Newspaper Page Text
MARKET. EDI VOL. 1._Xo. 24(5. THE WEATHER—Partly Cloudy. - Rl C II MO N l), V A.. \Y K I > N K SHAY. NOV K M B E II 1*;. 1010. DR. STUART DIES FROM APOPLEXY ON ASHLAND CAR Widely-Known Richmond Minister Expires Beside His Wife While on His Way to City END CAME SUDDENLY AND IS GREAT SHOCK TO HIS MANY FRIENDS Baptist Divine and Temper ance Worker Was III But a Few Second'' Before He Died fitrlcKWII with ;i people X' ;(? he SHl ui mi Ashland ■ ar. pin- tng nth tus !hr«t»-y<.«r-oiii ^11, t'hmies. tin Kn. Charles K. .Stuart, a i»upti*t mini»tcr. superintendent *>t the southwest hi' - sn>n Ilf the Vnu-Sah'M League. and one .d thi most widely Known and popular-clergymen in Virginia tell to the floor, and u moment lat< r died just as th< ear <-ann to a slop ;-t the iKiurel street station. The wlf" of the strieken man at his rear, saw him (all and rush d to his side, loath was swift, hut sh< was even more swift >|er husi and « head la> on hi r lap when h I res tiled his last. Itvj-d Hitt shnrl Time llev. hi St uart lived hare > live minutes after being strn Ken. H. had been staled beside fin- Km II II. Smith, a di legate to tin Methodist conference with his child on his knee. .lust tvs the car cross, if the bridge leading to the Laurel station he complained of feeling dizzy. He sent Util* t’har’e* l>n k Mrs Stuart, hurrle Uy opened a window , and lean ed far out to gel air. He remained in this position for perhaps four min ute*. Then he tell backward, ard slid off his ***»( o the floor, where h< lay in a < rumpled tap. Hardy a sc end passed and his wife was leaning "ter him stroking his head, and begging him to speak Other passengers of the t ar crowded around. One of them produced a flask of whis key. and an eftort was made to force a swallow of the liquid down the stricken man's throat It wns too tats The teeth were t.ghlly clenched. Mr. Stuart groaned twiie. and th*n ail Ills muscles ielaxod with a c.*n t ulslve tremor He was dead. Shortly after the* *air r. ache.! tip station, i’nrotier Taylor was summon ed. 11* mud an e* am .nation and too tiotiiP <1 death due t apoplexy. Wife i' I’foslnilol The suddenness of the death almost prostrated Mrs Stuart. who even after •hr knew h r husband was ih ad. sat hv his side in tip- .-ar, stroking h:s head and his hands. Her husband Imd be *n perfectly M i ll, appc.r* ntij when he left Ashlar.-' for Richmond on the 12.10 car, sh ah!. Shortly alter boarding the ear ho complained of feeling a bit weak and dizzy. hut he had complained of dmbar feelings for several wek* past, and neither of them paid particular attention to the symptoms That later prove dto hare been forerunners of death According to tin* Ke\. 1 >i Sidney Peters, a life long friend of the Rev. Stuart, the latter had been complain ing of his heart for nearly two months A few weeks ago. Pr Pett-rs said, the dead man told him he had suffered an attack of dizziness which had almost caused hlin to fall on the street He thought of going to a sanitarium he said. Ts»ter. however, he abandoned the irieue According to the physicians who ex amined Mr. Stuart's body. nothing could have saved his life, The end came to I>r. Stuart as he was on hie way to Richmond to wind up hts business affairs preparatory to going to Lynchburg. Va.. to take charge of an office of the Anti-Saloon League in that city. He had contem plated going to Lynchburg Thursday. Follow ing the coroner's examination the body was sent to Billups under taking establishment, to he prepared for burial. It will be shipped to hi* home in Ashland Thursday, wlienee *the funeral will be held. Funeral ar rangements will be announced lab i Bom In Hanover. Rev Mr. Stuart was a native of Hanover county and was educated at Richmond College. graduating from that Institution with the degree of bachelor of arts. After his graduation, he went to Southwest Virginia and labored under direction, of the Bap tist State Mission Board, tilling a charge at Pennington wap. There be was largely instrumental in establish ing the Lee Baptist Academy, an In stitution tha ranks well with those of Its class In the southwestern sec tion of the State Receiving a call to Ashland, he gave up his pastorate In Pennington <inp and worked ss pastor in the Han dolph-Macon College town for a year or two. He then went to Croser Seminary at Chester, Pa., and prose cute dhis ministerial studies further. Returning to Virginia, he accepted a call as pastor of Venablc-Street Bap tist'church. Richmond, where hi* re mained for three years. He was forced to give up this charge on account of ill health, afer having worked ener getically and' faithfully on behalf of the Church Hill congregation. Joins Anti-Saloon League. Soon afterward he enlisted his ser vices in the cause of the Anti-Saloon League of Virginia, being assigned to the southeastern territory with head quarters at Richmond In this work, though handicapped by falling health, he acquitted himself unusually well, doing much to further the cause of temperance. Recently he was assign ed to the western section of the State, with headquarters at Lynchburg, and It was his expectation to leave for that city Thursday to enter upon his duties there. In 1900 Rev. Mr. Stmtrt married Miss Fpnnle Cox, daughter of Mr. 1>. B. Cox a prominent hualnept man of ~ (CenUnued on Seventu Page.) He*. 4 hitrlm V *lu»rt. WILL IKDiCT WIFE III SCHENK CASE Special Grand Jury t»> Sit Friday in Noted Poison ing Case SPIlb OF HIS KIN SAYS SHKEWD WOMAN Declaring That Accusations Are Due to Prejudice of Hu> band’s Relatives She Will Make Vigorous Fight WHKKMXn. vt' VA , Nov is -That Mrs i ,11; r I Farnsworth S''lier.k wilt ... indicted for the alleged attempted poisoning of ! -T 1 ashcn-l John O. S tifiiu. the millionaire pork Parker, is «!;. belief ..r Prosecuting Attorney j. Hcrnurd H.uidfan He4 to-day com pleted the preparation • Oi - evidence the accused and win lay it before the .pedal grand lurv which Judge I-ouis S' Jordan has authorized t<- aeeemUe on Ft’ u ” yir« Schenk does n >t ,-ucnd to sub irlt tamely- to the accusations against -r. SO bee caused iter attorneys to »ay publicly tint' the a- cusatious against her or*- due to "sp on the part of her husband's relatives and it I, b, hexed ttila factor w ill eider m« terlnllv into her defense ‘1 have roved had a shrewder or more resourceful client. ' stud J J. I'. O'ltrlei. . of her attorneys, to-day. ■‘She seems to ktv-w Intuitively just wh.nt to do to me t every emergency. n;,d we Have found that all of her suggestions art most valuable.’ According to District Attorney 11 tod lan. he has called for a special grand jury to hear the evidence against the accused woman to protect his wit* Despite the disclaimers of the defense that It hue had no part In the questioning of the witnesses for the Chare. Htuullan Insist.* that pri vate detectives are trying to tamper with iiis most material ones. These detectives, employed by an out-of town agency, huve been busy In this city ever since Sunday, and tie- police informed the prosecuting attorney that they have subjected every one of his witnesses to a more or less cross ex amination. Schenk continues to improve it the hospital Attorneys lor Mrs Schenck i»t noon to-day made u formal demand on Prosecuting Attorney Hern&rd Hand lan for a preliminary hearing. Untidy Wiison, tiie chauffeur, reported t hav. disappeared. Is still in town un der police surveillance. Police are constantly on guard at tip- Soliemk home to prevent the possible theft of valuables taht would otherwise he at flic no rof vandals, tor all the household servants have been dismiss ed It Is Hi so believed there Is val uable evidence in the house which the prosecutor wants to protect LOCAL WOMEN ATTEND RICHMOND DELEGATE TO W. C. T. U. MEETING TAKES KEEN INTEREST IN AFFAIRS. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) BALTIMORE, MIX, Nov. I#.— Prominent among the workers of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, in convention In this city, are those from Richmond, Mrs. G. C. Carpen ter. president of her union and corre sponding secretary of the Bi-County \V, T. V., is the delegate from Rich mond in the Vlrgini section on the floor of the hall. "1 oni'tHklng u keen Interest in all who etaoi shrdlu that happen*." Mrs. Carpenter de clared. and this “is m'ore than echoed by the other delegations, who acknowl edge the Virginians among the leader*. Among .the visitors from .Richmond who accompany the delegates rre Mrs. William Bickers, of 410 North Twenty fifth street, president of the B!-County VV. c. T. I\. and Mrs W. T„ Bailies, musical director. f - LURED TO DEATH BtIDSIfOfl GOLD Prospectors Perishing From Starvation and Freezing in Large Numbers RAINb IUWN TRAILS INTO DEEP MARSHES cut i ing miners off American Survivors Tell Hat rowing story ol Pnvation, Agony and Harvest ot Grim Reaper mi>vi iti' \i.. n<h m.— n»- "‘u-I for sold" I- to-du.i i tniming mao.v '« - Ulna in ll*«‘ novv gold i .un|" 1,1 ,l1' Porcupine iliariil in Vurihvo,'H,m nnianu tintl along tin* do-obile nails leading Into It. Mon an* -lowly staryiinr anil froo/ ing to inttili 11 wit', unit tin* nonun ion uutlioiiiic- art* |nmorli>' to len tlor lull. Our man. VV. It. Mul.oitn tltr Attwrlimi mining i\|s*rl. woo n-m-luxl I loro to-ila) Imni tlto nortli. brought tvor<I (-1 ila* death nl at li a-t a imrr of |iro*peelor* on tin* muth of tlt«* Porcupine. H„. trouble l«. lino to a ->•< is-uuon of cold ruin'- that Itavo -wept tin* re gion for tin* In*! inontli. I i* deep lake** linvo formed south of I n fieri ok Holin' linke. Hundred- of tool of trail- liavi* lieen renilereil iinpn--ibie, and nliat tt montli ago via- -olid ter ritory if to-day dangerous -"amp land. sink In Misoratik* laid. M.-Isean say- that h« Saw ttvo min .!s engulfed trt the swamp and they sank to a miserable death ' -’*■ :r companions stood by unabb get an; help to them. Other parties an* -tn interim: mt the l’t>n upitn ransi>s with similar tales of lues of life on the trails Well outfitted parlies have t-eett O-mpe ieii So abandon large portions **f their supplies They .ire pa-Umar their pro vision# on their i-aeKs and str .KK'hmg through water and mud that at lim # rearr.or to thetr waist.* trying to rr:tik the new HI Dorado. Am orbing to M Dean, when the ura'. news of the rich strikes at I’or*. ipm-. reached the t* halt reg* :i. a genuine stampede started Many of the pros pector* carried with them only urn at qualities of supplies and provision*. Count ry Kir In These men are the worst sufferer*. The country 1* rich in g. and noth ing else. There is absolutely no gann there anvl the desolated wastes pre sent long stretches of territory which are almost impossible of travel. Komi values are fabulous, according to .\1 1.. an. exciedlng *vt-n ihi reo+il • >f the first rush to the Klondike. With the advent o! cold weather It will be a desperate task to reach the new camp, so that there :s little chance of an adequate food supply eotling to the prospectors there for omi time t" come McKean would not express any opinion of the riches ..f the new camp which common rumor here has placed at fabulous amounts SAYS MR. STRAYER SYRAt t sK PASTOR \ROt Nj> COMMENT BY TAIv 1 N<. sIPF OF WOKKlVt; MEN. S\ HACl'SK. X. A , Nov. it. —Re caps.- the pulpit i* prone ti> c.mdo,’:« transgressions of the ri< h. is w I; . working men us a rule flic the ehnreh a wide berth, in the opinion of Ue, l.aul Moore Strayer Discussing the. attitude of organized liita-r toward the < hurch, Rev. Mr Stray er. w ho ;« the pastor of the Third Presbyterian chun h of Rochester, aroused c.inatd erable comment at the state t'unf.-r uncr of Religion now m. < ting here by taking the side of the workers "Worn I a* men know, i,. said, that whatever social emancipation they have a'in lias been without »n>- dsi. i aid from the ehun ties The> feel ,n dependeht of tile > hurch as the result. They tielleye that tin- eh or. ti has al lied its-if with tin- rieli. The. s.e men in high oftiee in tin- church idn. are notoriously unfair to their em ployes. The inevitable result is a feeling that the sermon* are modiiled and the preachers muzzled to tin rich pew owners, and unless the nun ist"rs soon proclaim their independ ence of the dollar sign the churches and tlic workers will be absolutely di vorced." REV. Mlt. Wit hlllt At VEITS « AM. Til I.EICII-nTHEET Rev. John J. Wicker, of Norlield. Maas, has accepted the call to I.eigli Ktreet Raptist church. Richmond, and it is announced that he will enter upon ills pastoral duties here the lirst Sunday In liecember. It was gen erally understood that he would ac cept when the call was extended. •tncohe-Parker. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) STKKdl.K. VA., November 1H.— Miss Roberts I. Parker and Robert Jacobs were married Wednesday by Rev. A. F. McFarland, of the Rap tist church. The ceremony was per formed at the Raptist parsonage in Hank street. Fiv* Taka Examination. Five candidates Tuesday took a civil service examination held in the Fnltod State* District Court for the purpose of securing eligible* for appointment a* meat inspector. I iocs t'ndi-r Knife. Rev. Dr. Robert W .Forsyth, lor of St. IVut s Episcopal church, under went a successful operatlotf Wednes day at Johnston-Willis .Sanatorium fop < appendicitis ■ ' / Y ■ ' •/.: .A . NEW PASTORS FOR RICHMOND CHURCHES l*KI>im \T TAFT T\M J* I It \ I X > % N II « I Hit I TO tk\m :i. UMHT TH! HI HE VISITS CL'LhEKA CUT rHK'iiiKMivi. hvmii i;t * i rn k w il l. sit «>\ vs \n\ v TWA HI DtlH V N 11 VIASIl it rtvi 1'ANAiU, Noy. l‘i i r. lit 1’afl h > party Spoilt the • :I'T- morning • \ .intmuK the great l'i..t. which v.i)l th.* determining ■ 1 tor it; th« Iliac of completing la- -.nil!. L'pou the speed ‘ ' the ex ic ... u ork done there af.fl th. freedom t — delays oc casions] l.iy .ndsllde* I,- i-ciids Colonel t« • t kid's promise to the canal r e,.. c. for shipa a Year -tle-ad of the s- : e.icit-d [ire, Pr. s; > Taft heard .:i sides to-ilay tlia; was great ly s. lisfnctior. iMftuh Use Isthmus was • v in,(erf from receiving the bene lits of fiie postal SB mgs bank iiiil paastd y the last *.V egress. He was I old it was commo# r* ;,ert on the ist.h mit< that Wall s-.ioCt tn(W inn had ex erted influence to have Panama de i.ted this privilege for the honeflt of the ban* monopoly. The natives of Panama .0,1 the American employes of the canal work .' lined in telling the president that the feared the local : aims were not stable end that they wanted the right to deposit their snv I: . * in rude Sat s big bank No Annexation. l! was learned P-day that tin na soli president Taft had changed his nand ai’d dtii n b to leave .MutTitSi; territory, that In might attend tne '.■iiMduet to-night tiie president of Panama, was that he wish. « to use tl Is ovtaslioi for : ■ Tying tin Panama people tifPci.tiiy Hr ', the t*luted State* had n<> idea t f at" • king tin republic of Panama This afternoon President Taft heard request* for 'promt-lion from endue, rs and meehar;;,--' err.ployed on the, but hi:, attitude was unfavorable. latter I:, the d::v the preselect tail ed upon the American minister to Panatna and am>i panleti him out of the vannl wme let. tite rep aid :c to at tend the preside; ,-ti banquet Fhe tv.-.otier «itc ■■ the piesldent h»s been here ha* t**". hot and there has beet; no rain Mr Taft has shown a th . bled disltunincPon to walking and u»' S spec. .i trains and carriages w lierever p> sMiue SYNODS BISttE OYER COLLEGE SUE tSpceial to Tl:t- Ki hmotui Virginian t K« >.\N* IKK \ A. Nov. i*' —The V-rglnia > > n--d and the Southwest Virginia Synod of the hut he ran * h nr it I- ap|t<ir« n; y seriously divided over the prop sition to move tin l.itfu run Female t’allege from Ma rioti in Salem .Meetings began yesterday and ii" conclusion whs r* tied. Both euiml.* or again Wed in »d:ty morning ami no <iei ision was reached. The Synod of \ irginta is not «atis tn d with terms proposed by Salem and the South" > st Virginia Synod Is divided on the Question of re movai. u largo number ol the dele gates favoring ret-rttloii of the school In Marlon. .v bit meeting will be held Wednesday < veiling i->r further consideration. MOON IN ECLIPSE WASHINGTON. Not. 1H.— TrlmtlpM ttlll lie turned sky ttiinl to-night lo obserte the eelipse or the moon, which hc romet total nt *:M lastirn time. I he -atetHle will begin to creep Into the -hallow of the earth at 1: Ml. >1 tvlll begin to emerge front I he lota) rt ll|M‘ a1 7:17, ttlll leave tlte shadow at H:5K ami by »:M ttlll lutte a eletir fiatli la-fore It again. The tiKHni ttlll be full. u» in always tlte cie*c In Unal colitises It happens that to-night It Is at tlte neafi st point *o the earlh it reaches in It- orbit. Ml that If the skies are ele«r It ttlll Iwmi tip large. The moon will Hue nt sun set and the earth’s shadow will lie lying In wait for It a linos t ns want as It orcepa above the eastern horizon. The eclipse .ttlll begin at the top of the ln nnr faee and veer flmuud “lightly lo the left as it pro ceeds * Htrr. F.r*r«t ^tcvrfi«t ^onie* to Trinit> Krv *. Off* U right, s*t. Pavi'e (Hanker Memorial* IS FUR TOO SHORT UR. WILKY (UUU.ER THIS TO IWTNUNK.S'i TO SHI NTII'K KMlWUlH.f;. WAS H i N GTO.V. D. O.. Nov. 16.— Karnfers from all parts of Ui*- coun try who are attending several con ventions ir. Washington are looking: for Dr. Ifarvey \V. Wiley, the pure fr-otl expert, to-day to ask him what he means by certain derogatory re marks on the brevity of the farmer's itfe It looks as If the distinguished chemist will have a hard time ex plaining. In an address yesterday he joined the ranks of the conservation ists by proposing to conserve the American farmer "The farmer has stood still for fifty y ears." he said 1 He ought to 'cut distance the suburbanite In years, strength and vitality, hut he doesn't, because he Is blind to scientific knowl edge. Conditions In the city are bad enough, but In the country they up’ infinitely worse." * \ To Kwn Tab on Ice Hoes, , WUrtHINC.T- >N. November I«.— Wireless telegraphy will soon bp used i in gathering reliable data about the thickness of the 1. b tlm s that an ] nua’ly drift southward in th-• path of trans-Atlantic steamships and en danger roast traffic in the Gulf of St ijovrt nee end Labrador Consul Frank i 1 •seilmyer. at Charlottetown, Prince j KM ward Island, reports that arrange I mints have been completed for the I erection of a wireless station for this winter on the Magdalen Islands, front which the movement of the Ice will he , reported Hmultirnn Kebel Surrenders. TEOFtiOALPA. HOMU'KAS, Nov. If—General Valladares has surren dered Ainapnla t<> the government forces and has started for No aragua. WILL 111 KSCOHIEU IllKKli \ t HUM ItWyl LI' AT JKF kmist in norm.. President Taft's address will be de livered lu the City Auditorium, and not in the assembly room of the John .Uirshnil High School, according to an announcement of Secretary K C. St tit riles, of the State Hoard of Pub ic instruction, made Wednesday af ternoon. It had been originally planned to ! have the address delivered at the school, but as the City Auditorium tan accommodate many more, It was se 1 Set ted instead. Mr. Taft 'a ill reach Kichnioiid from Charleston next Wednesday morning, unb as his present plans miscarry, lie will l>e met at the Byrd Street station - by a delegation of forty citisens aud escorted to the Governor's Mansion ' for breakfast. , I'ntil J O'clock the President will l be tin guest of the city und will spend ' his time making a tour of the famous . battlefield* around Kh'hnuwd. At a he will dine at the Jefferson Hotel. : About 200 men will lie present at this ! banquet. From the hotel Mr. Taft will go di j rectly to the City Auditorium, where ! his address will be delivered before the Virginia State Teachers' Associa tion. Admission will he by ticket only. These tickejs can !>e had from Mr. St carries Wednesday evening the President will leave rog Washington and wiy spend Thanksgiving Hay at the White llousa. , •" / . i „■ "■ *c - 4 j • (Ut. It. T. U ftlfrflfld, <’ i h Street MOST MIKE LIVES « HHISTUX « n IZK.NMIlr \M> I I* opi'nicn mtiks m*>< ixkii it HUN'O HWqlKI. EYES TURN TO VIRGINIA OH. MITC IIKI.I, ».*>« 01.0 IXOIIMli’l I* AGAIN I.OIIKIII TO FOH I.KADERMIIP—Mi l \HI.K I HI R1 II HKl MU'. Chiisiiitn vltixenslpp. It- responsi bilities un<! o|>portuidttcs and the rein - tlon «.f the church to society. w«pc dlitcuasetl fn very earnest addi< *«es made at the banquet of the Men’s league of the First IiaptiM church Tuesday night With Dr. S O. Mitch ell, president -if the South Carolina Cnfvorslty; ox-Governor A J Mon tsgne. Mayor Hichardr.on ex-Mayor McCarthy. Judge j. C Pritchard, of the rotted States Court, and Rev l>r. McDaniel were of un exceptionally high drssaas «»r» of an ajeeptiunally high . order. It *«• remarkable that all of ‘ them, though entirely different, cm - phn*S*ed in a general way the minr central thought the relation of the ! church to the masse* and Its gr- fit opportunity for enlarged usefulness In 1 the building up of a higher Christian clt!xe**htp Tho occasion was n notable oiie in many ways*. Rarely la there seen such a representative gathering of men front one congregation. There were over 150 sitting around the well-appointed taV’le* and the large number or’ young men was noticeable. Th* dinner, prt pared by ladle* of the , hurcb and »< n - ed by the young Indies numbers of the Slate Mission Circle, was an ex cellent one and the sort ice prompt and perfect The decors lions of au tumn leave*, running cedar, thramme and bunting lent an air of • Continued on Seventh page - I* CHARGES DF NURSE DR. CABELL SAYS INJECTION GIVEN TO TYPHOID PATIENT WAS PROPERLY COM POUNDED. A up*vial from Richmond t,, too iv. tcrsbui'K ilHlfi - Appeal State* thm s rlo.iM charge* hove been tiled attains: physicians f the local City Horn.- In..a. pital hy Thomas L. Pulling, recently discharged Horn his position as chiei nurse of tin institution. Pulling is reported to have declared tlmt Robert JurdiUH. a 1 7-year-oid tv - phoivl fe\ er patient, who was uiimit ted a* the hospital on September 1 Riven injections, supposed to n.,ve been «hioral, but which later turn- d out to in- inh. PulluiK say« tin ink Wus given to him hy a nurse. He he vailed attention to lte color, hut wus told that the doctor had ordered it. Hr administered seventeen 'inhv tionu, he sai s The i , m day Li,’, pa* uent died. Following the death, Pulling . ot the phisi<*i„ns told him ]]•. 1 H mistake had been matle. H, Mis »a>s he was told to keep the matte Millet He declares that Hardimi wh officially reported to irave died iron typhoid and that the fatal error w t never mentioned. These Chartres Ur» emphatically de hied l.y Supcrlnteiideiii Cabell oi ih L’|lJ' 1>r H 111 Injection was of ;l darlUbrown color hue that this was a* It should h**. It j a preparation of chloral mixed wltl oth-r dru^x. no wuyx, and ia put up L» a prominent firm of chemists. Th doctor who prescribe,! the Injecti..i knew what he v;is doing. Ip. s«ys. n ir'.sints there v\as no mistake. Pulling's statements. Ur. t'alien sav« an- not to be relied on. Pulling wa omv con lined In the Wtllluuishun Asylum, l>r. Cabell declares Itob VarsUt llouV oh)\T'Vlt h"u*‘‘ Xo- *U1 West Mar -.hall street was entered bv thieve* am stripped ot Us lead pipy. Its grates, un, gtate fronts, according to a repor McDonoughK* “y *r 1 Decline* Council Job. i (Special to The Richmond Virginia FREDERICKSlU'RO, VA.. Nov Ex-Mayor M Willis, who was i cently elided to the City Council succeed Mr John C. Melville, „tal , Tuesday that because of hustheaa <• 1 tsagemenu be could not accept i { oflica. J 8 r r t FIVE PASTORS COMING FROM OTHER PLACES .V-u Fuccs Will Be §een in Methodist Pulpits Next Ye-tr CONFERENCE MAKES IMPORTANT CHARGES AT SESSION IN CITY Sending of Bedford City Min- :J| ister to i rmity Quite a Surprise—Park Place Gets Rev. G. W. Parker >F.\\ FOH lilt HVO>D H. . r. \\ iilertleld, liny Ulreei. M ■ <«• I'ai k«*r, Park 1’taer. I rn« «( ^(1‘Vfiis Triultj. .1. I. *«*%*«* 11 ♦ lalriauitat Aft V Otto \\ritthf, Kf. Pnui’N. iti rmiM. rwrou*. II. K. (a Norfolk pr« niiiins rnhlp. . H, I'rortor to K;ir»»»% Ml«f. It. H. ( hnudler to t>* (>nRryt I. > tii'hhtii X,. It. V ItnrtneMN to t.rm-f church, Nrwport <>. \\ . M. 'I’b j Jor to \ ort Ai«r* folk and IMnnrr'a Point. Kivr ■ haiiK'-s in R! hmimil, flvs IB I.'in iiimrg, on* in tv-tern bur* ant% • eral in Norfolk form the fenttire.« of pastoral appointments tjUffil nountej by Hi»ho^ WUaon at of the oto imnurfil anil twsmtjs «i«flith .inslim . f th« Virginia Annual Conferemb In Centenary Methodist, ohurrh Trusdnv night. Practical! ail these churches peetetl a change of pastor*, but mow? than one surprise wit* sprung when tlie ii«t was road. Perhaps the greatr • at surprise was the a.-signmeBt of J; Hex t'rnest Stevens from Bedford Oita 0; to Trinity H i. hmond Tills was don* ~ at tin i.i-t session of the Bishop'S • ■abinet Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Dft, ‘ W VV. Rear h . ir>g been i>rovleu»l|' stated f.-r this charge. Rev. Strt Steven* was probably mine nir|trlMt than a I- diii- else. The a -nitiiment < i Rev. Mr. Pajrl#• r to Park 1' tv, Richmond, was not ? alt- <« th-i :> surprise, neither was tfca'f assignment if Rev. Mr. WattrMt to i-•«*>.“ sir re- t a surprise. Hej t'lniiup- n Surprise. » The lending of Rev Mr. PhandUtt t,. (•‘■ntctiar.v. Lynchburg; was fuB> exoei-ted. The ussignfhent of Basc-m tier from Phase City to R|v» ermont. Lynchburg. >-ante as a great surprise. fn e« of tho f-ai.t that Park i’lao. n: ole a hard fight for Rev' jpJjjR ileors*- E. B-oker. his assignment to - Washington Street. Petersburg^? pro.ed to -tie of the Interesting f.-:it-:-r. -• f the appoic.tnients. As for** asteil. U Mr. T A. Sniott, of WB> min* mm N C„ was transferred t* the Virginia -.-onfi re nee and gtv«A the KpWorth o.-large ih Norfolk, var eat..] I-;. Mr Hooker that ti-naii Whit’. r.T, ii. I >r Whitley from l"i' to Boyd ton. <D*V Is th. new editor of the Con* limiml. and while it was r*»; tin h<‘ would be t hangs* :>•* intimation us to tvheM - u- Rev. John tit. tit*.erm<»nt, Lyncbbwi. ui lit Centenary. TM ■*r originally slats* ; it. iher- w he wo; Shaekf. r.i. of will rfplmt hi Lynchburg past for Ti iuit' lib iitnotid, and up to tktrl ■i.*u inf" dig o| the bishop's I'ublntt H "as th igl i he would be sent h«r%ij W T (ireen. >f FarmvUh’' pins in li rkh Memorial to suoce Hev. Dr. f.oar. lie.. I. B. Bsti presiding elder of the Norfolk dis» trlct for the lust four years, goes #|iy Smithheld -in ceding Hev. Mr. Wa»>! t< Clehl ill h Mr Hetty, who had ohm pi* Ids term "f service, is succeeded Rev. Dr IJi's-cinb. He was the OB J.r. siding elder Changed at this i . .mf-rem -> hkoieli of New Pastors. mm I;. .. It. T. Watt-niel<i. of Smith#41 thwho comes to Clay-Street, Hr " ■ . inpamtively young man In the prti oi ii;. ar..i has been n member of Virginia Conference for nlnet '•'iir=. He Is now <■ mulcting thir-i .tear :ti SmUhf’**ld. He is ;:erdt,i us a preacher of great fo itmi oratorical aidlit> Hev. U. t*. Parker, who is to It** nest pastor ol Rock Place, iiotn l,i Kies Memorial, Norfolk, i pastoral- of two years there, is a ul in of line presence and start* high among the inini.-.ttrw of the IVren - Ht is chu plain of Fourth Virginia regiment, and alway s evinced considerable interest I the military of the State Or, p. mu eh evangelistic fore* tins labored with R,v. I>r, Chat in noted reivaln. k> i. Ernest Stevens? who cunt* I Trlniti from Bedford City, suite* Kev. vv. It Proctof, who goes Karim ill.-, is a native or Federal and a Randolph-Maeon OoU«|*T One ton H years in Lynchburg at Memorial - b irch. He is now pletuiK bis ".■Kind year in liedfa iJeter, going t ■ that charge he two years \shhtnd, preceding Frank I.. Weld*. Th • new parter for Trinity* to . otiiparatlvely young man in the vigor of life, and Is reputed to t urst dasy preacher. I lata Done flood Work. itev J. T. Sewell, the next of Fiiirmount Avenue, nns twear.yj Chester on the t hestertield rtrei the tart four years. He hag a meiui.-r of conference for thing years. He is reputed to bo a' gK pulpit speaker and preached, too. has et, angel 1stfe gifts and doubtless acquit himself well new charge. Hev. S. Otto Wright, who hu assigned to St. Pant's fMashar ini>rlB)h comes from Cottage Portsmouth He has hern hff f art nee ten years and is a Barton Heights He Is l TU man and has done spienflMb Portsmouth, of his cnrllast charges WJW II; ights Later, he aervad'x