Newspaper Page Text
T these plants grow far | »||< nut lack for nitrogen anc fj wl grow almost anywhere thai ' U la mads suitable. This is th< at jetting Some" of the \a*i oat of the air. Grow the !« _These are crops that nil 1 well themselves by hneans of seed and forage, „ beside* the silVm done lu the soil. Turning tut r, they give the soil still more *g«t«, as well as other clean nti humtls. Thv* the legume.* pre the soil for all crops, anti tin who never grows them "ill Otlt with ail of the millions of that grows around ami shout Com With Proflu |-Wnd, a thorough pr< -paynlidii of the bed; see that h is in proper me S Tihanlrnl condition. Ifcep plowing <>n TlBott lands i* essential. 8uh*soiling *iaa many advantages, and " .11 con ..., isit.rt in ary seasons. TTio ~ t* Important. The enre fut selection of the need and the care #f the seed after the selection. All <*f these important factors in the '-drawing of corn were thoroughly dl» | cussed and made plain to the farrn *r» ;r Ailment* of Animal**, y Ttt the Southwest section of the nditll'i and In the Valley this stil'S*. t Was of great Interest to the farnf : *fs. The many discs*** m which an I y-lssis wert' Subjected were al ly d!* ttassed and made plain. Causes. rern cf «dle* and prevention* received rare* fid and thoughtful attention from the lecturer. This lecture was listened Ilf; to with marked attention everywhere and will save miuiy dollars to the farmers. Orchard*. How to select a location for the nr chord; how to select the land for the mune; how to cultivate the young trees while growing The mulching •■Inretom was fully explained on hlli aide, where cultivation is not praotl The wonderful results of spraying at the right time and with the right naterial and the profit* in apple y; -**owtng were all fully discussed by H ths lecturer*. I was Impressed with the womb r ful possibilities of Virginia,, from the mountains to the sea, and believe* jfjMjlM the day is not far distant when Virginia will l>e recognised as the 'IlMidtng agricultural state in the Colon. ISES AND CURES -Of»DISEASE (Continued from First Page. from the ret t of the flock and change in the diet is re* omnw-mlol some of the most aueecssful poul ®. Instead of niashex and soft 4s, feed whole grains, green hone beef scrap. Have plenty of t har ,J and green food of some kind be them at nil times. This can h. steamed clover or alfalfa. lur tops or sprouted oat*. UTOR MAKS TO y.V. AN M>m;n START KH—PLANS TO FLY OVER NORFOLK. , XORFOLK, VA.. Nov. 12. • With of the best races thus far . aide.! the meeting, and with Hud ii«r» f:Scheduled to start fr.-m the t an- trai k A round trip flight over Norfolk. i.*t holiday crowd t* expci fed at the fhmestown course Saturtlav after on. Folk front nil around Norfolk, liy of them from Carolina, are sing to town and the race track, t; 4r objective point. 1’ _. The weather Is idea I for t:nd r.. - and the track speedy. Some fin. flesh Is entered In all the jfSvents, the second event < tainting yMasIderable attention, bc.-auye tn t l.fcr* entered r,. 1al of the horses it, Ittraday's spill. gf , :Bud Marc t«t»Uy heat My Southern f.ftoy. a thoroughhred, in their mm Friday afternoon. The horse )<,; about a quarter of a mile, Inn the last turn was left hopelessly In ruck. Mars had completed the 11# and alighted In the tenter < field before My Southern Hov flu ked. Saturday's Card. OTr*t race—for three year olds and irds; maldena; one mile—French rl, 104; Miapilllon. 105: Tom i'nt. T; lat Hell# Agnes, 10T; Oghawaga. M; Flat Foot. 107; He hast Inn. 107. Second race—for three year old* upwards: selling; about one mill three-quarters. over hurdles— fiartover, 1ST; Gun Cotton. 142; i:» 1BS: Nick o' Time, 14 2; Lizzie 147. slrd race—a handicap for two olda; six furlongs—Via Octavia. mthern Railway. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. . R.—Folknrin* arbedu'r figure* pubiiatief % * ' ' aarantard -Local lot Chari.>tta. Dur Dally—Limited—For ail point* Drawing Room Buffet Kleeptag Oar ja. via Adwr " . --uiville sod Chattanooga. i M.—E*. Sup,lev Local foi Durham »p i 'at* at at ion. „„ 44.—E*. Sunday—Keyerill- heal, istt 3f. M.—Daily—Limited, for ati poiv.r Pullman ready 9 30 P M. TORE RIVER LINE, if* M.—E» Sun..—To Wait ft., oonarctinr i Mon.. Wad. and Fri. E« Sun. and 2:15 P. M.—Moo. 1 to Want Point. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND r«* Point. 0:30 A. M.. daily; 11:35 A. M >».; 6:44 P M . Ea. Sun. . RE. BUBOEKS. D. p. A., k East Main Stmt. Phone Madieon 451 Ohio Railway -Fnat train* t« Old Point *t Newe and Norfolk. Loral to Newt tut Naw* Local to OW Point. -Loujsytile and Cincinnati “St. Louia-Cktcago Spaeia; ' cilia- Waalt daya Loenl to Gordoarrilla. Un., C Forga M ARRIVE RICHMOND IJA A-M.. 7 50 P. M. -113* A. M.. 6:36 P. M. 140 A M. 9;fi0 A. M. aaeaam aad Parrr : P M. U At. 1 i HERE IS A CHANCE FOR EVERYONE; $120.00 P«id in CASH PREMIUMS) lYoUNCEtf’5 UU1BLE MOCHA ai> JAVA i 7 «OA*Tf» 7; •- C YOUHO*1 t<KffKKwf. _ fcss-Tgrc^gj J&S» Tn a/Mi,:on to redeeming mv WRITTEN ffCSATl RK? n l frorn YOTNCER « PACK AGE ROASTED COFFEES in i one pound I'ackerr**: and COTTONS 'carmtf »:y «r’"'7e* u^mifw'e* In 1. 2, 2 1*2. 3 and A pound Tin Papk»fW4 at the rat* of orn o*'Tit r<or pund. 1 will nay in (’A^H ft20.00 tn (hr consumei« tunrina in the lj»ff**t number of vv v VN HlTTKN SIG NATURE?5. or COP 1*0NS btarina my id'/vrn *ignaV‘4Tr< by Jnnuiry 1st, 1911 Distributed **> foiUv.v Ffra? larfint number .. .f 14.90 JrfondUrC^t numhrr .$14.00 Third lartffc number...$1.4.00 Fourth largest number.... ....$11.00 fifth larficNt number .Slt.ttO Filth largest number.$10.0# Seventh lafftent ntimher. $9.00 Fifh'h largest number . Sti.OO Ninth Inrdeof number . . $7.00 Tenth largest numler. $#».00 Fftmth l.rfirti number. . $.4.00 1»H(h largest number . $4.00 Thirteenth largest number. .. .. $4.00 Fourteenth largest number,..,. $2.00 1 largest number.. $1.00 /» • V »;» m, PACK AGS ROASTVn (OFFF.EE>, |f<vu rnrt Mi/tic* your pro^ery Hit titt'i thr rtry b-*‘ rafut* on th* market. .1 lr>al ml! ran ine* yav. I park all grades. The price* of rr.v Coffers will meet the views of *M eor»*'imer*. insist on having YOrNCKU'S COFFEKS IN PA< K 4GI > l>eirtoc fL. C. YOUNG ER,-) WRITTEN SIGNATURES and rave 10 t«* 2f> f«er rent, in price* Satis faction pnjranoeed or money refunded. V'.iinpTN < offr-Y oticc tried, if properly f-rMumni for the -Mip always u«**d. For sate In a ! dealer* If your Mer chant cannot “• ply you, 'phone or write n • and I will , ive you the name of a mer chant, who will he glad to furnish you my Return ali SIGNATURES and COU LC. YOUNGER IMPOR IT K AM) COFFF.FK ROASTER H>i, HM VIKY.IMA STREET. PHONE MADISON Ml. RICHMOND. VA. 0'*S£ZZ: 100; Iah. JO?:’ O'ht-rish. 10T; Capsize, 101: ‘Amalfi, iofi: Monti aim, 11»r •. KM; • Amain, 104: ,M ii n \V. tie ton, ] i Fourth nii'f three yer.r ulus am tip; «i>vi u furlong* Compton, 100; ■ lillK'kfr."!, 105: llarijuet, JOS; Hot, 'man. Ktmdrlan, 10 •; Mont':: lin, 105; Minn Cuhnii. Is*: I’m* ‘ ;■ .it. I 1 o. Fifth nno- for them /.oar opi, nil. selling; »i.\ furlongs—o'F.iii. o? Min> flatten*. too. "ilraii Kimhail. i 10"; Tuknhira, 10?; John A. .Muiro, tin; Chilton yue* n, i"2' llitlktek, 1"?; Mon Ami. 10s. i lakluu-t. 1"?. Anna I,. Daly, 11?. Sixth ram—for ihr<‘. year ohls ami uai?- sibling: .ui.i:_mllc..aji'i_u-yyaty, yarrh lU'mmnh lass. Maid <>! Gangdom 'Sllvt-flio', Oh: King oi Mist jo?; In.!:" <>:' Hridge ‘eat< r. JO*:; HI i ►t*o, II?; *Th,e Golden i’.uttertly. . ‘I'hi'i'k, ft:., I>1x1 Knirdit, t(,2: Anna I- Italy, 102; Urania, il't. *Kiv» pounds apprtntlco allownnco claimed. Weathi r ch ar ami track fast. TEAGH CHILDREN TO - CARE FOB BIBOS MISS KTV.XBT SI’l.MiS IN FK1,I> I l!ll KS11I lit * Wli ,11 Molt SO t n:rv is okuamzi i». 1 fKpnial to T:k Kh-hmoml Virginian.) IHKMiniCK HCKO, VA.. Nov. 12. -.Miss KsthIron U Stuart, of Alex andria, State m hodl scrrctary ul tlm Audubon Society, and also a member ' of the national board of Audubon So- ! i-h-ty. addressed the High School pit-i pila Friday on the . value of birds to a i orturi unity. Fir tv as heartily r* j reived ftnd the young Indies and g* n I tb riien showed it great deal of in terest in thy work of preserving bird life. Tii” ilr. t Junior Audubon Society was i rganized Friday afternoon In • the third High School Krade nil' I president. -Mr. Oe»rg< I>. Howe: vle.» -Pf-sidLiit. ,2djas. t.nolle Rawlings; sec-' r.daiy, .Mirk A dele Allison; treasurer, .Mr. Maroid UentUir. Mi. .inusoti J. Jennings, of Fred eru ksbuig, and All.-t: Veiona <J. Johri >i.n. of .Spotsylvania county, were married Thursday In Washington. They u ill reside ill this city. .Mr. \V K. ICpr*. 'J Fhase Fite, In company with Mr. IS- 1 Ittaniy, came here !■ ihiay to investigate the death of hie lather. Mr. J. 1’. tapes, who was Kiipp...— d to have been killed by a train on th. I:.. F. and F. railroad on July LV, near Qnantieo. -Mr. Epcs think his father was a victim of foul play. :> 1 he had a considerable sum of money on his person about that lime, and when the corpse was found no iBom y v as w ir lilt, j Mr. John M. (iriiTin, postih aster of ’•Fredericksburg, line been appointed custodian of the new postoftlee build ing. The building has been completed nod will be ready for inspection in a. , ft w days. Mr. Theodore Fang, who has had charge of the work so far, left Thurs . da and Mr, (iriflin assumed con trol fit i nee. UUMO CIS ran nit DARTMOUTH ELEVEN WILL PUT UP TOUGH BATTLE ON GRIDIRON. DOFTON. MAPS.. Nov. 12.—Thoughj Harvard was a favortti* in this after-j noon's football game with Dartmouth, the last big context of the season on ; SoKieri;' Vleld, |ollow*ds of both | the t’rtmcon and Dartmouth admitted j that the team will have the toughest. battle of their Season. Dartmouth la known to have the j strongest team In recent years. While ; Harvard has swept all Vefore It, only j having been scon <J upon once, by HornHl last Saturday, the Hanoverians confidently hope for victory, claiming that they have Improved wonderfully | in the last week. For Dartmouth this afternoon's game means the closing and supreme , test of the season. New Bowling J,o«gtie. ? Mr. W. H. Edney, manager of the It, it. Y. M. C. A. howling alleys. ; wuold like to meet all railroad men . who are Interested In howling at the ; H. It. Y. M. C. A. Stonday evening j at * o'clock for the purpose of or- j guntxfng a number of teams, which I will bo formed Into a league. CABLE RATES WILL BE MUCH CHEAPER IF EUROPEAN GOVERNMENTS WILL CO-OPERATE, COST WILL BE MADE ONE-HALF LESS (Special to The Richmond Virginian.! NEW YORK, X"v. 12.—An Inquiry having been made of Clarence H. Mm av, president of the Commercial cable .. and tb< Festal Telegraph Cable Co., ns to tb.< rumors of a pend ing reduction In ruble rates. Mr. Mac- , -k;:y said:—“The Fominorcial Cable Co. | has been at work for some time past , be formulating u pbjm by ivliicli the I rule.- for cablegrams sen by the gen-; oral public. In other words, cable gram* In plain language distinguished from code language, may be reduced about one-half. That plan has now bier, worked out, but it will require the co-operation of the telegraph lines ; in Europe, where the governments own the line*. Our plan Involves a ; proportionate reduction in the land , line rates charged by the European , governments, and lienee the co-opera- I tlon of these governments will he neo • ssnry. At present the cable rate Is | twenty-five cents per word. The pro posed plan is to charge twelve and a half rents for every five letters in that class of cablegrams. We have found by careful Investigation and examine- ; lion of a great, number of cable mes- i sages that plain language averages only five letters to the Word and hence If we charge only twelve and a half cents for five letters, (every letter in the cablegram being counted as though j the whole cablegram whs one word),; the result would be that the public! In sending cablegrams would pay but j one-half of what It now pays for these j cablegrams, it being a part of the plan , A BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR $2,715 r Second Flgdk Thin house i* of very attractive <! lighted and ventilated and for u me The first floor ha* an exception with r<at and coat closet. From the ported by turned columns. The iiv Ing provided with corner fireplace an muntoation between dining room and dining room has a pretty china clos right boiler, enamelled Iron tdnk and On the second floor are three large sewing room In .the front part of the Ceiling heights are: Cellar 7 feet; Below Is given an Itemised cost i: !«n and can l>« built for a moderate amount. All rfoma are well ilium «i*e family maki j a comfortable, cony dwelling all the year round, ally large porch, reception hall with an open stairway to the second floor hall one enters the living room through a trimmed arch opening sup Ing room t* divided from the library by eliding door*, the fetter room be d built In bookcase*. The .dining room ha* a large bajr frlndow. Com kitchen I* through pantry which contain* drearer with glga* door*. The et Kitchen la complete with modern appointment* having goal range, up drain boaru. 1 . room* all with large closet*, bath- room ..and • large' linen closet. The house can also be used as a bedroom. 9 first floor » feet; second floor 8 feet f Jnche*. of construction: , Cf vrpentry .,..... Plastering... .. Painting Mid gluing ......... ■Mil •* •» . . . < r. • ■ «Just Alctive Com«rv&4ave Oper»t©irs N Novel E Lsv® Loye.H Y Lssastmts N D eedis C 0^«^s®e£ssg M»x£r„| P rofats Atmd Net Y ields Ridhssr Expensive .Aussoysissces Less,j isseaeci Esspedenced Q . K/enrace Taking A Tiny Expense V. 10-11-10-lt WHY GAMBLE with stocks or schemes 2 ? ? REAL ESTATE is the mother of securities. The LARGEST in dividends. The SAFEST investment. The SUREST enhancement. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL CLASSES OF REAL ESTATE PREFER SELLING Improved Property, Homes, Investments, and Central Property FOR DEVELOPMENT. We have more than doubled the estates of our "best clients in five years (let us refer you to them). With a Cash Payment OK FROM >50 TO $240.000. YOU" CAN FIND.A BARGAIN IN OUR OFFICE. RENTS In eight years we have established a lare,e rental business. An example accounting for this:— On July .list, 1909, we bought for a client a property renting for SI ,800; on November 7th, 1910, we re-rented the same for $4,200; found a better location and proposi tion for the old tenant, likewise improved the condition of the new one. ALL PARTIES ARE BENEFITTED. SEE US ABOUT YOUR RENTS. J. A. Connelly & Co. Real Estate, Sales, Rentals, Loans. i * i that these reduced rate messages will bo subject to prior of messages osld for at a higher rate. We hope to be able to put the plan Into operation In a short time. It be ing necessary for us to make the ner easary arrangement* with the Euro pean government*. I would add that this new mode of charging for cable grams will be of decided advantage to tl’.e business public which uses a code. Inasmuch as It will he an In ducement to them to put a portion of their cablegrams In jjlaln language rather than use a very complicated code which requires a great deal of time on their part, first to code and then to uncode. "After the most care ful consideration and study of the whole subject, we are satisfied that this new method of charging for ca cablegrams will not only reduce the charges for ordinary cablegrams one htilf, but that the plan Itself will be logical, simple, workable and satisfac tory." WEEK OF PRATER TO BE OBSEOVED SERVICES OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO BE HELD IN TIIE V. M. C. A. Al'DITORll'M. The world wide week of prayer will be observed In Richmond with noon day meeting*, 12:30 to 1 P. M. each day next week, beginning Monday, November It, in the Joseph Bryan Memorial Auditorium of the new Y. M. C. A. building, under the auspice* r»f an Interdenominational committee appointed at a meeting of ministers and laymen several weeks ago, con sisting or Eugene C. Masaie, Rev. rhomaa femmes, Jacob Umlauf, C. R. [}uy and 8. K. McKee. This year the brotherhoods of the various denomi nations and the Young. Men's Chris Llan Association are uniting in observ ing this week of prayer and thanks giving. The meetings will bo opened, pormptly at 12:30 o'clock and will lose exactly at one. There will be l short address and then united prayer Monday will be Brotherhood Pay— hanksgUIng and prayer for te won Icrful Increase of co-operation and practical Christian unity. The speaker vlll be Rev. H. P. C. Maclachlan. of Seventh-Street Christian church. Tues lay will be Adult Bible Class pay. The ipeaker will be Mr. James W. Gordon, .resident of the Young Men's Chris tian Association. Wednesday, Local extension Day, the speaker. Governor/ William Hodges Mann. Thursday, Wools! Service Day. the speaker. Rev. ' W. McDaniel, D. •“ ' ! Hatcher, of Broad-Street Methodist | church. Friday. shrdlu I church. Saturday, Immigration r>a.v, ! the speaker. Rev. M. S. Kagle, rector j of Christ's 'Episcopal church. Sunday, j November 20, will be observed as a i special evangelistic day, w ith a big ■ meeting for men in the association i auditorium, with special prayer for I and emphasis on the men and religion 'forward movement of 1911-1912. The Roys' Sunday Afternoon Club i will meet in the boys' reception room at 2:90 o'clock, opening with an illus trated service of song. The speaker for the afternoon will he by appoint ment of the Methodist Conference, and the standing committees of the club ! for the year will be announced by the : committee appointed to name them, after the address. i The men’s meeting will be held in 'the association auditorium at 3:90 ! o'clock, and will be addressed by one j of the prominent speakers of the j Methodist Conference. NEW SCHOOL PLANS APPROVED BY BOARD Approval of the plan# for a new public school building at the corner of Pine and China streets, has been giv en by the city school board. The plana will be forwarded to the city council, to be considered at the nest meeting. The proposed building will cost about $20,000, one fourth of the cost will be met by Miss Grace Arents who has made a $5,000 donation for the school. It Is expected that the approv al of council and of Building Inspector Beck will he given and that the build ing contract will be awarded In time to allow the actual work of construc tion to begin by January 1. A re eat Criticised. “I hope that woman’s taste Is better than her French accent," said Mrs. Fllmmlr.s. “What did she say?” “She remarked that my new ehante cler hat was very chick." The starched collar haa returned. It will be worn with heavy shirtwaists of flannel, heavy linen or pique, which many women wear for morning all through the winter. Present Cup. Ma^JEjJiV^JBowle^jnext^nuirsday TRUSTEE’S SALE OF Hotel Property IN WILLIAMSBURG. Default having Iwn made in the pav mrnt of interest and insurance ami tfie undersigned trustees having been directed so to do, notice is hereby given that the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction in the City of Williamsburg, the following descrilied property: All (hat certain lot of land with build ings thereon situated in the City of Wit . lianisburg, YV, bounded as follows; to* wit: On the north by the Duke of i Gloucester .Street , on the east by the property of C. J. Person, on the eouth by the property of the First Baptist Church, ; Colored, and on the west by the Seymour ! piopcrty. This lot fronts on Duke of Gloitfester Street'50 feet and runs back ' in parallel lines 180 feet, and is now used i as a hotel. The above property will be sold on the premises on the ’21st day of November at I 12 o'clock noon. | TERMS: For cash as to so much of | the proceeds as rnav be necessary to defray the expenses of executing the trust together with insurance premium of i $24.25 and any unpaid taxes, and to dis charge the amount of money then pay able upon the note of $60.00 due Septcrn- i her 21st, now in default : $2,000 of said purchase money to be payable the 27th i day of March, 1912; and the residue in j equal instalments, with interest, at one ! and two years from the day of tale: all ! deferred payments to be secured by deed i of trust on said property. Or, ail cash as to said residue at the option of the i purchaser. ! .This sale is made pursuant to the term and conditions of a deed at trust duly re corded in the Clerk’s office of the Circuit Court of James City County in Dead Book No. 5, page 363. R. A. LANCASTER, Jr., E. RANDOMS WILLIAMS, Trustees. night will present to Company A, Richmond Light Infantry Blues, the cup which It won In the contest march “We will do what we promise, only then when we find we cannot do BETTER.” If you are one of the few who have not putiour claims to the teat. E. P. Murphy &; Son, Inc.