Newspaper Page Text
Benefit the Women Richmond Stories and Standards for Richmond Households m FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD HARRIET LUMMI8 SMITH. pill. by A?w<H*iat.< «i wiry Prw*. > wa* a \ rnxvil at th* |r window of th<‘ vltit apY*1ii ati**n in okotl About h* r Idly for >*■ to occupy lur attention till come. 8lit* fonti*l "it Mpet aW, in hi*<k. pairing fhlch formed tb« RftftH." [Id did t)*»t look lik woman, but !.• < on th< l)«*mUin*' mlAbt lot»k outside j| stewing a I s*«*ris * tvofds. iter not i« t • Kit' i > llgtfon*. with n. “fifty xdf. mul ok-*' ftp* $ H|»t‘ \>f Hied lik’ •*- ur* i$bt. Ju* i --"V, It far only dolin' rativc r-r- * n tr*" ltUK* n d hungry ? i*i;*M*V iv in i' rojitonit' patio of k! 1 »*'Hn Kiid v si' *mfl< kod a niotn-N •»!' Niftier Ja< k. >tr Rtap\ Ai«.u. f ►Ip trim** if. T'; f rrprrsoiiP • i p*Hi cm IVl ta * i% ffon iter " • e wore >ho»‘« ■> »fe<i fa rd di ft ' 9 hi'a own !i s middy.,' .. ami *h' a nt for t !t i i i would "i i; i. a her • > ••» i She «H 1 i PPpttjr (itiibu-a rewa rd v. ili be paid f. lntoi mi.;. i* ruUs.g to '! • apprv lion <■•!' I,.r.i i bud mg last .•'••>! Ir tip- yliiag. of !•.•!•«> r Kalla, l’; if* ««<• feet . iewn in •!•.< ig: t. weighs il hundred at. s X!.'- . ejitrit heavy . y ■ i>.»> Th- tip little tlttKir.u tin i ight baud is When lust ,.u j„. wire a JJt lT0p(>f<i ’■ ’"'ll I: IIKl.i.'hC. Hi ’ la gt rnii manly mimriv. y t >-i- d« ... ripti.m w riu-aa <'f Air. !.• i.., r * t ibintlpi.. JAetj.i s uuiei « tit a fattclnated ij'. Hi \\ ..S .i i.illifl fc.:. ..j. i. -k - Hint man for evil-' i far ;»* it wax jm from t i.. t inter ft ti , Whh.i w *■' .“Hi,"A hat (*i P»< t ItUI tI - I t •iy hwt i - it of ii. t»i f Jack a no ■ y ■>! .it r a«rr. inter. s lo-ottu i- Thru J«ii K w>, first <•? ti •■ w «• « When she iv •* HlWM-ii! tl> ' actly J■ • . h to .. toil waited i . Bunting t ■ lllj in* Home it Cost ip . if. !•' irailt * . that n ■ i jfor mrtii ;u ti. If h< r fa id* (t |ti« her order, ' , whs yo.uia .ii.ii Fj^maHj ill it I.'latif I- is ..M»*t!ti AT aciifteii imiitruly ,r;ii (t it u ittii, •|f i fit I S •) rtwiie, a tit Uelia. with ■> whiiuaieui M'*!i*‘ •ave er.ouirh ■■■ with plelii • i Iw vr. me aw .* re i | to-r Wne dir. etioi. il ■ uf ar it the <K the “Huvi Komi ')), Then jouni! man iiO’Uti iiirii you f-en nm'onii'rnedly • ■r■ rile finiali ■■ ii toward her The end of fee asked t-i.uruonsl ■■ given my order, thmks Htogati her reply (§;b. Imi juud'oii in1' the band extern •lightl.i rmitll.i' • • PUIs finger was nsiasing. young mail did “t i, til . her He resumed Ids slmiy of t! astri a Moment 1 tor gave hie r. Allpareutiy .m uneasy i“iis.i had ml deer, a red his appetite awhile, over her roll*1 and milk was ri-.iimc .dunce., in ids di \t.; there I' mld to• no mis .Dark, with heavy eyebrows, and i»|,y r.Mipiiers. ami. more fdg |nt tiniu ill. the namin' Up of ,tld finger. The di,«iji|. aral.e. ,,f Iferowa IIM-.I..1 la . tiiitued Ills ap nice alightJv. yet in* bore suilndent ftWance n, ri. rough nil in the t OJtH'1 to 1 . 1.1.1 ' 1 In•.i, |te g' toart tiiumpcd as she made I • r uniat finish in Iptthl not do t • ’ And then >lt m “:)<i lay the etts poliyi in u, fit lIn* < W Idue-ey.d p"ii is. •>; roars a his suspl *11 i, 1 Slip .Hit - in fill , the ill Site tell the policeman, and an would do the rest, the |.i<l would p d in an am) Jack w oui.l i ■ m* l Ittnioniinarily aimjil.. fed-haired waitress intronueeii fat tor l>*!li) hud tell a Htrimg . lit the red-haired waitress i no 'the wornhtg when iuo swoilei! I Were elm,u« at ot long ty veiling, Xiia halt asked her it anything Htfee matter Tie uaitr- • hud ex tbit she (Implied . tray ftifcnornliiR ami the inanager lint! teired to tUgchtirge il' r "He sryf fe to go next tiin... sniffed tie tired wain ess. ' And I'ye ton i to in:,.> cur. os. it makes rut Jte drou nliiit i. f4~ C. I»wvi*. \\ illltiin < l»t»vt« , had tried to . neourug.1 her l,;. Jug that pi t haps there umilt: any nest tint*,, and her syrr. tod Won the red-iiairerl tfirl'i Blis. As she passe d now. will ift of Soup she stnib-d in (xsliaV Jtt and paid the penalty for tin Itttry distinct on of her atten tjoli Th* bowl of soup hiXVtied. u' n.umt!* liiMrlnut ! ih* ra; lv* * *v.< jm «-• n . f th** :-*«ns ”*an ,u*s: l>Hta , • ij.i, t k • y <*un« mail. 1 it , |* i u i j:. •; i with ii r«vM«r»i . • i •* r«* 1 ■ ••• hi* h< m -m he had bis n« rv• , .. . *»\i 111( m ••■nir •! He twrnr. to *. , jf,. iii • **r the rf’-i). ir^d kd s>» a deadly whit . 'vhil* behind » . ,-f.Hi 11m* iv.r.- the ni;.nrp > nh,*f • j'-.wi .. .1-1 m* explanation Th ' oi i r man «mpti d h ■ p*< . P .*nu ad dr .•»v‘*■ <' th. im*na<e;\ A' m.\ liitilt,' . h« >ald. • Kh” What rlu.i . Th* ** •1 r s I • b gan i* < oar. All iH> Liud. tin ;• '• mg * -i« prated. with *■'Ildb in* th!}* tt> ‘stuck * * lit tnv > i""' ' ‘‘Vi .« t V . ; was >>.‘w dug, ^ • ‘Kin t help it , t .ill tR'u. -aid l tlf n.a a •«’ < baking 1 Ml .. d h it though ‘ had hmsh* *i h*‘i j s aim rnuk. * i u .. in ; ha. r. t- fc*» in search «d 1 .M.IiM'il all. i. as slttingo Mow the ffiMeh*. ! ha*! altered h* r frelmv t> ward M i. 1 ,ruii;i. *1 Huiuiiig. *‘‘ might i'• < riniuiai b t he ha<1 t ind i * «rt r-» *1"* i • • * him • p «• ,iu*dic* ^-nint «*ut **» th* nip-sTmj: Tin r« . . at ttr>i ' mg -> t her t* mi1!, ns she ip ught "i hi? da uk-i 1a*t lU'V - Ol:> * might b- 0» hint. Met 111k: th n - • * ring i lip ami tin ip' nth ivanA mania r. hh* :*en-d t*‘w:*ni him iT- athi*-1' * Mi as. . she said • «. plpfil t - - a; h i- it jMl't II. j.ok.'ii i-'V kmI 1m r K» itiall:. r . M i. h •• • «J| he m.itlha u. Int j»* iia u;m in > nt .‘«i i » smile. l v*. «i. The» ■ s fl f; h rlption ni • ■ imut'iiiR tip in th. j...stnjfi*. • and i * \\ ar«i f *r : a appia h. lM •«* • •I*, ir M:* 1 . V* !it nil* d thi VuilTU man. Hr Api • !)• ! i: FphdulIK »H« ' i*.» > .*ii tliiiik.' In x>f|<*ir urn*‘M':. 'that anvhiMly would hair • ■ . r a:o'thcr in:mmi . reatm e t Sperul >•»..: • PI iSMji for th#’* Mki ; .i paitT \ v .'•«! S« im times a fidluv'. . a v r-T-K tiiiuk and then want i-.i t ..'Ml M\ • I Inti ■ NoImm! ' *a on id a ant t" * ‘ a p him uiidm had and k. - Inuia .slilvi'p d “Th* y misftn ;.•> kn -v aV.o ;l ;.*ui Or .MU - I r. . said si ■ v. i v , ■ 1 i: .;;g t-. something t‘» In i -■ di And 11 might u* . d inuidiudv. li h; >1 .* trother sad • > a: W . a nd no waj> T‘. ,t i.; n ii.'ltic, ! or HtM.tin » A ppm inf ' raid the v»aouig man t tlM; VWiitifSS >‘t - in i > h** -aoh anipi.r • «.*i ward r i.l'lfdiv •»’- ■!• til* rtniK' mm . H anp-iMly's t“ p i iu ; ■ . .tr.i M i m> a ppi • imsiMii i ,, ratin it w.' .o • : «.U. s- ippMS* \.*u h i no Ptjtsh nr. iji.-r-rTt .ml thru I'll k> ,«!■•<]« vxitii > • ■ 11 and > * i uui *i* In *• m - up i‘» j .sti' ami • atiiii th* i< ward." * *. me N**: India . rl* d .. .* ht*menii> that a woman a! tin n< \' lurried and looked at her run • ! Sin I m\ Per \ "U"' at mp • “i'-. liUlit r <li- than no it, sin *:* eluted. Hut 11 . . r* p».*:ik T * w «*r* n* ; -»a. : * ;r p* hring . •* ui nr*itln home . ‘ V. hi.I that V- a - I'fr.U’.' Wr.Aj I miv hou kind • >*u w« j . . ir dns t keep Hu,t poor go! fr.-m losing In* pia*‘« . t km - 1 m .ei riMjId1 d» it l »-ul> MiggeHt* il thu as a possihil it> -aid tin young man witti enu tion. h pi* .4 don't th;? idj. u s*’.'. ' < • .-o go snmfiVlierr ;*rd ?• poiJfUv hom*st and pay ha< k ih mon.-, son t.'.-k iittje hy lifil . Th' y.iuiiR man down hi nap kin and i«*okod ut her llxctlly. Hav V<ui ‘piit-* hnishfd V" he a^krrd v it his pleasantly rt*d>r<*ntitt) maun.*; ’Th-'ll MIPP'IM' ne Ro m'Wtfl** ' ft paid In r eh# nk as n oil a? his ov, i and I *i .Ia ’’t-"» di»1rttr t«?<i l<> ro tlee. A • lii . par Sr-d <*nt .<*V tin * > . rant, ante i>\ side, tip /um -I H, Phie-nyed poli( II1HII ! op; • -i i\y \<-r h* f.*r** th in. 1 >elm's In **1 swan Snnn "i.*1 * !-e tmd h* <o! on the *\ itH She looked a!*otil ht r like a » r itu» in a trap. Sh* wondered wild *. h*dlier. if sin* shopid aliark it p !i.:mnaii, la Miinrd Hunting w.*u liiiprovt* the opportunity to escape. lift* ■ «.inpaniond. vou?*> hrc»ke in . her mad Opuighj. How sir. I oggan> V 'il.ea } «ihis If, Mister MillUUIV •said Lit*- tog polier-tnttn, grinnin "FoiiP day. sorr. "It n tliat.' sanl fie >n»anK m v ith l»*iia Tl* n I - took r fir is ! . th. arm. f< i i,< had J4\vay. dig fit! TIlO v.-ilk d on t«.g* tin ids hand * upp«*rling n* r T*i. s*m Mm lifted -i palf lillie faee. that w ail one puesip.n. “No, 1 m 11 * * t 1 Minting " 1» thus* In- an? .v.*r< d In r eyes. 1 -a the lull in tin pond*dike mvaeli. ; was iinptt .id In tne re -inhlam Hut rny nmn* ts .Manv ay. I'm in t! in# n s iuriiisiiiiiK g»*ods place." *'• »li. degr’ ! rn afraid I’m dr^;? fully lule." "What tirtp. u • piu dnish "< ih. I don't kie»v Ahmtt past "I'll he waiting for on." «aid .N! Mhiiwun. deiiherately. "Tli»*,i. a snrm things 1 want to* talk oxer w l you. I think perhaps xv*- ran dx it i - about g'tting >*mr brother h?»m< Mr. Manway was as good as I word. If#* made arrangements t 1 dark s ia turn. and ‘ in<M. ntHl)y t several nther things. Jack *at i home just in time for the weddii HE SKY-MAN BY HUNKY KITCIIELE WEBSTER A uifrar (trith Samuel Mtrwin) of Calume t K i opyright. 1810 by The Century Company nnnOM IIOI; y-Slt-rui,v.I gliruutt . her of hi* planes, as they won- there mi the sUth. and ' alkfil steadily up |Hie pilot-house door. on hearing Ills voice th<! had dropped the article* llVUinbereii hi* hands ami pn tin- table lor th.f re vile could put- Ium hand lie the second time, wanting no weapon, he needed none, hi* gr« at Uni for the feel of the »ky vrithin their grasp, he ?» step nearer the <lo>>r and Ivor, in It b«' Philip n-awi the threshold. WMpectini, apparently. ww him, at last. within ha touched him he uttered oath, and hi* great hands ior Philip's knife had struck clean to the hilt, and Just i* heart, of the shock wan only With » yell Of rage h« Cayley, crowded him back ..K anon ini in*. i ’ ui min uioiu like a \v lid lifiiil, and finally gt'ttl Philip's i ight t■ • r■ arm fairly In I grip nl Oolh hand- l)i- Chappell like II piperneiii In a moment i a'l'" gat round t: hind iilrn and w ith the i rook of I good arm round Ho<o*om‘k neck, fou-i-i-cdcd In Ion lug hint to teles hm grip and a throwing him hoavi .Vs tic la Ids Imd) project through ti'.i door i n , out Into the tu net. J’ti!)i)i hit hint huddled there, a 'cent hack to the table, tie fou Uoecoe'H flint and steel beneath 1 hand. hut ii e ar a lull minute befi ho could git mm* u his courage striki e light, for the mfci i-nces fri Itwioi y pi. since her, in the pill house began to < rowf! upon him no grim and horrible. Hut he struck spark Ht last lighted the candle u looked about. The reaction of relief turned hi tor a moment, giddy, an the glftf about the room convinced him tt . w hat h« feared front had not ha I l>en»d. Hut another thought occur* HECTOR THE INSPECTOR. -.hi - j i *"■ i——— , .i , .. — - .r j f * * him. aluV'St it <•!!<••, v h- tt lw> v,w tii*' c«ivt r ti:i• > lug’ll removal] front the t ‘p of the P *• *•i»intin»y. in his Tn.'ml. *>f * *ous.-. that r* pi ■ , Mpte.l Tin* v\. IP. «... lui.: * nn What is .Pma •*, i • r - nv . roasint to lU.-fVrnl h« rs a. K;««1 « hnn n. as tin* P ss. r mil. t** ilintf io r-- :‘ i nvi-r tho < ’iff t rain to*- t -in-' ’-moot h V Th»* marnfiU in- ilmiupit *>! that In 1 vs>mt out Into lh tunnel. supping .tcr'ii'R ItoFonr’S ho«ly To ii" IP went to th" <}#' anti P*oi\.ii Pm t Nv'.'i ton il« i <\ to Th'1 flight (tu aurora vvhi« ii still Pum* <J u, r| • * sky, 11 a'/ / P ■ i his . o;-. wit limit li>:ht itiK On- surfHoo <•! tht» world P- Jow. (To !<o fontinuoh. i YfXYI/i' SCARFS NOW Pi PI LAR r: >• »r l In' i(i r; l r f with i' .n'i iif yi'ivct ' nf th(> ■ iiiudt , him :i:iy •. -. . I, .'ill'I til.- silt 111 to 'h ..... W hit'' mini ■ "i ■ >,s- <1. *i' 1 • = • .1 r 1 rt 'is-* mul id" ii r; i \> n i snmf mid flee,)!: lii-ihl" nit: ii .. icli-'h itf-.l in ihiiiiK. t' nr is mid Will I’ 11 [ 1) .' illl (* ; i till ilii ■ ■ ■ .j1 orpin; of sill: <.I • ■'•' mill ill ■ III One striking no. is ;• iiiiiits. :n hoi:; >1 pin'd ox • l , ... ; r p n • .••n iift.-l tnu thp rluht s'- • r. I'n.-ti • PICTURE PUZZLE ii r'i-i.l inT moil'**r i .\nsw» i to v e>»t f-r«i.«; * '.u/zi*’ 1 mler l-ft arm ha'-i v, tl« it ii* »e I v. •I n k! ii« r* t • in >t vv. a' ni m i a at , P eU Burns Anything Jurgens’ Novelty Prices $17.50, $20. and $23.00 A self-feeding anthracite stove in the dead of winter and a wood heater in chilly nights of fall the very stove for this climate, burns wood,coal, charcoal, coke or shavings alike. Is beautifully nickeled and its large front door sheds a beautiful glow all over the room, see it. It is guaranteed by us. Chas. G. JURGENS 9 Son Right in the centre of the Furniture district. ADAMS AND BROAD Heating Stoves from the cheapest to the$(>0 hot blast ALSO DETROIT JEWELL AGENCY (•'. - • i!m b*iT bij«. The*-* <r«- ti-> - ‘ tii*m 1 fur «i'»v t ir.u» \v< luu flu • ■ • • <>•: • i\»> v\ I > 1 ■ h < .• 11 tl<' - huy ;» \ : ;<p u\ ■ < \ ruil't; : :• . < »'i«- is «•!' * hi . k ain. t «»ff b\ lining •!' pa ■ <1 pii>k satin. w iih -• «« h b • i» h »»i ;■ ;! •; !‘<»s s ..s a <1‘ I ;.! :«! h'l . . |\i-t* I «»r « biff' i: * *i i - l**.i - • li W lh S’. liis’d-'Uli il:;-tiy I » »:'(.• j t* - ,r!:> b <‘a* .i.j»» th< >'■ with V. S'»;t «'**!*>rt <i scarfs uf sfr»*'-*r j:h h*1 < I in i • »■ nMrv. ,<),«!' and inait \ t , \\ «‘j'k ••*< i 'A nil dull Kb v*t i(!*«•;• tis «'»r a. - 1’iHi' • mccxy *M‘ L'obl, . i«* tb • ft I >!'* •'••.'Si fav..r*<l for ck'bntri'tf IVIIH FB0T8ALL i'l \> i |{ \i < | S| |> or Kil l ! No \\ I Si \ IIU.IM.VN II \s ius| i!ls N| U\ * «* \ Vp * N » V ) •* Tl.t tbsiih • »f » ’nptain ii •••: h M *..nk. *■; tin W«-st V’. rgrinlu l ., i . - rs:; • fnntbVl • **m fata! In iv .n-al >.'J,ur in fj :ii«* uitn 1>« thuny t‘<»Ueg«\ :u* an> th** «'-L»s* • a th** R'ri.irou .-iinvr ■ '{ Th'»m,*' '-I.* , u| t ■*(ar run ..[ t iii- ! ’>• tl.*.. '«iuavi. Ma' a. if. aj» . l.i ‘ ■ ; a! !■> a ■ '?* .»ur* at \.T* * : - niy, W. \'.i. «•!' th' « \U ■» hist • ' a r- a aim. j-. sai-.'l In-ij:.;. : I if. ! af pr<-M m ■'* I - ■ • n•] u* hi Hi1 h au"i in’!' ki' Hi-' • ■ l f :« t alum* j•!«i' in one. Win r* i •? ■ n«-\ < r hfsitat*. <1 t>* tiii-ki*' an < • \> < :nu j»la>-**r •1 r !•!•*« k an> inirr: * i «■ ai- * l n i'iilil iiuu bn afraiii t-> * 1 *> s.*, "I vvuubl always »>•«•* i!iai in -m in.'-tant iln- * h« >■»-•>- •>{ tb.* < : • . 1 mi^bt • hnnjre :r«im Wha. > tin* matter with Mh ‘..y—he’s all i :^li! ••> numl**ri*r, mur«b:*-r'. I' »1.<n- with ia - u,ini'V I am tbanUfijl T in’s to qnH Playing:.” vaM his m<*tb« r v. h » ims upj»(>k♦ (l tli»* Killin' far y;nr< h* won a pi in •<* fMl tin* I’anton S. hno! train about ii\«» years a;1... POLICE FIND WIFE OF MR. J. A. AUSTIN Tf wife i'f Mr. J. A Aumiiii. th iravi'liiiK r-HlPHinan wlm is rcpurt^d !■• lie dyiiiK i" U ntcrluir;. i 'lumn ticut, f:hs lu-rn Imatvl. Slid 111 Nut ■ Imvny county Infiirmutioti of her hunl'i'iiiV.s Mriouii illui'ra ).:ii f eu mil in Airs. AiNtlu by Bertillon i Iwk Tolw the IuchI jiollio cleparlnicnt. Air. Austin was i-tuidoyed by s 1>. ial (.omir-u. but sn fur as i.- known lias never been 1 Blclirmiiui. llis em ployers say then ei.gam-ii bun by mail | anil bat. never seen him. n i.i i.i:win r\N ni: imiom n INTO W i;sTi:ilN I MON Ol fit I) Ity altniily sayiriK •Telegrams..-’ a pel son desinnit to sc-ui! a message over tie* Western I'nion wires can 1 .e jiro perly i .r.iii•••teil with the telegraph of IIee b>' use of tile Southern HeJ! phones. The ojierutor in th. telegraph oflU.T i|iiiekl> makes ennneetion with the proper Western L’nion loll tele photii nnil the rest is easy. This iti.-thod is now practically in • fleet Iii all cities in which tb” South ern Bell telephone operates, and saves the inconvenience of waiting for a messenger Bodge’* Bath < lent . BOSTON. MASS.. Xnv. ltl.—Koriller ib.-verner John 1. (later, considered the most formidable possible earuli dute for l nilcd .states Senator Henry faliot I/odge’a seal after former Ooi emor Guild, who gracefully withdrew after conferences with the Lodge men. likewise took himself from the field to-day by endorsing the senior Buy s|h1i S ii it'.f for re-election. With Guild and Bates out of the way. the I.odge supporters see a clearer field than any time since the election. Johnston’s Educator Biscuits provide for the dyifxptic or l hr unwell. it happy variety of easily assimilated and highly noulritinua food products. Toastnetts . 25c. Wafers 25c. Graham' 25c Did It Ever Occur to You how at tractive and acceptable ft ‘ basket of the Schmidt (futility” Fruit,-. For -i*lv and convalescent well :dl enjoy it equally, from $1.00 up. Good Housekeepers know from experience the place to not good Coffee is Schmidt’s—So will you to your delight—if at once you try our Bon Ton Blend at 25c. Makes u perfect cup. “Home-Made” ■ * i rw applied to our preserved products 1 they arc made with the same per | eonal t are and supervision by recipe that have stood the test for years. Preserved Rasp!terries, qt. jar. ,75c Preserved Damsons, qt. jar. .75c Brandy Peaches, qt. jar... $1.25 1 Mince Meat, qt jar.65c Plum Pudding, 2 pounds 65c II you want one for your Thanks giving dinner, phone order early. HERMANN SCHMIDT, FINE GROCERIES AND FRUITS. i| 504 to 508 East Broad, Richmond, Va. L Freight paid on Mail Order*. Famous Sayings of Famous Men \ l.ittir Mor<‘ (• ru i *•. t’iipinUi lluifgff.''—Zm hury Taylor , This historic saving is attributed t » ihn.ral Za« haty 'Fa> lor at thv buttle lUtrriH Vista. K-'ruiir) ► 3 M 7. Whi n Santa Anna ral’Ud his broken • »lumns for a thud h" pro . ipltatod them with such tore-* upon Hi* American r< ginn nt-- oecupying th* .niv.i n * that th*> yielded Mini fv i a k m « uufavion *at. the r.nerve#. Taylor hurried to tin* critical poin:, -r^ :vit th*- utbhrv t > face ahout ami t\ • th' f mj'hati' order, ' A little pr,.;.. . faptaiu Uragg. ’ At tin third the A! e\ i-a n.-« broke anil !)» <;. Th'- phras *i113 ■* llont sm ■« in in H',. presidential cnmpiign >-h»t h «*. m h a > lor to th* AVhito 1 Ions- . r.nt ad arm; rt. that what ■ it< g. !*• r.i! ' • . !iv aid \va.'* Alive elii h .. < ‘apt: dm l *ra x.u ’ Tin * i j r* r»o<»ioj.-i; t «u .* A** *\ \ <>vK paper in April. i^‘h corroborate* this version trom * >»»• dp- of th* captain i »r sc. i, In »> i 4 . «i *nf at law Mobil* A:.-. > 'as. :*t a -ar dinner Lilith ‘Am. al Mh* it -amain) til Tub b a J1 ttm >•' in tit - course of tin ’ g.ntoiuan sifting mar tin o c r r« markon, pl< u-emtl . w h 1 !. c. 55 tin latt-r’s gla with urno- A !■ U!■ * n grm Oiptmn Hrrtgg." HiMt’a •■miloi aim Pouvd. Mini then said; li hih> sm mis* \,»u to know that that e\pr* .. never i,v d." We were r ::r:t; » *i. for all tho pa pers through*’ - r country w* re pro* lain:inu A. ami asked an expla nation. i • pi . *i »• * - * 3 * - * 1 to rm.r * thr I"* idi tits oj tin* ha ltd . At this m - Daily Hints From Paris ' WULB (« i nv>nt." he i-untiniMit. "I observed that tin- oniony wi-rc preparing t" charge the ImttVry m such overwhelming iiuitil>* rs that 1 r,.u ed ll would bo captured. and mi ordered It withdrawal. While retreating 1 saw lieutenant Thomas. who < ommsindvd ti «*ei lion, suddenly unlimber his two gun* arm prepare for action i in my asking him lh<* purpose In- r**j>111.1. T'or Gods anko. Captain. git tin- battery Into I>l»i\ a nit she t he day.' "The advantage of ill" position •truck me at mu . and w. rapid!* niilliiitieri‘d. t'.y this (inn- the Mm von* lo'fr adimv jug and we opened tire at wr> short The one in fi ll i :t -k. shutt red and broken. At tlii* rpomont. when the report had hardly dii d away. ( Taylor .line gallojdug dtAVt), tidier, eft t.y tile staft. He iv or i. an old ft raw hat. \vr> much the worse for wear This, a* to* ruvhi-d past, tv pulled off and swum, ttround lib head. white ho yelled out to mo. That's right, give 'em h—i. C'Hptatn llragg ' " Ilf MAKE FIGHT FOR CENTRAL BANK H’l t l I.VTION \s TO UTU TIII It >1 \ \TOlt VI.IHtlCH WII.l. rout »: mi; uvrrtn. W.tstllXii'fiT.V. x,v it; - Whether Senator Aldrb h "it; iacn h hi* cen tral hank sehenie for P * regulation : ,.f the e.o.ptr s '.'-am •*- at th ehort session of <'.mgr* s*. is t O' . ing more altonth a p.-t at present than any other iiuoftlen appertaining to the ■ winter * proceed'tig* mi Capitol Hilt. • 'redcuve i« gi-sn |»y person* in exeett ttw and legislative lire:,** that tin* Senator wiH. I>> a hold, stroke, under take to earn through the project. U will he tits last i hint<;c, at toast for . tw o*. to deal w ith a, .Republican ICongli ». Tin su veeding Congress will not nn • i until decent her 191 . ■ iiliii th Me of tin mom duty totlltllia I ston expires hv lav. in 1914. i A senator aid to-day that Aldriih would in a'l probability concentrate ‘Ids iiifhn iiee nil Congress next yylnt-s and tun * a careful enttvasa made t • learn the slate sentiment regarding the central i imk. With a fighting chance in sight tie would then open the contest. Thera ate number* of monetary eumnilndon who believe that Aldrich will not make the venture. , and that if hi'vilue* he will tie defeated “The man does not Hie.1’ said one of these members, "who Is able to draw' * a hill that w ill ■ ■cTiirtitnd that auppoi i 'of twenty-five per . tit. ..f the Senate 1 Although tile outlook to the ordi nary observer* appears dark for the central bank Idea, strong interest cen ter* in it for the reason that it would j not tic the first time that Aldrich wal known to work a Ivglitative miracle. VIRGINIAN’S DAILY PATTERN LADIES’ SHIRT WAIST Tin' shirt waist is a garment of all seasons aml-«v therefore Illustrate a design which is equally suitable fur a I ingerie waist or for one of flannel or some other lightweight woolen stuff, ami also for taffeta silk A group of full length tucks at each side leaves a panel In the center of the front, and outside these tucks there is a group of shorter tucks at the shoulil ers. providing the necessary fullness, k In the hack there are tucks extending , 1 from shoulder to belt. The neck is y ihdslnd with n bond for a detachable / collar and the plain shirt sleeves have a cuff at the wrist. The only fanciful touch is tin- tittle tab which extends oyer the tie from edge of the opening I of the waist. The pattern ,121 !> is cut In sizes 32 ; to 42 inches bust measure. Medium size requires three and one quarter , yards of 27-lnch material or two and one-eighth yards of 44-lneh. The above pattern can be obtained by sending 10 cents to the office of this it i paper. VIRGINIAN PATTERN. l.tDIKO SHIRT « VIST—SO. Sail*. Nunic ........ Aildrraa . sim . . x«. sain. To obtain this pattern All out the coupon above an<l send with ten cents in I stamp- or coin to the Pattern Depurtm ent. Ktchmond Virginian, ltlchuioud, Yk i /