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COKl'OK \TIO\ COMMISSION Oli I>K-Hs Ct>\Fl*Ki:\Cl AT IN. WPANC'KOF HKTAII. MQ1 OK \SS(H IATION determine whether retail liquor are f' ho allowed t- ship li i xpr* v in -Wvttifs. < ;‘i hn\s iUd jug* eonl&iniuK nn*r» than one gallon f>«* h th* State e«»rporati<*n e»*m mission hay ordered an Informal •' 'p ferenoe for Nov^ml^r i”-’ at " hu h ropresf ntalU » s **f th- thro* « \i»r< s operating in Virginia and Liquor I>»a!* i -’ Ao‘»t ia> tlon will *>o pre sent. The express oonipaniey th* Ad .tuts, th* Southern and th* l mud Statr-s have tiled a petition u ith the • mn piiwimi requesting that the,\ ht uu~ thonied to r« fns. all l-'dtVs arm mk1 <H*ntrinlng < v* r one g.J - i. •( liquor, i lainntiK that tin- danger "i break - age is great and Asking that when shipping liqu«»r m quanttt * • >! ui-t' than on* gallon the shipper * - i quire* i t** u«» a keg or hr*.«k the shipment putting the whisk*-; in wnii! bottles, this being tin ruling Under ti. niP-rntate la in this M:U< h h *■- * r t t;* * xpi*s comp*an s tr. r* .juired to r * h e ‘ ... ties and j gs • f an> ytxr\lf proper'> crated. ami this ruling the liquor men Opntend is nothing nvr* than m»t as man; th* hit- ■ im • ornparn ttveh short. ••• hij. tin • \pr* sm *• >rn patties. * r a*-* • nt .-t th« immense noluuo **i Pu*d*i* sh don* iirf ompi> .repaid * *r whfit.-\ rr risk • hey nut) run MERELY A TRICK SAYS DR. WILEY SPECIAL INTERESTS WILL AD VANCE FOOO PRICES AGAIN WHEN THEY GET READY. g> tt mu ■il'u-ti'iii WASHINGTON. I) C.. Ncv, I>. 1>: Utrrc; w. Wilf), chief , Demist of tile Department of Agri uliur*. to-da. . Mankciel all enthusiasm over in.w.i tout] prices I > announcing ilua n was* merely ;i trick of tin, special Interests "U> get *v better hold on tie mark. i “The Intel sis which manipulated the "■prices upward, in' su'd "inn < tern • portirilj released their hold on our throats tot the purp<-n< fresh grip. The s. call,. • Meats Is fit ’.It Ions “It Is tlu-lctv a. dell)., lute Iti.tldpo- 1 latlori of the market. The prices were fictitious when they roe bed tto top I Botch'; because the.' wciv arbitrarily forced to tlmt high iorl hi tie hm i i •ft*. Th, reduction is not . reilin tton in fact, but merely ,t market u . Rlpnhlkill. drill..Til iel> l litnlo ■! lu meet the Selfish ends Of the inti-nyu If you do hot bolleve 11. go Into the markets and to to bu> pound of beef. You' will .lie, over that tin re duction Is very unreal T (lore Is a reduction .it this particular units it is far from being permanent. The in tercets which controlled the market it year a*tb and forced tto prh* ,.t meats tip to an abnormal level an still In control. It Is impossible to beta-v,, they have suddenly beeonie philan thropic and decided to give tin people' m square deal ' SOLD AT AUCTION 1)01 <>111 HI M\JOK(TY SiiKli HOlcDliHS AMI TKA.M TO 1)1 i\ \ mr.iM \ i.i: \t.t i NOHKhLK. V.h. November la. At . public auction t"-ihvj the franch.. , T the Norfolk Athle tic Corporation whs sold to Ih A. Paget agent, for Ion., The sale is sublet to . on'irtuatlun by the court. Hie r* :t! pur, lingers arc . said to he the old inu‘ >rit'. stock holder H. re11resent,*d by \ f i >nn hundro I; J. Gorman. Consol-, o and Cheshire and oth. ts The on;v strong opposition bidding came from \ SjBrooke Taylor after confer,u,, >■> ft. m Oinc to tin,, with W. M. Hanna it .1 r . i andH\ Moran Itstr- Th, 101- h-e.-re I It is shKc will cff< • t a reorganization and N■ >t • ^i. v. lii h. In th. Virginia State ),♦>***, next ear. Mrst u\k on vwi.iiriM i>. Beaufort <>. t'.i I ml oi liil.iiiil tVaMTnut foiiiiilrtiil BEAIT'ORT, N. November It. - - The Beaufort mil of the Inland >vmn t Way, connecting Pnmliro Somul with the sea. thus enabling vessels to avoid the dangers of o'ape ttuti.nt> opened to-duy Captain liarl L. Jtrmni l nited Staten engineer, and others passi d ' through th.- canal in the Fran. IS. a government l«un« h Vessels drawing eight feet vat.T j van now pass through the rjin, but I In about two necks, when the dredy 1ng is finished, boa's drawing 10 fe. | will also he aide to use th“ wan r WB> THE POHTI.AMi \MIOIII : II.UIW 1‘lliHI COKJJOYA A BASK A \ The cteaincr Portland hue «on •Shore on th* barren < .*••* h of luuu.n Island and it at feared that her s:: rii-r-F“-- rew Will I .or 13th before relief can reach them. Th* v.-ss. i i> a total wreck and is rapldU being beaten to piece* in tile tiel< e kale r«.. lading. So terrtth IS the gale that ir fear to venture out to aeeist tin KjP<Wrtland. The at earner Alameda i 1 (twelve hours tried to run h the -ir;- k S#« Vid. but tailed and w as lor. .-d "hark into [urn when u.e stormV in Sty Increased The governin.-rit been asked to rust/a Sy|sr to the Island. r Theme on board the Portland hat .• en without food for (tir■ e oao re v.-nue i ut So New Trial TRENTON. N. J Vmenibe, j., supreme court to-dav dented ari plication for a new trial in the suit ituted by Charles F. Kaverin t*. n • a IS.tMKi commission claimed to 1» from William P. Meeker, of Pat Donovan Marries. UWRENTK, MABS. Nov. „ 16.— ick J. Donovan, the manager of Boston American baseball club for 1 was married to-day to Alias T< < Mahoney at hL Alary a Catholic i r«fc BROOKLANC TERRACE $29 to $149 \ n;v\ HiGiir.K $5 or$10 Down, 50caWeek IV: msCOI NT FOR CASH H*c to uwk If sick or out t>f work. Remember, Wilbur’s Prices and Terms Cannot Be Duplicated. I hi* n«» tract of lam! juM being oj» ne«1 by the J. W, Wilbur l and Company Is situated in Brookland dlsctrit mi the I adfea mile road between North aeenueand Hen rico turnpike 11 contains about t.f>W> OAt» •quare feet of high, dry garden and build ing Und \ KIM HOI SI RK M 1 If I I I ^ Si l t ATED ON TIIF LADD S MILE ROAD FO RE SOLD ON TIH K AS \ PA> MINI PLAN The property wae bought for spot « nsh of J I Jeter, and the title h »* been eiamlned by William Lily son. attorney. Ill 1 Main Street. Richmond, and pronounced perf ect. TO SKK PROPERTY TAKE BARTON HEIGHTS AND OINTER PARK TROLLY AND GF. I OF AT STOP 1* ON 1 E A\ INC CAR GO STRAIGHT AHEAD AND A SHORT W Al * WILL BRIM. YOt TO Till I \NI> CARS FAT R Y M MINI TEN RI NNIM, TIMK FROM FIRST AND BROAD STS 12 MINI TES, PARK. S CENTS. Opening Day Friday, Nov 18th. AGENTS ON LAND SI NDAYS i KH CARS From I ir*t md Broad Screen* 2 P M No Intet* «t or Fa**.** except on deeded lots until after two year** t Ri f I <>t«inCa*eof Death f K1 E Plan of Property FREE Guaranteed litlc I. W. Wilbur Land Company, OFFICE *4 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, OPPOSITE POS T OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS. obituary \|i>. Imr.i HolK*rt^4i*i. .Speed*: to Til* Hjuhmotjii Virgin.urn i joUI»i »NSY1LLK. VA , Nov 1* The body of Mr- l >■>ru K'lht-riH-n, "ho db-d at her hom< in « Hft. n »’> r« Mnndaj . '■>. as brought i*» this V-Sa- > on Chesapeake nnd "lr." tram N* 1 t ,hi’ anil tntorr+Mt m Maplewood * n.c f-\ 1 If*' J l’ i . pastor ol tli*! 'tor.lon- ilh‘* Baptist chiJh h. '‘nduet rd the biinai s*-i\ be«. Mrs. >m.Her<»stn ml v nif'vj -s; una.-f Mrs Kol.ortHon ww the w• M->v ■!' Mr J H KM-rtHon. of South <L*r donaviib*. ami for the past t ■ • - oars haul been making her homn with hi t Hons M-ssr* Willi* ami H* nr Hoh eftaon, noth employe* ot th* 1 >;♦ i ;vm1 (>hh» railway in < hfo-n K**r|ff I*v whom aha ia f».ir k • <1 Mm. Bettie C Bwry (Speeml to Thu Richmond Virg.mttu l-ni’DEKli KSBI H« J. VA, No- 1ft Mrs. kettle <’ H'*rry, widow <■ thtft !s*f John K Herr: . died Mo.* he at h<*r l.orr,« o' Sophia stt-f**-, ag-<; .0 yoars. Hh** whs ,<-i iutiVH n ’ o n,: *; i of 'hr Baptdtit ohurrh iirui i»oto\.>, b a large < ir« i<■ of Blends Two i Mr. \\ S<‘utt Horry. ol this <!«> or * 1 Mr. JJ M l^rry, of >. w Vml.; survive h*r. Tin ftuiorai took pm » onj tin ho no of the d#refta*kl W' dm in af t ** mo or* ( hnrliitn Oakcy . • Syr. U1 t" Tin- Liehmond Yu goo •> * fp .»A NUK j.. VA. ,\oV •*.. To fui. ernl N» r\ i.’> y of Mi < Turrit up • ’ak< • . ivlmi.' doit oo.'urro.l Sunday Minrnlm-' took place 'fui fr'lay from t b.>se< his fatto-r, Mr ho M « u. kf ’ in Sa ’em, and vr * j ■ uii'fi' it'l h ■ i‘. l.-\ \\ f\ r’oHtfll. of < alvar\ 'hfM rliun asstiU'il 1> th*' lo v Mr S-ht< i of i breene Memorial, th* l Tv i l Lloyd. of (ira. <■ and tin- id v. \S It. Woolf of Salem The im-' wa in the familv lot »r, Last Hid '■'•tn*,ior Th*- yru V n wav ruV'irJ v\ it i. !»• an Ufn 1 tJowers. Brotlior" of Mr. 1 *.»K <o ■ > >\ us pa 13bear, r M»tr> Juno IkM^ati. <Sp» ' nil t-» The Birhinund Virginian. ! KOKIN VA . N.U \U l.iulo Mar Jane I’-MS-isoa » hihi «d Mr ami Mrs k I v H'OW'ai;. iiint at tlttv I>)IK« • * Monday, after a very brief ill nevw from f>m*dmenb.. The funeral -,*-rv lio n tY#-re if ontlui it it from the home this a.fternoon i \ K. fi s Baughan. wlm " ms --tiled from t lie seat of the eonler-m » irt lln imioml for that purpose Mr. Bo1hs,-uij « *.n. of the- mer. hams >! this j» .t e Two Deaths in Winchester i Speed: 1 to The Kiclnimiul XTrgijiiau • WTXCHKSTKk. \ A N..v, 1*; \1 i-s KmlUe Barley, do tighter ,,f t'aptain Lewis Bariel, of tin i ‘h'T'HjM-Hk* and *‘hiu* rad way. and a npnvt>er of ai old Confederate Lunik, <h-<i tan Wcdm day cf cattoor, aged fa* years !tot*eft < o ss, (or mam \ears <M net ted with the \Vk ru'fck r (1<is and Dent rip Light «.rripnn' . die.; hei» Wd-clnePday nvtirrnng. aft>r a 1o»a. ill ness, aged f>" > e;. ! s. iliitno II. ( r*e> (Sp*-. ia4 to The fib hnudid \ irgiuiMti.» STAl'N'TON, \ A Nov. I". .liunn* li. ('roMs, of Wd st Augusta, one the hyst..known im-n in Augusta . <nmt\. and for many va-fits eontra. tor for tie star route from Staunton to M'.nt*-r« > , died ft»*r« \WvJi)nsd:t> morning ag.-»l til! yuir,s. ieaving a .vidow lie un derva nt an opeiutidn her- t**» da' lAg" ■InrkMin t.nrriiui u. ■ Sp.riHi to TV' iCj« iaiiond • ,e:.u, » it* *,\Nt >K L. V \ . \"Vi mher '• >- M r v f» < Siiiplett iui.s reiadv*»*i h ,otr, c urn alien i.l-lng ter of tne deata in More]nnd, K > of tier fattier Mr U «on (iarrivm. In one month. Mr SMpl. ft iias lost three near relative*, father brother and sister Her fath»r was born and fi-HM-d t* V Irglniu. t>tit riH- resided iii M-r* land tvs. FU) \ear < »U». Marina winuornr i Special tu Tin- ltii hinmiil Virginian. t Sd'l-'Ol-K. \ t . Novernhct i! Mrs. Martha /. Wifit'orne died la> afternoon at her home here m hevtdxty-nlnth v*r of her site. I tin■ ■ raf scrvhef will he held from He 11.tint clmri'h Wednesday aftcr-noor. Funeral of Mr. McCready. The fum ral of Mr .lolm V M. "ready, who died early Monday morn • I net. took place at 11 o'rlo.ii ' U, mortih'tr iioitt the Sacr. d Heart' athedral. Interment whs h Ml. i .il i ary • •• metprv Mote Knp-e stie|winleil. W ASH I.XfiT' *N, No.'. 1 h I’rop.e.ed nrreasec til rat' a hy railroads op •r.tUrtfr hetwocn Mississippi ainl Mi> ,ourl rivers w .*ri suspended to day t.;. lo Interstate Commerce t'litiiiiii.ei.'ii inti! Manli ■ 1 • It'll >i MIX It \ Its tt H I- * ■' I 1 \lt I I It s St t t I >SOI{ 11 KJ/KN A, S,l'iXT Nov t »1‘. -lie dihlh-atiH here ro-dny admitted that j he 1 lellio. HUS had carried the leglsia , ore and have ti sufficient majority or, mtit nallot to send one of their party o the Senate to sunned Thomas far er. latte returns mill.ate that the tetri' , rats e lit ha - lift', three votes ,n joint hallot, on. mote than enough j o elect a senator with "in- • utility . till mlsBinK Senator Carter to-day <h lined to tmeede his defeat. One Man Killed in l.xplosion. WII.K KSHA KKK, 1'A . Nov. It. A iowder mill owned hy tile Itupont »owdf r ''on11>;iji> at Mooste. near lore, exploded to-day klllinir la > ydams. arted thirty-five years Km iral other workmen at tin piant had larrow e* ap.-s Indiana llm t!.700,87fl Souls. WASH I NOT* i.V, Nov 16 -The. iu" i»thei to-day .inre.ire ed the l :* 11. •numeration for the State of Indiana l* 2,7u(l,sit>, mcr«Me H4,*14, or 7..1 )ot cent Westhampton We have the best and cheapest property in the whole of Westhampton 34.4 feet in the heart of activity on the 3 Chopt Road, at $9 per foot SEJE I S NOW. HUTZLER REAL ESTATE RENTAL5 5ALE5 LOAN 5 1013 EAST MAIN STREET PHONE. MADISON 31 £9 rursTKi: ssai.i, OF Hotel Property t\ w ii.i.iA.Msnrno Default having; Iwn marie in the pay mu it nf inferos! ami insurance and tin undersigned trusteiis hawing been direetei -ii m >. notion is hereby given that tin undersigned trustees will sell at publii mih tion in the City of V\ illiamsburg, tin following described property; VII that certain lot of land with build ings thereon situated in tin- City of Wil hatnslnirg, \ a', hounded as follows; to wii: On the. north by tin- Duke o (doileester Jstreei, on tin- east by th projiertv oft'. J Person, on the south h; tiie property of the first Baptist Chtirrh i 'olored. and on the west by the Seymou ptoperty 'J’liis lot fronts on Duke o • doucester Street ."itI feet and runs hurl m parallel lines I Ml feet, and is now uses a.~ a hotel The above property will he sold oil tin premises on the 2!st day of .November a 12 o'clock noon. TI.HMS l or cash as to so much o the proeeeds as may In necessary t* dt nay tie’ expense-, of ex> eutiitg the trns together with insurance premium o *24 2.i and any unpaid taxes, and to dis charge- the umount of money then pav able upon tiie note of SdO (Ml due Septern t»r 21st, now in default; S2.O00 of sail purchase money to he payable the 27f! day of March, 1212: and the residue ir ei|uat instalments, with interest, at om and two years from the day of sale; ai deferred payments to he secured In deec of trust on -.rod propwrtv. (>r, all cast as to aid re-idlle at the option of tin purchaser 'i ll!' side t- made pursuant to the term and conditions ot a deed of trust duly rc corded in the ( *lerk s office of the (‘ireiti • ourt of .lames ('its County m l)n< Book No. d. page , It lit II \ h VNt'ASTKR. .Il ia IIA MX >LPi 1 Wild.I VMS Trustees Kdlt SA1.I. A FOB SALK IN TUB RICH MONt Virginian Want Ads, will tiring vat a buyer ENEMY NOT SIGHTED, U«M'K SE‘HIN‘.iS TKN . N<>\. If. Scouting .;'nvlii»yht who went out >«-s t* rdav m h of m Mexican ham: reported to Jm marching on Hoi k Spring*. returned In re to-day without having ;i«hted the invaders. Thn t< i* jt h virtually an armed camp, •'arrMi with ranchers mmnitf'il ami armed to the teeth ri-aiiy t<> mgagt in an form <u disturbance. T«'\as tunK,,ry who arrived here 1<> day believe the community is* need |ev*iy alarmed and that if Mexican? u oth« rs planned an naasion to a' * t.*k* the lynching »*: tin* Mexican, J loderiguez. the plan was frustrated n- 11i»• <{ui4‘k preeautiunarv measures .>i-d. red by dnvtrniT <\niipl>ell. m:\rns on smr mat hi; t iinu itA \KW V < * K k Non If, The steam er San <»lorge>. which arrived to-day' from Naples and tl*non reported two deaths ci) font*' ui o ut. gastrn-on torifis. .\noih«*r patient with-the* name malady was in the ship s hospital. Health < »ffio-r ln»t> ordered the Hf-amer detained at nutinintine until it could ho r.-ta hlished whether the sickness was «hob ra. Thr San (liorgio < arried twenty seven cabin and steerage passen ger* on board. I»H. AN\A SIIAW TO TALK OX Nt’FFRAOK FOR WOMEV ]»r. Anna Hhaw. one of the recog nized leaders of woman’s suffrage, 'ill deliver an address Wednesday »i*fht In the avidltorlum of the Jef «thou hotel under the auspices of the v|\ml Suffrag • league of Virginia. >r Shaw will go to Xorfolk from itchmond. A HANDSOME BRUTE CVNJn BE J jnmT*n» (Ml 1* '.\ (l< >, No I*.. ’turn t i»eau «'*rt and his* wif* who vnts formerly ; a Miss Kilim Her-, daughter «* I th*’ I mttliona ire sta-H i iu: ii 11*• have had • ti very diaagryea- «\isten*e during their married car*-?. according t<* a *t‘-r\ told by the 111. r Mr. Kilgai 1 ♦ r» alleges fc.i« daughter whr iil »r* itod hy the > mi and Imp told , his Htor\ in court ) - !•• Th* miH om*' is awaited with *.-■ isiderable interest. Martin KHffH.ll* a s assertion that he had put the -ots t.» liia noble son in law and th r he would imme diately start a cli\ r- * action against th** nobleman, \\* i< 1 -ov.-d In rmin ter assertions that mIu /*f a divorce is ‘absurd" and vaai the* count is a "dear hoy, a non in uw of whom an; mother could to- pr-nd,"' hv the wife of the mllllorvalr* THEORIES 0PSE1 BT PURITHN TEST 1M <>| lift all I XH.OhlUs IN NAVAL WAHFUil MW ttl UIVOI.I I H INI/J II. W ASH INtlTl >N 1 • < ’ . Novemher f._ Fundamental Theories underlying the tis* of high e\pi««#nve in warfare have hoe n largel> cp.-et 1>\ the test I on th** monitor Human «* Norfolk according to th*' refill experts who returned to Washington t --da; . The department is* silent a? u> tlo . remits of the c\ucrlnients liear . Admiral Mason, * h . . of th* bureau of ordinance, and a .me of his assist ant; ar- nrepunng a detailed tc pott which will la - i omitted to Sc r, tar> Moyer X rbal report was ‘ j math- to-dy> t-- AssiFtant S* « r* tar;» ■ VVinthrop. Th- test has "peniHl a number of questions leg--, ding the *\ , plosive?-. i T,: among these is th,* • i»*i:it> oi ^'(‘V* loping a* rial bombs. it is probubl* a.*’ further experinu uts . in this dir* - tiun will h*- made in the [ near future Th** naval experts are loath i-• nlum . don th* th* a n thru it f no* -•«*sary to confine expb-s’ve in a heav> • using to makt* it .• : (!Vt, it js admitted. ..however, thru •■sterday’s test opens . pobniuilitics In ■ new dlre<*tion. Tb, ’ belief that a battleship was Immune from attack l-\ airships has also been shaken. It is now . -dent that much dam age can !'♦* »t,m «ht without penetrat ing the armor vjth a sheel before the detonation. ; d ft is possible that, -i modification - methods of battleship construction u follow. ASKED ABOUT ROW ACTRESS FAINTS NKW *,A. November 1^1 \\'h<!i tj -ijonod t<»~«iav regard ;n,vf ?)m rum-' -'utt ahr and h* r hns '•iin* Muk-m Hlewuld Colt ar« ** tra,i,g«-ii. Htln ] l!Krrymore-r«)it. t\-n*» is playing at = Mai theatre breams hystorbal. Sh* 'ion denied that th*r** v\as trouble ten herself and her huybund and a so said that the story that her hu-1-.nd'a lather had <ut off his allovtiii-- was not true. t’nit is in this eu*. . but lias not aronn pnnted his wy.- the theatre as has bet n his lisuM habit ever stnee they were rnarri* «i Me has had his arm in h sling *h Monday night and explains t" fn« n<i# that he . aught it In a eab ♦ f«* r Mis thumb and fore finger ar< said to be crush* M. The Holts e.-re married In Huston on Man h 1 : ’*»P. and on Novem ber ~ last Mr- foil presented tier husband with a -on who whs named Samuel aft»1 r b • grandfather, ('ob.tud Samuel H >m» r Holt. A. C. L MAKES BIG MINES FOR YEAR A lift ill 'inc Ilf $6,693,254.03 f(,r the <' '.ii-1 Un« was shown ! !>y reports mi l.rn itted lit the annual meeting •'! Hi. stockholders held in Ittehmond Tuesday. Compared with . the previous .1 1-renpomling period this shows an iir. r. as., of more than fJ. SBO.OOtt. The ineom. m oillit showed gross operating n ei os of l2S.810.2ti7.Ts. To this must , added interest on deposits and .uirent accounts: divi-1 i-siends on other securities; rent of real estate, rue trai ki». hire of equlp ! merit and from miscellaneous sources amounting to *2,947.155.97. i Deducting from these amounts ope rating expenses of $18.614,167.27; taxes to the amount of $1.208,957.«S; ' interest on funded debt, equipment i' trust bonds, three-year gold notes. It. , and W. railroad income bonds. cer- < tlfleate of tndebtednens and freight !, certificates. $5,8 45,381.26; rental of1 [leaned lines, $4n,276; rental of ter-i minalH, $56.793.51, leaves the surplus I , Income for r»ie year $6.993.264.03. j| All tiie "i!i, ,,r. and directors were/j | ire-elected and the regular seml-an- t mial dividend it three per cent was j declared This is payable to stock- t holders January io, mil. , ■ L: REPORT of THE condition of th National State and City Ban! AT RICHMOND. IN THK STATE OF VII OINIA. AT THE CLOSE OF , BUSlNE." NOVEMBER 10. 1010 RESOURCES fxiaiip anil dierwwnt* l Overdraft*. wetired and unsecured U. H. Bond* to Bcrura eireuiation l . S. Bond* tow*cure U. H. dep«»*it* Bond*. prmritie*. ete Banking house furniture and fixture*. Other real estate owned Due from national bank* {not reserve agent* > . . Due from State and private banks and | bankers, trust companies and *a\ ' ing* bank* Due from approved reserve agentg Check* and other cash item* $-1 613.167 1 0.433 : 230.000 ( t ! 514116 t 150.000 i 4,500 ( 137,066 h Rx< hange* for clearing house Note* of other nation ..... nal banks j Nickels and cent* j Lawful Money, Reserve in Bank, vi, i Specie . j Legal-tender note* *17,000 106.348 1 303.203 > 4,308 f 137.408 i 45.000 < 1,065 C Redemption fund with U. H. treasurer f5 per rent of circulation) Due from l.S treasurer *51.545 < 11,500 C 2,000 C Total. $6 441,171 1 LIABILITIES 353.516 ■><» Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, loss expenses and tuxes paid National batik notes outstanding Due to other Nation al Hanks . $ 267.873 23 Due to Slate and pri • ate bank* and hunkers . . I Oie to trust comp and savings banks Due to approved re serv. agent 1 )ividemi» unpaid Individual deposit subject to . heck Demand certificate of deposit < ertll'icd oh* cka , f'asliiet's C 'hecks mi» standing . • 1.000.000 t 600.000 L 70.009 3 230.000 ( *53.002 «3 140,316 15 3H9 Of 3.373 208 67 237..Vs2 53 10.661 '»•< I 821* 78 I OOO i.Hi |{. served loj interest Liabilities •>*.hir than thots staled untamed discount 4.4. 8.5.80 6 7.801 2 Total $6,441,371 2 Stair of Virginia -ii> •>! Richmond. ^ ! Julien H Hill, cashier of the above mime batik do *olernnl\ •wear that the ;«bn\c «t6teiu«ru is true t«* the best i>f mi knowledge and belief n I i KN II. nil I Cor runt - AUeat WM H BALM LM .1 1 AN J'RIM fiTKW ART M. V\UUDH ARD jno. s. duett. > ibser djed air 1 orn it.* I.elore me this i ' * h da. wf November, 1W1U. .1 L DLTKEVli.LL;. N,. - V UW. . Mi r-unti ssion exp;te*» .July !»'. 1012. REPORT Ml 1 HI. <*i»NDJ 1 I UN «»K The First National Bank A I RICHMOND. IN THi si A IT o| \ 1H LINK. AT I Hi. ( I.OSI f »i HI SINKS: NON KM BLR 10 1610. 076 (*00 fit 1.1**0 01 None 03.778 ;i 12.000 l« None. RESOURCES 1 ('(ins and tUac'tuftta , 87.171.175 I. Overdraft*. -cured and unsecured 1.720 0. 1 nned States bonds to semrr* eiretihi ( nited .'■tales bond,- i • secure 1 n:ted S'Htes dejKiMt - Premium- on l niled States bonds Bonds, securities, etc Banking houst f'urnitur* ..nd futures i Mhcr real csCho hw ne.i Due from national batiks not rf serve agents $:>'.»!. HI U I >uc tnur. State and j - late bunks aral bank * erv. trn-f (•oinpanii' and savings • .»r;k*• I *sr* « .» Due from approve/] n - S"H' age?:'- !*<i5. to.; os ( ‘h'-clv- at'• i ut he . ■ a -h Oeu's ! !*«..3 US D*change* u.i hous- l. i.iiii ,n Not*■ s other r.■ i• >nh' Lank-' . o.oOCJ »hi I rai’ttonui paper . ur rerjev. ntck< <s and • -.•nt- h53 ,7 ! awful money reserve in Lei'aMeno't in.;o 123.700 » lic.ieftlp' io- ‘uud Will: \ l Si;,!,., Treasurer (5 pe? re nt. . ;r« oia’ Total $10,416,797 9 IJ A till ITIIiS f api'fc sfocK pa.o ,n Surplus mm! 1 ndivid**d profit-, iesv exj Nation*! bank nop - • :>standing Due to other natioard bank- $717 5f*7 i - Due to State and p> • ate* fil'd bnr.kcrs 7,>V*«ot. ; Due to tru*f omp-irees iitid *aving* brink- 20.7' 5 7< Due to approve reserve agent* . ‘1.7’.' 7' Dividends flip nd 1 (M Imlivi inni dcpo-it* - m fi tkHf.'Hkt sM | * « fi ( R lo iM 88,128 IV •'5* 2(10 u< jeet to cheek Demand cert mono* Certified check* t aphinr - hecks Ntamling L’rutets State - depo. i.335.4 tU I 7 3'io U72 85 .371 V. 002 3 i 1 . -duo on ured mtef cm Reserveil for tax> - l nearned -ii-.- m.?. 22,010 .>< Total . $10,416,797 o | Mate ..! \ iliCMi t ‘ r> of R:, ■«..{ I John M MiiVr. Ir. tl.« m . ■ rmii.eti bank, do soiciunlj **<':>.■ that tie U •• stilt! m -nt. is true ij,i. best ,»t kfiowie.ig.- ij|. I NO M Mf IT KH JR . < -,-i, . r t ’orreet \ : t«-s' 1 M < A RKINt.TO V. III.NHN \N W3n»D s. I) ( Rl.N^H \\\ I nr... tor subs, r ,boi and ••worn b. ere Vir- :>s., !5tl dai of N.ivernber, loot \I BIN K FARKKIL \*t#r. Hub, METHODISTS MEET IMSTOUEM (o\h:hi:,m k or wksti-iun ms TKIt'T COWIAKS WITH i.akc.i: \ran* i:. \VTNSTO.\-.»Al.i:.M. N C.. November 111. The annual i "iiti'n-n• - ■»f the \V< stern North Carolina Methodist Episcopal cliuivh. Smith, convened here this morning with a good at tendant e. Minister- ami d'iegati•“ are arrlvinK on every train and something like 4un people arc expected. Tin- morning wswinn will hi devoted t" business sessions while tin commit tee meetings will emm* in the after noons. Anniver.-ary services; will be lu-hi In the evenings To-night. an Ep worth league anni versary will la* held and l>r. S. 1 . Parker, of Nashville. ,Tenn . seer* tary of the Epvvorth will make an address; to-morrow night, a (erviec in connection with tin it,tin • .list Children's llmne will he held; l-’ridit.v night, a Sunday-school ailiii ccresirv with an' address by Or K. It. Chappell. of Nashville. Tenn.. wdl be held; grid a missionary anniver mry will In- held Saturday night The ministers will la- taken to the Methodist Children's Home on a spo •lal train Thursday afternoon to view he buildings and grounds ami a mn ert will he given f-"rtday hy the irphans. Most of the local < hurdles will ender invitations to local ministers 0 occupy their pulpits Sunday. Bishop Tendrtx will preach at Centenary. December IT. has been n*ed as the late for the Southbound Juhilec to ie held In connection with the detlon of th** Southbound railway. \ rain will be run here front Fion-rice, 1 c.. In as many sections as n -ccssarv ml an elaborate program Is being iraparcd for the event. T ^ Condensed Statement of :-! "• \ Virginia Trust Co. i ' !! Richmond, Va., 0 I) Made to Corporation Commission, November 10, 1010. K RESOURCES. » Loans and discounts.91,443,132.46 s | Bonds and stocks. 158,564.52 ;; Real estate, furniture and fixtures. 32,574.13 | Cash in vault .$ 6,315.40 u Cash due from banks. 159,614.82 o 165,930.22 Total resources.$1,800,201.33 LIABILITIES. * Capital stock paid in.$1,000,000.00 Undivided profits . 66,095,70 Reserve fund. 5,000.00 j .Set aside for taxes and interest. 7,359.41 Individual deposits. . 721,746.22 Total liabilities ...$1,800,201.33 Comparative statement showing growth of deposits on dates called for by the Corporation Commission: | September 1, 1909. $123,495.50 November 16, 1909. 170,169.42 k January 31, 1910 . 427,847.36 ‘ March 29. 1910 461,523,11 June 30. 1910 633,581.94 September 1, 1910. 671,802.38 November 10. 1910 721,746.22 We invite inactive accounts, and pay 3 per cent, on daily balance. Won’t YOU open an account with us' Whether large large or small, it will be gladly welcomed. I KEl'ORT UJ- THE CONDITION' <>l THE NATIONAL BANK OF VIRGINIA VI lUCHMliMUN I'HE STATE OK\ IHOINIA. IT Tilt Cl.oSli OI MTINESi. H imh, HMD RFSOl H( I s i !/»'!■») • *m.j Oirotims (hf-r>.|ra{t.f M-r'innl mid uu«n*<.';r**»j i i. S. to wf’urf* ( :r<u l I S i.. «»* i,r - I v I >►•; « • * I'rt-niumis *»r* l > R.n.ri* \ mififmnal I nt**r«*nt M« •»«{.« urM M’s. . t harkmg H-iw FuriiiBirt- nr;.! r x <)th**r l . -rjjtt j thi** ffojt, \ H»! k * > i ’ 5 r--* J4 35 7*H ft* 47h 500 »M) JOO IHH* iA 15 «i> M -jA,0O*» l«» I >n (XM» tin J3i 7' K> «?” Du** an<l Bark Hank- a: ! Banker* Tru.-r puin-5 and Niv!ni(i Banks f)u«* tctj .. Kr*sff\>- Afp-n’.* • i.r< Iks ani ><tb*r < .<<»!• h*>m» k v-nang ’* for < am*.* H- ■!,«< \‘ «ie* <•( o*J\*r Nm»< m» Bank Fr-v ? . <!,»' I'*»p#*r C'»irr«*«n> k HU'I I «*n»s l.awfi.i M •■rii !{••>* '• • i! BftJi-k. % / - . 1 1 ' IA i I i‘l ■ i k.>: v; “U.V,2 0A 4> /**• on : ’ gal-’l4,*,Wo •1 Ut' BnuiJi'-ii l ml w'h 1 > f r**asur«*r • trin if ■ ••rroiaf -n, k*:.» 1.5 »«j I <a: "N 7(i I ABU.I rifcs ( Hpit.nJ SUn k j-«m1 tn . . $i >‘irj*hi’* K'.mi IV ’ t# expert*** and Tax*-* . National Hack \ iv* out* fund, a* I>u«* footer National f*«uk» . . 5 -V4 I > It * to 1- » '* I «* an<f Priutf Ban** ami Hankers n,*»v_M! .Vi I' n- t« Tns#’ ( ’»»m lowiif* ami Snving* HatiL* . t» < »’■ J ■**<> IW- it1! approved r* ftsJPRt'* 4*>.<W ■b'% J '»miU*ndt unpaid l J * •* :. \ individual »!♦*{ * « ••uhj^rt to (-Siwk .i «k>H,44 ■’■ 14 T«fn<* «>■rt,fira!*-* <»t ,}i»P>mh* V V ?• * * i® < Vrtif uNi « Nim'W*- ;f> V* : * > i 'a»hj«*r'* i in i k * m. amimr * *.'»*!<> !) I **1 \ > {>-:*> * ••* J),r- ->i- * "1 * - i •« i-utfin# “I': *■?* ■ l .-it •■- ■*’ H<imi ‘ t’«»rrow#"1 l.ifa' i f • « Than 9* xP-d r m : *i> vt» >00 I >0 M Kf.tH H t 00 M U* '•* 4»v> 4.00 uo Vt *»9 N# -, t »l9! */.■»» A. V 9 '• rgUi.9 -11j nf R i M 1. U \| \4'1' «n, fMhi»r *»f th# m»ov* i j mvnk <i «.iomnl «wr»r the abow *'•'.* an nl i» true to ! >)« of my kRnw,V.lf* >*ri«i belief w m \ni>iso\. < j r:hrs; Kful < wm"-. A"e<*? - v\ r i : a \ ^ h s w M UAH!! .)N<» | W H.>i >\ *«r 'Ti *». !>e!or*> me fn i J. • >»'. •' \- <-< .. «*r. I’1!'* \ i) cju t< \otrv pviH.r > I \ 1 FMKN I OK i in. MX AM IA1. « OMMTIoN o| MAIN-STREET BANK io<’\n i> w itn iimuM), j\ thi <*<»« s r> o? in:\mn» or viKtiisiv m run ( i i>sj or hi >tsi *>• vovkmbkh k< mairo riff <v\ n. ronhmv I h »N * t )M M 1 >SI« )\ RK SOt H( I S I 'i‘•’J**1 ~ t K i "<irfit' t*-. »*i Hank>th«nam1 i->t l rtini injure \. • angev Mini rhffk-' : *r tm \ * • • *•{' Du-’ * r< Uil tij. t ’■ ’ h;.l!K - 1 ‘iijM r •• irr*'t.< . J- f:.< i :<■!• t.i r-Uj- ■ ' •' ' ' : > i- j«;-i r,t# 7‘ YJ j t fO.OttG <¥\ T7’4 2.<m <>t 21.2M :v.» *'.250 tJO 2! H -7' ».M S2.*» 00 Total $274,851 h! MAH!! 1TIK.S. ' apl’ <1 S«M. ; I Ht.l |!| % P.ri,-WW» f'M» - irt tur- ’ • 'I 2.t»•»» to I tt-m !.j< >i j ,r !«•«»> !*in'ii|tit [utnl tor m. ■> (»•».. *:S t it v - 2.7«t, <>J In-hvt luei 170.1.120 -o • >rtitu>n fh< k* t ji| Total $274,851 M i ! H Hank.*;.' ■-i-t v..ii intih V*‘‘8r that the above i- a tin, >*.aieiuen! oi the hnanetal .•..jui non »-? th*» M- m srr.. ; Hank. !.«•»!*•.; n" If -hn-’Hiii ;n the rv»tiio.v *T llvrinro, Mute of \ ir^mia. it the cinw • • OSi’nin*:*.* on t he I(Mh i!a,'. >( N’tiveruber 10. ii^lO. to the nf iu\ krtowieflge j»n*t i>i-|{*f y H H\HDAWaV. Cwhte t orn > t Aitesvt JOHN 4’ ii \<; \ \ JOHN I HRAM'H FRANK M. HtiNKKV. 1 HrerTort state, ni \ irffutii <hi> ..t H uTunomJ o.>-w it . mm.iii to a; i ' il'xTilx-i behTH me by T H My .'iiminiejiiti miiirw Mm> •">, 1014 Hftr.Uw ;i> • RWf.ief. thiK l.$th <U> Nr»v«*f¥ih«r !’M0 (i. B. S.\KA1>, XAlary 1‘ublt©. ST, LOC1S. MU. Nov. Hi. In the death <>1’ Henry Van Noye Lucas at his home lure last night passed th tirst man to light the so-ialled la.*-, Pall trust. Lm as figured in the baa* ball war of 1SK.1 ami JsSli. organizing tho old union I* ague when lie was refused a national league franchise for St. Louis He Inherited more than $1,000,000, and besides building a hall park and organizing a team in St. Louis, financ ed clubs In Cincinnati. Pittsburg, Washington. Baltimore. Boston, Phtla cdlphta and Kansas City. 0 lie hall null tore burned and the Independ ents were eventually absorbed by the national league. Lucas lost his fortune m baseball and other sporting ventures, and t the last few years hud been employed by the I itv street department DIAMOND HIM! STOLEN l’H(>.M HXPKKSS omt'K A valuahlo diamond ring shipped from New York to Mr. J. .1 Spilling, a local jew Pier, has been stolen from the offices of the Adams Express Company. Detectives are at work on the ease, and ati ari.ei.t Is expected within twenty-four hours. * ^ The diamond ring was received at i the local express office Tuesday. it 1 9 1 «»s in n siimil package wrapped in inhnPa paper. It lav with other pae k atfi's r..r -sum*- time, fatter when one <•1 tlu •'lurks went to look r«.r it ha found it had disappeared. I , I. Commander Die*. ' 4 *1-1 M HITS. (i.. Not etnIter | #J —. fa ota in Nathan V. Munshower tionai commander of the I'rtlon Vete ran le-'irlon, died here early to-dug ‘ Jxt > \earv ^ POLICE WITH DRIVERS MAY BREAK STRIKE NKW VOItK, November 1(1.~ VTIIh policemen seated beside the strike '<ri nkln* chauffeurs, «n organized at* tetn)>t waa made to-day tci end the strike of the tuxi-eab drivers which hac. Iiee,, ,n progress here for a week When the men rejec ted the attempt* of Minor tiaynor l<. sotte the‘strike ui the basis of the “open shop" or ders w -re given for the police to taka adequate measures to prevent the riot ing. SEVEN ARE INJURED BY TOURING CAR NKW YOHK, Novmher It!..Georg Stivers, owner or the Chatham Club a bowery resort, was fata'.ty hurt ami six Others were badly hr-, to-dny when t big- touring ear van run 1 nvtt by a Third avenue trollev «t Thir teenth street. Stivers is in the- h . .. pita) with it broken back, intern J| Injuries and cannor roc.K«r, TtiA others will gal walk ” 'I