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BITTER FIGHT IF PRESENT ICE (U6X IN ENGLAND HABKEE CXTSFAE DEGREE OF VI TCPEftATION AND ABE8K. 'N. DM. 2.—The parllanirn 1 campaign now drawing to a <io*< reached a most unusual decree of tlon and slander, Politicians that England has rod experienc fo.bitter a campaign in the present tion. Accusations of treason, theft and ' _ are made in nearly every polltl apeei h. and It Is expected that the elusion of the campaign win he d by scores of slander suits. In seventy constituent lea in to-morrow members of the n> w lament « lieetelclb mf« mfw tnfw 'Ilatneiit will be tleetid and in all leal circles to-day it Is coneeded It the result of to-tn rrow* voting 1 be a splendid indication of the outcome of the buttle between , conservatives and the liberals — Che lords and the commons. With the important Issues that are g* stake there is an unexplained apa j|ty prevalent among the voters and paid canvassers are to-day yaking the Country to reach the Indifferent voters pud secure their pledges. |~JIore than 20ft of the nomination* ftw constituencies have been made. Add the final issues Joined. la-ader A- J. Balfour, of the t'nlonists. and Joseph Chamberlain have been nomi •ated without opposition and are thus Insured of their seats 8PTIB1 IS GIN I OSTIL MARCH 1 (Continued from First Pag* > patrons, proposes to occupy the tint] floor. The 0. A O. would re 's not loss than ti n floors, while R„ F. and I', ottictals estimate t they would need fully two floor*. ; »ot more The (.'hunter would npy a section of n floor, hould the proposition of the Cham toe accepted. Its present build > Of six stories would have to come to give way to the new struc charober site hsr n fri ntage ot on Main street and a depth of foot. end under the terms pro is offered at the rate i f $3,000 lit foot. This Is approximately nr-*"". "* placed upon it l>y the preaentath e« of th syndicate did appear at the meeting in an ol 7 capacity, the understanding 1«» that they would conduct lurther ntloiiR with the subcommittee of chamber in chary of the trnns Depend' on Pains, toer .he option i to he finally It '* stated, depends largely the report of an architect in re to the suitability of the site for Structure such us the syndicate like to put uji An adverse ro ta not anticipated bank, as well as the two rail long felt the need ot more IIS (juarters. which will he pro by the proposed office building of the building silso meant the Chesapeake and Ohio will re , Its headquarters in Jidchmond ently and not consider moving sclnnnti, ns has bet n repeated sited. Btractors estimat that the sky Iper could hardly hr made ready occupancy before the spring o| at the earliest, in view of the that the work of c.* moliehing the Bat building would consume Con tble time. ^ KITE TEACHER MAT INTER CONTEST (Continued from First Fage.) percentage additional percentage plar I all votes sent in before January per cent, more valuable. VV< i also going to pay a commission ol cent, on all cash paid subs, rip will, h will repay you for hand the money and making out ttn pt blanks for subscribers. All cast Perlptlons secured v, i! 1 count at owa: months' subscription. 40t months' subscription, l.oot months' subscription, l.t „j year's subscription. 5,50o vot go years' subscription. 6.000 vot bfne years' subscription, lu.o subscriptions is what is going lint, because the votes will pile Quicker than the voles you clip toe paper every day. By white teacher can enter the Any one can nominate a ■ and any teacher who has been can be voted for. The tirst Btion blank we receive for any will count 1.000 votes; each blank will count one vote, announced In Tin- Virginian's ns, the value of th. coupons up every day will vary from time Be, so don't fail to watch The every day for all the news contest. The coupons must be ' cut out, properly signed, mailed tod with the Travel Manager. 'Information wit) be gladly sup. and Cheertuih, given. Coupon appears In another part of to lasue. Unit id Suites Circuit Court of r—iia Friday morning t-»• <k up the fipf Mrs. lisii v. i.ym h. ot tinio, the Wylie Permanent Camp . npany f r damages amounting **.000, l ease was first heard in the Cir ‘ Tt of West Virginia, and n a* by the defense. f.CMe Mrs. Lynch slates that i riding in a coach run by the '““manent Camping Company _don incorporated under the the Ktate of West Virginia, “ted in operating a i>u* line tellowstone Naiional Para. Mrf the wheel* of the convey le off. causing the horse* to the conch to turn o»er in —wey the piaintiiT was thrown I nr erwly Injured In the ghoul liOWn This occurred in Au t:T0*I and the case has N-en l®t*. tfmn after the a i. ■ ^ pproai he l i y ;ru 1 to compromise on ti, “1 Ui do. ■ But the to settle and Jf mitt, gaining i .WMtt tt tS M~tod»wsn . LmCH SUOfiG will probably reached some tirw toon. _ ... ■\mm film j m 81 KEEP UP (Continued from Fir11 *’»*•■ I _ for the navy for 1911. Thin claim has I .-on jcuod upon by membrn of the Mouse Committee on N« al Adair* and branded as misleading. Muring the next sesjion Meyer all! ask Congress to anprnv» his new root ganiration ( heme, which war partial ly installed m a temp'rary form laai year. lie -ill attempt to prove that It has brought the navi Increased ei flilenoy at a decreased < ost. * The first blow dealt the estimates is the ( barre that Meyer has tut down tin e\pen,> urn s for ‘hipbultdlns by $10,000,000 in order t" makt n fmnr able showing In economy, Tlie actual cost of !h< maintenance of the navy they Hay, has not decreased under th> Meyer administration. Uu* has Increas ed so far that the secretary has beer obliged to ask 16.0tl0.fl00 more for this purpose In his estimates for n< m year. A saving in shlpbulldfng. they ' claim. Is not a genuine *a\ Ing. that it simply posipor cs approprla- j titans. SEN. MONEY FA VC RS FOR I IFYING CANAL THINKS GOVERNMENT HAD BET TER DO THIS AND NOT TRUST TO UNCERTAINTY OF NEUTRALITY. j WASHINGTON, D C„ Dec. 2.—The ! i fortfliration "f the Panama canal will! | hnv* tin' uqnullbed support 'if St na tor Muni', of Visod-sippi, the mlnoritj leader ■! the upp-r house of Congress. "Those who talk about neutralizing the canal by treaty don't know what they | are talking about," raid Senator Money j to the United Press to-day. "When i the question of a canal tlrat arose, in | 1RS7, 1 stood for an American canal and for fortifying It. I have not chanpr : eti my mind." Senator Money regards the attempt to neutralize the canal hy treaty as u mistaken i<Iea of economy. He be t lieves th&l the waterway, costing a half ; hillion dollars, should he defended, and , doubts the efficacy of an international i agreement to guarantee Its neutrality. “If Japan or any other country do- j dared war," he snId. "they would not j serve notice in the newspapers. They j would gelzc the canul first Moreover,! In the elash of war, treaties are silent. Uespito the neutralization of the Suez; canal hy treaty, the Kngtish closed it fofeight days while they bombarded , Alexandria. If we are going to leave the Panama canal unfortified wc might as well ask the Kngllsh to tear down their fortifications at Gibraltar rind also along the Mediterranean." j Many Democrats are expected to adopt Senator Money’s attitude. VISITORS INSPECT CITY I IHCEKEMTOR PUT i __________ PARTY UP IHRMINtill am OITICIAU aiao » tvT intdi «»n strkkt PAYIN'(j. For flu* purpoM* of inspection the incJnt ra!« r. a party of prtuni r’< nt official?' of Jiirmingbmn. Ala, ar rived In Richmond Friday morning; and 1 after calling «>n Mayor Richardson rt the city had w>re driven out lo the in einerator plant In automobiles. The party, which wa« headed by Mayor Culpepper Kxum, of the Alaba j ma metropolis, will also inspect the I city’s paving in connection with ex tensive proposed improvements in Hir j mingham. They came here from New York and will likely \’4^1t Atlanta and several cities in the middle wetst be fore proceeding home. Others in the party were Krakine liamaay, consulting engineer of the. Tencptaeo Cog I and Iron Company; i’. J. |loKer.«, multi-millionaire mine op f erator and member of the city courn il {of Birmingham; John H. Copeland and Frank W. Smith, council member*, Mayor Hichardson allowed the viM j tors through th»- city hail before se* tmu; out with them on their autonm j bile ride. The city h Incinerator was purchase I from the Heearn Company. <.f Minne apolis a year ago at a cost of $4u,0U0. AGED VETERAN DIES ' IT SOLDIERS HOME Mr William H. Willgosit, a native ■ if i-.ngmnd, uri adopted mn of Vir ginia, a gallant Confederate veteran j arid one oi the oiliest residents of | me State, died I riuay morning at I. ee Camp Soldiers’ Home. He was i in hts ninetieth year. Mr. Wiilgoss was a native of Lon ■ unu, hut had made his home In ; Staunton for a half century. Alt of ! his children preceded him to the ! grave, but he is sun ned ny the fol lowing grandchildren: Mr. C. W. Vaughan, Mr K. A. I’lcot and Mrs. 1 W. C. Todd, of; ltlehinond; Walter II. I'loot, of Hinton; Arthur T. I’lcot, of Cuba; Hurry >1 Picot, l'. S. .N.. I of Philadelphia: Miss Kmma I’leot. ; .Mrs. C. H. lilukomore, of Staunton. I and Mrs. <1. S. Karman, of Clifton | Forge. T he body will he taken to Staunton I Saturday morning on the s:ao tram j for burial. May Bo.Id New 8tablas. Advisability of the city purchasing a new site fur a modern and adequate n..ble ;< r lie street cleaning depart ment will be reported on by u ,-ub lumraldre at toe committee on street i it anm^. w hich w as appointed Thurs day night. The present accomninda i lions are overcrowded and are entirely | nr.satisfactory, arcorrflr>g to Intorma t won received oy the committee. Hhould | the strict cleaning tlepartment build te w stables, it is expected that the ' street ucpurtnient'a stables will l>t> re built .ini! enlarged and i>art of the . ground made vacant bj the change go to the city Jail as a yard for exercising • he prisoners. H.tKKt>T PtlK VlllALtmti . ST A Tel l.tUOH LAWS. A warrant charging a violation of the labor laws w<i, issued at police aeaduuariers Ktioay l.c; ,-traus. Uunst Liquor Company. ’1 no warrant vi.. served on .Mr. i-.. r.. atraus .1, the name ot a nrm, alter ,t wu.. pro curid by tiptcial ogont t linn, n.-l, ot the Slate Otll. tu ot atjot. , war rant allege, w .a;ev. to -o. w. . t hit. 111 OT .at. t 1 •. b rlen. i • . li'did i-’rl dnj jittn. b i.. V. »th him |\ L qi v-iut, v. b afiotei in the na tional capital for nonsupport. Hughes, who was arrested by tha local police Thursday night, denies tha charge and did mm object to going back with tha ■tenth. SBEIEHESSGH03L j TO WEO GH/Uf FEUR j AFTER BEING MARRIED A MONTH MRS. SANDER* SENDS < ARDS TO HER HOME FOLK. WASHINGTON*, Dee. 2.—A thrill ing romance entitled the "Chauffeur and the Heiress," Is engaging the at tention of social Washington to-day. iin<l somewhere in the “North," Ai Sanders, sometime chkiirteur for Miss Blanche Malone and his erstwhile em ployer. are enjoying their honey moon. They have been honeymooning aineo October US, but tVashmgton and ralr mont. W. V« , the brine s home, just learned of it to-uay. Muss Malone at tended the fashionable Mount Vernon seminary. Last summer during her holidays she went home to Fairmont uiui met the new chauffeur, whom her mother had engaged for her. It was a case of love at lirst sight, and ban ders, when Miss Malone returned to school, resigned his Job nnd followed. He was Introduced by Miss Malone to the teachers at the seminary. <>n October 2» they took an early morn ing train for Baltimore and were mar ried there. The family of Miss Ma lone. one of the foremost In West Virginia, have received cards an nouncing the ceremony. The girls at Mount Vernon Semi nary are very much put out because they were not taken into the secret. .All chauffeurs are now regarded with dark suspicion by members of the faculty. Married at Towson. BALTIMORE, MIX. Dec. 2.—The marriage records show that MisR Blanche Malone, the West Virginia heiress, and her former chauffeur. Al Sanders, were married on October 29 at Towson, Baltimore county, by the Rev. Herbert K. Wright, pastor of fhe Towson Methodist Protestant chureh. < MISSION WII.I. Si r IN MRS. BAKER'S CASK. A commission of lunacy will sit Fri day afternoon on the case of Mrs. Ell abeth Baker, of Berwyn, Md., who was looked up on the charge of unusual be havior, Mr. and Mrs. Baker were formerly resident* of Henrico county, but two years ago sold their place anil moved to Maryland. Mrs. Baker ha,-: been under suspicion us regards her mental con dition, particularly when she left her husband and refused to return to him for apparenWy no valid reasons. She was found wandering around tie place of Mr. G. F. Oerloardt, In Henri co county, In a half frozen condition and seemingly out of her mind. Sic was committed to the Henrico .lull Wednesday for safe keeping until lo-r husband could ho heard from or lire commission send her to an asylum. WILLIAM HAW BACK OF AC1IVIFY CHANGE DKtXAKKN UK IS T1RKD OF OF I K F-lIOM»KUS IIKHK DHTVT IN'. AFFAIRS OF THE DISTRICT. William Haw, a Republican of Hanover county, admits that he was the author of the "pernicious poli tical activity" charge against the fed eral employes here. in the course of a statement that he gave out to the newspapers. Mr Haw said that he was tired of seeing the Republican party in the district controlled by a coterie of postoftlce officials here. He says he ia deter mined to have this nppn violation ol the civil service regulations and de fiance of the mass of Republicans put to an end. He claims to have acted without instigation from anyone, and tront no personal motives of disap pointment. Messrs. Treat and Fleg enhetmer are entirely exonerated l>> nim from any part in the accusa tions. He intimated that there was a great deal In the workings of the Republi can parly here that would raise a howl if It was brought to light. t . **. * Irrull Court of Appeals. The i'ntied Mtutcs Circuit Court el App-als reconvened Friday morning ui eleven o'clock with Circuit judge, fluff and 1 'rite hard and District Judge: Royd and Rose in attendance. The following case# wore argued: N'o. 1003. Wliliant F. Hickman, ct al. plain Mff, In error. Vs. Godfrey U Cabot, d f> ttdant in error, in error to the fin-til Court at Parkersburg, W. Va Cuntm ued from yesterday. Cause further -n Piled by William Heurd, of Corkers burg, \v. A a., for the plaintiffs in or for. und by it. .M. Ambler, of Parkers l.urg, \V. Va, for the defendant In i r tor, and submitted. No. 903. Wylie Permanent Camping Company, plaintiff In error, vs. (tail V Lynch, defendant in error; In error to the Circuit Court at Charleston. W. Va Cause argued by Ueorge E. Crier ol Charleston, W. Va., for the plaintiff In error, and by J. B. Handlan of Wheel ing. W. Va.. for the defendant in er ror, Saturday being conference day, re will be no cases In the call for argu ment, but the court wll hold a confer ence session on cases heretofore ar gued and submitted. Teachers I Vet Pay AY a mat a. Colored school teachers trooped to the Henrico county court house Friday to draw their pay roils for the past month for teaching the little shavers of Hie colored schools of the county how to say their a, b, c’s. 1 he Weather RICHMOND, VA.. Deo. I.—Forecast for Klcnniond and Vicinity: Fair to ll *ht ana egiuruuy; not much change In temperature. WASHlNUTON, D. C„ Deo. 2.—Fore cast tor Virginia: Ka.r to-night ano Saturday; not much change m temper ature. WKATHKH (OVDI'I'IOVt. Cloudiness prevail* this morning in the I.oke Region an<l Ohio valley anil light snow la reported In the last-nam ed district also In the mountain sec tions of Virginia and North Carolina. In the Southern State* the weather la dear and cold with killing trusts along the Bast Quit Coast and in Northern Florida. Continued cold weather Is in ciliated for all States east of the Jlls slss ppl ralley during the next 2t> hours. Boston . 10 .'low fork . as Washington .* iiyiu.-D .to Norton ..4. h ho .. uiieaita . is r. .. ... lit* . .. 15-YEAR-OLD SCHOOL LASS WHO CAUSED MOTHER APPRE HENSION RETURNS. , - - ; -<£. ■ ... j FI ft eeii- year old Nora K. Hubbard. ll).. . ci.ooi ^irl reporli d to tin- ponce i an mlss.hg truiii her iioms, i-»*4 Hick ersuii Mitu, reiumea 10 tne fumi.y Hresiue rriuay n.oiniii,.. hue hao nu> run away, met wild turn |-lu>, i.or #ua there anything eue suspicion* about i h. i allegtu niysii-rioua ui»..p^*>ur»uice. r>he aus timing a tain.iy wan Winch her mu.her nu» been acquainted many i years, and salu upon her return home that she thought her mother knew where sue hud gone. The police, woo were risked to search for the gin Monday, were apprised of ner return Friday ami scratched her i iiumc on the rnisHng ll.-t. Alleged Forger .-wilt On. hdwuiu ,«iipiu, a hcaro, with a String ot tiieaea tu, iu..„ as Ills a'lltt, anu a luujiiha iia.i.uiU to noouwihit ti tally U lUith *,c. t.i,a lliul.luusis. Was anatgneu in tne i oil. a < nul l r nuay on si a enaiaes ot loia.iy ana sent on to tne gland jury. ite la ace used oi loiatug me Halites ot sis ul.teleul numiiuiiu ni ins to me, as tor are anu to. tie passed ills met A- at the idroau street rums ana w»s naonea Tnun wanted In Michigan. Hequlsuuui papers up,,n Governor Mann Tor jesse .nelhit, alias t. J. tiuinctle, were receiven lrom tne Gov ernor ot Michigan Friday. Meileu is st,i.i to he wanted In i„uton Harbor. Mulligan, for passing lingua checks ami ootainirig diamond rings with mem. He ts now- in jail in Aoingaon, and when he finishes his term he will he turned over to tin Michigan authorities. Mrs. Itoweus niton. WAHKswTU.N, VA.. i <e.:. 2.—Mrs. Knweua t 'Uon uled at h. r home neai here Wednesday. Goes to M. l/oiiis. Mr. b. T. Hickey, ui im- Hichmonu ! i.iio/motive tv oi as. to, - gone to oi. i...uis to l>e gone t' r ;m inucuitru period. Drauus—< i-uiii|i. WAl.KEKiw, VA., mec, 2.—Miz jiali church. WaiKert.011, tins the stone ui ;i oeauuful weuuiug mi vv cuiii'f nay, wnen .vuss Namur > rump, ouugii tcr nt Airs. c,lia t runip, anil waits Dralne wi-rc married. trn* ceremony being performed uy Km fcl. O. Helsu ihu k, pastor ol Smyrna church. 'I ho church was uecorated In ever greens and ehrysautn. mums. The bride entered with her brother. John trump. she was preceded by hei sister. Mrs. Andrew Bowen. as matron of honor. The ushers were Keu Wal ker, Malcolm Burke. 11i .-rt Dew ana j Clyde Vaughan. Mr. I Uaine had as hlR best man his brother. Oilver Drainc. Miss Lou Fleet presided ut ‘ the organ. I Immediately after the ceremony Mr. ) and Mrs, 1 frame left for a trip North. I < *n their return the) will reside at | BcottSVille. — Strother—It right. (Special to l tie Richmond Virginian.) STAUNTON, VA.. Dec. 2 —Thur. ; Strother, of Wilsonburg. W. Va., anu Miss Hannah Elisabeth Wright were married last evening at the home m the bride’s parent". Mr. and Mrs. 1-.. Wright, Uev. Da <! 11. Kern, of tht M. K. church. South, officiating. Tin groom is a stud'tit at the Dunsmon Business College and will continue tih , til his graduation. i FREDKRK’KSBl KH. VA.. Dec. 2. i Edward Wright and Miss Farr, daugli : ter of Mr. and Mrs Farr, of Caro I lino county, were married Wednesday i at the home of the bride's parents in that county. Ur. Horace F. Taylor. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ItuANOKE, VA. Dec. 2.—A long distance telephone message received by Mrs. ('. R. Hancock announced the death at his home in Norfolk of her brother, Dr. Horace p. Taylor. He died ut 2 o'clock Thursday morning. Dr. Taylor was n graduate of the med b al department of me University o, Virginia., and studied medicine in Be I lev tu Hospital. New York, and In Heidelberg, Herman v. lie practice!, in New > ork until h,s retirement sev eral years ugo. He was forty-four years old. John H, Thoaaan, (Special to The Richmond Virginian i FKEDERICKgJU K-J, VA.. Dee 2. - j iIr John M. Thomas, aged flfty-flv. v.ars. a well-known merchant, of ! Hemp. Stafford . m. ty. died at his i boon- Wednesday .ftor a lingering j illness with canct - lie la survived by ilii-i wife, one eh d one brother. Mr. ’ W. 11. Thomas; (wo alf brothers, .Mr. i J. " Thomas ami Ifred Thomas anu "he half sister, Mrs has. Brogdon. al | of lIlls city. Mr. Thomas, up to a few years ago. j was a prominent bustnaaa man of this city. The funeral took place Friday , from Hartwood chut. h. Newton II. Ibi/.lcwood. j ROANOKE, VA Dec. 2.—Newton ■ H. Haziewnod, «•( , ora old, chief clerk to Walter M D .well. auditor of iaccounts of the Norfolk and Western Railroad, was found .lead in bed this morning. He retired last night In his usual health. He served throughout the Civil War, having been flret lieu tenant In Lathams battery. Edwuiri Powell. i BALE.M, VA., Dec. 2.—Edward ! Powell dropped -b id on the street ! here yesterday us the result of a thir.i attack of paralysi. He waa 78 years of age, and until , few years ago lived In Portsmouth. Va. He is sur vived by hla wife. Interment will be made In Portsmouth .Saturday. William iMtgMflL ROANOKE, VA Dec. S.—William Dogan, father of the Rev. Robert J Dogan, paator of the Jeltereon Street Hnptlat church. Roanoke. died Thurs day at hi* home In Botetourt county, aged 75 year*, fI< tug a Confederate veteran, having sir\e,i four year* In the war Burial of Jefferson John*. j HARRlSONUl lti;. VA., Dee. 2._ ; After being two woks on the road the ‘ body of Jefferson Johns, who died In California on November It, arrived In Basic City Wednesday night and was taken forty mlhs m roa the country In a hearee to I'r 1 l?e water, Rocking ham county, fir interment. _ Mrs. Houston f Jsrsre AMHERST. VA., Dec, *.—Vesterdsy morihrg at '0 0 o c, Mr*. Hod-ton i C d i d a’ ‘ shi rt I'm « j F •. KIT.. his home lr . "0 age of n n*-:y then survive him. '•r home here after ’■ 1VII, . Dec. ! — •t "• ■: i <ur • aria county a. nr . .Several ctiei Mrs. Theodore C. Pilcher. WARRENTON. Va.. Deo. S.—Mr*. Theodore C. Pilcher died at Midjahd > »untJy*d by her. husband and two son* OFFiClllS ESCAPE DEATH II SMASH IIORSE PLl’XOES INTO AUTOMO BILE OCCUPIED BY TWO MAYORS AND ALDERMAN.' Mayor Richardson, Superintendent of street Cleaning Henry Cohn. Mayor | Exum and Alderman Roger*, of Bir mingham, Ala., and John YV. Juk son, chauffeur for the‘capital Motor Company, had a narrow ig.ap.r fron. death >rloay afternoon shortly be fore 2 o’clock, when a horse urlveii by a negro said to have been intoxi cated plunged into their auimnoDlle at Eleventh and Broad streets. All the occupants with tne excep tion of the chauffeur leaped to safe ty. The hurried from the scene of the accident and went to the Capi tol, where they spent some time in viewing the sights there. Jackson was too busy trying to wheel his machine out of tne path of the galloping horse and was struck forcibly by the animal’s front feet. He was knocked to the ground anu badly bruised. The large white horse, drawing n wagon owned by the Krouso Bottling Company, and driven by Harrison Mamer, smashed the steering wheel to bits and plunged down with force upon the metal rod supporting it. The animal was Impaled on the rod for a few seconds, but soon struggled free, leaving some of Its flesh and hair on the steering gear. Mr. Cohn was about to place the driver under arrest, when Agent Bry an. of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, appeared. Some words passed between the two offi cials. but Mr. Bryan finally took charge of the driver. I-ater Bertll lion -'lerk William Toler, of the po lic i department, went across the street ami arrested the negro for reck less driving. MAYOR SEES AO OCCASION TO OCT CITY'S CIIIKC KXEO’nVK KK I’MKS TO CRITICISM RKGAKD 4 l\c; UIIJ, BOARDS. “1 have no authority to prohibit advertisemonts on bill boards unless they are indecent and offensive to the public." said Mayor Richardson Friday when asked if he had any comment to make In reply to criti cisms of his administration made by speakers Thursday afternoon at the quarterly session of the Richmond Hl-County W. C. T. V. "So far as I can see. there are no offensive posters <>n display in the city." he added. “Rut I would ijk, to say that 1 am the only mayor of Richmond who has ever prevented three indecent shows from giving performances here and I think that's oomethinff to my credit. These shows were "The i!ir. from Rectors," "Charlotte Temple" | und "The Blue Mouse." Chief among those who rapped ; the mayor was Mrs. W. M. Dicker*. ! president of the Ri hmond union. She : expressed regret that h, was not in sympathy with the women In their move for purer moral*, as forint I' Mayor McCarthy was. The women ; noted special exception to whiskey j odvertiauments on the boards, point ing out that even Unde Sam him i self in some instances was plctureo ! as Haunting forth bottles of the "finest brands." ! One of the features of the after noon session was the dedication of two little grandsons of Mrs. Rickers to the cause of temperance. Rev. Howard M. Hog,., husband of Mrs. Hnge, president of the State organi sation, conducted the Interesting cere mony. The boys arc William McKen /‘e Kicker* Jr., and Julius Thomas Bickers. FITIEfl OF FROSTS DIES IT ORANEE JlTKiE JDIliS IIROOHS DILL, POM VKARS LK.UIIMi CORPORATION LAWVKR OP VK» JEHSF.V. OKANOK, N. J,t flee, 2.—Judge James Brooks D.ll. often referred to as “the father of trusts," died at his home hen early to-day He was for many years iho most prominent corporation lawyer n New Jersey and helped frame the articles of incorporation »f many of the big combinations organised under the protection of the state law*. His Income was estimated at 1300,000 a yoar. In 1905 he was persuaded to accept a place on the bench and became fully as noted a jurist as he was a corpor ation lawyer. He was about to resume private lawpractice. having resigned from the bench, when taken with an at tek of hert filur stink I ..t cmfyppwto tack of heart failure some weeks ago. DRUSES ARE Oil CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 2—Seven hurmreu Diases have been ala n in outlie wall Turkish traps at Human. Syr,a, south of Damascus, accoru u„ to dispatches received here to-uay De .pite tile heavy s uugliter, lm ma.ii body of the Druses e. t,mated to num ber 10,000, is *1,11 out and an - oilier fierce encounter is expect,d. The present conflict Is belo ved to be another of the long chapter of outrage., growing out of religious hatred, that the Turks have perpetrated on the Druaes. who withdrew from the Mu hammeden faith centuries ago. A1 most invariably the Turks have been the aggressors In these fights and ai though. details of the piesent trouble are Tacking, it is presumed that the Turks er. forcing the fighting. The Dm es are reported entrenched n a mou-ia n fastne s that will all their dialougeir.eiit a r ffl ult matter. ..ISClteS S IL CF i: i NtficN sm • » I'll t- T . i !:. ■’ - - | ,r. NOIlFOI-’v. V.V.. •, Jrimralpwn Exp' fi l> n < el er* , t to lay on I dpe-w-esl rio .* plan., i,»r tbe sale 'f 'he Jiunekown site which Judge Waddlll U expected to .direct here December 21. No definite recom mendation waa determined upon. An effort la Mu made to aeU the prop erty to 4*e boat tdnaUf* .for the creditor*. *■ OPEUG STRONG BUT SOON PIUS MODERATE GAINS OF THE FIRST l TRANSACTIONS ARE QUICKLY DOST. THEN RALLY’ COMES. •NEW YORK, Dec. 2.—A strong tene prevailed at the opening of Uie j stock market to-day. with some mod I erate gains. The tone quickly chang ed, however, stocks being well sup i plied, and most of the early gains | were lost. After receding from the opening figures, the market devel i oped a firmer tone and In the last I half of the hour ranged fractional!) T higher. Governments unchanged; , other bonds dull. ] After the show of strength weak i ness again developed under selling pressure, causing sharp declines In all the actlva Issues and carrying some stocks down to new low points for the movement. “ j The market ruled extremely weak ia the early afternoon prices of the I leading Issues sustaining further losses of a point or over from the midday 1 range, with all the active railroads | and Industrials selling at a new low level for the week. 140*4 IK)** 07 lie.’ a J28f 00 14T: 32 1131* A0 3*3 744 113H 139 H NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Open. Closed. American Best Sugar.. 54 134 Am. A*r. Ohem- Co. 42jF AlJit-ChjUmtr*. *4 Allia-ChamberSfpfd. 80*4 Almatgamated Copper. 63 6 H American Can. 9 American Can. pfd. 77 76H American Car A Fdj*. 304 30 American Car A Fdy, pfd. 114 American Cotton Oil. A merican Locomotive.. 36* £ American Locomotive. pfd. American .Smelting. 733* American Suagr. ll'*» Amor. Tel. and Tel. Co.!... 140 American Tobacco, com. American Tobacco, pfd. 1 Anaconda Copper. Atchison.. 100^ Atlantic Coast Line. Baltimore and Ohio... 103’£ Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 75H Canadian Pacific. Chesapeake and Ohio. SO** Chicago Great Western. 214 Chic MU. and St. Paul. 1214 Chi. and North western .. 144 C. G. W., pfd . Central leather. 32*4 Colorado Fuel and Iron . . . 31 Colorado and Southern. Colo, and South., 1st pfd. Col. and South., 2d pfd.. Consolidated Gae ... ... Deleware and Hudson... T>enver and Rio. F.. coin. 28** Deover and Rio G., pfd. 70 Distillers' Sec. Cor. Erie. 274 Erie, 1st pfd. . . Erie, ad pfd .. General Electric.. 132*4 Great Northern, pfd. 1 g I 4 Great North. Ore. Ctft. Illionoia Central. I'ii. Metropolitien. I at. Metropolitan, pfd ..... 39 100 114 104 H 74 *4 192 S04 2U4 1204 1424 31-4 1?2 K.2 M 4 4.H4 130 19*| 1.V04 121 L*\ 129*4 1*4 01*4 404 I t. Mer. Marine, com. Int. Mer Marine, pfd. . Infer? a ional Pape?....... International Paper. p!d. . . KaizbHji City S>>.. com. Kansas City So.. pfd. l/Oit«*»ville and Nashville. . . Manhattan. . . Metro. Street Railway . . Mo.. Kan. and Texas ..... Mo.. Kan. and Tex**, pfd. . Missouri Pacific . . National Lend . New York Central. . N. Y Oat. and Western . . . Norfolk and Western. Northern Pacific. .r . .... Pacific Mai! . Pennsylvania. People'* Gaa. . . .. Pressed Steel Car. Pressed Steel Car. pfd . Kwy. steel Spring .corn Reading. Republic Iron and Steel. . . . Repbuici I. find S., pfd. Rock Island . Rock Island, pfd. .... Sloas-Shef field. Southern Pacific. ... Southern Railway. 24*4 Southern Railway, pfd . 00 Tennessee Copper. 354 Texas Pacific. . ... Union Pacific. 170*4 United State* Rubber. 32‘ a United States Steel.. 74 4 United States Steel, pfd. J04 Va.-Car. Chemical. 004 Va.-Cnr. Chemical, pfd... Wabash. Wabash, pfd . 3 {i. ■ *3 extern l nkm... :>o 140H ,104 434 314 1.94 904 1124 mi i-H R4»* :»4 304 1454 114 04 4 314 19*4 1124 #♦*4 AH *4 .'5 24 H 168,4 •24 734 1164 004 33 704 »»Vi STOCK M \IIKKT. Richmond, Va., Dec. 2. 1*10. .. . ... „ Dirt asked Va. 3s. Old C. & R. 1*32....87'4 HTi, Centuries, 2-3 C. & R. 1991...88 A. c. i. K. K. Con. Tr 4 p. c. 94 C. * O. Uen. Mer. 414 «. 1*92 101 Go. I‘ac. 1st 8s. C. 1*22_113 Os. and Ala. Con. 5s. 1945.. 104 Nor. A West liy 4s 1996 . ...9S N. & VV. jty. 1-oca. 4». 1944 96, & Dan. Go il 6s. C. 1916105 fcealioarn >tr Lne 4s, 1950.. tio. Railway, 1st 5». 1994 . ,i07 West. c ijt. ta. C. 19 1 4 . . to., Va. Ky. A V. Co. 5s. UJ4....*7 Va. Ky A: 1’. Co Pr-f.71 Va. x.y. Ar P. Co Com.23 Han. Coast Line Coin.114 C. and 0.80 ..o ai.u West Com .97 R F. 8 !, 1) v ObliK.270 ~o. Ka.lway pief .59 • Railway, com .24 1 rst .300 Merchants Nat onal .s75 Na. Hank of \a.184‘i Na. State and City Hank.. 173 Planters National .675 Sav. Rank of Rlch’d.63 W Union Rank of Htch'd.230 Virginia Trust Co.120 Va. Fire and Marine.65u m. To. Co. Pref 6 p. ..*4 Am. Lo. Pref .105 Va. Car Chem Pref 9 p. c..l;3 Va Car. Chi m Co coin ....60 275 124 HK'llsItlMt I.Mtlt iliRKfiT Richmond, Va., Die. 2, 1910. wm: t— o 2 re1, western 1 01 ui 10. RT*— No. t Ry*, Mr Iota 48 So. I Rye. Mr lota ® Virginia (bag lots). SI 89 SI 8ft 88 ___ _:_j MjiSsIft Chicago. IlL. Dae. S, 1*18. The leading future* to-day ranged nj .81 «4 :!?a ■ «SH .4714 .48H HR NT Dee. . May..— July . CORN— Dee. ,. May . July . OAT«— Dec..31 Tli May .34 Vi July ..3444 PORK— '■ Jan, . 1747 May .1675 LARI)— Dec....... Jan. .. >10 May R1BR— Jan, May 975 937 913 son 887* 94 43% 47% 48% 31% 34V, 34% 1753 385 i 907 933 Dt'j COTTON OPLNS STRONG BUT TURNS WEAK i NEW YORK, December 2.—Cotton was stead}- at he opening 1 to ft point' lower but Immediately turned weak cn a report that Mlaa Otlea figures on the crop were 12,029,000 bales. Busi ness continued active here after the call and at 10:20 o’clock the list was nor. ou* at the bottom, with room pressure more aggressive. Prices: December, 14.75(077; Jan uary. 14.77 #78; March. 15.02©0:i; May. 15.21 #22; July, 15.18# 18; Au I gust, 14.81 offered; October, 13.32^ 1 *»• ♦ ATTORNEY EXPLAINS TELEGRAM INCIDENT, i i (Special to The Richmond Virginian. > Raleigh, n. c\. Dec. 2.—Ed. s. j Abell, a prominent Johnston county attorney, appeared in Federal court this morning and explained the tele i gram incident of yesterday in which i Judge Connor directed Abell to ap I pear to-day to explain how he pre sented to court a telegram about a sick wife in getting continuance of the case when no such telegram conic here. Abell said his daughter told htin over the telephone the facts set I out in the telegram and that ho : wrote the message on a telegraph i blank as the only convenient paper, and, going directly into the court i room, show ed the written message to Judge Conner and District Attor , ney Seaweli, without the intention oi deceiving them as to the message ! being a telegram. Judge Conner accepted the expla nation with a statement that there had been no other idea on his part, hut that it had been Intended that he regard the message showTJ*-as a telegram. He Accepted thy expiana ! tion. miki; r;ooi> FHOUHKSS run HtiMXi the maim:. NORFOLK. VA. .Dec. 2 —Col. Mason ; M. Patrick, of the Main board arrived : lien to-day from Havana where be looked over the work being done pre paratory to raising the wrecked battle ship. ] H<* said the preliminary work h>t ! been completed and the sp-el sheet pi' log for building the cofTer dam whit was delayed, is expected to reach H vans to day. Thera Is a considerable force of men and an adequate plant t 1 .make it practicable to carry the work forward by night and day. This will be done according to Col. Patrick it Is noi possible to predict with fair ae t-uraoy wilt n the cc(Tt-r dam will be completed but probably In a few months it w 11 be ready for pun:ping out the water and exposing the wreck t'apt. Fergus.m. F. S. \. u member <>'. i the Maine board t» at Havana personal ! ly directing the work. GOOD PROGRAM FOR BOYS BANQUET The annual banquet Of the boys department of the Young Mens Christian Association. the Bible Stud; t'lub and Sunday Afternoon Club will ; he given Friday evening at 7:3>» o'clock, under the auspice* of a com mittee from the boys' dopartmen . ! composed of Robert F. Bell, B*«> Blg ] gan. Henry Freeman, K. B. Bent Is , anu Henry Billy. There will be an informal reel p ! tion from 7 to 7: JO. Supper will be ! served at 7:30 by the woman-* social committee and will be tempting S enough to make a boy be on time. The progrum for the evening aa ar ; ranged by the committee la as fol 1 lows: I Orchestra: presiding officer. Word* I of Welcome, Mr. XV. J~>. Jhtke. chair* I man boys' work committee: toast- * 1 master, the general secretary; boys' j banquet; Our Association, H. S. Dan* [ tier; Our City, K. I*. Hernias: Our State, 8. F. Padgett; orchestra: Our World, George Cary: Our Homes. Be* Llggan: boys' banquet; address, C. C. Robinson, of New York; Home, Sweet Home, the orchestra. TWO WOMKN GIVEN HARD LABOR TERMS (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NORFOLK, VA„ Dec. 1'.—In the Corporation Court here to-day two white women were sentenced to terms at hard labor in the penitentiary for grand larceny. Bertha Only got two years for robbing A. B. Fllppen at 1800, of which 1700 was recovered. » Grace Wtlsrn got one year for rob* ting a Greek sailor of $100. AO BE OWR Kill OF CEfiTML BANK B'LL W ISHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 8,—'What was accepted by many a* a death knell for hopes of the passage of a Central Bank bill at this session of congress was sounded In a statement Issued by Senator Aldrich to-*: 'ftir a meeting of the atlonal ry Commtslon at hi* office In t ok The statement announces c t.s and hearings on currency rttv.... .con during and after the session tnat be gins Monday. irso fiiiij ROADS TE TII'I 8»V.*KN II, G'i. Dec. I.—Indict* in iinrs-nt v*: r.<ten of the anti* • «t law., vvi r« reiurred by the Fel er.iI grand Jury here to-day against the Atlantic t-'oart Bine, the Seaboard Air Bine and the Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. H. killer and M. Miller, grain mar*