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Let This Bank Assist You The best bank for you is the bank offering the greatest number of advantages in conjunc tion with the highest degree of protection. The thousands of depositors on our books .ire patronizing this strong old bank simply because they consider it such an institution. Its resources are ample—its policies invariably conservative—it surrounds your deposits with every modern safeguard and pays you 3 per cent, interest on savings. Are you profiting by these advantages." If not. now is the time to start. 3 $ Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. '0 Compounded Every Six Months. OFFICERS: OLIVER J. SANDS, President. CHAS. E. W1NGO, Vice-President. WM. C. CAMP, Vice-President. O. BAYI.OR HILL, Cashier. WALLER IlOLLADAY, Asst. Cashier 1). VV. DURRETT, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: A. ST CLAIR BUTLER. JAMES R. GORDON, R. II. HARWOOD, HENRY W. ROUNTREE, EMMETT SEATON. CHAS. E WM < . CAMP. EDGAR G. GUNN, M. C. PATTERSON, OLIVER J. SANDS, CHAS. E. WHITLOCK. WtNGO. w “If I should die to night— “Are my financial affairs in shape— “Is my will made “Have I provided for expert adjustment of my affairs— “Will they be administered AS I WANT THEM and LEGALLY? ” This Strong institution can safely and in telligently conduct the affairs of your estate, and our cash capital of ONE MILLION DOL LARS is a guarantee that your wishes will be carried out. Note this iact, and note it well, that a strong TRUST COMPANY is better qualified to act as executor, guardian and trustee than an individual. Virginia Trust Co. Richmond, Va. OFFICERS: HERBERT W. JACKSON.. . President JAMES N. BOYD .Vice-President JNO. M. MILLER, Jr .Vice-President L. D. AYLETT. Secretary JNO. H. SOUTHALL . Treasurer SUL INCREASE IKK* HAM,WAY I NS l US •TATKMKVT AS TO OPERA. TIOX OK HO AM. i.JpM'nlng* of the Southern. Hallway IM month of October, 1*10, nti led f 1,835.907.26, compared with 14,81*.24 for the corresponding lut year, according to a com Ittve statement of operation* Just The increase in earning! was 14.02, or nr. per cent. 'Total operating revenues for Octo 1810, were 85,471,391.25, while sting expenses were 13,459,886.07. ’The statement show* further that Operating revenues for the four Itthf >-Iol.-d October 31, IS 10. were vil 1.51 2 35, the operating ft K*<4 ! < „ 4 f !3.6.'.4,6l«.;'S. ,'Hai isisiw* or oporati,.:. u, oirs i Were Spared with j for fin period in 1903, the it. :' in bring 8161,274.14. figures are based on opera ting ovar 7,000 mUu of COTTON OPENS LOW BUT SOON RISES ■I NRAV VoKK, Not. 26.—-At the outset tl.e eotti n market was barely steely ; and first price* were 1 to 6 points lover due to poor cable* and reports of freer ofterhiK- from Ibe South. The demand hmr soo.l. however, and after the rail i the I.*' steadied and retrained most of ' It- initial loss. 1'rire November. I4.88a14.90: Iiecern ber 14.*Tal4.M. Jahuary. 14.8r.al4.67. • March. 16.13; May 16.24al6.Z6; June, 13 21; Aususi. 14.87al4.88, Hit intllMi « I'lM 14 MWIKIM. Kb l inouit. Va.. Nov. 26. 191(1. HTaT.: SK* 11.IT.Kb. 1114s Aalted. North Caro ma, 4*. c. 191. Va. 3*. Old C and It. 183*...87‘* 88 \ h ' on,i.rit-. . 3, c. and It. 1501 .*78* 68it i*a v tiKoritmaa Manchester City . ftlcbmond City, 4s K. 192(1 l«iu . Ulcbrnond City. 4*. C A R. 1836-1843 .»•* ... KAlCKOAlJ BONUS A. C. I* B. B. Con. Tr. Ip. ot 94 ... A C. le Cits Hide. C and‘O. C.en. Mer. O^ .IO! (j'a. l ac let 6s C 1922. . .113 Oa. eon. ant h la. 19434 ...105 ... i;». Ala < Sin. 5s. 1945.... 103 Norfolk and West. By 4 a. 1 '.-ib. ... .9* Nor and West l'o*a. 4’s. 1944 86 jiii-h. and loan. tioid 6c. C. 1916 ..105 Seaboard Air ldne 4*. 1968 86 Seaboard Adjustment, 3s. .. .77 fco. Ity. * B. Co. 6a. l»*e It ' 1 It < 1 1 1 1 J I ( e f <■ i»a 4 -.. M 4 a. 1958 1st Ss. O. . 108 •hi Ky. l"l Os. So R. Kev. C> A ealern N. C. 1014 . 105 btkeet RAILW AY bonus. Soriulk lly. 01 1-*- Co. 5a. 1949 ... Va. Ity. * 1*. Co. 5*. 1031. .88 vrUKt'.T HV. STOCKS. Car. Norfolk Ky. * *’• co... 35 . .. Va. Ky. a 1\ Co. rM. .100 71 Va Ky & I’ Co. com. 100 73 Mian. Coast Line com. 100 11s A (' K. of Conn . . . . lou ' alal Cl .100 84*3 89 '-'H 340 Nor. 11 ml West. coni... 100 u'j ... It l'\ Si 1'. Dlv Cl oil B - - 100 3,0 JS0 Sou Railway prof.100 03 Sou. Railway cum.... loo 27 RANK. ANLi TRUST CO. STOCKS American National . . . . 100 R,o Rroioi Struct Rank ....25 ... Rank of Kiclinioml . .100 . . .' ltank of Com r ami Tr. loo 120 [* 1 attito 1 SaV.IOIS Rank ... 30 Rirst National . 100 300 , . Merchant* National -100 67.3 National Hank of Va. ..loo 1st igj S'a. Stain & City Rank 100 173 1 ,'t; RotnroburK Suv. and Ins 20 s.'i^ .. I’lantern National ...... 100 6,"5 Savings llunk of RicYVU 25 63 J4 ... t nton Rank of Rlchd . 50 2 ;c Virginia This! Co ....100 l..o INM.'KANi 1, foMI'AM t.s Va. Ri r.* and Marine.... 2.5 65 Virginia Slate .25 ... MiscKU-iNlCOKS Amur l.o Com . Atlanta and charlotte. . 100 ... RAILROAD STOCKS l'ar. Va. Lice. li> DlV. Co. . . 100 . Va. Car Clu m . 100 62 til Car. Chum pfd 100 122 \m. To Corn prur «i» at 100 0 4 Va. Car. Chetn bonds . .. loo 122 6614 S ILLS. 6,000 Virginia (tihii 3s atST1*, 5,000 Virginia totdl at 87 a. HlCIIMO\U CRAIN «\RKl;T Richmond. Va., Nov l\ HEAT— No. 2 red Virginian No. 3 rod . Steam er . Virginia (hag lots) 70 I tN — No. 2 whlto . No. 3 white . No. 2 mixed . No. 3 mixed . Virginia thug lotsi Corn ou cob. new OATS— No. 2 mixed . No. 3 mixed . No 2 white . No. 3 white . Winter seed leg lots tt\L — No. 2 rye. ear lots ii 0 00 5 8 49 55 26. mm. car iota fit !<* ■l V1 V •4y u 05 V 06 03 60 50 ‘i 50 60 51 36 23 3 65 iVlihkLY BANK statement SHOWS INiltEASRS NEW YORK, Nov. 26.—The weekly si 11 h statement Issued to-duy shows he following changes: Reserve on all deposits. Increase. 4 0 6,575. Reserve on deposits other than Unl ed States, Increase, $500,800. Loans, Increase, $ I2.9u7.900. Specie, Increase, $3,039,400. Legal tenders, Increase, $1,791,200. Deposits, Increase. $17,398,100. circulation, decrease, $79,400, Tidal loans, $1,197,290,800. The surplus Is $18,685,400, as com iar<d with $9,743.9uO last tear and 30,336,075 two years ago. tltTNUAI, MEMORIAL OK HU H MON 1) LODGE, n. P. O. K. Tickets have been distributed for he annual memorial services of the 1. P. O. Elks. Richmond lxidge 45, hat wll be conducted at the Academy f Music Sunday, December 4, at 3 *. M. The following Is the reception com mittee: Joseph M. Kaln, J M Ilossleux, VTIllam CJrlmmoll, W. \V. Rutlcr, Teuton Ilelvln, Oeorg.» W. Lawson! trie O'. Uo udar. T. Z. Hehmou. it V. Spilling, H. J*. linen, T. J. Leahey! nhn J. St. hminke. E. M. Eppes, John :. Rose. Jr., John W Brauor, John Lynch. L. H. llatke, Frank A. 'osby. Edgar Allan. Jr., AV. M. Klah rty, H. L. Harwood, Oeorge AV. Rady 1. Jeter Jones, V. Hechter and J. t! loodwln. MIHT STIILIH SlE BULL HOI Price Movtmcnti Show Little Verla tion from Thote of Friday's Late Trading. NKW YORK, Nov. —The fitock n,r. lI continued In the s» me dull rut In which It has rested for eo Iona: «t period, price inoveim tus at the open ing: j.rid -in the early dcaiinga showing varla l«>n fr**rn tho;** of the lute trading yceterday. 1 unng tiie tir^t hour the tone held firm * n minor dealings. Hardly any of the issues in wnhh transaction* were rec« rtled showed a net change «»f f\H much as half a point at the end of the hour. Government unchanged; Other bonds dull. The stock market closed dull. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Open. Closed American flmnr .. Am An OVm. Co.. A ambers.... A!li*-Chamb*r». pfd. £'i A’malgamnt^d Copper. American Can.. 10ti A meric-an Gnu. pfd.. *-'1 American Car 4c Fcly,. 84H American Car A Fdjr, pfd.. American Cottoa Oil. American Loco mo tHra. 40fi American I-oeomothre, pfd ....... A merican SmelUof.. 80 M \ fr«>r <■«n Sugar.. truer Ti-1. and Tel. Co.......... H24 American Tobacco .com. American Tobacco, pfd. A naoonda Copper. Atchison.. 103 H Atlantic Coast Lins. Baltimore and Ohio. .. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 77}% Canadian Pacific. .. 1* 6}% C beaapeak# and Ohio. *»4*% ChicagoGreat Weatarn. hie. Mil. and Si. Paul. 124^ Chi. and North western. C. G. W.. pld. Central Leather.... .. 3tA% Colorado Fusi and Iron... 34.’-* ' oio.arlo ami Southern. 'v>k>and South., 1st pfd.. Col. and South.. 2d pfd. onaoliHated Gas.;. 1?8 I View are and Hudson.. WO Denver and Rio. F.. com.. Denver and Rio Gpfd.. Durtdlera' Sec. Cof.. Kn*. 2Qh ' ne, 1 at r»fd.... firis. 2d pfd.... Genera. l’leetrio .. I SO7* Great Northern, nfd.124 87^j 4»H a «7H 0 80Hi 11 H «A 41H* I 80 H \\‘H »4 V5 41H irrtH us U7H 77K i» H MH 33 I >4H ne 07 :»»»< 34 *#H 7* 72 134 H 1*9 a-’K 7314 3 H 3‘JH 43 3-74 itso I 1 u Greff North. Or*. Ctfs. &U Mionoi* Central. id. Metropolitan. ... Int. Metropolitan, pfd. lot M> irinf, com.. ini. Mar. Maria*, pfd,....., I ntemationa' Paper.. . international Paper, pfd.. Kanaaa City .So., oona........... Knn'w City So., pfd...... l-ouirr’Ue and Naabriila.. ....... Ni arvhattan.. Matro. Street Railway.......... Mo., Kan. and I'et^a.... ....... Me... Kae. amt Tea**, pfd....... Miawitri Pacific.. Mat ernal l^ad.. New York Central ............. N. V Ont. and Wr.’fni. ........ N'orfollt ami Wwkro............ 0 4 Northern Pacific. ............. ln^ Pacific Mail... S2 Pennsylvania.. People'* Gaa.. : reaaed Steel Car . i reased Steel Car pfd... Kwy. Steel Spring ,cono.......... Headin'. J52H Uepublic Iron and Steel. ........ Uepbuici I. end S.. pfd.......... Kock Island. 33^ K*>ck island, pid. Moae-Sbef field.•••••••* Southern Pacifio.••••.., H7f£ ou thorn Railway.. southern Railway , pfd. ......... ienuc&M* Copper.. 3 ^ I e«a~ Paeiiio.. Lit ton Pacific .177J% l u.ted Stwt*» Rubber . . 4^ l n.ted State* ^teei.•••••... 79?* L ruled Statca St«* . p;d......... 1 Va.-Car. CbetAica..•••••.. v a.-Car, Cbeaucal, pid. ......... •Vaoaab. ... tv auu&L, pfd.. vv <■ a««u, c moo, . £0 UAH. 20 H 5-H 4H 17 13*4 67 33 re 145 k 140 34 3IH 31 iHH 1 is <4 42k 9 H I f-H 32 k 13oJj 10 »4 34 VO 33 H is*k •Ol 97 38 e#K 31 » 7k 37 33 27 i;s 3*K ‘Oh t •'a 122 •■k 38 k 72k w ill uru>M:u j Turkeys, choice, (r lb....23 Turkeys, thin and small, per lb. . ..22 Chickens, per lb.If, Ducks, per lb .17 Ueuse, per lb .Id CAM ft. Rabbits, fancy c sob . Rabbits, co re, each .If. Rabbits, small ui uamaged, each . 10 Doer, choice, per lb.15 Deer Kadilles. choice, per lb.23 Wild Turkey*, per lb.20 Squirrels, each .. . 8 Crates. Crates. RUG*. nearby, fresh laid 28 other a lion* ....29 ID I UCR. Choice, family packed.. Merchants' fair, per lb... I ll K STOCK. Veals, choice to runcy, par lb. Vaals. poor to fair, per lb. Veals, small and poor Calves, runners, per lb.... Sheep, per lb. Lambs, per lb . Hours.. 7 Cattle, fair to prime, per lb 214 lilUkt. Dry Salt, per lh.. Dry Flint, pci lb. Green, per lb . Green Salt, per lb. MIS< KI.MYEOll. Walnuts, per bu. Ulaok-Fyed Peas, good l <a ft 9 ,25 .20*4 •*V4 T* 5 3 6 DIIRSSKD hogs, etc. Hosts, choice, small per lb 9 llotts, choice, large per lb. lions, sows, stags, etc, per lb. 7 Spare-Ribs and Chine, per lb. ....11 Sausage, per lb .11 20 Hit IlMOMi nmiutP MARKET. Richmond, Va.. Nov. 26, 1910 Hit POULTRY. I Turkeys, large and fat. per lb .. ; Turkeys, small and thin. per lb.18 Chickens, per lb.13 lions, per lb. .. .12 Roosters, each.35 ,Geeset fat and largo, each 70 i LieesO. small, each .40 Dm «!, large, young, per lb.14 Ducks, small, young, per lh.12 it at <«' <a 40 75 s') 9 15 13 23 IS 20 12 tt 20 18 it 12 it 10 23 22 SO 22 8 o7* » 6 "o'* 10 9 I <ZJ 12 9 13 «f 14 « 10 <4 8 W 9 0 00 has purchased the business and Rood will of the Broad Street Brandi of the Bank of Richmond, located at 303 East Broad Street, and has taken charge and is prepared to extend to all of its customers every facility consistent with good banking. THE BROAD STREET BANK HAS A CAPITAL OF $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS VV. M. HABMSTON, President. Ben P. Alsop, Leon Dettlenach, T. H. Ellett, FI. F. Grlmmcll, Andrew M. Glover, The Broad Street Bank has given out the contract for the erection of a hand some and commodious banking building at its present location. The entire business of the Broad Street Bank will be conducted at 303 East Broad Street until the completion of their new building. $110,000.00 OFFICERS: J. W. ROTHERT, Vice-President. ANDREW M. GLOVER, DIRECTORS: W. M. Ilabliston, I. H. Kaufman, Raphael Levy, G. W. Minter, John Murphy, JOHN G. WALKER, Second Vice-President. Cashier. W. S. Rhoads, J. W. Rothert, Julian W. Tyler, John G. Walker, B. Rand Wellford. NATIONAL STATE AND CITY BANK OF RICHMOND, VA. CAPITAL, $1,000,000.00. SURPLUS, $600,000.00. The Principles of Sound Banking -—are strictly followed by this bank in all its transactions. SAFETY is our watchword, first, last and always. These features, combined writh our uniformly courteous treatment of deposi tors, insure service that offers depositors every banking advantage. No matter whether you live in or out of Richmond, if you deposit your money with us you are sure of every advantage that any bank anywhere can offer. On Savings Deposits 3 °Jc Interest Allowed. Interest Compounded Twice a Year. The Officers: WM. H. PALMER, President. JOHN S. ELLETT, Vice-President. WM. M. HILL, 2d Vice-President. J. W. SINTON, 3d Vice-President. JULIEN H. HILL, Cashier. DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY WITH US National Bank of Virginia Capital, $1,200,000. Surplus, $600,000 K. B. Addison, K. L. Bemiss, T. H. Eliott. H, Theo. Ellyson, Geo. L. Christian, T. A. Cnnr, Carl II. NohiriR, W illiom T. Hoed, J W. Rothert, Win. Northrop, DIRECTORS: T. C. William*, Jr., E. C. Laird, R. II. I.indsey, W. P Cilinn, Kpp* Ilunton, Jr., R. G. Bonn olds. W. M. llnhliston, Beni. P. Al»>p. B. Rand. Weflfoni, 8. W. 1 raven, J. G. Tm*loy, /no. T. Wilson. Jar. A. Monoum, Jno. Skelton William*, F. D. Williams, OFFICERS: W. M. IIABLISTON, President. JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS. Vice-President. WILLIAM T. REED, Vice-President. W. M. ADDISON, Cashier. O. S. MORTON, Assistant Cashier. JOHN TYLER. Assistant Cashier. W. H. SLAUGHTER, Assistant Cashier. J M. BALL, Jr., Assistant Cashier. Accounts Solicited. 3 °Jo Interest Paid In Savings Dep’t HENRY 5.HUTZLER&CD BANKERS 50LICIT YOUR PATRONAGE IN AIL UNC5 OF GENERAL BANKING. IN . LHtjT AlLC at.d l)N SAVINGS ACCOUNTS bu..S 50 O 1 78 i Dried Apples, bright, l per lb. . ifjl Apples, sound, per bbl 1 50 S 50 i Beeswax, per lb. ff 28 Paul Spent tut. Six hundred and eighty dollars was ■pent by John Paul, of Harrisonburg, In his campaign for congress against Representative Hay laat fall. Mr. Paul Is a Republican and received 5 vo Votes against Congressman Hay's ) Save Part of Your Income Deposit in Planters National Bank It will prove a wise, safe, profitable course to pursue. Ready money brings you more money; It gives you power and prestige. Money that slips from you amounts to nothing. Money placed In our Savings Department earns THREE PER CENT. COMPOUND INTEREST. Banking by mail is easy. Just send your name for our little booklet, How to Bank by MaiL" Planters National Bank RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Capital, $300,000.00 Sarplos and Profits, $1,265,000.00 BASING THE REQUEST ON ITS AMPLE CAPITAL AND LARGE SURPLUS, CAPABLE MAN AGEMENT AND STRONG DIRECTORATE, The First National Bank Of Richmond, Vi. SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE. Capitol and Surplus.$1,NS,MS.M . MW,*#.*# Total Assets. I,SN,M.N Jno. B. Purcell. President. Jno. M. Miller. Jr„ V. P. A Cashier. Fred. E. Not ting, 2nd Vico-Pres. C. R. Burnett. Aeat. Cashier. J. CK Joplin. Aset. Cashier.. W. P. Shelton, Asst. Cashier. Ales. F. Upland, Aset. Cashier. 3c/e In Savings Department Mi ■. m