Newspaper Page Text
Prepared For An noun; e Irient, He Will Not Create Liberal Peers IAVEST SITUAT.GN FACED IN CEMURlPb cs Asquith's Progjair. Fur ge ol Parliament bill / Taking Veto Power Aw ay From Hereditary Peers LONDON. Nov. 16 Tin- ru ■ u that JBaf O*on« has refused in jiruini. i »1*T Asquith to Lfoiito mi;.. :.t •ral peers to outtonnder t! i - live* in the llouso of l.orus < •tartt«a England i. - sk> i .S»un cement In years, h. ,tt la said that so !>" • 'vtafunai positive siiiii <i«'«isiE(.i s . recede from is wn it it ■ Bt overwhelmingly i.n-- ‘ l tacthf oming central « icci King O surge i» known •, • Munct-o tory feeling*. ■ be would ite.y popular <! ; |i aspectevl to («• exptc.a Jfc' December. ptrik• t! * Mwltk Even the ' ''Msrtfcd by tl.* poss’.hU: of George e act Coniequtnccs Be The Morning New* sis ;Vtew of the i-inmiion Kaye. "In h survey <»t t • 11>< ■ r « ti lltlts of the politics! - taati < fled to take Into i.'tMiir. ■ i practically isscmn «n vt* t r>>, - ■tlon that the crows. »n \ ii>> H.-ndi wit .House ol tends to pre\.-m tin li lt thi people >i rvotivi 1'i.llisi ttls Grave. P& ■-i itll£ Of i lufc a move would mean • revolutionary mwv«-fm M peerti revolution, an.» i the grai*-*i haw* long ptry has noted in i*r Expert ed." Min* (icori'r ntrk.wl , * I. d<n<l eUeti \E DISCHARGED W FILES CHARGES from KaiHUnghara i<> i t on iine. IsAaquiili bus demanded Umi tie, in tin elections In- e In December. ivttin mns majority lor im loner ' HWte Ol t, King t.eoi> t |ld agree to create snimo m l.h-i m, to outvote litt* t i>rtH* rt ;itit ■ s . fStouse of Cord. lit this tvitj At •XpecU-tl to have the lloU»t ol pass the “i'ltrllano'nl loll' by the Veto jaitver 13 taken uw.ij the hcreuitriry poet a of nit n-.iin. eral House tit l imimtm.', lo I" could pass the veto tub, hut ii not become a law utitu n huti passed by the 1 loom of Horn., IU preaetu constituted, the Huum <>t Will never toie to emasculate Put in a Dilemma. /A aeriuus crisis W as expci ted to be Clpitaien by the coup scrum; iu tie la by Dora JUansrlown*-, the I nion leader, who announced that he I - to-day request the government Introduce the Parliament mil in. tteiy in the House of i.i.r.js Tm of Crewe, the government lender, that he diu not know what wi - the government would take on tie which is intended and exp. < 1 panousiy to hamper the l.nai.ii t tbay acceued to latnauowHe’s tienianu would precipitate the Cl to qurs in the House of 1 omnioiis, not rhelmingty 1.1 her a! and In a of Corus known to be anhai--t A* It cannot bo presuincu in.ii Cor Us would consider the,mo 1 bill, introducing it at ltd- nine have the effect of grenUv m my the general ctecUons. wlme .> 1. - tO introduce it W.Ulid place tie nent iu the attitude of the people with the hitnmtti u the ministry had net r,\c; before it had brought out its veto for a passage. Slwauim 111 u Nut shell. raatcat etemeni w isn-s t.. r» all power trout tin m us< ot because the loros have chuck-u progressive legislation pursed by 1 commons, by using tnetr preroga Of veto. The most extreme null Wish to abolish the house altogether huJ substitute 1 electoral body, having itu- nun. to the commons that the . States senate has !■> the house ;jwpreaentativ«-fc. bouse of commons . ouhi <-ns;l I W bill taking the veto powet n.m; tbs lords; could even vote t< •h the house of lords. Hut ,y. t, could not became a law until I been passed i.y the lords end naturally would never agrt. Dlish themselves, liberals—radicate—are at pres In control of Knglish politic, a’ polls, where the people e\pc* wishes. But they are constant:> sated by the ronacrvutt. d lore.. are not elected, but hold their by birth. their desire to abolish the inn;-. least restrict their powers, the have asked King tb-orge t them to dissolve parliament and a general election. If. in this action the people show bv their ■M that they favor the policy of slating the house of lords, the demand that King tb-org. . under his royal right, . reale liberal peers to out vot< the vative peers la the bowse of The king alone .-an . reap .t These created peers would a right to »!t in the hone.- ot and vot« to remote its power In this way or by a rev.-dution the veto power of flic j-1 ■ . 1-■ Oeorge Is understood to 1 to grant the request of t far the selection of w peers. Asquith Is Iht !.*ad< r o. in the house of comm->ns 1 Lord Lansdowne is the lead- - . Srvatives in the house of 1 r n king to-day summoned <r: of the privy council to m< it Mm to talk over thi tdumtiori. 'councillors ar.- si u to 1 tr..t„ m and are men who have in their rerpei ti \ - I. i.vj > and professions cabinet also held a prolonged M-d*y. after Which Prime Aaqulth was received I the Of discourtesy to patients ; anfslrness to employee, UI been lodged agr-inst Ml » E. Venable, hied nurt>- of Borne hospital, by Thomas 1. until recently head nurse of •Me Of the hospital, and th< on relief of the poor win the matter when it mens night. was discharged by «u ; Cabell.,<.f the City Home. ’ Tho discharge wus mnrte. I'r Cal'f-ll r.'jra, on ret'ormnendn tlpu „f \U-« Wnat'le arid Dr. Mon cuii‘. phy !< iii:-. in chant' 'f the « id. Mr. I’uUIiik ileclnr'** he ».o *t; ■* - vt; ii sl-'.j.iy I o« ;*!»*<• Ml ■* Wnubli' d not lii.e him, t mvi iwm ninj'i Ml ! \l> Ml \ l\ II M I’ll Cl >\,vi:i.l. . ll.I.i. I’.V. Nov. 1 Th*- I urnra! < f Kudu ?.»?? Mutik, up* ■ • I t f. • (i M .1 ?-•’,! u . ■'* 1 v- ... S h . ■ • • I.. • A„ ti a i g.nsn* V i- t UiU> < < ’• *•' Satnruav. w iM h<dd t . The |. •»?■ < Mtnt ami de.ut * f the . t> rind, a it* i* - t: - i f? m .'.tuhiv's r>it- r . • vv« v. in im *. as vfi- \ *. j *i t * rs * f th* • of *os *»f fit,* «••»!»• hi«fh * in m, tc tv hi. u : a i. „ ✓ FA-.r-s>;-«ns •: -ir w ham t-e. n f *-d -,\ !i• \i .. :,tn *fv > • ■ the I v th r-v ‘ ' • t» i ai mn? hs. ULintU; GREW MAY BE m Si'. LK'KK M vN. Nov* mi * r It*. I'n-m received here. li T . : J *■ V • i • J i whi*. h K:- ■••• - r • v<*r t hr* e v\ i-iks, h. " ! ■ i.idered iu h»kv l >t»*4. with her cr« ••*. »*f r* * \, r t < en am J I. s-. . .;r,r i:t « f s’.xtv-.slx. Th re . .* !*...• * tti«»***-. r’. s • d -hi*-, that t h •- ; , trt r - and er* \ Id* m * *• o-p ♦ •th 1 ’ :■ it < y In . th' v n i •• mart Min ed on “ *rn* isdind und ill have i » * l it y 11: r * i. n t: 1 th* « :•» r. get ■ ut dog «*W \ i ■ * -! 1 th-. •’:»’••• ha- frozen CASES HEARD IN UNITED STATES COURT T i.< United <‘lremt * Vor* of Appeals r* a.-jiv*tfd. morning nt ll • **i - k. v th « n- it JmJg> s «*off sii I Pntehhni .I>; ri'i .fmUos .M»l)<>\\ • ell ms id in a 11 ‘•nda in •*». J* f ;d; t * Id M - Ft. M^IhIh S ’ V= 1 ? ll ;jr.d H. |{. I*; < ■;•*!.. «.r il.-iltisiiote. \td . k er»* istitr u d • i in |.!. (Ik- in this *•'ait Tlur folh.u in . i — m u « if argtH 'i; Xo. .*74. jlal.'r-U liiteley (’f*al font p; . . ;u‘h‘ hant. vs. Raltlm re and < >hi«» fh'rHri ;t<I ‘'nnipauv, app'Uei-: mi a ; } * ' t H u t! ■ < hi i tilt" < ' *tirt t I tiiuure, Vfd. • j argued by J. ( *\ie \ -ia ha u anh J**sej.»h s'. 1 :•.«■.* ♦ Rnliiiuf.v . Md.. tor the app*-llHni. i«nd h- H. It lh. - ■ ?.- and it ' , S-tith. .if I iu If ’ :uor«-. Md, * * -r t );*• ;• |> i»* ii-n * d»s III <•!! d—Thus ft*la> No. 97.*. <i. Uavis, < .in* • «?r<-*-n ai.d I 'pp* . I:i k ( V :i <'«>111 ji,i pi,- in:;f\> i* rr>*i. ve UhrUiian Sr\ - i.1. m-’MTuj' nr I. * i i .»» in r! mr t«> the i ii'uit <‘<*’.rt i! I *1 a i i i j * | I. \Y. \ u. 'Hi l>* nai*'i| I y 17 A. 111 > \v * * i h , I' l» T;« I'm. »n and U . ‘i!. I ;.s ko of 17 d. U . \ ... and < ii't'i’i .• 1 : IP ii' and W* s • hv \!. d i m h a 11. n t i :h* - lull \\ An. I"?' lie- jd-uid:.':' > ui urr*.i .md h\ W I'. U k :■« ••' * 'hit rl* .-d. \\ V,i . and V\ li M. A vs ■ • d, i.f 17: L» os \\ . \ a., fur the ti« f. ndaid m i rror. No. :*7V. A.d .dilian, hankrupl. p*ti thuar, vs. Kxuhamp- t'.uiak <*r M,.n i ,1 .,i. • M.dent- : on petlti-Mt to .-upi'rintend ; nil res •. . Kruin th" l »f«t r 11 • t ' '.v . t i .ptuiippi, \\ \a. T«) > siduiii; i -d u s brief.- by k S. Si'hv * : . I-., of 7';.nni? g-fnn. \N N'a.. f.-r ii« | ‘**1 d l >’ n - ; i lul by | ! M Shun..Jfir, *•’ I Ndrmoid. v\ . \ t , for ;! .>• rmp.*;al * ids JEWELRY THIEF Ri >< 'H KSTK It, ,\ V.. Nov. Hi.— KviljMlCf |„ inS , * 1i II. (1 lH I •• to ••nai.l. tin- 1' ■ .il ii i.ihurit I.i-. g. t hold iif'.l 1:1 ii.• 11. .ii n li d in f ‘ 11 i • ;i *: • !; j * i 1 * -u tin ■ in, it;.- ... no.. Mttfc Charles Itiiaki. ;i j-.-w. U r. worth ..£ smiIi in-, on tli. night "1 * '‘toper HI. VV'ol'd v I..-iwil In ro that ivlth I. ti. wln n arti 't • il. « i Mr:-. Sam. • 1 M, I'oiiul.l, voir of *i won iihy liinilor dealer o| t’ol • lo sii r. Mu.. Tin' •..i ituin w.c li In* with i.Hintt ij. i t n.s hi.- ii,. wii.-n tviii. taken i>.J.i in I' i.- i till roi.1 it'. I (it '.‘I. ntity , n It arm o a ml her hootiaiiil .'.inn- niter In r ami trl. i t“ *.■ t li* r n» KM lioi'lt IjiiiTn w itri him. 11. fail d in this, hut m t'tT. U h. r (.retnisr to r. Hint and i;;n . Inf mom . a mi In Mis to enable too t, do so. Sin- iitiil two i. miii; I'hildren with In i in re l*iu Mil It > VV I II V I m i I V • >l.i> M|s< I )\ I |;|| > MU w I 1 11. 011 1' VIS VI II 1, I \ v | V II SVRNKV. N.*7?!. vv . Nn\, It; - I funk U u, Mo (irinii ltiiiiisti r m-aklr.g In tin w . stern .Vustr.utui o'* t ■toil Ut i V, lo .tl l 1 . t • I i I to til M et'l ► ■ li lie-. . I I it n a! the Hull lined itune, twenty run. >• from South frit < ‘rubs', not Milni II 'll Kio(,<iorlh‘ ami Gnldt u Alia on!. Into v 011 in i when one iiy !'f s to j port, r. r 'filing Mil. prop * ri: '■'. h:' n i e,i i;.'r to i ■ h11si■ a n\ thing tlis.-uv, r. 1 Jn the hiBtnr of (hi • late. - . o. i!, imi, , !t t, ■ ji., forts Irojil ii Mo i'.'atiiy snitie, (tj . tli"-. nlino. t is .tomi ci.-.i, m •V Mai t if e. noli . for ale et let ■nin has ' . . ■ j,. og.d i. t almost - oil : "" " IV . n ; e. Corinthian am lUiiifimth in'll... .vt liullliii.'h. t h '"e'm imglitv-inhi leases, n pn sent «. " i " end ,.i Gulden Vaiie, ami i'orinthlan, in the nitno lu. ;e:it,\ MiTt... n I :oi-i', re,.rese ruing, imi ■ r. s, and M i en o v- ■ s. in pri son Urn: ’' w M -• 1 e-'l" -M.':, ha,, 1 . ■ a a s i.:1. a for. 1 Hhi 1- ports ef tin Yilgulti |f.n held UI.. H'.n nil., i 11 i. init ..It. me., i rj Hojies Mill, m.rth of ah '■rri 1 r and I' .tK.r"- rang, to tin south The so rnnienr, is s' r . v!n. a town -He fit Mitllllnrij, and eon-ad ••ring 'hi ad■. !sm'-if' . . arrying a infe Clo111 tin Mn. id wait r mail to the til V. held "The |i‘>':i \ tlie "• iiartment n ines in pro id.-. water s-upp. I . sinking v.-t in In-tv. ait', in and .Sand-, o- I - o .el,,; g. r. .;s j>, , ,. tig to t.e carried nut , ,r „nor o o'i.s area. Mo I . I ,,,1,0 h |.o|l, v i be a great iv" e prespret ing." Thprime j '• r 1* Ut ‘ * ' I el V f rrm tin r i ,p., tn-d'j, para it’i nt • , ’ H-k.-d " 'n- M'.fi the n-ri t, r , wa> i' *i 'irri Ir^ow'«*-. to Jijiv. K<3(Hv ■v '» m !i w . j(, .»f-| j f, , w hilk* Dr;.-;,'..IV M.,r on th*' Hi'., k r< *’? v gHlt tn n jury T* t v from th** trat« i’r , 4>ui t "i Hi nriu> vounty. DIM l,\iu: >111. ( H\HI-I> Ml T/.I.I II W Vl.lvI'll IVTO Mill-: o|' U HHIOIULK. I i:5II.M( N'i CONFLICTING mh. iili/uh *\\< m:- \\ \s rvff 1 M l |. \MI.\ 4 Alin 4 1. \N5> NOT use ll*K. U« r.»-*rt I, Richardson, a. youihUU •> ..• ■imo.i i.Hi w)if, on \ October <" ran down Mr. Chanes Huizurf, »er ious; > curing him, was a* iu!iiu*(l • d tile loo*, >l i . . driving on that F-. '. ;>t i «• < To i ili'* Ft Wul* ;■■* i«dh v. nig tht t*. M/nony of 0‘« vv iliu S'. >. 1, ■ tin- t t‘ l that Air. ■.\-r had ..-*i i ."la'ii ' he was .. i. ■. ami had v\ •:I.. d into tin* • ar. *’• i)- : i11K MiUcin* 1US w* re mailt* by • . itn* . • h «d tn' af jd« nt Mr. 1. ..tzU*r i Mi.ii.-n'U .1 that h«■ had step ped *iff a Frond street « tr at Tenth and Rr>ad -tr.' ta and suvited for Re eky b ,’d. H« hud ’am n but one step, he Said, whrii he stepped to look •i'm.-. t and p. .. if his pitth was •■'.•'ar. lie saw an automobile bearing down • •n him. so ; ■? -r. h** <!• 'bar. d. tlnit he realisa-d h< v uhl have no time to V, t ■ [ . t of the w t; V '•I'liliK. he lid h'- pat oat T .s hand and touch • i the m i. him* .just a* it struck him on the right shoulder. A n»** ond later, he xaS<h the maehide -tru k him a . -‘I'd time, knot-king him to on side. If.- tried t > ri o. hat was unable to do j*.» until ;i‘ Kin] by Retentive . . ream I’..n s! Hailey. Then h-- was ,-«iM-*d into the <’it> Hall and was it. r romiAul to the M« 'mortal JIop He ja; in the hospital two v. • k and 1* ur days, then went horn**. h* was * on lined to his bed for t\ o wH'ks additional Tsist Monday, h- -slid, In* discovered that his right •boulder Made had been split, tPurges Carrlc^nw*. Mi. Hutzler declared the collision I., have been the result of careless ness and recklessness on the part of tin* chauffeur His version of the : < udei.t was borne out. by Mr, \j. S'. Major, nn Insurance man. Mr. Ma • r stated, however, that Mr. Hutzler u a.** fat ing the street ear when he was struck Messrs W. Wiltshire and Rregg Fisher, both witnesses of* the acci dent, declared Mr. Hutzler stepped off the car, opening his umbrella as he did «o. IF then walked directly into the side <.f the automobile, they said The automobile was described b> these wliiieiws :*s traveling at a mod erate rate of speed. mehnrdson himself testified that he had his curtains hung over the **id« a of bis ear. thereby preventing him from seeing -ed of either side. IF* could see in front, however, and he declared he did not .*»«•* Mr. Hutz !er. The latter, b>- stated, must have walked into the side of the car. Mr. Hutzler denied having raised his umbrella, declaring that it was not raining. A)! th< other witnesses declared that ;t was raining hard. \ number of policemen were called upon to testify that Hlehardson was : . i. • f i o driver. Mr. lac \, Folgep said the accused Was one of the Iasi and most careful drivers in his em ploy. Commonw calth’s A tturnoy Minltre* Kolk»‘* and Commonwealth's Attorney .fullan di:ni:. of Henrico rounty, mad* brief addresses to tin* court in behalf of the prosecution and the d* ferine, re spcctiv* ly. In delivering bis opinion .lust ice J'T.n declared ho hated to let an au *oj ohillst vo ‘•■without being lined. "When a man gets into one of those i irs it fe “ins T*. in*- what little brains In has goes out of his bat." said lie. "In thin case, however, 1 hav* only to d* id-- whether *>r not Richardson was driving recklessly, continued the justice, "There is ti" *\ idence to war rant . < on victhtJl. 'Til* 4-a Sr* is <lis ru iss**!." ASKS $?,000 DAMAGES FROM STREET CAR COMPANY Suit t< r ilanifMf*'? against the Virginia iteilv.;.' and I’uwtr Company Was instiltiXMl h\ Mr. \Y K Pollard in Urn Ci;y I'lmiU ‘'••uri 1mto Tuesday aft t-nn *• a. Tin- plaintiff s-fU t<» rf'iovcr dam ;>y« as a result of injuries received iti attempting to a lir»*a«l ami i Kit ■ wiu ,<] < ,.r at T ivon.t y - sixth and \ ' tial'l' Str* ^‘t s on .f u 1 > 1 A of The pres *’ !i( M ar, lo his doc!;’ ra t ion the p'lii pan v is charged with ) < gngenec. llowK/m' liOTiuloii Dec. 1;5, I 'laps for the reunion of the v ete ran and a«'tiv* members of the Htoh ip to! Howitzers, an suggest'd at a -rtiriR’ of the Howitzers Society, 1 «ld recently, are rapidly materializ ing and It is hoped P- have the affair U.C- place December 111. Chairman, James T. Gray and Captain i>» aure «ar«l Lorraine, <t the committee, and Captain Myers of the Howitzer*, held oiler. u« *■ upon th< subject Tuesday night Page Apples for England. Id’I’ AY. V ANov. If..---Page county iu; siipidyln^T apple- to many, of King i leortre’s subjects Si-ion Kop on hards, belonging to H. v . and Dr \Y. I. Hudson, of Lurcy. have recently been shipping large • timnt if Us of apph.s t.» the British h ie-., w here they are eagerly sought ii\ niemhers of the royal family, the •i, it. it is ;.id l.y f\nc’IMnnen, pos s< - i • a fla vor seldom. <f ever, found in . p; !«-s grow n .-I < w h< re. Lynchburg “Dry” Fight Grows. ’. V X< Hid* lit 1. A A , Nov. 1 tl.— Sc*a l <i"u Wright, the Georgia prohibition -..u.Ker. will address meetings here i i h.\ a?al Saturday nights under the I «-r the Inca! Anti-Saloon . .11;i.*‘. Ti e league is making ait ef il t •». -!*■* < oiori s-man Richmond l*. h m. of Alabama, for an address t two during the pies-lit local option • ampftign. Fire Destroys House. • RBKLINC. VA . Nov. Hi.- The 1 ’ •,». t-Ping house of W illiam J. Keel, of was l.airimd Tuesday night. The • s ;«rt‘d in th<- roof of the building and win* pa*t control when digcovwred, .' early nil tl.e household effects were • arm d There was no insurance on the building. M K!> CVKAll SKIPS TO >1 I THK KCLIPSK Cnl*‘.v« it clear.' considerably the • 11 ._•< lipse of the m* n Wednesday lit will ru t likely !>«• seen hv Kioh ;nondera. Luna is scheduled to enter •he shadow of the earth at 5:44 P. d , and at ft'65 it is expected to be nt«l. At 7:47 it .trill begin to emerge, arid at S 5$ thw eclipse will have piOtfeed. ~ INDIAN WEDS FOR LOVE J OFTENER THAN PALE FACE Mrs. Mary Hunter Austin Declares Redskin Coes Not Marry For Position or Money—Big Chief Treats His Squaw Like a Lady and Not a Log—More Indiahology. XKW YORK. Nuv. 10.—The stol ... Indian, 1x.4uiM.rl> supposed to ' l! “ -,,j tit t\ V tttl 1'1 eunsidefa )! ii tn .11 Ins dog, marries lor love , tutor Hum him pate need brother. T.. 1 is liti- otisiT.ation *»i Mrs. Alary! Munter Austin, ivho is m New York! ln-.-aj to pt-f i ;>.re t.-.r the presenta-! tn ii it tto- new theatre of her play, j lie \rr \ .M iker." m which every1 character an A inert-, an Indian, hnr ill'll--.n ours Airs. Austin lived among tto- In,Uiiii-. of .Southern California, ,i.u. i- • minted an authority on In-' iltan affairs. A- a matter of fa, t." she said. "Inulans marry for lm« oftencr than we do. Wo marry i -r position or ., -tit > * t l.cvauae v.. haven t jjiny thtng to do. We 1 annot pride nur-i i.i s on our romance. Indian n have more In.ounce in tribal legislation than our w , no n lyave in iti, g o. -i nment. If an Indian woman e-i the hi ud of her, fritni . . .-he is ree-| <•.,tilled as such. 'in the whole, tin Indian woman is l.etter treated than the white wo- 1 man. You see. you must consider' ..ii tin i\hit« women in America when a speak of thtdr position, it is no more degrading nor uiaicult for 1111 Indian vv> man to raise oun than for. In r w hite sister to wot iv m a factory , 1 do a day’s washing it is no mote! for her to pri pm c a deer fori dinner than to prepare a chicken. j 'I d.> not like to n . one man hun- ! gry and another with too much t-, cat. I do not like 1., see one man idle and another over urdened with MX'Hl.l Ml Y WILSON SATISFIED THAT \ VTt'lt.YL CONDITIONS WILL KEEI* PRICKS. DOWN. t I 1 W'.ASHIXtJTOX, I>. 1November lti. — "1'ne (n-cI- use in tile cost oi meats Is here to nay." stud Secretary of Agriculture Wilson to-day The secre tary is sure the prl. cs of meat will tic* luw. until normal conditions pro- j will, hut a —-lined to prophesy regard- | 1111 the prices of food stuffs. A permanent decrease in the cost ; of living hm iar ns meats ar« con- 1 corned, will he brought about by the heavy growth of emit and wheat.” saitl the secretary. 1 Prices have not come down heretofore because the 1 farmers have not been f> idling freely. Hay. corn and wheat have been m art 1 . Therefore, ttp- farmers could not fe-d freely beeau-e of the high prli e ot cattle foods. Naturally the ‘ prices of meats became high. Now, however corn is plentiful, wheat conditions are very promising, and fodder is abundant. Cattle food is both • h.-ap and plentiful. Tht markets are flooded 'vttli cattle and will continue to be as long as condi tion- 1 emain the stum. Karmen have been induced to send large uuantities of cattle to the markets. These cat- : tie are fed properly and the result is plainly seen—the de- rease in meal : prices." MYSTERIOUS DUELS UEivLlN SENSATION iJERLIN. Nov. 16.—A mj-sterious (1 u*.■ j, r.night in tin; Junglerheioe Park, in which niiu nt the participants wms badly ivimmiiHl, is still the sensation ..f P, rlin a ml s.u’1 a puzzle to tip* poliee. Workmen aim une. passing through tin- park in tin early morning on their way t a t;u lory nearby heard two shots in rapi 1 succession, and some of tin m inn rward saw one . the duelists lying "ii the ground, stripped I" the waist, with tvounds in Ills chest and bai :■ A number of men. fashionably dr- ,.,-1. were bending over him. Thi v. minded man was aft* rward driven away in a ( lose I . i arriage. Although the . "lice have made I i tri nitons efforts to ascertain the iden lity of til" due-list' they have been mi- j aide to find uni due which would lead to their detection. The most re- : markable plum - tills mysterious at- 1 fair is the allegation made in 'cer tain rcspoiisdbti .| a.rtetH that the mil itary authorities ai- w illfully obstruct- i itiK the police in . rder to prevent the truth becoming known. The Tageblatt slates that jester day’s duel was th.- first of a series < . ; i four duels, all eoimeeted with tine an other. The eight - mbutunls are said to he prominent. |." iilclan.s or milttari : officers or high tank, inrludlng one general ami a member of the Prus sian house of deputies. It is also rutted that these four duels j are connected with the recent duel in | which u cousin nt Herr von Heth mtinn-Hollw eg. Ho imperial chancel lor. participated. The* causes m tltese duels are re- . ported to he b th i rsonal and politi cal disputes. There is comm big proof that the military authorite - have ta-kett ener- , getie measures to prevent the police j I investigating Ho ircuinstances of | | yesterday's duel. j Two soldiers s; ■ most of the duel. : land wit, summon, d to give an a [count of their oh., creation* to the po lice. but the military authorities or dered them not to attend the police station or Hi fittsui r any questions ad dressed to them I the civil author! t U*s. This a. lion . .-a- r.,m the Tageldatt'* version that high . Hminls are concern ed. At the sum, time i| illustrates the privilege* ej,joy.-il by officers In <5-r Hurling. ■ rding to Oerrnan lav. Is a crlmi 1 onse. so that the military autlioritie.. obstructing the investigatiot> th. police, are, tech nically sp.-uking e-ding and abetting crime. f t HILO M.IZI II roll DKKT. lit! Si i'll Masl'ti-afe is I’u/./ltul by a t iirloti* Case*. I .< >\ I a t.V N i !ii.—-A distressed l mother told the '.Vdlcsden magistrate i on .Saturday that another woman had 1 taken possession of her child because : she owed her a sum of money. ••She has no right to detain vour child." the magistrate stated, "but I 1 don't know under what act I can grant you a summons. ' i He sent for a number of law books, end af'er sear, hlng tlo-m through said he could not find anything bearing on this particular ease. 11" suggested that the woman should employ a solicitor to instruct , counsel with a view to making an ap plication to a judge, but the mother said she lisd no money to take this course. The magistrate decided to go into , tiia matter immediately. work. Thut does not happen amohg tile Indiana, 'l'riere Is an unmeuoe i}' fairer aistriouilon ol uotn wuuitn ana work among tnem.'' KOCIAUHM To uiMHilf 1'Mu.t LriiioR HANKS ST. LOUIS, MO.. Nov. 16.—Max > Hayes, <t Cleveland, looked upon a.-, the leader of .the tight against t>ain- j «*fi pi v^iucut *.«i An»«r- j hail renji ration of Haber, rail see j the ultimate domination of socialism j In too iuoor union ranks. "ion tan see its upward trend ; here." said the Hoclaiist leader, look- i lng over iiu- convention. A lew years ago we hud hut tew mem hers with lue Welkers. 1-ook at us to-uaj. We are represented here by eignty-dve men, a Mg vote, arid we are repre- | seated in Congress by Victor lier ger.” i laves would not say as to how tile men will cast their votes when It comes to naming a new president. HOWARD GOl'Lll 1’LEASED WITH II.Et THIN ItESlXTl NEW' VOKK, Nov, 111.—Howard Gould sailed to-day tor a live months ; trip through Europe sTtil Asia. His steam jaent. the Nlagaia, Is awaiting aim in Southampton, England. Mr. (iould expressed himself as pleased with the rtsUit of the elec tion. We needi d a change in the j i entry." he said. "1 relieve the outcome will tend to make the eoun try pi osperotis. When 1 was last! abroad i met several bankers wiki said there were millions of dollars In ! Europe awaiting mvestment In Amer ica as stain as Conditions were la voraolc. 1 think we will now find that tiiese foreign bankers regard the; present conditions us the most la- j vornble of years." Death C aused by Fright. LONDON, Nov. 16.— It was slated at an Inquest held at llettial Green j yesterday on Emily Woodrow, aged 3k, that she died troin fright in eon- ; sequence of a child throwing a oat ; from Uie third floor of the building > ia which she lived. GERMANY CLAIMS Fastest ckuiser MAKES TWENTY.EIGHT KNOTS I I I AND HAS WORLD’S LARGEST ! HOItSEPC >WKU. BERLIN, November 16.—The North German Gazette official!}' reiterates the claim that he new German cruiser battleship Von der Tann is the fast est vessel of any kind In the world, and specifically contends that it is filler than the British ships of the same type, the Invincible, the Indom itable and the Inflexibl». The Von d< r Tann’s speed of 27.1 knots, reported earlrer In the month, was. it is said, merely Urn average speed attained during six trips over a course six miles long through water j about 200 feet deep. Detail* which ! have since reached the admiralty ! show that the cruiser actually attain ed a maximum of 28 124 knots and ihat her engines developed 80,000- ! horsepower (7). I’rom this the rte-.l duetlon is drawn that the vessel In j water 300 feet deep can reguiarlv 1 maintain 2S knots. The official organ points out that, inas much sh Mr McKenna claimed in the house of commons for the In- ! vincible. Indomitable and Inflexible, respectively, speeds of 26.SR. 26.1 and j 26.5 knots, the assertion Is fully jus- j tifled that the Von der Tann possesses ; at the present moment the highest speed and greatist engine power nut only of any cruiser afloat, but of any . vessel in existent e. ON STILL HUNT FOR VALLADARES *_ I Washington*, now ig,—a stiii | hunt for Genera! Jose Valladares. the; deposed comm»ml(uit of Amapala, Hi nd liras, was started to-day by the stut.- department. It la feared that he has landed at Corlnto, Nicaragua, where he may start more trouble. Iiispat.'hes received to-day from Tegucigalpa report that Valladares sailed on the steamer Panama for Panama City, and It Is suspected that he proposes to join the Nicaraguan malcontents. GUTHRIE KEEPS THE ( APITAE. Election to Remove It to Oklahoma City Void. GITHRIE, oKLA., Nov. 1 tj.—Ok lahoma Pity lost the State capital light, when the State Supreme Court decided that the scut of the State government must remain in Guthrie. ' The court held that the election on the amendment to remove the capital to Oklahoma City was void! because of defects in the’title of the i ballot. When hi* hoard of the Supreme! Court's decision In the State capital controversy. Governor Haskell an- | nounccd tnat he would call a special! session of the .Legislature to convene i December 2, to authorize a referen- j durn on the capital location propo- I aitluti. A capital fight is now on In earnest ! and Muskogee, Tulsa. McAlister, Ard-| more. Chlokasha. Shawnee. KnltT, El Heny, haw ton, Guthrie and Oklahoma’ Pity will contest for the site. The decision of the Supreme Court has had the effect of causing the immo- ! dlate resumption of all State business' it Guthrie. Each department head i who w.-iH ordered to mote to Okla h. nn City by Governor Haskell sent out all calls to-day dated Guthrie. The criminal Court of Appeals, ' which has b.-en holding back opln-| ions pending the capital decision, will! iinii<1 down SO opinions within a fowl da > s. Mr. Blackburn Kails DcimI. Mr. William Blackburn, kt years old. of f)02 Dobson street, fell dead Tuesday while entering a store at No. '800 Ashland street. The body was viewed by Coroner Taylor, who | pronounced death due to heart trouble. Eicon sod to Marry. A marriage license was granted 1 Wednesday at the office of the clerk ! of Henrico county circuit court to Mr. Clarence Eneas and Mise Edna Ia*c Blakey, of Eaurel, Brooklyn dis tr'ef The wedding took place Wed nesday. Ttnshervtll* Man Drops Dead. HARRISONBURG. VA.. Nov. 16.— ! William II. Arehart, 70 years old. drop- j ped dead Tueaday night near Timber- | vllle. Rockingham county, shortly uf-l ter eating a, hearty supper. He was a nr mu inant merchant and former aer- 1 ({cant of the Twelfth Virginia Cav alry. Company ft, In the Civil War. He leaves a widow, who was a Miss Wise. Aged Couple Wsd. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) j FREDERICKSBURG, VA.. Nov. 16. j The home of Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Thomas, at Legato, Fairfax county, was the scene of an unusual marriage Monday evening, when Mrs. Mettle Fer guson. aged SI years, was married to Mr. William Martin, aged S2 years. Rdv. Mr. Badger performed the cere-.! mony, and little JHsses Margaret Wat- ! kins and Mario Hlssoti were the only attendants. The groom Is the oldest surviving member of the Jury that convicted John Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Martin will make their home at Legato. ALTHOUGH HERSELF VERY ILL, SHE INSISTS ON TRAVELING TO HUT WHICH SHELTERS RUSSIA'S GRAND ‘ j OLD MAN. TULA, RUSSIA. Nov. 16.—Count j Leo Tolstoi is Buffering from bron chitis, and. mving to u high fever, is extremely weak. A nu seagi from ids daughter, Alex-i audra, who is nursing nitn at Astu|mva, giving this information, adds that (lie i physicians s.iy no immediate danger threatens. Tolstoi suffered from a severe at-’ taik of bronchitis in the winter of U'09, anil as a result was readily sum leptlble to the disease again when In exposed uimself to u long journey in the cold and nun. Overcome w itli lutigwe vvhile attempt - lug yesterday to cuimnue his pilgrim age from tin monastery at s-huinar dino to the Caucasus, where he had hoped to spend his lost days in the Tolstolan colony on the shores of sh. lion k .sea, loutoi ii-s in a hut ot the rallroad flag station of Astapova, at which point he was removed froii^ tie train when his physician and compau lon. Dr. realized that a continuation of the journey would re sult in certain death. His Hut Is Comfortable. The home of the station master at Astapovu is comfortable and the pa ltenl is receiving skillful attention at the hands of l'r. Makovi tsky and one | other physician, in addition to the lot - j ing care of his daughter. Newspaper .correspondents, who are 1 gathering around the little flag ela tion, however, although not aggressive in their attempts to secure the latest details, are hampering the attendants, and Alexandra has Issued :t request that hei father he left in peace. According to the diagnosis of the physicians, Tolstoi is suffering from j a catarrhal inflammation of the lower lobe of the I- ti lung. His heart action Is good. The maximum temperature to-day was 102, falling at lining to 09. whim , is practically normal; pulse, H>4, drop ping to 90; respiration, fair. The |>h> - Hii-lans add that - xpeotoratlon and , diuresis are sufficient and that the pa- , tlent lias enjoyed a tranquil sleep. Is j in good spirits and is resting quietlv. i A (together, this i« consider-J a very satisfactory report. His Wife’s Astonishing Energy. Countess Sophia Tolstoi, after the (irst shock caused b\ her hustuind'e sudden ubuudonin-tit of his horn.- anil family, displayed astonishing energy 1 litis morning un-i insisted upon being taken to tiie count Accompanied by t hrs- sons and i.’-iunt Vladimir Tchert koff. who formerly was Tolstoi's rep- 1 resentatlve In England, she proceeded! til V slu III l\ (1 If. Ufoo i .1 ten in ■ TOLSTOI BETTER The illness of the great authoi brouKhl about a reconciliation be t«'TH the countess and Tchetikoff. whose embittered feelings In recent months have caused Tolstoi much an guish. fount Trhert ffofr was sum-! moned by telegraph to Vashaya Hod ana. where he joined the countess and • her sons. Tolstoi himself In ii letter had expressed a particular desire for. Tehertkoif's prt si nee. The difference between the < ountes and Tehertkoff arose over Tolstoi s lit erary legacy. Tehertkoff had collect oil ‘ a large quantity of unpublished ma terial, copies of "Hadji Murat Tol-j stoi'a latest work, and other stories as well as various documents which he has b*en forwarding for safe keeping to England. These tie in J tended to offer for free publication In pursuance of the author’s wishes The Countess Tolstoi. In behalf oi : the family, has been Insisting that Tol slid should pro: a copyright for all his publications, the returns from i which would serve to aid the numer ous family instead of lining, the pock ' i ts of the' publishers. Countess and Tchartkoff Friands. Three months ago. when the admin - islrutive order expelling Tchertkoft from Tula province wag repealed, lit-i visited Vasnaya Pnlhtna. but left hur riedly, as the count. ss had p< remp torll.v forbidden him access to the grounds. ToWloi thereupon visited Tehertkoff on his estate three miles a w ay in Moscow province. In spite of •he attempts of the countess to dis suade him. Serious family misunderstanding* arose, and in consequence recent vis itors to Vasnaya Poliana have remark ' ed the clouds ever the’customary Se renity of the place. The health of the countess suffered seriously and a professor of nervo-i* ! disorders from Moscow visited her I several times prior to Tolstoi’s pil grimage. IV KS’l ll.VMl*TO\ t'TriZE\ s uti-i, iioi.o Tit consider the question of bettor : ar service residents of WesthampUm iiid those who live or own property 1 thing the Westhampton division of I he Virginia Railway and Power Com- i »any, will have a mass meeting Hat- i irduy night at s o’clock at sehool liiiue, Stop N’o. 22. The action u! the Country Club in ! td op ting resolutions urging legal steps ] 1 necessary to secure better car s.-r .ice. it is expected, will be endorsed v fifteen-minute schedule from a U. to » P. M. Is asked for bv thus, •oncerneil. Increased tralili;, it is : naintallied, would justify the power I ■ompany in meeting the requesi. Taken to Roanoke. DAW ILI I*., V A., Nov, 16. —Police ! Cff'cer A. S. King, of Roanoke, who 1 arrived here Tuesday to take hack tel (hat city Percy 1 Spencer, the youne I white men who was arrested here Jton j Jay. |-'entitled H.-eneer a* 'cine th- . man wanted. Scareer pi ehcr-ed wpv he larceny of 12.500 in c-sh from the >uk Hall Clothing Company. Pika Elect Life Member#. ALEXANDRIA. VA„ Nov. 16.—At nj meeting of Alexandria Lodge of Elks 1 Puesday night T. C. Smith and John N'. Lawler were elected life members >f that organization. .11 II MUMMIFIED BODY IS FOUND IN A SHOP EXPERT SAYS IT IS THAT OF BOY WHO I*IKD ABO FT TWENTY YEARS AOO. UVEIlFpOU November Hi.—v mummified human boily, upparently that of a hoy about M years of ag\ has been discovered at Nottingham under astounding etreumstunces. About twelve months ago Mrs. Thomas Shawcroft purchased a small grocery business In Station street, Nottingham. The previous tenant u woman) asked her to allow a parcel In u cupboard In the shop to remain therefor a few days, and begged her to take great care of it. % The woman did not return, but. nothing was done until yesterday, when Mr. Shaw Toft decided to satlsfv his curiosity Placing the parcel on the hearth' r, ho untied the string by the liy •* of a candle, and was startled to find that it contained a mummified body. Dr. S. Tresslder wag called in. and he advised Mr. Shawcroft ot com municate with the police. A suhseuent examination of the re mains revealed tin faet that they were those of a boy who who, it Is surmised, must have died about twenty years ago. The Nottingham police are satisfied that the case does not Involve any crime. The remains were in the pos session of a man named Keeton for some y, aps, and are supposed to have been acquired from n medical practi tioner. by whom they had been pre scrv i d. MR. WILLIAMS TO HEX FOR MEMBER OF HOUSE Though only a resident of Henrico county for a few years, Mr. Lewis < Williams has consented to enter tho race next summer for the Virginia House of Delegates. In opposition to Mr. I'harles W. Throckmorton, the incumbent. It was at the request of friends that Mr. Williams agreed to go into the primary and announced his candldai y Tuesday. Nominate* Ofnrers. l or the purpose of nominating of ficers there win be a meeting if Hhoi kiic Council, No. 81*5. Royal Ar canum. Wednesday night. Hevoral can didates will also be initiated at thi» time, and the ceremonies will be fol lowed by a smoker. SNE \K THIEVES LIT WATCHES \ND IUNLS Sneak thieves rifled the boudoir of Miss fora K. Oury. of *122 North Twenty-seventh street, Tuesday night, and stole a solid g"ld watch and a gold nei klaee. Inside the case of tho watch )s the inscription. "One for each and both for clod." Sneak thieves also paid a visit to the home of Mr. J. I! Hill, of 302 West tlrai e “tract. This time the loot consisted of a diamond ring set with three stones and Inscribed J. I. to N. V, H. HARRISONRI'RG, VA., Nov, 16 -- Colonel st:il Mrs. l>. H. Mart* celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage Monday at their home on South Malt: street. The marriage took pic* .it Schuyler Nelson county, November I 4. 1660. "tVing one’* Opjmrtunltlc*." lift . XV. <' Jatnea. pastor of the Orrve Avenue Maptlet church. Is con ducting chap* I services at Richmond College each morning this week, sit ing a series of ten-minute talk* in the general theme of "L’sing On* » Opportunities." ASKS PALMIST’S AID ID FIND MISSINS SON I' VTUKIt IlKtJKVICN HIM KIDNAP. I*KI) .1X1) TRAMPS STREETS IN SEARCH. PHILADELPHIA PA., Novell) he■. 1«:— Despairing of receiving ant help from the police unit exhausted from trumping the city «tr. et> day and night in search ■>! his *->ear-old son, "ho mysteriously disappeared last 1’oi‘sihi\ no ruing, Steven llerton, ,.f 12.'* Musi her street, yesterday ap pealed for aid t>* u palmist uud fortune teller us a last rio 11 in his effort to recover ill* hoy. who. he thinks, being held for ransom by kidnap pers. Notified last Tuesday afternoon of ihe little fellow's disappearance front he modest home of the llerton family, the police of front and Master streets station have tailed to locate the iad, whose disappear nice they do not at tempt to account for. The possibility of the hoy having been kidnapped has been denied repeatedly by the police. I he Rertons moved io this country imtn Germany sonic four years ago, atol for some time past the head of the family has been employed in the cs laiilisnment iff the time *v Kiinuru Metal i oinpaiiy. iMghteenth street and Lehigh aietiue. Att-oruing to Rerton’s statement last evening, he never even ttmught it lm je. riant to tell the police >>t receiving an unsigned letter demanding JjUU if tie ever cared to see his buy alive On me morning that tills note was found under his door he had slant the early hours pai ing the floor <ff his kitchen, but had not heard or seen the person who 1**11 the note under'the door. With the aid iff .u neighbor he learn ed lis contents, but t,s unable to un derstand why uny one should sup pose that he. hu ordinary workman, should have saved so ir.ui )i as $f.00. The only explanation he could offer for Ih ■ demand was the fact that some of his neighbors have bei n under tha impression that he ovens the house In which he lives. The mRsing boy is under four feet lit height, has light brown hair, had teeth, and Is blind in one eve. Wh' ti last seen he wore a green hat, dark brown coat, brown stockings and a "'h’te shirt vvlth black stripes. His -i also worn of a brown ma larial. » j Negro Vomani uu y Disagrees. ROANOKE. VA.. Xov. 16.—Nmint# .Mitchell Martin, the negro tried here at the October term of the Corporation Court for the attempted murder of her son, whom she gave candy which con tained bichloride of mercury tablet*, was placed on trial for the second Mme Tuesday, ami again the jury was unable to agree. Tin* vote stood *even 'or con vie'■ "s 'or acquittal. HE SPENT I RE. l.V, Bl'T NOT ERECTED ARRANT, N. Y., Nov. 16—State ments of election expenses filed to day included that of Representative IV11 Ham W. Cocks, who met defeat. Uthough ho represented Colonel Roosevelt’* district. He spent 12,67*, iiostly la campaign contribution*.