Newspaper Page Text
Wants Htlp Wanted—Male. WANTED—BRIGHT BOY 8 TO DO M*ht work aft«r school; food pay te hops who hustle: -special to tho best bops. Apply dilating Department, Tl rU latino 1 lM Wli If "•? ravte rho Richmond Hdp Wanted—Female. WANTED—BRIGHT ACTIVE BAUCH ■Iris tor all department*. with or wlthoat experience; reference rs qulred. Apply MIDLER * RHOADS. SERVANT WANTED "rOR GENERAL house work, apply this evening Tlw Situations Wanted—Male. of small family position as manager of large farm; long experience and best references. Address K. T. Ill® East Main street. gentleman wants position A0 collector; must hare work at once. Reference furnished. Phone Madi son 4782-L. WANTED—POSITION BY TOT NO white man from the country. Call Madison 5450. CLOTHING OR GENT S FURNISHING clerk, denlra* position: fire years’ ex perience In wholesale; state salary, etc. Address M, .’412 Earl Marshall. WANTED—POSITION AS BOOKKEEP er; ran give best of references. Ad dress V-U7, care Virginian. REGISTERED DRUGGIST OF OVER twenty fears ’experience wishes posi tion January 1 as manager or pre scription!^. XV. Tt. AGNEW, Farm vlllc, Va._ WANTED POSITION BY HIGH School boy after 2:40 In th» after noon and all day Saturday; not afraid of work: reference given. Address B.. No. 2500 East Leigh. GENTLEMAN WANTS POSITION AH ^<fljAj^jvjiJker^Phojie^IadDorMlrS^JL Situations Wanted—Femafe. AN EXPERIENCED STJCN'XJKAI’HEU desires to change position. Address Box. 425. A WIDOW LADY WISHES TO OB taln some work at home by copying and addressing envelope*; writes a clear, fine hand. Address WIDOW, Tl! East .Marshall street, city. WANTED. A POSITION AS COM PAN Ion by a refined young lady. Address O., care Postmaster, New* Ferry, Va. EXPERIENCED, THOROUGHLY COM - petont stenographer, familiar with it cal. hank, railway and general of fice work desires position or extra work, will go out for dictation Phone Madison 507S-J. LADY DESIRES POSITION AS NURSE or companion; no objection to leav ing the city; best of references. Ad dress Miss DA VIES. U13_Ka*t Grace. wanted. py experienced lady ■ tenographer and bookkeeper, mod erate .salary. Phone Madison 4411. XX VNTKP~-A YOUNG LADY BOOK ke. per of several year*' experience ■ re* position with reliable firm. I* Station P, care of Gar ’’s, Ulchtnol.dr Va. Help Wanted -Male & Female. WANT EL*..\T ONCE, RAPID ,AX*I> accurate typewriter to wo to Buck iiialiam Courthouse and copy legal •» pe re, About two week* work; ••(Ate experience end salary ttmte*!: nice plare for lady or man. must be oulck and accurate, Addrse* Locke Real Estate for Sale' KEal "fiftF* fflTV'SR Ka lit 't!f\No8S£ AND80N HKAL.Tr CORPORATE >N NO. 79 NOHTII KIOHT1I STREET. MADISON *16. SEVEN !»«VjM IJOISE OX FLOY O avenue; all corvertence*. liO'J block, onlj 92.100. FIFTEEN ROOM PHb'K HOUSE OX Lombardy street, near Monument avenue, every cohrenlcnce, II.too. SCO BLOCK WEST GRACE STREET, ton-room brick hours; 99.999. TOO BLOCK WEST GRACE STREET; detached house, large lot; iwenty t.hree rooms. 110.too. TEN ROOM HOUSE. WEST GRACE street: all convenience*. 27,250. NOTE THIS: STORK AND FIVE room*, west Cary street, renting for lit per month; only 91.590. 40# BLOCK NORTH ELEVENTH ST.. Eighteen room trick house; 15.009 FLOYD AVE EIGHT ROOM HOUSE; stable in rear: Urge lot; 11,400. 10# BLOCK NORTH SYCAMORE ST., ■lx rooms and bath; steam heat; on y 14.000. BRICK HOl'SE ON STCART AVENUE. •U conveniences, 11.500, S00 BLOCK ADDISON AVENUE. 9 room house: tern stories and base ment; only 94.600. - if SEE U8 FOR FARMS IN ALL 8HC tlone of Virginia. NOONANDSON REALTY* CORPORATION, No. iS North Eighth stree.t 170 ACHES ON ASHLAND CAR LINE; 7 room dwelling: large barn and out buildings; 90 acres cleared; cheap. TOO ACRE RIVER FARM, NEAR UICH MBd; 100 cleared; 914 per acre. LIST TOUR FARMS WITH US: WK can sell them. POLLARD A BAO BT. 1102 E. Mai natreet, Richmond, Va. FOR SALK, NORTHrtIDK LOTS: BEAl - tlful lots Y'lrglnla avenue and North side avenue: granolithic sidewalks: shade trees and other improvement*: only twelve minutes by Highland Park car to Seventh and Broad streets; price* from 9100 a lot up; small eaeh payment. See W. E. PURCELL JR.. CO., 104 North Eighth street 91.700 WILL PURCHASE TWO DE strakle houses, renting for 916.60 per month; small cash payment. W. U. PURCELL JIL. CO.. 100 North Eighth street. 167.50 PER FOOT WILL PURCHASE handsome lot, Stuart avenue; near Robinson street; car Une; reasonable terms. W. E. PURCELL JU.. CO.. 100 North Eighth street. 922,50 PER FOOT WILL PURCHASE one of the best lots on Hanover ave nue: 179.9 deep, small cash payment. Se» us at once about this. W. j;, PURCELL JR.. CO., 100 North Eighth street. 9i60 WILL ' PURCHASE BEAUTIFUL lot; Fifth avenue. Chestnut Hill, or will trad# for small hone*. W. E. PURCELL Jit.. CO.. 100 North Eighth street. 9900 FOR DESIRABLE CORNER LOT. Third avenue. Chestnut Hill; small rash payment; balance monthly. If deelredT W. E. PURCELL JR., CO.. For R»nt Tll ffciSjAL BUHJDINQ—-NICK UOH ** rn exposure; poeeesstc An Tsjsszrvjmrz sirs.,.. A Insurance, T31 NO. 9901 W. frHAFttN et xreom frame house, psssseaton at iKiiarrjs-Rsrws & t WstnUaUA Wants MlactlUnaoiM. CHRISTMAS. CHRISTM A S in tONNa, A'ID IP TOtr DON'T KNOW WJIAT PRESENTS TO GIVE, COMB TO US; HERK Al!,5 A FEW SUGGESTIONS: SOLID GOLD SIGNET RINO.8 FROM IS TO *15: .SOLID GOLD SET RINGS. FROM 11.60 UPWARDS;' SIGNET SCARF PINS FROM 01.60 UPWARDS; LOCKETS AND CHAINS, FROM ♦ 3.60 UPWARDS; GOLD AND SIL VER-HEADED UMBRELLAS, FROM »i UPWARDS; LA VAI4LIERKA. FROM *i'.S0 UPWARDS; BRACE LETS. FROM 13.50 UPWARDS; CHILD'S BRACELETS,, FROM $1.60 UPWARD; SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RINGS, FROM 17.30 TO 6*60; DIA MOND BROOCHES. FROM $7.50 TO $160; COMB, BRUSH AND MIRROR SETS, FROM $7.50 TO ♦ 36; MESH BAGS, CUFF BUTTONS. WATCHES, CLOCKS. SHAVING SETS NECKTIE CLASPS, MANICi UK WETS. .CUT-GLASS, SILVERWARE. FOUNTAIN PENS. JEWEL BOXES. ROSARIES. CROSSES. HATPINS, BELT PINS MILITARY BRUSHES. FOBS, WATCH CHAINS. CARD CASES. WE WOULD LIKE TO DO YOUR REPAIRING. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. COR RESPONDENCE INVITED. •'SCHEKR'S" (ESTABLISHED 1SS7 >. 14*1# EAST MAIN STREET (NEXT TO CORNER OF FOURTEENTH), RICHMOND. VA NEW VAN'S UMBRELLA FACTORY. *000. UMBRELI-AS MUST BE SOLD AT one* to* room for new line*. Umbrella* In taffeta and slorla *111: with 609 different etyle* of handle*. Here la a few of our prices: |l.u9 um brellas. *# cte; fl.6», 7S cts; ♦3.59, »> Cta; ♦*•». 11.0; 14.09, II.M; M.01*. ♦*.♦♦; we har# them up to *16 a piece, come at once end set your Chrtetmes preaent for half price. NEWMAN’H UMBRELLA FACTORY, 31* 15. Broad street, Phone Monro# 98. WAGON!I,~ WAOOSa. WACOM. (OPEN AND TOP FROM *«'. UP. SUR ries. runabout* and top busstea from Mllbnre and Thornhill Patvi 146 up. Wasona, narrow and wide tlrea, freru ♦ 36 up. Repairing, painting and rubber tiring a specialty. Com* and set my price* before you buy. B. C BRISTOW. 11-13-15 North Eishteenth streeL IIAII.IVi. i HOUSEHOLD GOODS HAULED. STOit •d. Packed and ahlpped. Call W. I Fred Richardson’* STORAGE <L > TRANSFER DEPARTMENT. Main .V j Helvlder# streete. Phone* Madleon ,_843 day; Monroe 81£ night. ^ FINE CUT GLASS.’ BRASS WORK, crockery, everything necessary for oaay housekeeping at N. KLEIN & j_SON INC.. 6i(> E Broad. ! REZNOR GAS HEATING 'STOVE." TH E 1 beet If not satisfactory after one week* trial w# will refund your ! money. GENERAL GAS LIGHT CO.. 531 W. Broad i noun *T4iji!i. j SKK US FOR FIX'* >R ST A T NS. Y4R-j n1*h stains and polishes of *11 kind*. , ELBA HARDWARE CO. j j PHONE US FOR gilCK SERVICE ON Ranffe. Cat robe and Furnace work. VA. PLUMBING * HEATf.NO CO. "HOT »UIF STOVES. WE CARRY COLES'S ORIGINAL 'HOT Blast" Steve*, cne-thlrd coal saved: also wood heater* See u* before buying:. ELBA HARDWARE CO. , FOB LEASE. FOR LEASE—WELL EQUIPPED, steam heated, commercial hotel. Ap- j ply Hot 1S«. Salisbury, N. C. Coi.D W tTKH PAINT. CALT1MO. THE ORIGINAL COLD water paint: easy to apply; all eol- t or*, write or phone for color card more Calctmo (sold than *11 the water paint* combined. ELBA HARD _tWVFJEjCti^Agenjs^Heni^^andJBroad. For Sale. ; UNREDEEMED DOUBLE AND SINGLE Sun*. !*»» than factory price. STEIN ERS 1441 E. Main *treet. OUR PLUMBING REPAIR DEPART- j meat la la at your *ervtee. Prompt attention. VA. PLUMBING, HBAt-. 1NG CO. I . Li ME AND CBM K NT. WE CARY LIME FOR SPRINKLING and bulldlna, al*o cement and hair, hardware, etc. ELBA HARDWARE CO I | FOR- SALE CHEAP. ONE OAK CHINA j Pre»«, one Dlnln* Table and elirht i chair* to match. Tht* t* handsome furniture; will sell cheap, can be *een at 1U3S-A West Grace. liO- S VMPLE TAILOR M VDE SUITS . all site*, worth double our price, I* ! ! STEINER'S. 1441 E. Main Street. ! ALL KINDS OF COOK! NC. STOVES., j i ranee*. *A*oll-r ratiRe* and kitchen , ! necessities at N. KLEIN A SON. INC. j *10 E. Broad lit LADIES' "•) ' 'r'R GOLD FILLED j watches. 'TO STEINERS.! i 1441 E. M ! CLEANING B88ING. PHONE , Monfoe list, . 1TMAN M. WHITE, t 103-5 North T itrd street.____ ; WALTHAM AND ELGIN 'll KARAT , eolld (old walchee, only $15 00, worth | Hi STEINER'S. 1441 E. Main St. ‘•UtR W AGONS-tib TO RICH v UDtS > . EROS *11 Brook avenue ; FULL LINE HOLIDAY JEWELRY AT • reduced prices. STEINER'S. 1441 K. Main Street. . eBSBWBHH^WSkHSaitAMSUJBMSSBMSBSB . Special Notice. i J. KATZ. LADIES' TAILOR (LATE OF, I HAAS BROS.. OF NEW YORK), 190 i north fifth street, all WORK GUARANTEED. I I j _ _ __ __ i RICHMOND'S GREATEST DYERS AND j cleaner* of ladles, sent* and chil drens’ garments. R. B. LUMPKIN: < North Fourth. Phone Monroe 2383. i • Work called for and delivered. WE OVERHAUL STEAM SY STERNS and make them work whe^e they haven’t worked before. VA. PLUMB* . 1NG. HEATING CO. __ LADIES. TO CLOSE OUT MY STOCK 1 am making tip I&0 suit* for 83f. i Don't loose this opportunity a* there are only two mure weeks to take or der* for suits to be made by Christ- 1 i mas. A. LEWIS, 102 North Flrut Street. Phone Monroe 2583. I BRIDAL !PRESENTS IN~CUT*OLAS8, i china imported and domestic; brass! goods of every description. Home . necessities for the parlor dr kitchen I at N'. KLEIN ft SON, INC.. 020 E. | ! Broad._ ___ __ _ ; I ODD FALLOWS SHOULD CARRY ~V ; Protection Certlflcate In the Fraternal) Life and Accident Association. For, full Information, call at odtoee. third 1 | floor. Ninth and Main. City. Want Ad Rates. One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for lew than ten cent* No Ada uken for lets than twenty-five cent* when phcoed in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less Phon Madison 1758, aiv Manager of Classified Department, will call !' On Your Christmas Suit and Overcoat Get the best for the least—that’s the idea. Get a Suit and Overcoat for the price of a Suit— fhat’s the idea. Get a $20 Suit at Only ' $10 THAT'S' THE IDEA Get the swellest Suit in town—that’s the idea. Shoe Repairing. islv HALF SOLE MEN 8 SHOES; LA dies «0c; children* 60c. and up; ev ery pair HW«d. DKE'< S ELEC - TRIC SHOE FACTORY, !l« E. 11am Street. Then* Monroe 3*47. Personals. WE HANDLE DIFFICULT PROB lem* lx* plumbing and steam or- hot wat*r heating;. Sanitary plumbing, aervlcable boating. VA. PLUMBING, H EATING CO Rooms for Rent. FURNISHED Oft UNFURNISHED second atorv front and back room* with board, for four gentlemen or coupl.; hot water heal. Apply 110 Wont (.’.race, t(: EAST MAIN STREET, NICE front room* and other*; uw of phone; transient*. ONE OR TWO BRIGHT, ATTRACTIVE room*. connecting; Second and 1'rankMn. Rhone Madison S2S1-J. A COUPLE OF NICK ROOMS FOR rent In a private horn- Phone , 3S92-L Mnd'son. n KMSHfcb AND UNFURNISHED room*. )002 Kast Broart. Mot wat er. M RS. IX)W N KS. rwo ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED ! for houaekeeplng, IIn. or will rent singly. 11 South Adams. rwo" LARQU FRONT C(>NNECTING room#; newly papered; convenient m ! bath. Apply 17 South Pine street. LIST YOUR FARMS AND CITY PRO! - erty with TABOR REALTY CORPOR ation. 113 E. Marshall St., and get jitilck return* WANTED OENTLEMAN “OCCUPANTS for nicely furnished rooms; conve nient to bath; references. Phono Madtaon 1071. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS KOI! rant; use of gas and phone. Apply 111 South Pine Street. 114 EAST CLAY; NICELY FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen; modern eon _ventencea LARGE. FURNISHED, HEATED rooms, aecomnuxiata two or more. , 710 East Franklin. AT 321 E. FRANKLIN, UNFUKNISti ad rooms on third floor. Phone Mad ison 2 *4 4 -.1. WANTED. ' TO RENT TO~ ONE OR twt. gantlemen. nicely furnished room, with bath. 20* N. Tweniv Slxth street. WANTEI*—ONE-OR~TAVu~Yoi^NG LA dlea to share room, best locality; terms reasonable. reference* ex changed. Phone Monroe 4*3. FOR RENT, NICE FURNISH FD RcH >M at 317 Graham street, between Broad and -Marshall. POR RENT, ONE NICELY FURNISH ed bark basement room, with heat; , rent reasonable. Apply No. North '■ Sixth. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM on tlrst flood for rent; c:>nverlent to meals. S12 South Pine Street. FURNISHED ROOMS” \Y ITlf ll. >AKD , 317 East Franklin. FURNI SHED-HOUSEKEEPINO ROOMS Phone Monro# 830. 7 North Sixth, j ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR GENTLE- ! men or suitable for couple. 314 X. i __ Twelfth street. FURNISHED ROOMS 114 EAST CLAY, j LARGE" FURNISH ED HCK»MS.~ WITH i or without board. 309 East Frank- t lln.__ __ _ FURNISHED ROOMS AND ONK IlALL room. Applj- 107 North Third street. FURNISHED “FRONT ROOM. TRAY I AYR, 2321 Stuart Avenue. Phone Monroe 64*. [■ HAVE THREE NR'E ROOMS AND one hall room for rent; newly fur nished; all convenience*; best loca-i tlin; board can be had. Call at li| South Fifth. for ' rent. tw3 connecting j rooms, suitable for business woman. : or furntkhed room with heat. Apply j 12 East Cary. Rooms for Rent. FOR RF.KT, THREE. BRIGHT T'NFt'R ntsbed room r flat; Grov* Vv*nu<, Phone Monroe 2488. 814 K. OLAY. XtOKLY T'l"RNISHKt) reniiij; large and small; central transients *!*■’ social circles that haa occasioned the w idespread hit* rest as has the debut reception of Miss Helen Taft on Thurs day afternoon. Certainly not since the marriagj of Alice Roosevelt has there been an event at the White House that has evoked such general Interest. In its account of the reception tin- Wash ington post s ;ys: “A new. chapter in the social his tory of too W hite House whs opened yesterday, when Miss Helen Taft, daughter of the President and Mrs. Tati, formally took her place in the brilliant world of Washington society, of w hPr) the president s home is the center. “The White House probably never was more beautiful than it was yes terday, decorated entirely with the flowers sent to Miss Taft. They be gan arriving early, and made the day a busy one for every one on the White House staff. They came from every section of the country, while among Washington flor!«ts the demands of the day broke all records They were in every form, from the quaint bouquet of rosebuds sr eat pees, gardenias and valley H11-*. Unished with a frill ct ■ ’e-t-'d pink chiffon, to the exquisite clusters of American beauty * roses, which ft und a suitable place In the red drawing-roctn. •'F- n tltc-e tributes Miss Taft se lected a bunch of ll’les of the valley, which she held during the reception. Fhe stood hi tween her mother and father et the south end of the east room, where the guests .'ell naturally into line, greeting first Mr*. Taft, then the debutante, and finally the presi dent. ■‘Captain Archibald Putt, made the presentations, and Colonel Spencer Cosby, Lieutenant-Commander l-elgn Palmer, Captain Graham Johnson and the other aids on the White House staff were in attendance. In the cor ridor th*‘ Mi rine Rand, under the di rection of Lieutenant Santelmann, gave a program of appropriate music. Many of the *ue»t«, after passing through the state draw ins-rooms and lingering in the dining-room for a time, promenad ed in the corridor until the end of the reception. “The Vice-President and Mr*. Sher man, the cabinet circle, the diplomatic circle, the Supreme Court circle, and many from (he army and navy and resident circles were among the 1.500 guests who greeted the President and Mrs, Taft and Miss Taft. “Miss Tafi's gown was of white satin, with an overdress of rose pink chiffon and i shallow yoke of white luce, it was made on simple lines, and the whole effect was girlish and be coming in the extreme. “In the state dining-room, where pink begonias and maidenhair ferns hanked the high mantle, pink rises and pin-capped tapers added a touch of beauty to the long table. Mrs. Beek tvian Winthrop and Miss Mabel JJoard man poured tea at one end of ti* table, with Miss Margery Colton and Mlsa Mary Soatherland as vis-avis. ‘.■Washington society was never bet ter dressed than It was for Miss Taft’s tea. Debutantes saved their most lie coming costumes to appear in yester day for the first time, and matrons wore the richest toilets In their ward robes. “Mrs. Taft wore a gown of blue chif fon, with a draped overdress, from be neath which hung g long black sarh. 'he ends finl--hcd with silver fringe. There were also touches of silver nnd black on the upper part, and around her throat she wore a band of block veiiet fastened with diamond clasps. She carried white gardenias.'' Among those calling who were noted Is the account ware Senator and Mra. Swanson. Jhr Mlsa Parrish. Mrs. W. Orandtson Moseley, of 1501 Grove avenue, will give an afternoon bridge party on Tuesday, December «. In honor of Mlsa Elsie Parrifh, on* of the season's debutante*. Ml* Hargraigt Introduced Mr. and Mra. Isaac Davenport's re ception and dance (or their debutante migpe, Mtaa BHsabeth Hargrave, in the Masonic Tempi* Thursday even ! ing was vn« of the most beautiful i of the many brilliant entertainments that have been given this season for j the buds. Tho decorations were per I feet botn In coloring and tirrango 1 ment, and the whole artalr was ne llghlful, characterised by the cnarm i ing and cordial reception given to the several hundred guests by the host and hostess a* they presented Miss Hargrave. Airs, imvenport was very handsome ly gowned In rare old black laco over gold-colored satin, and held an effective bouquet of Golden Gate roses. Her ornaments were richly set opals and diamonds. As .he ueoutame ol the evening and the guest ot honor. Miss Har grave was the center of attraction, and, as tho girls of the south and her ancestors have done for ages past, she held sway with a sweet graciousness and perfect poise that were Irresistible. Her gown was a beautifully conceived ariangement of ■ junk ana while. Tne tuunuatlon was fashioned of soft pink satin veiled in wnlte marquisette daintily embroid ; rred in scattered clusters of tiny pink ror,«», while rosebuds of pink sRtln . rlobon nestled in its tinny drapery. The effect of her troek wa» com pleted by the old-fashioned nosegay of pink moss rosebuds, which she carried in the Jeweled bouquet holder that had been used on similar occa ! aions t.y Mr. Davenport’s mother in i her beiiedom. * Persian rugs and drapery, with their rich colorings, illumined by the soitiy shaded lamps, formed a har monious background for tho palm and scarlet poinsettia blossoms that w«re marked here and there with running ceuar and smnax Interwoven so that the Illusion of nature growth was pertect.. Jn the dining room pink roses and carnations were used and large baskets overflowing with these poster; adorned the tables. I Miss Hargrave was accoruea a flat tering reception Into the ranks of Richmond society by the belies anu beaux who danced with tho sest and grace of youth, the gins' beautiful 1 frock* adding a new source of beauty to the cotillion. Debut Hanes. Mr. and Mrs. Devin Joynes will introduce their debutante daughter. Miss Archer Joynes, to Richmond so ciety at a handsomo dance in the Masonic Temple Friday evening. Sev : cral hundred girls and young men have been Included In the invita i tlons. Aficr-llw-nieuire Party. Miss Mary Chalmers will entertain , at hyr home. illy Grove avenue, at an after-the-theatre party Saturday 1 evening. Her guests will number i about thirty-five persons, who will i see Ethel Barrymore at the Academy earlier In the evening. Attended lltuiec Party. Missee Kmma Waddlll and Julia EN lyson. Dr. Carroll Beggarly and Dr Alvin Bagb.v have been members of « (>Mghtfu! house .party in West I Point. They have returned to Rich mond. Invitations Issued. Mr. and Mrs. J. Southgate Yeaton haye issued Invitations to the roar , riage .»f their daughter, Margar -t j Neckwear A iuaii with a tt.ste for something choice in Neckwear will surely be ahlo ! to satisfy his desire here. There’s scarcely an end to the dif- I ferent patterns and color combinations j we are showing. There are many ■ exclusive designs of Silks that arc con fined to us for this locality. All prices. The latest Models in Four-in-Hands, 1 New Squares—Ch«>iee Straight Ties, : etc. The beet makers of Neckwear have contributed thrir best pre ' u -1 ion. There la no time like the prese nt for I a Man to make his selections of Fall Neckwear—the picking is at its beat and the bloom ia on every line. ! You know we always show the new est and best in Men's Toggery of any sort. Quirks & WbeatfieW, TM mi tmiStmt .Mai ! Howard, to Mr. William Dana Hoyt, I which will take place at 11 o’clock on Monday morning, December 36, ir , Memorial church, Baltimore. l’enonal*. Miia Trma Graham, of Salisbury, Md.. arrived in Richmond Thursday evening. She Is the house guest Mrs. Richard Henry Harwood, 2290 Monument avenue. Miss Marguerite Brown, of Baltl 1 more. is attending a house party in Washington and will later visit frtendt in this city. • • • Mrs. Worm wag. of Philadelphia, is the guest of Mrs, Elmore 1>. Hotchkiss. Jr. * • * Mis* Tallinn Roberts hts return? 1 to West Point after spending sever* days here with Mi«* Emily Parrish. • • • Mrs. Huger, who has spent several weeks in Richmond as the guest ot Judge Keith, ha* returned to her home in Lexington. Mrs. N. Thomas Ennett, of N<>. 218 East Franklin street, has as her house guest for thl* week Mr*. Edward R. Turnbull, Jr., of Lawrenceville, Vo. Virginia Weddings Ashton—Wile on. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.! KING GEORGE. VV, Dec. 2.—A marriage of much inteiest to the peo ple of King George wa solemnised at 8t. Andrew's church, Washington, I). C., when Mr. Rudolph Ashton, former ly of King George, was united In mar riage to Mies Mary Wilson, of Wash ington. The bride Is a most attrac tive and accomplished young lady. Tne bridegroom Is the youngest son of the late George IV Ashton, ot this county, and is connected with many of the prominent people of Virginia. His mother wag Miss Martha Brown, of King George. For some years he has been in government employ, but since his return from the Asiatic trip two years ago he has been stationed at Annapolis, where he will now reside with his bride. (bTaltnrT —Rumble. SUFFOLK. VA., Dec. 2.—Pembroke D. Gwaltney, Sr., peanut grocer of Smlthfle’d, Va., and Miss Mattie Womble. Iirmetly of Isle of Wight county, but recently of Virginia Beach, were mnrrled Thursday at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. F. Edwsru Delk, in Suffolk, oy Hr. T. 8. Dunns way. The bride approached the al tar with her sister. Miss Vera Worn ble. ot Virginia Reach. Fred Rau ch Iph. of bmithfleld, was best man. Mr. and -Mrs. Gwaltney left for a long Southern 'honeymoon. The bride groom is 7 4 years old. Nearly all of his fortune has been acquired since his sixty-fifth birthday. «lui|Hiian—Iktcs. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WF-ST POINT. VA.. Dec. 2.—Invita tions have been issued to the marriage of Miss Mary Richardson Batts to Mr. William Holmes Chapman, of Smith lield, Va., which will take place In King and Queen on December 7. Many people in West Point are Interested in this wedding and will attend. sellers—(Sn«*U. HARRISONBURG. VA., Deo. 2.— Announcement was made Thursday of the marriage on Tuesday night of Miss France-- Snell, or Bridge water, Rockingham county, and Wj the H. Hellers, of Washington, by Rev. C. TV. Stinesprtng, ot Baltimore, an uncle of the bride. stricken with paralysis, NAPOLEON PRICE DIES Nrpoleon P'lcc, tbe nerro who wa* strlikm w tlh r; r; h s: tevc' «ve lj» ego while i !. lin ; in .i f w ' line at tin tti k o c, of r Ac . ' Ay if Mu ic to ' 'v tb U-'t for I * , rform nnce of e. JTjr,” died ne u merning at the Vlrglrl i Hos ir I T> body wa- remit id to his bun*. SI? Si Jam* street. Ft ic? hi d for mony years beeh r n enu ’oyec of the R. A. Patterson To bacco Company, earning for himself a reputation for an honest and diligent worker BALTIMORE MANAGER .. COMMENDS Il'IVRBHUOK > I aarpiss, 3 PER CENT. SAVING DEPOSITS Interest Compounded Yw. Make This Bank Yaw I Wm. H. Palmar, Jt S. Ellatt. Vlce»I Wm. M. HUl, Vlcmf j. W. Slnton, Vica-V Julian H. HUl, Cashier. If you are a reader RICHMOND VIRGINIA wish to make some quickly, please send yon* i address to THE RICHMOND AG& P. 0. Box 493, Ri P.S.—If you can notj interest yourself, perhaps a son or daughter that some spending money fori So you can send in their i |W. Minor W oodward. Steward M. Woodward Lumber, Lathi Saak. BUnda and I Yards and Bu Tan Main Office: Ninth j Madison Branch Office: Fq ton, Washington The largest and best i in t)w “ ! H UTZ1 R t AL ( f > r \ t ; , suit! I>r. A. Ji. of the Baltimore OperaTI day anent the denun Harden'* interpretation «( tho Chief of Police of metropolis. "It le high time,* '‘that the mbtrloua end ; auctions which hat** behind the all-co be arts cn fr- n» tt-e they are ' tin* dilven , les uc While I hvi# o; !• rtunl-y of serla* “ •Salome,’ 1 ha # no 1 hac read of It I bear front all hi t but b# of decern y-to»t DBATH ! FIIAT8KR-—Died his father; Wf