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American National Capital, • $500,000.00 Capita! and Surplus, $300,000.00 Bank Our Steady Growth Tells its Own Story Let This Bank Assist You in your efforts to,accumulate a competency. It is rarely that ah account at this hank does not show a steady increase. Depositors here are made to feel that their patronage is appreciated and are offered every advantage permissible under sound banking m >thods. We are helping thousands to became financially independent. Decide now that you will add YOUR name to our growing list of satisfied depositors. O w Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. ^ f° Compounded Every Six Months. OFFICERS: OLIVER J. SANDS, President. CHAS. E. WINGO, Vice-President. V WM. C. CAMP, Vice-President. O. BAYLOR HILL, Cashier, f WALLER HOLLADAY, Asst. Cashier D. W. DURRETT, Asst. Cashier §*” i DIRECTORS: f WM. C. CAMP. EDGAR G. GUNN, M. C. PATTERSON, OLIVER J. SANDS. CHAS. E. WHITLOCK, A. .ST. CLAIR BUTLER \MES R. GORT> >n, - H. HARWOOD. ENRY W. ROUNTREE, MMETT SEATON, CHAS. E. WINGO tmerican National Bank Tenth and Main Streets. Write for Booklet, “How to Bank by Mail.” s? *■ « BASING THE REQUEST CAPITAL AND LARGE SURPLUS, CAPABLE MAN OfENT AND STRONG DIRECTORATE, » National Bank Of Richmond. Va. aoucrfs your patronage. .. * r mm An a . 4 M •«»*••••••«• I •*•••••• • Ms . ... ASW.WO.M Jno. B. Purcell, President. V. P. A Cashier. Fred. E. No!tint, 2nd Vice-Pre*. Aset. Gsehier. J. C. Joplin, Asst, Cashier.. Aset. Cashier- Alex. F. Ryland, Aset. Cashier. M". John Dudley la murh Improved ia health and able to go out. ' Mr, and Mrs. E. J* Noel and three children, of Danville, Ky„ are visit jj* at the home at Mn> 'Noel's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1» M. Valentine, on fourth avenue. . . . | Mr*. Hobart Turner, of the Wen ! End, visited relatives here last Thurs j Mh»* Fanny Farrell, of New York, j who was the guest of her sister, Mra. !J. !>• Lawrence, left Wednesday tor Washington. Mra Waller Holliday and' son, Lewis, of Durham, N. C., Is visiting Mrs. Fell Rogers on t'ifth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tlmberlake, of Virginia .avenue, are entertaining Rev. C. E. Thrift, of Victoria, and Rev. J. T. Green, of Portsmouth. Mr. Folk Miller wgl give an enter I tainment In the high school assembly t hall November 22 under the auspices i of the School and Mothers’ Club, j Rehearsals are being held regularly ,V»y the ladles and gentlemen who are ! to entertain at the Colonial Tea on ; the eighteenth. At the meeting of Holly Chapter Thursday evening an address was made by Mr. E. W. Mowbray, past grand patron of the District oof Co lumbia, which was very much enjoyed by alfe present. Misses Emma Peaco and Alma Vaughn are visiting friends In Wash ington, D. C. Mr. E. T. Long entertained at din ner at his home in Olnter Park Friday evening in honor of several delegates to the Methodist Conference. Among the guests present from High land Park were Rev. ft, T, Merritt Rev, T. ,E. Johnson and wife and Mrs. A. E. Long. SOUTHWEST RICHMOND ; *tev. Jumi'is O. Mob# and Mr. W. E. i Cottrell are truest# of Itev. James H. the Ijmrel Street parsonage, 60S West Main street. Mrs. Lula Southward, of 10 South Ftora street, is entertaining Rev. Jo •epn U. Lennon for conference. ■ Mias Phyllis Jones, of S10 West Main street.1 gave ah Informal tea from 6 to 6 Thursday afternoon in Jwmor of Mias Marion Gibb*. of Al toona. Pa., who is spending some time With relatives in Richmond. Mrs. Sadie Moody, of 1616 Powha ***» Wreet, who was operated on at **» Virginia Hoepitai, is now at home hud to able to Mt up a little. Him Lilta 8. Nichole, of Savannah, Oa., to the guest of Miss Mary p. Vital nur* .^ito William A. Mehegan has a# £ m her guest Mr* William N. Johnaon, of Norfolk. Hev. John E. McCartney la the sueat this week for conference of Mrs. Margaret McCartney, of 402 South Laurel afreet. lira. A. T. Byott, of Baltimore, la vtattlng Mr*. a. Q. Boachen, of liao West Main atre^t. . John Bosnian, for vk Place and much !tlon, are the gueata ton on Floyd ave* Key. and merly pastoi beloved in t_ ofTMra jr. W. hue. , , , The two aona of Mr*. J, W. Jaok aon, of 202* Weat Taylor street, Who have been so sick with diphtheria, are Improving. Rev. William L Morphy is the guest of Mr. Lee Todd, of 1817 Weat Main street. CHURCH HILL NEWS '**“■ **»•*#•« tor tkl. «>!»■ m, h» lott t» Cbmtmh Hill or Vkw«4 •• MadUoa TUI*.) ' * •( (h J A quiet but pretty home wedding took piece Wednesday evening at 7:30 tt'eiock tn the home of Police Officer Granville T. Cniggtne, *20 North Twenty-ninth street, when his daugh ter. Miss fclva Pearl Dugglnfc, became th* bride of Mr. Archie Clay Molt, The home was artistically decorated, pakns, ferns and cut flowers forming A pretty background far the Impro vised altar before which the young •ouple plighted their troth. Kev. I>. it. Itanieey, parlor of time# * Street Map! 1st church, was the officiating minister. Mawra Raymond Holt, brother of the bridegroom, and Chayleg Neale acted as ushora. ; The brider' wore a bauds, one going-aWsy gowa *nd carMed a shower Iwuquet of bride’s romm. Mr. and ilm. Holt lift Imme diately after the .creraoay for an tx tended Northern trip. On their re •turn they Will bo at' *Hend» at M4 Mast M* .. iJards are out for ftM’q marriage of Miss EUI* »»««• daughter of Mr. fgwwlr, to Mr.’John The ceremony will be pww notne »f the bride, W« * * r If, ttWUes of to their of Twenty-flfth and Broad afreet*. JOTT*?' N®v«nb«^?. rhey wish to thank ait thoee whoa* ['Otronace contributed to the ------- if thelraaJe last Saturday and aoilcit i repetition of the same. Cake, pie, i,.Pr*erve“ ««d ,howe made candy wilt be on sale. \ i **,* b‘* ^y 'n Union ssSjftswJi £ saraar: sir?rss£ia*M5S! *1** moat imprr*aive ceremonieo t« ■onneetion with Oonferon^SST^S ewn“**. and m3? Kai ronelc hae been prepared for thi* prrttfc Many vleftimr membere^af ^r- ”* *#u w?r*» era**. PriW> :.iBP* Hw> AU bt«n jwjJgjfrlMI August, || .cooper, mm 4 Mrs. Oeerge Sfi». m. Of Me* east of bio j of North •r ut»«ncat r, mother, If warn Porto ; >. Edwards li reek with Mr. of Jefferson ; The Aee. U4 har*. J. T. Ronttetf of Belle Haven, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. Nelaeu on WlitiemSkurg avenue. , The Rev. C,>XC. Oaliowaar, oftfor* folic, ta spending the week with Mr. and Mro. tmwia Mnwwn on State street. Mtas Mattel Onlloway. of Kerfolh. is visiting ttimm Miriam and Onlay Smith, ofStete Street. * The Rev. fc'-M, Oyler and wit# are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. p. Uarber on WUUa*B*bur« avenue. Mia. U B. Nelson. of Pulton Mil. Is quite sick tat H»r home. - ' , Captain Bogin, of Newport News, is the guest dCJhev. and Mrs. V. M. Bargamln at Ose Methodist parsonage. The K»v. fit. Routten wll) preach In .DennyStreet church next 8tHMa» morning and theRev. e. H. Galloway Fakmourit The revival which has been going on at the Baptist church this week has been a nwwi Rev. D. 8, Black well, who haaSson doing the preach ing, has wontbs hearts of the peo ple—there has boen several aonver •Ions. Tha.iaaaMiig wtu be held Sat urday night, and a men’s service Cun day at & p, m> • . Ur. Russell Pidler of Hinton, West Virginia. Is tbo guest of his slstog, Mrs. Wheeler Huff, he having been called here on gdcount of the eerlous ! Illness of his aunt Mrs. Woody. Mrs. Joel Luck has returned to her . .home In Carolina county after a short visit to her friends, .u#. and Mrs. Hen ry^Cteslnghgugp.^ op . Twenty-second Mrs. R. P. Gary is able to be out again after an til ness of several days. Mrs. J. H. C atkins has returned ■ to her home at Cola Harbor, after a pleasant visit to hSr brother, Mr. J. 8. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs, l.tnwood Webb have returned from their bridal trip and are at home to their frlenda, 141J Stewart street. Mr. J. E. Garrett who has been quite sick at at his home on the avenue with grip, is somewhat improved to day. Mr. and Mrs t’harles Bottom* are visiting the latter’s parents In Roa noke. Mrs. 8. E. Baldwin has returned to . her home in Caroline county after a stay of three weeks with her sister, Mr*. Ella B tier, cl, of this place. Mr. Sam Tiller and Mr. George Ed wards have returned from a success ful three days’ hunting trip in Ches terfield. Miss Susie Reed, of Clayville, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Collins, of Mosby street. , There will be no choir practice at ’ the Baptist church Saturday night on account' Of. the revival service. The and the preaching commences at eight o’clock. Mrs. Mary Martin Is very sick at the Johnson Willis hospital', Mr. Aubrey Tuck has returned home RKPCBUCAX PjU WANT CAU.U PO| VS CO\G| LOUIOVIUvK, KY. position to Caleb IN ■eat Hi Cdnf ness haa i own district The M Republican paper p« 4®te* »« « lonr' expressed hope that C funs l« MM him. h U«*n. Continulnf. lt _ "Wh suppouc Pow Centre's. jwt he «hoa •been three iStnrdly crinu therefor t« ■ » splendid cl ten We do i m. new Con Ilf* ot th* the State. 1 M tend the | td cell the ; thi? bank in tors, ibsure servient! Nomatter whetM with us you are sure live in or out money WM. H. PALMER, Prwldert. JT4W.X3S!' ..jgjg-fVai: ssr~* DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY WITH US MS ha* purchased the business and good wit) of the Broad Street Branch of the Bank of Richmond, located at ^03 East Bro^d Street, and has takfn charge and is prepared to extend to all of its customers every facility consistent With good OFFICERS: J. W. ftOTHERT, Vice-President. ANDREW M. ‘CLOVER, DIRECTORS: W. M. Hdblletoo, I. H. Kaufman, . Raphael Levy, . C. W. MInter, John Murphy, THE BROAD STREET BANK HAS A CAPITAL OF $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $110,000.00 W. M." HABLISTON, President. Ben P. Alson, Leon PettlebAch, T. H. Ellen, H. F. Giimmell, Andrew M. Glover, JOHN G. WAiKER, Second Vice-President, Cashier. * • * W. S. Rhoads; Ju!ian%?T&r; John G. Walker, B. Rand Wellford. The Broad Street Bank has given out the contract for the erection of a hand some and commodious banking building at.its present location. The entire business of the Broad Street Bank will be conducted at 303 East Broad Street until the completion of their new building. National Bank of Capital, $1,200,000. Sun DIRECTORS: E.B.AA&on, £ A Cary^ T. C. WUliaow, Jr., R. (i. I E. L. Berow, Cart H. Ndtiat E. C. Laird, W. M T. H. Him, WiffiamT lteS, lLH.UoSar. LTf ^NO. SKELTON WILLIAMS, Vlce-Praaidant. ac W. M. o. S. MORTON, Awattat Cash!m. sfoiamimmBKHT or state A8VL6M reqommkxm »«n; TCTTOJI FOB TREATMENT OV * rams. . Ia order that the State apytuma maty be given oyer exclusively to, the care aad treatment of the laaaae/Or. J- Ma* auperinteadait^of fee South western State Huepitel. at Ea> rtea, recommends la hia -annual re ra4-%?sr^ tags.