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De'icious Ice Cream Made from pure milk and cream. W e cater to Drug Stores, Weddings. Receptions and Cafes. The Rennie Dairy Co. (Incorporated) Phone Madison 7M .14 and MS North 7th Street and it’s fresh from the dairy. Send in your order for Sweet Milk, Butter Milk, Cream and Butter. L. F. Hudaon, President (Formerly with L. F. Rennie Co.) H. H. Vadeo, See. sad Treat. (Formerly Bjuek Hill Daily) THE RENNIE DAIM CO, (Incorporated) Phone Maaiaon 70S. , WF M Wt s m wt May We Fill Your Basket? Our line of Groceries, Freeh Matt, Fruit* and Vegetable* will please you H. C. Richardson & Co. 544 last Marshall Phone Madison 135 The Broad Street Market Fresh and Staple Groceries. Tobacco, Cigars. Fresh Meat*, Vegetable*, Hay. Grain and MlU-Feed Freeh Fish, Oysters and Game In Season Coeds Dtlioerod Promptly hy (htr Wagons 534 West Broad Street Phones Monroe 133,133, 134. Fruits, Confectioneries 3 Cans Tomatoes or Corn 25c 3 pounds Seeded Raisins... 25c Currant, Cleaned.11c Citron, 18c pound, 3 pounds for.50c California Peaches, 15c or 2 for.25c Finest Quality Lemon Cling Peaches, 18c or 3 for.5€c Dried Peaches, Prunes and Nectarines. A. C DALTON, 419 North Sixth Street Phone Monroe 1259. Beautify Your Table! Out Cut Flower* will gits your tabloi • refreshing appearance. We make I specialty of Wedding, Reception anc Funeral Design*. Mann & Brown g West Broad Madison 3N1. Salted DelicaPeasant Stores. and . Fancy Smoked Meats Groceries. Wholesale and Retail, i Fresh Meats, Staple and Fancy Grocers. We can fill your Saturday market { ! basket. Central Market, ! 312 North 17th Street Imported Goods, French, Swiss and Limberger Cheese, Fine German and Domestic Sausages, Holland Herring and Sardellen. A. Rothschild, 307 East Marshall Street Monroe 1971 411 Harrison Street Phone Madison 5448-L. Monroe 1491 For making light, wholesome, palatable Old Virginia batter bread, cakes, pies, " waffles, biscuits, &c., Use Good Luck Baking Powder The Brand That’s Sold Regularly in Carload Lots to the Jobbing Trade. Annual sales over twenty-one million pounds—enough to leaven thirteen billion, four hundred and eight million big, healthy, strength-building biscuit. Pure Foods at Reasonable Prices Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Chickens ar,d kiggs Goods Delivered Promptly J. W. PRICE, i 414 Cast Marshall Street ——-OtMs«=IISOnJl«E!H=K=HK— A. Eichel & Co. 313 to 317 Nsrfk SsA Stmt The Beet in the Market Steaks, Roasts, Chops, Pork Sausage a Specialty. Smoked Meats. Phone Monroe 645-646. Olive Oil! Extra Virgin Lucca Olive 0(1, from Sunny Italy, where the be*t grade* of olive oili are produced. Frunceaeo Barsottalii & Co., Diatributora Camoire Prov. of Lucca Frank Moriconi & Co., Agants 20* North Eighth Street. Richmond. Va. PURE MEATS. Andrew J. Warren DEALER IX Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb, Veal Salted Meats of all kinds. Prompt deliveries. Phone Madison 514. 415 North Sixth Street. New Fancy Grocery Specials Water Ground Meal, per peek.31c Large Pat Corned Shad, per pound. .ISc Country Peeled Dried Peaches, per lb. 3Sc » Fat y * * >y 8aua Beans, quart Mackeml.5c Sausage, pound.lie irt.Ifc tia Ham, per pound.14c Regular Sugar Cured Ham, per pound Me Large assortment of Fresh Vegetables at low prices. Large ri AU Pork Tra: Small Navy California H J. E. MITCHELL, (01 East Marshall St. Fonficrly with Richardson & Mitchell 504 East Marshall Goods delivt red promptly. Call Monroe 908. VSkwt / A,. . 1 Mobjack Bay i Oysters. Th<w oysters are opened on the promise# (>tll and lot us serve you. FISH, OYSTERS AND GAME. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.! 4*2 North Siith Street Madison 5219 Stall 31. ted Market Madison 5672 Julian E. Flournoy EVERY GOOD HOUSEKEEPER USES| MADE IN RICHMOND SOLD IN FOUR CONTINENTS FISH DISHES. TO BAKE SMELTS. Wash and do- them thoroughly in a cloth, and arrange 'hem oicaly in a f!»* baktng diah. tha pan ahould he battered, alan the fish; aeaaon with aaft and pepper, and cover with bread or cracker crumbs. Place a piece of buttar over each. Bake lor fifteen -or twenty minute*. Garnish with tried paraiey and rut i BROILED SPANISH MACKEREL. Split the fiah down the back, take out the backbone, waah it in oolti water, dry it with a cicwn. dry eieth. sprinkle it lightly with aalt and lay it on a huttlved andiron, over a dear tiro, with the flesh aide downward, until it tiegina to brown; then turn the other side. Have ready a minute of two tabieepnonftU* of buttor melted, a tabicapoottful of lemon juice, a tahleepooa of aalt, aome pepper. Dish up the flab hot from the gridiron on a hot dish, turn over the nurture and serve it while hot. Boiled Spanish mackerel ia excellent with other fiah sauces. Boiled Spanish mackerel is also very fine with moat of the fish sauces more especially "Matre d'HoU'l Sauce ” BOILED SALT MACKEREL. Waah and clean aoff all the brine and ait; pat it to anak w ith the meat aid# down, in cold arater over night; in the morning rinse it ia one or two waters Wrap each tip in a cloth aadfiut it into a kattla with cotuuderabla water, which should be cold; cook about thirty minutea. Take it carefully from the doth, take out the backbonea and pour over a little malted butter and cream; add a light sprinkle of pepper. Or make a cream saure like the foil owing: Heat a small cup of milk to enabling, bur it iato a teaapoonful of cornstarch wet tip ’ with a little water. When thia thickens, add two tabieepooniuls of butter, pepper, aalt and chopped paraiey. to taete. Beat an egg light, pour the eaucw gradually over it. put the mixture again over the fire, and stir one minute. Dot more. Pour upon the fiah. and serve it with some slice* of lemon, or a few sprigs of panfey or watercress, on the dieb aa a gar nidi. RAKED SALT MACKEREL. When tha mackerel have soaked over night, put than in a pan and pour aa boiling water enough to cover. Let them stand a couple of minutes, then drain them off. and put them in the pan with a few lumpe of butter; pour on a half taacupful of tweet cream, or rich milk, gad a little pepper; set in the oven and let it baba a little until brown. FRIED SALT MACKEREL. Select aa many aalt mackerel a* reouired: waah and cleanse them well, then put them to anak all day hi cold water, changing them every two hours; then put them into fresh watsr lust before retiring. In tha morning drain off tha water, wipe them dry, roll them in flour, and fry in n littisbotter on n hot. thick-bo! tamed frying pan. Serve with a little melted butter poured over, and garnish with a littie paisley. BROILED FRESH MACKEREL. Freeh mackerel are cooked in water salted, aad a little vinegar added: with this excep tion they can be moved in the aame way aa tha aalt mackerel. H/oiled onsa are very nice with tha samp cream sauce, or you ran substitute egg sauce. The Peer of them alt! f Beaufont Ginger Ale! On Sale by leading Druggist* and Grocer* everywhere. I St cult in a Sanitary Plant. Daily Capacity. 12,000 BottU* STIEGLER & CO. j Manufacturer of Blue Ribbon Saiwage. I Guaranteed all Pork. Now on hand. Meats and Provisions \ 3SS-1* North ftth Street. PHONES:—Monroe IS*—1*9. EVERYTHING PURE J. P. Harris DEALER IN Fresh Meats, Groceries and Canned Goods Country Bacon, Butter, Egg* and Poultry. Prompt Sendee. Phono Monroe MM _SM North Slith Street •S555H“5HKH3HBB53BSH*ESHK55HH^?SKHHBS“ BtUMuhcd 1992 Phone Monroe 979 Louis Cohen & Son Bakery i M7 NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET Excellent Service—Prompt Deliveries. Try our Rye Breed; we hare quality. All Meat* displayed in Glaaa Covered, , . Ice Cooled, Sanitary Show Case*. Deliveries to all section* of Richmond. * Everything Good to Eat at Prices Lower Than the Lowest. New London Layer Raisins, 9c, or 3 pounds for.,.35c Beet Irish Potatoes, per peck 39c, or per bushel. 75c New Citron, per pound.I9c New Seeded Raisin*, 1-lb. package.. Sc New Cl • ne ’ Ci. r nts, 1-lb. pa kafre.lkc Old Va. , er in* iu*>, can.13 l-3c Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart.... 19c Nary Beans, per quart.9c Young Chickens, per pound.19c Best Irish Potatoes, per peck.39c ciqllr Sr FinestDiU Salt Water Pickles, quart. 19c 9c 35c New Split or Oman Peas, per pound 7 Bara Swift Pride Laundry Soap.. 7 pounds New Buckwheat.35c Fine California Asparagus, can.39c California Table Peaches, 14c or 2 cans 35c Large Can Tomatoes, can.7c Best Suflur Corn, can.8c Oyster-Chokers and Cracker Dust, lb. 9c Best American Granulated Sugar.5c Fresh Country Eggs, dosen.37c Best City Meal, peek 39c; bus.75c Good Lard. . Good Salt Pork, pound ••••••}£ Winner Brand Condensed Milk, can . 19c 3 Cana Tomatoes for Soup.10c Smoked California Hams, pound.14c Imported Sour Krout, qt.. 7c, or 4 qt*. 35c New Buckwheat, prepared ready for me. package.5. 9 and 14c New S ur Pick es, per gkllon.33c One Pound Package Hamilton Roasted Coffee.19c ° 1-2 Poued Can Cracker Jack Coffee 59c N w L *t <‘o 1 ayer 1 a sins.. 3 lb- for 3 c ^.other’s o. Quaker Oats, package .. *c Snaps or Soda Crackers, lb_5c i.Caspt_ Silver King, best Patent Flour 95.15 bbl; per bag 33c S. ULLMAN'S SON 1820-22 East Main Street and 506 East Marshall Street Ask for our General Price Lint: its a money eater. The National Food Lucca Olive Oil Is the greatest tissue bOiiding food ever known. It builds up the whole body, tones up the nervous system and adds a health ful zest to the appetite. This oil is a smooth, luxury, with a tasty, nutty flavor that is very agreeable. No sick room should be without it. Every housewife should have it on hp table. Prices, 70c per quart; $1.25 per half gallon; 92.40 per gallon. CHASIE TRAFIERI 500 West Main Street. - LANDI BROTHERS, 424 East Marshall Street, LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS. •