Newspaper Page Text
mm HEiifls of DKl.UOATKS Hlil.VTi: Till, K.VKNTH or vt. n. (, roxvFATioN n V HK WILL MLLT HERE !SEXE fAuani.ib «h.i, invf. «• vi, i:\t - ' * 'i min or viih* k vYr '.n Ml\ KOliVMI. licyort- on tin —invention o; th. I'mu u liiuif,mi ra * i tue v ..iiledt-raw, hold Him v.-i-K in l.linc in.. K, irii.. till* a|..|>oii,une;,t <t itisi'.ri at • nil mutt', iinit trie pr . 4«r JUtnUviuris to He sent t.» the * .iliiwi a i-.;i uy t - d'l n nT. with I'uuitnc I'lmih *. ttf.;*;.*' tftf ’A' vemhiT m—tim: .if t!;.. Mi* iWJ'l i Chapter. I u. » on Wo t«5 morning mast imp n-tnnt ■ .Mrs, IS. A. HH, i.wistrar ot tin; Ulrnmond t’liii|)ti! nmi a .ieiegaf- 1“ the ..invention, rend , im t. «'•. tailed ..I thi- s -1.... tlm l onvontii n, tvlil!. Mr ' ' K:in; tlolplt hrleliy siiti tied tit. most in, portaut netinns the .•>.n.. t • n. ’i n Governor of Arkansas, veil ran* anil &•..ns of vet...rims tnn.dc initlro««.-s ol wt'lii.r.i.’ at the opening s. Hsm and throughout th«tr .th- .mi. pa! - were royally U.VY U.y . t til _ us util ns l.j lh< daughters. •Most Interesting to the Vlrjthria th i* at i:!’g. Iltl.l CSj).-, isliv HO t. tile mphmi.ilil lepr. s. Motives, »?.* th vote, following u .viurit.Kl (lUitBSt Pei tw..en Hiehmond ami Washington t>> tin n. xt s--sH n of th*’ lion, which v. Ip'U ..iinit")• -how. l.uCs l,.r HKhmuitd anil 1 v lot Washington. Mi's li.indofph ,■ »*■■ th. lnviuitlon from Hv-hr.-iond. busing !,. • claim* on this city's v ital eonm-i lion nlth the men in pay who fought and died for her anti her sister cities .. lh>. South. Mrs. More in . Mended th invitation irom Washington, w-tth plea for thr young, Voarli I Iflj- Thou-ii ml. Compiled rep. rfs from th. -..i chijpt. rs ..f tho Culled fn. eht. r- . • the f oufedt racy s)..> \\ • d a m* mo. r - shiji «f 41.262 daughters who are la boring lot- the perpalnato.n .-I’ t • .'•'derate memories and h v..r to t... ret. ran*, both living ami ,d. Th-award forth- priJe .»«av .it C ■ intnhla t'rtlt, rviie this *.. jtven to young man from Ala'-.m4. e. ho wrote a historical th rs.s of ti, ear between tin- tttHtes. The mi a tionaJ • ommitt. - ai*.. r—ri-d th-, tin- I mt-1 1 Kht-r s .f th. t.,r t-raty hav. :t seholnrshlj. it V , College. .1 *; -1 Hsli,.t .. [ f.o. ... to TTl-'* the d. It-aims ; th Is f • !. -ir d. r p. ,\i ,. ■, than soft, o ut tu >*t -■ . ? ., .* *. t - the nit: r. (ip th. '.mt ii:. the convent 1 »n a r*!ffna 1 homIr it* r • •Xttltion ot lo r tii. .■ ts \ .p n p. th Ci.nfeil.-rai V. km pari Mr . Ran.!?.;;*, ii hen Mr ,t turn., r ■;|. ;nr ; i man. tv r.diui' in latti- !;■ . . . , a Homiu. t of hit. . i .attth. m ,n i" her .-1. s11• ,- ■ IimII nit wer. pit s-nt. d to i-r to Mr Jis.. i t Irjriman. mnv living In Aril,in las tit-, tianuoiph trr.uefupi a. ■ ; - -d th. < i.niiumi. nt ami . 1>- t,. the I 'onf-.i, rate t? V. Membership ( taii»i V!f<] long <Ji-> i>~. -a, th -mil I'm in to thi , •-til ,i;.in , jf,_. , i C. In regard to tht nn p.itu r'chin , |„ „ w hit h was Intr.-'d*: . N:,;,.- (. lott.l. Of lhf> I ;■ t it.. },_ , , tarried to a two-third* n i M;i: ; Sn4!r-r < •«!' tt.i . . it || , v' ■ lit V- • have lost »!ght of th- fa,i that be * hr. from .< i ' 1,1. it i-.i.. ... , a a valuable a- from tUr.i soldier Tht a pit- inf m, reads ns follows. d*-r to make lilt- it:;. ; . s p t of th* t a .*•: 1 ■. to ; |f, na limai am-rn! Til .t oint :i * r.t • , > i , n i . : ship are th* -o ■ *, *,, ,. widows. ttjvi .-. r- ,..t. u ji and lim n; «!<•• . udant* m ;i;. , ns served hemraNy in u». Cup'i'd *r»ta army, navy •*! op. •; n-vi . . . of thus*' men. limit fi t „ ,i . • who loyally aij to t- i'itit Ais*. Southern women uh , »:t. proof of personal .. . r to I ho South tin t 'at i { •ml th,* lima, *1— dan!** i.{l, - of each w onn-ii. v, io is,v..| g Tht* otinn if hntti .mi ■ t*. i*.,; madt h> this * •n***intt a .. »....• flee. with th. pip tli'if- ■ Mi. i i"ils o| sui t). Mrs .) I* • ts. * . !; son. of ft it dtim ml. now hold* this « • foe. ami a h;st.,rlt a! . - .-*, u-.t uu,j,.j her dir. < lion »*rm , I t attrn* ttx.• f....ti.r. . , . . p.ti,.,. Luncheon* uii.i i. (t p. v*. a *. , . HO.-ikl a. SO. I) p|, to th. .ltd* it t. s Memorial »i Arlington. Tin’ report from lb.* Arlmgt ... com mit le** in design allow.-d thm tin iummllto on design had engaged • rtigt an,! drawn up citric t tor a Joii.mol monument v, ». ing any design i r consulting tin* t xct ntivt huard. This brought forth mu h op position front a number , t • *. Mr* stone referring t. tit, minutes *’.; the last convention, where it had left wholly in tit,, hands nf 1 he corn initteo f >i designs, others contending that tlm minutes rail for ,s design Virginia as well as the other* .!*• clnred they were not willing that a monument should In* pUu-ed in Ar lington at so little itst. A motion wit mad i !,v Virginia as follows While fuliv appreciating the work done by th*- po(limittee oil df-ign mill heartily endorsing' fair M..*e. idsehiel as the artist chosen, Virginia in s that the monutn* id trend t*. i,,n eral Lee in Arlingtoti shall n„t less than JMhOtlo, hoping f.,r $7 enn and another e.»ntrttct drawn up, an,, that the Sir Moses Kieklel. artist ehosoit. shall submit a v. orkmg model, that In ease the artist should he Ill nr died his work nutv i„ curried on to a Httcei -sful cittni.Icti hi. This motion was carried b.v a l.,rp majority. IV. Samuel Lewis n ns tc ,],. associate chairman of tin Arlington monument hoard. Tie convention i titered rtapw .-t from the V. H. C. to <'onpress thai t!>. latter led;, shall have .. report oo tp. MU for marking the gruvea >>f th . i'.,n federate dead. A vote of thanks was given th*. chapter to Mrs. Rttndidjih, Mrs. \ rn-mner. .Mrs. J. f! t’orley. Mrs. Hd oir Taylor. Mrs Brown mill Mrs J. l .ini-r Hoblnron for their success! .il work a delegnti s to the • ■opt ention Historical EvaoinQ*. The lirst of the historiesl evening* to be given by the Richmond fhupter will be held on VVednesdny. November J?, In Lee Camp stall. Miss Kat.. Mason Roland !« cheiman i>: ti-.s com mittee and other members appointed MTednesday morning are Mrs. J. Rndert Robinson. Mrs. K. if. Clmves and Mrs. E. E. Moffett. Upon the motion of Mrs. “Moffett, it was decided that th" Richmond Chap ter will send magazines and hooks t . the Catawba Sanitarium In answer to • general plea from that Institution for literature. All daughters desiring to contribute to Ibis collection are rc %ucgted to tend their p.-rkuliettU books, etc., to Mr*, Walt or Christian. '315 South Third street, who will send Ih.- dr#t box to the snhllartum In. two \\ < eks. The treasurer of the chapter wak iii*truftcd to pay |2& to the Oonfed etirate Museum. Votes of thanks were eextendPd to fit- Chesa peake and Ohio railway, throtiKh Mrs. VV. It. Vuwter, for the splendid jirovlsions made for the trip to and from I itile Keck, and to the Stonewall Jackson Chapter In Cincin nati, O, fur their kindness to'a Sick Confederate veteran from Fredericks burg In their city. The sum of $10 w as voted towards ih relief of a Confederate woman in Minnesota. 1. SUIT DIES FROM APOPLEXY 01 ASHLAND GAR (Continue.l from ..First I’age.i 1 A.o!'tiul. She survives hint with a ; little boa. Charles K.. Jr. I'hc d. ith of Mr. Stuart comes as great at. ek to all who knew him in j-i.ehnv ltd and i.i other parts of the state. lie possessed lovable trails of eiiarut ter and w as exceedingly popular ! a'm my his cti*< le of friends and nr ( nuain.anci g. j .vr. s ; tart recently won the tirst I vtn ilatlon contest prize awarded by i I’h - Virginian. H. Is said to be a l . ..i the lion. Henry Stuart, of i ftussei! county. , j, > 11 \ i ltl.DMOMI TALKS 1-X lilt slAsTim.I.V (IFTHKTRIP TO \. Ql’KK.NSTOWN. Not. lid—John hi. Redmond and T. 1'. O'Connor, of the Irish | arliamcntar.v party, who have i been on a tour of the t'nlted duties, arrived lure last night on the steam* ■ hip C, it it from New York. They wvr.- met by a big gathering : rej.j. .-entativi s ,,t public bodies and nib.-il parties Special interest st ye he* to Mr. Redmond's homecoming i t ith roti rern e to tin attitude *.t the i nationnliKta in the present political r s AH sides recognize the import* i f. of tic nationalist leader ns a far* 1 !• r inrgeiy ruing th. situation Reje ■ r.o r,, an address of welcome, Mr Red»n.<nd dwelt with enthusiasm u bis reception in the i nited Stales, W ■•!. th* • *e|Uc touched at Crook y e et; ttiis terrmon th* members tie Irish deputation were given a i greeting -ju t, aS has not been Keen j -si,re Carney returned from Ameri* r : <Sr* it I*..nitres earned on all i !h< hllltei..*. saiut. * were hired and ; k-1* w > re sent up HUES COME HIGH • Ult lilt \\ I'M ill »{ t ,\\ VI - i * >iu» rm >i. i>i < i. viu> miii m \(.\ vri:. 1 HI *' AtP i, ,\ < *v, 1i;,- American ‘ I t 11«• ITS'.'ly mil; | ■- ■■ i' a < weigh to af j ; tit.. I'.ir Ins da lighter .lilue 1 .. 1 'Minis .com. high. they In\: ri* “ b.vond the h.>: r< Ui. Cash they must , ■ . > > . : t the; (j.'ttmnd more ynur j at '. K:rl mint !... willing sin*,, i l*> In r tiled w,f-i.Then he j ri.ii.i It. r he err and afterward j ■: n. iti a* f. site ...air family vrn i« ‘ 11 ih* public i- his money hunger a | n-.T appeased." f .‘.at a lh- .. .. Si..., i Millionaire 1 '..rtin H Kilgallen duoutued int.-i .u.-an! marriages after hi- ,xp< rl - with Count Ju.'*|Ut m Alexander i ■ II M. link lie Beaufort a- husband 1 fc '• - .‘.a-.ghter lr»ii " '■• Ii i ttrst laid t|„ I said the inillianain. "I ■ I i • an *l,i .vitter »ml her mother, 'V* . at. -lane and 1 nnir tlm r have . * r* *s.-11 t,» change my opinion' N ev Mr, Ki (fallen i all fur a di * • ■•* * «l*'d l.y lsi'irallen's order tram 1... ai hospital. .here his collates* ( 1 r "v.rin*i from a 1 rok.n knee i> v hit h 1- - titi i - have been caused the lorni. ». .Miss Kllgallen's fall . .end.-., v. liib- tnini; t • • escape B'oiii her titled husband. In.' ,1 rt ne« n putting in his tint. ] hei , in dodging: l.aili.T- seeking in ‘d!< • t hi ::;s that lie tt oiild j he diver..,I Were laughed at l.y Up ■uni- -Mis Kilgallen stands with m. , lie said. 11* wife |*,i*s me. ami ns lie ktlgu'lcii- pouf! In doesn't count. ' 1 hal Cai-a Kogan. ji *i*»* « count lias id* in l-*-tla\. 11 * ■ annnun* .** that til preliminary arrangements l**t the divot * *• ate t * triplet. , arid that S *>nly tip* removal of his daughter from the hospital l« bring awaited t* I put th, wheels of the law in motion | Th.* count* -s, h* said, will lie taken ! Icdtie io her lather's mansion within ! ’• i ' dais und pro. eedtngs w ill then I l.*• instituted l ■ turn Count Jacques j Ah indei ion Moil rile do Beaufori ; * *.it upon the eitie! world. Unimn-s ttia* Millionaire Kilgallen would s. til.; a round sum upon the j * Hint t*-r th** tdeasur.* of his absent'd •>* m chi* ago i*. re vigorously denied "Settle," said Kilgallen. "I guess I’ve j s. t'tcd him a r tight. I've punched ; him an*. ki* k*-d him good and hard Settlement: Not a dollar," VVH.I lUIMltaTI. i>s omi'ANiBi W A t-U I NOT1 KN, ,N*jv. Iti.—An in v. .digati.-li oi . cpresw. telegram ami t* loph. ne companies wo* decided up**n t>y the National Association of Hallway Commissioners at their con vention to-da; . A motion was adopt ed pi appoint a special committee to .oiuimt an inquiry Into the service ami rates of th.* cypres* companies. Another committee will investigate the rates charged by th.* telegraph and telephone companies. The gr. tiler part of the morning session was devoted to general discus sion of the Slate and f ederal railroad ; commission. Several of the State com mIsslons exprerred the opinion that the State and Federal authorities were at arm's length, and that there should he more harmonious relations. Com , mUgdoner Clements, of the Interstate | Commerce Commission, said that the commission desired cordial eo-opera tlon. a* far as possible, with the State commissions. He thought that the fact that there were occasional fail ures to agree should not he regarded an Indicating a lack oi the co-opera tive spirt* ' it'. WIU IET STAFF LIHRini HO A HI) UOK* Mil Mi'll HKIUI.MI DITIKI INTKH pkhi:d mitii RESOLUTION IS PASSED t'OMPHUAII'h MBASI Hi; I' AIMII’i BO—I V* NOT M'.Np HOOK' TO < mllllt-'t.U IIINTBUT I' AU tKUBil, Juf t .as Punt tmy arc aide S'1- l• •'r 'four. th< .Ian. » assigned to th< .n tile* member.* o: tin suit- library start nr.- t** allowed to tin whatever work they phase out of olili'c hours. arcuruitiK to rue . atom auopted "> tile I!lirai,\ lioat'1 Tin day night. it had been at h rs i s . ggesieil that a» every monito r ot th ,-uuf tias em ployed on salary lie Mumlil l>e teouu e(t to Kite liia whom time to me library and eould not even at ienc at niKht do other work. harm? that nidi an order Would l« pr* inulcatetl tin sra.f utitteci In .1 letter lo the hoard a. khijr that ri" sneh rule he rna'le. Very ‘ittie work has lorn done hj ant a the si lo' i hut occasion sometime* erises wlict. extra money ran he made with ■■■it j causing less «.t time t work irom i the library. Memhet ■ of tin- staff 111 their app il i to the hoard held t.ia* it would not he proper to pay them for s*veu , hours’ w ork and hist.-1 up'.n twenty four hours duty. Tin time at horn it was admitted was in * strictly "n j duty.” hut as it hud tn held that as tin members ,0 the ytafr were al ways rather working or resting ■“* they could go hack to work, they n> lieveii that if prevented irom d»inii anything other than library work they should hr vnllh i< ntiv r emuuer 1P d !"t what they might the- io*. The hoard, however, put an end to the whole milter by deeidin..' that ■the staff mem hers could do as th. \ have done r.l! the time. Hut It - ot them have op to this time done ■■ 1:•' outside wmfi to amount p. an: th.el and tin b. aid tlii.-s * .. that the pa- • sage of he proposed rule would meei a situation bef..i. it 1ante i 1 ■ t• • exis tence. i-r. Henry Mel hr nine. stab librarian, feels; i-onridept that and- . the •■compromise ruling' the library will continue to prosper. The iiuMi tution under his administration h > 1 reached a v. r hath stab' <>i ex< t 1! m and value and through his > 'forts r hemming a greater j actor in the edit • rational Ilf- of iht State e-cry oar Hoards' Kcsolutiou. i n* ri vtimii n ;*g?*-*M i<* &nu au*pt . «1 by Th* board r» yarding t!*•- ‘fit vtdF* 'vork matter u a.** n& follow.*: "Kes<’i\.-d In t*» the men! « f file * mpb»ye* of the !H ran ; hoard Mth reioreiiee to said tmp! 'doing- work <»uts:.V of their duties »r .'■•■nniv'lon with tin library ’That it is the of tin- ' r ! ••and it is «•> ordered, that emj»b>\* $ the library should n--* undertake a i T whi .s** **x»*i ution l.« to 1 during- un ; r« gujar hears whc n the library i> and its employe* or an\ of th# m :• required to 1 #• in the library "P'lrtiur, that no ontsid< •, V should b* doi:e b> employe* .»! Th# library outside *»; library hours of *u: ^ ■ a publh fhara< t*-r as we.a-id 1 <••:*!• : ciliated to cause a mfaappr* du-nsum ir the mind of the >»uh*!i as to whefh# i such empl”>e> jiKi property d!s. >-rjre ' ing their * *rtl«• la} dutir*. 1 "Further, that .vain employ, « sTp.uh ? not undertake outside work <>f > a character a* would tend t<> diminish their HfUiencn in his- harcjn&r th. i; duties in th* library To K«*nm:?fp I*b turret. The eomr.tct t •• r rftfmnting the tun > in the Ifbrarv ir&lls rv ••.•;*,* ward -n, nd Hmith. of v V<*rk; Th* ia>t ]e*u:rc ynpr* rb t ed ll.aoo for this w i k and Mr Sm it > .will begin r.-i'CH hinc mid r-a jeaulm file portrait* immediately. A v **rdi?:g to the ruling of the e ■ » no u*nk* an «®ont to th-* Fate* sanatorium, ■ * tin* lit r*ry e n* t an fh'TlZ* d to V' ■ HUiiV ItOoks -V, ’ f State in: »itTh“ vanat<-rlism realizing ih f '•«*,. k- sent th* re «--.ub not I »• returu -! < ■- Oiitnrv r»- v *n« nr*. , vriHinsp. asked that a c ub rtl- n 1 «lv* n. 00A0S SOON TO AFFECT TRAFFIC ARRANGEMENT j .UiHKKMKNT lil.TttKl \ MV vork i evritAi. is sm.i m . MORI 11—OIHIU M W S. (Serial i” 'lh. Ki< hmond Virginian 11* >A.\l >K K, VA , \ [ ti - pert Indicate that the mui h-taik. trailiv urrariK*racnl between ttir Ncv York Central anti th.* \ irgmtan rail i way will g<. int.i effm t m th<- .'art; future. Such «n mean a great increase it. hailing. : l.r th.- Virginian and would pro* u rally Insure it a prosperous future. Bussell Davis I’tit . is. chilti t.f .Mr ami Mrs. It. I >. I ar'is. (in ,-! urn:;, in Hamit t. N. V. Tilt* I>..tiy a a hn unlit t.. lihif. Hills. S|irnu.. an. interred in tlladr i r.i l. c.nietery The child was three years old. A large number ..f ltnanokera w. n tu Bedford Tuesday with doss am Sima t.* upend tile day there hunt lug. The season In Bedford op. tie. Tuesday. Colonel James I i, Johnson has s *n to 1‘ to attend tides I'treiil ft.urt. which hegan Monday. Mr. John Tay lor anti several friend ot NeW Jersey, arrived in lUniir-A ; Monday in a I’aekurd tar on thei way to South tAirolina, where the. will spend several weeks. Christinas Bed Cross stamps will h i sold In Boanoke 'tn;s y.-ar for th henctlt oj the l ree Medical idsptii i sary . Mrs. s‘. \\'. .Iamt<?on. who .■ ‘ sue- essiully conducli tl tin :...• ; .* year, will haw . hargt of 11 .mall this year. j Percy 1. Spec.-.vr. wamed her. lo parsing a worthless cheek on the'ml Hall Clothing Company, was i in Danville yesterday. I olieemai King l.rt her., this morning to l.r in. him home. I The payroll of the Norfolk am I Western machine whops to-day i amounted to $121,000, an . lncreas over last month of $8,000, Flossie Smith, colored. chargee with shooting at Rufus Martin, will Intent to kill, was trlea In polic court this morning and was sent i the grand jury. Policeman Trout, agent for the !So oisty for the Prevention of Cruelt; to Animals, has notiiled all' person owning cows and horses that shelly must he furnished for the animal during the winter month. He als gives w arning that all hors, n let standing must be blanketed. At m meeting Monday night dirtv tors of flu* Hottookf ahd M* mu Airy j ,S» uth'rn railway th* n d in mako k hid for thrt Motmt Aim fiifl * railway, atUaitisad to • *« sold fit Alt Airy if thr bid .*bouhl - a<v*pt<-a, th* r nd will be ur#t*tl in roiuit ction with the iiin0 that is t»* b* built Horn 1 H<-anoka to AH. Aio , It la a narrow g&ugf proiHfditV»n but in u • *» n w n»><i into sfimiMtfUi «.••• < at Hriftll expenm The bid "as Milt Tim.-oiiy n « i iiihk ov i th«‘ wfr>- i U- \V* . *fc * *rn l.’niou, but bo f**pty h ' <*t l<*on in thr- mrnlh of < h t r th< Nor folk am! VV^ torn aiiipn. nt> «*f ru:il w< r< ns foilo,vs. 'P>ir HJor Tii-ld.... 1 -i 1.4 1 s • i \ t ■* nonta. U< Id . • k* i Jo Id . Non* \ a lo ifl . * lirn h Va!. Sudd . . i>7a. ( M I 07.s#>. s J- > AT.S-; 1 f* *», i 7 7 1 ». 'J S I... a 7 LM. Kit* Mr. anti Ml.-. H n K. M.u * i|tliyt.!y < fbhraHd Tin'• lay the t - ri* ty-rittn utinivt raary >>\ ti tr mai ri.ign. Ai i Annin Mflj Uum l has ai med in Salem ft f-m ‘ *r« *-nsb. o, V l*.. tp all olid the rn . i Tina d i> i ! her t i Alts? K : ! ir « t-.-i I'ett. to Mr. ilo«h Nelson 11 U |» ?->ibb* < ha* i u v* i. tan ted by t h -lit « *m ri* r* '■ » n t; <- i-m in voJ\ jtl^ f .111 s n Iti*• Jr-i.u. . | I Mi \ ani mid bet we. * m-h... Wins roll-Sale ill. I * Mills* • Of low JU i | iron itutr** t. the ii h i <a> h ohm i neat * Milt u K»*r« ini • * ■ ■ ‘ j do-w n. . ; i it f‘ * vld rh.-a \ ■ «; m n | furnm wul follow i m tie n. u ! to tun . I tj Ij'iri’a-r in W' Vein. WAMllMlTo.y. i ■ '• * w .»i i • 'i * igfi • > t- • r '■ n<* < nited * I h-u h ultUlV says: . "■ ■ ■ *.»d pr i- ami ! I lifiT I* r i ‘ * l f«V\ veal ! m. j-e i • ■ w he* lit < I nianv <d the prim I • ■ 11’. ii> -i>-as< d | i s h . ir o iK-en i *rrain. in Argentiti' i • nfii rm ^ nun w . e - a : ; .* • ►.} i r n)}: he > • ; e* » < a*- mi if i.>n .* : ■ ‘'t :■ • r, j ini indn ■ ■ inm . . miu yjj :n. r of proioi h o.. . ..d ale* Ul A -• i n «‘r *, season uro-xiinji the lat>* i ' r th• • ui-*4ing ul i it r. apeari yield ifc aim- -■ aht is annua Sly in j tee ujosi impo* rant i The sir,.-, trijj iealur i• !o - ihe dma* tr ' i'raiihi . a J .-aty pm.r >*•#•11 ! 'j p i CiS i f l*'!".: s. .*.iio*rn Kurope j * rtatiu n i and the ' j w ill ;>! (• * ]_■ apfir * v iiit;*#i' - in 1 ram e. >, | lia ve Ki. • n extrein* sf no . t h« importa ’.• \ u»< - ■ • the sa.’lle « - ''(*••< fs ;*? **room* r-tj . io av \ d* :n leu* \ ife pr U pari r ut i - Mom - jargv r than - ji t-i an mdr* 1 o I •pit m , * . p' The I 4U • - bfliion ■mi erofjv -■■as--ii t *.rn in . -sciy been .»s a whole, rh#- tvcor i. nd Italy r r* ' ;its. !n i;:- ihtf plo i I * im ' r m p j rnit' i s:ot* ♦ n t: / an • j >. peri will ’ 1 ern - r T, at 1 f*. M i i n v * « ti - n /Top Of - l>.-e- d on Krld ! it! Z 1- Si. The - '• l-r- ' ■ mv? * p-i's xViU he . j ■• r at - I’ ' r d -.ri T/ •(i|!i !!.• i • il: m I - ll.M’l is I s 1 »)lt \ Hi 'I: \. ik‘ i in I dll'll il-lii'tl l ilill! ■ ! n-m ii \ i I'.Utl s N-.v . ID. • iter.:nnut> an * ; ping :l Ul. . i.lit'- s , -■-i. Whit, ii.... ■ ij ir. ; inji.iiri a re i*. i|..wn :.■■■ a. >.■ ti; t-in *. * ma t ; II il! UKiieati . ! s-iti.-i The ' r ■ ' num’ • r ->f k: of Paris, v. hi:, res.-m tile id;’ til.- Paris mi l ..hart liie r . j detailed Inf-.rtn ! loeaUty »v-r KUfiires of i. | fly direernil 1. ; the top ■ f th. . i.t nearly T.O" • r .ate to !• ni I’liris Chin-. i rn. si [>. - ai-.r ■•r; tr airri • ti !y« j.,. i-ePire will she th i.*r» nor;* or s at!, *' east l-r fi.-sl ,,t a Ky e-r.o itinc aa.vlgB.tdi ni ’ ri ■; orr : r a. r {hf a he is tlyin*r. •r H-lopt. 1 nr. , ear weather *r •-1 T..1VO, , a. u Th. ntM . , , ■ -t .-.It l- :'! . • ' amp, ■ ; . ■ ■ a (.. airmen I i i: t t i i 11 r i >1 I W'li l< *\ Mtl J t; A I ii I Iti( \ (, in us*. if*i;\ «»r hi n unv • I ' vmti un.u \>i. riffl.i :;i v. \,. : . i;i r ii r .1 , mat do i:. ■ . !-r• t*--l Sir V.' tin anil I.mJj i; •,* ■■ s t-l'f " • - >-'!i Ting .... oloi;:st>. afterr.- n In r ■ I ni> >t> 1 - Thirty-ihird ■'i n' - • m i'« i p ' 1 :• v\'i:1 "i v, i i •"> Hi*' - tr. it- -teal I*. , |:i, , A ■ Minor, V . < nt and i • r, " Sir Wiltiani. - •!> is pr . , < .. him;:‘.niticfi in Ai•►•r<k>«*n I'm .r :> tland. has m ole niliVA • \i.edi;i ■ through \«:.i \!:r; r and hu m .,ii many tnto ••ytln<:imo e riis in lha ■ n t rIf' if at As i. i W .'1 ■ s 'i . * I' • hold h •.1 .'.me jfr< ond m th. •ii••h-.- 1- that th- ji'-ifkii.iii ti. ■ (her- ;u. nnlirnlted. iiis talk " ■*- o-ilowed i \ nn f iiiK iraffil If in: !.-. I .a dy lium-'iu , W it Amu.-. .in Art In 1 i; A.-i.t Minor. I. Ay Hairt.n :li ini< r. ttfj'K nilie i: and hi >| tit - ti ,,"‘ituii '*i h. i- hotrers throughout leotU! e. Shi ’old ... .r.J by means •>; -t. re ••i>l an vi." fll unrated th. . onl.r ins's i.i a. i>. {' Ht'ti hi, s',.a ml th • nuri Asia Minn in t of tntdls,.. tomh>. atnl anythin*.. pner • stinp to th. ir. hi oli-gist. Her .1. SI ription of th-. women she ha:- no in In r tt.'i'- ■ > - parth-uiarh i-t.-r e.'llmr. Mid (hat thro a shout A; .. Minor, am.."; . (lasses, grout a; Moil w:>« Hi . li !.I hi';uii|r. s- hit. ! tlio hula [ the |>i't s ■ tii tiai, firf<- a; 1 in Korop,.. vvery tut to .'•■ to th• - ■■ ■ worft i>} th" wo in. u i:. tli" nountrien who, n;,. tiy.n, she oil • I S i '• at" to 1-u. ,(|. ipi, M and - lid that d had hi m . :, •, , ,ll{ nann d i:i living < alle i th- - ii, lnmies, nod - that throughout in tra . els he hud m ' or seen a nior- in ter.'Sli'uf or ,.r. tti. r . ity thar I'm. . del).hill. h'ollow in,r th.- <■. tor. tat wa served in th.- museum. Mi- i "hftrle I’ustis H trrison lining. the h„*t(s. Among 111..'. pr. sent at the ieotur were ('harh mu me Tower. in- S Weir Minis-'.!. IHrare Rtnnev, j)HVj» Kantlitli Mm Kis vrr, Charier' Cn-vu I• arris n and runny others. Hir Wil H'<m wh* the truest of the Venn flu' where a reci’i'tloii was hi Id in hi tinned • TaUei. Ill in t luireli. VVoinan liie Viill.AI iKI.vmA, PA., Nov. te st rick rn with apoplexy while utter,d tng church services, Mrs. Hannal l,i nnlns. of 2341! North Thirty-lire Street, died rail)’ Monday inornln, at her home. She wa» In the Vnio’ Methodist K) iseopal fhurt h at Wi d stock ami Diamond streets last Thnrs <Jhv evening, when she wu* stricken •She hmi taken putt In a prajer si-r- j vitro itrul witt. talkhift n ft’ s>rae j friends whci she ml inieerl In u pew. I Screech <>«!- (ireul kuirr> W.V.-’l II XtJ’i'i Nuu'm.j-r i>>.—Tin tn'cntj-i'i^t.ih u... ..ii <n tic Alin i • a iiittn.. - is I :ij".i i i ■ •- . I L I ‘ i I • • ■ * I ' ' ' to-day. ‘The v ■'i '■■Art t hr« da;. . f r<*nK W ‘ hi'.[»!?t in, oi ,\vw > “rK, \\<in rhairman to-u.-iy. i>r t‘ J •. \\ moult. rotary of tot r milhsotiian tnsthu t i< n made Hi*-. #u.tdr*w * f woli ojiip ...I,. i ,i t a - ;> r. ft < tmbrulv . Uitfcuftscd * Th* ('ointKftip *»l U*f . .util m. ti<-i*»-Kv nr vVnise i. .h-nti Tif Xtehois, of >.< v \ ork, totrt ; oi . tr,o i•. large « it.' . That a < f.< r* * n owl will eat a quantity «»t tuoi equal f<* a lu-ponuti '> -g f i mutton wi,- in" t u.t» »pnt act ’. *• tic*--, i by A It fir a h. ^hinisan, of Mo il regor, Iowa. Abbott K, Thayer, ui Now llain|«.*hir* . uloo <]■<>kr to-dav. Mi . M oi < ominy llojnr j b * M'ifiit S. T. .Vi'i'Kaii, of to Vjr K i.ifl-i ;u i]i; - t h- ;nii a! * *mj o who hua h. if ; u <i r'lnan;. ’ r «**mu • ■•■-ky < ft b, oir • >- in t'« • i«. • i.i-.i* ' *h tho ooju|»any, . sil sa 1 for non* on .v'a turd ay -if uard the Ma »<* «< rdm# to a cubb-gram n Mixed front him. Three ('(’umiltU Ch to .%3* t j . '•* flu* co mmitb m on ’a i * !t anlriM am! I rht will !-o h. !*1 W T • i i - - . *ia‘. nisfht. ai! at S <• dock •. i in- ;. ir> a r* r- y !.i; and 'ill I.* th o ii- fi to the tran* i' ',,,n of routine i itv liujH Market stall'. o', N'TTHV^ = VA , N'iai inner Jib— Tin* oity Tu'.mlaj. mi pahii- aiteti«>n, u-h.v'd ail tlu- !")!■ ht-ib .'tills in tin* :»i v. * it'* hi,*! :-, t f«‘r an ayy.r. z-iii* • nnnai rental of ^T.tjOh. Tho V'ori ta : h- .‘.r? \ * t t«> 1>» r .mt h Thf market ’hi! « i • t *- ! about I • o:a h,. r 1 .... tr*oi- tnaa h tram i % l'*ai: ill i hi*spit»!ity t«» si;. ♦ he The fjntlor t hf •!;» * < ii-o -o' Mr. Sloyjl'.oftl \\A i>. miiO • f : i * church, w:'s drli^htfu! foatur< m.-i the ^peochos wet» ca!o*daied t*» ar. incre•!«♦•*<! *.-nthuM;r. - m ntol Uuu! th* Mrn*n I.eaguc to i con * ; tin \* ?y\ Jiu'- w ork it l :\ii ht oj. * 1 oiu ;. Ill Il'MlU! Thi UK.s uh»! II klll-Vill !!■ Kir.,i ■ ii ' h us th' a.‘-tor- i-an , h It use tzi i e n I ■ th. .M'ii'v I.- • ’ which Mr. HttfT is lht t:rr!.s-< are -' •: !•’. ; the men ! lie • m«isilimi. C.iii.neJ John S. Hare ""d tva.i tea.”' nuufti land hts , ■ t! t-- • ■ well. T' hi I ;ri I ''tti lit - tli tali;-.''’ and -a .1 "a, as ■ .a; I-itt. present, U a jtr»'U i'lMnri. Thi sr.i nk.Ty’ tab]*'-. it nw -I •' *. ■ ■ r : 1 — its. * > a i tuiil and [ir.**ttilv si t off ti lth ■ -i - * "iHy - hr* -ii ” ’r-'iiri'. a.< mrriii iitivi I hisi, let- f (.tin -. 1 • sij■ t runn'!t;t ii dt.i and tl iai rs mud. >: • .rum |« ..1; 1 , s". an.| inviting. Th* taliiis wi r«* -i I that all tn-. s. ni e M 1 ' th -k«- ni.d hr .< r th" -in a kern Til.- mtisn v,," .'I. ntractii.itur, f ! hi ■ ; — T'n ■ >t tl selection*. tit' Men's I.-hsti:.-* octet*. Mr. 'mi - a imr; Mrs. Rowe. o<itttr*ttn. .ad n \ I 'in duct lit- a a M ri li Kin-nt'crtf uni M,-- a. i r ■ .ail I’nii.yi ,1. 1:.\. I K<: z "iYi red . ravi-r ..t tl'- nwiiii’g; .■ f tin *• ■.i -it. M- ill the I ensue. ! Mr-a • r i r > ' •’ ml T Tn ..1 , - ! t' ‘l a- th flr<st sneaker M i nr !. ‘ rd-. ti | f Mi ■ * ■ . ■' ■' ,• ■ .-t< nu'tc.i t-i *»v Tli" ttv'vor ' i ,-e.c.- t,,.. . . j ■ • ji. -• d Me ■ ■ Mh-hH >. • ’•’ titi \! "■■■ .ad i-neh nme a a- .am e - s "iirht* a:.--. ehed ...j t' s. th" e;.Ill's .1 1',. 1 *h V I : , . T 1; . I< ... I r ; • - . 1 "rd"r ■ 1 -r h i ■ u i f, tint* - 1 - mi , h tin■ pi.'i .. ri. t !.<'"£_iiuth d. -iUisu-d nnd T '.1. Il ' s. If t i h. art "i'i Insist and arr- ’ !r hey. isi to lni.1, ,.r (hi bljT'it v'; ‘ . j life and tn try and m-si;.. r ■ 'has, oh.i r- t r shier ami hett-r. ; ! \ ‘ ern.'-’r M . . . ..a .. ». would un tnnk a s;,i ",tis ri .iilt nm i a jf-ih. Hi pr. I- d t:,.. l-'irsr ’i,;r, j . ' ' i r. -t, .j hi i o' - :,t - ls.h- ... ” ■" ■■■•’ll' nun j r ,.t .lit! ,;v. th. >•!>.’.• ;ii )ur,.. . Ir-.itrn.ii .spirit ,, n man. Vskin ■ ! ■ h n ms fli( ir fu|) ,j ,t. , r"‘-i ' he t h. • m'.n. ' ’ ■ the ' ill'! urifi 1 ,! .1 <•),, V"" n" n "•S' «!.• ir li - ; an ; ini! • ■ r th,- tvnelit f ithits 1 ,v..r ; • rtf: ,. th. ' . -t Ilf. S 1 t he M !.i-;iC;.;(i « iv-i-ept i''y i:.,l,),v -p, . h. r-:.n. ’"’hi t . m til;. I h hi ,1 ,n ri 1 * till- rr,’ It St’>l::em 0 f, r j,• | ;-i d hy the Her, whn .minii the fit (hnrih sins j( ;,s to-,ins •' 1 I .. ! ’ • : d. j", a \ , ;■ i. :.| .,rli’ ; «'ilk. d ..,1 y ( f ‘*tp ah'i the ( htlstian man's latlon th. n tn. f,r '*•( Im-H's AtTilMss Mr. M,,' hells .. id rev "ay th. :, ; ' :X',. ',f ' * '""s H- "ms s.s ‘ ’ ,J' r.’"' '"1 ' i,!’ t!l- ’ h itaumi ! t re ii r,n< er t . h, l'tr ' rVh happy ne.i'le; tie: ' ! :i"' in Its. hni' ad and jn ,f. • . u ’ v’ ry tendi’r. He r. r, rr, •’ " ftchlf ement.i of t^ • h"V’h •!"' • ■' ‘treat intim-mv f, ■ H‘- 1 ' ' I’ll’ll save "'.ler. sidllf *’’*.• si,,,, ,,f rhrt. Man laMr-jishii ,in,f th, n !,i„„ !■■■ tanks of th* Sotith*i h j h t he *•’ ., era at : yeh. hs ;h„ , ' ; 1 f N "ith v ere the onnri • *' •* I i • ■ • >nmu«n .c«-h- f>? f ^; ^ v‘* ? rr>nstant^v ; pr'.‘' ' ’ P,! " 't'"* •' ' "t IT- ..ter I P' . :I" '• ’■’■■•r ;) t>! :t the m e tn, >. lull tii-thl V si ho is 1, nessim ‘ '■ hr. Mitchell ,P .. ... J , ai-at a hie me,us ,r rhl, j ■'!Thirs of (he not- n . i (i „ .Ml • v.s n. t turn in.' Vi-aruMa Itsulortwh »p. !>r. .Melirtnie! r,” ,h. ' st made a s r- r*l|.'it i.-iis id,:,. ytr . V >!«»•>• td’dl'dini e,t the I.,." d,, ■ t', Veed Ii, \V " ", 'a-., r . . , eve si V I -live — i . . ■ ■a t ids hum*. Hdii sir "e - '.11- r. \ • tit. I , -i- , . •ititM’ilii'il made an evH'lrmi a.„ ■r mill,., e det.'h da- t-, ri rhnisp to n-sth hy Pntv tfT’ni’,1. \ i• v,, ,fc t' •’.s . . -Ill,I sen , i’ SShiirjlV lteli j lew■■ d tiiei e ei' llie I , l.i, h’d 1,1 his wil'd;,ip, eh, k, ,1 to iliai * h wt '*•"•'• I" He Hi. .a.,, tvosinvoiav v, ■ • ,• n v t ■ .f i ■»,. . r»'"’rvi,vl fi'.vi , «..,>rr, | f. ,.4 v'- \'-V* pffii >' t% i t fHp |T* t»f ♦» '»■ i ’ o »•»> »■% , v* * i . ■» t ■1 . t t’twlpf fVi<x i *1 T»* » ,, f f » r [ cl- *T> «• £ I M <»»*,. s . t » i ts.if ; h y !*'> i-1 >fw1 f,> i *>t »ri 1 »-,’?; •< |p ‘V*,i Pji«pa *>*' jx niipil , r ,>f l*Pf*t F Thfl*** 'll wtiljptP;, .1 * I * 1 I ' ’ 1 - • |l s T I ' l I " f ‘a * * T 1*11 1 nftorn<> K^neral within n f. vv .Un .. . a i.'V V .. ' is . •*■.. MUSKET BALKY. RECESSION NOTED NEW.YOUK, -Nov X#.--^l«dcrato g i!n-> v i i i.- m iii in . majority *>f the Iriipwrtant imuis at the opening, but tle*re war an immediate recession, m n»t of the arij gains being lost. At the end of th» nuarter of an hour th market b* ■ ante steady. After the moderate tvaetion the market ruled steady hut hun t all dur ing tlii fir-, hour, with pr: eg rang ing in r fly slightly under V'-s’i-r itay o closing, (governments unching t-ii; other winds strong. Aftei a vigo.- in oriv. in the late forenoon tli it e-n.-od n deilfrte of otu point or mo- i man;, of the active nt breeds and industrials, there was a sl.ght imjirn -err.i-nt. but the trading was without importance. The market ruled dull in ih- after noon. but a tii in tone prevailed in the leading .. - ret’i ted in further > tight I.lies from the losses sus ' i;ed net i - re midday. The more tirpo.-taii' I-- , however, -were tna t«-rti»ll> iow-.-r than at yesterday's M W YORK STOCK MMtKET. Open. Closed A meftf nn Tt“»l c-ir-.r . 371 <1 \ n A <rr Chen ■. 0». , A'1' * < ’h.-iMf* - r» .. Ahis-Chamber®. r f! . . . 1 Vfrr . * 4 70 Amcricw. <an. 7n 10 American Can. | fd. . ... . 7‘ '« \imrican Car A ! h. .G ' , • AmfrinM Car \ Kdy. i ! I. . .. I American Cotton Oil .. 4.. <*4 . * ’ American Lorvini^T i'e. rbG 4 »■* ‘ :i \merirnn I.o- re - vr. pfi . , \mcnenn SraeYinjr . s \ ki’4 1 Ar^r extr Siijrar... 11 .**1 * 11S V* AniA'. 1YS. an a T*‘ Co..... HI 141’. \ mei scan Tobacco ,rr»m... A njfjloan Tobacco, pfd. *.'inria Copper. i Atehison.. Ip * < 1 f':?H* \ »!actie Coaat I.tne.......... 12** HOY I'lltimcri" an ! >hlo. 1C'7*» 107 •'■r- ‘okJytJ l?*ipid Transit. 7 7 ftuadiao Paeif,' .. . U*7>4 J90fi* C •’■^Hpeakr* ats.l Ohio. ,,... \V^ hmafroGreat Wtsatero. :m . 2 h 'i.K Mil. and Pad.."* 1.4G < hi. and Nrorthwo#t«fn. . 147 1*7 G. V4\. pfd. Yntrai Leather.... ' iorade Fu*« and Cron. . * .. ‘ ‘ ftp-.i Southern.. PpG tv!* GJ-.and South, lit pfd. 17 7 . end South , 2d ;>fd. - **,IMated < »&*. I , t G ^7 * • I a ware and Huriaon. ........ ! 70 ■ * 170 . >enver and R’o. F.. oom......... 27>, D'nveraud Km pM... .. G , 7 4 J UiaGM-.-ri* Jec C r.. ,i 7 r*. Tif 4V* l IS OU'-f in pld. •«. « ! pf i... vie; * r&n.iec'tr;e .. I f irent Northern. rM ...... . i * r«e t Sorth. O’©. Cif*. j i Centra!... !nt Metropolitan. . .. ■ Ir.t. Metropohtian, pfd. ......... •j*' M :t. > urine, rum. i;t. My Marine, rdd.. ■ 1 ntemn«ioR& Paper. „.. >'■' <? t nst / nat Pr.per. pfd.. i :\an*a« Cuy **n., com.. j »■ mimi9 C iiy So., pfd ............ | i.< ui9Vij]» and•NAahvttie*.. ! M arji^attiiD... '• • ..-tr- Mre.-t Ilailvray.. • v-:. . Kan. and Teia*. '! i\*v. and Teias. p;d. . , Na»‘‘ « !> vJ. * N- - \\>rk .. rr:- P*cu.-.:.. .4 1?3* 331 11 -5 * 33 *s 51'.* 31 Hi id 4 I . l> ‘ 1 l y4 J 30 lid)' id pi !»o:i S'f— (V - . S:**r! Car, ; fd.. >.nci .rpr.rx^ . otn. • •’. od Iron and >t*eJ... 3; oi 1 aa ! S., pfd... # ■ - 1 i* I?« va i. ^ ■ •> k h and, pfd.. v-.aaobeificid... 5/ v uiLem ir’acilw. iihorn Kmivray.. - j '*•«< rn i!a;.wr.y, pf,|.......... i'Wine* u* Copper... 3 : 3 • -1,‘. t'a.if.j .. a - t PatMio ... j; " ■ - lea State* R ,;bL;r. .... L n.tcs. stita* oteni .. s ^ ; 0*1«d Slat--1* .3if 1:'. p*,j.. % . -Car. Ch* u; ca... C2 J* ' *i • ■ a r. s. li e fxi iCA., p , ......... "> .■iCiMU*... * Ati^aa, pfd. . . v<* •• flu, . 1301 s :hc •mi, 54B ITS', 3 K Mu ss ■S»SV* RlCIIMllMJ «!,|( h llinhln'. illi’hnioiid. Vtt . Ni>v. 10, 1 a ! 0 i?*i A 1 fi N . ■ C l li i 1 . 12 .A 111(3. AStO 1 North Caro ilia, tv c. 191 Va. 3s. OUt C. amt H, I.S3* ,'jf *” '.a. i.ciiturii-. --.'i, c. ana K. 1301 .g ! Cl't V SECVI.lTi::.i i St .ifHl Uc: t * r r (t j ......... . Kit':.mono City tr, U. 1030 i 1J30 . , UicUtovtitl Cuy. 4d. C Jt R , iy:.g-l;t3 . ilAH.KO.Al> BONJ's ; A. C 1— 11 tl. cots Tv. 41(, ct 'j 1 ' A. C. U Cl: - U.ii . anil O. Uvii -\n>i. 4;^. . 101 i ua. ' ac. 1.'! »■, c. ma. ,.U3 t'n. Sou and i*'Ut 1 i*4i>. . . .l®4 j I til A Ui. Coti. ■- 3 3 1 ;i - . . ' NortotK. ami Ut - t liy. . Nor. and Wo-H. * ’ a A Hit-ti. mol iu . . .105 .*•< ah A if a l.lnf 4s. 11*56 S5 s,-at.I ArijnsU’ient, .Is ... ' ro. U>. ‘a i*. Hit is ll*3t ... y.1 tty. 1st 5 s. Ui<4 ....... fos . u 1 lit v. ri M. 4 s. 1 i*. ti *... 11,.,; ru N. A.’. tit 6s, C. toll .. 103 hTHKliT U.lll.WAV UOXUS. NortolK Ky. .V L. Co. 5s. ISM" Va til .v h l'tU.v'T' I Norfolk A Va. !!.- A Va. Mv. A. ... 103 4s ... #9 4s :sM4. . . til M ti.v. C. C •-'<>. 5s. 1934 . .SS V. A i ' i OS. t’nr. A C. C . . 25 I' Co. pill . . i 00 7 ! 1 t '.t torn . . loo 2: U Kill . 100 11. ClT.l.100 ... ... 100 y . A •s: Ci..m.. 100 ua i . 1 'Illy . 100 27 l 1 r, 1.100 05 m .... lot) 24. Allan Calis A. C. U i c. and >' ft or. ami II. K. V C SOU. V. HtVi Si at 1-iaii a .... .. - i -i . BANK ANTI TiiL'ST CO. STOCKS A niorirsn N »’ i ■ n* Hi uad s. r • i Ban. lianlt Oi It ■ ;l[i Oi*l Hah nf C ’ At nit *11 " ■ . - —— — • j.'irvt N.iC' .100 300 ,...( an'.s Siuional ...100 ....100 160 Bank .... 23 . . .luii . . . iiii.i Tr 100 iiy 13.041 U. .. 20 AI National 'U'nli i.f \'ii. ..100 18"V* IS Nil. Slati .v City Hank. 100 17; Sat-, and Ins 20 87 100 «77 ; |V;tursluirs ; i-lanu is NuLV*;'! ■ • ■ ■■•, M,V Bank of IlHi’d 25 6;i 1 u,iiik n( lili h'rt . .30 230 .loo us 17 Viririnta Trust ' o ■ . .10»i 1NSCM A NCK COMl'AN 1 ICS fire ami Msrinv. . . . 23 M Va s '.''.'.sA. ' v'jesa.£) Airier La). C Atlanta and ....mmn bru vourivin, « Mf * a RAILROAD STOCK* Fur. Y VI Va. Klee. R> Die. Co. .,»•* .ieCa Va. Oar Chora .■..,!•• « Va Car. Chora. pM_t#* lit Am. To. Com. prof *p et !•* M m Va. Car. Cliem bond* ... !*• RICHMOND ORAM RAW Richmond. Va,, Nbv. Id, tVHEA T— No. rod. Western No. 2 red Virginian 9i No. 3 red . 92 Steamer . *S Virginia (bag lotaj *0 CORN — No. 2 white .. No. 2 white . No 2 mixed . No, 3 mixed . Virginia. (bag lota) 5fi Va. bag' lot* hew.. 41 Corn on eob. new 49 OATS— No 2 mixed .. No. 3 mix-d . No. 2 white . No. 3 white . Winter si ed lit lota 35 II YE— No. 2 rye. car lota No. 3 Rye, car lot* Virginia, bag lot* . . SI ChlcHEo brnii and Prnrlrtn* .H « isicago. 111., Nov. t, l*l#r lie l«ndlng leatures to-day ra* as follow* WHEAT— . 97 da) CORN OAT Mai PORK Mat LARD No) RIBS NNNNNN. . NS. COTTON GOES UP; PRICES NKW YORK. Nov. IK.—Cotton \ to 7 prints higher at the op«Rl^ on stead.' cable* and c«n»lder room cover!i>k. Prices eor.Unued harden here after the start and «j was less confident pressure from ' sources than was visible yesterday. Price*: November, 14.25®ji27; cemlrer. 14.S««i 37; January, 14.St| 21): March. 14.42 hid; May, 14.54 July. 14.4S <a 50. llootl Danger Famed. I-A HIP, Nov. I-6. —The danger flood in Par’s is believed to have ed. The peine at the Pont Royal# ; day was ill feet 10 inches. The ther bureau believe* it will be ionary to-morrow, but that ’coming down stream will : a toot and a hull Friday. After it is belie) ed the river will contlntMH ! fall, unless there should be fur , hard rains. I whifii we have deptc system inward whKh I rig.'* unkpj'n .Meet. Rcn.-M.-ra Temple. ! >. O. K. K., Wl have a special meeting Wedne nigrit at Fraternity Hall. >crTe Sttitper. The Hugh Maclachlan Bible elj of Seventh-Street Christian chv will gi-rv ‘ an < yster supper In Ichurt-h Wednesday evening from 4 : V .■Cl'.. K MR. BRYAN SCORES NEW NATIONALIS ( . i- . 1 Roosevelt Enmlat Hamiltonian ( 'entrali station Rower Docrrime. He S®y§. LI Xt'OLN. .Mtt, November *. rinini. ing Theodore Roosevelt's Nationalism as an apparent at t.. rel ive the t entralization d ,,f Alexander Hamilton; VVilUant Bryan, in the forthcoming issue nis pap. r. Ktiys Mr. Roosevelt have a hard time convincing the pie there is any merit in his adv ■ f less power for the States and f.u- the Federal government. Mr. Roosevelt will find." say* Bryan, that even In New York ...mention over which he pri whs careful to safeguard the in f tiie States. But It is probabla he lias in mind the national ^•ration of railroads, which hf * rg.d, and the national ineor,.or' f industrial enterprise*, which he and President Taft favor. "The purpose < t national In ration is not to increase national i rvlston, but to leave Inrorpor* to State supervision- It is not ittej Interest of the people, but In to rests of ambitious,, CtH®< whi.-h are anxious to remove tfca rtr < f control as far away fro people a* possible. ■ Mr. Roosevelt's seer,ad plank 4 •alls the restiveness which H«e v.r shown, when confronted bjf: sftitutlonal limitations. Hera discloses the Hamiltonian mind. Hamilton w«s a beH*K centralization. - Ail ■ He viewed society from an , ratio standpoint, while thl)** framed our constitution, justly/ nized the impossibility of ol' Justice except by a proper 4.^, Uon of power. Mr. Uoosevatt have hi.r.f work convincing the. Unit it will be wi»»'t*> go tagr mut consolidate the departm* our government. ■ The third plank is realty a lury of the second. It is %'f apology, as well as an expls If the executive is to be ef under New Nationalism, Mr. want* it understood that recognise himself as a stewaf , public woilfare. Why slngl* | exe. utive. Are not all public • st. mini* of the pubmt wMlf the same sense? ••If the word steward is te. in.-on the same as the word^ .•utative. then the legislative dicial departments «haaM saltie responsibility as the department. If, however. M#VC veit toes the word steward hfy-j i.r.-m sense and means ' . tiicr departments of gover p. h». representative, the cgt part ment is to exercise a fat teivst and act independent*' wishes of the people, b«f gebd. • f course, ho Is af doctrine that la as danger >*rang. to cur people. "That’is the doctrine df'l not the doctrine of repubb ehall see as time god* tar Mr. Roosevelt’s erffi tionallstlc and how tht .H be new. if U means e*r ought not to be called centralisation la the old