Newspaper Page Text
Wants Wants Wants Lost. Esaramir asmi: mtL'Trewirr co county, •malt Mack and taa fa mala baadla hound with white feet. Answer* to name of Faahton. Re ward. W. U. MARTIN. M7 China lit.. rhonyMynroe H Hdp Wanted—Femak. WANTED—BRIGHT ACTIVEBaLE« Vtrls for all department*. with or I without experience; reference re quired. Apply MILLER A RHOADS. WANTED—OIRLS1N BOOK BINDERY. “ H. ADAMfc t North Twelfth at. Situation* Wanted—Male. vr\°p^vfer ‘ar matnr ■lon or to manage or execute any enterprise demanding experience, practical ability, personal influence , or educational qualifications; highest < references (Iren and required. Ad- i dress A-21. care _I foiTNG MAN WITH EXl’Eitl ENCE IN f the confectionery businrrs would like ( position In wholceale house as help j to learn the business. Address NOH- I IVAC, cere R. N. Cawaon. Mr.. 32dl j Floyd avenue. __ ! Wanted—situation as book keeper or clerical work of any kind. Address B-T, care Th« Rteh _mond Virginian. _ 1 WANT ED—OFFICE WORK BY EXPIS rlence young man. Address C. L. W .. Richmond Virginian. _ i WANTicD-'-rosifioN as SHiTi'iNii clerk, have had several years expe- : rlcnee. Address A. B. O. care this pa per. __ _ W A N T KL>— JHjSitToN A H * I H< H'TK R Y salesman, have had fifteen yesrs' ex l»crl*nc» as wholesale and retail salesman. Address X. Y. care this _paper. ____ WANTED—lb ipiTli »N AH HT KNt >6 It A plier or general office man. can fur- i nlslt best of rt fersnee. Address \> .| M. M. .| WANTED—BEGINNER ON JUNIOR ■ llnotviK) wants position where he can have full time on machine, fair] speed. Job and ad. man; married. Ao- j dps. Hoe 282, Chase Pity. Va. j Situation* Wanted—Female. A RKF1NED YOUNG LADY OF GOOD Virginia family would like a position as companion to . elderly woman <>r as a nursery governess. Address *> , Box 11, Bedford City, Va. _ STENOGRAPHER. FIX YEARS' Ex perience. desires position. Familiar with legal, banking, railway and general office work. Rapid, nent, ac- , curate. I hone Madison .200. | WANTED POSITION AS COMPANION) by * refined young lid). A Mr*** U.» ctr« Poitmanter. New* Ferry. ' a. tTI'KWHITINO -PIKfiT-riAAS^ WjJliK. j at reasonable rates. S»s 8TKNOO- • ItAPHER. Hotel Richmond. I ROOM WANTED. WANTED—BY BUSINESS WOMAN with unquestionable references, eom fortablv furnished end h.eated room 1 I:, private family, Grace or Franklin streets preferred. Address MISS R, ; ^csreJT^i^-VIrjinlap^ HEI,r—MALE AND KKWAI.E. i rX^D^TTfil^iur?rTD£‘'.'1 r«?WCS In bindery. THE BAUGHMAN STA- . TIONERT CO.. Bo we and Marshall j Streets.__ For Sale. FOR SALE. AU. SIZES OF DKLAVaL ) cream separator*. hand and power, j HOENNKlBn-BIZEMORR «>> OFFICK, SUITABLE FOR lUK'TOI! oil dentist, basement, *o» Eaat Grace »tr. et. .1. A. t’ONNEM.Y A CO. I'OR MAALL SIZES AND KINDS i f Torn.-ulo Cutler* and Blower*. ss’i for catalogue. HOLNNIGEK-SK5U more CO liKZNnR GAS HEATING STuVK, THE Cent. If not -atLfactury after one week’* trial wa trill refund your money. GENERAL GAS BIGHT Co.. . 21 W. Broad. FOR 3ALE.ONE SECOND HAND f»rni tract’ n sear; u*ed about on:; month HOENNIOF.R-tnZKMORE CO, UNREDEEMED DOUBLE AND SINGLE ttum le*» than factory price. STEIN ERS, 14*1 K. Main street FOR SALK ONE lVi-HORSE ROWER Caroline c ny ln» $116*: will run HOB,* ENNIOE RSI ZEMoRE CO_ NOS. 404-I EAST GRACE BTKKET; AD mlrably located for a club of a large hoarding house; cheap rental. J. A. CONNKLLT * CO. * _ NOTICE—CALL RHONE MADISON 17*4 aid ask for our espert to II* that •■t.alne or t.umu which la out of order. HOENN1GER-SIZEMORE C<». FOR SALK. LOW WHEEL FARM truck*, with 4 Inch grooved tire*. FOR SALE. A "NEW IDEA” (MAM RE Spreader): aak to «cc it or for cata logue HOBNNIOKR-SIZEMORK CO. OCR PLUMBING REPAIR OEPAH IV ment la la at your service. Prompt att.ntlon. VA. PLUMBING. HEAf INO CO. FOR SALK. EXCELSIOR AND WOOD wool. delivered to you promptly. HOENNIGEH-8IZKMORK CO. _ MODERN APARTMENT. 20*7 MONC ment avenue; rln* rooms, etc.; heat Included; reduced rental. J. A. CON NELLY A CO. jSOTICB—WE com \<j,1CE—WB "CARRY THE ONLY compute line of Syracuse plows and repair*. HOENNIOER-81ZEMOKE 1(0 SAMPLE TAILOR MADE IHnTH all stse*; worth double our price. $». STEINER'S. 1*41 K. Main Street. in LADIES- »• OOIJ; riu^» watchea. only »?.$•• STEINERS. 1441 E Main street SRly NOTICE—WE CARBT THE -. comelete line of Vulcan plow# and repairs. HOENNIOER-WZKMORK eo. i____ goTioiTEAirrBROAD STREET; SBC a a a_ a_ * M_ « e w ^ a f 1 a ei * irto * ond and third floor*; aicyllent loca tion for photographer. J. A. CON NELLY A CO. _ POR-iALEToNE FOUR-HORSE POW sJKr*MH?SKi8ss!saiagsij CO. ___ __ FURNISHED HOUSE; OINTER PARK; eight rooma. ate.: tiory cheap- J- A CO! v ON NELLY A CO. _ _ WALTHAM AND ELGIN U KARAT •oltd gotd watches, only •»»,##. worth Sm— in. Itbiner's. mis Mam st fiOTICi^ FRESH PROM THE WELL” Water System. Seedt In our window. __-SIZEMORE CO. ■Mtinang-HL... Rooms for Root. ROOM MAT* TO SHARK NICK ROOM | with buolnoso tnan; ISo. por wook. j North Tooth. __ wwmjs% m M*. rRONT ROOM. TRAT •to. Phono Mon 401 BAST MAIN STRBBT-ALAROE | front room and othoro; iwo of phono. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; TRAN atonto neoommodoud; w of tolo phono, fit Snot Main stroot. kic*tt'"»HjRNiaH*D“ilbok. wvibiks Rsssnis nsmcs IN LA* Phono •troot. HOME, ood M*yUMIIW«iD. HEATED ROOAI, FOR RENT, TO PARTIES WITHOUT r.hlldron, throo rorjr nloO. conronioot --With uoo of.hnlh Sgfoii Want Ad Rates. One cent pet word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for leas than ten cents No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when ph< n d in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less Phan Madison 1758, and Manager of Classified Department, will call. Real Estate tor Sale. v\:r havk several nice little home* on easy payment*. One In Falrmcont, ll.IOfl; term* *100 ca»h and balance *12.60 par month. A flne new on*, modern, convenient and attrac tive *2,360. Tarma *300 «*,«h and balance *26 per month. hJhi,axd PARkT seven IlOOM houa*. electric lights, newer*, hath. *2.760. Term* *400 rash, balance *25 par mon'h. FIVE ROOM HOUSE AND 2 ACHES, "i mile from car. 11,700. 511 ACRES LANdTfIVE ROOM HOUSE, fruit, convenient to railroad, stores, school* and church. 11.*00. THREE HH1HLAND >1’ARK U>TS T'» he sacrificed by non-resident for *600. IF YOU WANT ACITV HOME. 8UBER Pan home or fartj) or good Invest ments, consult ua before buying. Me. CI.UHE-DAVENI'ORT-TAYLOR CO.. INC.. 104 N. Eighth street. TtiOT).* Monroe 2413. WE HAVE SOLD SIX HOUSES THIS week, an average of one a day. We have a number of client* for other*. Your* might suit. We have clients for the following. ORACH STREET HoME EAST OF college. FRANKLIN STREET HOME EAST OF College. CORNER HOME ON GROVE AVENUE east of Robinson. A HOME *3.000 TO *3,500, CONVKN1 ent to Monroe Park. a house for colored people. four or flvf room* on Church Hill, one In Jackson Ward of four or five room* and one of alx rooms. Also some good Investment properly A Church Hill home on Broad east of Twentieth from *2.000 to *3.000. or convenient to Broad. IF YOU HAVE ANY THING LIKE these aea u* Monday early McULERE DAVKNPORT-TAYLcR CO.. INC.. 104 North Eighth street. Phone Monroe 2413. WK HAVE CUSTOMERS FOR THE following Claeses of property: West End home; *5.000 and less; central; located on one of the aide streets investments, cither south of Main or In Jackson Ward. If you have prop *r<v to iof these sections, list it with ue for u quirk *»le. * NASH. TJi Cast Mr In st.reet.___ IKUxqk terrace 'OVK»THAMP TotO lot; beet section. very reason ebl* terms; .mail cash payment. .1. A. <’ONNELl/V A CO ._ OR' »VK AVENUE HOME. DETACHED trick, 'ary*- lot; vapor heat, etc..“ very dMlritblv residence. J. A. LON nkllt * CO___ HIOHLASD PARK—MODERN SEVEN room i|wrlllrn .•mall caeh Rfy*?*!1 balance by month. J. A. t’ONNELhl _ A CO. __j_ It PER CENT INVESTMENT-NEW frame dwelling: South Lombard); SI.; prlc# 1400; rental, 1*4. J. A. CON NELLY A CO. Miscellaneous. COLOBH WEATHER WILL COME. AND WHILE 1 do not anticipate any advance In coal or wood. 1 would Ilk* for all of my cuitomen that can do so to l*t In a supply now. because It ta lm Eosslbl# to d*llv*r to all promptly In ad weather. 1 am unloading two to four car* each day of lha very beat. Try on*. LONG. THE W<X U MAN. Offlce: »•« Woat Broad. Four phonos _ ____ STurt MMK AND THUS. JOHN LA TOUCHE. JR.. NEW PLACE. 417 W. Main; Monro* 14S2: French and steam cleaning. ladles princess and dresses eloanod ftLftft; ploatod aktrta French olaanoo. <1 conta. plain. SOe.; glevss claanod. any lone ift coals par pair, gents suits dry c. mod. ftftc; French claanod |i.N reduction In all wort. HAULING. HOUSEHOLD QOttDS HAULED. 8TOR od, Packed and shipped. Call \S. Co nto; Fred Richardson's iTORAOE * TRANSFER DEPARTMENT. Main A Bolrtdoro otroeta. Thonoa Madison •IS day; Monro# *47 night. naMTlRlC AND CHINA FACfHNG. FURNITURE. CHINA AND WEDDING prooenta packed and shipped with care. Estimates cheerfully given. JACOB UMLAUr. m« W. Broad dl-, phone Madison 11*3. _ FLOYD AVENUE DWELLING OF SIX rooms, etc.; hot water heat; monthly payments. J. A. CONNELLY * CO. WOODLAND HEIGHT*—MODERN dwelling, every city convenience; lot 7ft foot front: host location (over looking river); cheap, and on aacep tlonally easy terms J. A. CONNEL LY A CO. 'honk us for quick service on Range. Latrobe ami Furnseswork. VA. PLUMBINQ A HEATING CO. _ lO. HIT EAST BROAD STREET, DUH Ins holidays (December 18 to January 1). J. A. CONNELLY A CO. _ FOR LHASR. FOR LEASE—WELL EQUIPPED, atetm hctttd, commercial hotel. Ap olr Boa 1»|l Salisbury. N. fi, SpGCiEl NotiCE. BEAZLEY WILL CLEAN. PRESS AND repair reur clothes at the following prices: Men's suite cleaned and press ed 7ft cents; men's suits seoured 11 1*, men’s suits pressed. ftO cents; men's coats and trousers, 4ft cento; men s overcoats pressed. l«ng. ft* cents, short, 40 cents; ladles suits pressed. 40 ccnte, 76 cents end fl.ftft; ladles skirls pressed, Sft and 35 cents; la dles suits cleaned and pressed 78 cts. and fl.ftft: ladles suits. French clean id. ft Lift; ladles' suits scoured, fl.ftft - ~-J “ t on fl.ftft and fl.ftft; velvet collars up: ladles' coats cut off, ft 1.00. Phone Monroe t«7l. E. Main._ KBKU ■FECIAL NOTICE—IF YOU rubber tires. 1 am still putting them on at the old price, as 1 bought a lot of ruboer before the price of rubber advaneedi good jbusjr and B. C. Bristow's. No. U. U. l^Voriu vi nmr •« take advantage of this. At Eighteenth street. NOKTH FIFTH STRUCT*. OK 20* WK OVKHUAtx STBAM SYSTERNS and make them work who** ih« haven't worked before. VA. PLUMB 1NO, H EA TI If<0 CO. _ 6dd FALLOWS sftouLC caKry Shot Repairing' 76c. half nous hsnh shoes. la die* «»c; children's 60a and up; •» •rr pair uvid. DBSW'8 ELf.c TR1C 8HOE FACTORY, 71* E. Main ^8t£jj^>ijy>on2<i»lonjrojiJM7i_—i—— Personal*. WE HANDLE DIFFICULT PROH leme In plumbing and steam or hot water heating. Sanitary plumbing, eerrlcable heating. VA. PLUMBINO, -HEATIN^CO. __ Room* for Rent. sickly FURNISHED, hkateu room*; running water; phone; one block from lJOth street elevated sta tlon. MRU REYNOLDS. 230 Went m etreet. New York^CIty. _ GENTLEMAN LODGERS“ WANTED for newly furnished ntoitu. perma nent of transient. at 408 North Rlghjli etreet._ _ _ ___ FURNISHED ROOMS; GOOD BAKE ineut room for office; two unfurnished room* for light housekeeping. 1002 Kaet ilroed.^__ _ ___ THREE NICE ROOM8y FRONT A ND hack; also hall room; all convenl encea; beat location; hoard can he had. Apply to South Flfth.___ FRONT AND BACK ROOM; A LUO iia)! room, newly furnished; all con veniences. Apply 5 North Sixth street. ___ FOR RENT. THREE ROOMS; SCIT ablr for light housekeeping: couple preferred. Apply 10* North Kowleml street from * to 8*P. M. NICELY FURNISH ED "ROOMS. W ITH or without buard. 805 West Main street. FURNISHED FIRST FLOOR FRONT room; el! modern convenience* 203 South Third street. Monroe 2835. TWO, LARGE. BRIGHT CONNECTING rooms; newly papered, Second and Franklin. Phor.e Madison 6281-J ROOMS FOR RENT. 402 WEST GRACE bajh and . toilet adjoining_ _ WANTED. YOUNG LADY TO SHARE room; Fourth and Franklin streets. Madison 6487. LARGE RACK PARLOR AND SMALL iu'hii pvanecuni, miiiiBucu housekeeping 311 North Twelfth street. SEVERAL ROOMS at 317 EAlif Frank tin. __ __ FURNISHED BOOM 'FOB RENT; telephone and bath on same floor, call Madison S7S—J, or apply 1336 W. Main street U8T~YOtm FARMS AND CITY" PROP erty with TABOR BEAUTY CORPOR atlon. 413 E. Marshall 8?.. and set nulok return*. TWO-BRIGHT" BASEMENT ROOMS"; furnished or unfurnished; latrobe heal, use of phone; alao one fur nished hall room. Apply 3 North Sixth afreet kohTkent" ONE BACK P'AWuOlTBllb room; newly furnished and heated; lire of phone. Apply No. a North Sixth street W ANTED. 'TWO TOX'SO MEN OR A couple for third front and second story front room; In a private fam ily: naar Monroe Park. Call phone Madison Cltt-J. BEAlTIFt*ULT FURNISHED HEATED room for two hoarders. 7 North Sixth. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, *17 E. Franlillr.. nioelt' ftrntshed- FRONT'HOOM; also table board. 11 East Grace FOlTKENT. "TWO ROOMS~d>f SECOND floor, furnished, bright and centrally located. Gentlemen preferred. 364 North Seventh street. | ONE LARGE ‘ COMFORTABLE ROOM ! to two gentlemen; references *x | changed. 1006 Floyd avenue. i TOR KENT. ONE LARGE FftONT j room, convenient to bath, with prtvl i- left of phone; Grace, near Laurel I street. Phone Monroe I384-J. ! FURMSHEb rooms: usiTor phone bath, hot and cold water. 80* Nortn j Fifth street. I FOR RENT. ONE VERY- LARGE handsomely furnished room; also a small, handsomely furnished room. 401 East Grace. I FOR RENT." ROOMS" FURN I8H EDOR unfurnished. 360S East Grace_ FOR~RENf"TO GENTLEMEN, NICELY furnished rooms, with bath and uss of phone; board la desired, lti East Cary street. Phone Monroe 22II-J. WANTED*"GENTLEMAN OCCUPANTS for nicely furnished, bright rooms or second floor; near bath; with hot water day and night. Apply Ills Capitol street. NICELY FURNISHED, HEAT ElJ rooms for llghthousekeeplng. Phone _ Madison «M7. SOI East Clay street. _ TOR RENT. TO GENTLEMAN, A COM fortably appointed room at **4 West Grace street. 1 NICE LAROF. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Price reasonable. Apply I 71* E. Marshall. IS NOT REPUBLIC; ROT RECOGNIZED (Continued from Plrat rage.) the country—that la the authority responsible for the preservation of foreign Interests. The United State* automatically recognised the defacto government to that extent. “No oher country, save only Nica ragua, Itself a republic in name only and still under the dlctorshlp of Es trada. has recognised the republic of Portugal, and It is safo to say that “The Circular Staircase." the moat Interesting Action and mystery story of the season, published In ssrial form exclusively In The Richmond Virgin ian. DEATH sorters. DOffLY—Died Thursday at »:3* A. M. at his lets residence. 70"u Graham (tract. J W1LUB DONLT, ascend son ef George IV. and C. Adelaide Donly. In the forty-fourth year of hla age. funeral services will be held from Denny street M. E. church. SUNDAY APTEHNOON At I o'clock. CHANGE IN 8CIIEDUU£—SOUTH KRN RAILWAY. Effective Sunder. November S?. 1010, -train 71 for West Point and Intermediate stations will leave Rich mond at l:t« A. M., daily, except Snnday. instead of 4:10 A. M. Par other changes effective No vember 37th consult ticket agent. .A-' ’’...: ' • V The Demand Back of Good Luck Telia of Its superiority more forcibly I than words. The voices of MILLIONS cell for It at the grocery store. Merit lias made It the choice of the ptnplt. No other Baking Powder costing ao little does so much. The Southern Manufacturing Co., RICHMOND, VA. I unltl conclusive evidence has been given that there is a republican gov ernment established and approved by the people." Due to Portuturw Revolution. IUO DE JANEIRO. Nov. 26.—That the revolt and mutiny among the aal lore and petty officers in the Bra zilian navy was due directly to the Influence of the recent successful Por tuguese revolution and the assertion of high officials to-day. They say that the crew of the big Dreadnaught San Paulo were inoculated with the germ ; of revolt as a result of witnessing the ease with which Manuel was over thrown. The Kuo Paulo, with Konseca aboard, was In the harbor of Els bon when the revolt there started. The i Brazilian chief executive, who had not at that time been inaugurated, having ' gone there to pay hia respects to King 1 Manuel. An erroneous report that Fonseca had granted a refuge to King Manuel was circulated at the time. According to Brazilian officials here, the crew of the Sao Paulo was amazed at the ease with which the re ’ bellious army and navy of Portugal I secured the upper hand, deposed the ! king and saw- the individuals who would bring about reforms were put Into control of the affairs of state^_ NEWS OF SOD WuMsfln Warn! Item nl Agvertl AE-HTED UPON THE SAME CHARGE j ACQt ITTED IN nCSTINGS OOVRT, \ NEGRO YVI El. BE AGAIN TRIER BEFORE 1*01 .ICE J l "STICK, John Bonhard, colored, and "Willie Lawrence, colored, were rent back I from the Hustings Court Part II, to | police court, Saturday morning, after , having been cleared t f the charge of I a felony and are awaiting trial up i on the charge of a misdemeanor, i They were arrested for having robbed Frank Burnett and Oscar Richardson | of $16 and were sent on to the Hust ] tngs by Justice H. A. Maurice under | the charge of a felony. The .iury cleared them of Tills charge but they were Immediately re arrested and bailed for their appear ance on the charge of a misdemeanor. When the case came to trial Saturday morning. Justice Levy was sitting for Justice Maurice In the latter's ab sence. and the two negroes will pro bably be bailed to be tried by the regular justice when he returns. SUNDAY SERVICES IN THE SOOTHSIOE Sen ices will he held in all the churches of South Richmond and vi j cinity Sunday morning. Both morn ing and evening worship is to t>e con ducted in the Bainbridgo Street Bap tist. Central Methodist. Woodland Heights Baptist. Cowardtn Avenue Christian. Asbury Methodist Episco pal, Church of the Good Shepherd, For est Hill, Clopton Street Baptist Weatherford Memorial and West End Methodist Churches. i THANKSGIVING SERVICE ! OF J. 0.0. JL M. — | WILL TAKE PLACE SUNDAY AT COWARDIN AVENUE CHRIS TIAN CHURCH. The annual Jrf O. U. A. M. Thanks giving services will be held in the Cowardln Avenue Christian Church , Sunday afternoon by Liberty Council, I No. 13. New South Council, No. 8, ! Davis Council, No. 27, and Rocky Ridge j Council, No. SC. The members will as semble at their hall at 2 o’clock and march to the church, where the follow ing program will be rendered: Anthem. Oak Grove choir; Welcome to the Church. Rev. J. W. Long; Open ing Ode. audience; Scripture Reading. J. P. Jones, No. >; Selection, mixed quartette; Prayer, Rev. J,- T. Haley, No. 36; Selection. W, J. Morrlasette. No. 13; Sermon, Rev. J. C. Miles. No, 13: Selection, male quartette: Closing Ode, audience; Benediction, Rev. J. M. Rowland A. L. Sampson, of No, 3«, will p- •*« Ayers Hair Vigor Renats 1IIIN DOWH BY TBKIR i XEEOJJ|K KILLED monERR oji nonroLK ajid writ. ERE INAILE TO STOP IJ» TURK TO PREVENT ACtlORTT. TOBACCO SALES LIGH1 WEATHER TOO DRY FOR HAADMJKi THE WEED—Sl'JIDAY-gCHOOI. WtnrtrTR TO • CLOWE. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) PETERSBURG, YA., Nov. 86.—An unknown awed colored man waa J killed Triday afternoon about one' o'clock by the Norfolk and Western j Railway passenger train east bound, i when about a mile west of the city. | At the time of the accident the train ( was running at a good speed and the ■ man wm instantly killed when struck and thrown about 40 feet Into a ditch. t ^The engineer did all he could to save ; the man, applying the brakes as soon . as the negro was discovered on the, tracks The train was stopped and | run back to the Wcene. Nothing was on the man to disclose | his Identity, the body was left where killed and Coroner l^elgh notified. The first copies of the Petersburg j Record, the new afternoon paper, will I appear Saturday. Mr. Walter Kd- , wards Harris, the editor of the In a..T Anneal. Is the proprietor. Small Tobacco Sale*. The tobacco market of Petersburg ■ continues to have email sales* This week a very little haa been brought In from the counties, owing to the . weather being dry and unsatisfac tory for preparing. Buyers, however, i are present and os soon as the com modity Is brought In the sales will be active and prices will be good. The warehousemen are anxious to have good tobacco weather apd the weeks now before Christmas will be filled with activity, certainly if the weather i becomes “more propitious. The peanut market, on the other hand is brisk, the dry weather has been good for the threshing of pea nuts and the farmers are market , ng their products. The prices aro satisfactory. j Next week Messrs. Perkinson and ! Finn will commence the Improve ! ments at the passenger depot of the | Atlantic Coast Line Railway In this j city. The present platform of the depot will he extended 143 feet west TH RICHMOND is» eats received at Tlrgtata Imiwa a IMt Hail street. side during the exercise-3 and H. C, ' Jen”|ng*. of No. 13. will act ns mar j nhal. CHESTER W. C. T. U. HAS INTERESTING MEETING The meeting of the Chester Women's ( Christian Temperance Union was held ‘ Friday night at the residence of Mrs. Hoose Thompson, and was productive of much Interest. Among those pres , ent were Mr*. Robert Thompson. Mrs. ! Reese Thompson, und was productive Mrs. Willie Du Val, Mrs. J. H. Boyd, ' Mrs. C. I,. Boyd, Mrs. W. C. Hatcher. Mr*. F. M. Cole, Mr*. Moore, Mrs. C. W. Peebles, .Mrs. R. H. Bruce, Mrs. R. R. Gregory, Miss Annie Hatcher, Miss Mattie Lyons and Miss Jennie Jeefs. CONSIDER NEW SITE FOR BURNED CHURCH An important meeting of the Stock ton Street congregation will be held ! Sunday morning at the Odd Fellows' I Hall. Eighth nnd Hull Streets. At this | time a committee to decide upon the : site for the new church will l>e named, j and the entire membership of the ! church is urged to he present. On this : day, which Is also the second anntver | sary of the pastor, Rev. J. T. Haley, services will begin at 11 V M. and at I S P. M. Sunday school starts at »:30 ! A. M. j WARRANTS ARE ISSUED FOR MANY OFFENDERS Squire I*. V. Cheatham Issued the following warrants Saturday: George Fauenet, from near Chester field Courthouse, is charged with steal ing between eight nnd ten cords of wood from the forest belonging to Gill & Brother, of South Richmond. Faus net was engaged In hauling lumber from neighboring lands, and It Is al leged that he also carried along the amount of wood stated that did not belong to him. Tom Burfut, colored. Is wanted for j wife-beating. He was Jailed once be fore for the same offense. Fsnny Walker, colored, no sooner was released from Jail the other day than she ran rampant. She Is now wanted on the charge of entering her mother’s house and assaulting her, and finally threatening her life with a pis tol. Mr. Nunnally Improving. Mr. E. T. Nunnally, of Woodland j Heights, Is improving rapidly from the ( effects of an operation which was per I formed two weeks ago. In Hustings Corirt. James Rooks was brought up for j trial In Hustings Court, Part II, Sat urday morning on a charge of cut ting Hardy Coy, atl)»s "Smut,'' and Injuring him severely. Both the ac cused and the victim are colored. 1 Rooks has worked for four years with David Hay of South Richmond. Funeral of Mrs. Gash III. The funeral of Mra Anna i* Gas kill. of 411 Lee street, took place at 3:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the residence. The services were per formed by Rev. J. T. Haley and In terment was In Maury Cemetery. Mrs. Gasklll died Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at her home. She was fifty four years old and leaves five chll | dren, three eons and two daughters. At Anbury Church. Rev. W. G. Burch will preach at the Asbuey M. K. Church both Sun day morning and night. The sub ject of the morning sermon la, "The God Given Pattern." and at 7:41 P. M.. "Supplied Form An Empty Bar rel " Special music will be rendered at both aervicaa. Arc the exprMelon* that art heard on all sldss, vUit our establishment and aaa the east line wa i none, Cluster*, Puff*, single and double, formation*, Switches. Braids, and hundreds of latest creations. In fact. Ladies are amaiod at the L wonderful stock. The larfut line of Ladles’ Hair Go shown In this city. Ladles should be particular and i get Hair, and not Imitations.' Buy Hair Goods l llair Store, and you will always feel you obtains worth. Remember—we carry Genuine Human We will offer you (Monday; some of the bargains ever shown in this section before. Large Puffs to cover whole head, consisting of about 40 puffs; $6.00 value. 12.90 and S2.M Chignons (Monday). Eitra Fine Puffs, $8.00 value (Monday). Switches, 19.00 value Switches, $1.50 and $1.79 value Switches, $3.00 value.$ Switches, $10.00 value.f Switches, $15.00 value.$l_ Switches, $20.00 value.VtMH| Some special Chignons, in dark shades; while they last. nc Hair Nets (Monday). „.i§g LADIES' OWN CUT HAIR OR COMBING made into I Hair Goods, such a* Chignons, Clusters, etc., at moderate| Remember the address. Richmond Hair Empo 221 East Broad Street, along Washington street with asphaJt nnd a vitrified brick walk will bo built from Union street 272 feet long. Tho present brick roadway on Union street will be lowered to permit of a wagon approach. Fire In Tenement House. The fire department was called out Friday night on East Washington street about 10 o'clock, due to a blase In a tenement house on that street, owned by Mr. W. A. Bond and occu pied 'on one fctde by Mr. W. A*. Bryant, the other being unoccupied. The tire originated In the ceiling and the unoccupied portion of the build ing suffered most from the fire, dam ages being about $150. How the lire originated cannot be ascertained. Training sclwel to Close. The closing oxeroibes of the train ing school for Sunday school workers will bo held Saturday morning and afternoon. Devotional exercises In the morning were conducted by Dr. W. O. Taylor, Miss Margaret A. Frost talked on lesson outlines for 1911, Mr. b. P. Leavell spoke on previews and re views, and Mr. rtbur Pinks on or ganising the classes. In the after noon the devotional exercises were conduced b> Kev. S. S. Robertson, of Ettrick. Mr. I* P. Leave) 1 spoke on teaching through the eye. and Secre tary Joseph T. Watts on training of workers. After the addresses In the afternoon conference work was held. These meetings have done much good, and those in attendance have appre ciated the services of these trained workers. Will Choose Rector. A con«'<-eestion>*l meeting will he held in St. John's Episcopal Church Sunday morning for the purpose of j electing a rectoi- to succeed Rev. F. S. t Rlbhle. who re«lgned to devote bis work to « professorship In Payne Divinity School, a colored Institution lor the ed neat ion of Episcopal minis ters. in this citv. A. P. Hill Camp of Confederate Vet erans will bold a meeting next Thurs day evening for the purtmse of elect ing officer* for the ensutng year. Mr. ! Decree 8. Bernard is the present com i mander >f the camp. Rev. A. M. Hall Dead. Rev. A. M. Hall, long a pastor In the i Virginia Methodi't Conference, died i Friday- at bis home, on Harrioon Street, after a long illness. Mr. Hall had not been in active ministry for some time, being superannuated. He is survived by hl« wife and four daugh ters. They are Mrs. E. H. Simonson, | of Petersburg; Mrs. W. C. Hall and Mrs. Hancock Jacob, of Norfolk, and Mrs. Lewis Ellison, of Port-mouth, V». Mrs. Mary M. Riddle. Mis. Mary Maryland Riddle, wife of ♦ he late Morton Riddle. Sr., died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John W Cotton, on Liberty 8treet, Friday night, aged seventy-six years. Mr°. Riddle whs a daughter of the late H. D. Bird, of Petersburg. She Is sur vived by seven children: Mrs. John W. i Cotton and Miss Kate Riddle, of Pe ter'bura; Mr. James Riddle, of “Au i gusta. Os.; C. M. Riddle, of Danville, Va.; Morton Riddle and H. 11. Riddle, of Jacksonville, Fla., and W. T. Rid dle. of New York. She was a conals | tent member of Grace Episcopal I Church. OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR ENSUING YEAR -- * LIBRARY AND CO-OPERATIVE El*. I CATIOV ASSOCIATIONS HOLD ANNUAL ELECTIONS. Officer* of the Co-Operative Educa tion Association have been elected a* follow* for the eneMlng year: Mr*, is. B. Munford, of Richmond, president; Governor W. H. Mann, first vlce-pres ident; John Stewart Bryan, Richmond, t second vice-president; Dr. J.. P. Mc | Connell. Emory, third vlce-preeident: l Henry W. Anderson. Richmond, treaa ! urer: J. H. Binford. Richmond, eaecu ; tlve secretary. ! The Virginia Library Association I elected the following officer*: W. M. Black. Lynchburg, president; Dr. J. C. Metcalf. Richmond College, vlce-prea ldentr O. Carrington Moseley. State li brary. secretary; W. F. Lewis. State Horary, treasurer. * CONFIRMS Hi.PORT___ ADVERSE TO TREASURER MANASSAS, VA-, Nov. 28.—Special Commissioner C. Vernon Ford, of Fairfax county, hae Juet filed a sup plemental report In the ‘le:k's office In thie county In the *t>H ■ f the board of s;.pcr tS‘ is of Frii; t Vi cotut j ty <t a ln-« U*n»s ' !|< *•- • uni* trc -'varr He nit fir ». former »e port against the ‘r--: re;, l: «l»i t» fonn.i th'.t '.be -f 1 1 Via 4 ffiled to arcount for all the tsue« h« had collet ted. Including that received from the sale and redemption of delinquent lands. CoOktaa With Oar As « Main street car stopped at Vj \*N' I • II fc >. M \ r h * vi, 1 w»vJ f^/ Brookland Situated on lmw Avenue. Take (lint •top IS; So ear (nr*. Elegant location. Beat or uw for two yean. U ruh. Fra* led ta caaa • week If eldt er ant of SALK NOW ON. I FREE CABS AT ~ " From J. W. WILBUR 34 North ft Opon evenings until 9 o\ Bryan Boulevard Rare chance* the best future on easy terms. GINTERui Hit 1 Pome or our ! in price. If you want no* LEWIS GUTTER 1 LAND Ml New Ren Now ready, one. Full and ELAM * Eighth and Mala ittM morning about ILN^ taxicab of the Virgtald? vice Company ran .aWM platform of the car. leg lured and ao