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to Please the Women The Richmond Virginian Stories and I SWEET REVENGE 1 kn<'« • - ir*■!. '• J n'! ©ouldn't marry h.-> ln • Dive an invs rn tii-r • tn't do without : Ni’xi. *-■ !>* • f.isi .t had gnn<. It was i.mth. ■ .';»rk s ' , m •rlece children y.« . r;n>! lock u:t‘-r Yhen when Murk roarr*. <‘ runi i - *■ “ them a»«j it ■ '.nth that hit *•’.• ■ -to he looked i Til. n Kuih rn tr ; rled' and <>. fiddle. h> t«-s. .. gfyw—»° Mow il'jt !. You U-U John | I’m the hi.11 j nn<i t-. I . *-t raised. and I'm now p»KMia ■.•\.m..i ■ •».. "i you. C twits * " W ith ti s .1 r. .1 ?•■'■ pretty oa a l ink, and > ■ tly t< • :■ > thing Clarissa at that a«r.-, il im t d '..out of the dining room j ''She's simp!., ma.i, that a . 1.. - >C*.u*e 1 had you tel! !:••!» Hornet t.. gtop eft coming h< r> t • • • nrt M ri. She is entirely t> ■ • young to thinking- about keeping steady mparn Mrs. Ikirn y shook lot h>md in a ti way. Sh. was want in ih. hands Claris*. . An hour afterward Minimi i-allcd : Clarissa In the w:t«hh..,.s. •dlrrltiK ■lye soap In a 'John's mother ju.-t dl. I 1 think ‘d lx tt**r ri ..vcr then . It doesn't vfary.well to hav.- -ill th. neigh going and you staying hack r.> .fee guap 1 can watch thin s .up. truetlng mother. ad mother can tell in. nked to the lust 11 fo.... Wth you. ClnrUsy." “I would rt • r (link BlIU# soap to either you . |S0o 'long yourscll And much to lo t surprise, ten ru n PjUUD later Clarissa rn... Mildred skim ’lining siong the in* ac os path that P-.l the i 1 a. 1; 1 hollo an .nd-tushi* >n §ta*4 Wfair. plainly tlsihl. ami; the I>.,r f'»y tipstaln- window s The Sunday evening ..11* - .he f ■, . ~ / ti. Joty: riaynes.. ri ki;n!l;. I.n I'.tnred face very sad. ■ an .- «. r.Mt* to |sfhe Dorsev home Mildred -aw i,,m and called to *’laris.,, “Here tome* y.iur old itul : What Iptetfge you g-.lng p> wit. 1.. nim 1 is time, for sure In* will a. > a (., ■Httf him n«w that .0.* m tin-; , an’ ‘lllieep house no longer for hire"" Half an hour later John i;.. . , |§i«*» going slowl* h..n.,. his hem I hent tm deep thought Clarissa hud guide i* new exons* “Mildred was making them *0 much trouble |,*n\ «ith her plovers, and without t’bitis-,, to until *jggh Mildred th.* mother would allow ■ Mildred too much llta rty 1 || John had answered. "Meyt tune, " Clariie-rt. you may 1* th, a-kin .-’ When yon wan*, do *„n . „„ ,..r «D«.” SJv How was Clarissa K.„*.f , n„,. \j,j_ f4ra<hhad met John the d:n l..* and ■’Tpoketi a tin* h.dcpertdet . in m* he®d T “But von at. t!"t going rmw John, »■‘'i t !4.,irr v x ■ ‘i . thor s • irin-r*!, * h wht1!! * a* ! febto *h:-r> U * ■ Sa?uiHf We# k \ • • ' **' * • vs »■* k ,* >»■( J to t -iUi.*-’ t -»r «* *•*.- had f. art .. V Mite! u.. .. - ■ •* ; Ha; ne* 1 » • < : :.j\ at if rno *n« v t . •: • *» > h lv*' da rk h»-nd v- • >1 \ 1 ?* eyM* ti».‘» SS ' I *, ■ ' * ■ ■• !i>. ft? :it i'U.i ;.■*■*} ’I- r X •.* ’ fust hi# aother if* out of , ’ ’ , r «hn rp • ■ • -r t1 ■ r* i i • • i r- *: !t». • b • • I« \ < •: wan: '• *-'t ft r«‘ < dirte- - r.,!|u r h. * !»i<h < v -■* . • r*- a .*!« a wtt: h t i >■ • . .1 i , !. t if : ou dos • ail •• )•• r • i . b, . 1 a li a- I-..: s* j *•'• ,ii*»i i • ! •' < v•• i it ' v. \ t . y- 1 to- hs-r« a r.-ni wife** • h • J,:;: b 0: * child. t>**f sji- .. ; IT; V ^ ! . - * ‘ •«.I U .; • ‘ » J • * f sp**A* i! ah* i:*vf aim she \\.h hart . 1 !■• h* ; L*'« d W Ife. f;>-* ki;» sib • w a * r • i tt»* runner. “stun- .< w kaow M'. lr. a ;lv, ass 4iif! deelar* that J >\ a h t li* man t; • ; * >>r llV*'*l \\ st h a *j/t ax* nf ifreat «'Inri^,* h *'<..• -j* -vtatr?4 of: pn.jit,*.•,). * rran<i, out } in wat.f'h thr»8*f two t;; ,-t >)*•. That plri* 1 aaw him < ■!* <•••!• vj.ns hor.” flic fr* at h*‘<i a: tor.*. "Thf fh k't . f l irt h»v with i<o!» fturnvt <»!.*• «!;«>, i:. }o « with t!ii tif»xt Wlial ho 1** thitfklntc ar* vt that distant* shf *<mh! n.»t tlvit John had noiu'Iv hantui ,.\<t t-> read a Inter h* had wiipp.ul t< 'dil drew from U*>b. aHmros wu:: sum*' , thing; in it thr j^lri Inul llaurd* d !<< lus « y* s. It un*j wln-ii John's now hau was up Mildn-d was dv!\ .* j tin#? ttn-r an ixtfUSiw ra'W ward robo that ail of Clanvaa'a oalm »oI t.fd hCr .Sli*' Wa* iti«><nly and J : t'f fill, tnd .Mofnttir*u-M lot the t»r» ad burn, and forgot t<» v.ird t!a* (dtadf bid then Clari'Hii l>»^ant.t . tlnd tha eh** wus tb* la: ndilii#* ,«t .« k nf the* ounriiry; id* J«ditt Hnyn^M had do • si-riwi her bn little Mtb.'rod. It whh t* ft lab , the satn u! it, b,a mi *tn ; bn-Hd*- aw givin#? hi;n up t . (a *• «i;i. •to-. Sh*- bad never |ov«*tl other ;is '■in- 1 .i.l John. taUbfuI, pnt‘* ai J.dn: ^i’o ,o ,!i/.» j h i- <jub*t si the wroiuc s 1'• bad dout him. It was one cif th*- har.y fall after *••• •• " hen J>.nn .*•.«? upon that style w ni v for M di • d. .riar.Hsa tlvui^lit, * ti.ou«b Tdtldrei'i hs\ti Rone to visit a 1 .V'HIDK friend 'be u:^h« before, and not. O't ifirrmai -that t’laris.-.a del* rndtn-d t" 1‘ 'it sty jher*.f]f, ar.d- warn J• •111. th* I!■ -"4»I**i lie was l.ty.!^ u|> ; :..j his fiitan-, as she fulls holies.*t. * John turned t*. mod the f!us>h«-d ■' o •* 1 »*• ia atli tii* ! i.; vimlioiiuet. Olarbxii f‘> y in. but aft* r a f* \s words broke down as e--*:n|i!* tel a> « hild lniK111 leive .(on* J'-hii put a pitying hand *•!' I'l.irivsi ?< -hon'd* r. 'Hirmitr)) her \‘. e! eyes she j» l.j ne*-d into his fa«:e, t h* ;. yaspeil *'V(i!| do t.«\<, p,e h« -t! yet John'.’” ■ "Win. bin ' Wia. .aid 1 didn't'.'" ; 11 < • ask** d. "Then 1 s\ : ! ihiu ry y.n* ri^ht a was tbita -a e\ela need, 'and Mildred can .o.s’ h aid her *e. fh<a husband. John, ran t sne?” sbe's hobleil «■:ir air* ;idy . ' John said, turning ai.. at t*. walk h. me with • t Ti ri• ■ v*!. I ddn't you know she eloped 1 last nleht Hi.!; Hnrnrl THE SKY-MAN BY HENRY IvITf'll ELI, WFR.STEH Author tut tit Ram net Mtruin- ,<} Cohn in* " h Coj.vngbt mm by Th*> iVmurj Company. »«r (; :<'C s v,) to-night, :ia he crouched thiro: on th< beach, waiting l„i tie' who < I i I not conic, the- wild, Jlredklwii, indefinably tneuae-iiij ttuaiit'. *< those strange light* u!T,-, t. d him wcrfi.'IV. The way they Je ;ip-e! in arc*, e'lnir across the *«*•:> anil ishe-ri thy way On ir brilliant Mf« could lla'int theinsoi w-t senltli to horizon with nil On Ultor* of the nunfcet, anil *uli h .a. ; „ ... irtli a* dark as It ’.as after tln v : •fc*d rolled up *&<l ois.ti.i-- an •.), tin horrible, winking, chin! h ring plmstli IMWU Of them, mal, 11 dinieuit to think of them •,* part tin- .,i.i. r Of tiatur*—turned ttxrn r.t.. a »..rt ■Of Btleve.'etit n .• a- . ! t . y, ... ... , i possible to tell h-tt» long th wouin 1 ■last. Sonjettna •- they toll - - .j up and wit thu ik.. unve.xetl at til. end <,1 a ► brief minuii'i - metim. • t he y pt up their witch*.s' .lame all night. Tile one he- --.ii brightening ;, w V-M developing itself into a stupen fcus spe tae It. Th. i ,n,- g,h ell* ut light, rippling, hlckrring, n*. f1a>hi|ig out again gradually • themselves in at. hum. 'or double devil'* minnow cl,-ait a. r*-le aky. The streatnery tvhhh .presently to pi .nr net from both of it, ran a gamut • . ,r from purple up to ,, •laming orange horizon, «:| tin- north* ru half t.j banked with what i e.k.-d I'kr iljous fuiphur-eotored . c, shot Occasional y leu ms ■>[ bright not M gazed at the spectacle un if, but *1111 he gaged. And how. though fought tht let I H#*p«rateiy. It began to Hmuiu* a •i elgrilhcpjv'e to him—a eig ne of mockery. The whole t*ky irtvoring with < «uit. rthm tauyrh It l,«e.tu!*t n«. with bis tan ctevcrr.ew and daring in finding '» lair and watting for his re to lb was really doing precise tt thing that Itusoe would have him do? Were those sky-wit,-he* ng Over what was happening up the pilot-house u nite he sea here watted ? Intelligent *, rid' sane power of tltlve reasoning can resist till* of things Indefinitely, and at last • power of resistance uum to Cdgley eyulv Wa •prang to his re*-t at last, drip P’Kh gw MU tn spite of the cold, up hts bundled wings, unfurled took the air with a rush. Jerked tum«*;f aloft to. raUn tap exset at Uio 0.S-rJjlgg ■fc'y.*■ 1 .uio <\ui', H v, a. hardly mnjv* than .1 rm*t ; of rta oi\d« tm1 < nino oppo .^U** liii d-one ?ii\«* mound «»f nhow v'hii h i »r«.s the pilot-house There wu$ n > Mghi shining out of the t«.{'.;»*•! entrain* lint that was . h h* had vxp.-rted It to be. IP niad« ji .nit > .i dly enough, and in un-'th' i ni> niont had alight'd Hurt-. .Joann* ' he • ilknt. It war not - the exertion or ihKht. I s *i -add* n itit florahh' appr«*hen*don that mad.- him breathie«n The word had halted ;l Mtt’<* in his throat Kx welly he a tiered it ho paw down the tunnel. and m tin* |>ilot-hous* 11*r*!f, a rin\ grp ark1 of lire. a 1 hoard the < lh k ot hti against flint. W hat t.. a park iihmunated s\ er*> fh.* hn|p rs of i gigantic, hairs hand. ■ft aunt !" he called again, and now n .«d* f‘ ounr * dar-r-imuKh. Wait n in*; 1* and 1 11 make a iight for you." tTo fie, Continued » GOWANS King of Externals! Sells itself wherever introduced. Imitators [have tried to imitate,, *and substitution has* been attempted. But once GOWANS always Gowans for Inflammation and congestion. It firt* or« to <tm mnriil Uownus Fnif.itmtiou for Inflammation. crpreinltr of thr throat nail chert. He hare Kohl (/' m ;iu.i Preparation for utany yutr* ard nrvrr had a complaint. DURUSUTOX DRUG CO.. Darlington, A‘. C, BUT TO-OAT! RAVE IT ir THE HOME All UmHlala *1. so*. 2So. COWAN WCOtCALCO.. DUNHAM, n. C. hVWM.MAMrnt.M W nm *mkt i HECTOR THE INSPECTOR. • VM* WfjM HOW- DC -•'fvy K4R DAs/'S. MO>V ‘2> 'tr*? fjArarr Razo* ASO WHAT DO fXl DO P-TUi uA» CATCH AM! TWL GAZO.V‘,3 ALL RMWr. H*HT A SWAVK. f I'LL XFJ^ORT-ASOThOr’ or shooting jrx&s f LITTLE BED-TIME TALES in i:min »i\VKi>i. lY««p]. parsing through the great meadow might have thought that the two glittering Hihnr dots m the eye* j . »• th- old Thistle wo re two drops | of early morning dew out they were not j The old This'll*- wits crying. and j those two g list* mug dots Wei*- i-no th ul tears. Th* y wo re tears of love, tor on that me. lie - a.? going to say good !*i e to his little - -i Thistledown. . who going o ! jf. iho world to see the Sigh ! *. Jt was the Huh IhVezi who was to accompany ?i* * TiildlfU'twii on his * travels. "You win not forget nit-, will you, ! son .aid the old, brushing away the tears. The little Thistledown neste d just u ! hit elos» r. "Never," to ioj softly, *yui’ have always been j»t* va ry good to me " 'And .someurne you will < orn«* oaek to see nit tjuosUoIled tile oJd This tle, u ith hope in his vole* "Surely, .sometime." whispered the* j Thistledown. j And tin u from away off thi re eanu | a se>ft »\ hisuing sound and presently ! th* little lree/e who Was to aeo.orn I pan. little Thist led own floated h>, j then, turning, < :trr»e bat k again. "< haul morning," lie said ph asantlv. ' Are you ready, little Thistledown "< food-by e, Hither dear." 1 "Good-bye," said the old Thistle, 'and away the Thistledown on the back of tl »• Utile Ifreeze My. how they Hew along. And sin-h wonderful sights did little Thistle I down see. Mow little the houses ’ looked away down below him, how funny the trees* looked, and never be fore did he realize that the clouds ; wore tiie same clothes that he did. And all tin* while the little Breeze* | talked, explaining all th- strange j sights to him. i Now towards nightfall the Breeze | had other work to do, and spying a beautiful Mower garden far off be low. he softly settled down and snug ly tuc ked little .Thistledown deep nou n !r» the heart of a beautiful "T will eall for you in the morn ! ing.'* be said. "Good-night. ! A way he flew, T11 * * next morning hack he earn** again and for days and days little Thief ecb-vvn saw eights that In had never dreamed of before. Hut the wonderful part of the whole story in that one ni rht the lit* i tie Hreezi left little Thistledown In a; pretty bird's nest high upon the bough ‘■f a tree and v* ;’«-n 1 ift!Thistledown pet !;*■<] out over tr.f edge the next morn in it he was overjoyed, l'or there below him in the meadow was his dear ruth it Thistle and his lacs was as rosy as an apple "Oh, father, how do you do?" shouted HU Ip Thietti don n, and the old Thistle looked up with toy in his ♦ ' \ t' . “• h, my liiilf* Thistledown, my 111 Thistledown’” was all tie could say. THE SECOND COMING iiy f.i.i.a \viii:i:i.r.u wiu'oi. How will Ohri.-t • ome bark as* in 1 Hf»W Will Me b« • ti i*U<1 wN'-Il" Where I in ( i; way ’ Will h»- cornu a» e&d of night Shining In his lobe* of iignt. or at dawn of uuy ? Will It he at Ci rotnias time. When tl'o bel . a;*- all a-chune. That ho is r*‘h<irn? Or will ha return and brine. Wide and svurjiC . ou.s wakening. On eome Kast-r morn*' ; When will this • <1 world rejoice, Listening to that golden voice. Speak lie un' uen? ! l,iv»>s ther*- one v, ho yet will cry Loud to start1* i passerby Christ has oi’ii ' again ' List t he answer « H HIST IS HLKL, Saak and you st ■ 11 find him neat. Dwelling on *’ earth Hy ti»t world ; a.vakvned thought Till** great ni'i.i■ h» Is wrought. This th<- second birth. While you w«»ini'u" where and how Christ Hhall cos • behold him n*w, Lat loot, loving meek. Looking from ■■ r neighbor’* eyes Ur In humble toiler*** fUi«F— IjoI the Christ you seek. Search for him in human hearts. In the shops, «ml In the maria. And lies»d* your hearth; Search and speak the watchword. Ivove, And the Christ si all rise and prove lie has com- to earth. Sorrowful oftim*- la lie i That wo 11a ve n • eyes to see— Have not ears to hear, : As we call to 1 bn afar, <»ut beyond *?.distant star. While he stand:- so near. Seek him. se< k m whore he dwells Chime the voices of the bells On the Christmas air: ‘Christ has com to earth again. Hi* is Jn the' \ > iris of men. Seek and find him there.'' —In the Delineator for December. V not her Chance. We can’t remember whether T H. , went down in <t ■■eibrnarine or not. We I think not An; way, he has never starred in a 1«*»H fight.—Chicago Tri i bune. V I bought. Vo road - t*»•» ong for him who ad vances Hlfwlv .. d.*o* not hurry and PICTURE PU7ZLE J-'iml l Uo tarni'-r h wiffe? r Ajuwor to j uttrduy'i puulc Abors his swi looking from top, no attainment is beyornt his reach who (equips himself with patience to achieve ! li.— l,a limy-re ! Fairmount The hoiu»r roll f- r Fairmount school for October 1* an fallow*.: 7 li. Grad.Ethel Kell Mattie K* 1 ! lum. 7 A.— Stanie ’ Harlan Hart i ness. Auma «’ruddock. Kathleen Hot ! 11118. i 6 B Ellison GaultUny:; Linwood God 1 5»:y, drih'o Pollard, \L»>ni* McDowell. lift ha Watkins. AN ill *' nxenham. Km j mett Hurile>. j f> A. —John CVrarich, Walter Jeter, {Gladys Monroe. Myrtle TyM'ii. 5 R.— Itichai d Thomas, Eddie Lowr> , Beulah Tucker. j 5 A.--*l>»idsv Thomas. Li7.7,it l -arper. , An- hj Durham. Karl** W j 4 B -Evelyn Paine r, Mhu* Duke, Al ma Duke, Lawrence Allen, Bernard Marlow 4 A.—-Olifton Patterson. Ruby Dale, Lticj Ohrlsimn, Mina l’• ra_ e. Thelma Williams, L«iu* Alien. 3 It. - Jo.'i phlne Tallej, l-Nfsie Moritz Flossie Mill-. Hazel Huft, Ktlo Dod I son Gertrud*' Davis, Lyn ,vood l^andrum. | Helen Jturkeri, Nellie Allen, Beatrice Davis. 3 A. — Mary Dowdy, Sarah Mason, Al ma Hall, Katie K< Hum. Madeline* Pal mer, Uaynel;* Marin, Hazel Ghlles. ’ W’illlcA Plsrke. liriu-si Sheets. Ruby j A o roe*, A i i e *j A very ! 2 R.—Fred Marlow, Lin wood Dale. I Willie MFoUinn. Ad ole Webster, Emily j Waldhuuv.r, Margaret Ruse, Kmnia j Thrift, Alma Williams, Eva Lowery, j Olivo Christian j li A.—Eugene Hollins, Harry Hollins. Ralph Cherry, Emmett Atkinson. Ger trude Swann, Sadie Pearsall, Louise -Paul, Nettle Leokr, Vinton Jeter, Gol jdb* Uesinghaus, Hannah Cherry, Anna i Clark, Christine Creery. I 1 B.——Helen Huff. Ruth Watkins. Mablo Ma.iavieg. Virginia Chlstian, Jes sie Kidd, W illie Webb, Robert Garrett. Lawrence Worrell, Charlie Mitt hell. 2 A.—Clinton Monday, Louise Knm*. Bessie Gath right, Marie Uaulett. Mable : Lamer. Florence Martin, Alice Moore. Ira carter Charlie IUunt. Percy Chen ; atilt, Gladys Gary, Thelma Harris, Lucy Kell, Estelle 1 »*rkins«>n. I Mr. ad Mrs. II. 11. uftcn.t have re ! turned home after a pleasant visit to j Mrs. J. C. Mins on. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prince who have been spending the week with Mr, and Mrs. \V. B. Chenaull, left Thurs day for their home in King William county. Mr. Raymond Gordon will leave here Friday for Essex, Va., to visit his par ents and hunt for several days The home of Mr. Walter Ellis, 131* North Twenty-third street, was tlm scene of a quiet but pretty marriage Tuesday evening at nine o'clock when his sister, Miss Nannie Kills, became the bride of Mr. K. Lin wood Webb. The bride was charming in a brown cloth tailored suit with bat and gloves to match and carried white carnal ions. Her niece. Mis? Eva Ellis was maid of honor. She wan gowned In white silk with crystal trimming:*, and carried pink carnations. Mr. Walter Gee wan nest man. After the ceremony which was performed bv the Rev. Wm. R. Burrell, the happy couple left on the midnight train for a northern trip. Up on their r-turn, they wall make their home a* 1412 Stewart street. Mrs. Mary Martin, of Baldwin street., who hast been very Kick for some time, was taken to the Johnson-W*UD hos pital Wednesday, where she will un dergo a very serious operation. Miss ManLo llilbsiuan :n the truest o Mr. and Mrs. James Redwood, oh Car rinqrtoa street. Mrs. Thomas Fletcher, of Bo will. Groan i» visiting her s a tor. Mrs M E. Jjeftwlch, on Moffby street. ALLIES MAY GO TO ATLANTA AND BERMUD/ The Richmond Light Infantry Blue re very ruuch in demand at present Major E. W. Bow lea has Just receiver an invitation from the Gaia City Y ■UBI1 Capital, $500,COO Surplus and Profits, $300,000 American National Bank OCR STEADY GROWTH TELLS ITS OWN STORY Accounts of Firms. Corporations and Individuals arc respectfully solicited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Compounded twice a year. OFFICERS OLIVER J. SANDS. President CHAS. K. WIXOO, Vice-President \YM. C. CAMP. Vice-President O. BAY1.0R HILL, Cashier WALLER HOLLADAY. Asst. Cashier D. W. DIRRETT, Asst. Cashier Guards, of Atlanta, to participate ii the unveiiltijr ceremonies in that cit> next October ot a monument con - J niernorotintr the historic visit of tli Guards P* many Northern nth-s itn mediately after the close of the ('Hi War. The Second Company, Govern or* Foot Guard, of i onnectlcut, nr* anxious for the Hines to Join in n tr! to Hermuda next SprlPK. Both invi tations are now under conslderatloi and will be presented at tile next '>lii vt*a* lrn' tuu'. it depends largely upot. , the * neumpnicnt next summer of lh* \ Irjtinia tr> bps whether the Blues wil h< aide to acarept either of the luvi tatioim. It is pointed out that nrios of the members will he unaidc to leave the city mere than once during lh* ! year ISSI KS TlfftKE CHARTKItK AMI TWO VMENDMF.NTS -- Thr*'« charters and two nmenii ments wen’ levied VV,driesdav after noon by the Hiatt* Corporation Cum iniasion, as follows: ReedvUle Packing Corporation. Heedvilla. Va in* orporntor*—«? r-. Haynia, president; \V. ,i Haynie. vice president; H. U. Moore, secretary. nil • of Kecbvllle. Va. Capital stock—Max ' imutn, | i'i.00o, minimum. St',600. Ob jects and purposes— KWh husinees TJendron Realty < 'orpo.ration, I>en drun. Va. Incorporator*-—W. L. IV ; vany. Jr., president; K. M It.chard s ti. treasurer. \V. K ISarrett, si cre tar; . at' of Uendron. V« Capital ■stoi’k— Ifxinmum, tin,000, minimum, #1.500. Ol'jriti and purpov e- I(i ■ 'stale business. 1 I'nion Home I.itnd f'nmpxn;. In>- . : Roanoke, Va Inonrp 'r.itorn— VV. c Turner, president. S. McNulty, i vice-prestdvrit; W, I.. Craft, secretsr> ..nd treason r, nil of It. unok. 1 ial stock—Maximum, 125,Oort; mini ; mum, 110,000. Objects ami purposes l Real estate business, f An amendment was issued to char ier of Morton Furniture Factory. Ine., • •hansln? name to Virginia t olfin and c.,.|;,.( company. In, . An amendment niu issued to ohar ‘er of Krcstsiiie ib-sitr and Irnpr o> - ; merit Company, Inc., chan*oik pow “Kids" Reach Richmond. Pulling n toy express wagu i and I carryit g phonographic outfit, Mr. and Mr-. ilarr> HUMphrles known as Kunminge Sale. The ladies .it th. Putnam Theatre .Jospei Mis-eioh Kill HhM Frank* m street, propose having a rummaxs sab •mil earnestly leg you to help by g|v cloth big furniture or anything that v.ili aid in helping on the work of saving- souls. A postal addressed flu M>:t John Stern.«sioriT. Putnam M'HKion. will be responded to and anv thing you wish to give will ..hear fully Bent for. Anderson’s Carpet House All the Novelties in Lace Curtains and Portieres H<’ sure and see our line. We know that vou will l>e pleased. Special values. Hall and Stair Carpets Every kind to select from. New Lot Axminster Hall Rusts. All sizes. Geo. W. Anderson & Sons 215 East Broad St. . \ National State and City Bank Capital, - $1,000,000.00 Surplus, • $600,000.00 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAVING DEPOSITS Interest Compounded Twice a Year. Make This Bank Your Bank Wm. II. Palmer. President. J. S. Kllett, Vice-President. Wm. M. Hill, Vice-President. J. W. Sinton, Vice-President. Julien II. Hill, Cashier. HENRY5.HUTZIER8.C0 BANKERS SOLICIT TOUR PATRONAGE IN ALL LINC5 OF GENERAL BANKING. iNtF.REST ALLOWED *r 4'ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS". ” tit*- Koto* hnvc r€*n« hf f1 Kl. h tnotul «*/i 11 1 ir -rorit’r « *;t whIk. Thf>\ Ntart**'! k N>\«, York, am! from this tiiy will *?<► to Norfolk and follow i.i*- ro.'t liruvig tho ClMPUri OFFER EEJECJED BY CLUB l:\IK \ PARK HLyt llil l> IV OH !»l.n TO IIET IS SUM TK *» 11 Kill i.i-; iiojk. Tins 3 ARIL. The , fTc r of h fifteen minute f lift! Ml*- 1:1 e msim ration of <10 addltionil charge "f 5 1 on is for the round trip to arid from the ,133" limit*, tvhi, n was recently made bv President Nur throp, of iht l’#.«'cnK,'r and Pen-rr Company. to the members of thi* Country Club and the Wcsthamptou Citizens' Association, w i 11 probably i>« rejected. Tin* passenger* object to the extra fai>-. arm it is not improb utdi that if uccessary the:, \\ i:I take the matter Indore the- State Corpora* lion Commission. J‘r, sidciit Northrop'* offer, which followed, 11 demand for hotter servlet*, ha* already been rejected by the com mittee representing the Country Club. The matter will now be eunslderot f'.v the club ns a whole, at u. meet lug to be held Saturday night. It is prac tically eertain thnt the olub memhera will endorse the a, thin of their com mittee. and it is also probable that the WeMhampton Citizens' Association will endorse the action taken by th* club. I lie rejection of President North* rops offer is contained In the follow ing letter sent to the street railway official by Mr. W F. Powers for tit* club committee "‘>ur committee cannot approve such an increase, because they of themselves do not think that such an Increase Is fair, and even if they dm approve they tool assured that they could not secure even a reasonable minority of residents, members of the Country Club and property owners that would agree with them. We do nut see why such discrimi nation should be made against this section ns compared to Forest Hill. Olnter Park and Seven Pines. Wo believe that we are within our right* In asking lor a lifteen minute sched ulc from ti to » A. M. and from 3 to 8 P. M., and that without an Increas ed fare. We regret that you have seen fit to put such conditions to our re quest that you yourself must see ar* impossible. "We are taking the liberty of giv ing your letter of November 7 to th* press, as permission wu» given to d« this by Mr. Guigon. and also or giv ing this our reply In order that th* public may be fully Informed.” HOCKING VALLEY ROAD APPOINTMENTS GIVEN Several elections and appointments were announced Wednesday by the president of the Hocking Valley rall V I y. the road recently acquired by th* Chcs 'prftke and Ohio. The announce ments were as follows: F. M. Whitaker, Richmond, third vice-president. In charge of traffc. O. R Wall. Richmond, * Blatant to the president. In charge of real estate and t»*aften T-. P. Pulllvnn, Richmond, controller. William Michel. 'Colunibus, 0„ chief jmgineer. 1 larence M. Brown, Toledo, Q„ di rector. The positions to which Messrs. Whitaker, Wall and Sullivan wan •InMumv. Jp /