Newspaper Page Text
Emnni'i KTK.II %\t» «»>M mi n> *i. \u HERE 24 HOURS ASSU n n«« «*K» I.IMUMSWJt n>B & ?.L fivm« vaxnvK EXt K. f President tVlUiam H-w..r.. Taft win, according to present jdfi its #arrU e in ^'jilrlwn—-* Tuesday night <*»d "'ill rr '/’'ftr Here until Wednesday. nfternoo". unless unforeseen contingencies urisi '• to MCtMltetl bit alteration l!>" 4mMbw! jitoii'd t»> Assistant *••••,, tar»- Forster, of tin Whit** House. It I* all hut d-flnltHv 8fttil •; the president. alter landing ai flat *l* ton Roads early Tuesday M rr. will ltniU' diubjly h>‘art a I>t.. 'r already chartered. and com.- t- thin llty. Arriving. it** will *!«*ep at ttv* JHBMfMtn Hotel TtHuday ttight wilt take Uvakfut w ith ‘bn. t'fiot Moat? Wednesday morning. take n sight-se. • iug triji, take kini*heoti a« the guest *tf the ettlwti*' committe* a*"! "til rit part for Washington on 1 >’>, '"' it t>ri • vale ear. the Olympia. We'ln* sila> Jo(ght about * o'clock This. in brief, tv tie .*•■>■ al program ut the tied of the chief cx-erttti\t la addition there will !«• hi-* ml-lres* d< HrWal ta io*rb- \ irgiula Fklucatl* ’■ Conference it. the t'lty Aunttoniii’ HntnrMI.lV afternoon at 1 o'clock 11 is toinak- title address ns lint'h • any other ...n* thing that brers l*v. a dent Taft to ft,* tpital of Vive To bps*k Final Word ; Xo interruptions or .•»!■ ratl.-t - of Ito* are vxiao-ted to the to* nl wminittw on entertainment lit -order |« moke aK*ur«nce tliml.lj :<"r. If" ever. thuriness Manager \A tlliaut T ilistoi* y. of the t’hnmlwr of i’em • ■•ytooee and Assistant Postmaster I W ftllkr left for Washing-*on, 1> r , or, an train Monday for it conference Mr. Foret, r. The latter "ill apeak -ifce. final word its to what arrange §J(B**rt» will heat anil the president. ttnry suggestion will ho acted upon It I* htUwH that present plane PgM pro'" eminently satisfactory. A Etawniy will prohnbo be wetted front Meesn*. Dabney and Fuller Monday »f yiWWopn either informing the local •xnn ffiiaittwe that all Is "O. K." «r specifying IvUny ttowt* Itt plans that must be ■ tMide. Stine* the present plan" hate i hern mapped ont virtually under , t£retgry Fomter'* direction#, it t« '"nu ll predicted <hut the present pro. gram will go through without a hitc • i, Mr. Forster has t*e»n in daily ■ .«m via w trehss with Prssi : dent in I ffacrptarj Norton, with th< KAM MttmtlW on the battleship Ten ?;,MMr. Mr. Forster has nent word to this city to th* • ffect that the blur fighting v«*«el, with its distinguished f- ymtnfer, Is expected at Hampton Itoada earty Tuesday atternoon, . Tt tirwi title*! at Hitmiknn Road" fVo . The pnwtent wit pronahly arrU* :■ jMl Rtchtnfnul about k o'clock Ttte« day night and will tp part nt about the same hour tWednesday night, thereby remaining in the city twenty ftyfour hours. A delegation of promt sent Richmond cittsens will jirohablj 5 go to Hampton Hoads to welcome him ft OB hi* arrival and to Hcrompany him this c»tv. the (irirt place tiis |, vt«M following his trip to Partanut. It lit poMfhle that the*®-'resident may he given a dinner at one of tin- Inca 6 club* Tuesday night. This will d» !'* pend l»rge.y on «hether or not th* jf head of the nation Is fatigued. t Arriving In Richmond, the presl |5: dent will he welcomed by a larg* comailttee. and during his stay hi will have, it in escort, the entlr« <Bd«V corps of the t’lrginla J'olytech nlc Institute, which comes to Itich mond from Blacksburg t" act In tha part let i lar capacity The cadets Will be the gue.^ls o the Richmond Blues during their sta' hsre. Wednesrta > morning, accont panted by a detail of the Blues, the' I:' Will march to the Jefferson Hotel Whance they will eseort J’resident Tar U» th# e*eiwitive mansion, where In Arr oflVrinc a Np<><-m| Ul A PAIR "fufMlrio* i,, „,|id «»o«« ml. ^wn ami brown Them isn’t a better value in KtchoMcd than them- Portiere* OUwr aplmdid value., u, in mind Jh«r we an Carpets Rugs. , m Andrmm « rktor Covering* you Vo Worth hmking at Hnip*. .!hrJ2 *n»m« ih<- hiK Black overcoat* are always in Mvie always correct. This winter we haw tin in in perfection. I>nt some of n~ like something a littlo more chipper: for example here is a Irie/e in a soft lu/zv, cloth that’s a wonder for looks and comfort long and double-breasted $Z0 to $.V5. \in] here's a black and white basket weave. odd anti striking, and a itill trow \ short coat in a\ striiK two big buttons w hich you can see tile length of the block and lots of other good things for young men and men who are iu-t as voting. S15 to $40. And everything else men and bo\s wear, and distinctive Bern ( oats and Raincoats lor girls and women. v tl! take breakfast wit h (Invimnr Mini Mr* Maim. While the i hi* I * vri.’iillv. * . iitln*: tin cadets will hurry t>> 111*- Mine* atrtnory »n<1 breakfast themselves. • Then th* < will hurry hack in th* Capitol Kfjtiar* in time t<* lim-tin be fthe president has concluded ht> I u ***l ]. Will l.o higtit-raflng. Kvrrv "tu- having mtrti. th* * ml* headed |>\ Ih*-tr hand, trill trail th* way out Franklin street and Monu ment avenu* to the l>ati» statue. In thr rear trill eornc four automobiles carrying th*- president and hi* part* At th<- ntnmimr nt th*- cadets wif! leave the nn-mhcr* of th. party to their otvn (Irvin-* until afternoon. The party f ill take a. spin through th* rotintr* <>h u fight- seeing trip, r* turning In time l.*r th.- luncheon at th*- Jefferson Following the lim* he..n, the presi dent util again tiro) the cadets wfttt mg for him and will he escorted to tlie city auditorium hv them. Thet - he will make his address and then after stinking hands with delegates to the conference w 111 return to the* Jefferson and prepare for his dt parl or*- for Washington and the White House. . The sightseeing party will occupy font ldg aut<*niol-tle*. The president. Captain Arehfbalri Huttr, his military aid* . Colonel IV. (jj-ordon Met'ahe and Mr. W. F. (Jordon will occupy the second car. The pilot car will carry ‘Chief of Polio. Werner, City Sergeant at Arms (Jeorge Ruskell, Mr. A. Folgi-r and manager of the Chambtr of Commerce. W. T lailmey. President of the Chamber of Com merce Henri W. Wood. Major J. Iv Hemphill, and others of the presi dent t* retinue wjll la- seated in the third car. The fourth * ar will (tarry Ideutcn aut-t.over J. Taylor Kllyaon, Mayor r>, c. Richardson, Ideutennnt-CoiTiman der I. * Palmer. C K V. Mr. chart* s P Taft, newspaper owner and brother of th* president, and Major T. J. Hh*»4i■«, the president’s surgeon l.micltcon a Rig Feature. The ( hi*-* tcature of lh*- president'll fin. in th* city, a-cording l** min), will In- the lum hemi Wednesday af ternoon nt which the president la or pr-et*-d t** make an addi-eas. Having ; just returned from Panama, he is ex peeted to give out kitin' interesting i facts In connection with conditions in that tiny republic. Invitations t*> the luncheon have been accepted l*V the following William Hodges Mann. Thomas S. Martin, John Ramb, Robert Whtttet, Jr , J C, Hemphill, A. J. Montague, William IT. White, Robert R. Prentls T. M. Carrington, William T. Reed, II. It. Pollard. Thomas P. Jeffress, T c. Williams, Jr., Rosewell Pag*-, C IT. Ratcliff*-. John S. Williams 1 Charles K. Richards, John Kuthf-r foord. J M Pout tiureari, P 1. Re*-d K V. Williams, Mar* tlunst, H. W Rountree, J. Kami Marsnaii, r.. ' lalird, J. T. .\mli'r*on, Joseph E Forg. Walter He,.tt, Reorgo liriftn An-her Anderson. Jam* s <». Tinsley A, 11 McDowell, W P. Richardson DavldrC. Richardson, Claude A. Swan son. J Tavlor Kllyson, Hobart I.»•< f’stars, J. 1'. Eggleston. Jr., Henry W Who], Barton M. tlrundy. John I. Williams \V. It. Meredith. Willlnn M. HitMiston. 1 J. Marcuse, Kppi Hunton. Jr . II W. Melton, Warren V Taylor. Dr C.eurgc H. Johnston. I iv u'Flahertj. < >tls M Alfrtend, II K. Bakkrniiie. Henry W. Anderson Uporge W. Stevens, I!. T. MelotlO II. Jackson I >a\ is, H. C. .Stearnes. 1 H. Brow n. John S. Mtmi r, Reorge I t ’renshaw, John (I. lane IV. It. Brad ley, Alfred T. Harris. I'' M. Keadi Thomas 1 Moore, W. h ■ Morton l.egh It. Pug. I', H. I iciiahoe. II. !.<<• \ .ilenlim \V. I'm! Powell, E. 1*. Hotchkiss jr., T. A. Cary, t ’unnlnghain Hal Charles E. Borden. <1. A. llawklni Edmund strudwick, \V. H Eorhei I la trie Webster. D. I> PHagers Id Claude M ilean, Jutnes D. Crntn, William J. Rlluuui. S. B, WoOdf'.i A. K. J. II. H. I. Vonderh-hr." Jarnek Il’aliot II. I . isoes. n. l<r. <'. It. Ilobim I.. Antrim, lieneral W It ’"oi H tjeorr. Ji . Philip Whitloet W. I;ih ison, Thomas Ji. Stoke Albert li. Hill. M. M. Martin. J. i Harwood. A. c, Nelaen. Janies 1 Dooley, c. c. Junes. S. \V. Traveri Preston Helviri, John J. Mltvhe) James \. Boyd, i)< urgr* Mi'll, lllaki Thomas li. McAdams. H. M. Hmltl Jr. A I,. Pat ram, A. von X. Hogs negk, W. X. Itoschen. M. E. Murensi C. I' Davts, .1 l Atkins' n. I >r. »t. E. Bolling. <A. E. K. Williams. < thur B. Clarke. John W. Moore, J B. Perdue, c Atkinson, <■ ! man. P*rita Don Eeav J. H ’1 W. Jamer, Churls KeaUon. B. A. Hll . H. Wiltshire. Ai Morgan It. Mills tieorge E. Strep n. Moore. H. 1 H. Pollock, S. H. Bow Siltordlug. Joseph W Woclfoik, John C. Hagan. John I Branch. W. < lord on McCabe, Joh P Eandstreet. W. Saunders, Robei j "The Circular Staircase," the moi i interesting fiction and mystery stui of Ike reason, published la serial fori sMtniiviiy ln -The Hiohmoad Vlnti ’• c. S. Christian. Harry Huber, John Walker. Joseph K Willard, K. H Richardson, John B. Bwartout, W. T. uanney, John «. Knelt, J. K. t divert, 8. I>. UMIUMW, Ho pert W. crump. K. H. huuer, Jacob c miaul. O. tt. Uinwurs, I'. H. Mayo, W. vV. Work mart. W. I>. Ituuot, nluum A. * r* n •tinW. John Mireouoerg, W. H. Ad ams, F. C. Kwi, rtuum G. Hmiboios. H. S. Wailersteln, James W. nnarp, John T. rowels. A. C. Braxton. J. A. c. Chandler. Henry i-. t aoeii. Ju lius A. Hobson George C. Kuskell. l-Tank I- Butler, James H. Klam. G. II. Hobson, !•'. W. Boatwright, John !!. Bliley, M. 8, Valentine, M. i itranen, James A. Moneure, l»r. II. Cnliell TaM>, Henry 8. Ilutzler, Oun tavua MlUhtser. M. 1.. Hotheimer. K. L. Power* K. A. Hun fop, ClUton M. Miller, Joseph M. Kmn. J'r. James Nelson. M. B Rosenbaum, Harney E. Myers. Rdgnr Allan, Jr., Barney Bowman, Hr. .1. A. linages. A. I- Ad amson, j. J Burke. Claude J-. Bat kina, 1. W. Fuller. I.. SS. Morris. Ben T. August. Alien Potts, A. \V. Bennett, I. . I.. Rewis, Hr. W. T Opponhlmer. Joseph P. Brady, George M. Cease. Samuel Cohen. John. J. Lynch.'John W. Gordon. A. L. 8trattse, John H. (Himes. John A. 8elph, II 8 Bin s''anger. Hr. Wlliiiun II. Parker. II. It. toillard. Jr.. .1 C Powers. Htew :iit II. Ford. George W. Rogers. Wit Hnni ('. Sehmidt. William K. Hultivnn. Joseph K, Powers, II. W Hutchin son, William H. Wyatt. Jr. «>nt-of-Tow n (Jie-P. out-of-town educators who will »l t» nd the luneheon are: Hr. Charles M Haxeii. Bon Air Hugh t*. Bird, Frt;derioksburg\ C I . Gravatt. Port Royal. J. P. Neff. 8taunton. •lame* 8. Thomas. Lynchburg T. c. Sandy, Burkeyille. Hr. P. B. P.arrlnger. Blacksburg l>r. Gatin Bawies, Franklin. Hr. S. W. Fletcher, Blacksburg. Arthur Kyle Imws. Petersburg. Kdwln A Alderman. Charlottes ville. Charles G. Maphis. Charlottes'illc. W. H. Keister. Harrisonburg. J. F. Jarman, Farmvtlte. Julian A. Hurniss. Harrisonburg. Hr. James Cannon, Blaekstonc. R K. Blackwell, Ashland. Charles W. Kent. Charlottes'Mr. K. \Y Nicholas, Lexington. Gorge H. Benny. Iwxlngton Harria Mart. Roanoke T. P. Hell, Mfn-hipongo IV. Archie Thompson, Taicwcll C. V. Shoemaker, ^aat. Radford. nitRl.llTTF.!IVtU.F. DAt GHTF.HS ttri.t, katkhtaia tun CH AHLOTTF.PVILLF. VA.. Nov. ::! At the regular monthly meeting of tlo A lhemarl* chapter. lujlted Imughter) of the Confederacy. n reception was ri dded on for Januarc 19th. tit which a! veterans of the community will b« sumptuously entertained, together wltt their friends and families. Crosses ol honor Will be bestowed on 1hls oecss ten. A committee was empower t< make suitable provision for the usuh Christmas tokens to the Albemarle vet erans In the Soldiers' Home, Richmond andinjyticjountvjioijie^ There’* no time to call a doctor when Croup comes, yon must have some Immediate means of relief. £= Sake , relieves with the first application, and in fifteen min utes will cure the worse Attack of spasmodic Croup. ■ —I esiea *■»>!*». eedsrfcrmea 2 So BOc 91.00 -h talk Mkrttm." ifclCs.. ONWARD And Upward b the contition of oar largs end constantly InareAS Ing business—the result of meri torious Optical service and hufld ing of Everything GOOD FOR THE EYES Prescription Work Onr Specialty. MAIN AND BROAD AND E1CHTH ~ THMD Kodak Headquarters The oi#nifty chapter* of :The Circulai Staircase Hy Mary Koberl* Rinehart. ■ Will appear ill a few day* nmt run dsi exclusively n ■ The Richmond Virginian Tin? Circular is ?!»♦■_ lif mystery story of the sen“on It is fi of action uml intensely dramatic ai interesting from chapter to chapter, is difficult to make up a Rood mvstc i. store. ^‘THc Circular Htaireaso’’ is n . only good, but is clean and engrossing. I, • Read the Opening Chapters Estate Taxes * i for the year 1910 arc payable no1 :! The Taxes for Washington Wa * are payable at the office of tl . Deputy Treasurer in \Yashingt< n Ward. i A penalty of 5 |>cr cent, will I t added to all bills remaining tinpa y i December 1st . n J. B. PACE, Treasurer. 1 TO 8HI0N1ZE ! SCHjOL ietchers KKSOUTIOX IXTRODVCKb BE FORE AMERIC AN EEOERA. ' ‘ TTOX OF LABOR. S'i. WiflS, Novi tuber 21.—A plan; to unionise the school teachers of the i United (States Ik the aim of a resolu tion now before the American Fed eration of Labor In session here. T. . < i'Conmir. a representative of the 1 Longshoreman's Union, Is also repre senting the teaehi rs of Buffalo, N. V.. who ha\e perfected a union, suc ceeded In having It recognised and in advancing salaries. The resolution would place the Fed eration <>n record as calling for a higher standard of wages for teachers ; and pledge Its support to that end. , "The teachers of Buffalo also arc well organised,’' said 1 ''Connor. “They' have raised their own notaries as a result. They belief that organisation would mean the limit settlement of all the lllldeseinalde oiidltions under | which teachers w 'tk. the country j o\ ef." WILL USX APPROPRIATION FOR ARMY AEROPLANES XA8HV11.LK. TUNS’.. N'ov. 21. Secretary of War .laeob M. Dickinson sHid here th&t he w ould recommend ; to Congress an appropriation for th< purchase of aeroplanes for the I'nlt ed states amp. "The relations between the t'piled States and Japan.' aid the secretarj, "are of the friend Pent cha racter, and I do not believe there is any Impend- 1 ing danger of War between the two nation*. " Me dern-d that he was f. candidate for United States senator to succeed Senator I'rnzler. He win return to Washington next Monday. ' WIFE IN WAITING BUi HUSBAND LOST ST. PAUL, Xo\ '21.—A special , from t'aigary, Aliena. says: Mrs. F. X. Sam to-t has just return- ! ed from t'rooked laike, north of Prince Albert, and tells of the dis appearance of her husband and his guide while she waited alone for IS days in the wilderness. The Sammers eano to Canada from Spirit Lake, Iowa. They have travel ed over Crooked Lake. 250 miles north of Prince Albert, and estab lished a camp. Mrs. Sanvmer was •left in charge while the men return ad for the rest of their supplies, j A week passed and they failed te. return. Mrs. Bammer was compelled to shoot a moose and prairie chick ens for subsistence After 1 8days a trapper appeared and joined her ir. i the search for the men. Traveling a | considerable dhrtaio e. they found an | overturned canoe, which told the ; story. ENGLISH COUPLE OUT ON FOUR YEAR WALK i srPFuUK. VA.. Nov. 2 1. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hiimnhreyee. who are trj - , ing to tramp 4S 000 miles, including water tripa b\ steamer, in four years to win a pure- of 110,00V passed • through Suffolk Sunday. noth were horn in England and am walker* by Inheritance and training. I Humphreyes »as in the Boer War. and link walked from t'ape Town to Preto ria. wli'le hi* wife has climbed the mountains of Wales. They will ko from liere to .iaekson vllle, Fin. thence to Kos Angeles and San Francisco, I'ul., and will said for Japan. The couple have a camera and a push ear, They left the New York city Mall October 1 a < >J-ter Supper. The young ladies of the Philathea lass of drove Avenue Baptist church will serve an oyster supper In thi•> Sun Jay school auditorium of the churi h .mm 6 to 10 ;;n o'clock Tuesday even ng. In addition to the supper, an lttractive literary and musical pro gram Will be rendered. HUNDREDS OF CASES OF HOOkWORM THkRE im. FISHER FINDS R00 CASKS IN NORTHERN N ECK—NORTH - VMBKHf.WD TEACHERS MEET. (Special to The Hlchtnond Virginian.) HKATI1SVI1.BE, VA.. Nov. 21.— The Northumheruand County Teach ers' Association met here Friday and reorganised t>y electing the Billowing officers for this term: Professor W. W. Barnard president; Miss Bes»ia Omohundro. secretary: Professor In gram. treasurer, Professor T. K. Mu sic. Mias Mary Kemp and Miss Edna Snow, vice-president*. Miss Wiseman was elected delegate to attend the , educational convention In Richmond. — The meeting > as largely attended , and matters of general Interest to the schools were ably discussed. Dr. ! A. C. Fisher, district health intspee r i tor, was present and delivered an ad dress on sanitation In schools. He urged the teachers to co-operate with the heaftli boards in a crusade against preventable diseases. While in 11 eathsvlUe the doctor declared that lie had treated over five hundred cases nf hookworm since bc i tng assigned the Northern Neck ter lv i ritory. fie is . nthuslastic in hla work ’ land is making a tour of the Neck at i this time to get the~Tltii!en» inter | ested in sanitation. 0.5$ TWO BIKIlOPs SPKAK U ALUMNI HWgi l'T WINSTON- sai,EM, N. r.. Novom y| bcr 31.— A most enjoyable banquet .. | was given Saturday night at the Hotel "I, Ztnsendorf Hy the local alumni asso elation of Trinity <'ollege and the eon ferenee alumni association. r-v About Ho giiestH were present and °* a delightful repast wm served. Rev, Plato Durham, of Concord, acted as toastmaster. Toasts were responded to by Rlahor Hendrix. Bishop l lundthaler, ITesldent Few. of Trinity i'ullage, and Rev. Hil bert T. UOwe SKHVItRS FI IK M»:> Kill,Kit IN ACtlDIiM ] Kuudral services for Mr. Samuel W. if. Walker, who died at the Retreat fot ] the Sick early Friday morning from ' ’ the effects of injuries sustained In an accident on the Richmond, Fred in erlcksburg and Potomac Railroad, were held at a?so P. M. Saturday trom hi* residence, »t S!l« West Marshall street, Interment, being In Oakwood, i The funeral of Detective J. 8. Dun • , nington. who was killed In the semr accident, was held Sunday .--after noon at * o’clock from hla reaideitct at- SOI North Twenty^eigblh street Burial was in Oak weed. BigjiRoasteHoiJWjgvig We have all the l«st makes ami you will need one for your Thanksgiving tiurkey. Sheet Iron Roaster*, at 27c. Other Roasters from 89c, $1.09. $1.25 to $2.00. Food Chopper* are always needed in your home, we have them family sir.o, at $1.75, $1.50 and $1.00. Chafing Dishes, nickel plaited on copper, colonial cover with the l>e*t lamp; special, at $5.00. , . Chafing Dishes, in a lar|e assortment of shapes, also mission style, $10.00 down to $7.50. Coffee Percolator in nickel and copper, on stand, with best lamp, $10.00 to $7.09. < 'offec Percolator from $5.00 down to $1.89. Cmwamles, round and oblong, pierced and mission style, $7.00 down to $.1.89. Aluminum Ware Demonstration. We have a demonstrator here who undcntanda and knows the wearing qualities of this Alumnum Ware thoroughly- This is light in weight, will not burn or scorch food, and has no Joints or seams to cause a leak, all utensils are seamless Visit this special Dem onstration thlg week. Have You Thought of Xmas Yet? The lime it drawing near when eteryune will he in a ruth and hurry thopping fur Christinas. We are making erery prepara tion for your convenience, if you will hut take advantage and thop early, before (he buttle and confusion begint. All of the sthcks are in good shape com jilete with holiday merchandise, ready for your selection. This it us much to your adioutage at ours. Sow the merchandise, it clean and fresh and you get the choice, selections, and in many cates where the goods were made specially for us it cannot be duplicated. An UimswUr Good Offering ii, Women's Silk Hosiery 39° $1.75 and $1.50 Values, Special * These are wit It out a doubt one of the great est silk Hosiery bargains ever offered the women of Richmond - These are samples front one of the best, manufacturers of women's Silk Hosiery about 300 pairs in the lot and they are so good that there'll l>e none here after to-morrow’s selling—These are all pure silk, with wide lisle garter top. lisle sole, heel and toe, in all the different weights and every pair in this lot is worth SI.50 and 51.75; this special purchase, at.OtJC Women's Full-fashioned Pure Thread Black Silk Stocking*, absolutely perfect in every way with wide lisle top, lisle sole, heel and toe, the best silk stocking ever offered at. Women's Pure Silk Hose, made with all the latest improvmcnts, with good lisle sole, heel rod toe. very sheer and lustrous quality, in colors, lig' t ‘hie, pink, make, lavender, pearl, erev, navy, also blues and white. These are desirable silk stocking* that one can buy economically and with the knowledge that 1 OC they are the In tt ever sold at the price of w i .bt) Thanksgiving Turkeys, 10 cents a Box Ten of the fresh, dainty Marshmallow Turkeys, nicely fixed up in a box for Thanks giving, per box 10c. Xmas Showing of Dolls and Doll Outfits $1.00 Don't fail to see the famous “Queen Louise Doll", these have all the beautiful new shades hair, have on shoes and stockings and will go to sleep; special at .. Celluloid Dolls,'10c to $2.00. Bisque Dolls, 5c to 59c. Character Dolls, 50c and $1.09. Jointed Dolls, 25c to $10.00. Kid Body Dolls, 25c to $2.50. Doll Wigs, 25c to $1.00. Kollv Poly Dolls. 5c to *1.25. Musical Dolls, 25c to $2.25. Hag Dolls, 25c to $1.00. Men’s Linen Initial HWs, $1.00 Six Nicely Fixed in a Box, These Handkerchiefs are such excellent quality linen that they will not l»e here long— Something very unusual, large open block initial, 1-4 inch hemstitched hem, fixed up very attractively and lied with ribbons, very appropriate as gifts, 6 in a lx>x for. $1.00 I CHURCH HILL NEWS lima Imeadrd tor Ikla r#l umi n»»T bat left la person at tkc ( hurrk Hill ilaukt or 'phont-al laa Mnrflscn T2S3.) Several of the younger set of the , West Knit gave a delightful surprise party Friday evening to Miss Ethel j Rchaaf, of North Twenty-fifth street. ; Many new games were enjoyed, and dainty refreshments served. Among those present were Misses L. Duels, Ethel Rchaaf. Esther BeaZley, .Grave Bailey. Edna Browning, Bessie Ed wards. Bessie Deane, Alma Bradley. I.ouise Haalewood, Pert I Hay, Jennie Anderson, Bessie Schaaf. Julia Dm berlake, Emma Blunt. Evte Edwards and Messrs. Gordon G. Brown. Charlie Himbrkk. Georg*' School, , David Grirnth. Preston Deane. Ster ling Strange. William Griggs, Her bert Schaaf. Claude Shakespeare and Ernest Rchaaf. An Important called meeting of the Junior dukwood Memorial Association will he held Monday afternoon In Hit home of Mrs. Dr. Massle, 2721 East Broad street, to perfect plans for the Confederate tea. which the association will hold at I.iberty hall on the even ing of November 29. Rt. John s Circle of King * Daugh ters will hold an Important meettng this afternoon, at 4:So o'clock In the home Of Mrs. Hubert Currie, 2R00 East Grace street. A full attendance Is re plicated. Arrangements will tie made for the annual thank ottering and book social to be given in the home* of Mrs. W. A. Cheatwood on the af ternoon of November 28. All those interested tn the organiza tion of a Santa Claus Club are re i quested to meet In the home of Mrs. Gay on North Twenty-sixth street, i Saturday evening, November 26, at ; eight o’clock. This worthy cause. I which has for Its object the bringing ! of Christmas cheer and gladness Into i the homes of those to whom other 1 wise It would not come. Is one which i appeals to tne hearts of many and a ! large attendance Is expected. V quiet but pretty home marriage took place Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock when Miss Grace Hinton Rtagg i became the bride of Mr. Joseph Albl*. 1 The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rtagg. of 2508 East r*oad street, and the marriage took place in the home. Kev. W. K. Proc tor was the officiating inintster. Mr. and Mrs. Be on Howe. nee Bowery, w hose marriage was a social 1 event of last week, have returned from their Northern bridal tour and are at home to their friends at 2310 M street. Mr and Mrs. Myrtck, nee Sporkley. have left the city tor their future home In Memphis. Tenn., accompanied by the latter's little daughter,. Miss Evelyn Sporkley. Friends ore sympathizing with Mr. land Mrs. A. 11. Fergusson, of 3414 : East Play street lit the sudden death of their only son. little three-year-old 1 Raymond Fergusson. who died Satur day night. The funeral will take ’ place form the residence this Manilay afternoon at 4 o’clock. The news of the serious condition j of Captain W. IS. Whitlock, of 513 : North Twenty-fourth street, who was j paralyzed in the office at police head quarters Sunday morning, was recelv d with expressions of sorrow on the 111, where the captain Is a life-long evident. owing to the sickness of her rother, Mr. Wellford Kelley, the mar iage of Miss Enulr.e Kelley, daugh er of the late Mr, and Mrs. Oscar K. Celley. to Me Aylett Goode, was uletly celebrated Saturday morning a the horns of Mrs. A. H. Bailey, of II East Main Mtrset. Miss Halley i a Chore* HIM gin, being raised aft fee hill, ud numbers among *— friend* many of the young people, w ho will be specially interested in this an nouncement. RVv. K. H. Potts, of Vnlon Station, «va« the officiating min ister. The bride wore a handsome going away gown of navy blue and carried bride's rosea. Mr. and Mrs, Goode left immediately for Washing ton, to spend some time. Returning they will be ut home to their friends at HIS East Slain street. Reigh-Streef listened to one of the finest sermons preached there for some time yesterday morning. when the Rev. Mr. Ix-nion, of New Hampshire, took as hl» subject, "Paul1* Earnest Request For Prayer.” At the evening service, the discourse on “Christian Civilisation” by Dr. Viney, of Rondnn. was much enjoyed. Rev Sidney Peter*, of Petersburg, occupied the pulpit at Pnlon Station for the morning service. Mias Eva Wiggins, of New purl New*, will spend Thanksgiving Pay as the guest of Mias Jcstie Oliver, ol 3S09 East Broad street. Mias Maud l«ong. who has iieen visiting Miss Bessie Wright in l.ynch burg, la stopping a few days on the hill with friends before returning u her home in King and Queen. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiseman, o] 2321 East Broad, left yesterday tf spend Thanksgiving week In Staunton Mr. Wiseman will Join a hunting party for Sport in the mountains, whlb Mrs. Wiseman will be the guest ol friends in Staunton. Miss Annie Clay Bate*, of Peters burg. Is visiting her uncle. Mr. Frank T. Bates. 3210 East Broad street. Mrs. Joe Caldwell, of Ftshersville Augusta county. Is the guest of Mrs Smith on North Thenty-slxth street Mrs. Caldwell has many friends of the hill and will he remembered a: Miss Motile Folkes. 1111FBOM IKE Ml RUT IE FITM rotsc JOII\ BltUtCM, THOl'Cil j DESPERATELY INJIUKl), MAK I*G GAME EIGHT H)H MVK. ' KncouraBiug reports from the phy sicians attending fourteen-year-oli i John XV. Burruw, Jr., who fell fron his horse while riding to the hound • st the Deep Run Hunt Club Satur day. led the hoy’s mother to bellev that her son Will recover. , At first thought to be fatally In jured. tht! tioy has rallied steadily and is now conscious uud able t converse with his parents, who rare ty leave his room In the Memorit Hospltnl- Physicians said Mondaj morning that the victim had a fight ing chance. Voting Burruts fell when his sad tile girth broke. He was attempt ing* to catch the runaway mount o Mr. John Aiken Branch when th< accident happened. His head struci on a stcne*when he fell, but he rod. to his feet, apparently unhurt, latcl after going homo, he was relat'd witl convulsions and was hurried to th Memorial Hospital. His injury, ac cording to physicians, is at or ills skull. It to thought that it will u.„ ntcotoan’ to At the Theatres Holiberg, Moncnsf Op«na Thursday. JACKSONVILLE, FLA.. Nov. M.— With but a few day* before the open* Ini? of the race tneetihg at Moncrief. hundreds of horsemen have arrived tn Jacksonville. Principal interest cen ters on the Thanksgiving handicap, which will be run on the opening day, entries for which were announced to day. Entries and weights for the Thanks giving handicap are as follows: ban aid Mcbohatd, 111; Guy rtshst-j a#; Emperor William, 114; 1\ M. Green, 1H: Mary Davis, US: Racquet. 1W; Tom Hayward, 10.#; Great Heavens. St; John Reardon, 10#; Milton B,, ib»; Prtend Harry, 105: Boca Grand*. Jack Parker, 102: CaWtoA O 101; Roaseaux, 92 Ircular fttpircaae,’ _- and mystery Story Bijou—"In Death Valley." all week. Colonial—* 'ontlnumis vaudeville, Lubin—Continuous vaudeville. Bijou. “In Death Valley.” a thrill jit* melo drama, breathing the Western atmos phere and resounding with the call of the wild, will doubtless jilease and en thrall large audiences at the Bijou this u<»k. The scene of actlton Is laid In thnl part of the West from which hailed Scotty, the world's most fa tti"us spendthrift; a land reeking with gold and Intrigue ou the part of pros pectors and redskins to get possession of the yellow metal. "In Death Valley" will furnish a thrill every minute. Its action is fast. Its characters true to life, and Its theme Interesting and fascinating,_ Crsat Holiday Bill. WiInter, Vincent and Wells hsvs ‘ spread themselves in their endeavor to arrange a bill for Thanksgiving week that will outrank anything they have as yet provided for this house of wonderful popularity and great shows. The star feature of th* new ! week's bill opening to-day, and. In deed. the star feature of the season, will be the offering of Smith, Chldlow ; ami Williams, a trio of established i comedians and vocalists. The three I boys nre former members of the na tionally famous Clipper Comedy Pour, j than which vaudeville can l*oast no 1 better, and with their delightful sing ] ing voices and their surpassing and > finished comedy efforts, they are sura i to register an emphatic hit. The new week will also mark the re i turn to this city, after' a year's ab sence, of the comedy sketch player* i Jack Springer and Ruby Church. Their i new offering Is one humorous literary I ! outburst, entitled “Who Is It?" writ ■ ten for and around thair capabilities 1 by a noted writer of playlet* and ad ' vanra reports carry the assurance that It will result in a riot of laughter. | Mars, he of the nebular name and au i pernatural powers, will complete the | vaudeville bill with a physical culture j exhibition In a gymnastic Way quite > i as astounding ut it will be interest ing. Norhert Hamilton, the popular tenor, , j will aing another of the Franklyn Wal II lace sut-cesse. "When the Little Robin Red-Breast Builds It* Neat.” X*W mo. j ti<m picture features will complete the : extraordinary program and continuous performances will prevail each after noon and ntaht. Thanksgiving Day the prices will be: Orchestra. 15 cents; * j balcony, 10 cents.