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T Aviators Here to Fly Four Days—Spiders BIRDMEN MiH FOR m MEET WORK or CLEAR PAIR GROUNDS INFIELD OF OBSTRUCTIONS FOR AVIATORS IS BEGUN. With the arrival In Richmond Mon day of Allred Moisant, brother of the champion flyer, who will show in Richmond four day* thi* week and the beginning of preparations at thl Fair Grounds for the flight* sched uled to lake place there, plans fop! the initial aviation meet of the South I took definite shape. Moisant, who was accompanied by his sisters, the Misses Louise ana j Mathltue Moisant, is head of tne International Aviators, a corporation i chartered by flyers of several na- 1 Rons, wnose object is to give educ.a tlon exhibitions of nying in all parts of the world. He was accompanied I by Charles Hamilton, who flew from ' New York to i'httaaeiphla and back; * Roland G. Garros, Kene elmon, Jonn J. t risbe and Kene Harrier, the other aviators besioes his brotner Jonn, j who will arrive in Richmond Tues- ; day night, who will ny at tne rair j Ground*. Ten Different Machine*. The ten umerent types of aero- i planes wntch the Americans and for-; etgners will fly in here will reach ! Kicnmond iate Monday afternoon a no , be taken to the hangars which have . been built for them. After looking over the Fair-Grounds Lieutenant Anuerson, who la promot- I ing tne meet, oeciued to remove all Destructions trom the Held, so as to | permit of safe and spectacular starts; and finishes directly in front of tne! granustand. The hurdles were removed to the | industrial buuuing Monuay, and la borers started to work removing tne ] electric light poles and me wires which are strung across the field. The plan or m in front of tne grano ctund ana a portion of tne teuce around the race track will also be removed before the clearer* finish thetr tabors. 1 With tnese obstructions out of the; way, Mr. Anuerson says his perform- j era can start rrom almost any spot; on tne intiem and. uy with me tnougni that they will not be unnecessarily j jeopardising their iivea soaring over poies and wires, .tad It wut not be necessary for mem to manoeuvre for a landing place in case of mtsuap. Moisant will reach Richmond on the same train that bears Frosidcnt! Taft. The dare devil aviator will j com* to the capital city treed from j a series of trluuipn* tu Cuoa, where I he thrilled and startled the natives j with his airmanship and won added i laurels to his already crowded wreath j of glory. Although be la expected to set a hot pace (or the Frenchmen In com- j petition with him for the prises of fered by Richmonders, the foreigners 1 may be relied upon to cut many fancy didoes and curlecuea In midair, and think they will share the applause of the vast crowd with the dashing and daring American. Hamilton, who will fly in a ma- j chine of his own make, tikes to fly ' over cities, aud ia strong in the be- j lief that he can give a more spectac- • utar performance aloft of Richmond's spires than Moisant. The two may ■ race over the city. The foreigner* are especially reck- 1 leas In thetr flying machine*, which j are the smallest la the world, and - they will cause much cardlacel ac- ; < nleration with their death defying ! dips, spurts, aerial glides and short turns la the air. Ths killing of Ralph j Johnstons In the attempt to perform ; the "spiral glide" has not daunted . or unnerved the foreigners and both ( they and Moisant will attempt the; same feat before the Richmond ! crowd. * Hie Thanksgiving Day matinee, which will begin at t o’clock and end at I, which is also the time of flights few the other days of thy meet, la ex- , parted to be the biggest drawing card, Richmond has had in many j years. On that day Managers An- »: dereon and Moisant will put on the ’ . grand parade of the air, in which ail : the aviators ia different styles of fly- ! ere will rise from the earth and cap- j per In the air simultaneously. MOISANT TO MAKE INTER-NATION TRIP HAVANA, CUBA. Nov. 11.—An VMt, Fla., to tho Mxt aviation tri umph which John B. Motonnt la plan wna tho flrat man to fly with a pa« eenrer from Parla to London, called on Prsoldont Oomti to oecuro hta aid in arranging for a week’a aviation ' meat hot*. If tho n are ovary prlaoa can bo secured. Moteant will brlnt bora tho flyers connected with tho International aviators' company, which has just been organised by him and his brother. In addition to (ho regular pro glam which tho flyers will put up at all moots. Moleant to-day promised atyl^j^<fltght*Vrom Havana to FOOTBALL THANKSGIVING DAY VIRGINIA v*. CAROLINA ferfSMM. Cm* CM it 2*1?. E Admission, $1 and |M0. Dallas A. Shafer & Co 10« North Eighth Underwear Spedab Feet a Silk is a high grade garment, jiiat the right weight and made of the fineet cotton. The regular price ia 75c; our* special, only 62hc Quarles & Wheatfidd, Tlirdasd Bread Streets. . -I 1 L-——MUBUi.'gajB!" JU COACH SAYS WAIT UNTIL THURSDAY BLACKSBURG. VA.. Nov. 21.—Coach Bocock in tapering oft the finest team V'. P. I. ever produced for the grid iron matinee at Norfolk on Thanksgiv ing Day. With but one defeat—and that at the hands of the strong Navy team early in the season by a small score—the coach and students do not see how the speedy and heavy Tech lads can lose. However, Bocock, following his usual custom. Is making no predictions, but says “Wait uutll Thursday." All the players are now in excellent shape for this star game. A special Pullman car and two day' coaches will take the team and all the student body to Norfolk for the game. Blacksburg’s eleven will not want for encouragement, and with the able assistance of the rooters the student body believes the Agricultural end Mechanical College will be defeat ed. yaLk-AauVARd ft illK. Amstsin ss,iw. AypHtstlHs selected tee •f aestlsg rapacity—llyl—. task takes by Tale teat kail management ter tleketa pTa/MW. Valae nf aataaa la parking •gee ter tleketa. . Mused af vtktartaa since lift— Yale. IW| Harvard, S| flea, 4. Xm gamss played la 1STT, •«*, SW, *PB aad *M. COUCH IS BLAMED FOB “MDEFEir HAUGHTON GETS HIS H-VPS BE CAt'SK HARVARD DID HOT HEAT YALE. t BOSTON. MASS-, Nov. 21,—De ipiM the deep dissatisfaction over the noth Inc to nothing game with Tale Saturday and more or lees gen eral criticism that Mead Coach Haughton wae to balme for the fail ure of Harvard to acorw, there ia lit tle doubt that Haughton will again be Harvard'* football mentor next eeaaon. It aeema Inevitable that there trill be some objection to hie retention, but it la not likely to become aertoua llart ardltea are trying to forget the upaei by Tale, tor It ia lookad upon aa a virtual dafeat. Thgt Har vard tutted away the moat goldaa opportunity ahe ever had of beating Tale la the unanimous opinion. That It waa a far better opportunity than ahe trill have next year ia also admit ted by ail. aa Wltblngton, McKay. Minot. Leslie. Corbett. Perkin* and P. D. Smith will be lost to the 1»11 team through graduation. Fisher and L D. Smith are the leading committees for captain for 1*11, with the chance* favoring Klaher MIDDIES fl(E FROM TTPHIIS GERMS ANNAPOLIS. MD.. Nov. 21.—A plan ia on foot for the navy football team to go to Philaadelphla a day or two In advance of next Saturday's game with army. In order to eecape the depreaainng effect* of typhoid which is raging at the Academy*. Gregt pleasure la manifested in navy athletic circles over th* fact that Herman Oleott. the old Tale guard, fill *pend the reat of the week coaching the eleven. Oleott had much suecesa with New Tork University this year, and Is expseted to round out the navy team la good shape. Do not miss the dally lnstallmsnta of 'The Circular St* Iron**." the gieat mystery story, exclusively In ths Rich mond Virginian. SPIDERS DOWNED BTW.&M.TEIM SPENCER AND HIE BOOTS PROVE TOO MUCH POR LOCAL COLLEGIANS. I.uck and Spencer were with Wil liam and Mary Saturday and Rich mond College ioet another game by the score ot 18-8. The defeat was doubly bitter to the Spiders, because they had worked hard to get in trim for the matinee, confidently expected to win, and wanted to show that they could come back after the several de feats of the season. William and Mary went after the game from the start, evidently de termined to wipe out past scores. Spenoer, the much-feared booter of the visiting eleven, proved even better than was expected, and bia long-distance kicking and his splendid rushing were distinctly the features of the game. Schenck and Barr also proved them selves to be stars at rushing the ball through the line, carrying the pigskin over for touchdowns and tackling strictly according to Hoyle. Richmond College was scored on In the first forty seconds of play, the speedy Spencer Intercepting a forward pass attempted by the Spiders and skedaddling down the field for the initial points of the encounter. By working a clever and well executed double pass from Clarke to Tyler and sending Luts and Jones around the) ends. Richmond College scored its | touchdown. Taylor kicked goal after , Jonee carried the oval over the line. | Tyler waa slightly injured in the game and was replaced at first by * Meredith, then by Ancarrow and 3. \ Kershaw in order. Lankford. Gilliam,' Captain Sadler and Jones all played j excellent football for the local eleven, but the visitors seemed bound to get i the game and get it Lino-up. W. A M. Positions. R. C. | Spencer.left end. Gilliam (Ancarrow) Graves.left tackle.Clarke (Duval) Somers .left guard. Decker Lee. ! Tennis.right guard.Sadler ; (Hrockwsll) Wilkinson ....right tackle.... Johnson 1 rtiger .right end. Taylor Schenck .quarterback. Jones Richards ......left half..... Lankford (Meredith) | Barr .right half. Tyler (Bryant) (Meredith) • (Ancarrow) (Kershaw) Graves ...fullback......... Luts Summary: Touchdowns — Spenoer. Schenck, Jonea Goals from touch downs—Taylor. Spencer (8). Goals— William and Mary. 18; Richmond Col lege, 8. Officials—Barry, referee; Johns, umpire; Blacklston, field Judge; Richardson, lineman. Time ot quar ters, IS minutes. t - TMI HEELS PRIME FOR 0. «L ELEVEN CAROLINIANS TAKE ON FRESH CONFIDENCE AND HOFE TO WIN RIO GAME HERE. L CHAPEL, HIIX, X. C- Nov. *1.— I Caro fin* started In on Its flnsl prse ; tlce for the (truants with the Unlver I sity of Virginia Thanksgiving Day with bright prospects of victory Monday. Hope of victory is running high hors ana the students and team seem well* nigh confident of capturing the game which means so much to them. The arrival of several old players and coaches hers has served as s I stimulus to the team, and the players i seem to have taken on new life, vim end confidence. Coach Brides, who whipped his tsam into such SKcsilsnt shape for the South Carolina game that the regular men made, a holy show of the sietef State's team, is being assisted by Coach Stew* art. of tbs 1H4 eleven; Albert Cox. on All-Southern end in IMS, and "Doggie” Trenchard. coach of the IMS eleven. The three men are working hard and each has specialised on a certain part of the team and will continue to give his undivided attention to throe or four men each until the eve of battle. Stew art is coaching the Une, Cox the ends and Trenchard the bnckOsid. Secret practice will be Indulged in every day until the team starts to Richmond Wednesday. L t M. HER FIT FOR I. P. I. RIME the Virginia beys prove easier than the local eleven men believe, Fenr or live hundred students win Issvs here with the team to root for victory. The team Is In the beet possi ble shape, none of the men suffering from Injuries, all of them strong as oxen, end each one confidently expect ing to outplay his opponent. DEEP RUN ENJOYS ANOTHER PINE HUNT A. L. BAITING AVERAGE NEW YORK, Nov. 21—The official figures of the American League batters for the past season show the Incon sistency of baseball. Cleveland, with five out of the thirteen payers who hit more tlhan .*00, failed to finish Inside the money, while Philadelphia, with aa equal number of .*00 hitters, lifted not only the American League pennant, but the World's championship. , Ty Cobb does not lead the league In batting. Jackson, of Cleveland, who played, however. In only twenty games, hit .*87. while Cobb in 140 games bit .88*. In the official batting figures, Lajole. who was separated by only a few hundredths of 1 per cent, from Cobb, is credited with .884. Speaker, of Boston, is next, with .340. Eddie Collins, of Philadelphia, leads the base stealers, With 81 to his credit, Cobb being second with 65. StahD of Boston, is the best home run getter, making lo during the sea son, while Cobb, and Lewis, of Boston, got 8 each. « The averages follow: Individual. AB. Jackson, Cleveland. 75 Cobb, Detroit . 508 Lajole, Cleveland .581 638 48 62 583 48 . . 363 560 74 68 378 H. 29 156 227 153 16 20 188 15 129 168 111 22 168 22 20 111 152 .Speaker, Boston Strunk, Philadelphia Hohnhurst, Cleveland. Collins, Philadelphia.. Koestner, Cleveland . Knight, New York. 414 Oldring, Philadelphia ... 546 Easterly, Cleveland Mclnnes, Philadelphia.. Murphy. Philadelphia.. Cunningham, Waahaton. Karger, Boston . Deiehanty, Detroit. Chase. New York.. 324 Crawford. Detroit . 588 170 Cree, New York. 467 134 Lewis, Boston. 541 Baker, Philadelphia.... 561 Gardner, Boston .». 413 Milan, Washington. 531 Thomas, Philadelphia... 180 Schaefer, Washington . 22» Wagner, Boston . 491 Stahl, Boston . 531 Bender, Philadelphia .. !*:! Hooper. Boston . 554 Woltsr, New York.. ... 479 Lord. Boston. Chicago.. 463 Works. Detroit . 30 D. Jones. Detroit . 37 Lelivelt. Washington Flick, Cleveland . Laporte, New York. Engle, X. Y.. Boston Bush, Detroit . Stovall, Cleveland . Wood, Boston .. Lake, St. Louis. Barry, Philadelphia Gessler, Washington Schmidt, Detroit. Walace, St. Louis 347 6S 432 576 4 96 521 69 81 4st 487 197 508 153 159 117 148 60 63 134 144 156 128 121 8 100 92 18 114 99 130 136 18 21 126 1*6 51 PC. .387 .48* .384 .340 .333 .323 .322 .313 .312 .308 .306 .301 .300 .297 .294 .293 .290 .259 .287 .253 .283 .283 .279 .277 .275 .373 .271 .269 .267 .367 .267 .267 .265 .265 .266 .264 .263 .262 .261 .261 .260 .259 .259 .259 Stone, St. Louis.,- 562 Mullin, Detroit . 129 T. Jones. Detroit. 432 Lang, Chicago ------ 51 Lord, Cleveland, Phila.. 489 Conroy, Washington— 351 Daniels, New York. 356 McConnell. Boston, Chi 166 Mortarty. Detroit.490 Elberfeid. Washington.. 456 Klnsella, St. Louis. IS Canigan. Boston . 342 Davis. Philadelphia .... 493 Dougherty. Chicago ... 443 Gray, Washington . 85 Gardiner. New York.... 271 Meloan, Chicago . 222 Heltmuller, Philadelphia 111 O’Leary, Detroit . 211 Stephens, St. Louis.299 Hemphill. New York.... 861 Hoffman. St. Louis.*80 Griggs, 8t. Louis. 416 Graney, Cleveland ..... 454 McIntyre, Detroit .305 Knapp, Cleveland . 59 Unglaub, Washington.. 431 Lapp, Philadelphia.192 Lathers, Detroit . 82 Quinn, New York. 82 Crlss, St. Louis. 91 Browne, Wesh,. Chi.... 184 McBride. Washington... *14 Turner. Cleveland . 674 Schwsltser. St. Louie... 379 Mitchell. New York.... 196 Kllllfer, Washington... 845 Birmingham. Cleveland. 387 Payne, Chicago. 262 Tannebili, Chicago .... 230 Somcrlot, Washington.. 61 Hartssl. Philadelphia... 285 Perring, Cleveland . 122 Coombs. Philadelphia... 132 Trueadale, St Louis.... 415 Hartsell, St. Louis. 642 Purtsll, Chicago, Boston 636 Austin, New York.432 Zekler, Chicago. 4*8 Walsh, Chicago ..138 Newman, 8L Louis..... 384 Bemis, Cleveland .1*7 Roach, New York...... 220 Niles, Boston. Cleveland 297 Team. AB. Buna Hits. Philadelphia .. 5.1(1 (7* 1.344 Detroit .5.04( Boston .6.2*4 New York.6.04* Cleveland .MW Washington .... 6.011 8t Louts.5.051 Chicago .5,011 131 .258 144 .256 33 110 13 124 69 90 39 123 114 * *5 122 110 21 66 54 27 51 72 81 90 98 107 72 14 101 43 19 19 21 31 118 132 87 45 79 84 56 El 14 63 27 29 91 118 117 94 10$ 30 83 36 47 63 .256 .253 .255 .254 .254 .253 .252 .261 .250 .250 .249 .248 .248 .247 .244 .243 .243 .242 .211 .239 .237 .236 .236 .236 .236 .234 .234 .232 .232 231 .231 .330 .280 .230 .230 .329 .229 .222 .222 .222 .226 .221 .320 .119 .218 .218 .218 .217 .217 .216 .215 .214 .213 079 •40 026 •48 (01 44* 1.318 1.340 1,253 1,311 1.182 1,093 447 .1.041 P.C. .245 .261 .368 .247 .242 .234 .216 .212 lugn mm BT D.M.LGADETS, STALWART FULLBACK FIRST SOUTHERNER TO CROM GEORGETOWN'S GOAL LINK. LEXINGTON. VA, though iteV.EL by the hetty ■(•van Saturday, Nov. 21.—AJ waa defeated Georgetown over the to running aa Ugh tore aa If the Tito V. to. I. t boye have tto dtotlnettoa of being the first Southern eleven to creag Oeorgetown'a goal, and Fullback ttotE who turned the trick tor the load eleven, haa been Uontoed tor hla great work. The aoore of 14 to • la flavor of Georgetown not only afeowod that the Cadeto played better than the Dalver •Ity of Vlrgtata egalnat the Blue and arny on the olfanea the Chartotteerlll tone oooriag no pnttoto but aleo out glayed thaOrango osd.Btoo la the de feMfve department, jnlatag toe With to a emaltor eeore than did National Banl E. B. Addison, E. L. Remiss, T. H. EHett. H. Theo. Eliyson, Geo. L. Christian, T. A. Cary, Carl H. Nolting, William T. Read, J. W. Rothert, Win. Northrop, DIRECTOl C. Williams, jr., C. Laird, R. H. Lindsey, W. P. Glinn, Eppa Hun ton, Jr., faff.-,-.. ■ . , W. M. Hahbston, B?l{ai»d.^?e&o»d, 8. W. Travers, OFFICERS i W. M. HABLISTON, President. JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS, Vice-President.__ WILLIAM T. W. M. ADDISON, Cashier. O. S. MORTON, Assistant Cashier. JOHN TYLER, A W. H. SLAUGHTER, Assistant Cashier. J M. BALL, Jr., Accounts Solicited. 3% Interest Paid in SATURDAY'S RE8UIVTS. At Richmond: William and Mur), IS; Richmond College, «. At Yew Haven: Harvard, #: Yale, 0. At Annapolis: Wavy, t; New York University, 0. At Wen* Point: Army, 17; Trinity. 0. At Hoboken: Rutger*. »; Stevens, S. At Washington: Georgetown. 14; V. M. I.. S. At Philadelphia: Pennsylva nia FrcMlimen, 3ft; Cornell Freshmen. 6. At Boston: Holy Cross. 14; Tufts, 0. At Providence: Brown, 49: Amherst Assies, 0. At Ann Arbor: Michigan, I; Minnesota, 0. At Madison: Wisconsin, 10; Chicago, 0. At La Fayette: Indiana, 15; Pardae, 0. At Cantoa: Case, 13; Mt. Un ion, 0. At Cleveland: Western Re serve, 6; Denison, 3. At Notre Dame: Notre Dame, 40; Ohio Northern. 0. At Bprbtgdeld, O.: Witten berg, t; Heidelberg, 0. ' At Richmond, Ind.: Depauw. IS; Earlham. IS. At Kt Louis: Iowa, 38; Washington University, 0. At Columbus: OberUn, 0: Ohio State, 0. • At Baltimore: Carlisle, 12; Johns Hopkins, 0. At Easton, Pa.: In Fayette, 14; Lehlgli. 0. At Urbans: Illinois, 3; Syra cuse. 0. At Portland: Rowdoin, 5; Wesleyan, 0. At New Orleans: Alabama. 5; Tulane, S. At Atlanta: Georgia, 11; Techs, «. At Norfolk: Norfolk Right Artillery Blue*, ft; GaUandet College, 0. At Wake Forest: Wake For est. 3; Agricultural and Me chanical, 38. the Maryland For Hunters’ Afaocla tion In Montgomery county Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Virginians selected for this Im portant service are George Zlnn, of Somerset: James D. Hall, of Warren ton. and Percy Wilson, of Staunton. They own some of the best Jumpers shown In. the East and their judgment Is regarded as authority. Virginia will be well represented In the entries, word having come from owners of some of the finest Jumpers and hounds that they intended show ing In the trjals. Tin HEELS WIH in EASY STYLE DURHAM. N. C.. November 21.— The game here Saturday afternoon between the Universities of North and South Carolina was a one-sided af fair. North Carolina having little trouble winning by a score of 28 to 6. North Carolina worked the for ward pass well. The game waa feature less. North Carolina scrubs played the last two quarters, scoring one of Lha touchdowns South Carolina scored against the icrubs, Schlmer, Hedgepeth and Por ter did star work for the Tar Heels SHRUBS TO STURT IN MJHUTH3NE MCE LITTLE. FLEET-FOOTED ENG LISHMAN WILL TEAM WITH * _WOOD IN LONG EVENT. ' NEW YORK. November 21.—AJ? red Shrubb, the great tittle English moer, will be a starter in tbs Man-’ hen team nee to be held In Madison Iquare Garden November 2*. Bhrubb’s isrtner will be A. S. Wood, ex-ama eur ten mile champion of England, oho has some to this country In •arch of professional honors on the :lnder path. Wood was the ton mil# A. A. A. hamplon In 1*0* and champion of ho southern counties and Interna tional champion In 1808 and 1818. )n paper the Shrubb-Wood team looks ar best, though Hotmer-Queal entry ■ regarded us exceptionally fast. MOISTS BECIN IIMMTHOI MUTCH NEW YORK, November 21.—Tom Suasion and George Moore will be tin their three eights’ play at three lushlon billiard a at’ McGraWs i, ah ft—y to--.l ;ht. The match wlU be . handicap aPftl,. with Hussion play ng IN to Moore’s 120 points- In a imllar match two weeks ago Bush on dofeatvd Moore,. < Now tiM Iftttir ft* f fill fill Save Part of Your Deposit in Planters National It will prove a wise, safe, profitable course to pursue. Ready money brings you more money; It gives you pow Money that slips from you amounts to Savings Department Basking by mail is easy. Just send your same for Tlow to Bank by Mail.” Planters National Bank RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Capital, $300,000.00 Sarphn and Profits, BASING THE REQUEST ON ITS AMPLE CAPITAL AND LARGE SURPLUS, AGEMENT AND STRONG DIRECTOR The First National Of Richmond, Va. SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE. Jno. B. Purcell, President. Jno. M. Miller. Jr., V. P. A Cashier. Fred. E. Nofttnf, C. R. Burnett, Asst. Cashier. J. C. Joplin, Assi W. P. Shelton, Asst. Cashlsr. Alex. F. Hyland, 3°/o In Savings Department .Capital and Surplus Deposits.. Total Assets.. me is mm OVER TIE CUBE NEW HAEN. CONN.. November 11. —The Tale undergraduates are tired and happy talking over the outcome of Saturday's no-score game with Har vard. Many letters have been re ceived by Captain Only congratulat ing him on the coming back of the eleven. Seven men will be lost to Tale by graduation. They are Captain Daly, j halfback; Field, halfback; Klstler, j fullback; Kilpatrick, left end; Fuller, left guard; Morris, center, and Brook a ; right end. There are left of the j regulars Howe, quarterback; Paul and j Scully, tackles, and McDevttt, guard. j The receipts from the game were probably greater than ever before. | Thirty-four thousand people attended the Yale-Harvard game, and there were no empty seats at Princeton. On these games Tale divided. The Brown game was attended by a larger crowd than usual this year, and the early games of the season were watch ed by many out of curiosity to see how the new rules worked out THIS WEEK SEES CLOSE OF SEISOI The college football season has been one of surprises and unexpected up sets among the big teams, and un looked for strength by oolleges that have hitherto been regarded as weak. —The question of awarding the the oretteal championship probably will prove almost as fruitful a theme of dlscuasion among the experts as that of the equally theoretical All-Ameri can eleven, which newspapers and magaslne writers like to figure out on paper, and on the make-up of which no two over agree. Most of the experts have postponed the settlement of these two questions until the final games are played. Thanksgiving Day Pennsylvania will clash with Cornell, at Philadelphia, and Brown will meet the Carlisle In dians, at Providence. Saturday comes the annual Army and Navy contest, at Philadelphia. Coaches of the two medical < teams of Richmond Ware both dent of victory In Tuesdays gams to break the tie which a the dose of the struggle at •treat Park week bsMtw last university men baiter# theyh* BRANCRBSf 4 Feet Broad Street Twenty-fifth and Braa Williaoaaburg Am, Interest Paid m Savings Depi National State and G FreeMant Taft having drive through Brad Wedneaday aftemeaa agl of the game between Uh ment and Fortreaa 'raj great crowd Is espeata* Iron matinee. The Mml rood trim for the coatral been practicing rnehthg light and algaat iaaffl believe they alii give tha representatives a hard t honors. MutTMamn Vm. H. Valaaer, J. & EDatt, Vine Wm. M. Ilk. Vi Vi Julia* Ha MiO