Newspaper Page Text
Wants I oat. Broml street or Oak woo d ;u. 1 n»o-i*J street rar, halrp r« nlaid in ;olu and net with rh nGoneh ; ft inter w-U plea hr phone Mad -on 4182. U>8T~ \ Fl'H NK' K-DKCK IN «‘KN* tenary church Tuesday r M*t—Fiui er 'v II plea ' notify M.ctv O. F. OUKhXjTi; r:. Marsha l .--treei _ Mcl|) Wanted Male. W.VN*TEl>~ fW^utTdfi'ri 1^1 Yst?m>o 1 ffht Work after vehool: good p;t> to hoyrf who can hustle; special \>i >z* s Riven to the host boys • l’. M.. Circular ns: Department, The Htchmoftd Virginian. WANTED TIV A VOCNG MAN’, N’TOflT Job from 7 1*. M. tv> 11 E. M . w Hie* to work: b**st references. Address V-KK*, care Virginian. WANTKD—20 W" il< on streets. Apply at orce to WH BFK E\M> CO. ;< i Norr.h F«*v«nth S'. ~~ ■■■■-■ .y. » --- Help Wanted—Female. wanna>—mucin* active .-ti.ks- ; tflrl.e for all d. panmciits, w ith ■ T , without , X|.<■!■ .'•. c«* r. fct .-M ri • lUiroil. Apply MUJ.HII A KHOAI/S. , HUMPH KKV «.\H \lp'*.S CAX NOT I IK boat’for oconoms. reiiuMIUy or bril liancy■ —ii:<h a ur.'t or th*- HI.Nit l; > H GAS I.IGHT ctx, 521 H Hroart direct. \va\tki* -i:.\i'i:mi;Ni i.i> as.tkua- t lion bund.- on %\.»rr. -o', out*, r i-.i'- ; niontx. Apply Till, ViOJI iN.- SJI'.'l j 417 K I’.road. XY.VNTKI) SKTTI.KIt \Vi UI.1X TO; cook and ( loan f-.r family of tw > . Apply 1.70? lin'd fir. id -Art !. j MAISV- l*.«i; TMI. Ht'MPlUU'V MAN-' tl*. wo lint, trloil them r.nd find lb. rn 'I. Post o i (let them from fno ni.M.KAI. GAS I.IGHT '.;l xv "i> \ISV ’ Situations Wanted—Male. W\\Ti:i> \ I'OMTION BY A MAH H'fJ man, n solicitor and collector. Will ylv* v * oil re fere pc e ami bonds. H. 1.A W !{1 :N< *161! Stale Street. i:xpemi:\< *ku <uimm;etok i>ks\n *i* petition, No. 1 reft rtinc*. s Ad* <• East! h- ... h WANTED A STni’KFCD KAUAI, YUENT ♦ xp. r.enrc.i farmer: married, will work fmn for third. H HA AN, Cop per Hill V f W A N TLU> I \ »S 1T1 ON \ H IIOE M A K cr Apply J It. M . MEh K. Mar Sl \l sl!*i * . I v ;«Q. ;?Q>. I <1. ^ SituatInns Wanted—Female. rAi*..\m.i: • n i: a i.'hii > cheerful yount. ie iV. wMhs h. d; uatinn a* rrav* :iny n»nipa?.iont nur-* PMd < omtuitinM to .Tiv.thn: good hou• f'hm i” r. eftic- work . reference V-lt3 car- V;r . ruun. WASTE!' -A li'OW L.'.m DESlKHs a pt item vLu»#»r a • hou-rk- u< r, « n.pat <»i> or nur.**-. <'..n .*•• vv. 15 r c • - E Ei'l Orari- Mr.”, • n.<>i:d. Yu, > 'TT l. El* EA ! »V * ♦}- :TP1 NT. i .NT. v.'; - r * • > • - Keep for »k i*-C i!‘i nr wo;i-j . ar* for -in' snv:*E ?. • i ' ■ \\ \NT! .1 . i.v f W.N ; ’ EEU * o.Hn.,'lo o vtra tent'gcapF .• - rk w Ml * ■■■■:, f*>r die • :.i ■ . -:i. %v • i » koiaranue-i »-eon 714 Mutt G l ;»t WT i; J - *7Vv ' yoENG i \ r»\ io.i-wnoN ^ hookke-per r + r. b* r*-f<*r ejicf*t /\dfir—*• ♦’ ‘.c earo ;u«.niii.**' r, Mcj ‘dUht it \. a NT ED - • • '■SITE t.N _ ■ !' ' ' ‘r _ " , .a ! p •; m a U* t *» r ■ n - V .1 >< ‘ V*' 1 >. s • ^ \\ ert t'ar;v !«tr* t. City • -1 H • K W A N T E I». el A«’ T T* » V.' % S11 E.r a .*a’' fi lidlv V-s V-rtl ,v< * . fsjTC \ Ts * *N A XS V. DEED H > >i E S i j) i di-.'i Hu k. f-T * ' 1 1 * ' hi i iCd t *:» p- tot ;e' ! 1 •’ s. *■' • ■ Wivt (‘ary LU1 Y ’ MH.Uir.N. i • A' • able, st-»*kb op port u r< i t y ot *s** -t-i • ♦■k'?f*p-r \<idr«* U '■ * 'dar-th Ml ^vr- ei, * 'nj__ Personals Ml;" HANOI.!: I'HTIi' lem« it. pl'i-oMhar : '!,i w&t+t h*'H\ ‘-\%L. £&U*l - "■rvli rt'.>} •■' h*-.'AtlV'. :V4 -V ' i i \", \ TIMIO’ n-T FUOii - nr ry plumriiK, . FLVMBiN >. Special Notice. V. r. oVKHIlAi' ;Ul4 Rlikf tio 1 work?1 : Nf: ilKA-HN* for \ M fi Y rk wi" v v. STEKNS th«*y OOI) Fl-IJ 8HOf‘i I* C ' £\HT \ Jrot«c« ion berliffrat in ifr*- i <*• rr S [,jfo gnti .Arcldf n* ,\ji'-oc! *''»n. ! >r fill In format 5 or. oiU &*■ o‘'Ire.*, ttair<1 ft <-»,>*• N'i v ?-> r-l M>« r;. ^ For Sale. ock r mf nt « is a oo jjroj* \vAt5*.»N>t c>ti to Kini f;bs! *.s T?Rnvj V 1 * l>r.ivocnc u M! ■ 1 N*r kBTAlK DKP \ H P is i« ;it your ti*rvii.-*, rromiu ion. VA iU MiuNu, lib* \t Shoe Repairing. 7i>C. HALF SOLE MKN'S SHOES. LA* dWjs lilk:. children# oOc, an! up, hv* •*rj' pair sewed, D*t£W £ bl.KC TiUC SHOE FACTO KY, TIC K Ala in Street. l*huDP Monrov 26t>7 ___ Rooms for Rent. FoTn i’TTPnr?- '{^TTi'iitrM'sr'NT’Wfrr furnished; all ror.versi* isr. ., large room*; fust location for husine.-s people: comment to till .sections city, board can bo had I'hone .Mon roe 1230 or cull at IS .’-’.1:1 Fifth street. FOR lltCNT TH ii NICK ROuMK. iN second door; on** a large front room, convenient to hath, re. room , n third floor: rmt cheap, :hm) East Leigh street OCCfcANTH FOR THUFE (MNNi-:t t. inn rooms; furnished or unfurnished; In single or on suite, also suitable for light hnttnek-> ptnu. YppK- ,1 510 Fast Leigh. WANTED, TWO YiH.NO )!|:,\ OR \ couple for third front end muon,I story front room; le u pr-vele Tunc ily . near Monroe I’ark. Call plume Madison «163-J. DESIRABLE FERN I SUED ROOMS, heated In winter; with good board. 313 South Third street. ROOMS FOR RENT AT ill- Svi GRACE. NICELY Ft’UNlSH Eli, HEATED rooms, running water; phono; one block from 130tb streei oh voted stu Iloll. 230 West J 3 L st street. .MRS. REYNOLDS. WANTED. Tt • URN'" ol T V FlTlt ntshed front room; In private fam;l}': use of phone. 13 East Cary street. Madison 2H34-J. TWO U HOE, i'N FE ll.N 1SH ED FRONT rooms, second floor, M2 West timer. ' UKNTLKMEN ' LODOEftS WANTED . for newly furnished rooms; perma nent or transient. A Ob North Eighth , street. FOR RENT. FERNISHBD ~ ROOM i steam heat. Apply 010 West Main. nxcelV~fuliNisnisd. Laroe room for rent; water on aente floor. MRS. t. W. CREW. 802 East Leigh street, j FFUNISHKD ROOMS. ONE TO THREE dollars week. Wlti East Marshall. FiTHNiSHED ROOM; LAUDER ROOM nicely furnished Convenient to bath; , large hall room furnished or unfur- , nlihed; private family. 407 E. Cary • ( tJtirr TotTR farms and city t'Ki»i’ erty WRH TABOR RE.Y1.TY COlilOR- ; atlon. 412 E. Marshall St., and .get j gulck returns t Want Ad Rates. One cent jwr word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken foi Ich than ten cents No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at tho counter. Contract rates are much less. Phon Madison 175S, and Manager of Classified Department, will call. .Miscellaneous, Fi.o.iii simn. SI.K \ S Fj>R FLOOR STAINS. Y..A stains ami puMahe* of all kinds. klr.\ hardwari: ro. IV AUONX, VV \GOA9, WAGOXI. OPEN \xr> TOP FROM $65 UP. 8FH ’rie**. runabout** ami top busies from Hi, up Milburn and Thornhill Kann Wagons, narrow and wide tires, from l-Sa »p. Repairing, painting and rubber tir r.g a specialty. Coma and get i>iy nri< »*a before you buy. P. C. LKISTOW, 11-13-1* North Kighteentn street **< 01,»> HUT HI, V»r *TO\FV Wl’ CARRY CORK’S <»RTC,L. *4H< *T Liast ' Stoves, orn-third coal .saved; • i - > • wood I \ caters. See us be for*.* buying KLI;A JRv Rl»\V A HK CO. F, RR LINK OF Si RRRYS "CAN GIVK vou uny grad*-, from lowest ir» price to h:k•. urrade. To «*-e that w* ran show what w * advertise, don ! fall t'< -** » what we {4re offering. HRIS T«*W-WORSHAM m, HIT Hast Main. I IMF AM) ( IvVlIAT. \vr. CARRY LIME FoR S PR l X K Li NO and outldiny. also eetm-nt and hair, hard war ed> ERR. A HAKbSVAKK < o If ARK 1 KING H K ATI:!AT VAt'fiHAN * ti F I’.road r,u t. oppo. Choen Co. < ui ii w m;n v\i> r. CAR< I MO Tin: ORK.1XAR <H>1J‘ water paint, «a y to apply, all col or write «r phone for color card: men- I'aiciroo s>dd than »ll the wat«T pvimty ■. .mldne.L KRR \ HAHh : ■ A u*• nt s, Henry ami Rrnad. T!Mi LAIidiiST ASSORTMENT OF -l ••• and pro , > . an be found “n nur ib.i-r. \S «• ha\«- ti-.f- low pro**- and in del ' * r i h< goods. Don't forget (,. « ial bo.i gains w- ar» off ering ;• r grade busines* bucKie- and r ..i.itb-., it.-. lUUFfi »V\ -\V O loll AM « «.. 1417 Kavr Main l»Ll MBI\c7 nicN . t s foi; ot irk senvirr. ?x i t- ye lairob* and furnaet work. VA. LLFMEiNG, 1! FATING CU. uo\u;tt% \\i> hi* \< i i: tiiu>. ’ Ii>' r.Y.VNS II ARM VV ARK CO f ; -,vrs r- o • : an.J * to vH • • T:r* •: ! ;iV(. in- b, St tti Co cl.iy. VA • V, re; <1 our prices on ideye’e f -r two w* k. TOrt W. Lr» ad V * re* L N»i>!*. I.IIOlv (Ml llllMt. J(>!IS I.a Tfii.'i'H!',. . NKW ri.ACiJ 1 7 \\ Si i r Monro? 14.'-. French atM ric«m rlM i us lad lea princess tr vh-aivl $1.4#; pleated • Si rts 1 Ii-Ii.';. c.v,nH, 7;- cents, I,'., n. , gloift cleaned, any . I. i tih 10 rer.i-* |-T pair, uetii'* sail" ..i,...-leaned. j0< French ft »# re.: - j■ ; ton In .< 11 work. Tool *, van « i ri.FHi. IK \.,i tf A .ST VNVTHING IN TO..IS ... ,. KVASS HARD ; . . -.,-m :n< 1 i« -St , j„ ). TcO Wee: i N ;i,1. K..CRN A«l> \V \K • li-,n vaic’.s ;u-t?ar gold-filled r.nlv <T ■■■) STEINER S. 1*“ ;... > '!• • *<-» -t mi n at ta K. V ;.KI* WEATHER mips INN . . i . «,a .. . V AI OiH . \ ^ 11. ;itj.i.iri.*rs r,ppostte Cohen , . . ..r., V:. Iivu 104 _ __, ti l him at aa am .” ., ■ i i. . Kvass 11 a Ki»ta vki: <'- v ;,ir ... h i aertv■•( ..f pore .r,im wore In the oily, at lor at ., 00 aa T Fread si reel. \ . i; .. v>T V. 1NTKH CLOTHES . , .. . _ litul pressing. Id mo • Si i . n. 11 1 > an do U CHET Vt'as >1 WHITE. eit N Third stree . . , -.f.. tv.iT-U called for i,.-cl ii. liv. r. .1 , n-Ti:u svi iv \sc>. ace sivu-.s }! , STEINER'S. 14-41 Karl Ms I ft s rut i:s. j - ’ey IS NOW <»X‘ FOH . ',v. * ‘ I.Vf.T- Mr.'ini; - e He KVA NS ■|> Ut’mv.aUK. t:<- 1.1 It- Evans, i?< , : ,rv ard tr-.mir-rl; wo carry a. f . | s r. et n. curs far wood and ,,'ii „.wl Ka» looters, cook stoves, „i,r |.:irc- arv absolutely the best. , 100 avesl Broad si reel. >1-FF IT F.l > REMINGTON DOl BLK1> ' barrelled l.jtmn-iec'ess. 10-gsuge. onlv Vn.SO STF.lSF.KS. 1111 Fast Main street. _ _ FORK BITKU makes., J". Mnln street S1NU1.K GUN A, STEINER'S 1441 At.!. East RUSE FUNDS FOR | WORKflFY.W.G.fU 1).\V THANKSGIVING CANVASS TO BEGIN Tlll'BSDAY—COM MITTED CHAIRMEN. Tin- six da's' Canvass for $10,000. aiding the night before Thanksgiving, .vhich begins Thursday, is making a profound Impression on the men and vomen of Richmond, and la being dis eased in all cantors of social and bus noss Imeresls. The pii n >d the campaign has been yell conceived and will he carried on tih zeal and intelligence, and a spirit >t co-operation that promises splendid -esults. This is not a building campaign, hit an effort to secure $5,000 for the tinnial work from the friends of the isso< igtlon t" supplement receipts rum the income producing depart nents and $5,000 as a special fund to irovlde for a larger work of which | here is urgent need. There are two committees for this vork. The names n( chairmen of the Yemen's committee and men's com niltee: Chairmen of Women’s Committee—1 1 Mrs. Charlton Jackson, Mrs. Chile# Ferrell. Mrs. \V. H. White, Mrs. C. <>. | Ferrell, Mrs. Melville Branch. Mrs. 'rank Duke, Mrs. K..shier Miller. Men's Committee—Messrs. T. P. tryan. A. W. Bennett. Joseph Bliley, r. A. Carey. D. O. Davis, Q. E. Eair vank, A. M. Cover. J. I*. Jones, How- j • rd Jenkins, T. A. Miller, Carlton Mo 'arthy, C. 11. Richardson, Curtis Scott. : X. D. Sills, s. B. Thomaar Charles G. i Rooms for Rent. FHHNISHED ROOM. APARTMENT 4. the hanoveh. WANTED. TO* RENT T WO*" LA FOE connecting rooms on the third floor. ■With private bath, electric lights and hot water heat Included; gentlemen preferred. refer-nco* required. 20S East Franklin street 401’ EAST MAIN STREET. NEW Lit furnished rooms and use of phone. FI’FINISHED FRONT" ROOM TRAY I.OR, 2S2! .Stuart avenue, phone Monroe 646. FOR RENT. SKrtl.Y FT RNI SHED rooms. T'so of telephone 212 East .Main street. l.AWii: FT RMS MED ROOMS. M . tunniodate two or more. 710 East Franklin. WANTED. ONE * *R TWO YOt NG MEN. to occupy large, steam heated room, with hath; in private family; hoard if desired. West End. 22*17 Hanover FIVE ROOMS- Ft KM SHED PARDO)-:*, dining room, two bed rooms and kitchen—to adults or couple with out children; *A*. Floyd avenue. 1 ■ 1 i"ee Madison 1«1«- I. I HAVE THREE BRIGHT K'SO.'dS, second floor of my new brick house, whlcti 1 will rent for iKT-rper monrlu Mad Ison A67-J. or call 3127 West Franklin FOR RENT. FVRNISH ED ROOM . modern conveniences. 132*1 W Main. W ANTED. Nl'RSE OR HFSENESSWo man to share room with nurse; sin gle beds, heated, pa*, phone, hat); adjoining; price reasonable to con genial party Apply 402 West Grace. ONE FRONT ROOM AND TWO RASE* inert and ball rooms for rent; newly furnished; ail convenience*; tine lo cation: convenient to all sections. Ap ple D North Sixth, or phone Madison S92S-L. LARGE. ATTRACTIVE, NK.VVI.YTA per--! room, Sec<*id and Franklin. Phone Madison *12*1- f TH E AUlloN.7D>* EAST FRANKLIN. furnished rooms. permanent and t ransient. FOR RENtTHaROK FRONT ROOM and rail room; second floor. 10s North Seventh street ONE Nl■ E Vi RNISHED ROOM WITH use of hath and pltone; mod era t terms, 132* W Main street FOR RENTT” LA RGE NFMHEfi OF nicely furnished room*; electric light and hath: n-'derate prices CAPIToL HOTEL. 120*1 East Franklin street. alJolnlt'.K east corner Library Build Suir __ __ _ LARUE *F1 KMdHF l>* nOoMR MAD 1s m 2974-A 309 East Franklin. FOR RENT. NKlYht H'llMSHH’ front room: large end bright. refer ee,res r-.s.ired. 1 Pout*'. Pine stree’ Taylor. S. w. Travere, I-antrbnurne William* CUT COMMITTEE CALLED TDGETHEB t iumww gets i.kttek asking I i on state roxvKvno'f— i It IIX !1UM> MEETING NEXT WEEK. i Major Miles M Martin. < hairman of th“ city Democratic committee. will cull a meeting *r tiv* committee next we k the i xu.. t Jute has not yet been set--for the consideration of a letter sent Major Martin by Com mitteeman William M. Myers asking th..t a Democratic convention l>e or dered to deride upon a platform for that party in this Star 1 ieuie ttitnt-<iovernor Elly-on. chair man of the State committee, declared Wednesday morning that he had not given the matter a thought, and that If a contention teas to he called ho knew' nothing of it. believing that the Democratic party in Virginia Is at present splendidly organised and know just a hut It stands for. FAMILY ESCAPES DEATHJLfLAMES NORFOLK. VA., November Dr— j When the home of Joseph I.. Mas- ; lors, .» trucker near Glen Rock on i lh. Virginia " Beach division of the Norfolk Southern railroad, was de stroyed by incendiary fire, tjie occu pants narrowly escaped death. Owen Maters. asleep In a down ■ stairs room, was awakened by the smoko and found other members of ; the household utmost overcome. They escaped in their night clothes. Everything, including S200 in cash, j n as burned. There was no insurance. U. S. SAILORS 00 ASHORE TO SEE PARIS SIGHTS 1’ARIS, November lti.—’one thous and sailors from the .division of the, American battleship fleet that Is an- j Lihored at Brest, arrived here to-duy : m two special trains for a four days' Jlght-seelng trip. The officers of the j squadron will be the guests of Am- I hassador Bacon at a reception und banquet while In the city. A Fair Exchange. FREDERICKSBURG, VA.. Novem-* i'pr lti.—On Tuesday the scholars of! grade No. 3 of the Fredericksburg ‘ public schools received a box of ; sample products of articles raised in ! r« x»M. This package was sent by the j children of grade 3 in the Alieiene, j l'exas, schools. iWth the box was a note signed by one of the scholars taking that the recipients would ex change samples of articles raised in Virginia. v The children me very enthusiastic In getting up this box und when it Is ready thejr will send letters from each scholar with it , " ■ , , . y, •/■ \ ni si>r.«s or i»>« exhibition « nx ■ m; woUJTIMP a \n m:u ok- J <i A A WATIOA PI'.II PK( YEII. STOCK SELLS READILY, TAJPAYBRil SOT AIT1AK—HAllIvKH TO MFAYETTF—flKl.T 1.1 N K FOHKMAAi A.AS.A1 l.TKIl— other aeavd. . For change* of address or complaints against carrior*. or for the service ot the paper, call telephone nuir.oer Soft, ! Petersburg, Va. I PETERSBURG, VA. Xov 18.-Thm I committee lrom the int.nn.wrs of til" ' Mouiii. me Agricultural run Associa tion will meet \\ eunesHlay nmht in i the Chamber Of 1 "iiriirnv rivsc •> |>, the business of th, A- ociatiou i l.i ,ive to the recent tnir in petersonrg. f'lana will be perfected and put llneil lor a greater lair in this < Hy for 1911. A new organization will pc perfected anil is to I" capitalized at *H6,yoO. .Vo difficulty 1“ * -xpccled in placing' tin- stock of the company, ns good r - suits were accomplished financially in. the last fair. Many citizens in the, counties desire slock. The limit for pa\m< at of Hint' taxes . without iwnnlty is November HO. Citi zens are isnot S" prompt as last year, when by this time they had paid lie1 treasurer about $10."no. They have only mad" returns ;n 1910 for about $5,000. A murker has neon placed by Fran-! ces Hi.iml Kanuoiph i’hnpier, U. A. II. on Colonial Heights, winth Haftiyetle'a ■ army encamped <m (he heights Indore i Petersburg, when Petersburg was oc cupied by the ltriiish army In 17H1. Colonial Heights is fast growing up ns a heuiititul e eiurb of the dt> lo , tin northwest. In the Circuit Court of Chesterfield: county, Judge Matson presiding, the! case of Officer M. E. Bridges for the kioiug of Mr. Eazarus .Moore, in Et trick, was tried Tuesday. The Com-: rnunwealth was represented hy Judge Gregory fcnd th» accused was repre sauted by Mr. Charles T. I—issiter. of Petersburg. The jury returned a ver dict of not guilt.', the h'-mldde being proven a case of self-defense. Tta killing took place in June, when ] Mr. Moore was le<;ues;ed by Officer Bridges to go honn , j., mg intoxicated, it is alleged. A short tune after, while Officer Bridges was standing under Mi electric light. Moore approached and without wurtilog shot the officer in the abdomen. Hemming th" fire, Bring’» shot arid killed Moore. Skull Fractured. Early Tuesday moridng Mr. Robert M. Ellis, a foreman oti the belt line oi the Norfolk and Western railway, was assaulted by a ip yro employe.- strik ing him with a piece of wood. tra. luring his skull, i'li.' ivmditlon of Mr Ellis, who was brought to the Pe tersburg Hospital, is serious, Ie■ <-<as! - taUug. by the • ... tur•, the removal of a large piece his skull. Blood hounds from Hbffo’.s. are trailing the 'lb'- iiiTf nf l’rank Wilkerson, on t!iu "Heigh?s." was totally destroyed l>y tif f Tui Hum morning. \\ ith diffi cult* Uw iv11** ,.nd ehiidien of me men "' r« rescued, \Vilkers.,n. who is a reliable colored man, cannot say how the lire ongmated, but b-i.e-v.-* n m,» of Incendiary origin. The total i«.,s whs atmut and is covered oy about *. .al)0 insurance. A training naasl tor Sunday school workers will bo held in the First Hapti-t church .\ovmiil > r r.,-.i. unuor the auspices of the Petersburg fiap tist Association. The school will no under the direction of Kev. Joseph J. Walts. Sunday school se-.-retary ot the Stale Ailssion Woaro, anil v.*jii he assisted by Alias Margaret Frost, of Nashville; Air. Armor l-iuko. ot A1 issleaippl, and Air. L, r. ia-a.-;!., ol Nashville* Attractive program* have been prepared. Mr. and .nra jj. j). Adkins, ot Pe ter*, have issued imitations I i the approaching marriage or their daugh ter, Lillie Ail- R, to .Mr. Anar. r. vatter Outland, of Kichrttond. ih* marriage to be sodemnutcu in me home of ih" !.riue‘s patents on i-rank. Iln street Noi ember is*. .'uss Frances Kced Alley, a popu lar young lauy Of tile « cm i.jul, ant •Mr. K. Crow tier, of Bia< kstone, we re married m Washington Tuesday. idle bride is a sister of An. > . VV. Alley, member of the t-’ommnn toun cii tnnn Fifth ward. Memorial .sei vies-. Committees from me Knights of Pythias iu Petersburg are arranging for the holding of tmlr annual m niuriit! service in the Ai-aurmj ot Music. A rp.enuid program ivut b» arranged and a iiioa,i-r of pri.mi neni d will a duress me ewnuni.lag The iuneral of the lute \v. a. AI triend took place Wedtie*sdaj tnorn niK from Grace Episcopal church and ''as laigely alteiiued. A iai„e n, 10-: gatiott of Alaeona, of whii h the de ceased was a member, was In uitenn ance. Mr. .Vitriend was one m the oioesi inenii era of Bland for, I Budge. No. a. A.. F'. and A. M. The Inier- ' merit was made in Blandford Ceme tery. Airs. Lou Anna Emory. wife of Mr. J. J. Emory, died at tier home on Withe stre. t. Blanuforn, Tuesday merning alter a prolonged ihness Mrs. Emory is survived by her hus band and one son, Mr. Calvin C. Crowder, and two brothers M"ssrs Edmund Sheffield, of tSii«sex county! • and Albert isheineld, of lUnwiduit county, she was a consistent mem her of Good Shepherd Memorial church in Blandford. Mr. Ernest Quarles, u well known young man, died „t the residence of his father. Mr. J. It. Quarles, on Brown street. Tuesday. He was at years of age. and was a veteran of ' the Spanish-American war. Jail < Htulals ninmcicss. liANWLLB, VA.. November It; — An oillcial investigation whs held here Tuesday of the causes of the jail delivery here October *f». when six prisoners escaped by sawing in two the liars of an outer window. The conclusion reached from the Inquiry j was that the escape of the prisoners was due to Inadequate aiul insurtl cient facilities to coniine them. No Maine is attached to the jail authori ties. Eulaw Eocgery rtuirgr. DANVILLE. VA.. November is. - Elmer T. Thornton, a well known young man of this city. Is In jail await ing the action of the grand Jury on ,! the charge of forgery. It Is alleged he presented a check apparently j drawn for 114 for board. which amounted to $8, receiving 88 in change. Upon examination it was discovered the check had bean orig inally drawn for $4, and that the letters “teen” had been ■ written with a pencil. Thornton le an rlFctrldiui The wedding of MIstmAil* Marla Milnes, daughtt r •>! .Mrs Benjamin Alii ms, to Air. Herbert *.Unton White num, son of Air. and Mr*. Winiam J» Whitehurst. »ul Or i .-nonu.ed Wed rnsuny evening at s;->0 n’cioi k in v eii >.*nary Aii.-tn o.,,( Kpircopat- church, the i-tt. J. A. LahMin win om-late. Air. hliepherd Woo,, organist ot 1 en u-nary church, uni piay tne v.*uum,» marches anil the "v * nriiun Ui-i; Hong" by Kevin a tiring tne ii.*:n<nty. Ali i. KoLert in to i lin o i, iii ma tron of honor, .nil Alias Kosuiie Mllnes, sister of tne hri-b . ns iiiaitl of honor, win wear li.m.i* rile cos tumes. perfecting th< ouor scheme of junk and km i n. Mi s. Howe's gown n* of vvime s.*tin veiled with green marquis. uo ami triinim il with crystal and hand embroidery. Hhe Mil tarry u timutV bouquet of white chrysanthemum* anil maiden-hair iern. Miss Aiim-s will be gowned m shell pink meteor crepe, hand • nioroidiTen in sliver. with a oouiiuet of chrysanthemums and orcntils. -Missos Kdllh Jinvt and Avis A ounK will he the petlie and i harming flow ir girls. They will wear mu no hami emnrotderi.'d white lingerie trucks with pink rashes, carrying green bas kets rilled with pink rosebud*-.' The grimm Will ha\- as his best man his brother. Air. Hubert V. Whitehurst, and as his groomsmen Missis. Trip]* tt .Montagu*. *i Ath ens. Pa.; Strother Kr» < man, Meredith Al niague. ot Now York *’itv; I’ia rene.- Nash Hied, of .NurtoiK; Wil liam S, Forties, i.e'.vis isirus and Mr. Henry Krnehllng. of Kn hnmnd. Kmering tin i nu.r h with Air. Heb ert Bruce 1 low* . who v 111 give her m marriage, the bride « id wear an exquisite Morris gown, fa.-nlimed of white crepe meteor, hiind-cmbroiiler ed, with a court train and trimmed with real la.'i . Her veil vvh be caught wth orange blossoms and her bridal bouquet will be a shower of lilies of the talley and orchids. As her only ornament she will v. ear a diamond pennant, the gtit uf the groom. Following tin- . in mon> a sn.ail re ception win be given at ! la.: drove avenue to I It * .intimat. mends unu the out-of-town go w ito Jnelude Aiiss Alary Harm. n. • i tile t'niversitj ol Virginia, .Miss lie-sie darter, of Danville; v Grace i dtman. of B&l timore; Airs. James Irvin* of i.inn v tile, formerly known in lliehmnnd as Miss Kate Patton Mr. and Mrs. Theodors Bogart, of New York cit.v; Aievsrs. iiuland Thorp and Herman Allyn, of Norfolk; Mr. and Airs. Bran*ford Adams, of I.yin libui g ; Air. and Air-. K. <Gunther. <>[ Norfolk; l»r. and Airs. Hubert Whitehurst, of "t.Vdar Grove"; >lr. arid Mrs, MoDon - aid Wren and Air and Airs. Mena leu* I Jink font of V _ Mr. and Mrs. Whitehurst will leav. f'T an extended luur in Canadq and will be at home 11* r lu ember I et ! * Monutt)' pt awnut. Miss Mini, s and her house guests Imre been the honor, rs at n number »t ante-nuptial function*. Miss Kosa Uo liilnes entertained Saturday at a beautifully appointed luncheon in honor of her sister and the hitter's house guest* Miss .Mart Harmon, Miss Iiessie Carter and Mits Hrar, H itman. < over were laid for ten and the talilo was decorated in Bride r.igtsi'Tvith u corsage bouquet of gar denins ;*.t eaeh |i;nc*-. Mrs. Hol.ert Bruce Hot^. entertained per home, 14011 Grove avenue. Sr.fui.lny even ing in their honor. On Moroay even ing Mr. and Mrs, lien filiaforr., gave it box [.aril, followed by a sup per, at the Commonwealth Club for Miss Milnes arid h< r guests. Cards Out for I mu iieon. Alises Mary and Anne Trajlor have sent out invitations for i, luncheon at the Commonwealth Club on.Wed r.t sdny afternoon. N'ovr m’ - r k';rd Visiting in Texas. Miss I.ouise Richardson, of JfM;; Monument Avenue. is spending sev eral months m Tyler. Texas, a- the guest of her friend. Miss Norma Bon ner. I lance*, dinners and innumer able delightful affairs have he, n giv en for Miss Klc-hardson during her su>.\, and the days are plea- ir ild.v cited with pretty compliment* to her. bbe will r, turn to Hb hrtioml in time tor the Christmas holidays. In Honor of Mrs. Sanford, Mrs. S. \\. Hande d Newport M. ws. was the guest of hotter at an attractive bridge party given by Mrs. Howard Hutton at her h'.Me, to Cintor Park. Monday afternoon. The tables were prettily d'-crated in pink chrys anthemums Mrs. I. m i, Cr >.• id "am the first prize, which she pre sented to the go st of honor Mrs. Mutton's guests were Miss Maud Starke. MBs Madge Montgom ery, Miss I.ouise M il!; tits. Mrs. John Hv.orient. Mrs. Hi.e mend . U v-v. York, Mrs. J,'„> , ■ v Mrs Blythe Moore. Mrs. Charles Taylor, Jr., MBs Veil Sutton, Mrs? Alien Hover. Mrs. victor Shell.ourne, M‘*» Nell Fisher, Mrs Lawton CrutrhHclU, Mrs C. I, Ourrett and Mrs S M Wilkinson Mirs Parrish to Entertain. Miss Ptsde Parrish of <ij* West Prank!in street, will ee a card pan, Thursday afternoon at halt i.fp-r 4 o clock In honor of h,-r lions- tai-si. Miss Jean Breed, of Alexandria. Miss Parrish has invited the debutante.* p, meet Miss Brent. Carders—T a I'ey, Miss Kate Harris Talley, duucTd-r of Mr. :<nd Mrs. Daniel I). Talley, will be married Wertne-day evening to Mr, Benjamin Pollard t 'nrdoait. Tim cere mony will take piece ut tie hop e of th- bride's parents, 4!n ft, ,;t Prank - Hu street, at N o'clock, and will p, fol lowed by a stiiitl! i ,-i ei t loti to the fa mil} untl near relatives The bride will enter with her fattier, who will stive her in marriage. Kev, (•'. I-’. McFaden. D. If. to d R.-v Res. sell Cecil. 1). I>. will he the oiliciatin,; ministers. Bridge Party. 1 lore,ration* So autumn Tc.iv, s and flowers were charming at rb»- , fl,-tj party at which Mrs. FdmunJ C -Minor and Miss Cnrlie Minor enter!.lined mi "u-*,lay afternoon at their home. 60S Bast Franklin street. Miss Katha rine Watkins, of Hnli'iv, who. |* the house guest of Miss Sclden, \von the rir t prize. Those p regent were Mr«. Doiielug Vanderhoof. Mrs. 1,-wis Bosher, Mrs. William Minor, Mrs Juliet Keith. Misses Julia Joy tie-, Mary Hurt Cren shaw, Klkt.ibeth King, Mary Aylctt. Finnic Archer, 15!irabcth Seld-ig Katharine Watkins. Caroline Anni stend, Grace Neale. Bessie I{> land. I- loyii Taylor, Ptltel Mcl'uw. Mary Davenport, Mary Butler, Anita Cus ?ciis. f.ettlce Woodward. Fv'!betli Wheat find \'lrglnlu Chamf erluyne. S| ira lley-Harwood. A beautiful home wedding was elebrated Wednesday morning at li VcbX'k In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aanktl Stringer Harwood, “itoo Floyd ivenue, when their daughter. Mary -ouise. became the bride „f Mr. Hob. »rt Gordon Sprctley. or Petersburg,' ion of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bprat ey. Mr*. John Jucoli Ballou, Jr., was he bride's matron of honor and**onlv ittendant. Mr. Barnett Leigh Hprat ey wa* the groom's beat man. Mr. and Mrs. Spratley will b* at tome at 19 I-lberty street. Petersburg. Vs,, after December 1. Stnith-Syrnn. Miss Carrie Louise S.vfan, daughter J — 'I ‘ . \ At prices that wil Every Silk Petticoat over two hundred, in colors, at and below $3.50 Special $4.50 Special at $3,88 Special at $G.50 Special at $5,00 Special at $3, Baldwin 1209 HULL ST South Richmond. NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMO UuUntl.n Ward Ileus, and Ailmllarmnil. recelTed at V iril.l. J. \\. Craie'a Stare. i:«Hi Hull atre«t. AYVFLF DEATH OF 2-YEAR-OLD NEGRO <1.01 mini. < \rrm;s mu \m» < II III* 1" M.MO-I < ui:m m il. While poking a wood lit - Tuesday night a! .til '1 o'clock. ill1' clothing of a. two-yenr-old s-n of Annie cob uv ,i, i' Wlvbov, «> f No. IPM I Hull street. caught Hr*- nn*l io- whs Imrnpd to death. The Infant Was nlnne in the room lit the time, the mnth-r having left alter placing her two children In charge of att aged nipr. - When aid did reach the child he, was so frightfully hurtled that medi cal skill was almost useless. Iloyv c\ ev. tin- 'it- ambulance \y is sum moned and Ulr lew was taken to the hospital. ah. re h- died a f. w minutes aft r Ms arrival. CHURCH LOSS MAY NOT REACH $1,500 Fir,- chief ,f..>hes» Wednesday morn ing eenim.i nded the members of j'n %1ne i ’omjiHiiy No. ill tor their ton », rk In handling the tire at the Stockton Street Baptist ehureh. Sun day night. The structure is not a badly (iatnae,. d ns was at first tli . ight, and it Is now t„ ih-veii that *1" d im uge will not • >:• •••ii sl.r.Oi* NEW CAR BARNES NEARLY COMPLETED Thu me uir harm.- u tie Vir ginia UatlM o and l o, r iv.mpany. Seventh. Perry and Porter streets, whieh ha. *■ i eeti in tie course ef construction f r some tine, are now nearly completed, and wit! lik*-jy he ready f r . •.itm-iu n* \« " ek. Tli-te is no dot; ! that they will he i«m plete )..-f.>re the end 01 the. month. It is |dann"d to keep all Forest Hi'.1. Hull -T • t and Flay street '-at-' In these terrr. Linemen w* r ■ busy Wednesday in ty irtng the pl-iet and this yvill !*•■ finished shortly. Tracks were laid some time ago. of i!r< Atiiri Hyi'ati. of First avenue. Highland Park, was very quietly mar ried at it;" h re ..f i >r. t*. K K lithe:!. Novemter : I at "> P NT. t » Mr. t’Un ion J 'hn Smith. of I,. Hire. Vie Myrlek—Stock ley. A beautiful home wedding was t el. Harntt'd Ti: ulny night at th*. home of Mrs. It Savage. 709 North Tweuty s. ..nth str* et. when her daughter. Mrs. Katie St' kloy. win* given In mar tiaire to Air. William H. Myrlek. of Memphis. Tenn. Miss Irene Bi-baa: was maid ol honor and Mr. Finest Selma: tv as lest man. Fvetyn Stock - It y and lieulah Scluutf Were flower girl**. At a o'cloek the ceremony was performed by the Uev. I!. W. M, Taylor, th ■ ritHt ceremony after the All Hindis nt ol doing Used Thf bride W.jfe It ROW fl Of aliee l.[i . and carried yellow ehrysatuheltiums. After the tm-mefty refreshments wen served uiul a reception m as given at the home t" ft The bridegroom )s a well-to-ih ine.-s man of Mi inputs. T>-nn., in which city the bride fortru r: Me; Alter a f.iv days' stay in Ivivhmnnd, they will return to their home i. Memphis. IV r-nii.ils. Alias I-omse iiiiiains, of Anohin, is the y. . :t of Miss Madge Montgom ery at !•' Pul; it venue. Mr . Fifties Penn and Httle daugh ter. FPx.'' i th. of Imn^ille. spent the week-i i I with her sister. Mrs t 'ar r«HI Jl maguc. Mr 1. \\ Fuller has returned from the tTt . ti Spring Valley, Mil., wm-re lo att nded u house party. Miss Margaret Hodges, of lmnville. will arrlo; this yveek to 1., the guest of frit nils. Miss Helen t’nmeron, who has-been aii-oud r< r a year, is the guest of Mrs. s. W. Hui k. at Rose Hill, Albemarle. ■A Mrieh — f,-rn#r, FUKHFKH'KSBrnO, VA„ Nov. la Jehu S Aldrich, the son ef Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Aldrich, anil Mis-- Rlva Par- , ter, daughter of Mr. !•». H. Partner. both of Sootsv'v ’ I’tn envuv, were married In M ashingtcui on .Monday. Snyder—Womack. t HHAHl.(ITTKKVILJ.E. VA., Nctv. is.—Mias Ha I lie Agnes Womack, of) t’uniberland county, and Krniist Sny der, of Harrisonburg, were married W«Him Column DANVILLE, V,lTn I\ G. Jitr.grv, whit*. . Panell, colored, airtw Tuesday lr«TO Henry c« notifying the Federal eeeded to the city Jail n nivtio* of thirty <1 j.o««d tn the United Al illicit dint illng. The g vlcted several monttHI fence wius suspended Pf»W«?lK " ' >' Y/ ITaycr Alectlng. Th<- weekly prayer meeting held Wertm .-day night at the .\i • thndist i hurdi. mil kid assistance to STOt KTON ST It LET Cl The congregations of the Street I baptist church and eattir Street Methodtst ch* cite rod t ho uae of their btlftfl crp‘ members of the Stocktofl Haptiat ehnrch, which w* Sunday night. Meetings for tt pose "-ere recently Ilf'Id. 1 .rijoyed ItHinjuet. Member* of Jackson Couaeft^ tloual I'nion, Tuesday night a banquet at th»- Masonic Temple. . -o: tu! feature followed a c*rW ' session held at Fraternal Halit, -j Cornelius Wells acted as toast sent to Jail. iiM .lames Walker, colored, wa* tail b r ninety days Wednesday I mg o.v Justice Maurice in Poliowi N j for trt spanning on ttifl i the Southern Hallway. Realty Transit er. Th, following deed of hargaii stile was recorded Wednesday 1® dc of the clerk of Hurting* ~ part two: John F. Jennings to his dap Mrs. Wmon L. Powell, proj Kvorett street, near Kighteanihy^ #10(1. I-a 5 lug Switch. l-’or tht i envenlellre of th© factory at Seventh and Portef tnc Southern Railway is In switch at this point. A croeslng i laid Tuesday night. Thomas Dorsey. Mr. Thomas Dorsey, of Jerwsjtj s- venty-wight years old, who iting his daughter. Mrs. F. E. man, . r tRohiouw. t’hostertield died suddenly M onfluy night. *”><ly will he taken to Jersey to day night, where he leaven i I s'ettttxsl oti “Hen IIor.** Rev. John Jayne, of Plttabu has been conducting revival at the Cowardin Avenue church. Tuesday night, gave traded lecture on 'Ken Hur.” audience was present. A fe the r. tulltion of a song by Marti .1. Morrissett. It was Wf Mr. Jayne, white the music posed by Airs. W. C. Oonklytl.A* Monday evening a* ihe hom« bride-# sister, Mrs. Sterling It* • m Icy road, Ciiariottesville, ! i. R L< e oti’elating. After a ern four Mr. and .Mrs. Snyder ? Iiotne In 1 luryironburg. More | . s. ships Hindi ^ 11 UAVKrfKND. ENOl^Uftyi The third (ill islun*of the . battleship Reel, constating of ) tleshlps, arrived hero to-day saluted by the forts and i the harbor Gravesend la London, and the sailors wilt given several days’ shore leaV^ in th, sights of the Uritlsh . !i> Many entertainment* arranged for tho officers and Licensed to Wed. Marriage licenses were following by Deputy Clerk 't th.- Hustings Court, Wed William J. Ponton and 1 both A. Meonl. both of Rig Thomas K. Cross, of No: AP c FHen V’. M.'Corkle. of Paul D, Olemmenta. of.KI county, and Miss Alice V. Richmond. James Eternard Butfen Edna May Davis, both of A!! the murringes are set day. Wil l- PASS ox mif»~ FOR NEW SC* The trustees of the* school district of Cheater "’HI meet Wednesday eve Midlothian to pa mm upon.: have been procured for , school building. The new.\ be one Of the beat In the i_ “Uglily equipped with CV« convenience. , "