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com docket : 10 RECORD TIRE HOARD OF AI.OKH»IV\ roV I HK 1\ MAW ORI)IAA\('K<l \M» UKXOI.I TIONH. KEDISTH Cl THE Clly \\ %SJll\iiTO> \\ \ltl> UIU 'rii % to \ v vu: THi vi r.r. FOII FIRST DISTRICT. Rapid transit methods were adopt - t«1 by m»thImtx i>f tin* Board of Al dermen Tin aday night in disposing <»f the huge* i at' h of ordinances and res olutions r*-nt t" them fur considera tion by the < aum<>n Council. There vm re no debates, and » \ *-ry in*, astir intriHlm * (1 with lavorable recumnn n~ datb»n was concurred in unanimously. It took c\u< ti\ ore hour and ten min et'.v to .on lu te the business of t h* entire mouth. Ane-ug lie ire M nnporrant ineas> • \ hi- h now ne» d oni> tie* signa tint tit’ tie- ma. or F* be* orne effective is ore ;»ath« ririi e a thr*« years b ase * tie Valerifiro* Kind* igartendoiiuhn on North Kighth ir*-*t to ih** city * henrist. to in usop ,‘trf official quar t* rs. 'l ie a r. n • ai rental is placed at $ \ Ml. * H> j o? e,ti under s-t.-p"!; . n of the rub s. Alderman ! *< n Keavy s* - * ured the ntloption of a resolution do nating ni t; tr. ,< from th** city nu» •* i to th* \! uu !’ah::n o-tml'i'y \ r<- ohiti- n a ppr« mk “MJ.-aV; l »r th* i• :i * ri;i* of Mayo s brnlg*- was intr-Miu* *‘*1 n Mr lh-rdue. tie t**rrr» *•', the ui* »' r. .>$►< if, mg that th* it 'iiey should b* deposited to the * r* «iit of th* H esta-igs Court Th** mat r t will b* * «*f• i*t. r* d b\ the Finnic - Coinmltt**• Th*- .* . no- • uinmltt*■«* will < r .iv. tie i p* rts *>: th* :*tatf F *rporation c.onmis'don n# t*» th* as st *n !•' • corporations within th* *it\ lie it. for taxation. \ r *•■ lotion asking an ireiaase in tie* p«y of tbe Vo * e* r of St John's but' mg Ground fr**m $$».» to $7’* month!: w is imroriu . I b> Mr Be h #»id n■ -and wa. >» tit t** t).** < immt t* • en ‘ »rd:iano **. Charter and Hr DID THE SAME THING FOR THIS LITTLE CHILD leti o f*\rig is Th** * as- of fit! b"* Idn et-ti Hiiria-it. the J2 vear-oiu daughter Mr. ' T - i; It. Parnell, Forest Mr*. Ft si- is ;*!*!*• t• T st’.uF h» r leu - at Je* *» with comfort for the Ur t ! t .»• r tl:r*. y*urr. anal the child jvt■ -' th* mot!•'*■■'• -re happy. 1.<■.*■ 11»•. - .‘Vos lav,* tr*n : * d hor •: Tb.r**c >'< o- id Mr- Hum* tt. "It hurt, her »** read «»r to study, and tb»- I * ;■; in her •-.'«* ;ird 1 -\ioael * ‘ * - * >l MM* :< llin »St . amble, Sh • kept .. *; ; a 1 .. : ' ■ ■ . ■ ' ‘ > i g U !*...•»* • . ' if •:>.* - JO ■ a f| S ~ ’ : * s y i «•» w lea 1 - :'V aha! the St Ak * * j . • , *ah«*t a* ”K* t}n** e **tr*». ?, \v*f* a-.trig foi 1 KriM to myf In- might <.!•» th*- «un * thing for rnv .'it: b girl. - * 1*1 I F: > ;, g h t her- d“Wn t* jo-. Mrr- lie t*>ld tt-* her trouble was ♦■>■*• strain. h* e*--rlnntl\ has tt hue thing ■ her Slfu* she put on ).if» method n •* prescript I on glass.•« ,\t i * had no h- a’m I.*'- * »r pains: •i doesn't hurt her * >es to read or Mndv nd 1 feel vary grateful t*« him fur it.” 5you ra ve blurring. biZSifa-sMe tisj* ralKi.y ?e • . o hr spot* before the eye**, * •< :T,g t -dug ffp*-i:s. * alarm-!, r ..•!*' iuT’.e gT Jill 11 la t!1 *! , *<\V *Jis *■ barge*, f-or* throat, acute or *'hrona v armis n. rvous arid brain i»ff*-ctu»r«H *-•!;*•! - t Ti**t oj iy positive injury ?■ tv health, tut untoid mi**'t ’ I Hu!i fi".* ait t his \ve» k ST A<;N VS VA K. K A K A X1 > T! iR« >AT IN FIRM Ain.. . I • Mb r,r,u - Sfr et * <SV I 0 0 UNITED « t C State* Custom House at Rich- k' A mond dtlivcred recently to us our I v «oll importation of * i- OPERA | £ FIE10AND MARINE GLASSES , being the eaduslve product of " V «>rominen‘ European manufactur- {? £ frv P™** to suit oJ] purse* ' 0 * MAIN AND 0 EIGHTH -AND BROAD AND f third $ «v WOOD !' probably us high „,s j, wijj |)(l 1 enough already l'<rttj,;l,t to take rare of toy trade, ho don t bo uneasy nltout an advaure but order now whatever vou need' I have very niee oak and pine, also ... LONG, The Wood Man, OFFICE IS06 WEST BROAD. W, Minor Woodward. Htawart M. Woodward WOODWARD & SON Lumber, Laths, Shingles, SASH, BLINDS AND DOOtoa. Yard* and Kuildin*, row ton ncr*#. MAIN ODICE' Oth and Arch Slntu. C. E. Hl.'GIJEa, Man*f*r. BRANCH OFFICE:/4 th „d Stock to,. A. U. FHOSTIOK. M»na«tr. I Attractive Jewelry When A ou •<«' h bautiful or a fine piece of jowlery the question arises ‘'where was it purchased?" and the answer generally is at J. S. .lames, for we take (treat pride in showing all the newest patterns of Jewelery and carrying nnlv the most nje to-date goods tliat are made. Call and Inspect our New k ali Stock. “The Diamond House.” J. S. James, Jeweler and Optician. 7th and Main Street* form. A petition from the Rargamln I estate for permission to use part of the sidewalk on Tenth street south of Main for a aide entrance and cellar steps lnt.. the basement of a store was presented hy Alderman Powers and was forwarded to the Committee on Streets. N ew ltedl -1 riot Inn 1‘lun. A ro w plan for redistrirtlng the . itj was adopted. The measure came from the Committee on < irdtnances, following the recent blunder which 1 bn Washington Ward out of all the districts A. cording to the m u nr range men t, the- Southslde is placed in -the r-rsl District. The . ie.tlon of -a new s< hool trustee t-» succeed Mr. -John will now follow within the near future, and Washington Ward will make a strenuous effort to name the man. The following additional measures, already passed on hy Common Connell, were . .incurred In. Transferring the supervision ot th old Almshouse m South Richmond to th* Cemetery Committee, with the un derstanding that the property lie us. d us an annex p. Maury cemetery Appropriating J25o for the * xpenses - I numbers of the James river ini pro-.ement * .nunitt*** In attending the National Rivers and Harbors Con gress In Washington, Ji c. In this wine eonnei tion a resolution .appro priating fl.t’OO as a donation to th** * “tig;-, at* was recommitted, fitter hav ing l-«. n r* commended for rejection Condemning the triangular plot in Idle wood Park. m<u occupied by the Rathskeller, iij order to enlarge Wil liam Byrd Park. Allowing th*. Kirst National Rank f - retain its p»rtic*> pr.-j*<-t 1-> u in Main street, ptovded it will recess il* si«•{>»*. • irantin*f .1 .\fillrr. in*orpo rat* i, f*omrH< tnr for Uu* n< w K*d**ra! huiidinir, right t-. . Hank street between T* nth and Kiev * nth for thro <«o*nihw, jitiriinir i*oruitru« u«»ii of ana >' a s > under Vuthorizinfj th** opening of .1 fti<i** • ami r*mo\al t»r mortuary chapel ?.* Mto th*- Jea Oak vvood < Vnat-tery, lMMirawon. Vnthnrtxing an arbitration of Urms ■‘ tni j.iim u«* <*f p.d,-* between T - - • 1 >Si municipal electric plant am! tli \ ircinLi Railway hd,] Dower Co. Xuthorlzug the construction ,,f a t* ter ;n North Fourth street north of uteki r t.> cost $l,t.oo, Authorising th- city attorney to a (utro ■ ertain land for th. opening ' to" le-ster street uiui adopting a non luted ami amended *1* sign for the to tv route to Kulton Authorizing K A. Stan in pi to erect 1 rtuln permanent awnings over en~ ttan. . at K.ghth ami Main street... Authorizing the construction of a j s. a. r in Mow,, street, at the cost of ; " l- Karneal, to cat $i»5o, anti cer ; tain other private sewers at expense of property owners. Authorizing the . .t> st hen) hoard to contract tor .in annex to chlrnbo r.«.,. Put,in School, to cost Sia.tioo, til. rn.»ne\ to he provided m the an i until budg. t f >r 1 s 11 Authorizing th, , lt> school hoard to acquire certain land in Washing ton ward p.r school purposes to cost *1. a I’fi I 'I’pr-.priating to the committee on i light Sj.imo. ..u! H„d op account i at gas worse. $2,000 to extension a. - e-.ont and #l,.'.0o to pup roll at gas w mn| Jli'.iHMi tor eleetri. lights for lutiunce of liscal > ear I instructing the city attorney to ac <1 t’.tre land t.. widen Seventh street, between ij. Donough and Semmes street. South Richmond. to an addi I Ilona, width of twenty feet Xppropriating $5.o0o to the Com mittee on Rleetricity lor pax roll and *■ xpeiis.-s operating the iminlolpnl t lei trio plant for balance of year To Transfer I bind*. Authorizing the transfer of Sl.ouo from water mains account to pump house a, count, to cover the . oar of steam pumping by reason of delay In completing electric plant. Appropriating $1,000 to Committee on Cemeteries lor Mt. filivet ami Maury cemeteries. South Richmond. Authorizing the lease for three years at $4.mi per annum of the Valentin. Kindergarten building. on North Kighth street, as quarters for the city chemist. Appropriating $700 for expenses of the Virginia Kducation&l Conference Appropriating $5;!i>.78 to Richmond Light Infantry Blues for additional ’ payments to architects on armory. Ordinance requiring clerk of Hen rico court to account for certain taxes in town of Falrmount. assessed prior to annexation of December, lk06. Appropriating to Thomas Itahon $!d per month for extra service* in at tendance on Council meetings. Authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with the Chesapeake and Ohio Hallway Company for crossing the tracks with wires from municipal 1 electric plant. Appropriating $75 to purchase li cense tins and medals for Washing ton Ward. Changing the name of the Court house Square of Washington Ward to Washington Square. Donating twenty trees from city nur sery to Capitol Square and ten trees . to L. W. Pizzini. ‘ I ordinance receiving from the James River Bridge Company its rights to property and assets and providing for care anil management of the Free bridge. Amending the building code so as | to permit erection of negro tenements j in section north of Clay, anti west I of Gilmer streets. | Requesting the City School Board to arrange for semi-monthly pay system for school teachers. Dr. Hopkins Promoted. | Dr, W. B. Hopkins, a prjvate of j Company B. Richmond Dfght Intan ! try Bines, hits beert named as bat I talion hospital steward by Major K. 1 W. Bowles. He”8uoeeedg Dr. Charles W. Bowles, who has gone to New York. Jiff INDICTS PHIL. E. KELLY CD. t RICHMOND MAN CHARGED WITH VIOliATIM. REV ENT’E STAMPING LAW'S. (Special t<> The Richmond Virginian.) I NORFOLK. VA., Nov. 1C—Among a score or more Indictments returned by the Federal grand Jury here iHte this afternoon for alleged violation of the revenue stamping laws were two against the Phil G. Kelly Company, | Inc., of Richmond. The llrst against the Kelly Company charges the fraudulent using of a package for the purpose of selling other spirits than those previously In spected therein. anil the second charge failure to obliterate revenue stamps, etc. Other similar Indict ments v. er< returned against numer ous Norfolk and Portsmouth liquor concerns. HIGH FLYING 10 END A! HYMEN'S ALTAR < (Il'NT Dl. I.KSSKPS. WHO WOOED IT AM EE AMONG THE <1.01 DS. NOW TO WED. TORONTO, t/NT.. Nos. It.,'.—-A courtship ss ha h took place for the no »t part high in the air in a pa. scriK'-r-t arrying MIeriot. t tided this af ternoon In the announcement of the engagement of Count Jacques I >e Les s, ps to MU- Orat e MacKlnzie. the daughter the Northern railway and the Toronto Railway Company; president. I/,. Refseps, a relative of tie? builder of the .Suez canal, and promoter of the Panama canal, met Miss Mac Klnzie when he ssas Hying at Toronto last July. Miss MacKlnzie was hi* passenger on several (lights there and later at Belmont Park, N. V; W. UNO L. HOPES 10 BEAT ALABAMA ! LKXLVG.TON. VA. NoV. 1C.—1»< spite : th- fact that every supporter of the Washington and Lee eleven is greatly piepsec with the victory over North : Carolina In Norfolk last Saturday, In which the Lexington team, though crippled by the ubt-nce of five regu lars. displayed its beat form of the season, yet Coach Pollard ,s sparing not a minute In getting the varsity In shape for the Thanksgiving game with Alabama In Birmingham. There Is a feeling among the stu df tits and players as wall that the con test with Alabama will be harder than might 1/e rea omibiy expected from that team's showing in the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association this; i reason, (or it is known that the Tusca- : | loosa cp veil would rather defeat the ; team dlr-i ted by its former coach. Dr ! Pollard, than win any other game on til' schedule. R is hoped that tills fact will dispel any feeling of overcoat! dence. Sever,' injuries to the best men on the varsity have put a damper on Washington and's success on the gridiron year, arid on Thanksgiv ing . f. r the first time, the full line up probably will be seen. in the ; Georgetown defeat seven regulars were not evt u able to take the trip, and eight freshmen were In the line-up. Captain W'addlll and Halfback Simas returned b> the line-up In last Satur days game, and North Carolina was | defeated in a close and bitterly fought | contest. Ward Not Candidate NEW YORK. Nov. 1C—John Montgomery W ard, who was a candi date IT the presidency of the Na tional League last w inter, will r.ot run for that p 'Sitloti against the Incum bent. Thomas J. Lynch, at the annual meeting next month. Mr Ward has i made public the copy tit a letter he had written to President Lynch on No vember 4. as follows ,H.v Dear Mr Lynch. My attention bus been called to Several newspapers' suggestions that I am t» be a candi date for the office of president of the National League at the coming annual meeting. These statements ha\- been made without any author ity from me* and 1 beg to assure you that I am not and will not be a <■*«-., didate against you. Please accept the , assurance of nii friendly regard, and believe me. yours very trulv, -JOHN M WARD." Won't Trade IliiMItaeL CINCINNATI. o„ Nov. 1«— Presi dent Herrmann, of the Cincinnati Na tional League dub. says there was no trith In the report that Dick" Hob Mtzel first baseman of the Cincin nati team, would he exchanged for Mike lioolan, the Philadelphia short - stop. Herrmann stated that all mat ters in connection with the re-ent four 1 orneretl trade between the Cincinnati There’s no time to call a doctor when Croup comes, yon must have some immediate means ol relief. s-Salve relieves with the first application, and in fifteen min utes will cure the worse attack of spasmodic Croup, If Mtat rw> AnssM’i, order be wO 2 So • SOc #1.00 "ll'i tctmmkml to tat tht MUr «t«. ** jm'ifelrhwftiCs, Cwatw.ll.Cj Flowers t Whenever you have occasion to buy Flowers it is well to remember i that our Home Grown Flowers j last longest, because they are fresh j cut when ordered. All the choicest j fall blossoms are available now The Hammond Co. j Incorporated 109 East Brtad, Richmond, Va. -------* rT and Philadelphia clubs had been clov ed, and that there were no negotla- j Ilona on for the trading of additional player*. The report thut Mobilized wtu» to be exchanged ,was sent out from Phila delphia. It la mid that Plttaburg Is trying to frame a trade by which It will get the first baseman. PRELIMINARY WORK FOR RICHMOND COLLEGE .VrHliKTIt* tatOIMtS Wild/ UK RKtllV BKFOKE Bill,RINGS AT WIWTH.IMI'TON'. Preparatory to grading ,i. d other preliminary work in for** actual rnn atructlun begin*, work of clearing the tract at Westhampton, which will be occupied by Richmond College, has begin:. College officials d'-clare that they expect the lo w h -nie to be ready in the tall of 1H1 -. Work .n the athhtl’ grounds wilt begin before that h the college and l! waa announced T le-djis l>y Presi dent Boatwright that i)% baseball tbdd will he ready for next season. CATHOLIC BAZAAR ATTRACTS CROWDS I’rowda continue to flock to the bazaar of the Sacred Heart Cathe dral. which opened Monday for two: weeks at No. tii’T East Broad street Kadi night has \ itnessed a largo | gathering of merry-maker*. who have Un-rally patronized the miniature fair, whi h promises to he u great success V drawing card is the dinner which is being served both day and night. .Many business men are taking advan tage of this. PRESENTATION OK TROPHIES AT BI/tF-S’ BATTALION DRILL At the battalion drill Wednesday night Company \ Richmond Light Infantry Blues, will receive the cup which its members won by the morohlng contest to Petersburg. Another Interesting ceremony will be the presentation <.f a medal to Captain Montague, w ho . arried off honor* as the best shot of the Blue.* at the meeting mutch field lust week. New Adjutant (.onerat. (.Spocia! to The Richmond Virginian.) I RALEIGH, X. O. Nov. 1 ti.—Gover nor Kitchln vetterday commi»*ioned Colonel H. L. Leister adjutant-general, to succeed the late J F. Armfteld. Leister has been assistant adjutant genera! <tulte a while. Nsw Agriculturalist. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) RALEIGH. X. C. Nov. 3*).—Gover nor Kitchen today commissioned H. D Edgerton, of Loulsburg, a member of State Board of Agriculture to succeed j Ashley Horne Clayton, who resigned on account of b< i.-.g elected to the genera) assembly as member of the low t r house. Mi»*> Morgan Not •<» Wed Klin. NEW YORK. Not Ik. Regarding »h>- rumor from Parle that the Count He Castellan? has petition the Vati can that the Count JDe Castellane ha* petitioned the Vatican to set aside hi* marriage to Mis* Anna Gould in or der that he may wed Miss Anne Morgan, Miss Elizabeth Marbury. Miss Morgan's closest friend, said to-day "Miss Morgan has no intention of becoming engaged to the count." Barton Heights The Rev T. XI Lctnly return.-.i Mondax Iron> Amelia OourUbHise, where he pr>-a- hed on Sunday. Mr J. I;. Woodward, chairman of the finance committee of the Baptist, church, has . ailed at meting of that committee for Friday night at th, h -me of Mr George W. I Lancaster, m>7 1-arnb avenue, at 7:30 o'clock. Professor J. H. Hinforci. of the t'o Op**rative Educational Association, re turned t<> his home, til .North avemn . Barton Height-. Saturday from an ex tended trip thr.-ugh the southwestern part of Virginia, and reports that ho finds everywhere the tea-hers am! school officials greatly interested in the big educational conference to he held in Kichtnond Novt mixer 22-25 He thinks til,- attendance or. tin part of teachers and school ofth tals will bo unusually large. l>r. and Mrs. Bryce, of South Rich mond. were the guests of her parents. Hev. and Mrs X. C. Berryman. Sun day . Mr. L XI. 1who has been in Norfolk on business for several dais, returned h me to-day. Several ladies of the Baptist church made up a nice purse and presented it to their pastor, the l;cv. K. H Bowden. iHst Sunday, and told him to go to the Baptist General Association, which convenes In Roanoke next Fri day, at their expense. The Young Ijtdles' Auxiliary and the Sunbeam societies of the Baptist ohur.-h will hold jointly a big pie and cake saie next Saturday, beginning at 11 o clock. Hie young people are Mery enthusiastic over the coming event and will have on exhibition tine selection of delicacies, and cor dially invite the ’public to patronize their place of huslneos jn me store room In the rear of the drug stor, Mr. H. F. Mokes is spending this week in Norfolk, attending to busi ness. Sox era) ladies of the Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Olivia Haz.-I grove. 810 Barton avenue. Tuesday af ternoon. formed themselves -nto «PU ing circle and kuilted two quilts which will be sent to the Buchanan Baptist school at Nunnally. Buchanan county. Miss Luc> l * ha Up, Of New York arrix ed Monday and will spend two weeks visiting relatives here and m Richmond. Then she expects to go bouth und spend some time in At lanta and in Jacksonville. Xlrs. C. R. Kuyk entertained the choir of the Epiphany church Tues day night ill her home. 512 Monteir > avenue. The Young Ladies’ Guild of Kpip hanv church will gIVO an „n,ertuin ment Friday night, November ‘>6 in the Barton Heights assemble hall. The title of the play Will he "Scenes in th Union Depot.” Mrs. Uraighill, wife of the Rev <t Peyton Uraighill. rsetor of the Episco 1'.^ - church, who was operated on i Philadelphia ten day* ago. i* Impr.o tng Mr. Uraighill is with her. Mrs. 1. T. Wallace, of Church Hill, '* tl’° n( h,er »<>"• Mr. and Mrs. Fa. At. \\allace. < 1 ♦* Barton avenue WILL MEET TO DISCUSS CONVICT LABOR SYSTEM A special meeting of the Central Trades and Labor Council has been ’•ailed for Friday evening a, 7:30 o’clock. The meeting will be devoted to a dis cussion of the coming Democratic con vention and the convict labor system i A Sale of $5,000 WORTH OF Furs Sacrificed to the Long Warm Early Autumn at Lees Than Furrier’s Cosf. Many pleased customers nave taken ad-I vantage of this timely offering oj Furs at great | savings to-day. For to-morrow we have equally as good values embracing mans neve arrivals. You can thank thy? backward season for this sale. Fur manufacturer* were re tarded in tfjeir sales and in need of ready cash. We bought liberally, and you can feel assured that you will get the best values ever offered in Richmond. Qualities are' absolutely dependable. hi this collection you will find the wanted ami dependable Furs, made up in latest style and lurst workmanship. Russian Pony Coats for Ladies and Misses $45.00 Coats at $35.00 These arc genuine Pony Skin Coats and 52 inches long; dyed by Chapell. of France; lined with fine quality satin and braced silk. A saving of S10.00 on every garment. Kqual savings in Near Seal. Hudson Seal and Caracul Coats, in the much wanted 50 and 52- C| inch lengths. Prices from $50.00 to $105.00. A Few of the Many Savings in Scarfs and Muffs. $12.50 Coney Skin Sets, large pillow muff and wide rape Special' $8.98. $25.00 Jap Mink Set. Scarf and muff trimmed in rat in ribbon Special. SIS.00. $10.00 Genuine Caracul Sets, long throw scarf and pillow muff. Special, $7.08. $32.50 Genuine Mink Scarfs, of fine quality s-kim. •rimmed with four tails and two heads. Special, $25.00. Others of equal ravings in Lynx, I ox. Squirrel. Mink. Persian f.amb, Coney. Han-, in Scarf, and Muffs. From $10.00 to $07.50. Children's Fur Sets, in Squirrel. Coney and Opo— bum. From 75c to $5.98 a set. New Showing of Marabou. t hir second importation of Marabou just arrived, and it s every bit as good a* (he first lot, and we sold OUT first in a hurry. • /'jjfj Hi tter take advantage of these if you want to get the pick. Noteafewof the specials for to-morrow: 2 yards long Marabou Scarfs, four strand* black and natural. Special, $5.00. Pillow and Fancy Muffs, in black and natural. Special. $5.OS. Scarfs, 2 yards long, extra heavy, natural only Special. $10.00. Very Heavy Scarf, five strands. 2 1-2 yards long, natural only. Special, $16.50. SENATORS HOLDING ON HAVE MORE PATRONAGE Republican Members to Have Naming of Men in Congress ional Districts Which Have Elected Democrats. WASHINGTON, L>. C Nov IS.— I Republican .Senaters who lost parts colleagues in thi- recent battle will: rind some comfort In the face that the disaster will greatly increase their control of appointments. It is the rule that Senators oi the i me party as the President divid. general Federal appointments in their States and postmasters in districts re presented he Democrats. A Repub lican Congressman has the privilege of naming the postmasters in his own ‘ district. Conditions resulting front the elec- > lion will glx - u survivng Reiitiblioan Senator not only the patronage con trolled by bis departing colleague and himself, hut an increase due P> the Democratic sweep. Main, s has four Republican repre sentatives in the present Congress. There will he two Democrats in the next Congress, aj»d the appointments in those districts will fall to Senator Frye, ns his new colleague will be a 1 .emoerat. According to unofficial llgures avail- j able here. Senator Root will choose the postmasters in twenty-two Demo cratic districts in New York State. That is double the number of Demo crats in the present Congress. in New Jersey the number of Dem- ; ocratlc atstricts h.i# been increased fjtim tlifii- to seven, and any body U« sirmg t*> be postmaster therein should see Senator Brings It is colleague, Senator aid retire utter hav ing *erv<.-d t«. • * terms. S nator Burton will lose tile ussu ciuticn of Senator I 'irk in »>hio. but lie will gain the alluring privilege ol l>icking out th. post masters In about seventeen Dent, < rut it districts. This is more than double the 'numb, r of districts that were divided between the two Senators m the present • ‘oti gress. West Virginia leas a solid Kepnhli can delegataoi ,,i m e members in the present Congress, b it will .*• nd lour and possibly live in itio, rats to tin next Congress, In the ahseiiee of Senator Scott. th, postotfices "ill be tilled by Senator 1-11 kins. With the retirement of Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, that State will have two Democrats in til,- "upper house." Judge K. D. Crumpaeker. the lone Ke|e;t.di, an representative elected, rmgnt v iititn the patronage in the twelvt Democratic districts, hut he would be likely not to get it. Reports hereabouts ar, that the Reg ulars. the Da irhlinks- Hemingway - Watson contingent, will he consult ed as to . t i i patronage outside of i 'rumpacker's district. CHURCH HILL .NEWS (\rut ilrau Intended for (kin t'oi umn «»■> be left in imtjmih ai the thureh Hill Hank, or 'phoned to MnJIun T3S5.) The mother*' dub on the hill prom ita- to be unusually active this 'Vin ter. both Wellet uf .mil Spring-Held hill ing specific objects in view. Bellevue, one of the largest and most progres dubs in the city, numbering more than two hundred members, hue its eye oil the historic Van Uew property with a view of acquiring it ns a ^site for a handsome up-to-date school. The Springfield Oluh, with Mrs. . It- Bali, Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. l.eukc and Mr:;. Burrows an officers, w ill leave no stone unturned to convince, both the Coun cil und School Board of the justice of their wishes, that a new school build ing shall soon replace the inadequate one now occupying the corner of Twenty-sixth and' l.elgh. To this end public sentiment and interest, such potent factors t<> the sucess of an tin dertaklng "f this magnitude, will be aroused by public gatherings and en tertainment!*, and it Is safe to predict for this club the ultimate realization of their hope*. Many Church Hill people heard the appointments read at conference last evening, and the appointment of Rev. VTrnest Stevens, of Bedford City, to the pastorate of Trinity was well re ceived. he being personally known i some of the members of that congre gation. Captain and Mrs. Morgan l*. Mills of Jefferson Park, are in New York this week, and will return homo Sun day. Mrs. Conway Britton, of Ohimboratto Boulevard, is convalescing at the Vir ginia Hospital, after a set ere opera tion. ' Mr. and Mrs. Atkins Hardy and baby, of Emporia, who have been ths guests uf Mrs. I. A. iluy, of 3S01 Fast Broad street,have rtturmd home. Hey. William I., Jones has Been the guest of Mrs. S fJ. Taliaferro, of ;>U« 1-3 North Twenty-sixth street, this week. Friends will regret to learn of the continued illness of Miss Florence Steele in her homo on Kast Broad street. Mrs. Hirdrong. of t-vtershurg who has Been the guest of Mrs. Thomas Musscn, of t'himhorazo Bottler ard. has returned hunn . Her. Alvin K laimhdin, who has la on the guest of It. George Gay. of Tl l North Twenty-sixth street, w ill re turn home to-day. Mrs. John Hannon of South Bos ton. is th< guest of Mrs. William lli’t'ltts. Sto) North Twenty-sixth street. aiisa Fannie Mel'alllster. of High land Bark, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. (JrurKff Pearman, 500 Tw ent}-sixth street. Mr. James Wiltshire, of Lynch! who has been spending the week relatives on the hill, will return ' to-day. lte\. J.sse R. Lavinder hta spending the week with Mr. J. Gentry, JO20 Hast Broad street. h nisltts to Meet, An important meeting at Knights of Columbus will he ho the Grace street home We night at X:,10 o'clock. HELP. IF TOR DESIRE A STENOOf typewriter, or help of may 1 Ridhmnrvt Virginian W| Southern Raili TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND^ \\ R.—Following schedule fiium | information anti not guaranteed: 0:10 A. M.—Daily—Local for < ham and Raleigh. 10*45 A. M.—Daily—Limited—For a| ] South. Drawing Room Buffet f* Memphis, via Aaheviiie and Chatti 3:00 F. M.—E*. Sunday, Local fat J intermediate station*. 8:00 P. M.—Ex, Sunday—KtjtrMli 1 I! 15 r M.—Dully—Limited, fat , South. Pullman ready 0:30 P. M. YORK RIVER LIMB, 4:30 P. M.—Ex. Sun.—To Waat Pv, < ter Baltimore Mon., Wad. and Fri. 4:30 A. M.—Ex. Hun. and 2:JJ P. - Wei. on<i Krt.—Local to Waal Point. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOH1X From the South: 8:30 A. M. RsOS 1 s 40 V M.—hi. Hun., 12:53 P, U 2.00 P. M. Prom Wc.t Point, 9:30 A. M„ daflvt 129 Wed. and Fri.; 5.45 P. M., Ex. Sun. 8. E. BIRGE88, ! 120 Fast Main Street. Pbona I* Chesapeake & Ohio 0 00 A. \ Daily—Feat train# to 014 1 4 0o P. * Newport Newt and Na 7:40 A.—Daily. Local to Nn ft.00 1*.—Daily. Ixtcal to Old I 2:<K) P. ' Daily—Louisville 11:00 P. » Pullman. 0:15 P.—■ Dally. **St. Louie-Ghioaga I Pull mane. 8:30 A.—Daily—Charlotf sritts. Wmk Hinton. 5:15 P.—Week days. Local 1 10:on A.—Daily. Lynchburg, __ _ 5:15 P.—Week day*. To Lyaefcbogfr TRAINS ARRIVE RICHlfOMk T oral from Fast—8:23 A. M., 1 _ _ Through from East—11:33 A. M.» ( Local from Weal—*8-30 A. M-, 7:20 P. M. Through—7 .Oil A. M.t 2:45 P. M. Janu s River Line *8 A. 444Rl •Daily except Sunday. Richmond and Petenhug Cars leave Manchratm -Meets, (or Petersburg: *ti, 7, S, *0. 10. 11, *12 P. \ **5:45. «tt. 7, 8. *9:10 P. M. ! 11:00 P. M. for CbeaMt. 13M Petersburg. > 'ars leave Petersburg, toot (fen Mauebe.tei, 5:15, 0:35, **7:15. *7:35. S: 11:35 A. M„ 12215. *1:36. 2 0:55. *7:35. S;35, »:35, *10:40, I * Carries baggage an •*I.tmitgd, exoopt Sundays and Ail cars from Pataisburg ooauai i Richmond. ) ! If You Want to Se the question of Coai and Wood quality FORE us your next order. We make good on the broadeeti of quality and prompt delivery, anywhere, an; E. P. Murphy & Son, DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD, Telephones: Madison 3350, Monroe 318 am) 1