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MARKET EDITION VOL. 1._N<>. 2+1. THE WEATHKR—rnsettled and Colder. H I C H M 0 N I>, Y A., T II U K S L> A Y, X O V E M B E K 10, 1910 10 PAGES City UIUM.> Mate Mltha....! By Hail Om Yaar. VIRGINIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH, IN SESSION AT CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH MEXICANS LYNCH AMERICAN CITIZEN U. S. Subject Handed to Tree and Body Cut Down Be fore Police Arrive INDIGNITIES HEAPED ON STARS AND STRIPES, Anti-American Feeling is Most Intense In Mexico City and Soldiers are Guarding l hem. WASHINGTON, No,. 10.—Tlie 1 Mali'-S Mill dcuumd an Ini rmdiiilr r',|toMUiin of tin* wunlpr mul Ijnolilnc of an liiii rimu report!',! from VlctU'o l it). TIM* Amen,mi xiarrimniit Mill lake kliuul mill Mill ,lcinai»,l <i,m n lirtti plrii rrtmntllon. It tva<» leiimr<l llial Sfirlat) Knot luit mi'tinl a loan * iplirr rviiori fnmi I nlinl Male- \nihn—atlor Wil son at Mexico til). I III- report „a kopt -us r,'l this afternoon. Inn it I known lo lutvr contain,*! information of Miu*11 an im|x>rtnnt nature ns to eau-c a ,',.ti-tiiluilion of de|M»rtuient chief-. liiilmiinil a ••ouffniMo bctwiH'ii Vniff do I-a Harm, ill,' Mrth-nn am bo-sailor law, an,I secretarj Knot, it nat iMiitormced tluil tin* 1 nited stain* would limiii'tlial,'l> institute a i searching InViMigalliHi of tin' Ijncli IllK In Tcvat of u Nlotiouu tunned Ho drlKurt. II tin* fool' Marram it. tin lulled Mat,"! will offer an immediate apolog) to Mo’ll,a*. Vt tin- tamo ilmo, tin- T tilled State will deniuud similar notion from Mot l,li. an,I It I" lM'liovo,l tla* Dial go, ornnu in Mill qulokli oonipl, mtill America'* ,I,-110111,Is. It la |Miliilotl out lluil Ilia/ i» i<on frouttng a tv, olutlou of serious pro |s«rlions. anil tliat fills Is no lime lor Mill to antnitouiro t nolo Niiii. If a roniplri,, offor of ro|ieratl<m is not liiuiMsIiau'lv lortlMnniliig. It apis-ars |imhabk* this afternoon that Iha* will •In,I IUm*clf In tin* worst tangle In Ills 1 \art,si tutrrr. SAN ANTONIO, TEX., Nov. 10 — Reports received her* early to-day from Mexico City declare that two Americans were killed, one of them lynched to a tree, in outbreaks there last night. A mob of natives, partici pating in the anti-American anti-gov irnment revolt, cam* upon a young American man in tha outakirta of the City and lynched him, but cut down ♦he body before the police arrived. An American child it also auppoeed to have been killed when mobe stoned a etreet car carrying several Ameri can* in Juarez avenue. Several Mexicans were killed by po lice in suppressing the riots MEXICO CITY, Nov. 10.—Intense anti-American feeling is prevalent here to-day and troops and police are on guard all ovor the oity, keeping the crowds from eolloeting and ondeavor ing, in a passive way, to safaguard the Interests of American citizens. The American colony Is wrought up ovor yesterday’s attacks on American citizens, during which an Amcricsn flag was torn, spat upon and reviled. This is indignation is mads worse by the fact that tho Mexican government had 1 ample warning that the anti-American outbreak was to bo expected and mad* no provision whatever to prevent it. Private telegrams received hero to day aay Mexieo City is in a stage of | siege, with Americano in peril. Amerl- 1 oan residents have been barricaded in j their homos. Loaders of tho Mexican revolutionary party, who, following the recent elec tions, were forced to flee the country and earns here, assart that the out break Is not directly a result of anti* American feeling. Their fellow-coun* try men in Moxieo City aoixed this op portunity for a “patriotio demonstra tion/ they aay, and further declare that tha disturbance will load to a revolution against President Dias. To Punish the Guilty. American Ambassador Wilson has made strong representation.* to the Mexican officials, who have promised to proMA Americans and to punish those guilty of insulting the American "^TIjo rioting followed bluer attacks have bean mad# by the Mexican m on Third Page,) Ill POLjCLCOURT IM-.TIill 1.\M>1 SA VS HT HKAT JOHN HAVIS IN Mil' DIIINSF. I'cclaring the story printed in * murnlns newspaper com enting an ai teged brutal attack on John t’avl» in front of a Broad street pool room to V« untrue anil uaylng that lit- wanted (lie fa- td to l*o brought out In upon rmirt. I’.itor Bandi, employed !•}' fhasio Trailer!, went to police head - quarters Thursday, said that he was the man who had beaten l>a.vls, and surrendered himself to be arrested, tie was i haru 1 with righting on the streets and hailed by J ust he Briggs t appear in Police t'ourt Sat urday for trial. Band! denies that four no n jumped on l’u'is. Hi* was the only one who hr at hint, ho insists, and he de. larea that he fought in self-defense. T *a el*'threw a brick at nr- and strip k toe in ni> cheat. 1 said lie "He almost kno< ked me down. When 1 r shed .si him to keep him from throw ins; another brink, he it the forejinger ot my left hand nearly off " In proof of this latter stat< merit ljtndl •bowed his wounded finger. ll 1 hadn’t beaten i>a\ls 1 belies e h a ouId have killed me said laindi "I didn't knock him s.-riseieie* for half an hour, as the paper said, either. 1Mvis nas able to talk to a police man when one came tip a few minutes after tin tight. I haie plenty of witnesses and I want th* f<e ts m this case to com© out in court Tin story printed about it in a morning paper was exaggerat ed and untrue In almost every par titular.” The tight between I >avis and f.andi occurred Monday night HOUSEMAN CO., INC. MAKES ASSIGNMENT !*H ! Vl'f \ t* tORHIR lTION CILKS inu XTAItl PKTITION IN I . S. UISTUK T fOI RT, | A yolunatry petition in bankrupt.; ! wax filed \\ .*dm\*da\ In the Cnited ; States District Court by the Houseman i Printing1 Company. Inc., of No. 1201 1L Main street Liabilities, consisting mainly of unsecured claims, are placed at $9,146. IS, with assets of I Most of trie assets are composed of ma chinery and equipment. Attorneys K. I K Kyan end Sol. Cuichines represent i the petitioner. Thomas B. Snead has ! been named referee. Mr. A. \V. Smith ’ ts president of the Houseman company. ■ MAY COME HERE PARK PUCE AMY GET DR. BOOKER Members Have Put in Request; for Norfolk Pastor, It Is Reported DR. LIPSCOMB SLATED FOR PRESIDING ELDER Dr. Beauchamp Certain to be Chosen Missionary Secreta ry—Other Notable Con ference Assignments Pastoral change* and alignments which will b« announced toward the j close of cotnflerM»e«r are fumiahing much food for speculation and gos- j nip among both the clerical and lay delegate*. The time limit ol twenty-two min- j itders expired this year, and that will ne t saitate at least forty-four changes Then there are unit half dozen or more who lime asked to be trans ferred. even though their time limit is m>t up. Three active preachers have died since last Conference, ami that will call for additional change*. All in all. it ts estimated that fuiiy sixty-five changes will !*• made by the presant conference. It Is now rumored that llev. Dr George G. Hooker, of Epworth, Nor folk, who has been slated for Wash ington Street. Petersburg. may he sent to Park Place. Richmond. instead uf to that (harge. Some of th.- i’ark Place congregation have asked for 1 >r Booker It is said, the general un i demanding being that Rev. l>r. B. 1’. Idpscomb. their pastor, will be as signed to the Norfolk eldership in place of Rev. I- B. Hetty, who will probably coni it to Trinity. Richmond, succeeding Rev. W„ R. Proctor May Go to Petersburg. Rev. Or. Smoot, of Wilmington. N. C.. will be sent to Epworth. Norfolk, j Rev. Dr. W. B. Beauchamp, recently transferred from Ivouisvtlle, has been mentioned for the pastorate of Wash- , Pouttnued on Second Page ) KILLS TWO MEN; I ! ATTEMPTS SUICIDE; (ACCUSED MAN SHOOTS ACCUSER t AND POLICE KARGKANT IX DISTRICT ATTORN ICY'S OFFICE. j i i BOSTON, MASS.. November 10.—■■ , Two mon were shot dead. District ' Attorney Joseph C. Pelletier's office '• I was turned into a battle field and the j whole Suffolk county court-house was thrown into the wildest excitement shortly before noon to-day when Wal- I ter G. Fall, twenty-two years old, of j Dorchester, walked In on a conference ; and began to shoot at the men who j charged him with a serious crime | against Esther H. Fogg, fourteen years old. After killing two he turn- ' ed the revolver on himself, but it | missed fire and he was captured. Frank E. Reese, stepfather of the ; girl, was shot dead. Police Sergeant Fred Schlehuber was fatally wounded and died on the way to the hospital. ■ It was by the thlneat margin that > District Attorney Pelletier himself was not in the room. As It was he. with Assistant District Attorney Daveli ! and clerks grappled with Fall while | he still was desperately snapping the : revolver at his temple. They subdued the man pnd held ! i him until the police arrived. In the I meantime the office looked like a morgue, with Sergeant Schlehuberj dying of hi* wound and Reese dead in a pool of blood. MASONS CONFER DEGREES AT AUTUMN REUNION. About one .hundred Masons wars present Wednesday night at the first session of the Fall Reunion of the An cient. Free and Accepted Masons, Scot tish RSts. held at the Temple, Adams and Broad streets. Following ths cer emonies when degrees were conferred Its refreshments Mere served. The Ms mil GIVE TIFT n.AV> HF.l.NU WAItE m UTI/.KN* FOR IJMI HTAIAJIKXT OF PRKS IOKXT TWO WBGK« HK\< E. GO OVER BATTLEFIELD1 THIS TO HE FKATl'RE OF OAV IN j ItKHMONU. rOMMIT TKES TO WORK OVT FLASH. Practical plans for tin eutertaln moiil -.1 Pi etuueul Tait wm-n ne tviud ' here .Novtmaer -j to sources iac Vir ginia Lu uuai^-nai Conierutue w*r« put on foot inuratiay at noon wnen a uuniar of r«prewMuativ« citiatns mat in me court room. vi, tn« corpora tion i umouMiun for this' purpose. There were some twenty-in e or more cituena. representing trie euu taUunki, business auu prolesaumai in tercut* of tne city and suite iii the gathering. lion. J- layior i.uyson, iieuleuttiit-governor, was made coatr-. man and i-r J. A. C. Chandler acted us secretary. Moot J, <Hemphill, a n;(inner of the committee extended the invitation to Mr. Uit told of the visit ■ ; tin* committee to Washington, of tin ronit-rt iicc with President Taft ur.d of the leal pleas ure which the prcouent s.Ud it would give him to visit Richmond again. Major Hemphill • '.pressed the Mew, which was very g ncram endorsed, that it would be most agrteanie to Mr. iait to hat i tne program of entertainment as simple as pra. - livable. Mr Taft is exported to arrive here on Wednesday. too twenty-third, about 7 A. M. and will be tite guest of Governor Mann at the , seculiw mansion. Features of his day here will la* an address to the odutatiou conference, a turn neon and a drive to one or more of the i attiehelds around Richmond. it is not thought that Mr. Taft will our- to hold a public reception. Whether he shall address the teachers in tie forenoon or aiter nooti will be iff t entirely to his p.ens ure. After an hours discussion, in which there was a very general tnterchung* of views, it was lb Med to place the arrangements in the hands of a gen eral executive committee. The fol lowing gentlemen were named from among those presotif. with the under standing that either Chairman KHy son or the committee may add to this group: J. Tav for Ellyson vchair man ). Joseph K Willard, A. J. Mon tague. it. \V. Wood. John S. Har wood, W. T. l>a! m y. Samuel Cohen. J. C. Hemphill, Wyndham It. Mere dith, R. C. Straus, S. H. Wood fin and John Stewart ltryan. It was finally decided to appoint sub-committees to arrange a program and to devise ways and means. Messrs. Hemphill. Montague. Meredith, Wood tin and Stearns were charged with the arangement of the program and Messrs. Wood. Cabney. Harwood. Cohen and Willard were given the financial end of the entertainment These committee* talked matters over in smnva detail, mapped out their plans as far as practicable and will meet again in a tew days. The exe cutive committee will meet Tuesday at 4:30 P. M at the Chamber of Commerce. BETRAYER CAUGHT IN NORTH STATE BBIMTOl. MAX ADMIT* »«'OXm'CT WIIEX UROI OHT BACK FOB TRIAL. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) RALEIGH,, N. 0., Not. 10.—Charged with deception and betrayal In Bristol, V*... Rnd at the same tint*;, having a de serted wife and children In Hurry coun ty, thle State, J. K. Hampton, an Insur ance agent here, waa taken to Bristol to-day by Sergeant Kodefer. of the Bristol police force, on a requisition from the Governor of Vtr*lnla to stand trial. He waa passing for a single man here and boarding In the family of a well known cltlaen. He admits hla Bristol misconduct. Turks to f".»l 1-oaii. HERI-IN. Nov. 10 —A loan of $31, 600,000 to Turkey will be floated by a syndicate of the leading German and American banks, bended by the Deut che Bank. The loan will be secured by the customs duties at Constanti nople, anu tne price will be 84, with Intsraat at 4 pgr cent BY GOAL DRIVERS' Jehus Leave Wagons in Yards: and Quit Their Jobs LAW MAY BE INVOKED ! TO BREAK THE TIE-UP LaborCommissioner Purposes Taking a Hand and Bring ing Express Companies to Time MEW YORK. November Id.—The union driver* ot must of the bi* coal compAritSs in the city. Joined the ex press drivers' strike to-day. Fifty men In the employ of one company left their wagons In the yard. Ti * international Brotherhcfod of T< . ..-ters declared positively to-day that the question of a general strike Wuuld he determined at a mass meet ing to-night. There seeing no doubt that if the express companies con tinue their relusal to arbitrate the depute, the general strike, involving 40,oou drivers, will be called. Suite Labor Commissioner John Williams came to New York to-dny from Albany. He declares that it the express companies do not yield he will invoke the State law which gives him the right to examine the companies' books and subpoena and examine witnesses. He believes he will he able to force the companies to arbitrate The express companies have pre pared an appeal to the Federal courts for an injunction to prevent the police from impounding express wagons driven by unlicensed drivers. The police acting on orders from Mayor Gaynor. have already seized three SU( h wagons. The companies allege that the ordinance requiring ail driver* to he licensed has been in operative for yearg. The express companies have made application for jOO driver*' licenses but It will be many days before all these tan he acted upon. In anticipation of serious rioting, following Police Commissioner Crup say * decision not to furnish express wagons with mounted guards. 8 <10 additional police were to-day assigned to strike duty. Shot Fired. When strikers attacked an express wagon at Seventh avenue and Fif tieth street, one of the strike-l reak t , rs opened lire, one bullet grazing the leg of Charles Polk, a bystander. Polk, who was formerly a member I i f the Texas Hangers, was very angry 1 because the strike-breaker had used si "pop gun" Instead of a regula tion .4 4 calibre Colt. He was not se riously enough wounded to have to ; go to a hospital. , Twelve hundred of the striking taxicab drivers went back to work to day, the companies for which they worked having signed the union agreement. All but one of the taxieal companies have now signed the agree ment. according to Secretary Forster, of the teamsters' brotherhood. Strike leaders predicted that by to night i.SOo coal-wagon drivers would be out. Auto Company Falls. I (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NORFOLK, VA.. Nov. Hi—The s#s hoard Auto Storage Company, Inc., to-da.v tiled a petition In voluntary bankruptcy, and H. T. Hedrick vvae appoltned receiver. The total llabllt : ties an- placed at J7.276.41. with the ; total assets scheduled at $5,475.$». OPEN BIG TUBE ! IN NEW YORK CITY j . NEW YORK. Nov. 10.—The station of the Hudson river-McAdou tunnel, j at Thirty-third street and Broadway. was opened to-day and aubway trains I took up the schedule In the new ex ; tension front Twenty-sixth street up town. The new station Is designed to lighten the uptown traflio, and serve traffic from the uptown district to Jersey. Three railroads will open ticket offices In the new station. They are the Pennsylvania, whose new tubes will run into the station; the Erie and l.ehlgh Valley. ' The schedule time I from the new station to Hoboken will I be seventeen minute* » CONFERENCE TAKES UP COLLEGE ISS TAFT TO CONFER ON LEGISUTION — FRKS1DEAT WIIX GATHER RKPl'B LirAN LKAUERK ABO IT HIM AM) DISCUSS Mis PROGRAM. ‘SPEED’ WILL BE SLOGAN COMiREASHEV EXPECTED TO RUSH THEIR OWN PET MIA* THROUGH BEFORE DEMO CRATS COME IS. WASHINGTON. D. C.t Nov. 10.— Republican loaders will !>■ called to the White House when President Taft returns from Panama, to discuss the rush-It-through legislative program for the coming session, of Congress As tin) session must end on March 4 and will mark the passing of Repub lican control, diplomacy will be n icd ed to get as much as possible out of this "last chance." Opinions of reg ulars and progressives will be sought as to the most important measures that will command the votes neces sary for passage. In official circles it is heliwed that time for administraTion lolls may i«: hard to obtain, because there will bt turbulent efforts by Republican* m general and especially by the score? about to retire to private »tit, tu bills in which they or their districts are particularly interested through the "last chance" crush. ' ripeeo vvji be the slogan, and night sessions wlb be demanded in the aiur part of the session in boom th" production. While bills ar.- going through at tention must be given also to tm pro viding of roosts for .vs many as pos sible of about loo "lame ducks. ]■ ore casts arc that a number of com mis ■ions of investigation will be foun. necessary to the weiiare of the c eminent. Evils will be found that cal for legislation, but concerning them there will be a lack of informatloi Hence salaried commissions President Tait has a bif program of legislation which he hopes to ge. through. He w 111 explain his de sires to the legislative leaders, and t Is now expected that his message will be framed with an idea of putting forward such measures as it seem possible to pass. The program ma; be cut down, but a strenuous offor will be made to force through as much I as possible. Lieutenant Resigns. J. Warren Thompson has resigned as ' second lieutenant of 1 lottery C, Field . Artillery. Virginia Volunteers, of Ports j mouth. _ _ Il ■ SLATED FOR SECRETARY n Methodist Body Consider Dr. Cannon’s Resolutions Item by Item SUB1STUTE OFFERED. BY DR. ROWE REJECTED Proposition to Postpone Ac tion in Randolph-Macon Matter Is Lost and Bishop Kuies uthers Out Rejecting a substitute resolution’^ asking postponement of action on tne nanuuipu-jtacun question, OilfflS \ irgima Annual Conference aeclaed -5$ MIU iiy bet ore aajournment at t:v| uuikk Thursday aiteruoon to take v up Rev. i *r. 'numm’i resuiuCTona «SFf| tue subject at it P. M.. conautertn* i inem item Ly Item. Tms action towCwed several hours or tong uci.ate and ulscusslon in \vniui some ut tne twauing memos** 73 of tue conference body participated. -;'h Many phases of the question W<sf#P|| discusseu, and it was einpimsized that *| the carnets>e founuaitun was one- of 55 i tne chiet sources ul trouble. %$■ Ur. caution detenued nls position, at some length. Among others Wba ; spoke Were Kev. Ur. v\\ W. Kenty^ i uev. W. Asbury Christian. Kev, I ii. F. Lipst-uno, iff, Jonn P. tirancSC'f,:| f of Richmond, ana President Klack- 51 ! '.veil, ot Kunuolpii-Macon. 1 'resident KiacKweil trankly admit- 5 , ted in tne course ot his taik that th*.:|f ! foundation witn Carnegie's miulona;!^ : oelund it was iarpeiy responsible fW,;| I the controversy. asked especially J that the church continue its appro* | , priaiton to the college, whatever 5 ; might be the result of the peiuli)lf^3 : dispute. » entenary church, where coaftre^ ■ en i is meeting, was taxed consider^,'® , ably beyond its seating capacity duf'»;| Ing the morning and afternoon aon*:M *ion*. the galleries being largely flHidSji ; with w omen who heard the argument*,’' and dei'ates with attentive ear. .',s7:Jl Kev. Ur. E. X. Rowe, of BuengfcS Vi; ta, who offered the substitute thaf ,|| was lost, urged postponement of i j tion for at least a, year. . Baltimore Conference Members. Conference opened promptly at •: i A. M.. Rev. Joseph H. Anitas condtti | Ing devotional services. Rev. 4 i Lipscomb called the r< ! Secretary Lambeth read of Wednesday’s session. Several members' of t i Conference were noted j ence Thursday morning. ; Rev. H. II. Sherman, 1 ’ Rev. George \V. Gaither, F J Frltty, D. D., pr Washington district: Hi : I-*ay. I). D„ Randolph-M | Mr J. E. Ualrd. Rev. Hugh J. Faylor. assistant m i rotary or Conference, in view of I fact that the body required that 1 ] minutes be typewritten, tendered ; resignation, nnd, on nomination of ' Lambeth, was .succeeded by S , Frank L. Wells, of Ashland. ! A communication was read from .I | committee in behalf of the Wasittag) | church, which It is proposed to |g( at a cost of 1250.000, The comma cation was referred to the board church extension. ! Rev. J. K. Jolliff. president of 1 board of missions, requested that i report of the board be mode the on of the day Friday at 11 A. M, % request was granted. Randolph-Macon Matter Up. The order of the day having anti Conference took up the ftaHM| Macon question. Rev.. R H. ajp j president of the Southern BimlW ; at Buena Vista, arose and wffsrkjj submit a substitute for Dr. Caaija j paper introduced on WedneadajMa ! Cannon objected, and was suataflj i on the ground that his papar hi4c| been read and consequently wadfj formally before the body. Hia pH was then read. 'A3m: (substitute of Mr. feafk.a Rev. Mr. Raws'* subaltuta Mflj tion reads thus: “Whereas the controversy tfigfll the Virginia Conference *84 ttHtiH dolph-Mncon board of traabMil been going on tor about and wheaoas the awMTsWHiii^M made certain requaaf* of t|| ^ * a spirit of oommtiOM -2Sii.iS^9 There .rrieoi erling; Prank