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ALL DELEGATES TO Methodist Conference Un or need a Typewriter. We handle all makes, at all price# and can •are you 35 per cent, to 79 per cent. Wo will rent you a typewriter 3 Months for $5. and apply rent on purchase price. Call and see us while here. American Writing Machine Co. 605 EAST MAIN STREET. SERVICES OF SPECIAL INTEREST IN THE RICHMOND CHURCHES Bishop A. W. Wilson will preach Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock til Oen- ) tenary Methodist church. At S P. j M. Ur. W. J. Young will preach. The Baptist Sunday School Asso ciation o( Kiehmond and vicinity wil ! hold Us. monthly meeting at the Woodland Heights Baptist church Sunday afternoon) November Id. at 3;3U o'cloi k. Persons desiring to at tend this meeting will please take the Forest Hilt car and stop at Thirty first and Semmes streets. Marshal! Street Christian church— Rev. George W. Kemper. pastor. Preaching Sunday at il A. M. and at * P. M. by members of the Methodist Conference. First Unitarian church—K*v. Adel bert 1- Hudson, of West Newton. Mass., will preach at 11 A. M. on the subject, "The Modern Idea of Sin and Calvatlon." and also at a special eei vice at 4 P. M.. when his subject .»b be "The Mission of Jesus Cnrtst t* Humanity." Hunday school at 10 A M. No evening service. The revival services at Randolph Street Baptist church will close on Sunday with preaching, by Rev. R. U. Garland, the well-known evangelist. Services will be held In First Church of Christ. Scientist, Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Subject nt sermon will be "Mortals and Immor tals." First Parish Unitarian, Highland Springs—Service will lie helu tu A. M. The sermon will be on VA Church for the Benefit of All tht People." Evening service will be heb at <:30 o’clock. Ur. J. It. Anderson, of Richmond College, will teach Mrs. c M. Edding ton's Bible class at P*rk Place church Sunday morning, November 13. Ur. Anderson ha* already won a warm place In the hearts of the pupils of this school, and every scholar is urg ed to be present and to bring a new scholar. Asbury Place M. E. church— : Preaching at 11 A. M. by Rev. B. M. Beckham and at 8 F. M. by Rev. F. G. MeSparran. Sunday school at 8:30 A. M. 1'nton Station Methodist church will i ordain elder* mu Sunday night. Bishop Wilson will conduct the ser vice at 7:30 I\ M. at 11 A. M. Rev. George K. Stuart will preach for the pastor, U. H. Potts. Grace Street Baptist church — Preaching at 11 A. M. by the Rev. R. H. Bennett, D. L>.. and at 8 P. M by the Rev. J. W. Bledsoe. I>. P.. both of the Methodist Conference. | Knlrmount Avenue Baptist church —W. K. Burrell, pastor. Evangelts tlc meetings, under the leadership of Vr. Calvin S. Blackwell, will continue over Sunday. Meetings at 11 A. M and 8 P. M. A mass meeting for inei will also be held at 3:30 o'clock, when I*r. Blackwell will preach on the theme, "Jordan a Hard ltoad to Tra* vet—to Jericho." Pr. Blackwell Is proving himaelf an earnest and elo quent preacher, and Interest In the meeting Is deepening night by night. All are Invited. Special singing by the choir and chorus. At the Grove Avenue Baptist i church there win be pre«. htng at 11 | A. M. by the K«-v. John Hannon^ I). P.. and at 8 P. M. by the Rev. James Cannon, Jr., of tho Methodist Con ference. The Rev. \V. E. Pavia, of the Vir ginia Methodist Conference. will preach to-morrow morning at the Allen Avenue Christian church. At the evening service the pastor. Rev. : Henry Pearce Atkina will preach, his subject being "Some Plalionest Ad vertisements." Christian and Missionary Alliance— tTsual services at the hall, 806 West Broad street. The change of the hour of Sabbath school to 2:15 P. M. has proven a decided advantage. The reg ular 3: SO Alliance meeting will bo conducted by the superintendent. Wil liam I. Evans. Subject, "The Higher Christian Rife." Evangelistic service at 8 P. M. An all day holiness meeting will be held Sunday in the West End Mis sion, 806 West Cary street. Service* will be as follows: 10:30 A. M.. pray er, praise and Bible reading; 11 A. M.. sermon, subject, "Trtvlt Bearing"; text. Ecclea 11: (—"In the morning sow thy seed; In the evening with hold not thy head"; 1:30 P. M., faith healing meeting; 4 P. M., holiness meeting; subject, “Entire Sanctifica tion. and the Baptism With the Holy Ghost"; 7 P. M.. testimony meeting, led by young lady; I P. M., old time revival; subject “The Witness of the Spirit” All are welcome at these mission meetings. Rescue Gospel services will be held In the Midnight Mission, 1447 Eaut Franklin street. Subject to-night. “»f any man be In Christ he is a new creature." 2 Cor. 8: 17. - Drinking men especially welcome. OBITUARY Robert Munford. Mr. Robert Munford, son of the lats Colonel and Mra George W. Mun ford, of Richmond, died Friday In Macon, Ga. The body has been sent to Richmond* and will ranch here ■nnday night It will be taken ot the of Mtsoes Munford, No. 107 West Franklin St Funeral arrangements Save not yet bosn mads. dence. Interment was in Hollywood CYmeterv. Mr. Bullock leave* three children—Mr. Lloyd C. Bullock, Ml** Kate L. Bullock and Mr*. Mary L. Wigfleld, all of Richmond; three Bis tort—Mr*. Bag by. of Richmond; Mr*. Lillie Gayle, of Spotsylvania Court house, and Mrs. A, M. RatcllfTe, of Ashland. I»r. ilanuw Richard Sower*. WAItRENTON, VA„ hwvember 12. — l'r Janies Richard Sowers, one or the oldest practitioner* here, died at his home Thursday night after a brief illne**, at the age of 84 years. Dr. Sower* was a native of Clarke coun ty. Virginia, and studied medicine at Columbian College of Washington. In IStiS he married Mis* Mary Frances Smith, daughter of John Smith, and moved to Fauquier county, where he had resided ever since. Dr. Sower* was a member of Mogby’a men, and held a gallant war record. He was a lifelong member of the Baptist church. Mr*. Mary V. t'awood. iSpecial to The Richmond Virginian.) FKRPE RICKS Bl’RG, VA., Nov. 12. —Miss Mary V. Cawood, of King George, died Suddenly in Washington Mommy. She was affected with con sumption. and was on her way to K1 Paso, Texas, hoping that the Southern climate would benefit her. The funeral took place Wednesday and Interment wn* made In Kin* Jeorge. Mr*. Charily <lovermire. WILLIAMSBURG. VA.. Nov. 12.— Mr*. Chamy Cfvermire, aged »Uty four yeais. uied Thursday in her home on Kingsrnitl farm. James City coun ty. alter a short illness. Her remains »..r*- sent to Liberty Centre, O., her former home, for Interment. Her hus band. George imrmtre, died In this county atnait live years ago. No Im mediate relatives survive her. Mi** Carrie A. Berry. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) f KKliEKlCKMH UO, VA., Nov 12. —Miss Carrie A. Berry, daughter <>f Mr. and Mrs. William T. Berry, died at her home near this city Friday af ter a very short illness, aged twenty* “iree years. She Is survived by her parent*, three brothers ana two sis ters. John B. Ulng. I1AKR1SONBl'RG, VA.. November 12.—One week after the death of his sister front typhoid fever, John B. Bams died Thursday at Blnvtlie of the same tiis» «se. A daughter is also ill with typhoid. Albert P. Mason. ROANOKE, VA., November 12.— Albert P. Mason was found dead at the home of his son here Thursday night. Building Permits. Permits were issued to the follow ing by Hifildlng Inspector Beck late rriday afternoon: John B. Srhaaf. to build a two story brick tenement, two dwellings and one detached two-story brick dwelling, Nos. 3303 and 3301 P street, to cost $7,500 for both. A. O. Carneal. to build a two-storv brick tenement, two dwellings on west side of Monroe street, between Broad and Marshall, to cost about $800. Henry Beckstoffer, to build a one story frame storage shed at No. 1210 North Twenty-eighth street, to cost $ 20U. MOTHERS’ CLUB WANT BETTER FULTON SCHOOL The Mothers' Club of the Nicholson school had its third monthly meeting In the school auditorium Thursday at 3 p. m. A large and enthusiastic number of mothers were present. Mias Anderson made a scholarly and Inter esting talk on the evolution and pres ent usefulness of the kindergarten. At the meeting previous to the one of Thursday, Dr. J. A. C. Chandler, superintendent of schools, and Prof. S. P. Puke, principal of Nicholson school, made addresses the chief aims of which were to plan and direct the work of the club. This club working with the I’itlsens Association is doing much for the betterment of schools In Ful ton. The schools grounds are being beautified, the library facilities are be ing increased and a campaign is on foot to get more ample playgrounds for the children. The Nicholson Mothers' Club Is one of the most effective or ganisations of Its kind in the city. MASONS WILL CONCLUDE WORK SATURDAY NIOHT After conferring the thirty-first and thirty-second degreed the fall reunion of the Scottish Rite Masons, which has been in progress since Wednesday at the Masonic Temple, will end Satur day night. A banquet will be served immedi ately after the ceremonies, which be gin at 6 o'clock. EPISCOPAL CHURCH CALLS RECTOR TO ASHLAND The Rev. Edward B. Goodwin, rec tor of Zion church, Fairfax county, has been called to the Church of 8L James-the-Besa, Ashsnd, to succeed the Rev. John F. Coleman, who has been called to St. Paul's church, Suf folk. For many years Mr. Goodwin was rector of St. Mark's church. Richmond. He is well known in the dioceeee of Virginia, North and South Carolina. Lseturee an RMs. Cast Charles W. Wallace Friday night gave an tetareattng lecture en Ska mam at Ska rtfla. tTla aililmaa was Judge James Keith and Mrs. Julia , Chilton Keith entertained at a bril liant reception Friday afternoon from 6 to 7 o’clock, and a card party to j which the younger set were Invited, , the Same evening at half after eight o’clock, in honor of Miss Camilla Scott ! WeiUord and Miss Canny Carter Scott, i Th^ drawing Toums, hall and dining i room were beautitul in the decora- 1 tlons of pink carnations and roses, with ferns and palms banking the i window recesses and mantels. Pink shaded candles In silver and crystal candelabra Illumined the rooms, ana j the centre table in the dining room, | which was ornamented by a center piece In the form of a plaque, of pink ; carnations and ferns. Judge Keith and his daughter r. celved with the debutante honor guests. Mrs. Keith wore a handsome gown of Nile green mess&llne ovei green chiffon, with gold trimmings and pearl ornaments, and orchi. Miss Scott’s costume was of white 1 chiffon over messallne, and Miss , Wellford wore a gown of spangled . net and crystal trimming. They car- I rled bouquets of long stemmed Amer -j lean Beauties. I Mrs. Benjamin Huger, of Lexlng- l ton. Va., and Mrs. John B. Mitio’ | served punch. Mrs. Hugcr’s gown | was of white satin and her ornaments | I were pearls. Mrs. Minor wore an at- j tractive gown of white satin, with i crystal trimmings. Assisting Mrs. | Keith In entertaining were Mrs. Arm i istead Wellfod, In pink cut velvet and ! white chiffon cloth; Mrs. Carter Scott, j I in white satin with crystal trimmln'?-<; | Mrs. Havid I-euke. In a, charming toilet of blue satlr draped In chi'- , fan cloth and trimmed in maraboc. Miss Jean Knox. In pink chiffon ov.r messaline, pearls and orchids, and Miss Lucy Witt. In white lace over pink satin. In the evening the debutantes mm beaux played bridge, twelve tables be ing engaged. The first ladles’ pri/ waa won by Miss Kdlth Potman: tho first gentlemen’s pipe by Mr. Henry Anderson, while ’.he consolation pru • was awarded to Miss Tyler. Dinner at Country Club, i ' Air. and Mrs. Hammond C lokt of i New York, were a.'ists of horur :,i j an attractive dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. John Swartout at the t’ountrv - Club Thursday evening. Tall vases, of white chrysanthemums prettily d< - rotated the table, at which jover were laid for eight. Mr. and Mrs Swartout’s g.i.sts were Mr. and Mrs. Hammond Cook--. I of New York: Mr. and Mrs. Ho va'l j Sutton: Mr. Lewis Grant and Mr. St 1 George Cooke. main ai nw hub. Mrs. E. A. Hoen is chairman of t'.e afternoon at the Woman'* Club on Monday, when a delightful musical* will be enjoyed by the club member*. Miss Mary Daniel, who la chief so prano at Grace Episcopal church, will sing. Mis* Daniel is a graduate of the Peabody Conservatory in Bal timore. and has a strong, clear voice. A stringed sextette, composed of Mrs*. Hequembourg, playing first violin; Miss Katherine Thurgton, second vio lin; Mr. Copeland and Mr. Hudson Hoep. violas, and Mr. Thurston and Mr. E. A. Hoen, 'cellos, will give a various program from the works of the old masters. Miss Mary Shelton will be the accompanist. playing the piano parts to the quartette, and the ttlo of two movement* from one of Mozart's sonatas. On Wednesday afternoon the ltt ; erattire class will meet, when Miss Augusta Daniel will discuss "Spencer j and His Times." I The second card tournament will j be played Thursday evening, when , bi idgo will be the game. Miss Chslmer’s Card Party. ! Pink rosebuds in vases and bowls . were attractively arranged about the parlors on Friday afternoon when Miss Mary Chalmers entertained at cards for her house guest. Miss I.llla Nlch ; ols, of Savannah, Oa. The debutantes , were the invited guests. Mias Carrie Dee Waddy was the suc cessful winner of the first prize, and a charming guest prize was present ed to Miss Nichols. Miss Gibson to Poso. Richmond people igho are always In terested |n news of the beautiful Danghorne sisters will read with In terest the following item from a New s York paper in which Mrs. Charles ; Dana Gibson is mentioned: j In an endeavor to replenish the cof fers of the Equal Franchise society. Mrs. Clarence Mackay. on January' 11. ; will present a series of woman's de velopment. Those taking part in the entertainment, which is to be given in the Plaza ballroom, will be mostly women prominent in society Mr. Ames, of fhe New Theatre, has charge of the tableaux, assisted by Mrs. Mackay. The exhibition la to be given by the Equal Franchise so ciety. Invitations have been sent to every woman's organization through i out the city, asking them to lend what ever aid they cun to the undertalug j to make it a success financially. The programme Includes: | Hypatlu. represented by Mrs. Ed . ward R. Thomas. ' St. Cecilia, represented by Mrs. J. It i Kustis. The Madonna, by Raphael, repre I seated by Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson. An Italian woman of the fifteenth century, to be decided upon later, rep resented by Mrs. Philiap Dydlg. Joan of Arc. represented by Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt. Catherine of Russia, represented by Mrs. George Gould. Mary' Wollatoneoraft, represented by Mrs. Bourke Cochran. Florence Nightingale, represented by Mrs. Mackay. Goddess of Liberty, represented by Mrs. James B. Stillman. Mrs. Sutton to Entortoin. Mrs. Howard Sutton will give a card party at her home in Ginter Park Monday afternoon. Bridge will be played. Miss Clark Complimented. Miss Juliette Martin was hostess at a novel linen shower Friday after noon at her home MU Park avenue, in honor of Mias Louise Clarke whose marriage to Mr. Jullen Gunn will take plage, an Thursday.. Decorations were in yellow and white. The shower of attractive linen articles fell from a marriage bell of yellow roses, and they were afterwards suspended from a yel low ribbon clothes line to which they were caught by small gilt clothespins toped with yellow butterflies. Yellow chrysanthemums were used In profus ion about the rooms and on the table In the dining room. Miss Martin's guests Included Mias Clarke's Intimate girl friends. Important Meeting ef U. 0. C. A very Important meeting of the Richmond chapter V. D. C.. will be held Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock In Lee Camp Hall. The Richmond daughters are enthualaatlo over the decision of tho convention, now In ses sion In Little Rock, Ark., to meet next tall In Richmond. Severe! of the Richmond delegatee, who did much to ward# Influencing the convention to come here win have returned before Wednesday, and win bring Interesting reports of the work done In Rock. Mrs. Norman Randotp will stop over lO’Mm taesat sf tbs Osnfsdsrsta Little yndolph, who wa in tta in ■nnata wtR *Mr 1S1 •» "V; ' I R**' r .r V'-1* The Prettiest Home Site at the Lowest The Place to Invest for Sure These are not Idle statements, but facts that you can easily Investigate If you will. Beyond all question or doubt “Parkland” is the Leading Suburb Naturally located for a home community. Close to Richmond—right on Ginter Park car line—in between Barton Heights Ginter fark. It’s the suburb with the rising value. As a Home Site ••Parkland” lota are right up to the high standard set for sites by Richmond People. They have sewerage of the best con struction. They have granolithic sidewalks, pretty hedges, shade trees, electric lights and phones. Size lots, 50>13$ to 15 foot alley. City conveniences, you sec. As an investment Parkfand property offers more possibility and more absolute certainty for making profits than any other suburb. The selling price is but a fractional part of what similar property Is selling for. The investor will reap the difference. prices ana i ermi The price*—$6.90 to SU per foot—m surely the lowest ever offered for Hke; erty. The term* ere $ 1# cash and 910 per month. Even an office boy could buy at thee* terms and prices. :1 Ten per cent, discount for cash. If you will call us up or see us or write us, our salesmen will be glad to show you the property at any time. OWNED BY BARTON HEIGHTS REALTY AND FINANCE CORPORATION. j. T. RAMSAY & CO., Sales Agents, No. 9 North Eleventh St. f vent of next tveek Is the bridge whist ■ party which will be held Friday after noon, Nov. 18. from 4 to 7 o’clock. In the pnrlor* of the Woman’s * lub tin der the auspices of the Junior Holly wood Memorial Association. Those interested can communicate with any member of the committee In charge which consists of the following: Mrs. Norman V. Randolph. Mrs. Edward L,. Harrison, Mrs. Sidney J. Dudley, Mrs. Alfred Carey, Mr.* William Wade. Misses Annie Jacobs. Elizabeth Townes, Anna Boykin and Bessie Hill. Three handsome prizes will h<- biven. SERIES OF PRAYER MEETING*. A series of prayer meetings are be ing held by the Bi-County T'. C'. T. 1 . for the Bi-County president Mrs. '5. M. Uobson and the delegates who have gone to i"’. m re to attend th< National V. C. :\ Convention. On Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock a meeting will be held at the home ol Miss Nannie Bates. 2812 East Frank ; lln street, and on Tuesday afternoon with the Frances Willard W. C. T. C. at 405 West Marshall street. All the , unions are requested to attend. Vesper Services. Vesper services will be held at th< Young Women’s Christlon Associa tion Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. The Rev. W. H. Taylor, of the Methodist Annual Conference, non j convening In the city, will be thi i speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Clowes, whost singing Is so much enjoyed, will fur nish the music for this occasion. Norfleet-Morris. “Edgemont,” the beautiful count} home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morris, j in Albemarle war the scene of a prettj t wedding Thursday morning, when their daughter. Mary Eliza, became the bride of Mr. Wm. J. Norfleet ot Suffolk, the Rev. C. E. Watts offlciat 1 lng. The bride was given away by her I father. She was gowned in hand em broidered white satin trimmed with 1 ■ real lace, and carried a shower bou ; quet of white roses and iillies of the ; valley. Her veil was caught with i orange blossoms. The maid-of-honor, Mia* Nell Mor j rts. ware white batiste over pink mes saline and carried pink roses. The bridesmaids, were Misses Emma and Morton Garnett, of Charlottesville,cou- ’ ! sin* of the bride; Miss Hannah Mcr 1 ris. sister of the bride: Miss Ruth | Spratley of Waverly, Ya.. a cousin i of the groom; Miss Mary Gray, of Grayton, MJ.. and Miss Beryl Mor i rls. of the Miller School, cousin of : the bride. They wore white batiste : with pink glrdies and carried pink chrysanthemums. i Mr. Nat. Norfleet, of Suffolk, a 1 brother of the groom, acted as best ! man. Mr. John R. Morris, brother of the Wingfield. Jr., cousins of the bride, bride: Dr. R. W. Garnett, and J. K. I Mr. H. T. Morris, the bride's unrie. i and Messrs. Frank Calhoun and Win Little Marjorie Batrhelder. wearing i •ton Burnley were usheis. pink organdie, waa ring bearer and the bridal party was preceded by i Martha Wingfield and Master Ross j Morris as ribbon holders. Among the guests frogi a distance j were: Hon. and Mrs. J. R. Wing ' Held, of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. R. i K. F.lair. -of Charlotte, N. C.; Mr. Jas. P. Cook, of Concord, N. C.; Mr. Nat. Norfleet and daughter, of Suffolk: Mr. H. T. Morris, of Henderson, N. j , C.: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Morris, ot' Farmville; Miss Nannte Harris, of! . Staunton; Mesdamea Robert and : ; Henry Ellla of Orange; Misses Mary! ; and Ruby Willis, of,Locust Dale; Miss j Ruth Spratley, of Waverly. Va.; Miss: Mary Gray, of Grayton. Md.. and Mra Walter Weisbrod, of Rock Castle, Va Approaching Marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saunders, ot i i Williamsburg. Va., announce the up- I proaching marriage of their sister, j 1 Miss Mary Saunders, to Mr. Frank j I Crane Ridenour, of Richmond. The j | wedding will take place on the after- j I noon of November 24, at 5 o'clock,’ in | Williamsburg. Mr. Ridenour is the steward of j Gresham Court. Personals. Mr. and Mra Hammond Cooke, of ; New York, are at the Jefferson Hotel | for several days. • • » Miss Lucy Throckmorton, ot Ol;iE*»r Park .Is the guest of Miss Elsl* Schmelz at Hampton. Va. • • • Mr. and Mra M. H. Omohundro leave this afternoon for New York ' to attend the horse show. • • a j Mrs. Benjamin Huger, of Lexing ton Va., is the house guest of Mrs. Juliet Keith. • • • Mias Annie Hoge, of Richmond, who has been visiting Mrs. L. B. Con way in Danville, is now the guest of friends in Staunton. • • • Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Flanagan, cf j Charlottesville, _ hare moved to this I city, where they will make their fu- j ture home. . , Mr. G. F. Childress and his bride have returned to their home here, after a visit to his uncle. Mr. C. C. Childress, near East Lake, Oa. several varsity for the Best of Hampton. far the best city ment properties. Many Times You Need a Shine But Cannot SmeSSi Spare The Time Cc THE INTERNATIONAL Will Do It In A Minute AT 726 E. MAIN 726 E. wdflflHI-Slflr SHOE SHINING AfACHlHt ’i.."—-T—~—rrr———t~— the Slate Supreme Court, tia» been granted a respite until December -i by Governor Mann. Virginia Weddings McCoy—* Newcomb. i WINCHESTER, VA„ Nov. U\ — | Walter McCoy and Miss Jessie New comb. neighbors and <>r well-known Winchester families, were married ct the parsonage of the I’ntted Breth ren church !>v Hev. H, K. Richardson Friday. Horn.-Taylor. WINCHESTER, VA„ Nov. U — Isaac T. Van Horn, of Belmont .'min ty, Ohio, and Miss Annie Taylor were married at Die home of the bride In Stephens City bv Kev. C. W. Cassell, of the I-utheran church, and will live there. | 8UB-8TREET COMMITTEE WILL CONSIDER QUESTION IN DE* TAIL AT FUTURE MEETING No action *u taken on the prop ortion to increase the rental charged the Virginia Railway and Power com pany for trackage rights over the Free Bride, by the sub-committee on street* Friday1 night. An ordinance presented by request, by Alderman Remolds specified i that the rental M Marker—Fnnkhoiist-r. WINCHESTER. VA.. Nov. 12 —An nouncement was made hero Friday of the marriage of Mlsjt I-utle Funk houser and John D. Marker, both of Frederick county, in Washington Thursday. TIKE 10ICTION ON BRIDGE RENTAL $2,100 $300 cash balance monthly, fine renter at $18.00 month, well worth the money i asked. i; A CATL1N. $6,250 ! West Avenue Dwelling, good tenant and earning nice percentage. K A. GATLIN. i Engineer Isaacs or the Chesapeake A | Ohio railroad. Mr. Calvin Whlteltey, Jr., of the Virginia Railway and Power ; company: City Attorney Polard, City ! Engineer Bolling and City Accountant | Crenshaw will testify, j The proposed ordinance states that ! the Increased rental shall be In effect ■ when the contract of the street ear [ company with the James River Bridge ’ commissioners expires. There Is no j limit to this contract and the Increas : cd rental, should It be aproved by the city council, be effective immediately. Attorney A. B. Cutgou made a i lengthy address before the committee i in which he urged that the proposed | Increase be rejected. He declared that | In his opinion the bridge was “as much a city street us Broad street.” He ! explained that his company Is reuulr i ed to keep that section of the bridge j between the rails, and for a specified I distance on either side of the rails in ! good repair. He ulso declared his j company to be entitled to oonsldera I tlnn In that It Is the largest taxpayer j in the city. j City Engineer Bolling declared he ' was not able to make an extensive re port on the matter. He stated, how ever. that in his opinion, the passage of heavy trucks over lit* bridge weakened th> structure. more than \ street curs. On the whole, he said, i he considered the tracks a benefit. . Gala in Norfolk. Assessment books just received the State Auditor of Public Accou: indicate sn Increase In realty volt In Norfolk county of over IM*M Fourteen Lo Burwell’s Ad TO SATISFY D«i We have been authoriaad these valuable lota, either ah whole, for the balance due MM buyer of this property *W benefit of all of the money j original purehaaen. A great big barnin in then RENT BEFORE AUCTION Be sure to attend A Training School, new R. F. A P., Monday, 12:00 Noon. McCLU RE-DA VEN1 104 North fif Monroe 2412.