Newspaper Page Text
Wants Lost. reward If returned to >0* 'V. Frank lin itreet. H«!p Wanted—Male. light work after school; good pay to , boy* who can hustle; special prises j given to the best boys. Apply * P M„ Circulating Department, The Richmond Virginian. Help Wanted—Female. WANTED—BRIOHT ACTIVE 8ALE8 Clrls for all departments, with or without experience; reference re quired. Apply MILLER A RHOADS. HUMPHREY OA8 ARCS CAN NOT BE beat for economy, reliability or bril liancy—ask a user or the GENERAL QA8 LIGHT CO., 6!I W. Broad street. JtAIBY—USE THE HUMPHREY MAN tle. we have tried them and And them the heat, ever. (Jet them from the GENERAL UA8 LIGHT CO., 521 _W. Broad _ - DAISY " WANTED, YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE work; stenographer preferred; state i age, experience, reference*. Apply j In own hand writing to IV. 81. Rich mond Virginian. WANTED—A dot ID COOK” AND | cleaner at flat No. 1 17 South Third Street. Situations Wanted—Male. and general repair man; can also do electric work; am a good all-round man In a factory; can give best or references. Address W, Box fl, Rich mond, Vi. __ __ _ J WANTED—.pdWTldjf BY EXVKRt enced hotel clerk; can furnish good ref "rence. Address CLERK, ,n° Walker avenue, Greensboro, N. C. DRUG CLERK_WANTS P< ISITION AT once; seven years experience. Ad drsss Box No, 14, Old Point, Va. Situations Wanted—Female. WANTED— POSIAION AS BOOKKEK11 er; flvo years' experience; best of references. Address “W.," 5*# Pax ton street. XianvUlc. Va. __ EXPERIENCED STENOO Ka PHE R DE slres h position, neat and accurate; best of references. Address R. A. ALDEKSON. 100» Norili Tlilrty-nfth street, city. J*hon« Monroe, fit. WOULD-BE GLAD TO HAVE TYPE writing to do In afternoons, from 3 to « Address MISS (5 HUGHES, care Massey Business College W A NTKl>- YOUNG"" LADY DESIRED position as stenographer »nd office assistant; reference* furnished wilt ing to start on small salary. Phono Madison 1324. yiiY OK REFINEMENT WISHES Po sition as companion and nurse lo ladv. keep house and care for linen room. reference* exchang'd. Ad dress M.. 1002 East Clay. KKIJAHLK UKY WANTING 8ITUA - tlon wishes to keen house f.*r small refined family. Address A cafe Man chester post offlee. Wanted, position by young lady stenographer; two years' prac tical experience, satisfactory refer ences furnished; either city or town; mountainous lown preferred Ad dress MIS.a HELEN JtYNK, 1*1« Everett sire"!. Manchester Yu X LAI*Y~ WISHES To GET SEWING U> do. 711 Snril! Seventh street Miscellaneous, noon on ton,. LONG, Tit F. WOOD M AN WANTS TO j talk to you si tlx* flr- side snd l>-tl ' * i,u shout hie wtwtl and free hurntny ,,o*l. which he is selling this fall Trial ord'-r will convince Phono Madison !§•#, PIRIITI HP. AM* I HOI Hlt KIVi. iTHMTI'RR CHINA AND WE 1*1* I NCI j present* pecked and shipped with ,-ar* Estimates cheerfully given. ■' Ainu nil.Air me W. Hr,-ad St... phono Madia,>h 321*3___ 1*1.1 Mill Mi~ rihiXK i s kuh quick sf.rvick on • range. latrohe and fu rnare work. YA. PLUMBING. Hi: ATI NO CO. UNREDEEMED ErJtllN AND WAL- j tham watch,’*, Sti-year gold-filled ' case, only $7 30. STEINERS. 1411 East Stain street. FORFEITED SUITCASES. ALL 81/.EH *1 each. STEINERS, 1441 East Math street. H HAST WINTER CLfTHKS need cleaning arid )»r,»sinn. to*. ®* show how wall 1 can do It. CHAT MAS WHITE, 3<JS N. Third Street Phono Madison SI ME work .ailed for and delivered FOR FEITED REMINGTON DOUBLED- j barrelled haminerlvs*. lf'-gaug*' OBlv $17.50 STEINERS. 1441 East Main street. rOIO'ElTEU SINGLE GUNS. Aid makes, $3. STEINER'S 1441 East Real Estate for Sale. FAlHM"t'NT HUME. SIX ROOMS, , etc., frame , lot sixty feel fr,,nt. .(. A. i PoNNELLY A Co NO. non EAST HROAI) STREET SEC-1 olid and third floors. J. A. CONNEL LY A CO 40* EAST GRACE STREET 10 ROOMS and hath; excellent location for hoarding or rooming house, 3. A. ; CONN EERY A CO FURNISHED HOUSE. WEST BLOCK,; ! \Yast draco Street. J A. CONNELLi \ ft CO. FoR KENT—ONE NICELY FURNISH ed second-floor front room, also hall room adjoining 50* North Seventn , sf reel, OFFICE. SUITABLE FoR DOCTOR OR i dentist, basement, #0S East Grace street. J. A. CONNEI,I,Y A CO. FIVE-ROOM FLAT. NO. 2331 CHAFFIN stj-eet. $10 per month. J. A, CON NELLY A CO. WANTED—NEAT COLORED WOMAN na companion for elderly lady. *07 W. Grace, street. WANTED TO EXCHANGE A 4HM.Hi 7 room house In Falrmount for a small farm convenient to city or R. M. See II* to-day. AMOS A POIN DEXTER, 1110 E. Main LIST YOUR FARMS AND CITY PROP- | erty with TABOR REALTY COHPOIt- i atlon. 413 K. Marshall St., and get j <jjuleJy*turii«j^^>ii-i—_! Special Notice.' SPECIAL NOTICE—IF TOU NEED rubbar tlraa, 1 am attll putting them , on at tha old price as 1 bought a j good lot of rubber before the price of rubber advanced; ao get busy and j take advantage of this. Apply to i B. C. Bristow's. No. 11. 13, 16, North Eighteenth street. COLUMBIA DOUBLE DISC RECORDS, «6c.; cylinder records, 15c.; grapho- j phones on easy payments; repairing. TALKING MACHINE CO., 207 North Fifth street. We“overhaul Steam ststerns and make them work where they haven't worked before. YA. PLUMB 1NG. HEATING CO. _ J. BROWN, LADIES' TAILOR. •14 WEST GRACE. fallows Should caret a ODD Protectloi full* later ;c in the Fraternal Association. For ,11 at offices, third Repairing Wants Wants Want Ad. Rates. One cent per word when paid in advance. N'o paid ad taken for leas than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contr .ct rates are much less. Phon Madison 1758, and Manager of Classified Department, will call. _Personaig._ j WE' HANDLE DIFFICULT PKOH- ! lems la plumbing and iiteam or hot i water heating. .Sanitary plumbing, ( serrlcable heating. VA PLUMBING. j HEATING CO. • Rooms for Rent. FOR RENT—ONE NICE FURNISHED room. Apply 52! North Eighth. BUI OUT. NEWBY FURNISHED.’ clean room*, permanent; transmit . central. THE WELLINGTON, 8111 East Clay street. _ FOR RENT, LARGE. SUNNY ROOM, j at 1 !1 Sou in Third .street, second flat __ j FOR RENT—TO GENTLEMEN. A comfortably furnished room at *31 ; West Grace street FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, TWO unfurnished rooms; rent moderate 31* West Marshall street. FOR RENT, ONE LAHGE FRONT room; nicely furnished with hoard, private family: use of bath and phone. 112 East Clay street. Phone Madison 2945. FOR RENT, TWO ATTRACTIVE rooms, Second and Franklin Phono Madison *2*1-J WANTED A CONGENIAL ROOMMATE, young man; large, nicely furnished, all conveniences. Ill East Mam street. i Foil RENT. NEWLY PAPERED FUR nlshed room..; central location. 1119 North Seventh street. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. WITH . heat and electric light; use of bath' and phone. *04 Barton Ave.. Barton1 Heights. WANTED. TWO TOUNO MEN TO 1 - copy nicely furnished room, with or without board Apply No. 3(>f. West Marshall street, or rail phone Mon-; roe 11*1 J. FOR RENT TWO LARGE ROOMS: couple or gentleman preferred Phone Madison tilt. LARGE, WELL FURNISHED R< <OM. steam hea; and electricity, adjoining bath Lower tint. II North Third, street. Phone Madison 16.12-J WANTED. A COUPLE Oft YOUNG MAN for third stroy front room; near di uroe Park; In private family. Calf Madison Phone S14.1-J LARGE FURNISHED FRONT HOoSI private famllj TRAVUiR, IS 21 Stuart avenue. Phono Monroe 546, VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS; CON-, vonlem io all sections city, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 5 North Sixth street. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, heated in winter; with good board. 312 South Third street. A MCE. WELL Ft HNISHKD ROOM, first floor all conveniences. No 16 South Third ROOMS, YY 1TII BOARD. For TH**SE who want something good. Phone Monroe 12*5. or call 15 South Ftftu j street son LARGE FniMSHF.n It* >< IMS. East Franklin Madison 21*74-1 DERI HAHLK KooMMATK WANTED, board i *n he had. Apply 15 South ' Fifth, or phone Monro*- 1230. ON E LARGE ROOM FOR RENT TN furnlshcd: good location: reasonable rat<* Apply 220 South Fifth street. ROOMS For KENT PHoNK MAI* Ison 14 7 - X* BRIGHT, SUNNY, SOUTHERN K.\- ; pottul, furnished room, on IN oat Or»ci'. electric light. hot water heat and udjvtning bath: ••m* square Rirh Ku>r>il College Phone Matllaon *221. FoR RENT. A NICE Sl'NSIl INY FI RUT door room for rent, furnished or un furnished. 2*0,0 H Marshall St FoR RENT. THREE NEWLY HU'EH e.t and unfurnished room* with use of hath, to parti** without children. - Apply to HU 1-2 Went Malt). Phone I Madison 2S45-J. EVRNIRHK!> ROOM: lAKUEH ROOM till-*!) furnished convenient to hath; Ianfe hall room furnished or unfur nished. private family. 107 E. Cary 1 St, ’for RENT. TWO <'ON N HOT 1X0 OK single rooms. sutinv and very large. Apply *26 North Eighth street. WANTED OCCUPANTS FOR COM-' 1 fortably furnished rooms: hoard drove avenue. Phone Madison 3>SU i_J'.-. ; FURNISHED ROOMS; HOT AND FOLD water; use of hath and phone. 508 North Fifth street Foil RENT, ONE t.A RUE. A I,SO email room nicely furnished. Apply No. 1 North Sixth street, second floor. __ _ FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE FUR- ' ntshert room, to (tentleraan or lady. | 111 Eaa> Clay. Flats for Rent. MODERN FLAT OF FIVE OH SEVEN rooms: reduced rant. Apply 201 E. Main street. FIRST FLOOR. FOUR LARGE ROOMS. - hot and cold water, private bath, large porches. Apply 311 Montelro1 avenue. Barton Heights. Madison 5458. FIRST FLOOR APARTMENTS: ALSO] furnished, sunny room. 304 East , Main. BEAUTIFUL CENTRALLY LOCATED flat, with private hath, to small fam- . lly. Inquire Phone Monroe 2120. FLAT <>K THREE i'll FoUlt ROOMS, hot and cold water. Rood neighbor- [ hood and convenient to rsrs. only (If - 1 Mr a Me parties need apply. 317 west , Clay street. _ __ ; FOR RENT,' A FLAT ~OF* TIERBK | large connecting rooms: with gas and water; large hack porch; rent ; »10 per month. SOU E. Main street. . Libby Hill. __| Second flat* for rent; five i nice room*, bath, pantry. No. 312 North Sycamore street; price $15 per j month. FLAT. FIVE ROOMS; BRIGHT AND j sunny: all convenience*; possession j at once or by 15th Instant. Apply . before 4 I*. M . No. S105 Floyd Are- | nue. Phone Monroe 144. A WELL FURNISHED, HEATED flat, for light housekeeping. Apply 60S East Elay street. IF YOU WANT a'cHEAP, llP-TO date flat, with five rooms and bath. , fraa. water and entrance separate, : ocatlon 1010 West Clay, apply to W. R FRANCIS. 1021 West Cley. 8EVSH~DOLLARS WILL RENT FOUR! nice rooms. Apply to 1010 West j Cary street, city. FOUR-ROOM FLAT ON CHIMlio Uoulevard; modern convent mable. Apply sol sUoaC For Sale. Ot’R rU'MRIXU KEPAUl DEPART-; lnont is Is at your service. Prompt attention. VA. n.l’.MUINO, HEAT-, ISO CO._ Fort w AtioNs do to" richardsum ON STEIIMER LINE FKTKR9BI RUERS DISCI ** K*Tt8 I/ISIINKST OF BETTER RIVER TRANSPORTATION WITH RH'HNOSDBR*. CIVIL SUIT IS SETTLED GOOD REPORT* MADE UV METHO DIST CHIRCHK*—IMPROVE MENTS BEGIN—OTHER *E»S ITEMS. PETERSBURG, VA., November 10. —Messrs. H. O. Finney, E. M. Barks dale and otheir .members of river transportation committee were In con ference «t I SO o'clock Thursday af ternoon with the Chamber of Com merce of Richmond relative to the maintenance of the steamboat line be tween Petersburg and Richmond. in tin heatings court of the city of Petersburg Wednesday the eject ment stilt of Mrs. Mary H. Morrison against James Atkinson was tried. This suit involved the ownership of several acres of land In Dinwiddle i ounty and in the dt> of Petersburg. Trial by Jury was waived by botn parties and decision left to Judge Mullen. A verdict tor th» plaintiff was given for the land, but no dam age in money was allowed.i The report of Market-Street Metho dist church, which is to be rendered at conference, is one <>f the heel in the history ot the church. Every de partment of the church has prospered In the past fiscal year under the pastorate of Rev. J. T Bosnian. 1 Hiring the year the membership has been increased by the addition of twenty-three new members. The total amount raised for ait purposes nas been 17.7 75*. 03 For foreign missions, $1,7*4.1*1. For payment on the par sonage debt, $7 8. s.38. \s donation to building tund of Hlandfi.rd Metho dist church IFO has been raised. The- per capita—of contributions has amounted to $14.4S per member, l*r. Busman not having served his allotted time In this charge will doubtless be returned, much to the satisfaction of his congregation. Wesley Methodist church has also made an excellent showing under the pastoraf of Rev. J. T. Haynes I’lvie IbtHTtnem. Improvements In the city of Peters burg are constantly being made. The cite water works is to have its plant improved to enlarging a building. Many stteets are having their road ways and sidewalks torn up and re laid with Belgian block, granolithic or asphult. Notable among these are Market jtreet and Tabli street New sewers are being built on GUI, Mistle toe. Commerce and Pearl streets. A police system is to he installed. An incinerator for burning up refuse matter Is being considered. And the matter of having k building inspec tor for the city is deemed expedient. There is considerable opposition to the making of a court circle on the fentie Hill property, and selling lots for the purpose of erecting residences on It that ina.v hate the back yards fronting on prominent streets, it Is a fact, however, that the court circle would he very desirable and in Itself would lie very attractive. However property oWtiers on Jefferson. Henry and Adams streets think their in terests would greatly suffer should this lie done. This matter is to la: taken up b> the board of aldermen at a postponed meeting within thirty days. Petersburg Is represented ut the conference by the following pastors; Revs. Fred 4'hernauK. William II. Atw-ill, Lloyd O. Moore, J. T. Boa man. J. T. Haynes. J. C. Gregory and by Mr. R. II. Okennon. Isham R. Dyer. l>r. W. F. Dreary. Mr. James B. Blanks. E. W. Butcher. Pretty Wedding. A beautiful wedding was solemn ised Wednesday evening at « o’clock ut the residence of the bride’s pa rents, Mr, and Mrs. Myer Baal on Adams street, when Miss Hortense Marlon Saal was united in marriage to Mr. Louis A. Rosenstock. The parlors had been handsomely deco rated vitlh cut flowers. palms and evergreens for the occasion. The maid of honor was Miss Minnie Hutsler, of Richmond, and Mr. Sid ney Rosenstock. of Petersburg, was best man. The ceremony was performed by Dr. David Klein, of Sumter. H. C., who was formerly rabbi of Rodof Hho lom synagogue, of Petersburg. Beau tiful music was rendered by Kauf man’s orchestra, of Richmond. The marriage ceremony was followed by a splendid wedding supper. The bride is a very attractive young lady of Petersburg. The groom is the senior member of the Arm of Rosenstock & Company, of this city, and is one of the most prominent men In Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenstock late In the evening left on an extended wed ding tour. President William H. Taft passed through Petersburg Wednesday even ing about 8: SO o’clock. The train stopped about five minutes and the president had a few pleasant remarks tp make about his visit to this city in May, 1808, incident to the unveil ing of the Pennsylvania monument on the battlefields. There Mill be an Important meet Jaf of the board of governors «* tha Green & Redd! Rent List. ! BY THE YEAR. Possession at Once. Per Ann.! 313 W. Clay Street, 14 rooms.$480 j 1802 Grove Avermc. 7 rooms. 400 3 E. Clay Street, S rooms. 380 j 2008 W. Main Street, ft rooms. 360 '202 N. Strawberry Street, 7 rooms 360 1603 W. MaitiStn'ct. 7 rooms. 3(K) S12 S. Randolph Street, 7 rooms. . . 200 2820 Nine Mile Koa<l. 6 rooms .... 180 13 N. 2Bth Street, 5 room*. 180, 2411 E. Grace Street. 7 rooms. 300 2413 E. Grace Street. 7 rooms. .... 300 ; 604 W. Clay Street, 6 moms. 180 FLATS FOR RENT. Possession at Onee. Per Ann. ftOO W. Main Street, 7 rooms. 1st flat, hented . 430 !>08 \V. Main Street, 7 rooms, 1st flat, heated 450 008 W. Main Street, 2d flat. 8 rooms heated. . . 450 Bellevue Apartment No. 1, 7 rooms 420 Bellevue Apartment No. 3, 7 rooms 360 1020 W. Main Street. 4 rooms, 1st flat. 270 .510 N. Fourth Street, 6 room* ... 240 j 26)5 1-2 E. Graee St., 1st flnt. 5 rooms 216 . fttttt W. Main Sr . 3d flat, 5 rooms . 200 3012 E. Broad St.. 5 rooms, 2d flat . 200 1502 \V. Broad St., 7 rooms, 2d flat. . 150 111 Colonial, 2d flat, 5 rooms . 144 , GREEN A REDD. 30 North Ninth Street. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF Hotel Property IN' WILLIAMSBURG. Default having i>een made in tlm pay ment of intercut and insurance and the undersigned trustee* having been directed so to do, notice is hereby given that the i undersigned trustees will sell at public | auction ft» the City of Williamsburg, the ! following described property: AH that certain lot of land with build • ings tliereon aituated in the City of Wil liarnsburg, Va., Itottnded as follows; to wit: On the north by the Duke of [Gloucester Street, on the east by the . property of C. J. Person, on the south by j the property of the Fin' Baptist Church, i I Colored, and on the west by the Seymour ; property. This lot fronts on Duke of • Gloucester Street AO feet and runs back .jn parallel lines ISO feet, and is now used as a hotel. The above property will be sold on the premises on the 21st day of November at i 12 o'clock noon. TERMS: For cash as to so much of ' the proceeds as may !*• necessary to I defray the expense* of executing the trust ! together with insurance premium of $21.25 and any unpaid taxes, and to dis- i 'charge the amount of money then pay-, able upon the note of $60.00 due Septem l*-r 21st, now in default: $2,000 of said , | purchase money to be payable the 27th day of March, 1012: and the reshluc in ' eijiial instalments, with interest, at one • and two years from the day of sale: all deform! payments to Is- secured bv deed of trust on said property. < >r, all cash as to said residue at the option of the purchaser. This sale is made pursuant to the terms i and conditions of a deed of trust duly re con led in the Clerk’s office of the Circuit) j Court of James City County in Deed Book No. 5. pmea R A LANCASTER, Jr E RANDOLPH WILLIAMS. Trustees. tun HI'-.M, Business Places. No 1213 Ea*t*M»in Street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth Street?, in the heart of the business eeuter. No. Us Broad Street. between First and Second Street*, choice retail district. New store in retail section. Sixth Street, between Broad and Grace, opposite the large department store of Miller A Rhoads No. 701 Main Street, corner Pine Street and opposite Monroe Park; a fine con fectionery stand. 826 Gary Street, corner Gharry: a good grocery stand. i Stores on Seventh and Eighth Streets and No S09 1-2 East Franklin Street., dose to Postoffice. Also Warehouse- and warehouse sites, with trackage. DOGG.LAS E. TAYLOR, No 14 North Eighth Street. TOR SALE, | A Beautiful New House i (hie block of Barton Heights school and i car line. With or without hot water ! heat. Every convenience of city with out city taxes. Easy terms. Apply t 708 Wickham Street, Barton Heights Phone Monroe 2664-J. FOR REN l\ *3 STORY DETACHED DWELLING 906 East Leigh St. 12 rooms, just painted and put in good repair. Large lot on side. JOHN T. GOODIN a GO. ! Chamber of Commerce Thursday ! night in the offices of the chamber. Itemlct*. Mr. Simon Seward left Wednesday i for Palm lteaeh. Fla., where he is to spend the winter. ! A special meeting of the Petersburg i Royal Anh Chapter, A.. K. and A. I i —* WHY GAMBL1 ■with stocks or schemes It? 1 REAL ESTATE’ is the mother of securities. The LARGEST in dividends. The SAFEST investment. The SUREST enhancement. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL CLASSES OF REAL ESTATE PREFER SELLING Improved Property, Homes, Investments, and Central Property FOR DEVELOPMENT. \\e have more than doubled the estates of our best clients in five years (let us refer you to them). With a Cash Payment OF FROM $50 TO $240,000. YOU CAN FIND A BARGAIN IN. OUR OFFICE. M RENTS In eight years we have established a large rental business. An example accounting for this:— On July 51st, 1909, we bought for a client a property renting for $1,800; on November 7th, 1910, we re-rented the same for $4,200; found a better location and proposi tion for the old tenant, likewise improved the condition of the new one. ALL PARTIES ARE BENEFITTED. SEE US ABOUT YOUR RENTS. J. A. Connelly & Co. Real Estate, Sales, —Rentals, Loans. M.. will be held Thursday evening in Masonic Hail on Tabb street for purpose of conferring: the royal arch degree upon several candidates. No information has yet been re ceived as to the whereabouts of Mr. Walter Pond, who nearly two weeks ago disappeared from his home in EttrU k. Tt was rumored that he had been seen in Bristol. Tenn.. and was going thence to «»hio. However, nothing definite Is known about him. His family is very anxious to pro cure some information us to what has become of him. HIGHLAND PARK SCHOOL <trade 1—l^ois Barber, Martha Mac dowelt, Dorothy Lawrence. Frances Beadles. Maxie Barber. DtAks Sutton. Randolph Ruffin. Gordon Clarke. George Bahlke. Grade 2—Ada Partner. Hugh Hip pen. lssic Gresham. Florence Kell, Elisc Koss. Judson Todd, Edward Ver mlllera, Lamar Wiliams, Florence Woodward. Grade 3—Hunter Beadles, Charles Collier, Cecil Gariock. Jolin Tubbs, Evelyn Crowder. Elizabeth Harrison, Virginia Knox, Elizabeth Rupprecht, Grace Tucker. Grade 4—Constance Kinne, Helen Richardson. Clara Anderson. Virginia Meredith, Margaret Lipscomb, Marga ret Rose. Pearl Shnkespeare. Judson Hurry, Lin wood Thomas, Barclay VVal- i thall, Andrew Rnhleder. Harry Saun ders. Grade 6—Jahe* Lysodtte. Annie Lee Rowe, Thomas Ruffin. Helen Ruffin, Victoria McDowell, Arthur Ixmg. Grade 6—Grace Rohleder. Kale Ratcliffe, Norma Palmore. Gratio 7—Linden Harrison, Bernard Cheatham. Ruth Wyatt. tirade 8—Helen Wilder. Kate Rich ardson. .Jeannette Quarles, Hattie Howell. Marguerite Bahlke, Ralph Kninle. Grade S*—Mary MHt'dowell, Doris Shakespeare. Grade lo—Frank Yarbrough. tirade 11 Frank Rennie. WANTS “WHOLE HOG” OR NONE AT ALL Whether Superintendent Henry Cohn of the street cleaning department shall have the unquestioned right to hire and fir. the poundmaster. will be con sidered by a sub-committee on street cleaning at a meeting to be held Thursday night at the request of Mr Cohn. Mr. Cohn lots delivered his ulti matum. lie says he wants absolute authority or he doesn’t want any. | "Let me name the poundmaster. fire him when l get ready, for cause, of ! course, or let somebody else look after I the pound altogether," said he. In his present capacity, Mr. Cohn says he is a nominal I authority. “Thing* mild he to a repoter for tbe’ “I have asked the pound to do aomethlhg. It1 ry me any if they take tbe of the department alto remains under me, 1 want erlntendent In fact aa wall COLONELSHUT FOR FULL •SOTHISO TO Mr _ OVER SACAMORE IHDUPELLEO OYSTER BAY, K. Y-, io.—The gloom that Sagamore Hilt Tuesday undlspelled to-day. "Nothing to say," negro butler brought interior of the big Colonel Roosevelt seclusion for at least will then take up hla trthuting editor at The In New York. Air. CI4FTON POROK, Vi C. F. Kevercotnb, for years assistant city .has resigned count of failing he eucceeded by L. AT known Republican $100 Gold to Home Builde If you buy a lot in Parkland and begin building immediately, you will lie given $100 in gold absolutely trio* is to promote rapid building in this pretty suburb. Parkland, the Suburb at Only $6.50 to $11 Per Parkland has sewerage, electric lights, granolithic sidewalks, hedges, shade trees and best of car service, minutes from the city. Five-cent car fare with transfer privileges. No taxes nor interest until lots are paid for. TERMS: S10 cash and $10 monthly. If you desire to pay cash, you get 10 per cent, discount. Lota SfttUl Salesmen alwavs ready to show you. J T. RAMSAY & CO, No. 9 North