Newspaper Page Text
where he wb.« before going ’r*v.1 C.‘ T. Thrift goer to Bowling Ore*Q froiT^ Kent rhlg*. lie 1* a Kon tfolph-Maton man and also n Vander bilt man «uid 1« regarded at- on. the Strung***, young men In th< ,on fbrvnco. He was re ontly married. i*asinri Who Weave. Rev. Dr. a. I Lt|»s,umb, of Par J*hn*, tsoes to the pr* elding ••Idcrthi ■ mt the Norfolk di-utet after > i • *& hi* Richmond pastorate. It-\ . I »r Lipscomb i* one of the lea .Png n Of the Virginia Oonferrim. and « Blatant tviretary of that i'"d> li> has already served eight years a* t'C aiding rider stt'1 roneurntly I* no stranger to ihr work assigned turn Rev. VV. U. l fo tot. ..f Trinity, foes to KarmvllU* after doing n tine Work at hi* chargt here for four yoai We leavts n h at of frn nti? in KPh atond. Rev. (1. W. M Taylor, ot >• Pn.. (Masker Mcm>rW), will g t Port Norfolk an*! I‘Inner'* I "It I lie o . been very sn, < essftil in r.< .g finances of his church in lit* htro n and relieving llie church <•>' great . t»* barrass-rrent. CIuumMi r in Ljin lihurg. Rev. R. M i than ;b r • a, • 1 la Street to go OVr.t* narv l.yn. Muir*, after serving .•«« year her-.* iP v,;. , formerly presiding eider <»f the l’oit* mouth distri-. t. and was j Contra! , hurt h S»:nh Hi, ism iol four years. 11, has i.*n in th* . . fereti for thirly-fot r year* and to. | the reputation of oeiug on * seceding, strong pnaohnr. Rev. IP N I lartnoss leaves Pan mount Avenue for (Iraio < hur. h .Vo, port New?, aft. : being In IP hmon 1 two years IP is regarded as n v tv arous and nggri su-!v e pi • ichor nn.l i hur eh worker. Mr. llariHwi' has been a member of confereno. for fourteen n ar> It whs at Trinic. Norfolk, for io .r year? l*efor« coming Kiehniond. Kev linin'iliv l!urru?.- of la ’ n <5t * ti. is tan b »•> J 'h):s I lopkl: - Ini ’ eisity to pr -st ate st >. CONFERENCE ENDS LONG BUSY MISSION llISHOI*. IN I’lllllM. Vlil.HI *v». PHI lilt l-s < Ml Ul II I M IA I wii !. 11*mi m »• With t !* * * aiUpf j.iniimi! ,>?.•! ♦ . > «vat in th* au-i >u-, ,um *u»o kuIKt:* IjIh'ii tv **.vt \tiii *••»*♦ vjit i. c-Vi nw la? t • * • n w *iii tac vinn.utf i'i' • Vi iyn n.HK “How i-jrm .. ; * ;*• vi t »• -Ji thi iiyain xv» t>* ink Niiii , tv.-f! *ji w'itf«vri. C'mu U! a iu,i. \ t iii.jtt i-utivu* <i a; .it Him .n,.i a.mmig on h - 4&Ui<:. Crug'.’J run 'mi; t». r< m.4i U;» tj-f-uij *ij> It.t* s*M»r -1 ' ■= vt Itit < hutf.fl ftliv 4liow 1> mountt-U ht*» ficut in the pul)nt. i'tf l"i»hiu li/tv* Ml..I H U;iW vnivlit tr*a« tv ivjiar i *-1 a i •. M'.'Mvh-* ..j ,• vetcK had «taht i,i il )wm ticiij*uu-r ahi>. JitA . nr. Uii led off v. St pr»\it iti (\iiiiii in jiMkid that ncHit.ii aim »ir. it^ui imant ! ■ apt 1. -i Vo a*oi ’ ; 11 'ji. frpfirial uninUilli! *• . ri taken fi i K«>. i, anti *<»•» \\ A Tompkins. oli - iiiuf i"ii i-omiM : A. ■! to go on tin- -uiajri*imu.lted net la cause t>i ill i!*aim. a o iin:nun «n» also taken ; "r the e nit o tfaufch, cujCimu: , Appolntnu ups < : tt and torn mutt t r ,.t* >ears wt n annoim-'* * list til pastoral iip: J'tAtl. Bishop Wilis"!', resolutions offered 1 ftoyall, made a staring Whith he s.H.i thRt tti-r til" intlfta'ion that Hi, reacn. '1 ilo eiiti of his i • it Would ti"! l e lni.jj lieiort would 11 mm pi■ r tli. Clmr.P 'Inkine lip-tor*. "\X ■ ill tl". king !1:M a i lo • |ic declared, ‘nnd Hi outlook tT<"lin*l; radiant He iik 1 .i>rs><ii"t*'d tin • ‘nrunirna tlon of huii'ii 'min no distant elate, tint I|" ■: idu* d a hi H.i i it won id <lrt it hud neari» and Hi at lie church lie altofp He r f • ( till fell as a w gloried In intinlt Haps it M ould j i t • outturn d m pat a ti the sant* ■ nd Btsbop Wilson " ie&vW for Atlanta I. tnenfs weri read, i :. M. in 'K h n in in impelled H tin appoint twice it* Atlanta Bishop Wilson will preside j< rctl' e. Prior adopted Adopted Mr Kovftii, predation a •>'t Hi" .V-.rth iiinrgrin I’m,. tvhi< ti i "livi ni'd in that el; t ■ ndjo , run.i nt ii ii ii-reni , resolutions offered In He reel..Illinois ojY red I Ke\ preiims Ihanss and cp Hie manner in w hieh H . 'riniliiiK triejnix'r." find entertained Jr ad li,. II ieh n Mmn y Vpproprln leri. The contereiKt P .ard of ml.- iio »nnouneed the follon-ir.r|,ri tion» for i :< 1 n-1 f Jik'htuond IMutrlet: St Pfill'e . .i 4 Epwnrth . 2 Bran* h Memorial . l Barton Height!* .. Ashury . :• Kevi-n Pines . a Ashland. i (Piorhlami . . . 4 • Carotin* . Bowling' tireeii . .. Spotsylvania . i Benny-Street Mission . City Mission . i. Charles C;t* . I Total . Stamwihaiinock District: , West Lancaster . , West Point Ring William . . . King and Queen . . T.’r’ ana. . Middlesex . . . . North Mstthi n i . fjioutester Point . Tots! . ... Chariot tcarUte Hint riot: Hinton AViTim . . Woodvilie. It. Orange . Orozet . Piedmont . Kluvanna . 4 IS When you get your prescription for glasses, you have nreomphshwl only half. The correct fitting of ffeUDM to the face, the proper a<l | joatoment of noee-glasfce* and hjh'c tadraatwi thegrout rare necessary to iiwertion ef the profier len’see, MBpIfUs the relief sought for your > Optical trouble* g We are In position ut render you [ the necessary service. QitU/atfOptical C& | Opticians Of (he Beat Sort. | 211 East Broad Street. Richmond, Vs. ■amwi Horse Show \\ cyk » ' " York Shows what men have accepted as correct style' for this w inter. Our New York Resident Buyer is there and anything new will be shown at our store. Need New 1 nderwear Then we can most assurc'dlj interest you: Nearly “57 Varieties” ail (trit'd and Jure. From the fleectd-Sined at 50c to the Jaeger Natural Wool, at S.t.lO and up. For Boys. too. t - ■ r.i W ♦ <*1 I ‘ a ini’,« r W'■ f; Li ■«»1 ManH •1 • -i, t fit .-ft >1 • S • \ iah< rat Scott* V Hit’ : - . , I vim Mmi£ l>Kt rit t. Alin Viuta Tnnity. U oM I lit] StauMoi Hiv« i W.M < anipi . il \ Ivitnm Kll.a . Had in *n Sf \ i< w A. i l <>S M« U< V I ift i .! .MiddU I U-tlf • r<1 Total . .. >-<£00 I urnmUc HiMrict ; l Ti n* v i,u ward 1 W. Um-lunghum . . : iiiirkH ill. . .... i \ if l Hilt ...... < Mark sv i! 1»' ...... • 1 ’yV.Jial.i i. ....... 1• T -ta ! '... I*ftm Uk* IMst i if I — H!i*du h M* irtoi i&l .... i •*»“ (,’larr. i1'0 ♦ 'a mv 11 If* circuit . - HM» H* my .. ’ • ‘ vve-t Kruiiktiti I Ta nk 11 n ... Ka*t irafiUlu H.itrb k . Stuart . K.» t 1 la lit h \ . \ It h I all f ’ Smith I 'l a Ilk Up Hy co . ..... Saul) Haiti a x fVter-hoI'g Ii!-trl< I—r ‘Wefdoy. '■ Hiuiuifm <1 . \\ > Hi Str* • t . 0 i'Stt.riok . . . * Mftloa '« . . ' "1 ‘ Wuverlv .. .... ' m * «lr< etiefcv Hi*' . . . * ■ •• i ‘in w hi die . . ... . . J'irunsv.» k.. > Ti>t#! .. 1.90!) 1 I’ort'immili I >1‘•Uriel— I kVctu Moti. <V i31in St . II ti. umi 1 Brighton . . . , *'"> > U rii;it > <. Humnii 11 n .. *..*» • >xf'*td » Magnolia . . :oo ; ‘*eUuge« I ’la* e .. i j < 'rlttendon . ......... J :>w i Mount V « rtian .. .... . ’ 1 \Y imfs*>r . i. ... 1 oo Total ... .. 1,4.»< j Norfolk JMnirlit— I To v. * *;» i . 11*1 nr; . . IV* lo nnha\ on. ' ** * I • then «v ■ Tin*- I M-f»rh .... u> ( (Jra N< vvport N« a h . . . : I {;trnpton Koadu ... . . K.u \ST itanishurjf . . « *uk i* t1*> . .. . , . T'»arto . . f Wa rwU’,( t Ti rutl . . . UOv* Total . . . ... i,Y m» I .ii-ti’m Shore* hklrk *— / 1 l**‘ OlM itf, . . .... . M i 'hi ritoti . Island. A'-i ■ -mac .. filoxom -. 1 H* r iin . . . ,y.. 1 0 * * l >m < hi Ku r .. :>u South l>ort'h(at• t*,. Total ......... , too) •»r»* half salary of . nnfVr *-n-e p» - rt in ry . I, ■"**»o (Irand total .... . 1 >.7 T O Seeks More Endowment. President Blackwell, i>1 th«* hoard «*| education, submitted the follow ng spr coal report "Ail our schools ere pro-j.« i ous, 9 tiu* atftti**tlfal report and to tinur*s for t)ds s'B*k>n indl ite j.*. ,0. over last session. There I. s bean, h"v\o fr, »:on»]»arativ< l'. II* t!* added to the Hidownifiitss *»f tin SChCMils. Soup u .** M t ; ’ | during 11 • J(.st pea.-iion to coir |*!»*i« th« itulowntent of the alumni « hair «<f niod * rn latuu/wf-s at Randolph Macon <'<>1 1* K*‘, thus addmj.' $40,000 to tu< pinna nent endowmerii funds. $*js,00>> i r-. t-ei-ii added in butiCiinKs at Ihunj.. ph Manoii WonmiiT t oilet,** "The matter * f endowment «n *n nomi nation el «oItep*s .*.** <-f Htiprcnn interest at tin* pr* int tion* To*- t-. n petltiori of the StkU. :•« !;< f-l^. hk |: are te.x-supporte*!', m:-ik« - 1) .» qu» e: ii r. of uru'-ni irnporttum M ta Slot* Rthoolfc. have ih»* * norr»jou> }idvanut|?e • v* i oth* 11- )j-. bavin* i hi -tat - treas ury . to dr iV. poo. ,-r.o <)■.-- tin y wv enabled to oflw fr* -* tUlti a id s.nne even pay r .aroad fun •< i,-. 'rom the unlvei'Potv. Aiur*..var. n.vh;yr to the MamPtrn that i * .01 t \ u* 1 ■ nuinational 1 Co!I*:-|;i' . the Slao in**t ion. .iff be - cehsin* n -ne r,nd m*>if com * roi»i ala-ut tin iOf*j;:i and reh^u*'•>* welfare of t: or ?*■ i'l'-tith. .Mr. Weatherford, ths M r-S.ry v.f >h* RtUdcnt ^ M. C A., g*<'*•» *» .»» e ine>st tiitf'i est il'g and en« «,ei e'ijf. • ■ : - *.» sla w the y,ivat in who*.* *) 1 • relic tous ifiilu* ;j«*•*». that ar»* - a * be fonitd t\ tn,».py of our >'• • '"ye j 1 * esiiii-a< <>;' t>n*-*• uiiin-;. Hi giv* s tin niniinu. toe, on bi..u*-i.i iiifuirh early biunc/ie to get- tb* *• !*;, b« man that ti e Slat*, afford?, and hi* mik&ry is paid from th* %ti 1 urj -*i tbi univei ;.; IVl all heartily rcioice t tiila !mprov«*o J comiiU' ti, It tuakt ff it harder to main lain out d* nononaU<maI mi bo *! Oenommationai Question. "The altiiailoii givea mu* h * om*eni to Uiuao & nguKed in U oik dm -u... j'. y'T.,.. .* WHERE. THE PASTORS GO FOR NEXT YEAR ! •■"! ■ , - r »' • ;-pf Ostm< r*u ** vt i1- <R»nf<*r *1 i -■ l*,;> ’ »>•- • - lit . u «I> l>) ' l Kit i « l 'l»t« r4 \\ . \. I hr«ti-in. t»t*:unn—»• , Weil* \v!.| „,j s Jf * r r ■ vt K Itu^ i.rrrit—<\ T Thrift ‘ iitiuBe—\\ . a. J»-i« rfv,>, f li..i lc» < ft «-' ■ \\ .j. , lk I, (•wtM judB.'—J', U ,*it !.!• I’tH. * tint a. . —H \. 11. I *<■ r» J «»-—.! J jt (ij ij.y Hi. hiiMtntl Vnhiirj —W ij j {; ?, (; *»■•«■> 1*1*1*-I. T \\ ilJil*!! " ftati.Mi .ir.uhi<t~ '■ ( !»riv ,, i * lt»;. It iirttlil'ial ittt (I k 4 ik l»l« II,I *l4**‘ ft**-[! | | f N(>f, *•! reel-—,-' ( Uat. ; I i illi-H t % -.f 1 ;i , M.llli. ( ru.t iki—41 • . J Tenter - i rep I—-I i T \> i: - .« < ]<t i • i n *»r r - t reel—tT. i'nn-y’*: i>tk.-.*> Mrr. | — V \V. I U t v <• m : 1; » ;n,(»fliK—To h. .j !•. K. } ! • 'V.IA i air. «H»|| h(,U(ir>~li. 'V >{ V. I’«»k-—i». T, Mortal* i'HiiiH * U I — I { ., I’ni.s I' r ami Ui|iiii.nHi;e—,\ . O f ‘a r k t r. ‘ i. .Intii< <•.-—(j i; r, . ij. **<. Haul's—• « • \\ }|^:m l r.uii \ — i/in . . r r t ** \ t111 m. I ntoii Mxiiion— K. H, I'i-u .. u ‘■'•I * nil Hi itioriul—.! M |(\. y\ iaii-l. s: Jiu **n». s—.1 K M. h|»arrun. UnniM—11 JoiinM.n. i iiiimii«:n ‘>n rriHi > of Missions—! fi. !;m a ImK?. \ HKii- iiit(. i .iillor llnltlinore nit«l ftlrti < briMttan Vilvooiiif—.! p j , t > l’» .n. ipiii ^oiKhern Seniinnry—Ik II s :3 - rIu«i*iif|<*iH of < olportiiKe—J H of f 4>nfrreii<‘p Or iili/tnnKP— v }; > up,. * re reI«r> of More Hoard of < h«rl Hf» a ini 1 orrt'i't Sons—i |. Mt-iin. '‘•••‘'tin nt .lohf»-l!o|>kliiM I i»l\«*rsltv ****** lupiiiltrr of < aiolinp 44n«ri#-rl> « »u If « »*in t —i . i i r, vHI. i Ujitii> . '(‘*r»'«nry \lifl>>aioon tcHKiif-1. Mi .\ 11. I **!• i imuollifx DlsflUf V. I'rr«>i<llit|r Hitler, >!. S, ( oloitnn. A ilietun rle-—*' Watts. Aiiihtiw?—»' !•;. BtftnK'tiship Hatc»villo—-• 1-’. Conn r. < harlo^trmJilf. Clrit < Inin h—<!. « \ K «• 11 s |; D. • 11 • •»p'-rnunifrary. 111 Ilia II Uruilt-it. I* /aunpklp. < r‘w.»-l—'!<> Im *- U p p 1 i i m | h; <fl Xcu la rry. * »iI|»**|M>r—‘ ’ K Hca.-uiil - < ( ireiilt — If \ Slnntor, I liittuiun—To 1*4* KUpplH.i tiy II ’la i k. <»t nlon«% III**-1 F t'uthtlPil <,rrrue—.1 K. Holman !,oi:ih«—i ' W i « fiwn >iHiJ1moii mill Mono tain A| i»»ion-— L > .Wf Mount I'iensnnt-—\ S. !. Hp** \<-Uon—I. H h.. r 1 > Urunff**—.1. 'C \ 11> i». l*ieilnio»it—'i’o 1m -up{i!i. <i i,> \\ . li. k >. .1 k;t|i)iiii)iiniMM-k'—I’ M I’all. Hoi kllsh—- i’o In* S ipplUol h\ 1! I! -pUins •'I .- ifstlllr —! I ! ‘tow n ^ontli \ in hers t —. I H kavehh* : \rnhrrMt—k L. Hank W i M t.iMM lilami—To l > >,ippll' d j/ I * lli'ii * It *. . W#ti llnatui'r—\V * i’at f U immUIUi.— W !' ' I lelil Am nt of f unfrifiH i* Orphaanuc —\ t'i Mklmuir) to .Iit|»:ti»—l H H:nlr*ri. tliotiminri to Korra-** T t'oil. r H \ \ \ ti l i: DkiHin . I'ri'iiiiliutt I.filer, 11. 'I. Ifvekham. < nsenilr—I, J * m ih!v * luiihmn—>J 1". kiuck Hli*. < aiirl) Sirr**t Xlemorlul—\j. Vv . G iv i i luif) — I'. \\ I-*.'. v: *.rurr-—Yu **■ supplied by -f -I Gre Mr*ln “trrri—*V .! N e u nu H»nul l crnun— i ! ’• W" ■*lrdd Xit'iitarinl—! '' " -\ ■ Id him! “•luke^lniHi— K. ihm * Ilf. « Irrult — T 1 .«M I rMlikllll — * ^!a^} I lallfM y-~. SN I' r i »»k 15 ; ! « K I H «u r * — I > • Tra 1 11»«•<>— \ . I Ter MsrUitN^ III**— \or11* I*mlrlt U — l*;> t l it k——T /•inhb-h l-l lo h atiiit — S It 4>4 k 4 XHttJlO—— I I <*i*th It<»• ♦#>»*—I >«»»< U IIalii; \ — V «»ti i It »• ran klli»— . Mar-bull v'unri — !: ’ ’ "*‘1 V. «*•» l- i ankltn— \\ ptit l*;il rlek —— J ia re. Haiti:! i; T K« Upplb d bv J. VV I >r IV. >unk l' till.-4.1. ■e -Upplb L. »I;4K« lb/, r. i:\sti-jin *i«o»*r. ih*»tiu<t faw r.Mrr, \X . II. |-:«1 w »rtlw. \ * I’omii**— ' • \ 11 ft n 11 <—T f»c.le 11in **n — Berlin—T< b |||o\om— V < iimhridKe—1” .1 M G HUppll Tw ,11 B. M .1 parra\ H. Gill I1 a rd T Candler Wallace b • supplied I .T. -r> C, Hutti supplied b; Harry < mubriiiu** * Ir.'iil* < npctllle—I <>rur < <h«rle*—-H t helium—! H Don hi*i*t rr—Ti SM bo! <»!• I r«i»kum n Hon Island r odd Ketlcr— W 1 OnamiM'k h»iI tmJrrw < Impel—>• w • Oitlr> «m* 1.04 usi \ llle—I M Hank. I'iMiimclu*-—!'. K briivd"! rtinvotrHicuf—W. ' Murphy. Mill—.) I'” <’. '•* y. Voutli DorcHeater—-To hi'* HUpplinl <y \ t . Brewdngdon S\ ni lmpravciie—d H Hetoiv \\ Jromlro-—I. H Alkovs. HUKionar* <*> Japan-> ton. . . Si mient In \ emlerhlH I nl\ er*Jl> and member of l)orel»es*er M*»arfeii> re rente—* v Sruilb. Principal t ape i h«rli*n HlftU nnd member 4»f < up** < h irlea i^iarlrri) f oitferenec—<» iM Cl?*vR C .\ • w * r\HMV II.I.15 IHSTRK 1 Hreslilii.K t: I tier, I*. T. Dmlmun. —J. I'. Daniel, K. .1 1’oH;, i!»p t : *r€*1 VVhiH.-i . , \V :?isf Meld. A. SB. Hon rad. \V Oi'o Ha rr • \\ s. Ilohtnf Hlnikt.toni'—I Ho* «lIon— i T. Himitinidinii)—! 11ii»• kevIIfc— . < Hrfrm I lie— .1 t hnrlofle—I. C’ 1 br*».e < 'll >——.1 ♦ IrirUayHle—' ’ S', eru f baker. 1.. o*: • . u pornumo?*n' f rrne— \ 1. I r .riklin. i im.b« rlti»Ml—O. K. H. S»* t • I'nrm vllle*—VV U. I'roctni. Ki alirUlgr I IrniH—*Tu b» -upplieii. I .unc tdiuti4*» I ohn W < arrolj A. , pdiTilimtlimb! iHlueatlon Hdllitb ji mo&t * she i-onk H» t be imp<> mH» tloimi relief •lie! ■tat iv An ariirle by i l a re*;,'m , ^ivin^c tin- resiba op > f-l miy < >n \ ,«• eUbjeet. e. • ’ , *i; i :<».>n M fit it will n r• op i.j :.h*- d-' o-inina ln tb«.‘ • of vunp* tl tion with ti.\-Huoporttd iuatltuXionw This ail'i MlilvT liJAVP bronrb! 1* p! ‘ * from Smift Ort In a i 1 • sb<*r of The C’hvlstiftn yt •,.! j. i, I*-. Ynmmts Nt-hoJ.«4*n. the secretary of tiu- boanl of * <l»n-uHon of th‘* M Mion' t I'hiiaeopal « 1 tir»*h, takes a more lu-p* ful view uml maintains that the «a e.njidi/atM'nal » "lie^n ear. live -if it has a million dollars of «*n~ down'* nb To many tills puimtis as b../ 1 a s ,' ,.- .i*- J'r j'. * t>r Ib'll!day‘«. In. o,,r in hi >« ihnre is no • t of the iieru y of the dot- .mb ?*tSunal < fait ue v-.nnot live ( H;'-* UuU i# w«»rth ilvlnn wlthoiii ample endowment . f ran fc r*»n. i hl» max l,e in the form of Interest - boa ring endue, iru.nt, or the oommereial center aw m si pertt f . or of a wealthy pntrun. The history of our •mtHuUons if A i nor lea pt<*ves ibis po sition to be voire. 1. Ti e t lun*ch'x ef« fortm imist t* KUiiplemomeil by one «*f lb* we means, ui supj'ort 'Hm* lilstorx of uuf piuwptoiuuji liuighhor, Trlolly t \ U. Po* oil. • i i* 11 u i» .1 r » 4.. »— . I’i (' » ,uv\ » <!— p. • ;. . t 1—.}( {,]. - • * • n,.i—c* j \ l Ml Ut < ir. Ii; W f »l Ilu< - . \*■. <•» Ihte 1*4 .* . 1 nudi. U'.iiiMU'- • \ I'r. » 1 m ! »* i tt Hiilutc : • h!i lif-soml 4 JirK* . pnn > ml;* ut »•' JailM V Hi til Oil. , *~d. .. r\. .1 ti l.ukMoat* !•> I ill s kKioue Re • .< *»r llnltliuore ;tnd » • «*v rtu and .1 • -tUMdll I.CttJIM*— hi vc iiin »? • m*T»u< t. l‘rp<*hMnit Ib;«: 1 McN, Slitipftou. . \ {ipui intlft t — %llo VUt«—T< lb .It,in I Pity— Urilnirfl < Irt.n t—-1 It (Uonl Sf»j hi*i* — UnMiknr.U nnd \\ « ‘ vi.» n 1.--. < m iifjcn—-,j * '»ft< on)—( ’ l { Kllm-To ho .1 nidbs. da nk on.ship. Pldo d. Rear. < bnrlotte—.1 .’•r by V\ H ii. Ht.lHii.i—L ville. I.> ». ^ '•»»*«• * ntf eunr j — I; n 1 lor . Mrcfi — i Pcumtt. 'Puiurlal—W, • •*i>tT ItlvpriiHMi \t. . ■ >ut !>• y. Stnifh t |«*vr no/ Providence—To In* ‘Ui-i '••■<1 by V. \ nr. . IriMilj— .1, <1 f: V» c*tf I ,nl— ... • r-h. UntHiton fir — 1 K. Walk**! Middle ll«*»lfuri!— 1 I* Williams. North ll«vl ford— K. I .umbditt. Ntnlh Pi it at.t it nniii—Ttt la* supplied by W. I. May,;.. Stfinultic Hirer— be supplied, h Hertford— ■' Marsh. "<■*( ranipbeti>- (’. Morse. NOHFOI,.v UN lill’T. rrculdliiR Kill*• r. ii. F, Lipscomb. Ileihel mill Plm* llciuli—.1 H. Amis*?. hikI Ra* 1 ukuibI — \\ . \V. lloy ill. Ro* Hill—N J t* n. 1 f lit fit Of*. t'entrnl—O. K. * n 1 lr*i f hurcb— . Wray. H ii nip (on Itond*— W Hotan. Lambert** point— .1 \. Thotua I ruuhihm—Huckcr. \f«l»orf Nrun. < hoHfnnl \venm— .1. Tay lor, hrnre— R. N\ ! ? Trinity —W. G. Norfolk. ( rnlrnar)—Jc W. Shuekford. * 11 Sunil K l*'. Gayl- . I Ip worth—T. \ * >t t.hont—< \ (>. r l.rivlm Memorial—P ' t l>avls. M< Kemlree<—d. < in s Park PlHce-—Y Potts thri’oii Street— P» rad ford I . In; It—«’.JIY .4 o-a*. . Oak let te—.1. II. KnMer. 1’i iiMfaa Vnnv— ' ’ Pa y in Providence Mini 1 ape Henry— a. U. south Princes* \»«uc—J. T. Moon I'oano—J. K. W \\ miainuhnrn— obi Warwick < Imilf—! b - ^ u j»j»114mi « liajilain to seamen—• H Nit rriit. i onf»*renee NIlN^lonary Seeretnry— * P- 1aiii't.amp. IM.TKKMII ! * IHSTHICT. l‘ri‘Hi<liiiK *• i' Mpiio^w Irk—1 " 1 hunter ft rid—-1 l‘<; juir. n—*' V Din hldit*—\V .1 K .lutH H. :nsur i-urc r. k ! •*•*< Dlnv\ Iddt*1* Kmjioria—I ! I ;t jrK K-* }. \Y <. reriicMN ill*"— I. • o r in tli« Mino n— \ I Mock lento irjc— IV» Hlnntifortl nntl M>nl. sir, ,•!—\\ Mi* "‘('••■i—l W •'irrefc—-* \\ c h 1 e j —- \. H r; ; U ph! *» i r«-»' i — i t. *\ \! • • I'rinre <..• «,«• — >!. S K! ••onth Ii- i. .<•!*—— .f. T < hv*«* 1 i Arid—J i: a ft*. Hf, kman. I i. Mark -. ‘ .id, I U’hH i ;k Point—11. IT \ r '.v 111 s«iiih urn \N nkrlVId - N\ ***»! Hrmu \\ i*nf 4 hr>> IH::u k Cat '*n H. I’\• 11il' i, -.s' k" l.r.. * <•* I <1—-W . !. 1*011 l ' Mot TH UlvrilH 1 !*r«“MKIin^ liter, S, .1 llnm t>. 1 d fieri > vr 11 Memorial —• fjlpt €>*!- — 4 »«iia hluail 11 ty« •. < i O (riitlmi - I laaklin Mr of N\ i Mount 1 ft »». ^ i‘ tt minis — Norfolk < <» * ford it ml ’ 'rnieh field. tlfrlilrj . — U. t* S.-oU. I' Ur* *n Kl-I.H. k, -d \\ t-s»t Nor Mik 'd. JiMiLm llJOll—I I. 1. J k) ' i — Hifhani >'t,, n—a. r um • 1). v . Car?:nil i —!; T ■li(IIUlifl—J. l; *f Hmotif l». • .Vlfc Vf V. .1 C H. I'trlxtilon—N ' {• Spo* 'iii r. nl nail Him Nvennc— V. Smart. and rimur’i < i tilrn! — 4 Ot iHKi' I ‘hi* 4 • II airrlon in Momirurntul (Mont t! V'.' a. Inc . Pmk N i o ’ — Fa v lor. N\ rig it4 >t«*r Oi l—J. T Hr* T *-»ii;hf!eld— r i;. H.(t ‘‘outhamiiiiiii—l' iJ.cCra wh-v > t*iiI ti N ori.. x—-A. ‘ V .Kir ! . v»»fVolk—•< ‘ leFad* n. U link*j sill*- ariii komerton—J An r i nc\ \N linKor—A , W'hitmoiv. W. M. If \ 1*1* 4 V Not K !H* I HK I . Prewld i« l!rlfcnn> — luafcl 'In' i.n-t M S'uHt York — (»lotift’i*! r r <Mum cm1 cr ! IlrnlliMi 111 — I Irin!tn «v 'i» Klnr; 4, or King 1 M at thru m— ’Vliiltlli'sci — M'»««i omv— Law ."in . . . North Mm HK-hiuonrl > I'rt-Ulrtf!! I il wuna—' \\ c.mI ! no Ider. \N . f. Fa y lor. HltitK*!. -J. A Winn .—c. H. Fielding:. .! Wl'liamn. Hates*, Jr. W. Sawyer al— J. W. Hi .list on. T. limit ten. V. I Kill, — K. O. Jam n—C H. Kidd. _l. I* l nKble. 1.. War* J. Phaut-. 1*1. Hobday, l>o supplied by T. G. , Tn bn HUpol ' ' nil— St arko Jett. —11 Ii. Smith. Hus by. r—\ N. I a vvis 1. V.rtsf ni »j: * lu v> N\e*.t |* tini—' N\ e*tin *rt l.itia NN hlli'ls * -• W . < >K d H. FtnTleston. — IK K. Hudson. D. Hosier, rhfttn. n. Colb’e-n : fJamiirM. I! k * • ,- •* : • KtJlIilli-. : tin :r .< * t ola -bal!' to HhJab Is |»K .-pt i)**t. U Ti mb* n the f Hilo as th in point. The North not fciven anything ■ tin ir oollt*k'» as A ir - eii to ours, nor ir - giving tuoro than i>ur otirtferoncfs give ton; ami y«*t Trinity -s •Kaftdniph-Macrm Is ! is? Himpl.v I et a use k of It rich patron* In (ind h* n(>« it has tv. n o out ns ftaiiilolph-Ma x,p^t» a,* against our Srhec is v’ ufit Be Endowed. Ml Gus ■ the point which made again and again. = must bt cm lowed U i o vigorous life. Ttan ■■!»« .. • "* oris a half mil endowment. ami the i 'il* ge «huuId come for '»* its endowin* nt to The Cfdletjo has a good a;i educational circle* school #-ducati>r« us this i-ourd • that our . < i tie > ;tr* C ; u'Uph A? . * ficilnre frh nds of * ward Mui I thij limoiti1 reputation h. among pu'oiic standing for men t|i h-*n* among institi As furftito*. <ti to hold th* is high entrance rerjulre -11 y administered, and hen* of higher learning t ;:raddates who "ur*‘ able • »wn in the professional a$whooi» Vi itli Uii, gia.uua.tes of thu most i ■ The I’i k Department is showing a greater variety of Christmas good- than e\ei before. Frerh, ele; n flock'- eiter service, plentv of time. '1 hose are some of the reasons for early Christmas shopping. A lev, n in lies spent in the Book Department to* morrow will he well invested. ( ie i-f n ;.s l’i slit's, hundreds of new subjects, choice <1 for 5c. < alendars- < op> right mot toes and pictures, special, at 10c. Booklet -- r.,000 t'luisinms booklet, regular l()e values, choice 5c. Seals ■ All sizes and styles. 5 and 10c packages. Tap' - Per package 5 and 19c. ('h; a trims Boxes -Choice of 75 sizes, either holly or p linsettia ft. Ie.'ie to 15c. Tinsel Cord, per ball. 10c. I'd - on Bed, green and holly, per boll 10c, 15c and 10c. I’liisepatoui Piet unx, Another thousand clever subjects, to-morrow, 10c. Waste Basket - • \b ny extra values offered at 10c to 49c. Postal A11 -.un - Photo Albums, Strap Books, a complete showing from $.1.50 down to. 10c each. Photograph Frames—All sixes, many are priced specially at 15c, 20c ami 25c. Book l acks All styles at reasonable prices. 53.50, $2.50, $2.90. 51.50. $1.25 and'$1.00. Painting Books for Children—Many new novelties, 10c, 19c, 2c and 39c. Paper Dolls, in sets mid sheets, priced at 10c. 25c and 50c. Ben Hur Illustrated play rs edition, $2.50 book, special $2.00 rOU have no time to loose. Thanksgiving Itny is only one week off. V\e can help you. | Some very unusual values in every (It partnent that will help you to celebrate i, this holi-lay of Thanksgiving at a tittle J i-out. livery requisite for personal wear or household use cun be bought here at prices that mean economy. There arc hundreds of tliinifs you will need to make Thanksgiving a pleasant and memorable occasion. We are ready to serve you best and at a big saving. Are You Thinking of Christmas? Those a ho start their Christmas shopping early—uhn shop leisurely— trill be iiliui to welcome Christmas. They n ili not be tired from fatigue eon trai led 'he few days just before Christmas. But as happy and content, knowing that all their shopping is over and ro me over looked in gift selection. We want you to come and look now-, you are under no obligations to buy. * MILLER A RHOADS. B H1 Women’s Tan Walking Gloves, 85' Th> -<■ are one of the most popu lar Kiri Gloves f hi>> season for -tree! wear iiunlo of heavy weight cape stock, in three ahaHoe of Ian; -pear point hack, out ream, sewn with one tTasp at wrist, a very -crviceable street glove for ' $1 and $1.25 Novelty Suitings, 52 Inches Wide, Special, 9 These rough novelty weaves are very fashionable for rout suits ’h • season, very easily tailored—full 5- inches wide, iri such popular shades as brown, navy, garnet, wisteria, grey and green, November *ta sale price. . .. lu 50c Rough Suitings for 39c. Duttons of distinct styles in diagonal stripes, mixtures and solid col.a-. There's something to 1st considered here besides savings, though the latter is worth while, and that is the beautiful quality of these fabric.; they nr. excellent values, suitable for house dresses or suits, in all the fashioliabl. and most popular shades, regular 50c goods; special November *al. QQ price . . .. ....... OJC i 85c Faille Messalines, 69c Yard. These Rich, Lustr ous Silks are lit inches wide, very popular for making evening costumes, theta* can bo had in both street and evening shade, such as, light blue, pink, tiile. cream; white, navy, brown, grey, old rose, green, wisteria, smoke and black All Pure Silk Messalines, Special for 49c a Yard. Id inches wide, with a beautiful rich luster, in all the p< ; uh r and in Wanted shades, for thif sale; special. . . .. . . »/C u famous I < v* r in«titutio!’>» T«» o<>n tinur t * • •• this hl;-ih grade of v,«>rk :*.s t-julow m» jit. should bv imr^isv:} fo> v..ime in th*- but* future. "What Js Haiti \vith p gard to the en dowment of liandolph-MiU«»u t'dlege to all our '.aatltutionj*. second* ary and collegiate. < nir people ran do u t renter a-i'Vii'f with their inerea.'i inj? wealth than to endow these Insti tutions ami put th, ir perns.mem sue e sr beyond ..■ il qucslion ' lilllllll- \pi»<>illtPll. H, ,mls and spinning iiunmitt' for th, in-Ki four > oars ttvr* announced us. folio v, s’: joint I'o.ira of 1 inan. o~ S. C. Hat n* r, H. ,i t i. ’ ,r ci. }■• t•oiner. K. Hlankensh.ip, W. A. S Ciunrad, 8. tib I i . Uiam \V II. Atwill, W. I'. Gresu. W. <}. Starr, 1'. K MvSparran, J. 1‘. I. raiuh. J. i . HAiows. H > >. IJadon, I;. C. i'ross. .1. .V Cm to, VT. nl, Tal l!..t J. C. Mavis, la,- Hr ill, W U. \ i. ur, J \V. Whs ut. ' Hoard ot Missions--K. 11 flaw Imps. II H. Smith. C. Is. Blankenship. 11. H. Bennett, J. t . Jt • 1. J. it. Winn, T. ilro-n, S. 1‘. Join s. (}. i'. Maun. lira, c I ;1ynis W. I’, lviy, H. fi. Harrow. 11, (•. Korns. \V H. Vincent. Ogorge K. Hook r, \v. W Retail. 1! t'. Units. VU1 r sparklin. v K. Keilam. I. J. He lp Hoard of F.duraLinn G F. Greene, \v. H. Warn. t!. Kills. <■ R. Janus, juntos Cannon, J. \Y. Houliitn. J. T. ilosman, H. K. Johnson, T. 1 v-t .•-, I*. M. llank, H. B. HlaevweU. J. \V G Mavis. !•. T. \V< «*. \V. W .smith. • k I*. Adams, C. G. Kvuns, Mi- W - 1 ■ Mrs'-* - rv J. «\ Marker, G. 1. Stevens, J* 1',. Tankard. .-iinday School Board—-J. ■“> 1-a tharn, W. T. Williams, c. IZ. i’li nsunts. W. A. I V oper, J. I'. Join s. T. A. Jolt, W. T. Martin. K. I1’. ShoflAy. J. i >. Moss, T. G. Kdwards. \V. T. Williams, H. M. Mas* v, G. W Wray. M. Hardy, H. S. Kniory, Id. (1. Mo. h-y, R. T. Hartley. J. B. Story, J. tv. Gran ly, W. Id. Hearn. Bp worth la'ayue Hf.rtrd—J. H. Moss, S. Jett, \V l.oftwirh. C. 11. Wil liams, Id. 11. Howell, 11. \\ . Mavis. It. H Marks. W. A .smart. C. »>. Tuttle, J. W. stiff. M. A. I'ampin 11. W. II. Stoakee t* M. Hatt**-, T. S. \V. ’t, U. Id. Hlaekwell. C. T. Wammiu-k, H. U. i' . r. Charles S.ver. J. W. Idunmi, F. i. . Hines. Uilile Board--ix. T. H. rr. st'-r. H. B. 1 .inks. A. B. Franklin, W. T. A. ilaynrfi. T. J. Taylor, 11. H. Husoy, J id. Stuia'ls. G. H. Bambeih, W. 11. I Vitos. Sr., J. M. Gre,ne. Hoard of Chur h Kxtinslon—A. C. Herryman. I,. J. Phaiip, J. . Bledsoe, J. Id. Hearn, W H. Jolt. W J. Young, X. IJ. Kouahee, G. 11. M- l'nl n. 11. 1. | layle, W. J. Twillo>. i W. H.trdv.lok. J. W. MInter, (V Ini!,i s. J M. H. it' j. din. 11. M. Whip . J. T. Gatlin. It. ‘ 1. (i Kennan. (.' W Stool, T. J. Barham, A. W. Short Grand Total for Missions. The hoard ol min'd ms reported that the grand total raised from all amines for tniasl ma a .rs remit <3 $12(1,lui. On motion of Roy. Hr. Gannon, the hoard of education Just elected tv ns made the "hoard of alr<"-tora "f the Methodist (episcopal Church, South. II imi |uirated." Wililnm Ar- her Wrhtht, grand«on of the late Rev. Muter Archer Motor son, of the Virginia Conference, was recommended and admitted on, trial. It is undrstnod that he will lie ap pointed to educational work. Th report of tin- eonferono, Pin readi r showed the following: work un dertaken mid prosecuted, though not oomphted Krdoumont and eoiiipmunt of .Soo.-hotv Mniverslty...fjn.oOO HutUltng of i hurc h in Japan.. 22.000 Grnnhery College. Hrazll .... 15,000 Ti" friiiie si hold. Korea. lO.iiOO and eleven other speoialw of minor Jm portanoe GOVl llt.VOIt M'l'tK r\G IX W MJRUN COI NTV Governor Mann is spending at Riverton, in Warren 'oonty, where h' wijl deliver an address on the agri i ultnral and edueatldnal devalopment ol Virginia. Thursday the governor will apeak in Harriaonburg. SLEW'S ELEM )U!!STi ii.. \'A . November ! »».— With we railing of a meeting of the •Ninth mstrivt I lentorruuc ceimnut*■■ £*•»• November -'i, at I’uia at by Chuir niHU Ht. t httr. it now p us tn mgli u.ere ituy t i ,, i. njiUat me.- . .. Henry C. Sdourl against tni' eici tlon of Hits com i•*n111. the Kepublican, tvh t, on iho I hi t i : t- . t ion cay returns re * ho' i u mu, rtty of - i vott a ui t r toe ltemotrutic n tint net-. •Mr. St. Clair's a- tt..n was taken after a public letter had t>*-« ti (-• ■• ii i.t In by Mr. Stuart. The chairman in his tall f'.r the mrnuij ur.:ctt every tm-mlier of the committee and nl! the >!>• oil district commit* P. .rueii to attend. Mr. Stuart stilted iit his letter h<- had been In ft me i1 t in guluri 1 lies tousled In the c.ccthui and nolle In- was not prepared t ■ mai<e any ; nt :• I : fattens Jl SJ;! 11 d/Hu It. II. 1“. t i.uillilati or party, ho wb.lo .1 tie , tmltiM to mt estygate and he ' would aldrte by ,ta >1*• isioll. stnari's Ixlter. Mr Stuart s letter follows. "To tin Democrats of the Ninth \ ir ginift District "A 1 oruing to till1 fare nt the re ti rn.« Mr. 1' Has Slump, the Kr puhllcan ni min* e. has Iw-eit elected to congress firm our district hy a. majority of 217. The definite figures of tie result will he known from the State hoard of eon. usser*. wnicn metts on the I a . my-eighth day 'd Not emher, at Klohtnond. The duty • f this hoard is confined to ca mpiling and reporting the figures from the various counties and Issuing a certio rate accordingly. “It must he recognized as a funda mental principle, that no man can be 1 In ted to any offh e unless he has re - colted the v< tea of n majority of tin legal tv qualified voters participating ii the election. “If I was convinced that Mr. fflrmy : had rcelved sio’h a nin.b ritv, 1 wnuld : accept choerfu’ y the figure* rth re portni, well satisfied with the work of thi' T'emooratl party In redo in a ma.!1 r'.iy ■ f f 101 hy ^ out n.sfto and looking forward confidently to future vo r ries. local and general for the party In the diet'd t. It has hern brourht to mv notice, however, on 1 video -e so strong as to d< man ! sr rh.os aUenttmi, that many illegal votes were carl nu$ counted for Mr, Sleinp. I fi el that In justice to the party and people wfio have done me the honor to make mo their stand ard-hearer, I must ask a full investi gation of this election, with the pitr eo-ie of arriving at an honest result Tht ref. re, 1 shall ri fer the matter to the Democratic district committee, the lawfully constituted authority ot the party, that It may consider such evidence as may he submitted. 1 shall then hold myself subject to tin a-ivlce and Instructions of this com mittee, I n the question of whether or not to make a formal contest for tie- seat before the Hou^e of Jtepre sepi Mves. ■ Meanwhile. 1 ask all loyal Demo 1 rats arid alt my supporters to await patiently the notion and decision of. the party authorities. X feel that 1 can say for the commltalon. as tor myself, that there is is no purposi to take advantage of any technicality or take action, except suoH as mat h. necessary to make sure, ns neurit hk p' sslble. that the district shall be n tinnted be the man reeiving the majority of the legal votes east. 1 have acted on this principle steadily, whether friend lor foe suffered by its application, .ana 1 command It espe- , daily to those, of my opponent* who j have clamored so toudly for purity ill (ddethWls. "HowevV’, such an investigation. rimy locate election frauds, If any have been uommittod, utid Identify 1 those guilty of then)# tu Mparats ... . . '■ e' ,1 . \vv .■■.ftj'r. y. y.. , these w It. spf.l ! ■(' le nest elections I rent those wit-, tit! U l ' them, hut really vondi run •. ■ t i l wren* doing w they auppoe. to.ha .• I con committed against thentfelvo. i tak<- th!.-*.opportunity tit • ■ kt• r* — » again nn thfutcs fur t ii. - get-ci, < and loyal *uppurt *iwn me t (I people ot iIt district, 1" entorr.-it ' • i my fi'liov. -1 >, mocra;on the ! ■ some showing *!:«;■ made ..t. i “ft * wonderful n tory achieved »*;• t pricy In the n'tmiry. #rrl t rge it, whatever the ultimate result of x recent election In oar «). irWt, mtiiila'a: out orx inisatioti and forward with confidence to h «.■• ' ■ plvte victory two ears ivve." Committee Called t ogether. P K St. Clair. < htsiem iin of the Ninth district I lemorrnUe cmnnntU to-nlghl it "j' • i a notice. idling a mesttng of tl>, llent... rue - . onniite-o to lie held »t Pulaski * ' t "it No cm lit r All meml ets ot the commit tee are urged to atbrid. also a|| •••;•■ - rial senatorial district i;otnmi'tioni• «. ( II Mil I It** Wit t IMM.l v (Sv| t .I» ;iY < ii'l llls-ll i ; ll'.Utl' ■ f rhnr rp rath a Be; ie> ilee.illy ters Wd dtii ed.iy tit Commits!' n authorized i h.i tri - amendment* to tin article* ef iit<< t."ration "I two Virginia com pant th. < II I i'ljT-t V i !nt; as to; jO'iVf; Piedmont liett’ly Corporation. Stantirdmillc. Vh Jnrorj Morris 1* I'trown. proirt, in I ;r, >tvji. viee-presidi tit. Brown, Kccrrtary; Mortis treasurer, all of Brooklyn •f rater* - mu. ,r. Kina \V. 11. Brow • . .. ... ..„... N. Y. dtp). till stork — Maximum, $10,000; mini mum. I Id, 00(1. til'oils and purpose's — iteal estate business. Pro.tdonce Forge | i.tiing nml Hunt ing: Club. Inc., of Richmond. V«i. In ■ orporutof* Waller S. "It. president J. .1. Matt cm, vie-president; K. I;. Rafferty. set rotary and treasurer; John A. K.tmb, .1 M Hossil ss. K. M. Har dy. J. A. Kyrcnian, W. A. Cushy, all of Richmond. Va. Capital stock - Maximum. $21,001'; ntinlinutu, $6,U0,> Objects ami purposes—--Fishing at I hunting club and operate a grist nn.I. Kane * Kim; Company. Inc.. < « Rlt hrnond. Vs. Incorporators-—!;. 1 .eslte Powell, president; K. S. Powell, ft 1".-presideait: I,. K. King, secrotary; J. W. Kane, treasurer, all of Rich rnottd. Va. Capital ■ k -Maximum, $10,t)U0; minimum, $ 5,000. < >bjcc ;s atid purposes-—Clothing business. S K. Bishop Shim Company, Inc of Richmond, Va Incorporators -s. K. Hi: hop. president; H. Bishop, secretary and treason r; A. 15. Turpin, J. <; Hoehllng, all of Richmond. Cupl tal crock.Maximum. Ito.ooO; mini tnum. $1,000. Object.* and purposes Shoe business. bruit Browers' Telephone Corpora tion. ot I’nap'd Mill, Va. Incorpora tors——J. T. Henry, president: ,i. it. Willett, vice-president; 15. C. Wert*, secretary and treasurer, ail of Poage’* Mill, Va. Capital stock -Maximum. $5,000; minimum, $700. objects ami purposes Opcrat. a telephone line. The Amherst County Fair Associa tion, inc.. of A info ret. V.e, Incorpora torr S. R. Harding. president, Am herst. Va,; Hr. \V. K. Walker, vice, president. Kwe.-j Rriaf, Va.; K. t. Chappelte, seeiet'iry, Amherst. Va. Capital stock —.Maximum, $5,000; minimum. $1,000. Ohje'ts and p^ poses—Conduct an agricultural f*n». .K A. (Jrasberger Manufacturing Corpotation, <f Richmond. Va.. In. i orpora11'cs J, A. *. 1 rasberger. presi dent; K. J’. Foote, vice-president; A. AV. Foote and John It. Welsh, all o' Richmond, Va. Capital stock—Maxi mum, $00.duo; minimum, $60,000 Objects and purposes -.Manufacture am! sell automobiles, wagons, burgh, and flying machine'. An amendment was h rued to chnr. ter of the Rank of Shenandoah, In., of Shenandoah. Vo , decreasing capital stock fr. e- '■ ' 'o to $10,000, Par value. $100 to $10. An ametjiiii «... ..«« issued to char ter of the Idea! Poultry Farm, Inc., of Danvitie. Va., increasing capital' stock from 111,500 ttr 136.000. Mint tn i (Vs i t X i111 12 *9 f. it ik It.. — . , . muhi, $500 to $2,500. Par'value, $|« tdecreasing) to fl. jtiulkrging pot ot corporation.