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WEEKLY INSTITUTES FOR S. S. WORKERS REV. MU. HOLITOS OF TI1K PRF.S BTTRMli> CHI'RCH WI|*I. COM DI IT THE MKKTIM;*. NARROW ESCAPE rETRRiiHl HU OITK IALU WILL AT TEND MEETING OF ASTI- Tl BERCFLOHlk ASHOI IATIOS IT HII IIHIIMI (Special to The Richmond Virginian. 1 FETKKSm'UG, VA„ Dec. 2.—The Rev. H. II .Rolston. pastor of the Sec end Presbyterian church, Thursday idght commenced a series of Sunday school institute- for the benefit. of the teachers, superintendents and officers onnected with the schools under tin government of this church. However, all interested In Sunday school work are invited to attend and have part in the instructions anti ex orcises of the meetings. These insti tutes are to be held e.very Thursday night in December and January, and probably during the winter months. At these meetings the lessons for the following Sunday are explained, and a sentral commentary on the Scripture 4 given. Resides these, school managemem ivill be discussed, and also how to. -study the lessons and how to ini part the knowledge to the scholar. Rev. Mr. Revision proposes to get the best trained Sunday school workers to assist him in these institutes, an l they will doubtless be well attended Tlu tteiond Presbyterian church lia.» under its management so many Sun day s< hoots that an institute has been considered or special importance. Un der the . ontroi of the church are the Washington Street, Old Street, West minster. Gregory Memorial and Rose wood Sunday schools. The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Memorial Association will b> held Saturday morning In A. P. Hill f • amp hall. This is a meeting of much importance, and a large attendance is expected This organisation is an aid to the ladles' Memorial Associa tion, whose verk is in caring for thc soldiers' portion of Rlandford Ceme tery. \arr»«*l> i wapes Injury. Mr. Jat kson (\ Rlshe.p, a letter i urnsr of Petersburg, narrowly escap ed serious injury Thursday evening at the (dd I aoninion Hut Works m .Mr Rodiop fell into an opening n tne f 1 ■ • ■ r. which had been left open when the < eliar was l**ing filled u» Ho, however did led rc-tive ***rp.. injury. but v*u- . -neiiT r.tbl; bruised up. Mr. Hi-h ip !« one of tile oldest < arrter* in tin ktvI'> in Petersburg, and is very greatly esteemed by n'l who know him. Mr Hat her. president .of the ► Petersburg Auti-Tub* rculoais le ague . Mr William Martin and Dr, William F. jirewrv. eup»rlntevn<l<-nt the ■ Slate Hospital, will attend the* meeting of the Virginia 1ml ulosk Association in Richmond Frt lay night. which niC'-ts in „ t H*- Me bancs Institute Mr. Martin nil! pre * sent a pi, P ‘I and l'r. lire wry will •peak ..n open air treatme nt of h.'.il er ulosii* in publie- Institution-' Vrrrvsts For Month. In Peterstoirg during the month "f Nut ember the police made 21 »t rests. The •■t'-Uf <■* w. re < tusstned ns follows Assault. I ■ . .o.ault .*:>■' battery «, elrutiks. »<’, ! ii*‘C..v. II. larceny. 10: lunacy, !. m -demeanor, trespass, 4,< cts. 2 violation of city "r*it nanceie. Finos were 1 Ile-cted tv* til* amount :.f $X3! VI Wee-kly Recc-ptioii. Th. usual tvaturday aft*-rn*>-.,n »* - ■ option urn) h i ■ Win be h* Id '■ ■ n -r row front "• t<* 7:30 o'clock. Those* asked i -i t v. e*n the reception com mittee «<r* Mtmlame* K. H. Pntte-r son. Georg*- \V Plummer, (vrter My ers. .Pines V 1 Uinti.- Frank S Spen cer. 'V it I"r* y, Aliases Annie II,n f«rd. May Fla l borne, Emily Gilliam, t'larn .Hava Aru be I Him and Ophe lia Perclvjtll. 1 be i hiutt—I vi ye I. In l.vnchburg Wednesday evening Mr. Irvin Valiandigham Parham ami Miss Rui-llie Ashton la-vd were1 united in marring at * o’clock in tv ut ternoon. Mr. Parham .s a prominent young huatne ss man of P* terstmrg. Among those* vvho attondvd from Petersburg were*. -Mrs. Paul William1# mill Mian Althea White. Messrs. Rob *»rt Pnhham. Houston Parham, Sid ney (Jreuoi ltreiocks Spots wood, Min* try. Charles Rridgi r, . WII i I yf\! B STERN Be Son NfW YORKS ExcLuaivBcoaroM TAILORS Good Clothes mean u great deal to the |*articular man— the collar must set to the neck, the front must keep its shape, the trousers must hang properly, and a number of other details. We make good clothes at prices that are very ordinary, 920 up Agents for Rogers-Peet & Co. and Schloss Bros. Cloth ing: Kirk-Parrish Co. Clothiers—Tailors. 412 East Broad Street. Christmas Gifts of Quality It is gratifying to note that as each season rolls on its way, there Is for this store an increased patronage. We cordially your inspection. We offer the most beautiful collection of gifts, at prices as low as high quality affords. invite Schwarzschild Bros. Jewelers Broad and Second Sts. IlHm Mahonc, Mnson Hill and Dr. Wallace Oill. of Richmond. DRIVES TO TQLLSATE THEN TURN AROUND THAT'S THE WAY FOLK IN ROCK INGHAM ESCAPE PAYING TOLL. COMPLAINT MADE. Ouy folk Jo not Know of any way to brat th<j toll-gate keeper, hut the country men and women living In KockIngham county have found away, and thcreiore the Valley Turnpike Company has appealed to the State Corporation Commission for the fight to erect more toll-gate* mid keep those who pay no cash from using the road. The turnpike, a most estimable th>>r oughfure, runs through Edinburg. MrislurK. Woodstock. N'eW Market and Harrisonburg. People living along the road transact all their business within the bounds of the toll-gates and raver pass through them. Therefore they g.' the us*- of tne road without the company iteituig the use of their taeh. 1 in- toll-gates are decaying and their hinges rusting because they are not used. When n farmer wants any thing. he selects a pun hasing place which Is fug gtd*. of t)ie toll gate, and therefore it costs him nothing to drive eve r the road. Spenkei Richard K Byrd presented the appeal of the turnpike company ■ . «h* t a j.oration Commission Thurs day SIGHT DESTROYED BY GRATE FLAMES Burned from h'-ad to toot »„ a re sult of her clothing cjutt hing tire wink standing In trout "f an open vga’.e, l.ocy Woodson, siv year* old, if Tin Hi John street, was rendered sightless b, the dimes Thursday, and will probably die. The child was playing near the grate, when her dress was blown oyer the flaming I oa . and in n thrice eh. was ... human i nil Relatives ran to her rescue in r -.-ponso to her screams, but could not extinguish th<- Ihun.-s I • fore she had received burn* be lieved to be falal Ambulant- Sur g">r. Turman responded to a call and i.rtsud the childs injuries at loo •* rue Hi did not take her to the City Home Hospital because h< be lieved death to be hut a matter of a day or two at the most, MEMBERS IMth.SI.VT I'l ltsh TO KiniKINt. PASTOR Ai the prayer service at MWpah Presby terian church Wednesday even oig th> l ist aerv'e.. conducted l>\ their retiring past .r. Or Walthall, he was presented with a purse containing a handsome sum of money by Mr Wil liam H. Holladay in behalf of the men oi the church. Final Hearing on Franchise. !'!; il hearing on the application of the Itfchmond Power Corporation for a fram lose to distribute electric current In the capital city will be held by the Council committee on street* Pridav night. Miles AI. Martin will speak in behalf of the petitioning corporation, and Henry \V. Anderson for the Virginia Hallway and Power Company i'U’tiHT F<>H t It IMP. HVK VHAIW i» %ST ROANOKE. VA . Hoc. H.—William Welch, color. | was arrested and jailed at Rluefieid, W. Va.. last night on Information given by J. A. Joy ner. who aays he Mu Welch shoot and kill a street car conductor at Salisbury, N. C.. live years ago. Welch says he is innocent, but ad mits being at Salisbury at the time of the killing. Welch tits the Je scriptlon of the murderer, even to a missing linger. MKBANK TO I/OKH UFK FOR Ml It Hint CHATHAM, VA., Dee. 1'.—Pink Mebane, colored, was sentenced to lx electrocuted on Friday, February 10, 1911, for the murder of his wife t>v the Pittsylvania county Circuit Court this week. Mebane said he was brought to this fate by attempt ing to make his own family live right Court Resembles Shoe Store. Judge Crutchfield's court bore a closer resemblance to a shoe empo rium than” a dispensary of Justice Friday, due to the appearance of Ben Blanche, accused of stealing 72 pairs of shoes from the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad. Ben was there, the shoes were there and the sleuths who caught him were there. The lat ter asked that tho case be continued to allow them more time to Investi gate and ascertain whether more than 72 pairs could be found, and also to find Ben's accomplices. The court continued the caso. BANK CLOSES DOWN. MEETING ALL OBLIGATIONS (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) LEESBURG, VA„ Dee. 2.—The board of directors of the Citizens' Bank, In corporated, of Round Hill. Loudoun county, havo decided to discontinue the bank, paying In full ovary obliga DU IS SEIDY FOR | TUBERCULAR MEET | PAPERS of SPECIAL AM. HEX- j ERAli INTEREST TO BE BHU) ! AT CONFERENCE. , Everything Is practically In. read!- ' ne.sH tor the tuberculosis conference which convenes in Richmond Friday evening. The meeting will bo brought to a colse Saturday night. State Health Commissioner Ennh'n Williams will preside otor the sessions. Mayor Richardson will deliver one of the addresses of welcome. • The following papers will be. read: Friday evening. December 2: "Tuber culosis Problems in Small cities,” by1 Hr. Roy K Flanagan, former chief health officer of Charlottesville. The paper will be discussed by Ors. Ken- t neth Bradford anil J. Harvey Spencer, 1 "Tuberculosis Dispell lines,' by llr. Ernest C. Levy, chief boaltn officer of Richmond. 1 dsemsed by some Nor folk health man. "The. Consumptive and Visiting Nurses," by Mus r lorence Black, visit ing nurse, Richmond. Saturday's Session. Saturday morning. Uecember 1. general topic, "Open-Air Treatment of Tuberculosis." Papers: 'T'fte construction <•( Tuberculosis Sanatoria," by Ur. Cary Shepperd en gineer of the Catawba sanatorium. "State Institution for Tuberculosis," 1 by Hr. W. H. Tewkesbury, residence pny.vnflan, Catawna sanatorium. "Open-Air Treatment at Public In stltuiona," by Hr. W. F. Hr. wry. su- ; porintendent of Central State hospital, Petersburg. Discussed by Hr. J. T. , Martin. ".Municipal Sanatoria. Their Build ing and Cm funices," by Hr. Edmund Strudwlck, president of the Richmond 1 Tuberculosis Camp Society. Discussed ! by M. S. Seward, president of the Petersburg Tuberculosis Association. "Playgrounds and Tuberculosis Pre- j ventlnn." by Ur. Lawrence T. Royster. "Farm Sanatoria," by Hr. C. I*. j WVrtcnbaker Norfolk. Night Session. Saturday nignt. December o, gen eral topic, ‘Tuberculosis Education "The Press and Tuberculosis." by John T. Magintiis, editor Radford Ad van-e, "Work of Municipal Leagues." hy i Hr. Charles K Gramiy, secretary of ; the Norfolk Anti-Tuberculosis League. • Insurance Companies and Tuber- | ’ ottlosls Education." by George W. BahLke, Virginia superintendent of the Metropolitan insurance Company. " State-wide Publicity and Kduca-> ion. by Douglas S. Freeman, «xe- : entire sc. ret ary of the Stati Associa- i ' tion. BOYS WIN PRIZES I FOR CORN YIELDS imtius or mk;hi..\m> i'ajik im.n M lHMtl, KIX’EIVr CASH Att.UtDH Prises lor the h««*t yield* of e«rn j per acre by the member* of the Hoy*' I Corn Club of Henrico county were pre sented to puph* of the Highland Park High School Friday morning at the *•1100] assembly. The contestant* have worked hard, and those interested cs pei lally in the High Park school are ongrato’atlng that institution on hav ing the lirst three prizes for vie Mr. Arthur I> Wright, su r>e> i.usndent of si hoots in flenrico county. The prises for bent yfeld per acre j were awarded as follows First prise, *S0, Campbell Harris. S. < .>nd prlsti, HO. Thomas Scott. 1 Third prise. $Iu, Art hie Moore. The prise of $2 for the best de- ; seriptlon of thi processes of cultlva- I tion was awarded to. Campbell Harris, j n prise ,,f $2 for best showing of prortt. to Thomas Siott. and a prize of f3, j for third best showing of handsome ears, to Archie Moore. It "as also announced in the assent- j b!y that Miss Mary lmr.klnson, having received the largest number of votes, had won the handsome mirror pre sent 1 d to the Mothers' Club of High land Park by Hinswanger & t'o. Three Committees to Meet. The committee on improvement of i the James will meet at v o'clock Frl * day night. A sub-committee on streets tell assemble at 7: lit) o'clock, and the , committee oti cemeteries at the same j t hour Friday evening. Dr. Abbott to Speak Here. l>r. Lyman Abbott, editor of the Outlook mid confrere of T. R., w ill de liver mi .address In the chapel of Rich mond College on Wednesday evening,! December 7. at k:K» o'clock.J There’s no time to call a doctor when Croup comes, you must have some immediate means of relief. s-Salve relieves with the first application, and in fifteen min utes will cure the worse attack of spasmodic Croup. If—tetS—sdiessist’s.eedwhrwa 2 Be SOc 21.00 scsMwks/ls 1<W Ms a*Bsr aist. ** iWtraabliealsCa. Cnaaaksa*.LC. Clothes for Little Men. VV'ii want every parent to know about our ability, with expert service, to dress little men correctly. Our Children's Gannontg were made hy skilled manufacturers. the little fellow* from 4 to 10 years of age. There are Suita in Reefer, Nor folk and Sailor, Russian Blouse styles, ete. Dainty little Overcoats. Prices $2.M to tS.M. Our Furnishing Department is coin j plete. Quarles & WheatfieM, It takes experience and a great deal j of it to make Children’s Clothing right 7 === Baby’s Bargains CM Infants’ Faacjr KM Mtccuat, all cokrs, 50c ymmia RELIABLESHnV'f 9 . Tempting Slipper DKCKMUKH, l«IO Hu.Vmo.ITli. -Wn I Th I Fr. [s«. 4 6; 6 71 8 11:12 13 14 16 O 18'19 20 21 22i » 2! 3 •> 10 17 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 • >l« Leather and Warm Felt Room Slips for cold feat. 50c, 75c $100 Men’s Shoes, jJtLurf X & &M/i hs aXo^a xi t/bv* j^-tC Ltflr‘n£U'Vu\^ MaX£ "ic X'Xrja 7 F S L< iU£ tt Ku'X Arm. *4f\<X* \rf sXtcZAA* *iq<y for Business or Evening Dram. $2.50 to $4.00. Work Shoes, $1.50 to «.*•. Lambswool Soles. Children, Misses, Ladies*, Man for knit tin* Christmas slippers, 19c ami 25c. sS Men’s High Cut Boots, ii. tan and Mark, $2.50 TO $5.00 Juliets Fur trimmed, ail colors, felt, 75c $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, also lea ther (ur trim med, $1.50. FINE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Rubber Boots in all sires for miKa«>M and little Kent* and eldei* Men’s Slippers Soft kid, black, brown, wine, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. $1.50 and $2.00. ' 50c. 75c, $1.00 to $2.00. Women’s Velvet Button Shoes, I $3.00 $4,00 $5.00 Black and brown, patent leather, doth tops, $2.50 to $4.00. Gun Metal and others, $1.50 to $5.00. Satin Button Shoe. $5.00 and $6.00. Children Felt med, 75c, 85c Crochet Slippers, all to $1.00._ Hosiery Special F.mhroidered Lisle, In Christmas boxes. 2 pairs to the 50c a pair. Embroidered and Plain Silk in ail colors, $1.00 and $1.5#. Men’s Half Hose, all colon, Children's Hose and otln NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND WatllaftoB Ward Hems sad Ad vert i« emesis reeel Ted at Virglsla Bsrsaa J. W. Crate* Star* 1WO Hail amt HEW FINED FDR j USING SUCK JACK GEORGE KEI>I». WHO I?' BLACK. ASSESSED *25 FOR ESlNG t C(Wa:AUi» NCT 0\ t ALBERT PALMKK George Ktdd—and black- was brought before ’Squire Cheatham Fri day morning .nd lined fib and c- ms for using n blackjack on Albert Pal mer. The blackjack In question was made of a two inch wagon nut, weigh ing a pound, which was wrapped in a piece of overall cloth and swung <>n the end of h strap. The blow, vvhien was delivered from this imposing weapon, would have finished an ordi nary parson, but the nut mereiy t.ounced o*T Palmer’s hlaok ivory head after breaking the skin. The two negroes had gotten itt a dispute when George seeing th- argument going against him. produced hi* welghest logic and Bored hi* oppon ent. Redd did not have the price Squire Cheatham asked, so he was sent to iail to vv..r khis time off. His case had t»e«n sent on to Jhe grand jury in Chesterfield seme time ago. where it nu through an error declared not .< true bill Put Redd waa rearrested later and made to pa;/ the penalty OFFICERS ELECTED BY HESriA CONCLAVE At the regular meeting of Heslta Conclave. Improved Order of Hepta sopha. last night the following offl- j . ers were eiei ted for the ensuing year: Archtdi. Thomas D. Jones: provost. J. E. Eggleston; prelate. James l . Jones; secretary, C. H. Raines; tinan der. J. T. Morriaaett; treasurer. C. j K. Walthall.' inspector, W. A. Rowe: warder. J. F. Parkerson; tnustees. L. H. Brown. J W. Smith amt W. B. Crooks; representative to supreme body. J. K Parkerson; alternate, J. W. Smith. - j HEARING DAMAGE SUIT IN HUSTINGS COURT; Judge K. H. Well*, sitting in the Hustings Court, part two, Friday 1 morning, took up the case of Minnie Hill against the Virginia Railway Co. j for damages amounting to *6.0*10. The case of Mattie Moaeby, who was hurt ' at the same time and Is suing for a like amount, was continued until the i January term of the court. The court j considers It doubtful whether any de- j vision will be reached In the Hill case : until Saturday, and It is further prob- j able that this will be the last case of , the term, as the eeaeion comes to an I end on Saturday. v... TRY N EG KOI * FOR , BREAKING UP FESTIV AL i —. On Kuturday morning at Chester ! Squire Robinson will try the parcel 1 of negroes who are charged with go- ; ing to a colored festival in Chester and trying to pat the festival on the blink. Six negroes have been ar rested on the charge, John Watkins, ! Willie Ford, Ollis Porter, Waverly Bu ford, Mannie Brown and Davie Ilan* Hall. For PtdMag Kinks Out In the Police Court Friday morning Justice Maurice was confronted with a colored man who |>ad gotten rani- j hum tious and trlsd to pull the kinks I out of his wife‘s hair. The justice { contended the ftakr waa made to be ktekjr nd |& tar at tempting to go against the edicts of nature, and Incident!:, for disturbing the peace. Marriott in Waslilngtoa Miss Ulam he-O'Kennon and Mr. J. Rates Gill, both of Matoaea. Chester - held county, departed for Washington r few days ago, where they surprised their friends by being married. The two negro boys caught by the pollen on the charge of attempting to poison the family of William KanilaJt , hate been arrested in Dendron. Vs. They are to be brought before Mag istrate Cheatham Friday. For Striking His Wile. ( Magistrate Cheatham, of the oak. i Grove district, stung Tom Buford, col- j ored. *10 and costa Friday morning in court. Tom aaw In himself an embryo Jack Johnson, and in lack of j> punching bag to keep in training he used his wife instead. Policeman Moore arrested William Goode Thursday night for cursing and abusing his wife and acting nasty In , general. The case will be aired in the City Hail police court Friday. Washington Camp. No. 3*. P. O. S. of A., will gather for a meeting Fri day night at R o'clock In Cersley’a Hall, at the corner of Hull and Clop- j ton streets, in Swansboro. A full at- , tendance is requested. OIN TRIAL OF OMEN'S CASE FORMER INSPECTOR SEEKS TO RECOVER HIS.000 DAMAGES FROM JAMES BEfX KOOl*. 1 ' Trial of the suit »f former Dairy , Inspector H. H. Curtis against James j lie 11 wood, the Cheaierfleld dairyman, | who is alleged to have slandered the j plaintiff in several clashes growing out ! of dairy inspections was begun t riday morning before Judge Ingram in tne law and equity court. Mr. Curtis asks for I15.00U damages. The following jury was selected: J. M. Macon, J. C. Epps, O. H. Russell. \V. A. Cheatwood. \V. E. Klila. Henry C. Garnett, R. R. Harrison. It U expected that the case will last three or four days. Among those summoned as Witnesses are the fol- j lowing: E. M. Noble, assistant Inspector of I milk and food supplUs; l>r. \V. T. Op penhelmer. presiuent of the board of health; H. It. Pollard, city attorney; W. A. Crump, sanitary Inspector for the health board; Coleman Cutchlus, formerly clerk of the health depart ment; Dr. Frank M. Keade, member of the city council; William H. Mose ley, a sanitary inspector for the health j department, and James R. Gordon, James E. Phillips and r>r. R. D. Gareln, members of the health board. Mr. Fulton, of counsel for plaintiff, ! first addressed the court and Jury 1 setting the gist of the case as con tained in the charges. BARTON HEIGHTS TEAM TO PliAlf THE TIGERS Ah interesting game of football will be played Saturday at Byrd Park be- , tween Barton Heights and the Tiger . Cuba Barton Heights boasts of hav ing one of the strongest "youngster’' ) teams in the city and hope to hold , their own against the Cubs. Barton Height* will line up as fol- : lows: Right end, Stringer; right tac kle. Me Nealy; right guard. Blxby; center. Taylor; left guard. 8tockdon; left tackle, Wilkinson; left end. Tig nor; quarterback, Beck; right half, Watson; fullback, Davlnaon; left half, Hady. SSSB MO ANDRUS. THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN WANT Ads. will tlU your house with * CLOSING DAY OF THE I GREAT TRAINING SCHOi Grace Street Baptist Church Thronged With Those ln$ ested—Commencement Exercises at Night Session a Thursday's program at the Baptist Training School lor Sunday-school workers has* nut been exceeded In ef fectiveness by any previous day. In th« afternoon Ur Hyland Knight made an excellent address on "The Keverent Attitude" m which he show ed the absolute importance of Sunday School Workers living on a high spirit ual plane, m order that the reverent approach to every lesson and exercise might be natural. At 4 JO I*. M. Professor I.eavall presented a fine address on Teaching Through the Eye,” Illustrating his talk with many device*. At 5:15 Mbs Williams gave a lucid presentation of "Memory Work” in the Sunday-achooi, Including Scrip ture Verses. Bible Facts, looctrines of the Faitn ami Standard i.'hurcn Hymns. She showed the tea- hers how to deal with these supplemental les sons In such a way aa to make them interesting. ^ After the luncheon there was a very Interesting Junior department demon stration led by Mrs E 1 Parrish, of the Piue-Stroet Sunday-school, with members of her own department At 7.10 P. M, Mr. Flak, spoke on Class Organization. He showed the real work of organized classes, their relation to the school and the many attractive forms which the idea takes. . L)r. Cnliom followed with a splen did lecture on the Old Testament up to the Fall of Judah and the Baby lonian Captivity. The closing work e.f the day vva« Mlas Williams' in *st excellent lecture on "The Spirit of Christmas,” It was a fitting climax to her work In the training school and v-aa thor oughly enjoyed by everyone. In Friday's closing sessions the fol lowing will lie the order: 4 P. M—Enduring as Seeing the Invisible, Kev W. K. Burrell, of the Fairnjsunt church. 4:3 P. M.—Getting and Conserving Results. Prof. J. P. Lcavell. 5:15 P. M—An A I Sunday Schott , Mr. Arthur Flake. 6 P. M—Puncheon. 7 P M. -Confercrn . s of Interme diate an f Adult Classes. 7 P. M.— Tt. Y. P. I'. Demonatra tlon. The ("lepton Street 1 nlon will have charge and demonstrate up-to date B V P. P. methods. "7. \> P \1—The Weekly Meeting, Prof. 1. P. I-eavell. 8 P. M Closing Bible lecture, I>r. W It. I'ullom 8:45 P. M —Commencement exer cises; delivery of normal diplomas and lecture court certificates. tap.. HIM. IsuDrovtng. C&pt. \V K Bibb, assistant Attorney General who fell down a (light of steps at his home in Grove Avenue last Fri day morning, was reported much Im proved Thursday afternoon. Capt. lllbb. who received never* about hie head, limb* and been resting uuletly during nights. and Thursday- It at his home that he expect! able to leave bis bed within week. Although It vaa feared received Internal Injuries, the phjtli attending him said Thursday symptoms of them had man themselves NAME POLLOCK Fi SUPREME B WASHINGTON. It. C., Decen -Following a report to-day ^ Judge John C. Pollock, of ]Q has been definitely decided upt President Taft for appointment | soclate justice of the supremo^ of the United States, great Inter being manifested here a» to h3i?5 acterls'lcs and his record on iff 1bi His earner has been inf he having been United Stote®Jti the district of Kansas since ItO] his tame has not spread side of official circles In tun 's-gi In th.- reference books thajl lain biographical tacts of not pi- , It is to l e learned that' is an Ohio man and a United. byterian. He was born near of the Ohio river in 1*5#. graduated from Franklin Cb lhFJ and then nettled in Newt where he was admitted to in l-SSt. Pollock served a* * ; >>f the Kansas supreme TOtl January. ltMil, to December, ji when President Roosevelt him jmige of the district eourfcl When you think of Think of Hi Hammond's Flowers for and for every other purpose,a Hammond's Flowers are ' cause they are fresh whsa them. t? If you want anything in i line, it will be to your vantage to consult Incorporated .*■« 109 East Bread Sired, The Nowlan Compa LEADING JEWELERS 921 Eaat Mam Street, ... Are headquarters far Elegant Cifte in Fine i Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Ac., quality is considered, their prices are the l All correspondence given careful attention Goods sent on approval. Express prepaid.