Newspaper Page Text
Help Wanted—Male. . WANTED—AN E X PvTlTl KN'c’ku atlnmin lo take charge of rue an 1 carpet department of an eatabllahed buatneea in a city of fifteen thousand population. Applicant required to tape one thousand dollar* in atock of i corpora ted concern; married man ! preferred. Address BUSINESS, caro The Virginian. WXHrigiN^oFFK-EFboy. AMBITioi'a, honest 11*6 Capitol street. A. A. VODEH. _ WANTED— BRIGHT, CLEVER, INDUS trious boy for office work. Apply M 24, care klchmond Virginian. _ WANTED—JOB PRESS' FEEDER."" 11®8 Help Wanted—Female. WANTED—BRIGHT ACTIVE SALEH glrls for all departments, with or without experience; references re quired^ Apply Ml 1,1,EH A RHOADS. WANTED—AT ONCE A LADY TO D'J sewing by the day for about * wo weeka. Apple at 1012 K. Broad St.. City, with references. WANTED- GIRl.S IN BOOK BIND »ry. W. H. ADAMS. 9 North Twelfth street. WANTED—-LX PERI ENCED BEAM ntresses for our alteration depart ment. Apply to THAUHMEH BROS. ^>>K1fth_>iiUdi_tlroad_^___>i<____jii-—_ Situations Wanted—Male. WTOfs®n?rT3tWMLX?^^ seven years of age, a position « office assistant; references given. Ad , dreas 410 Hancock street. YOUNG MAN OP NINETEEN DESIRES a position with some wholesale flrn^. Willing to start at the bottom. oo\ afraid of work. Rhone Madison 1285 -J W ANTED—Tv REWRITING " To DO evenings by young mao living In West End. accurate work 101; W est Main. POSITION IN RICHMOND AM AN all-round men's wear salesman, also children's Clot Mi*, best references JOHN T. VAUGHN, care Elks Club, Winston-Salem, N. C. SALKSMTaN Now ON lit SAD. SELLc ing stationery, lithographing, en graving, blank books and printing desires to affiiale with Richmond firm, calling on city trade only: salary dr commission Address LITHOGRAPHING, 1 )'.< Boulevard tdty^ _ __ __ AUTOMOBILE MACHINIST WledtKe position Willi garage. A 1 references Address ft. A. M, 221 East Cffiy St __ city. REGISTERED UK ASSIST A NT HTM Islered druggist, give lei in* ami references. Answer Dock Box It Hlackstone. \ a. Licenced chauppei r. ..t»la>r»?d Wishes position; references fur nished. Address o. F. PRINCE. SUMS North Seventh street cHy wanted position* by drcugis ; six years' experience, reference fur nished Addrea* Box No H. Oi< Point. Va WANTED. POSITION AS FINK "ME chanlc and general repair man ot assistant foreman beet of reference* given Addro** F W CHARLES Bermuda Hundred, Va. wanted. position- hv dhi goTht six sears' experience, reference f«r rlshed. Addrea* Box No. It. Olr Point, Va WANTED—POSITION BY COLOHEI chauffeur. Addrisg JIM FoiiD I'M North Third. Janitor, porter, elevator man experienced R. H. Holmes. 412 N" Graham. A "RICHMOND COLLEGE STUDENT also experienced teach* r and clerk deulrea few hour* work each d«i during the present aession. . Box M* Richmond College. YOUNG WHITE MAN WANTS I ' >S1 Hon »* machinist helper «r In f»< ory Addrea* R. F. D No 1. Box 22 Ashland. Va. A PRACflCAL DAIRY" WORKER VA paid.* of managing a dariy wan • situation, came from best dairy n< tlop In Canada. In Virginia Hire* Sears Address 1 U MARTIN. R, F D , No 2 Ashland. Va g 1 11 1 1 e-.j'l1"— ■ Situations Wanted —Female. WANTKl), I*0SITION BY EDUCATE ' stenographer of ftv. years' • *p> r •nee In commercial law ru.d ance office*, am! »“ private secrete: to college president ample refre cnees including present employer Address MIcS W. J K Box l e(, Lied ford City. Va WAMTK£».*'“A PUS 1TlUN" IN Ml »l< store to play piano Address E , Hot l*. Uulney. Va \VANTEIw--WA«liNd— TO DO" Cl home first-class wa-hm* done Ap ply 433 West Bailor street Toj floor WANTED — WtjRK BY DAY AT !■ West Cain II street wanted—by i colored csihi. place a* housegir! lt-'O W-m Car) street WANTED—BY V UDY UK REFINE ment. a position to make herself gen ..rally useful iti a home. Addr,», MIS* "B," l'i« North Coaller street Stuunton. Vs A SKTThKU BABY IVOI'LIL LIKE ’ situation In some nice fur.Rly to :t slst in housekeeping. Address B 101 North tftecond Vtreet. Ca'lt from ! o'clock until 3 Monday Heferehct exchanged TOI.'NQ LADY STKNOGUAI'HKi with experience. desires position a once. Address B »12 North Tetul •treet city WANTED. SEWING JTU IX> BY THI day. Address JUB1A'CLANToN, 1001 8t. Peter itrwt WANTED. TYPEWRITING TO IX •eonlas; accurate work guarantee Afldreea >11 1-0 North math after __ WANTED BT A ORA3UATE OF WID liana ad Mary College, a position ti teach. Addreoa TEACHER. car. posttnaater. Hannst, Va. YOUNG BIDY OK EXPERIENCE D1-. sires position to teach In privau family, usual English branches; he sinner* In lattin and algebra. At dress MIBB C„ Box X&, Chula, Va. EXPERIENCED TKACH lilt, W1TI first grade certificate, normal train ing, good references, desires posltlo: lit a graded school: a gramma trade preferred. Address MISS It. [.. U. P. D. No. 84, Hampton, VA ST REFIN KD YOUNG LADY. WHO*7i excellent housekeeper has given art' lnfaciion as companion for Invalid reads well aloud, and, can do plait sewing, wishes a position at once references exchanged. Address MIS! J. B„ 013 Fifth avenue. Chestnut Hill Richmond, Va. WANTED—BY YOINO LADY. GEN •ral office work. Address .MIBB E. Box 17. Courtland, Va. WANTED.' BY COMPETENT. EXPE rlenced and well educated stenogra pher and office woman, poaltlon a once. Address 210 Virginia street J^armvJUii^Vaj^ Personals. MRB. HAMMOND'S DRESSMAKING AND I.ADI£3' TAILORING PAH IjOHS AND 7JOD1BTE. 401 W. MAlf STREET. PHONE MADISON 2077-4. f • ’ Flats far Rent. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM 8ECON1 •ton flat; all conveniences' to housekeeping, with uee of phone. Ki •n. 710 H E. Clay etreet. children JFSfT Rf FOUIl “ ROOM FEAT bath.^bot and cold water, latrol. heaD rant vary reasonohl* to rallabi rty; In Weet End/- Win he vi v1:'v v.:. ."s+.'. 'i: ’■ .* , \, ‘ # ■ .r- ' . . V' • ' \ “ ij % , «* k £ Ac.-., i iftiiai Wants Want Ad Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when { honed in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and* Mr.Garrison. Manager of Classified Department, will call. Lost. STRAYED, FHOM FT A HUE BETWEEN and Shafer street*, two Jer- , *ey row*. Please report to SI# Park avenue or phone Madison 41S4. LOST T'AHT OF WATCH FOB. EN trraved "H. E. W." Reward if re turned to K20 W. Broad.'I Shoe Repairing. 75C. HALF FOLK MEN'S SHOES; LA die* fide; children’s 60c. and up; ev ery pair sewed. DREW'S ELEC TRIC SHOE FACTORY, 71« E. Main Srreot phone Monroe 2447 Special Notice., i SPECIAL NOTICE—IF TOO NEED rubber tires. I ant still putting them on at the oM price aa I bought a good lot of rubber before the price of rubber advanced; m get buey and | take advantage of this. Apply lo , B. C. Bristow*. No 11. 13, 16. North Eighteenth street. ; PAUL KAMiiKl’. LADIES TAILOR. 211 N FIRST ST. NEAR GRACE. ! odd i-ellows should carry a i Protection Certificate In the Fratemel | Life and Acildent Association. For full information, call at ofgeea. third floor. Ninth and Main. City. : J BROWN, I.VDIEIY TAILOR, oft WEST GRACE. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO KENT. WOULD LIKE TO RENT MOUSE WITH RESPONSIBLE PARTY IN WEST END, HAVE SEVERAL HOUSES IN' VIEW. REFERENCE EXCHANGED ADDRESS H-42, CARE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN. CLEANING AND PRESSING. i_ LOOK' CALI. MONROE 3173 AND | have your fall and winter clothes il\ed cleaned and repaired your clothes are protected by insurance while In our establishment THE HOWARD DRY CLEANING WORKS, ( 2 South Belvedere street,_ W ANTED. W \NTED 30.00# FAMILIES TO USE YOUNGER'S VIRGINIA PRIDE and SIGNATURE BLEND COFFEES Supplied through dealer*. Free sam ple upon application. L. C. Y'Ol'NG KH. phone Madison 341. Ft H.MTLRE AND CHIN A PACKING. FURNITURE CHINA AND WEDDING presents packed and shipped with care Estimates cheerfully given. JACOB 1 Ml.AUF, 1316 W. Broad St. Phone Madison 3212. UNREDEEMED Ks/lIN AND FAD Thaui watches. 20-year gold-filled case. only 17 50 STEINERS, 1441 East Main street. FORFEITED SUITE AS Es!" A1X SIZES II each. STEINER.-. 1441 East Main street. FORFEITED REMINGTON DOUBLED barrelled batnmer'ess. lo-gauge onlv 117 7.0 STEINERS. 1441 Ea»t Main streei. FORFEITED SINGLE GUNS. ALL make*, IS. STEINER S 1441* East Main sireeL Real Estate for Sale. A NICE : ROOM DKTArUEH HOUSE on Church lilll. fr*». hot «f»4 coij \vat#*r, tsootl «!t*«p Jut ctiBftnlent to « ar hm . renting for $200.00 p«r yt».r. \M"S a. PoIMJEXTKK. 1110 K.^Main For Sale. FGIt SALE. AT A BARGAIN TO OFT ri<l of surplus stock; pure bred, sprlrsu hatched , e. ki nds, from cBjjs of prtae winner*. S. VV. Leghorn*. Huff orpt cm ione. l! 1. Rode and R. H. H. -H. id'CCESli I’vLLTUi FARM, ffiwietr. v< FOR SALK—GROCERY AND MARKET rent rally located, nice stuck of Koode. low rent. Address V-113, care Richmond Virginian. ruu uadunis uo tu mcHAUbstiA ><>JIKOhi^S^&<^lro«l^avenu*^^ Rooms lor Rant •■Mm? MOONS M laitaoU for gentlemen M|*n: oa« ofjpar* for * ^ ~ FOR RBMT—TWO J»RIGHT . . for light houeefcbeplng or pnitnaU for ventlemaM UNirara* i tshed ONE and sunny; bath adjoining. Apply !» East Cary. ON C SINGLE ROOM, CONVENIENT TO bach Apply at No. 1«T North Third street. FOR RENT. MCEL.Y * FURNISHED front room; every convenience; one or two gentlemen; use of bath, etc.; very cheap. Ill East Main street. LARGE, FURNISHED ROOMS: PKH maiient and transients. 710 East Fraklln street. _ ____ NEWLY "n'RNl'SHEb ROOMS FOR rot. transients accomodated. Ap ply SIS F.ast Main atrect. _ TRANSIENTS^ East Clay. -NICE ROOMS AT It 14 Bath and phone. _ AP FUHNISHKD ROOM FOR KENT, ply 312 West Mailt. Ft>R RENT LARGE. NICELY FUlf nished front room, with board: ref erences. Apply 7021s East Lelg.i atreet. FOR RENT, ONE LARGE FURNISHED front room; references required. Ap ply 417 West Grace street FOR RENT, ~A LARGE FRONT ROOM, convenient to bath. Apply .321 West Clay. FOR RENT, TWO COMFORTABLY furnished rooms. In private family; one heated; two blocks of City Hail; references exchanged. Address X., care Box 214. FOR RENT, NICELY* WRNISHSd front room, first floor, to one or tiro gentlemen. Apply 43» N. Eighth. FOR RENT7 TWO ATTRACTIVE! rooms; Second and Franklin. Phone _Madison 3231-J.__ TWO ROOMS* FOR RENT*; Ft*RNisM" ed complete for tight housekeeping; heated; bath; new gas range and private meter; convenient location: !1 private family. Apply 32t» North Twenty-fourth atreet. ” . SSST—FURNISHED ROOM newly papered, m North •wranth. FOR ■ )X m Rooms for Rent. with or without board. Apply *15 _Eaet_Ctay. _ NEWLY PAPERED SECOND-STORY front room, Franklin, between First and Fifth streets: southern exposure,; suitable for trained nurse; phone., bath; terms moderate. Address ia Box J«7. _ La it a is, furnish kIS~ rooms for rent. Apply 71_0 East Franklin St. TO GENTLEMEN TEMANT8. two nicely furnished, comfortable rooms, near City Hall and business center. 1110 Capitol street. _ _ i for" rent—FOUR " booms' BACK I porch, use of bath, to adults only ; ! Call after 4 I'. M No. 41G North j Twenty-fourth street. ! FOR RENT -TWO CONNECTIN'.} rooms on ttrst floor: water conveni-j enl; ti per month. Apply 30o East Leigh street. WANTED, ONE OR TWO GENTLE-I j men for nicely furnished room; heat, light, batlj, phone. 1113 East Clay street. _(_ ! RUIMIS FttH RENT. Et'RNIHHEI* STEAM HEATED ROOM near Fourth and Franklin. Reference.] Box *41. FOR RENT—ONE SINGLE ltoo.M convenient to hath 107 North Third street. LARGE. FERN I SHED ST K A M - HE AT-j ed room to gentlemen. 407 East Franklin Third flat. _ TRANSIENTS. NICELY FURNISHED room a 50c each. *14 East *’l*y FOK RENT. TWO ROOMS, COM -' tiletely furished for light taouse ceeplny. Apply 313 East Cary St, THE ALBION. 71* EAST FRANKLIN: furnished rooms. permanent and ti ansleiu. LARGE STKAM-HKATEI' BRIGHT room foi gentlemen 101 South Third. TO GENTLEMEN TENANTS, TWO nicely furnished comfortable rooms, rear City Hail and business center Apply 1110 Capitol street KiKill FOR RENT—FIRST F1AM»K. hack parlor. No J* South Third; only to gentlemen us.- of phone and hath r- farmers required. Monroe 11S4-J. TWO CONNECTING FERNISHED room* for light housekeeping. Ap NARROW ESCAPE FOR CHIEF WISE ■Sir* et Car Graze* Hi* Vehicle a* He (ioea t-i a Fin. Assistant Chief Wire. <>i the fire de liartmeDt, had a narrow escape from whin miglu have been n fatal colli sion with/a River V iew street car while on his wap to a i r. at 1202 Beverly street at 'J : u udo. k Thurs day morning. The chief was driving out Beverly and Reservoir street, when he saw a car approaching Me rang his g>ng, hut the high wind probably prevent ed the tnotorman front hearing it. Instead of slowing, the m-itorman put on speed, evidently trying to pass ahead of the chief. The chief in turn urged his hors- forward to try to pass in front of the .ar. As a re sult. both approached the crossing together. A collision was barelv averted when the chief wheeled his horse and drove up over the sidewalk. The car miss ed hla vehicle by le*s than u foot, he says. The fire was In the home of John King, colored, and wns the result ot a defective flue. A still alarm was turned In to Engine Company No ti end the blase was extinguished after damage to the extent of *5 hail been done. I I I A asvood fipp or U>« hojMk of. Jon. hie Jackson, colored. 1526 Taylot street, sal also caused hya defective flue. An alarm was turned in ai 1C: 40 o'clock and Engine Oompaniei 6 and It and Truck Company No. 3 sponded. The damage was tli. COLBItt GERTIW OF r J. IP. mCTOR! hot tlik very acvtrmgfrfHfiSaa of Mu aiater-ln-law, Mrs. Curtta X. Douglass, has disarranged hla plana. He will remain at hla home In Thomson until ths campaign ends, making possibly only one public appearance. In New York attar the Roosevelt tour of that toty nut week. Candidate Btlmaon will campaign up until the night before election. Hb meetings have been more enthusias tic during the last few- days and hii managers profess to lie much en I couraged* Next week the heavy artillery ot • both sides will be brought Into play | when cabinet officers will stump the | State for the Republicans and Champ I Clark and one or two Democratic [United States senators will outline the I issues for the Democrats. Making Big Play. i The Democrats are making their big play on ths high cost of living and I nave pressed Into service moving pte I ture houses where are displayed i j dosen times a day pictures comparing : ths prices for food and clethlng to I day and ten years ago. Between the j pictures of the commodities are dis ; played epigrams or the foiiowim , samples. “Ms. Roosevelt preaches against race suicide, and yet the tariff law h< advocates keeps the market basket empty.” In ths betting Dlx is still a I to 1 favorite with a nutneer of even money bets being made by Republicans thai he will not have one hundred thous and plurality In the State. The bet 1 ting, however, has beep very light and admittfdly does act reflect the l opinion of ths experienced politician* who say that U will be Impossible to get a Una na the real situation uatit Iks miMte sf asst week. « * STOCKS STRONG GUIS RECOVERED NEW YORK. Oct. "1.—'The »tock market showed pronounced strength at the opening to-day, gains being re corded In nearly everything dealt In. The market held strong all through the first hour with further advances established In many of the active Is sues. Govsrnment bonds unchanged; others tirm. The tone continued strong all through Ihe last half of the forenoon, additional advances being recorded in 1 many of the Important Issues. Tere was a heavy buying movement in United States Steel Common this afternoon which carried the price to Mb The entire list went up In sympa thy. but a selling movement followed and there was a sharp reaction. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Opun. Closed 37 H American Bast Sugar. Am. Agr. Chein. Co. Alli*»Chambers. .. 10 Allis-Chambers, pfd.. Almalgarnated Copper . 09 American Can.*. 10 American Can. pfd. 74 4 American Car A Fdj. American Car A Fdy, pfd. American Cotton Oil... 06 4 American Ixxomotive. 40 >4 American Locomotive, pId....... American Smelting. 7(>H American Sugar... Amer. Tel. and Tel. Co. 129!* American Tobacco .com. American Tobacco, pfd. Anaconda Copper. 41 Atchison. 104,4 Atlantic Coast Line... Baltimore and Ohio. .. 108 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 774 Canadian Pacific. 19&H Chesapeake and Ohio.. 824 Chicago Great Western. 24 V* Chic. Mil. and Si. Paul. 125& Chi. and Northwestern. C'. G. W., pfd. Central leather... 34 H Colorado Fuel and Iron.. 33** Colo, ado and Southern. GO 4 Coloaud ‘South.. 1st pfd........ Col. and South., 2d pfd. Consol Minted Gas... I3C4 Dele ware and Hudson. Denver and Rio. F., com... 92 "i Denver and Rio G., pfd... Distillers’ Sec. Cor. Erie.,. 291* Erie. 1st pfd.. .. *. 48% Erm, 2d pid.. General n'ertrie. 155 Great Northern, pfd. 127 Great North. Or*. Ctff. 5$ *4 Hltonoi* Central. l'l1* Int. Metropolitian. 2.34 let. Metropolitian, pfd. ’>0 ’at M *r. \ mine. com.. int. Mer. Marine, pfd. 1 nu? mationa'Paper. ].T,% l ntemational Paper, pfd.. ©6 % Kansas City So., com. 32*4 Kansas City So., pfd. Louisville and Nashville. 146 Manhattan. Hi 4 Motto, Street Railway... Mo., Kan. and Texas. 35 Mo., Kan. and Texas, pfd. Missouri Pacific. ... 541* National Lead.. 6*4* New York Central. 11Q4* N. ¥ . Oat. aod Western. 4.** Norfolk and Weatern... N eft hern Pacific. ....,. 1191* Pacific Mail.. Pennsylvania...^....,. Ull* People’s Gas. JU7J* Pressed Steel Ccj. 35 Pressed Steel Car, pfd. Rwy. Steel Spring .com.. Readme.. 152% Republic Iron and Steel.. Kepbuici I. and S., pfd.. Rock inland. 33*4 Rock Island, pfd . 641# Sloss-Sheffield. 52 !-S Southern Pacific. ]jv», Southern Railway. Southern Railway, pfd. f0 Tennessee Copper. 355* Texas Pacific. 27 Union Pacific . 17iV4 United States Rubber. United States Steel. 7g United SU-ic#Steel, pfd.. 119 Va.-Car. Chenuiea.. ti ■; s k s.*Car. Chemical, pid . ......... Wabash.. Wabash, pfd. ^ * stern Union....... 374 4S 10 22 10 764 MM m 4 404 VO 1.404 424 ir4M 111s 1064 774 1084 S3 4 234 1264 35 334 f,i4 1874 160 H 334 40 W* 127«* fW 1314 13 52.4 134 4 " 5 146 1414 35 43 W H 1 94 33 1324 i0»4 35 153 34 H 97 vj - I <4 % *•3't 255s 2S 174>1 ?9* HW't 65 _v*i 3V>, 7-* RICHMOND STOCK MAHKET. KUhmond, Va., Oct. 2 7. 1910 STATE SKCTltlTiSA THa* Asked i North Carolina, tx c. 191. Va. 3*. Old - - 191. ... — -. a ml li. is39 i Va. CeuturU. 2 - C. and I' >4~~ XMM- -"wr CITY SECIRITIES Manchester City . Richmond City, 4s. K. 1920 46 1930 Richmond City. 4s. C & It. 1933-1913 . RAILROAD RONDS A. C. U R. If 89 v;» A. C. 1.. R. If. con Tr. 4p ct 93 \ -C. 1», Ct'i. Did-... ... C. and 6. Gen. Mer 4*jj ..loj «to. Roe? 1st. •» Ua tea and Fla. 1944.loo Cto Ala. Can. is. 1M4. .. .)»4 Norfolk and West. Ry. 4a. INI . 99 Nar. and West. Roca. k and Dan. Gold is. C 114 ........... . • i..... loo _; So' Ry. & R <- '>■ “* Tils ... So. Hy. 1st OX. 1994.10* So. R Rev. U M. 4s. 1936 ... i Western N. C. 1st (a. O. 1*14 . 103 STREET RAILWAY BONDS. Norfolk Ry. * L- Co. 6s. 1949 ... Va. Ry. & R Co. 5a 1934.. «s STREET RY. STOCKS.. par. Norfolk Ity. ft R. Co... 23 Va Ry * R Co i>fd...,10U Vs Ry. & R- Co com.. 100 Va Klee- Ry- Div. Co. ..100 ... RAILROAD STOCKS Par. Atlanta and Charlotte, .100 ... Allan Coast Line cm..100 11? A C L. of Conn.100 . . C. and 0.100b *3 V met lean National .... >oo l«o Vtrnad Street Bunk . ...2» ltlnk of Richmond .. . . 100 ... ltak of coro’r and Tr 100 u* caDltol Savina* Hank...20 ... S-lrst National ..100 Joo Merchants National ....100 «30 National Bank of Va..l00 17*14 Na. State & City Rank 100 172 Rotershura Sav. and Ins 30 .., Planters National ....100 450 Luvinae Bank of lUoh’d 23 62 u t?nH»n Bank of Melt'd 6C Ttt '* Virginia Trust IV .....100 U? v,iHrl£ « ,4 %rBiiANB6ua.“ • xm»r Lo. Com . Va. Car. Chem pfd...,100 12414 1 Vk. Car Chsm Co.... |( Am To Com pref Cp ct 100 94 Va Car. Chem bond* ... J9«: ]yo SALKS. 4,300 Va. Centuries *5V, 240 *0 80 ««V 25 V ■ If HMOND I1H4M Mlllhcr. Richmond, Va., <>ct. 27, 1910. Car lot WHKAT-i No. » rod wsstsm 1.02, 0 No. 2 rod western . No. 2 red . Steamer . Virginia bag lot* Virginia, bag lot* for seed . CORN— No. 2 White . No. 2 white ..... No. 2 mixed . No. 2 mixed . Virginia bag lot* OATH— No. t mixed . No. 2 mixed . No. 2 white . No. 3 white . Winter seed, bg lots i RYE— No. 2 Rye car lots No. 3 rye. car lots I Virginia, bag lot* 1.01 99 >8 80 Q 0) V ta .v* SB tt 25 ft 60 1.00 98 58 U 1-05 67 5«%j 69 I 27’4 1 ««•*; ! 68 & 85 (ft. 82 Iif 82 MANY '‘WHITE FOLKS” VISIT COLORED FAIR (Continued from First Page ) _ since Oldfield Is not disposed to uo morn than his contract calls for. Immediately following tlie horse race*, the track will be fixed tip for ' Oldfield and the spe d king will elec irlfy-the wondering thousands with his famous stunt* In the powerful space annlhllators. With Harney Oldfield literally v.urn ; Ing up the race track and establish ' Ing new speed records not only for Virginia but for t tio South, from the at j tendance it can be easily seen trial the I white people in Richmond and | throughout tite State at large are tak ' ing the most active interest in the ' work and progress >.f the negro race us exemplified by the exhibits at Un fair. In every department th«- exhibits have bean "spruced up." They have been-re-arrauged. and in many ln ; stances the booths have been espec j rally decorated for the day. it being l the firm intention of the colored peo ple in charge to have tlu-ir fair pres ent the best possible appearance for ! the white visitors. | The household exhibits are unusual !y attractive, Cooke—the famous Virginia variety—fr<un all over the State have seni in all kinds of breads and cakes. There are ligit-rusen rolls, turn-overs, white as snow and better than angel-food; there are muf i line yellow with eggs and brown from exquisite baking; there are risen J is | cults and beaten biscuits, and finally the good oid corn pone, cooked as it can only be cooked In Virginia, and made of country-ground meal, yel low with richness. | Showing what can be done by the | colored race, anil how necessary the i colored cook is to tHe peace and hap : pines* of the house-wife, not only for the preparation of standard dishes, but for the more unusual and finer deserts, the display of rakes and jel lies, floating islands, custards and blancmanges is more than excellent and convincing, and it is also indi cated that the gentle art of cooking I Is by no means known 'Oilv to the older generation, for girls just out of the grammar schools, but with strange knowledge of culinary science, have ■ sent in specimen cakes and jellies which positively cannot he excelled anywhere The ai'rage white v isitor, little realizing the progress made by the ne ' gro in the field of agrb ulture during { tlie last decade Is nothing short of amazed at the splendid display * of farm products to be seen in the agrl i cultural building. | Heglnnlng to understand that his i best work lies in agricultural pur ; suits, and that more may be accom plished, the negro particularly in Vir ginia is not attaining surprising re sults on the farm, many having ac cumulated sufficient money to buy places of their own, which are now cared for and worked according to the most modern principles of agrl f culture. ; In stock-raising, the exhibits indi ! cate that the negro is not fur behind the white man. With less means he has developed excellent breeds, and some of these shown at the colored fair would stand well in any aggre gation of live-stock, and could not fail to carry off ribbons and prem iums. Many of the better Hass negroes ■ have splendid horses, both for car riage and dray purposes. A num ber of thes—are exhibited in the live stock building, and those who have exq*nittcd them have pronounced them as good as any of their kind every show n here. In the Industrial field the negre has made surprising progress during the last twenty years, and has at tained his present prominence whll more eloquent proof of the progress of the colored race could be devised than the assemblages of industrial ex it its to be seen on exhibit in fhf lv through his own efforts, and re industrial and manufacturers building. The displays are attractively ar ranged, and in many booths speeia demonstrators are on hand to exp lair the excellence of their several exhi bit* while literature is given out. at tractive!)- primed - n fans and cailen darn, making pretty souvenirs. *. _ i_-t hi* attraction of th< daw—the big out-of-doors attractior Is the race feature, when Harney Old field, the speed klrfd of the world give hie demonstrations of how a ma chine can be handled around the mile circuit truck and what speed it car attain. ibis lialore was brtnrgct hero es pecially for "White Folk*' Day" bi the fair management. and conatltntei one of the meet attractive featurei lever provided hr any fair In the Souta Otddeld has a "team” of driven and a regular covey ef htrb-apred car*. ^Therean^■ a|, tl»*^ Her to the tttfrost^Mrnlt^Bif^^sHahKfiT way race* before the grand-stand, th< , speed king having promised to attaii a speed on the stralghter part of tin track of not less than 126 miles ar hour and show the visitor* at the fail what real speed really is. t HANK CLERKS WILL HAVE FIRST MEETING Work for the winter will be out , lined Thursday night at the firm | meeting: this seaguh of the Klehmonc ' Chapter Qf the American Institute ol Hanking, which will take place a' 8:30 o'clock in the rooms of th* t National State and City Hank. Whe ther members or not. ail hnnna clerk! here are invited to be present. OFFER BEEFSTAKE AS WHIST PRIZES CHICAGO, Oct. 17.—T-bone steaks a bridge whist prises—vs. tin- cut *la bowl—-la the latest Chicago society re form. The new idea is based on the proposition that the T-bone steak 1: a think of beauty and price, and if no 1 a Joy forever, at least is so for a day. I The new idea first bloomed las night. The players expected to tee i i cut glass bowl, a hand painted plat' or a pair of silver mounted salt* a: ! prlxes. Instead a T-bone steak fo four was produced and for a »econ< prise there was a basket of fruit an vegetables. •‘We used to bother our heal: .lioosin* tome pretty house urns raent,” said the hotnesses. ''Compare with former meat prices, cut glass an. » china was expensive. Now the shot is on the other foot. It tekea a lot u money to buy a. st^ek, If# a luxary. GDIiDLE MiRRIES VIOLET WELLE' i Early Morning Certiriony May; Save Him from a Con vict's Stripes. _ I COTKT POSTPONES CASES Judge Wells Wishes to See ILoW Man Will Conduct Ilimself as Husband. To escape a convict's stripes at'd elude the law which was fast closing about him a net of evidence which would have undoubtedly dragged him to State's Prison, Willard f’audle, twenty-three years old, at 2 o’clock Thursday morning became the husband of Violet Sawtelle. the seventeen-year old girl of East Eleventh Street whom he Is accused of betraying. After several postponements Caudle's case was tailed Thursday morning In Hustings Court. Part Two. <'omtnon vvealth's Attorney Page announced the marriage of the defendant. Judge SI. H. Wells was not Inclined to favor Can dle and declared he would continue the rage until the first day of January term. If at that time, the Court held, Caudle has eonducted himself as the husband of the young woman the case will b» dismissed, otherwise It will be gone Into. Manchester Shocked. This is apparently the culmination of a tragedy In real life which lias shock ed Manchester. It was necessary to continue the case from time to time on account of tMe serious condition of the girl, though she is now well and happy t and the mother of a child It la understood that It was at the Instance of his attorney, Hiram Hmllh, that Caudle was Induced to marry. At torney Smith and the Commonwealth's Attorney held several conferences and it was apparent that this was the only course open to the defendant to avoid a long term in the penitentiary. A marriage licence was procured Wednesday afternoon. Why the cere mony was deferred until the early morning hours Is not known, it was performed iu the presence of several witnesses, including officer Wuymack, ‘ of thd third police station. A strong case, It Is declared, had been prepared agaJnst Caudle and he was i literally forced Into the marriage. Ordinance Violation. James Cumpkin was fined J2.50 and costs Thursday morning In police court i No. 2, for permitting his automobile to stand In Hull street at night with out proper lights, as required by city ; ordinance. Child Breaks Collarbone. Rosa Johnson, twelve years old, lust Saturday afternoon broke her collar j bone w hile playing in a field near her home In I-ee street near Fourth. The break is rapidly knitting. MANY TOBACCO SHEDS FOR SOUTH RICHMOND Fourteen tobacco storage sheds will shortly tie erected by the American Tobacco Company, it is said, on the twenty-five acre tract which it recent ly bought on the Southern outskirts of Manchester. These warehouse* will be used for housing purchases of leaf to bacco. Small Fire. Another small blaze at the plant of the Satnrron Stove Company Wednes day night about *i o'clock caused slight damage. The fire. It Is said, started from a flying spark. About t^tvo weeks ago fire was caused at this plant by the same cause. Personals. .Mr Albert I>> vie. Jr . who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doyle, of No. 15_0 Porter street, returned Wednesday night to his home in Ariz ona. Mr. J. H. Patterson, Jr., is in Boston. Mrs. K. N. Gregory is visiting rela tives in Petersburg. Miss Sue Dnffron. who hus been vis iting her brother. Mr. A. J. Daffron. has returned to her home in Philadelphia. UNITS WANT I TO SAVE BALLOON • Continued from First rage.) • santuei V. 1 writing, who zvUb £*ilut Ham Kericka. had managed the Duasaidorf, led the ruth to the ohart room and after flfuiui for inw Uate decided that hat only did , America exceed the record of, the German balloon but that she had a margin of more than a hundred mllae to her credit * Whoa Perklne figured ft out that hla o^n record was heateitWo aMdt “Well, they are a blame plucky pair and an* wax I am glad the United States won." William Hawley said to-day that the waiting for news during the last j five days had almost unnerved him but that the experience had been worth while a sit hud served to show i hint how many friends he and his brother actually !> id. * Hawley and P> t will he the "head liner” at the a\ iatlen banquet which the Aero Club will give at the Plaza hotel Monday night. The banquet will be for all those taking part In the International meeting at Belmont Park and for the participants in the international ba loon race. The returning aeronauts are ex pected ti> reach h> re from Quebec , some time to-morrow. In cash prizes the America II.. Dus seldorf and Germania will receive $1,000 each: Helvetia. $500; Mar burg 111., $250. WOULD : OF ;| St. James Church Endorsed Jlig Wark and Wants Him to Continue. At a meeting <•! the fourth qua. ! terly conference of St. James M. . ihurch Wednesday night resolutions t ware passed endorsing the wora of ’ tba pastor.” Rev. Ooorg* F. <A>««na. ...A...; DETAIN SERVICES dev; e. f. odefne Thin *»« unanimous lad - atructions to tt« alder to i Greene la remaned for another 81ml ar resotuth na were corning the v tk of the ] ■ler. There la ubso'utely no four it la sold for the published ru the propoaid removal of Mr. to another charge, Hie work has met with nearly approval i ongregitlun. end all members feel a severe i< as were he to leaf*. AVIATOR KILLED IT DOME W. If. H. Kidwell Stricken Witfc| Ileart Failure While on || Bench. Funeral services over Magistrate W* !§ II. If. indwell, who died of hea#f s failure Wednesday afternoon whB* J| on the bench, will be conducted di JS the Methodist church at Barton fH Heights at 3 O'clock Friday afternoon, ii Interment will be In Hollywood ceOM* tery. • The magistrate's sudden death cam# 7' as a great shock to nts many friend* 1 In Hb hmond and in the county. Ha -i was highly esteemed and was. regard* . | <?d as one of the most able magistrates ' in the county. When he was stricken he had just 1 completed hearing a minor case In > his court and suddenly reeled In hi* seat falling to one side. Person* tn • court rushed to his aide and he was | removed to the jail ofBve. It wa#'. at once seen that life was extinct, the barest flicker of the pulse Indlcat- ,|L ing that the spark of life yet remain* ed. The • city ambulance wa* called but before it arrived at the Jail the magistrate was dead. Magistrate Kid well la survived by • his wife and flve children;—Robert and Walter Ktdwell, Mrs. John IB. Ll Harding, Mrs. Charles Jewett, of Bar* ton Heights. Lieut. Segliette's Aeroplane Dashes Him to l>eath—Ac cident Unexplainable. HOME, Out. 27.—Another fatal aeroplane accident occurred to-day on the military ground* at CentosaUa. | when JUeutenant Segliette’s maeklM ’ felt while be vvaa planing to tha ‘ ground, instantly killing the llsatsa ant. Those who saw the accident could (• give ho cause tor It. The mtchlM was gliding beautifully to the earth*M when it suddenly Upped violently. Segliette made a desperate effort* to right the aeroplane, but clutched the levers in vain. ':5*J5 Segliette’s death makes the fourth; aeroplane fatality in the laat week. The greatest number yet claimed la this length of time. On Sunday Cap-; tain Madiot, a French military avia tor. was killed in a practice (light the aerodrome at Douai. On Tueadj Lieutenant Menthe fell in a Wright bl-plane while planing to the earth* at Magdeburg. Germany. Yesterdaifj Fernand Blanchard fell 160 feet tgU attempting to alight at I’ssy, after hit flight from Uourges, and was Instant- ' ly killed. Thus far there have been in all thlr- H ty deaths in aeroplane accidents slnewff" Lieutenant Thomas K. Selfridge, the first victim was killed at Fort MyeTeif Va., September 1", 1908. in a Wrl^ikJ machine. SEN. CULLOM OPTIMISTIC OVER G. 0. P. PROSPECT! Patriarchal Representative of Jinnis Thinks General Drift is Toward Republicans. WASHINGTON, Oct. it — Foltowlil a long conference with President ’ \ Senator Shelby M. Cullom, ! chal representative of Illinois' j upper House of Congress, to-d-» „ ' dared that he held a hopeful view ! general Republican prospects In storm-tossed campaign. j Cullom i preyed the belief that ' pvbllc sentiment la now , his party. ' ■ m "The campaign le i weU from oor "That la tha cw "Do yon betlovy Republicans ““ a tomr* waa * The Seaetor 1 fore replying- ■ “•** #' "We may lose one or two Co«_ men. but It depends on the drift, drift Is now toward the side." Cullom is the first of the sea i to return to the capital to asttl* for the forthcoming session of gross. He is fond of Washington, climate Is beneficjai to hts health, i, he finds employment for hla flats attending to his extensive corr ence. The only break in hts stay ! will be at election time, when ha ^ make the trip to Springfield to "if Baldw In our Coat Suit we are showing over one Man Tailored Suits for and misses, in all the shade*. Cost Suita from H-M to Short light Costa, SMt to Long BUrk Costs, IMS to Caracul Costa, 9tt If it’a bsrgslna wo h**o H.