Newspaper Page Text
STREET HOPES TOR it DEADLOCK DM Mi MIN SIV IN'AMI 14Tl or ptm. iiniNi wn KF.i’. *>i n ATI IX) \I.IIH HOI 1.1' t.iti \ m:»T, Sew y'okk. n«v. u> ti-,. u« view of Tv:- « oipt-tion forth In a < ir> itai .ssu. ; sirs & « n v. hi. • . ni. s swji t>«y.« m par: /‘"Wall street fnnjiin ...a "• p^ttire »•»<?nt.«. anU il.s- "• *• : ariin. fttem ;r. * »■ «r: ..dvalK-t »«or<H! <»n M ■: . , I.- "t L't'fcfe Tf mi the «re-rt :•! ; frssltituti r ftr** UfilfTn of th, ;TtH*!»- ttfi- t.. - ir»r*t IP iflawl } t-t, hf»evi i'kws *» > - i r- -' ■ fljPtSXwrAitc Hr J:#ef *»?>,! n- r. *;:tt • fee.-5a ' g! rtf*." Hr d*H vas-r « <, o.* * : a no * \it t -j pEf»» tavr~tn*-. *•» tt» .< ‘ 1kr- » MBlIttr *•.-*' *- x the ;'*ry n re-' f«« t‘ re e « v s t h * r. jM*Ct r-. Ttr--' • - • •• mh •ellulOll l regard :n: . thi l :• tr.&t with th^ v;pr it r>r»sid*' s 1 ?t * •'HI*'' .* V * N-ck COMMISSION Bl S\ COUNTING VOl tS igp.Tk* '' ' -"nrel ‘ Tx;#r#wia’i Hutotlt »Sh a MS'jy f*a*r' i-r «. r*< jTh* «*• «. *v a -.;rh - *: pfctlMR re,/: ' « the !'»*t «*•»••> ' s thr-Slrre th«* ■,-nt.. . »w Mann nr,' >t. Slav* i. v i ir-: ■r Re x»ru It'- r« to i r TERM FOR W. GEORGE NEWMAN Jrarit»: impom * riim Tt n«t« tan nr. v\t hm . tM’KII, TthIA, BBeUPBPEH, V.\ , Xov Hi ■■- Waiter Newman fie in; Itionaire n>ttf(t)ale. id) sentenced he!- to by .Turtle" of the i' ei.e Hit • |jr*‘ lIBprleot moat. and a 'In.- ■ * .ml raefcless driving of hie auto. Mr wltnesece. Including Mr. N.-v, and other members ..f hi, family. •Tldenee arreat of Mr Newman caused Internet. the courtroom t.elne nil at the trial . Accorrtintj to the evidence, \sr New _A, accompanied by ».i« wife, moth iebt-law, and alater-ln-law. and chauf |»n left hie home at Mount Athos, Somerset, I'rinrr county, y.ater for Warrenten While near t'ul *r the auti mobile h said to hate fhteued a borne, driven by M. I. »*er. taueina It to run aw-a1, ami up the* btiitKy ntearmans attorney hied on appeal. iUME HEARING ON DAMAGE SI IT fleariit* of th' suit of S. Mayo Must th© Ft. J. ItfnnoJds Tob#o.-o apart y ms rminmil in the Ijhvi Equity Court Thiirsiia.i Th* suit i tor $259 for- alicxi d br.iK lt of i fcrtnot. i itulldincr Permits. sPcrraits wore ismud t<. tho follow by HuiKUn* )t!«i>r.< tor Cook Thurs tV T. Lindssy, to build a detaoh one-Mory frame dw'sllinr. 141 9 iffln *trs*t. to < ost $900 Mr*. Ixiura RrhUnir, to l olid a on* brick in rear of 21.;l rk #v«nus, to < ost $ 400. Mrs. It. H. West, to rip.sir .ri■ U MttiH( 1597 Hanover itventi* to tSP<>. Mrs. Sailif W William*, to repair ek dwelling 101$ I'.irK avenue to IATIONAL PRESIDENT HUDSON VISITS ROANOKE T P A POST Ipecial to Th'- Rirhmnn.l Vit giiiian. i POANOKE, VA.. \m in Mi w Hudson of Sew Orleans, national ent of th© Traveler* Protmth■* Nation, wit* in tt-.ruiopo \\’oii]|.s. on his Way to St. I.'. :ls « Fi n- h* il attend tv mi" line of tic national rd of dim tors of tilt order While tlHI < It.v Ml Hudson i- .i vieltrd In, Itmr r.'Jtnlit ..! ,i«tu !•«•••* of th© poke Post. Mr. limlson is onU.u ic about t‘.i I’mi vmerkatn i spo il antt is ptillliiK for New «irltauts. was a i oiupaoit ,i to Hoanok. by Ml. I* Harwood. ..I Ftli htiioml. State ereta ry of th* T I V \ Thf> tfc* Third <t unt of th»_■ <»u trii't *iurij.K thr r«ciTit f.'t 'a rd in ih« r. !*<i «»r h lo tion being ! • ni isj-jii in* ■ Ipp-wtinK* * • u : jlklrilf- frtoaru in«t m >u JfitM ;ii ij ■■phut 2 o'clmk Wfaeu had !’■•'•;. • •■ m. • wu reported t ii;< t Uinta thUM iat i.|<i'iit (i loner* h«« l>t>e n improperly $*?xpTft) huu'lrttd votes were *n »>t>t by th.- m«- tion :,nlK»-r. twr, wan; toterv PvIuk ti„, «i method of pro<. dure to l... fol ia voting on tin- proponed «nt» to th> < ion. lie-board of oteettoni* eornttiiHsion <ompo*r«d of Mumt Andrew i. ehalrniari, R. Jtawil, T>«-e t>r»v>\ OUm H. Uumw-I! and M KhtKtll. Walter Christian. v l.-rk IfuMUtign Court, is <k-rk rx tO fthe eom mi*(noner* ami f’. il i t* mraaengcr. N«w P»t«r in Roanoke to Tlie Hienimm.t! Viramii^.z I0KK, VA.. Sox. id.--The Rev. IS- Colltria, who hit boon tlr> *»> Bi*ht>p Van rte Vyver to iPKlMW jih'Ba» oafttor of **Wbu arrived FRIDAY BARGAINS VT Gans-Rady Co/s ON SALE TO-MORROW. Bovs' Straight Trousers Suits, worth up to *7.50 at $2M. Bovs' Straight Trousers Suits worth up to $10.00 at *5>5. Children’s Reefers, worth SI.(Ml at $2.45. Children s l ong Overcoats, worth $4.00 at $2.45.. Boys' Sweaters, worth $1.50 at $1.20. Men's Soft Mats, worth $5.00 at $1.45. Men's Derby*, worth $2.50 at $1.45 Men's Stvfish (Cheviot suits, latest shades of grey, worth $15.00 at *12.50. Men's Odd Vests, broken from Suits, worth $2.50, *5.00 and $5.50. choice at 51.00. unc m sn^ nr) —Htn'tn* - » ' .* — • B u #r ' f Mr -'i-i \) ■ •• \\ -,'h: J-KT'-'i »U I l>\ < OM1HO.M! . Ill \ «*I\ » ^ \<> l * * i \\ \ » l« • \ ' h *s Hr';-:* j! v a \ > ; . " r- Hr* J • B -'“H hltf'K: ' ' rr T .* ? . t.: ■: \;.n' r' - , **. , if! ■ - r ~ 1 ■'a" k *• <J . t ■•:•'■ ?h* - tner i;ik*'*•!, nu V t-» ■ hv*r*-a !%♦-• <: k*».v«- n<> « x {•'-a is.i * j n. -f **trv;fc- Ht 1 it h»» } .i * v *■ « : K;r*i m a f u»-« ! . •> f>: v “«*M. W. Va Hr-v Mr. lUiwIjm FnKi-Ki;i' KSiiriM, \ a. v,,-. <t 1*4. — H«.-.. .?«‘hn i: Uo*mr.> m ii a> j.iWti*;- «•:" f,r« ytfriars *-h’.>rvh m« WV/itm ir*\ ■ arid hrr- thin af»-k ii> - mh* h!« dut’o^. HI.*', fr? rr»i I m no*' " : urn ‘Tt\ \ .t n iJ| j 11 jm Mn>rir NOT GIVE Mi OP FOR NORTH STATE r,mrit.\«m m\\\ ki.h si> io hMi: KI'QIISITION toft ' MW \UMII» ton I> I . B 1 Hera '.is*- In learned that the a th»n was prompt' I node *•> a doi-urn to t a del. thnn t<* Inerttut* < rtno tnal proi^fdlnt; - * p*v ernnr Mn an Wednesday r» fua. d to gran; 1** *0*: aitlon ft»r J. S. ,Moor<*. now it < har irtltf couiitv, mud* by the g'^crnor of North Carolina Moore i* wanted r tti* fd<i North >‘Uiu* >*n a «harg< of milect in# minify under iiiUf pr* t< nsv« 1 nv♦ KtiKntion showed that lit* had noil involved hi son:** matter wherein an mauraio * ■ r* rniino had hc*en rol|*a ted and 1 rod** kIv»*i< jtml jo ior to applhatlon tor hankru pP-y, the ra«-e betti# w involved that ewn the attorn*-yn in terested have hardly been a hi.* to unravel it d'iveni'..r Mann ha;-* notified the governor of North ''aroliim of pi* dsadsdon, and has soul m d etail In** tifto'-fis. The Ko of North »’arolina was in U'lritaiM *• it s.-*in>. »»f the intent of »b -s.- Inn in ha VII1K' Mm.iiv t 4 h; * »1 i ;o K Killed H\ a IKw M\T*SAV. V \. No\ l o’ - » h.i/ - Robinson, a Norfolk no! Western na - tion hand, wa* shot ami instantly kd’ e<l Jr an unknown bo> at ■ Lindsay Tuesday night. The h#»\. v h* i** 14 pars old, mtide Ins croupe. First Corn Sold John 1 liio'lt *v- < •• \\i'(ln<’S(i > -old tin- fust new eorn on Vharge. The p,a t; i pb* 1■* 'presented Itfry bushels of white tore un*\A!) on the term of \\ . S. I .ipsi . 0110. Tuustu II.-. Va it Wii* «•»!•[ at ■*»»'* • *nts per hush* ! OPEN UP NEW SUBURB FOR CITY OF ROANOKE »Kper< 1 to Th* Bn hmond Virginian.f KhANnKK. \ A. Nov. 10 -Th. Villi Heights <‘orporat ion ' has pur* based tin MeUmre Pun, lying.' on the ii'n itiuol limit s ■«f the < it v. pa.\ ink K-.u.<m*o f. r it, Th« tru* \ ♦oihiio . s 1 .’ai >»vi*s. 'Pin property will 1 >#* laid oft into lots and streets and phued, on tin- market. C»ft1e*Ms of th* corporation an* I. It. 1 SPECIAL! Dolls’ Matinee Pure Food Show Saturday, 3 o’Clock, Masonic Temple All Unit* girls under thirteen years of age are invited to enter the con test. Prizes for prettiest dolls and largest collec tions. ■ \f» . X- r'olk. pre«iri#nt: Jud*?* \Ti«»n!**, .if K«MM1©k«*. vice ! iroa*ur*r, and H H. • i\ f Konnok^ secretary MAJORITY OF 60 D» MontVjs T\KI. >1 ( ONI) KOOK V i Itirri UN’s \M> FIND »iiu *1 K VU'TOHY THAN !\ PKCTFn. \\ VMH\<.|’ON. \o\. to.— f»u«*r«*^ to-dnj indicate that the Dem < rath* majority in the ue'xt House "ill in- *4\ty-.jlutn*. Follow tn£ i* the »<■ % iI Moodiii** f>> Stat<*>: Si\t> -xrond s|M > .-»voml <’oiigivse* (oniirr^M Ik'UHM’rnH. IU*|Mlbllr;ui*. Via Inuiiu VrkansNfc . . i ttlilontiH . . . < olorado i OtlIH*<*ti« III iN'Iawiii’t* Florida < audit . . . . Idaho Illinois Indiana ' Iowa . . . Ivansi^ lv«ntu<Uy Louisiana . . Millin' Marxlaiai . . 'I ---us 1 m-♦ (!'* Vli« Vliim^soia . . . V|»^^iK-ip|ii . . Mi-MHiri . . . Montana N< nnavka \< u Hampshire Nuxx ,lcr*rj V«*w York . North Carolina. North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oii^oii I < Iiom 1%anJa Khodc Island ^outh Carolina South Dakota . Tennesson IVxa*.. I toll . V ermont. V h'lc'nia V\ ashlofrton West Virginia . Wyoming » A 1 i IO 12 in i it s l to to s 22f> if,:: Totals Socialist *. t REPUBLICANS LOSE SIXTEEN IN SENATE O. I*. U *1-1. IIU 1: A MAJOKil \ or ti:> iwn: \n or 2«$ i\ t PI'KR llol si.. U AsHINLrruX D I • Nov. ,(•. 1 [(.. ‘-"'l return** Indicate that *.!.c Ucpuii -*n majority in the Heiint* will i>e 'iUft-tl from tw*iily-**ix to ien in the »r»KivThe full !n*-m 1>* r*<h;j* coiixn^s niv. ■> the L next . In the present puhlh'.art!* fifty niin* ami the Dcmacrau t %u*t} - thrro. The OomorratK appear i" have named o!«hi to-:»is. Th*t> re * I»»f • - * | the Itepu Llb’fiiis to fifty-one. and Jner«-Mses fit* t m to forty-one. i Johovvins tahlo shi.wH the ri-Mill.s m the thirl v -1 iv o s.-ms where .Sena turn are lo In* cLoaeii , Settle now Jit* Id h\ Hep Hep Hep lien* Hep * alifornla i onaeetleut I* lortria I ltd IHIIN \ - lauiltoiauM Huiue llaM<mebiiNen« X A- M«r> land MifliigHii . . Atlameaot n V A - tll*Ml»nippl Mt»M»uri l mum \et»rti«kn \ <*% «<Im >ew .ferae} \ t« \ iirk North Ditkoifi Ohio IVniin> It toii*t it Lode I'•land TenneMMee Testa . I tali V A-Vermont VIruiuia . . . . \\ HHhlngtog Weal A Ira I ala . WImcoiimIu . . W .* (M»lai •A- taraal b > Comp, of I gi>latur*' Hep. Hep. Hep Hep llem. Hep . . Hep llem Hep . Hep Hep . . Hep . Hep Hep It. p Hr p Hep Hep Hem llem . Hep Hep . . llem ...Hep . . . Hep . Hep Hep death of II* er ua«J Senator II* Karri. A A-Senator* already ehoweu. Hep I* roll, llem Hep llem Hep llem Hep Hep llem Hem In doulii Hem Hep llem Hem Itep Hem He p Hep llem Hem Hep Hep Hem Hep Hem Hep Hep Sehator Hol HKWsYIAAM \ tiOKS HI’I’IUI.KAN Vt.VIV PITTS BU HU, PA.. Xm I'mtu r 10.— < 'in*** more Pennsylvania Is Uepub lli-aii to~,da.yii>Hppublirun Uijvernor John K. Teller, Republican congres sional delegation. Republican leifisia- i Inr. Georg'- T. < >1 iv. r. Republican, will be .returned to th.- Fnltod Suiter Heim it The > ontci<'Miiniml delegation elands twenty-three iti puhli. uns and nln** lfenioerat«, a train of four for th« Io'inocratH, who elcried cnuirrersmen in the Fifth. Klghth. Twelfth, Thir teenth, Fourteenth. Fifteenth. Slx t' nth, Twenty-second and Twenty* sixth. Although late yesterday, the Key -tone candidate, W. if. Retry- wag flowing strongly In thy dclayed re IhrhP. the IlKiiri s took a turn In the ■ other direction and heat available , •igtires to-day place Tener a plurality : "tween 111,000 and du.Oyo. I « laitrrc-small Wed*. xi;\v haven*. conn.. n> k vcm^r l*i.— Ttit* rn■»rrin*r<> «-u« '.oIcninfKt-rt to-day of John Tllaon, i'ini*fi««in»n-st>l<»r(t*- fn>tn Cntmedl rut. amt MN .Vorth. of thi| < If Tflson wild that th»‘ i”'Bi w*<t dtnff |>rr«<*nt h<* rtn-nlvpit «na a rvttirti tu-krt !<■ thr ffujllo at Tofaday'a >dc< tit'll. Society Mt.«s Mnr> Irvin# and Miss Mary M. ( j.itu. debutantes of this winter. ■ >it thi guest# nf honor at a beau tr ’ ufi.t noon anti evening reception given by Mrs. Charles v. Blanton at her Icon, HtO West (’,race street. \V "dtles'da v. Tht' mart led toil; culled hi tho afternoon hi't« ri it tin* hour# of t ami " and the v.winger >et wore entertained in tht t-v. thug Th' tiiri e drawing "in* and .all were iltt orated in nrofunion of palni.s and «k;.j i pry santheinutns. Tin man11*is it t re i>.u:lsrd in green and whit, flower#. f. rn# and sonitax (.•■in# gnu »tally tuned about thr chandeliers and Man ay. In tin ■ dining room, yellow .uni green -pre vailed and the centrepiece tor the table two an eX'1ui.Mt. basket of the hug* y idler chrysanthemums. Receiving with Mrs Blanton were Mi.« Irving. Mias it Kauen. Mrs. William I labllKton. Ait ■- W. .t. -d oil - ear. 4t.d Aims Lnrj Wallace. .Airs, Blanton .tore a lw mu- gown of hand-embroidered b > biff on cloth over tom -twin, anti ..sited American Beauties! ami lilies n; tin.- t alley. Miss Irvin#'# gown was ■ . wtilte cinifon, hand painted id r - prays, o'er oink satin, with gold r’minings. Mis* McFaden's coat ante j- of yellow ' ’nar'tuiSetie, toiled Si while s hit ■ fon ami trimmed \ penrla and ■ rentals. Their flom i y r, ehrysun t hem ulna und rose#. Hablistoti ’issrsi tor wedding ; of white satin and prdttt • #. w ith or. h bis Mrs. Moricure A'ttS in '■ h< k lace tster whit,, rati a, and M Is- ..Wallace wore a Row n of pink sstb, .ed in biaek lot with pink chrv/H .'hur.uitis. ATIss Annie Romtldson, >■ X, *. ifaven. ■ Conn., its o charms - pink chiffon j Crock and Miss Csoirtu y Crump tn dowered mull drat" er white •atm. presided at tic punch i«m 1. Mr-. II H. Walla > a beautiful nin.ek b. , and sub .,vrt, poure-J tea Mis.# I.ney llani ion. tn white ! ■ chiffon. M 1km I .ora 1 tump in pink flowered crepe de c.aijts and Miss Mary l’atton Jordan in gre< n mar ipiisetttt over green sal.:, served In the 'dining room. Air-, Blanton whs us#1slod in en tertaining by Mis# Be. Johnston in bine marquisette . • si 111 w hite * spangled net. Mrs. I. ndolph 1 'annuls , in white i tn’s.roidereti ii,,i>:ili silk. Mrs. t'rtitap in a gow n o; arid white, Mrs Ben Also}) in white chiffon ibdh. .Mrs. Thomas i ':.r; Johnson In i bin, k span tried net ■’ white satin, Airs. Charles Lea it' b::i.-k lace over | white satin. Miss M-’ in I black satin with In," ;:■! blue panne 'velvet trimmings, and Airs. tieorge . I Bryan in cream lace i I over pink. , Tliev field arm borne , ... pink chry : •unthemums. i About three hundr. si- called . j during the afternoon everting This was the firs! |«r: r» c ptimi of 1 the season, arid was. indeed, u bril liant affair. Luncheon for Bride-Fleet. Alls# Lucy lt*verb:go. of >35 West Grace street, is enter lining at a very ; i attractive luncheon Thursday niter noon fit the Country Club in honor of ATiss Mary l*i''»i„'(l. whose tvir- ■ Cage tn Mr. B us Gordon S'prat le: of Petersburg, will take plain* on No vember 111. lie--..rations wer, in large I wtilte chrysanthemum#, « green \a.-r tilled with the#.- 'lower# marking , ich . I place. Covers ui’l be laid f, r ninr. The guest# include Mis# Mary liar • wood. Mrs. Beveridge. Mrs Frank M Box!,'. .Mr#. John Ballou, Miss I.m ile Ala* • Mis# FIthel Wedge ,,f Baltimore; Al - Anna GrRTUli. 1 Texas and Mrs Frank Carter <>: Alexandria. t <#>k— l s onarii One of th, in #! beautiful i-ar rlnges ever wilte m-4 In Chesterfield county took pin■ in Branch # church Wednesday ev,-m:.g, November 9, at a. JO o'clock, wb.i! Miss i.ois Filling ton Leonard, th- attractive daughter; f Mr. and Alts Joseph T. I.eonard to,'inn the briib of Mr. Arthur B. c,,nk. son of Mr- Robert Holden. ,»f Chestertleld. Tn, church was artisti cally decorated palms and pink chrysanthemum#, the color schern, being (link and bite. The mellow glow ironi the - yer candelabra on either side of lb. improvise,I altar made the seen, i> we effective. Tin Rev. Joel Tii'-lo r pastor of the church. perform. ,j the ceremony All## .Mi, ■ Bolin t Rudd, cousin ,u the bride played the wedding marchc# , from Lohengrin and Mendelssohn , and Hearts and Plower# during the ceremony. The bride, gowned Iri white satin, en traltim , cmlc.adored In pearl# wearing a tull< oil, fastened with orange blossom# and carrying a show er of Bride ro#, - entered with her maid or honor. Ml#.# Clara Holden. Her only ornament wan a got,! neck la, 6 wit hn pendant of diamonds and pearls, the gift of the groom s mother. Miss Holden «..i a white lingerie gown and .-urri. ,1 white chrysanthe mum#. Mia,-,.# Myrtle Althea and tan.die Geraldine Leonard, sister# of the bride, w et- l Idesnutids. They wore white plaited organdies over pink with sou pink satin girdle# and, carried pink dir., sanibemunm The little llow ei girls, Misses i >rg, Vaden uinl .Alice bandar, wer, charm- i ' ing in pink a•. . idion-plaited silk frocks, scattering lowers in the path of tliu bride Mr. Charles , brother of the. groom, was b. ,-t lean. Messrs. E. H. ' Turtles, S. L. Woodall, S. E. West and J. i'". Leonard were ushers. Following the , rt-mony the bridal party and guests .-re entertained at 1 a reception at tin ride's home, Oak ‘ Grove, in Chestertieid county. Tin 1 many handsome and useful presents attested the popiii.irity of the young people. Ornice loi \|j„ lliekok. Mr. Albert Ober. ol BalU more. lias is.# ,. invitation# tor a dauee to b>- gi Thanksgiving Kv., -Vo vent her 23. at I ,iis-Kwan-l#a-.\'aw, ' his home at Luthenille, Md„ in honor of Miss Kobeeea 111, kok. one of the \ season * debutantes in Baltimore. Miss ; Hickok recently spent a week here ■ , with Mrs. J. J f 1 iekok on West Franklin street. sh,. was maid of honor ut the marriage of Misa Mary Hii.kog to Mr. II, G. Boykin on fie- , tolar 2i), and was much complimented during her visit p, this city. I*rt“lty Home Wedding'. The marriag, Mi## Louis, ilBr. ’ , nard Frluchkoni daughter of Air and I Airs. Bernard Frisehkom, to Mr. i tVellford Boss butherland. #on of Mr. i ( and Mr*. J. Leroy Sutherland, took f place Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock at the bride# home. # m2 Hanover avenue The Ley Robert A. Good-’# win officiated, ai,,J the wedding march i 'V** Pl®-5'o‘ Mr. Charles Meredith | Frlschkorn. I 'ecratfon. ivere at- | tractlie Ir, palm#, 'hrysarit hern ums: \ and Kinllax. The hrlde entered with her father, i w’ht) gaee her In marriage. She wore I a handsome gowp ot while aatiu, with I TB3JIBKM Striking Values in Women’s Long Coats IMPORTED BLANKET COATS, $20.00 Of tan, grey, brown or blue; frirged collar and bottom; an ideal garment for traveling. The most effective styles, presenting the best values we have ever shown. We advise every woman in Richmond who has not purchased their Coats to take advantage of the opportunities offered here this week. „ Every preparation has been made to meet the demand in high-class Coats at every price, from the inexpensive to the highest price, with that assurance of distinct charm about every garment irrespective of price. fn this great buying time of Winter Coats exact details are needed—rind here is an ink ling of what mav be found here to-morrow. ..... | COATS, $7.98 And the best Coats we have had this season at this special price; 50 inches long; materials grey and tan mix j lures; semi-fitted back, shawl collar and patch juicket. POLO CLOTH COATS, $15.00—Stylish, practical and splendid wearing Coats, suitable for auto and street wear; color, tan: storm collar, double-breasted front, patch pocket; moderately priced. | $25.00 COAT, of imported grey mixture, -atin lined to waist, inlaid cloth collar and cuffs and of fine quality workmanship and W ! Extraordinary Purchase of Fur Coats and Furs. I Our Inner, now in the Now York market, has telegraphed us of a sensational purchase of '* l urs and Fur Coats from one of the leading manufacturers at GREAT SAVINGS. !< Wc expect them in early to-day, and those who are contemplating buying Furs for their own use or as Christmas gifts, should not miss this opportunity. It's the part of wisdom to investigate these remarkable values. Children’s Outergarments. You will find here the most complete va riety of Children s Coats, ranging in size from 2 to 16 years; the styles are always correct, materials dependable, prices mod erate. pearl trim minus- ami earTied a hou 1|Ul.i ,,f lllii s of tho \alloy and Bride s. li.-r tuJK veil was < aught with -prays of orange blossoms. Her mil. attendant was iter sister, Miss .l.tre' l»o.-u Fris, tikorit, as maid honor. Her gown war of cream la< e over yellow mi ssiilini . and sue carried ycl ow »• hrysunthemu nta licit with j«d . XV till!' Mr- Sydney Sutherland was hie hrnther - lost man, and the ell iK were Messrs. J. Harry Fi Is-hkorn ,ud Treviitian Sutherland. v retention at the bride.., home »»> given after the ceremony. Alter a Northern trip Mr. and Mrs. Suther land will i'e at home at 1612 It,mover avenue. shackdl i nil—1 a ur. ftf mint! social inn-rest here is tho marriage ot Miss t'* -o hi *ias, oigiu l.yno. daughter ■ t the but William it. I,vpe. and Mrs. Cmeue M-meure Bynt . ,i orange count j. t" Mr. Virginius 1 to be r t Shackelford, 'which wilt take idaee Thursday evening at 7 o'clock n Ht. Thomas' Kpiscopitl church. Or mge, \ it. The 1-. Hubert is. ( ur er will perform the ceremony. The hride will lie given in mar •lug,. by her brother. Mr, II < >ltver ,vnc. She win be attended b> Alias ,uey Laurence l.vne, as maid of hon ,r. and Atlases Nell Sutton, l.enore ri'iisley and Katie Huge, of Kichmond. md Miss Nam j Ship kclford. of Or mije, :i> bridesmaids. Little Misses vinrgaret Shackelford and KlizabeU; ..yne will hold the ribbons. 'judge George S, Shaekelford vviii the best man. and tbe grooms nen Include Mesars. A. Stuart ltob rtson, of Staunton! H. Green Khaek .ifiird, of orange, K. Addison ften- ! mlds. and Pleasanton ('oiniui st, of tUlintond. The ushers wilt In- Hr. .. S. Hi, Kelts and J.iekson Morton, f orange: John H. Kamlolph, ol .yin hburg. and ''at! Walker, ot ' tiehinbnd. Among the itiehinoiid people ihh rwlse who will la- present at church md the ren ption at Willow Grove” re Air. and Mrs. It T. Moncure, Airs, .inn s Slnton. W. A. Mont ure. F. T. iutton, Air. aatid Mrs. C. f. Walker,-. Jr. and Mrs. Lulls r A. Warren. Miss .mils Warren and Miss Josephine Tier Church Supper. Tin- ladles of Immanuel Haptist hureh, at Fifth and Leigh streets, t ill have a supper on Thursday cthis) veiling. The Ideal Club will render nstrumcntal music during the even ng. Supper will be served between he hours’of 7 and 9:3<i. A pleasant ! veiling is anticipated. Personals. Miss Kthel Wedge, of Baltimore, is he guest of Miss Bin 11c Massey at nn7 West Grace street. Mrs. James 1 Pritchett and son, of lanville, are visiting Mrs. James H. hake, at 12U6 Floyd avenue. Mrs. 'rltehott is being much entertained luring her stay in Kichmond, her ,inner home. Mr. Douglas Page was best man nd Mr. J. X. Crayford was among im guests at the weddins? of Miss b,se i sun hurt to Mr. Charles If. Gul •y, which took place in Staunton Wednesday evening. . * . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Phipps, rn-e Miss i .'ora latpRhorne, have arrived front I Inglaad and are guests at ''Miration'' * "V'-i. f V.I .' . k.' - Vi'CC ■the Baughorne home in Albemarle county. * • • Mr?. Urcderh k Sanford and Mailer I'r^iUrli k Panford, Jr., will arrive this Week to be the Rural? of Mrs. How ard Sutton, from Newport News. • * . Mrs. Henry Bandon Cabell and chil dren are spending a month In Bonis \ioc- wifh Mrs. Cabell’* mother. Mrs. William Wyninml. V irginia Weddings llarrisou-liaker. FltRORRlCKSBCRa. VA.. Nov cm- , ■ her 11.—Gtlmour Wiilker Harrison' anil Miss Viola Baker were married here yesterday evening, the Bev. J. H. lienderlite performing the cere ; mony. Miss Bottle Baker, sister of [the bride, was maid of honor, and S. , B'ouwuy Baker, of Washington, lust I n Intltz-Jmiis. MAKTINSV1BBE. VA., November 10.— Karl Fhultx was married to-day I to Miss Bessie Grev Jones, daugh ter of B T. Jones. Hat Ik-Walker. M A BT1N8VIBBE. VA.. November j 10—Frank IV 1 >avis was married to Miss- Bilie Walker, daughter of U. B. , Walker, president of the Cotton Mill l Association. yesterday. hpitlerlsMig. 1.1' 11 \ A". VA., November 10. Buetan Hpitler and Mias Barbara f. Bong, daughter of Philip P. Bong, were married at the bride's home in Ma‘sanutton yesterday. Bootli-Ben. DANV1BBE, VA., November 10.— . Miss Eirmia Boa. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. (1. A. Bea. and Augustus Arkeli Booth, of Richmond, were married at the First Baptist chureh here Wed nesday evening at l*:NO o'clock. The bride was attended by her sister.. Miff Gladys Ben. as maid of honor, while Walter Booth, of Covington, Ky„ yeas best man. The ceremony was per formed by 1 >r. J. K. Hicks. An In- j formal reception followed at the home of the bride on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Booth left later for an i extended wedding tour. Harrison—Bakor. iSneclul to The Richmond Virginian.) .FREDERICKSBURG? VA.. Nov. 10. j Miss Violet Baker, daughter of Mr.; cud Mr«. j. w. Baker, and Mr. Gil- : more W. 1 larrigofi. of the Western Union Telegraph Company here, were married at the home of • the bride's j parents, on lower Main street, Wednes- i day night. Rev. J. H. Henderlite per formed the ceremony. ■ ■ The parlors were decorated In green and pink. The bride wore white satin, veil and pearl trimmings, and the maid of honor, Miss Bottle Baker, sister of l be bride, wore pink messHline and carried roee^ Mr. 8. Conway Walker, the groom's only attendant, was best man. A reception was served the party after the ceremony, and the young couple left on a late train for a North* e^n wedding tour. Upon their return \ V, -Mv #y#v: *1 hump they will reside on lower Main street. Amor* the out-of-town guests wen Mr. and ‘Mrs. Charles P. Hanbach and son. Mr. and Mr*. Howard AliUon. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. 'Walker. Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Walker, and Mr. Fred Walker, all of Washington. Ridout—Crowdsr. (Special to The Richmond Virginian) RRACEY. V.V., Nov, 10. -KingswOol Methodist church was the scene <>f \ pretty marriage when Miss Maude V;r. ginia. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Crowder, became the bride of Mr. Taylor Wilson Ridout, of Manaon, -\. C. The bride was attired in a suit of blue cloth, and carried a bouquet of bride roses. Mrs. W. 11. Shaw, sis ter of the bride, acted as matron >f honor, and carried carnations. Mr, 1‘aimer Ridout. brother of the groom, was best man. The bridesmaids and groomsmen were Miss Virginia Matthew* atul Mr. W. J. Harper, Miss Annie Mae liar* per and Mr. Edward Matthews. Mr. Jesse Harper and IV. II. Shaw acted ns ushers. Miss Mary 81ms beautifully render ed 1-ohengrin's wedding march. Rev. W. J. Watt was the officiating minis ter. The church was tastefully decorated with evergreens and cut flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Ridout will make their home in Richmond. HAVE MANY CASES THREE SINPKCTn Ml NT ANSW ER AT LEANT SEVEN III A HUES OF LARCENY. Relieved by Detective Sergeant Wiltshire to be the men who hnve been perpetrating a series of rob beries throughout the stores of this city for the past three weeks, John Harris. Charles Willis and Will to Thomas, all colored, and ait from Wilson, V. C., were brought before Justice John Thursday charged with being suspicious persons. Their cases were ull continued until November 16, when Sergeant Wiltshire, who ar rested them, says he expects to con front them with at least seven charge* of larceny. The negroes, who made a practice of stealing clothes, hats and shoes, were literally caught-wlth the goods by Mr. Wiltshire. When arrested they were wearing Stetson hats stolen from an East Main street store,, and were carrying several other hat* of the •ante make to a second-hand dealer, to whom they had sold considerably if their loot heretofore. The negroes worked their thteverleg [■lever^y. . They usually plotted out small stores, where only one or two rierks were employed. Then two of them would enter and ask to loo^ it some article In the reyr of the es» tabllshment. While they were talk ing to the clerks, the ..third negry, would enter land help himself tp whatever was handiest In the front of thy story. The thief would vttrryl Ms loot under My cost.