’ till i9Ki i y i ho IVnUin Company U-V The <4 d*j*t*n< *■ •Ivori v - r -.i l. hi' > It hi*t j •b-.-Ti S22£ to ■ r • i n * L If ha <1 •<*m muii' tward i* h.»it* *r ‘UK t * but an ortinub i.i w« v*t d I dt •i What IT ttu V Vt bod h A l An Hi* 'i>«i*■ • ■ i pa • * (rum the r***s. and ' the laminar o? th* mountains -d tb* t-« a notch where h** « A V-lfW ol the so i th* v*.* He saw th r* shat ;n t'r of his mind he had ah mre he- would e*v notnmK other Barr* n. bleak horiz* At that. for <» while. his i broke down, and he r.tvo! a and our—d like one dement* ht lp*l, spent, sobered. • i ^ i* more <*f a eharp hung. t In . ifitibo h littie farther up the muntain a ledfe, where, a** hi- minute hnov. i edgt of the country led run, t<» .\ p«H*t, he found n numb* * «d hM*r,s fritting Me killed on*- of these bird with a dart and then. Uk. the brut* he was, ate it raw and wai m By that time .t w a* hit* hi !! Afternoon. Bravad*. • omhitied vi; h a more teal b* h* ; than h< had : et luceeedfd in retaining n> th* ♦if. ? that all hi.4 terror »-t th- night b. fore had re-j-ultetT 1 r«»m nothing nn»i-e •erioua than a nightman-. d him to decide to go home by \\n. <u the Beach rather than amng th* «ii:l !t Interior trail up which he had m* The descent from the <-hnh- .id t• * the beach v. aa nothing t*» a mu'n of his inhuman strength and aetivu.-. though an ordinarily -Killed moun taineer might have lositated ionh \e v ert Helens, 1 u ». way •b*wn h*’ ne.tfj - luck he #-ei!d haae ea light a g limps, o| a of a nni. .iway, ledge, b. nding attempting it thirds, of th< fell—hut i**r fallen, for he lonely figure, a qimrtt . per hap . v. ated upon an at it mod, had forward *hin in hand, m which recalled. and in rr.l* that of the man to long murdered When lie had eP-adieti Imnseif ,t little, hf mad* his w.t «a<tiousiy down to th*- level *»f th* b* nch fit emotions were divided about *-;uall> between fear ami ang* i in. angi existing bera-eo. tJ{ the b ar With intfnit*. caution he uppicn-h *-d that lorn lv. unsuspecting hgur*. •lipping from th*. sh* 'ter of <*ne rock to that *.f ■ i little marcr. Thn*. timer his left hand dr* w hack the throwing slick balanced and aimed along a •end its thin i\-*r> and h* sure!, \,, that «s the one that had fixed f'err Haute* - hi* munch s bra- . *1 th effort. to propel with a breath!* > the w'rapon agair line that would dart a- swiftlv beautiful throat onnd and traits and thre* times * m- is ev for the I bit I*, oath. h« ami v ith " Ip* n t he. sweat of his hairy hand from his forehead. The act had non*. tin merey in it; It was sitnp 1 \ r»f a iogi- a I dilemma It he «aw before him \». * i • « ghost of the man murdered, his dart w If it were not a ghost; if it hAi it looked no re and tuor* li time. b»\s ered tile Iifti k «|ttality “f the result the thing ghost, the had already Id do n«* harm w e re like a* he dreu nearer, a living, breath'* ing woman !»* li.-ked hiv lips ami wrung them with his ham) if it. were a woman he did not want to kill her. if he couid i*»- sut*:. <'ouUi only he sure, lie would drop H;> v\. • nd make hi. rum and hold her helpless in th-.s. great ha mis of his. And with firry five pue**s that J« s •enfni the distune*- b* tu«. jj th* m, that certainty gr* u iijm.ii him No, she was no immaterial spirit of a man long dead She was «li\» ; warm. He was near enough m w to make out the •oft curie of h»r throat, th.* retreat ing and returning - **h*r which bathed cheeks an<j forehead He ,oubi «**e the faint rise and fall of h*r breast when she breathed lie laid the throwing stick upon tin- l ♦, drew nerves and muscles taut for hi* rush. Then, just then, he .saw the thing that made Jeanne dose her «*\es the n&thing sword-cut of that great gold en wing, as the thing u bore turned upon the other. Roseoe dropped down, as if he hao been blasted by the sight of h sworded archangel, in the shelter of ins ruck lie lay then- prone, hugging his head in his arms He did not roue*- him •'elf, did not succeed in forcing his treacherous nerve* and muscle?* to j PICTURE PUZZLE ■ Mil it •*> q -ti u irk . jp -5 ; , t \ <t j>, . , f. 'Tit . . * - n arnifs n m trt ?oh,t. Jii. • •' tl) ,c fin t*.p •; it. ‘i- «»* th* . ’ ft it " :t " ■«* •' , - *. h, • • hai* haV* :• . \ * pt mt* V th. fV j ■ . ! • :in < t ■* \l "*m. , .• . , , • ■ - t « { ■ I < i ! ■' ! . H W • h,, \ • i.; is-. . I \\ | i»*tl . ■ ■ v • r o . £<fS‘ ‘ •; st ami ... ‘ • ' t !M ' •• ;*,s • - p<- -o-qhh' ' *»r ‘ IV i -i »y ; U i» ! - * '■ i Jtli-h It.--* * im* pi. - t « •..■• * ^ • . .. t ’ *» ; ' .. 'i.^1,4- .. t . -,.p\ i ’:.iI '<-■» »l< «i sj" I » • n«»t )*. - < i»r , .. .■ n •,?!. \ h* i«i* ;• < f ttlnp 4-jT» ft <*f 'ozirv.SM f h.** tin' \ t h • t • >r i- nt i<<* s vv hito to bo- has h* r «- %s i i • r •. '• * t i u i r. iH : vo i * nail :::}*• t o writing It th-1 si/.* vun r. • , iHT’nit.s II ml I • » » ‘ •* • i ■ s 1 ■ ’ * writ iniif ; .it <n find rom,. i .m in* i'V|m r,<!\>• |i«»y.k*'t comph t* h • 11*•* 1 t -l »*r<!: r;»t \ s*-w m*: In tin* <!*.:• .*',*• a fimi.hcr h; lights .vm, if p< *> siiih . a sln-.plf l -»n.« h< d «hp for \) • * . •-\p* *•» t - ; ! ■ . i. 1« 111 I i ji a :iiiHii \i a in i^anv. : m i *»I th* ;. o >t!1 tUqi-irrmonf it t tin S, i i.» V • 11*- r < •! 111 i u n f i. • ? ; i l- lulu v. to , <• ' v » .. P* siRM up . . utarin ! St tin * ntii * out.\- \ < f < u i.i iV of the l hiw a 11.itt jslutoi ' • »hhi in tin In a\n v! v. kn ■ . i n<t s a l*o* * of t *n ’ ■;> rip — .. 1: is - ! • i '<> i.* . ‘ 1. ' 'I t * I I I I 1 ui!'- 1 x!>* ri:vi**(il 11 - < |ir*»vi*'1 thi-t it i :tff • I'ti-il hut la t i ‘ Si;. flu • •iiuimt ' ■,. * . i> • in^' of I'l-avv rnllii r. frtunk. uml fur that i; i* h-’inp usi-ii in nil"*''.*. win r*' ♦ : n-tuMh tint .ini ublit!:*- ;m of tin t: r- ?< a impor uml • u rnattm' "! 1 *’,niar' Imp rt i rn " ■ 11,ii 1 \ !! .ilt 11 Hint . nt. of in.. lir*i tlilii|t'“ I" 1 n• «>»• ; fHtl'ff ‘Till -oti •'■•I'.q U»' I1 <'M .!!«■ v of lift u'tor vv.ih; Itif. m wot vnalli'T I - ho. •- .. ' :il .'l"!. J., 11'. *- '••lit! 1'1 Ml * - (i i;«'P ho ■ h ttiU-o u; i on.ihi.* ill* Daily Fashion Hint rr ' . ~ ‘ iitcM «f rr»iowT, «r nmiwn < , »??*»«. tft* mLiem would oa 1 ].,oili« XI'. T*-a (*(>vvi>—in \m *> j arul pink ribbon* ;un! pink silk i-uat. 1 GOOD iOJ CRM 1 J 1 ! Royal Typist for Royal Letters Wh. fi h« i r*#'al hi«h»<c-s Princess j Vieiorin Alexandra All* < Mary • <>m Im t- .' her edu« -at ion at the typewriter' .iml iu tun!l\ tak*..s delation from the Muk England ami li kies th* r**y.11 t> pewriter with her royal lingers. th * j ■<*. tpit nt01 letter* f r 1 .1 the king y'. ill h 1 \ *• !<. hi nil the lockout for the initials "i tin* I'h-ity lift!* se, n tarv in th* nirih r as on** «1.► s not "it*n r. <ei\ h 11» 1 • so donhl> r*>3 «l The king helin\is in ha-hing his • hihll* n !■* he hut this iiit ot . was .**ugg‘ '■it*,<i o\ the prlm-css Imrsnlt. TSo- killin'. • 1 r»k unite a husy man in hi* w a tii ngn most people think kings ha * nothing mom t" do than sit ii .n with * mu ns on th* if heads aim look h mg . \ . is "*ell sup plied with : e- r* tarh-'. ami has two yuiilltf '\op, 1, ,|| M.; Il’.ol n.vh lio.u-n who tin nothing »-ut his personal tvp« - writing *t w . - to one >»t these that Ih im'e-s Mary apple d 1 • ■ lustre* lion, and as th« y-.'i.g woman <ti«1 m*l !<-u: that tin plane. s« would displace h. r sin- instri' t• d In r In fk< mysteries • the t>pe'.u;t«l until the gill eotlld pound th» k* *• with all th. vim and afusuram e «d' .. >t* re.»t> p. d p* roxided ,«=tf'in»Kta|)liir 1 the rvwnly hfth floor of an \nn ri< m "Mem budding Then the juane, 4 proc* **d«*d t** ap ply for a joh. man; . P iiogrnph* r Inis had to .} > ho h i * e* v. r a prim ess e\ < .*i;t t o t fn 'in- * !h»w kiddo who orinK- hi* i**»x «d randy and hi- pat*-rphohut around with him on Sunday nights. rite king promised to trust his aflame to (in* hand.*, of th* litle aspirant to sei t lal honors and the !:;->>ar oh} employ* *d tie Hritish emjuie promptly hustled hark to her imtiii' for well pleased with herself that sh ■ demanded an intro duction to tie esoteric side of those hieroglyphs th shorthand people make don’t >*••■ know This \v;i- In ttie h"pe that. when til family w * nt into Scotland on their next outing. sin- might he the one im portant nir,< ini person attaeh.d to her fatln-r in Haltmuid. Not eontent with taking her father under her wins:, she Insists that sh* .mi handle her mother’s • orrespomiemv as well. The prim es* is an active littl* hodv. though th*- doings of her brother* has not left inr much space in the Eng lish journals. H*id she i* remarkably pretty, with wid* frank eyes and an Oive Spoon, of* GOOD LUCK The present high cost of living should make us stop and think. Richmond, ONE spoonful of Good L . . „uck goes as far as TWO of ordi nary Baking Powder. Onl> one teaspoonful to a quart of flour Its purity is guar anteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Act, June 30. 1906, Serial No. 13026. At >our grocer's. The Southern Manufacturing Company, v«. • •pen, sunny ronM-nan* e that speaks the honesty and merriment of ol<l Knghmd in ever. m . 'Phis matter of royal corr*jM>pndeuc t has come to be such a ' ouiplivutrd -ystem, dictating. signing. reading papers aim letters that hail a m>zen s< i retarie.*: are busy opening. In the days when <‘harleniagnt- us**u ;** ><nd his imssengeTs t«* pa> his respects t«» ilanutn al Kuschld. the h-umly uaul mighty um imu troubled t.» writ* his r.ftni». . bui simply dippeu his hst in the ink pm and brought the ha*.$»• mem her d*' • n . pon t h- p;. 1 ! It look :i :• arned s< rib* w ith tn a rmy of •• -a<l itui> s"in«' I'll!-- t » p**n the mi-si\«. illuminate u ami put in tin pioper th*uri h• The\ a.oild has • 1*0 highly the.-used at tin- MiKia mi »n that some da- a child would do tie vs i lt• UK ol a man who ruled rm»i t .incis than <’barb rnagne. and do tin times us ninth In one t'-mii of the time. I'rilMv.v M.r; was devotcdis fund of Ki11k 1-a ‘ urd. .11* r lath* r is so vert differ.*ut in his manner from i'ie grandiath* r that <>n w .m .d not think he wou.d be a man to inspire •ni iitisi,»sin in his ehildren He has not tin- loiirt' itraiv of his father, hut mor* iln- manner of a naval offie*.|. better uu'UHtomol to an atti tude of auth .aty than one - ; kindly e« Hlti* S' * nsi-111 Ills Ideas o{ di.-sej plii;*'. how. . : ha\« inspired in his ehildren his id* uls ul dut> Thi- boys. i rul ed on plan far* , an allowance o hunk t“ ~ * Spartans, a. i prim s* up with ' the Way 8 * thought tha ati \ m *■: i: Her s* rv )• Kngland. p* financial sa\ e.*me when i to be of .v. | King land wh ssaainad p u cents a week and a n in at school. are little • doubtless, the little '.-u her brothers growing •ii.-ive titles, and learning 'rulerw and *dti ers. 'he, to*), should he all <f the fumily royal ■ • ill not nieun mu h t*» rb i ps. in the was of a ■ag. but the dai may ;i < idea that it is a duty • may mean mm h t«» 1 . mbodied in a fully imii cun; pun pedop».\op (Jiii c ii Mm e. Visit to Uunattur < ’a.-tlo. Inning k« • iy at Ha Iniorn1, <jin en Mary ha- >■ making motor trips to various - of historic interest , in the in igb <*od. An armisintr in cident has I-* * :oid in connection w ith one of these excursions. One after noon the «pie< i accompanied by I*ord Rosebery »nd several others, drove over to Dun* bar rustle, an interesting . ruin in the unity of Stonehaven. When the custodian heard the bell ring he eautiousls j.». ped over the battle- 1 met nil, an.i - , .g below him a small company «»f l • s and gentlemen gath ■ er<“d inai Hi entrance, be inquired [ whether they d any tickets. On re- * ceiving an am-. * a- in the negative, he remarked til a ‘Then ye’ll just have to pay savp* the piece.” much to the HimistMu* « of the distinguished \ isitors, w i . re fortunately able t«» raise the rernred sum lletwech them. The incid» f :* miiulM one of the story against laud Kosel>crr>, who !s said to have been »*!m >d credit, for Id by an Aberdeen b* n*r. on one occasion when he had • :t ids purs** iff a hotel. "Hoots. iii"i aid file canny Aber donian. "gi < anna pay tin* fower peli* * . sec .! get the ‘bookie.’ ” and lie couldn't I :i'l- iMr WoilH'U t'olurln* i>t., digraphs is ii fanciiia tint, nicupattm,. and tlie procesn ha* tnmle *,i >ii.>|>l^ thm e\>-n it t hild can attciuiit tin work, with every ohuttce of nun fSF Km llii^ w• ifi, ,i Iiuvb u hook fur 73 • • 111 - v. hu h oontuhm iHiivfs uf 1 iSftccii dift-n i t. ,uiors. A liny utrtp of I he ileoirr .l t oltir 1* cut off and j placet! 'Pi :t oo.i!’ Kulicar Water is poo.r.-il on niriii the correct tint *t» olt talh<*d».w lien h h ready for applylhK to th<- picture* Tb« color* iut h.;ir-L>l*iiUinf and arc | ) i til*' jin- !mn nf a J; (in lime I believe An exqnllsite um-r fm cribs 1“ a. CMHibinatinn of '.hit*' silk till* d with the down. The center Is of w hltc, i (■ink lual si if lest of nhriilderi'il I'or the Night When Goblins and Ghosts Appear Hallowe «*» In\tuition**. The m■ >!*♦• i!iii,<m\vi>i.iitn:U an<l orig inal these an- the t»* 11* r. At a Hal l<i\v. 'cii >>« * fVt, aU part> in Heston Kivcn j■ * • * n11 \ ih<- imitations like the me nu. were print* «1 on rough buteh ers' paper and fastened with twine around wooden sk< wor • M a darn pa:*t\ tin- invitations were* also fold'd sheets of uoar*e brown pap* i , upon th' first slow t «■ i w ld« h Were the Words. •' Hu ilo\v** Vn, « wto* bur 31." Around, th* border was Woven a pie • e **! half dried nil'll husk, and through one ci-rncr of this wa« thrust a ripen* d spear of outs fri .I*- lower corner w hs th* Ur ir** of m caV> 1 »it flitting «»n a pumpkin. < >n the i.Q iiat'oii- -* ii: . it Uv u x o11»ie ! .»> Andersons Carpet House All the Novelties in Lace Curtains and Portieres Be sure and see our line. We know that urn will he pleased. Special values. Hall and Stair Carpets Every kind to select from. New Lot Axminster Hall Rugs, j All sizes. Geo. W. Anderson $ Sons 215 East Broad tz; .. Jli : / ( 1 i ' t ;; INCORPORATED 18A2 The Virginia Fire & Marine Ins. Co. OF RICHMOND. V JAM ARV I. I‘MO Assets $l.55/.7(il.t>A Capital 250,00®. 09 Net Surplus 500,020 *» 1 Surplus to Policyholders 810,020.ol \V M || PAI.MKR President. \\ M Met \ H ill V. Secret ;try I. It \DDIsON. Viet-Prest.Setd OSCAR li PITTS, Treasurer. D1RI.CTOK.N. >VM II MlAlI i: I’ <* DAVI-. 1 IORDAN II \i\C, I H. ADDISON, N U liDW I . U II PAI.MKR. .111. American National Bank Richmond, Va. Railroads, Steamship Lines, Hotels, Etc, throughout the world honor and accept the "A. B. A." TRAVELERS* CHEQUES. Very easy to negotiate, because Self-identifying. Not available to finder or thief, in cue of loss or theft. Convenient denominations. Take them on your trip. WILLIAMS’ PRIVATE SANATORIUM B. B. WILLIAMS, M. D., Greensboro, N. C. .! m *n nil 1*5 *1K v. iKl i :l’"t * * \T Jp,!\*» with a with hur 4*» *‘t thv I * •i' «:tk. T!:i urn «• i* < • • \ i. . • . a j f i;t«• ■ » r In n( h< > *' h - OHt »\ v»"' W11 It** hritK : nu«- * ■ ; . i with it .-«*»11« i !-*: l k i-unu'itu «> »IH hrnUli r* d in a in.;)<.!*.,mu'- »h ;i«i Tho ia butU»nh<>.« £*>»!>■>*• Ail tfilm l»raui\ tviii> pur -h >«• »l •' *• t*» hi« : r.K mix the i * *: i.»w !.. k \ else sv.f* upp* mod tt-ni' iii • .1 «■ r.»K- ami 'Pirn' if youi tag*. But m*t m »>ut \civet go-'-u Bring >» *hcct and u c.i>* your turn ■ •» gru* c. And a I»tTU v hit,- inadx t» • >• ■ * r >Hiir lao: Another .-li^s' c invitation v\;1y th\x 'Wit^'ins and * x>d.dni< and taint * la ight. i tan- t 1»M id 1;. I >k'«t h*r "H Mai !"U< i n mg hi ; I»«*n >‘*nr w« im t- c.*- and join in tin* fun, i >r v. it<- In * ami goblin.-' will .-«»on make viiij run. Watei i .d<>r pap*! * ut iti tin shapr of pumpkins ami colored "rang* * *»r in the form «■« a blu* k • at <>r rabbit and t rhyming invitation written <»n it in red nr Mac k ink am nitre five, as also are. whit** « trds with pen and ink skt t* h**> »•( wit- In >. uw is li'p goblin*. magi* ian.s. Ac* If an answer » t at cptan** «»r «!• tdinatimi Is desired simply .i}»f»•*n<i t«» tin* invitation tin* non volitional U, s V I'." nr ’ Is It \ «*.s or no"' # Wliat u» Wrm*. Tin «ugg* stinn of what t«• wear is a kuoiI om , as th** gm-st* with such information aie aide i*» dress them selves appropriately f< » th** husmev.s In hand. One Invitation for this year reads: ‘ i’onie as a witch, a hit. a brow rii«, n t at, a Kin st. a sprite <»r Just in white. ami pieUM* bring a Jack o'lauitern." Sheet and pillow case parties arc always in order for Hallowe'en, tin* guests arriving n heady draped and joining in a "weird spectral march a bout the house or through tin* tieighborhood, e:e h participant t ally ing his lighted Jack torn II in th** country this march may be a* • • onipanied by the blowing of horns, the clank of chains, groaning*, sepul chral or ghostly tuner- jiJuy'oti on . comb covered with paper. In the : city this would he obviously im practicable. Returning to the house, the sheeted j ghosts may he confronted at tin* front < door by his Satanic Majesty dressed , in red. with a red mask, holding his pitchfork, in hand, or by a witch dressed in large hood and clunk with long locks of gray hair straggling down the sides of her fate, t’pon the table may' be a lacge black kettle ..out of which she ladles fortunes for her arriving guests. Then may he any small appropriate, with verse* attached. With a miniature hatchet > th*- recipient may be told to hew j his own way through life." With u tittle birch hark canoe the Injunction to “paddle hb own t.inoe!" With :t miniature aut* In an auto yon soon shall rid** \V»th a heautifu’ partner by your Hide." Arm with a paint box ‘You will be an artist and travel the wide world o\.*r, Anc. the pictures that you paint * will , be valued more and more.' • 'I Th* guest:* may ther he escorted i* the dressing rooms. tvht-n they! i-iu 1stv asiih theft musk- itnd sheets: unu tires*" I'***- the rettuilrulei of thoj evening Ff fancy <tr* “s Is *h throe the hostels j m»i;. appear as n witch *ln black, wlfh j i. pea ken ha‘ ami broom. Kef re si, - menu should bt served next, afta* 1 National State and City Bank Capital, $1,000,000.00 Surplus, - $600,000.00 .< PER GENT. INTEREST ON SAVING DEPOSITS Interest Compounded Twice .» Ve.i.. A?.ike This Bank Your Bauk Wm. H. Palmer, President. J. S. ElUtt, \ ice-Piesident. Wm, M. hill, Vice-President. J. \Y. Simon, Vice-President. Julien H. Hill. Cashier. n mi 1 the k.;w — ;(im incantation* HI,, > t.ikc pla • 11 <tm It ( air. Si (i'll Kir!, .,r« supposed to f.1K« hart in tin run kin if of tins rake and .liirini; its . on. -action not a word mint iin uttered. Tin' sterner *u>\ arc bun jshcd. Til*' * aka. nrniln "f nothing :■ ’,t tl" I' alii! mil is is mixed to a still dough ami placed In a pati. If an . one so iur P r*«la hernelt as to • p. ak shi Is thrust uut of the charm i.l . n I.-, htnl according to a legend, will ho thf Inst to wii! im the toil of til" t-ake when ready foi tlo oifti e i li Kil l pricks her ini* Malt with those of her "Pest beloved'" with a new pin and the < aki* !e put in the oven to Imke exactly ten min* tites. silence still prevailing When the Puking is accomplished those whose Initial' an- still to be seen may count upon belriR married before the > • ar is out. Then when the <loor is opened and a man enter* the girl upon whom.his eye IH'St rests will lie the first of tha seven to tie led to the attar. KMMA PAIUK a'K TELKORU In Cupitl*.* Kamil,v. I’y Hex T Stout. Tint I’lty is akin to I m Has many a conflrmiijltai* Putt If it It akin nt AK ’Tts l.ut a Poor Relation W. Minor Wnnf • Stewart M. Woodward. WOODWARD & SON Lumber, Laths. Shingles, SASII. BI.INDS AND DOOMS. Ynrij* and cover ten bum, MAIN OFFICE 9th ami Arch Street*. C. E. II I t IH EH, Manager. BRANCH OFFICE: Mb and Stockton A. (i. FHOS'riCK. Manager. jUNIVERSITV COUtSE OF MEDICINE »•:%“,S’!! I STUART McGUIRC. M D . Pf>KSiDCflY MEDICINE —DENTIST AY - PHARMACY New building under conatruition, the gilt ol the rrropk* ol Richmond. Admirable laimraiory budding for temporary u»*e—Lirgc. bright, convenient. NEW EQUIPMENT THROUGHOUT. Own one Hasp‘tail, um faur ether* for teaching. MOOCRN LABORATORY METHODS Member Association of American ttrdkal CuiL lege*. Reentered in New York. High Tuition and ekpeneea irodcrate. V uke rom CATALOGUE ANfe STATISTICAL RCCOI