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WITM£»«K» TKl.l. PRO B I'M* »<•'« c rn-v K.M.nreK* khh« k •Him ld hk . LOOK INTO FIGHT IUSM1 K*T« W PAHTI(1P»'T« T»MT it hi: KiVirkii wii i wit lit: HKKIIK.ll In a l<.UK-drawn-out examination <•! three witnesses from if*.1 cat) neer's office. tie! tr\estigntii>« cemnlUrr f ««»■>. w imo!.,' nignt, that there was room f»r impt-w • mrtvt. but were unable !■• g< ' any tb-ta I*. The witnesses v Messrs Jack-on Bolton. first «sslstHi t engineer r r Taliaferro- second assistant, lain** Jours third assistant asked scores <-f questions, answers were vague and r deflnib Afkr-I for s-iss- s/ how the department proved. Mr. J"t«c* m flsi >lor Strut Dnnt»l era i Inn ti < 'brtir nnil Koii Ml V ITO but their at Her i.t might b* ini larked lii' work of giving Mf '-s mol grud-'-* divided between two tn«m. tnUv-t • ii«l hr done to lint'. When miilit i>n«l e qg - (jestjotiS vert sought, It** l-» xged f-T time to consider til-' matter This seme request for m"i>’ 11ir*. was ■i iel* by the other two witnesses. Didn’t Prob* Fight. But Will. No effort was man* i.. prove tH fight waged by Clerk .1 I'-o ton and Stctiographn 'fro In the lift engineer's of!’: days ago The affair will I later, however Mr. Daniel wrote a letter man Lynch, in wftb h be that the quarrel he disregarded. be. aus* .1 whs purely u personal mattct Mi Stratton asked pi rsoiuilly t It: 11 the fix tit be not investigated Nevertheless >-■ cording ti .'ir. Lynch, the matter inn Ihg occurred l» !»■ »u publle ofticials and in n public office, should, and would, he brought lief, re the attention of the committee members Mr. Bolling Intsrrupts, City Engineer Moiling, though led a member of the Investigating . • t«e. was present at the hearing. and oh several occasions Interrupted the testimony to make statements, or in ask quest ions Following Mr. Jones BUggertlotj as to combining the grad lug am) lining work. Mr Moiling de clared he would be willing to f. How Such a count*- On another occasion, When Mr. Taliaferro was telling o' the man) questions asked bv cltir..' and of Ihe manner In which "tllo records were kept and the work looked after generally. Mr. Moiling declared "No man. nor live men. working every day In the year, i ,:ii get up the records in that office. To get up the profiles and grades of all the streets in the city would take more than a year But the work is being done now AJi the new work Is being properly re corded.” Vo Specific t'linrges. No specific charges were laid against ah) of the witnesses, although Mr JpBrs whj» questioned concerning a re port that he sometimes did outside work during office hours. Mr Jones denied this H« admitted doing out •Ide work, >but claimed that this was the case only on Haturday. after the - Ctty Engineer's office had cloaed. lie asked lor the name of the person who had made the < barge against him. He was Informed that he would be given the opportunity of facing him at a future meeting of the com mittee. Mr Jones w as also :u*k* d II there were not periods* he hail little to do hut loaf He replied that his position was different front the job of a day lal»>rer, and that consequent ly there were of necessity occasions when’there wan no work ■'Hut I am out often In such a position h<> do dared. *'l have put In more open . time than 1 have loti'. d In the office ' 'Ir. Holton on stand, first Amlstant Krtglnrer .In i.smt Bolton was the lirst witness be , \ amlned) lie said he bad been . nt ployed in the d. pat tm. nt as ... MWiatant engineer for thirty-nine pour*. and as first ass slant for nine yearn. He explained Ins duties, and according to him they are most anlu OUJS. He was to suggest any Improvements In the .service, sate, he thotfght. it might b- wise to relieve him of hi* telephone work Mr. lb.), ton said he couldn't t< II by th- r. -porta w received Wh< titer Work was being properly done by contractors or not. Mr. Adams suggested that ht oottid receive u daily report of the biscuits are largely de upon good Baking Good Luck insurance. That's why you will find it on the pantry shelf of dis criminating house keepers. Your grocer has THE SOUTHERN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Richmond, Va. r i 'AjY *JLl & BROWN work done the day before m of a two I- lit stamp. Mr Holton »hI<3 he didn t know that this was' done lit all oontrm tin* companies. Vnu are ru t weII Informed then," de.dared Mr. l.vneh. The wit no** wa« . xiimtned at length along technical lines and was then ex euscd. W ould litcn ve htne. I .Ike Mr. Holton. Mr. Taliaferro. tlx 111 M Witt'. •»*. had TK> d< tlliltl Mlgire.1. lions ts to Improvement* In th< m-r vice. He dec lared that more men were needed, hut did not think < 'un til w ould he \t tiling to undergo the dpi i ssttry i . Me dec lared that he himself had la-on, driven tinder whip and spur ever since entering the department. ' The only trouble." said he, "la the! tier- Iks I ■ •«n tin instil • dent force We hate no time to keep up re. ord*. and it takes a long Him to look up old records." Anent the suggestions that the force of the i'll' Kngimor's offlee hg In ■ rinsed Mr lion l,e»vy moved that a report of all the money spent in the department, .noluding tip i omplete pay rol!. I . brought before tin to-xt meeting o' the committe e, which "ill i •’ held Monday night at s o'clock. The m-'tl n a « a ruled and th in. • t ing adjourned F%%«(»1* I IM « HiUM K Ml %M1 \F. %lt m’KMI I\\lt,MC\ TION OF l)K. FFU. PKOMINEM MEN SPEAK HtMIOI* 1% 11 4*0, iiOYI'RMtn Ml 1 II IN. IMS. .11 ll*ON V N I) Jill. iv:w iiiki; tui: .uii)HK*«ii> OF TIIK II \ V . iKj.iiiai t" Tin P.hhmond Virginian.) lH'HHAM. N Ik'ov. 10 -The ori-monles of the inauguration "f Ur. \V. 1v Few to the presidem y of Trin ity I' o i 1C g * on yesterday were tho most brilliant of tho kind that the rtty has < or so ii, nnil the event nrougnt iiinrr- Sdg nyvn In the edm-nunna! world to Durham than an'. North Carolina • itv has over entertained at one time, arming them b* ink hc-si dent l.owe’.l. .t Harvard ITiiversity; l*r* hiilrnt Jtirteott. of the l ntversit) .1 Chleutfo, I’nlted State. Commis sioner id education, all of the eolleg. pro Kldentf ot this and a numher of the other Fouthorn States and the gov ernor of the State 1 i dher men ot note that attended the eeremnnieH w i re Heart l‘ S. Jones, , i t ale. i lean K. K. Merritt, ot < Mr Hell. Ur Hritce ll, Payne, ot tlr*- I 'id varsity of Virginia; 1 lianeellor .1 H. | Kirkland, of Vanderldlt. President | Drown Ayers, of the I niversltv ”i i llennesaee, Dean Andrew I Wot, I of I'rlneeti n, and President i F. I lenny, of Washington and I.*■« i Hit ersitv Preparations tor th event have hern : tti progress tor the past two months, and in addition (o tjie inaugural eere ; monies the west wing of tile new Washington I Hike, whieh lias Just In eri imii|)leted. war: presented to the eollege I > v Mr tvi-n.iumin N Inike, The presentation e|\etelses began tills morning at !» .'!<•. alter whieh tin- deli gates tronr other Institutions. the 'alumni of TriniU College. ... and fiieulty of the eoilege and others , loMTied a proeesslon Iri front of the l new building and tnarehed to the t’r.i 1 vett memorial hail, where the iuuugu-, tatiorr exert ises look pirns Ml ot the delegates, metnhers oi the faculty ' and alumni of Trinity were dre.s-i j in tile gow ns representing their ranks ' ind eolleges Thi* procession mareh ed to ttie memorial hall, and tin r- the Invocation was asked by lift Stone wall Anderson Herniary to the l-o-ird j of i dlteatlort of the Methodist Fpls leopal Chnreh. South. \ft* i this I Histinp John Carlisle Kilgn, former president ol tire eollege, presented tie college charter and seal to the new pri siilent. 1 >r William Preston Few Then followed tin- addresses of con gratulation. one hi (Jo\ ernor W. W. KlPhin, in behalf of the Common wealth, said tile other by Hr. Harry Pratt Judson. president of tip I tn v * njity ot Chn ag.i, in hehall of the visiting delegates After till- Id. Few delivered (he itiatigtiF'l address, which | : was a noiaidi nit. rau. •«- of tip. tela- j lions ot tin eollege to tie eotmiry. j Till, lait -r part- of. the day was de- j Voted trifle so, id frHturi s of the in- f : Hiigitratlon vt 1 o'clock the dele- 1 gates anil invited guests attended i i I urn ho'ti kiii a in the new I mke build ! ing Cham el lot Kirkland, of Valid, r ! lull, presid. d over this brilliant af fair. At tile same hour Mr J. Kd. Stngg entertained the ladies of the visiting imrtv in her beautiful home! on Morehead H it!. In the evenyig from !< to il Mr and Mrs. 11. .V Inike received the delegates to the inaugu ration. specially Invited gu.-xts. no rp bers ol the eollege faculty and (lie hoard of trustees of the college. The new quarter of a million dollar home <>' tile Dukes on Chapel Hill street i Wes beautiful!.' and artistically di , o lated f. r tin oe.-tinion, find few times in tin Frnte lips such a. brilliant array of distinguished men and women at tepdeo H reception of nnV kind SEEKS TO INTEREST MEN IN BIBLE STOGT IMIAUtVN MIMSTKH I'HOM voitrii is i\ niciiMoM) rent THAT l»t KlMiSi;. it* .. A. I- llu^non, of \V* »t New «••»!. Mil*:*., win* i*. Tinting I'nitanan < fnm hf n in the South as i > t*r-■.-* i: tail i "I tin- Amen* an I’nltiU'liui A “so. iau*'ii. is spending a «•*•« k or tvin in He lnnotid fur the [inriinsp o! organizing ;> “twtlv I l;t*s of the Wo in* n j Alliance in connecting with liin <'hurch. Suturun.'- afternoon iit f>:t5 o'clock In. will iidiiri>.- a meeting In the ii'.ii.c **f tit* Misrep* Xolin, tie* Ka*t j I'in M'.'-n, in oriier to outline i tin iilii/i I'.ici purpose of thf; court.• o) rtail* aril.), will he confined' chi 1 to i ■. * . *11. . u * if the i ii*i Tee- j tare. rit. Next wtek lev, Mr. lludton will leave for oihi r. pnlnlajn the South, hie Intention h* ing to Travel an far as1 'lisas, where h*. will visit the most1 important < its* • In that great State. He*. Mr. Hudson util preach »t tho Mrat 1’iltaii.*n church next Sunday. Throw n From Ills Wheel. tf*p cla! t*i The It-ehraond Virginian.) i ih;i uvrudcsin ui; va., \«v. 1". Air. <11. K. Swift, a prominent lawyer <if this city. wai painfully5 hurt Tuesday while riding a bicycle. The front wheal became dogged and. threw him over the handle-ban. A Masterstroke Purchase of Secured at Great Sacrifice on Bare Manufacturing Cost Go on Sale Friday Morning, Many at LESS THAN HALF PRICE MU!V mum TIMM— Dresses, $7.93, $10.90, $14.90 At a saving to you ot more than half in many instances, there are ? In-re for your selection the newest f effects in serge, broadcloth and wors ted Dresses. They .are styled along J graceful, very becoming lines, with the workmanship and appearance of garments costing tar more than the prices asked. When ■(< them u>d insert them O'i. efnli//, t/ou trill In iter tunin' stunti thi Enoni-MAKlXa M 71 hi: nr this sai.i: I ro-morrow morning sees the consummation of the greatest coup of the ready-to-wear world when we put on sale values up to $30 at con cessions never before offered. . I f JM(MM) thn'f art broadcloth#, aorsteds, ehf riots, guara fitted ■otrr-hird, some irith Sktc.utr'c .'■ofin. I*lain tailored along the season\« best hats, 2S-2i2-inch hki! At $12 go u> feature chair* broadelodoi. rhe 'InU. mannish worsted;, and Jar";, nurture* nninglg tailnri !. Come Friday. Come early. Coats, $7.90. $8.90, $9.50, $12.90 Splendidly tailored, serviceable models of c heviots, meltons ami fancy mixtures, carefully finished through out. Best varieties of styles and greatest values. Very Special—Velour Coats A choice lot of the much wanted 54-inch Velour ('oats. S’. Inner’s guar anteed satin lined—elsewhere they are $40- these 20 Coats onlv, at $23.50. Comf early Fruit>:/ mommy for Fist choice. 201 East Broad Street DREYFUS & COMPANY 201 East Broad Street CHURCH HILL NEWS i\ru« Item* InlPiidfil fur thl« limn mn»- lip |<-f< in prraua nt ihp C hurpli lllll Hank, nr 'plinupil l<> IlndUcn T.ISS.) Sunday N'ovcmhf-r will • Kuje- • irei.tlon l >a\ at Cut..11 Station Sunday schoil. Kftt-h one 1 lti% Jt.• ti t‘> drink iti a writt*n mikk Mi"ii i f th. : 1 -’■'r" 1 st nr the soiled and hand r. t > ! h ■ ‘ r-k.'.v r. It is expert, d many 1 it ha til. hurk< Stli>nn «iii an I' 'I 'd. tvhi.ii "ill result in Kt'f 1. .ml t■> tin In nl and niurh int • 1 -s' is In -nR nun'll rested in this uni>nt-> if "1 Tin- r.-Kiilttr nnititiK 1" tin- Wo maii'n I nr. inn M is: Poiary f-’i.i-u t\ of .-'t. Jam. s, whit'll " as In Id .Monday afternoon, "as <f an inter*-sting na tiir.', it lain* t!"' 'lity t"f Hi.' annual election t‘i .'Ili.'l l v. Mrs. I- IVi-i'n. . win. has made such at. efficient presi dent fur th. past year, declined re el, etioti 'in am.amt of ill health, and Mr.' <J. nrK*' Walford, former vice president, "as elected in her place. Mrs \V. \V Smith "as vi.'. president. Mrs. K. I'. Bickers, wh.i lias faithfully served as treasurer for tin- past tllirti fit ypars. also declined rt -fie. tion "ti ;o fount of had health. Misr Minnie l.ipscomlie, torincr re- j < ..rding Secretary, whs el .a ted treas■ I When You Wake Up and find the lire out, >ou are not using the Comet When you settle your coal hill and find you are u-iug more than 3 tons of coal, you are not using the Comet When you want fire day and night and use less than 3 tons of coal, you will have to get the Comet S E L F F E E D E R . Rothert & Co., Fourth And Broad Streets. / iin-r. Mrs. |>..r Hawkins was mad.' recording mi >r,v: Airs. William At kinson. cori ' .-l anding srert tar; , ami Mia C. Li. 1’. t . organist. Mrs. i’o« hill and M• •• <> ■ Hi-, tin' committee appointed i . rnish n progr.i in f. r the atti rn.” .. t njoynunt, secured Mieses Alma Atkins ami Fannie Sat terfield, who n i iifil splendidly. An Inti resting im .nary clipiHg wits ill- * read. i.1 ng t •' I'onl. i .n r. ihi* reading i lr.ii F.tVhteM. cmfwjf Reading «'it ..1' tho W. )•’. Al. S. lias he, n ■ i.. nail until the first \ Thursday in l >. ember, the meeting place tn he ... rtnlni'd later. The ladies have nit. .] up a parlor ..ver the Infant drpamre, . t room and iu the future their meetings will he held there. Mr. Fred I: . hehault. who haf mauy friends eu the hill, having sup plied the pulpit Fnion Station dur ing (tiv. It. 11. I' -tts' nos. nee abroad, is a lav delep i. i,. conference and is a guest tn. .. k of Mr, Walter J. Heckler, i .North Tvvi nty-rtfth street. Airs. \V. M. I n kers anil Mrs. Hera [ Wilson will h i, Friday for Haiti-1 more to attend the national conven tion <<i the W. i' T. T\ Little Klolso Fuhanlt, da lighter of Mr. and Mr- KrneKt Kuhanlt, of North Thirty-third street, was bitten: hy a vicious d1 • about ten days ago. J The hrain of tin dog. who died a few days after, wig sent to Washing ton for examination and the telegram confirming the far t that the dog had i the ratdes was received Tuesday. The little girl was immediately taken to ihc Pasteur Institute for treatment. The parent have the sympathy ef the community iu this time of anxiety and Bueponae. Rev. Jehu J. Bradford and Rev. Franklin .1 rum are the guests of Mr. Frank T. . ate*. Jr., in his home: cn Twenty-sixth and Broad streets. Mr*. .1. R. Harmon, of 2«20 Hast, Marshall, who has been unite slrk, is somewhat improved. Airs. K. V Randy. Mr. and Mrs. Pommel!, former residents of Church Ifl!’. hut now .,f Barton Heights, spent j Monday ,oti the hill, the guests ef j frl. nriM. Mr. and Mr Chris Wic.‘ dll*-,M. 1. of PhUiidi lohia. vdie hav e been the ■ guests ef Mrs John Cowan, of Chtm-! bora no Park, have returned to their, home. Mrs S, J. Bates, of 2"24 Fast Mar- ‘ shall, has as lo r guest Mr. J. c. Beas ley. 1 Miss Mary Grace Hawkins, of Fast Grace rtn et. whu p reaoverinT from a severe' operation for masti Hitfs is still tinder the treatment of T>r. Her bert Wright. She hopes to i e able to remove the bandages in a short time. Mr. W. R. Mtcakes, of Matthews, la the guest of Mrs. John T. Hughes In f. ; / - r j*IT It'i < it 4 -' r burm* on X rth Twenty-ninth t. .Mi,*- Kihel !,♦* . iVcdla, of Peters burg who i* a frequent guest of frienda on th* hill, paid a flying visit to Kirhmomi Saturday to witness the • • ‘thali game between the V. l\ i. and the x r, teams. Mr and Mrs. W. P. Longworth. >>f North Twenty-f* urth ertefet, are en tertaining itov. K. V. t‘arson and Rev. A. Parson, who are attending eon* 1 r ♦ • n < ■ f •, Mr. JarnoH Wiltshire, of Pynehhurg, who is in Richmond on a business trip, ana has been the gu<st of rela tives on the hill, will return home to day. Mrs. Hattie Bland, of Blackstone, wh*' is the guest of her brother. Rev. (»e»»rg«‘ T*\ Greene, expects to prolong her viair until Christmas MM WILL ATTEND JEWISH CONFERENCE Reprer. litntivc.-; from alt uver the I’nlted States vv ill bo present at thu board meeting of the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives which meets jn Richmond Sunday for the discussion of the work now being done in I >enver, where the national hospital is being built. .several i,u functions will mark the stay of the delegates in Itieh nwnd, among them being a reception at the Jefferson hotel. Among tnosa who will be here are the following: Atlanta, Ga.—Joseph Jiirsoh. Boston, Mass.—Edna Well Dreyfus. Buffalo, N. Y.—Herman Wile. Baiumore, Mil.—.Sigmund B. Sonne born, A. A. Brager. Chicago, 111.—l.eo A. loeb. Henry I.. Stern. Israel Cowen, Adolf Kraus in officio). t'm.mnatl, t».—J. Walter Freiberg Abe Bloch, Matircie Joseph. , Cleveland, O.- Martin A. Marks. Dallas, Texas—Alex. Sanger. Denver, Col.—Meyer Friedman, Al fred Muller, Simon Guggenheim, Rev. Wil iam S. Friedman, D. D„ Mrs. S. Pisko. Detroit, Mich.—Adolph Freund. Kan.-,us < ity, Mo.—Nathan Lorie. Louisville, Ky.—Samuel Grabfeder, j .Memphis, Tenn. Elias I.owensteln, 1 New Oilcans. La.— Kidore New-I hian, Sr. New Yoik, N. V.—Mrs. J. B. Green- j hut, Joseph E. Sch- enberg. Adolph Lewlsohn. Nathan Kempner, Ignatius5 Rice, Marc H. Mack, Mrs. Ira L. B^m- 1 berger (Brooklyn). Philadelphia, ft,—Max Bamber- j ger, Louis Gcrstlcy. Pittsburg, Pa.—Philip I fain burger, j Rev. J. Leonard Levy, 1>. 1)., Mrs. Pauline H. Rosenberg. is rtistid. Ore.—Ben Selling. Rir hrttond—Kabbl Edward , N. Callsch. St. Louis. Mo.-—Ben Althelmer, Charles A. Stlx. i St. Paul. Minn.—Albert Rose. Sau Francisco, Cal.—BenJ. Schlosa, Rabbi .1 Nieto. Lucius So]«.nn*n. Washington, l». C Simon Wolf. ISSTRBCT PUBLIC \na DISEASE u-:t ri iu: on tcbercvloms will hk given cmikh \rs. IMCDs OK HEALTH BOAKI», A jcetiiro on tuberculosis will he held under auspit cs of the Richmond board of health Thursday, November 10, at S V*. M. at Randolph school. The object of this lecture Is to cull the attention of the public to thl* disease, as It Is only l>y education of the public that the war against "The Great White Plague" Is to he suc cessful. The salient fads concerning this disease are to be diseased. Hpe c iu 1 pictures huve been prepared for the ociHsion. The complete work ing of the board of health dispensary in the treatment of cases of tuber culosis will be explained. The essen tial points necessary for the euro and prevention will be dealt upon . in full, and the system of visiting in i the homes by the district nurses In connection with the dispensary work shown. This lecture is open to the public, and all who attend will un doubtedly learn much that will be i interesting and useful. Highland Park Rev. D. T. Merritt has as his guest hlr father. Rev. J. B. Mt-rrltt, of Nor folk, and Rev. T. J. Heath, of the Eastern Shore. Rev. M. G. Boggs, presiding elder of the Rappahannock district. 1* the guest of his father, Rev. Charles II. Boggs. Holly Chapter. O. E. S., will meet Thursday night at the Northslde Hatl at S o’clock. Rev. John Harry, of Charlotte county. Is the guest of Ills brother, Mr. T. J. Harry, on Fifth avenue. Rev. c. r>. Crawley, of the Eastern Shore, is stopping with Mr. 8. L. Munson. Rev. T. E Johnson, wife and baby, of Tempersncevllle, are the guests of Mr?. Johnson’s mother, Mrs. T. I). Small. Notes From Wi^Wlew.!-!> t ttk Richmond Virginian ) WE - TVIE W, VA„ Nov. 10,—Mr. Hsmner spent a few days In Buek rhKbntrt Inst weak. Miss Stella Puke, jteacher of the i school near here, spent Saturday in Richmond. Work has begun on tit* estate at Hock Castle, lately bought by Dr. Bfg Johnson. Workmen have been em ployod »nd Improvements are being rapidly made. Mr. Jot* Trio* is visiting friend* and relatives at Fifes. Mrs John Pare is visiting her daughter in Hanover county, -Miss Mattie Stubbe ha* returned to h.r home in Hanover, after a visit to her brother at Weetvlew. Mr. Charlie Garret ha* moved near Richmond, Hi* farm wa* bought by Mr. HI vis. of West Virginia. Mr. Horace Catlett, of Richmond, spent Sunday at hi* home near WSat view. rOH Kg!JIT. A FOR RENT IN THE RICHMOND Virginian want ad*., will get you a ■ .11 11 . -f - H9HMHMHBS®*— Southern Railway. TRAIN8 LEAVE RICHMOND. N. If.—Following schedule figure# ewbtiakcd *, inf..rm»tioi' end not guarenteed. . 6J0 A. M.—Daily—Leal ft* Charlotte, Dur ham and Raleigh. 10 *5 A. M.—Deity—Limited—Foe alt nointi South. Drawing Room Buffet Bleeping Cat t* Memphis. via Aehevillr sad Chattanoogn 3:00 I*. M.—K«. Sunday, Loeal lot Durham sad intermediate etatiooe. 6:00 P. M.—Et. Sunday—Keyarille Loeal. IMA P. M.—Dally—Limited, for ell pains* South. Pullman ready 9:30 P M. YORK RIVER LINE. 4:30 P. M—Et Sun.—To Want Pt., eannaetlae for Ualtltnure Mon.. Wed. and Fti. * 4:30 A. M.—Es. Sun. and 3:11 P. M.—Men, 5\ ed. end Fri.—Local to Weet Point. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. Prom the South: ti AO A. M. 3:05 P. M.. dally. S 40 A. M —Ea. Sun. 13:53 P. M—Em Sunl 3:00 P. M. Prom Weet Point. 9:30 A. M.. daily: 1145 A. M. Wed. and Fri.; 3:45 P. M , Ea. Bun Chesapeake & Okie Railway «:00 A. I Daily— Fatt train* to Old Mat. 4-00 P./Newport Near* and Norfolk. 7:40 A.—Doily. Loral to Newcott New*. 5:00 I’.—Dally. Loral to Old mint 2:00 P. | Daily—Louisville end CindsaaU. 11:00 P.) Pullman 6:45 P.~Dally. "St. Louia-CMeeg* *r~v " Pullman*. ^ R:80 A.—Dally—Chartottearilln Weak Hinton. - 5:15 P.—Week dun Loaal 5:1 10:00 A.—Daily. Lynchburg. Lam. a 15 P.—Week dey*.Te Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. Loral from Eaa»—8:23 A. M., 7:1 Thiougb from East—11:35 A. M.. Hum! from Weat—*3:30 A. M . 9i4 7:20 P. M. Through—7:00 A. M.. 3:43 P. M. James Uivei Line *3:33 A. M . 3:18 P. M. •Deiiv rarept Sunday. Richmond and PettnkvfQadric Unr C*|» leave Mencheetet, Sevanth tag Parry htrt-ete, (or Petetabuig: Hi. 7. 3. *9. 10, IE *13 **5:45. *0. 7.S. *9:10 P. IE. 1, 3, *3. 4t 8. 1340 <ti. 7. *. *9. 10 5:45. •«, 7.S. “ 11.00 P. M Prterabui*. Carr irave Petersburg, loot I Munshrelet. * Carrie#I '