Newspaper Page Text
Mwiimn 1758 rial—Mmitmm 1922. Socsett— Midinon 1923. DECEMBER s DECEMBER S PRICE OF VIRGINIAN. Pkk Copt, Citt Edition .... To I’ek Copt, State Edition. . -2o Ur Mail On Year.$4.00 mokdJI^irginian Ptrsusitsr Etut D*t V\ urr THF RICHMOND VIlUilMW oo\ir*\Y. tv |£ S»Nm " MKRK .Onn*e** k b. h WooDTin \/ isttfiV f.Mtar IfttiiwwOffice: TV Vtrywi&n BttiitJtn*. Gore* a*.*r UlCIiMU.N 1). V t i Iv.IN l A $4 >1 Diut o»i Ym* f >»»■» *> * t>. 8»1 Mont»«, I‘* •: . * i>*ui iim .tfovras, i‘ mitv i i*hio. Iv6tOT*d »«■ mai'f’1, Jan'J'V '. »>■ 1 •. »l irf** ot .Rrt*fctwad. ' *-. ui* irr »*t - i \3 *n*ft <. 1 >« J :te A KKAt. M W A OHK VHI>I"( K.\T. According to the delightful perv-rsily of tatt. it ha* b**M» rttmi’s trafed that ther- ;s at' »J1 something in 'in . hsirgi of American dollars in the Ksichsh > >*\1h In the I’lyrooutn 'district, Ann ; n un t .1.1 has won n signul vt« ■tor}', l ui not, as tin rn:*>nis's have (>■ ci or. tending, for wild ><> l.itvralistii .m i i Kul» Instead, tin <:•>,*) r<<1 gold of Vinero a Iwug it ;'s seat in tlm imprest t • ih* Tory mas. . and tn the person ol > outs Waldo"! Aster. sen* to l*.»rt la ment as uni oit. a: ’ in '.c an ar ■ !.« :;il .e is all. when; to is found on Fifth Averin. There i- nothing iris F ont the Waldorf As tor* Instead, the v.-ra. ions ehroni 'e it their 4BCt*try diec-ov;.- that their found* : was a ire title man with and other** *-• • .lOUfe mi Stilt well Steel traps, .-now ifisrni the basis -e she glor and * the slory o' tnos< til P ti instin< ‘s, eouimen iaH> The emblem of tin muskrat wrong side out s and hug-harre led rifles ■ fortune iust as behind S (if tie belted earl lie » i’ll crude mad' •( «» nu itfce earth iu order that idleness might become illustrious The AO'tn tong ago discovered that secret of success Is in trading with other* its. and in letting for rent die lands which Hers win. In New York fit. .. thousand ents, from palaces and hotels to tin man!, eters of the poor. ««nd tin ir dividends to ,nd in order that i’lyuiouth’ mav have a representative in Parliament. All of this so English that it is in cheeks and monocle, has remained for an \stor to show the Amer -;jm way to a patent of nobilitv without tlie in t of marriage. .For it must lie that 'la expatriate who has ht his way to Parliament with American dollars will b; the same token find Ins name ip Burke, in ho- Siono Vi/t-ef What the elder SJtStbr, with ail his country seats and tennis es to Kings and K!nge*ses. lias failed to ti". son has accomplished by a stern American tern e on the justness and privilege of Itary right. When ultimately the Mouse fjords shall have been saved in all its ancient and prerogative. It 1s reasonable to suppose the great-grand’on of the commercial US whose business magic < hanged the glossv to shining gold will get himself Into knee ta and silk hose, and kneeling amid the awed with which a Kingly ae; i- greeted, re hrs the mystic sword tap and ris-* Mr Knight! At which It were appropriate that nil the peas ■y of the Astor real estate across the sen uld rise ami send a resounding cheer ac ross way to the man whom no mistake of Firth. Horn, no incident of environment nor tradi of Democracy, could keep nwav from the ision of the title which h' lci his heart, arid Which he had set his pursi ' mi; 1'oi.oM i. wii mi .ri i«.i It would be Interesting, but useless . should Baldwin, Governor elect of New llamp e. refuse an invitation to attend the banquet rwhich Colonel Roosevelt in expecting to speak l,Hew Haven next week There is vastly tour. 9n for a refusal on Judge MulwinV part, to With Colonel Roostr’elt. than there was for Colonel to peremptorily decline to sit at with Senator, hut it is to be hoped : the man in this instance will take a broach of ordinary amenities than the other man 1 in the former. Simple bee ause Colonel Uoo.-> took ithe view tha his position justified a wh of ordinary etiquette is no reason whv, k his case, Judge Baldwin should emulate his llplc. attack made |,y the ex-l’rrsident, during campaign, upon the Judge was one of tin* Indefensible in political hiato y lb ,-pok the facta in the plain light, of tin printed rd. He used his prominent position to tin of injuring Judge Haiwin s reputation ns a fer and as a rnan. He put in the mouth of I'dbttlngulshed juris thing- which he never and could never have said. And, with true reltian braggadocio, he stuck to the state ; and repeated ii Now. the course of events these* two men to the position of fellow as the same dinner. The occasion js one for a high order of appetite, plonel Roosevelt inti nates that, lie is in c or donee with Judge Baldwin, presumable the purpose of adjusting the difficulties of [gate situation. Rumors have it that, while l Colonel has written, the Judge has returned Htfetars. it is demanded, however, that tin ent retract, If he does so, it will be that the unlearhable has begun to as we think Judge Balw.n would lie to attepd a dinner simply because a jj,WhO has slandered him is also invited, latter from Roosevelt would at this tim to help along hie somewhat injured |lP tha country. So far. having cruelly al to injure the reputation of a man in »c« of the peonie, he as cruelly refuse, I Amends. Even after the event, and aft*-. Should have pa-sed from the situation, Obstinately to ;he original error. Be |0 a big man and one who, still holds, his defeat, the confidence and <VH section of tha public, Judge Baldwin should be mugni .niniou- enough Vo oink hls private res< ulmi lit n Ins public > huruet- r and because of that eontlcb ;< • and interest. tip' px-Prosnlent oi th.’ l Tilted Stat * seeuld reali/t that etoa In 10 not great enough -I** for*' th. pub lic Jury •"■ jtiMit ol • • taW-facwl slander. t, \s m<»i si: < i. u'i Jt is :i very small mallei that the lit;, sirmlld be asked io < mpensate for lit " lest by its cm < injure.I in tie. p.-riiTinauei of their du ties. Su a a n-fill si i ..<* every reason of .list nos* to support it. It is reasonable anil right, and there could is- no .osst’de criticism of the' ppropriation necessary to grant it. li is a matter of i.notln r sort whin u corn .lilttvie of t'ouii. il ask- . ;• yiui tit in whatever amount for injuries . , ■ < « ruing which ii appeal that 11:e Committee has absolutely no kiiowledK". li. ig an evidence of a .langerotis l.i\ ' ■ in city government when all the iity legislative mo ehlm r> ;s set in n otion to compensate « it v etn ploy eg for injuries whi'-h the head of the d> payment by win h tin;, are employed declare, were to v er i e. eived in this • ■. quest u of ami t 1 ontes negligible and the irth rent danger of u d< ip-li. tivo system gains ... yivo etnpliasir The n.atti r of the gas works employes injured stands in mis i lie eouiaiitu e charged with passing upon thvr . laims bus reportetl that they were injured and that they should b eompens,iod for loss of time resulting from such injurie . Hut it appears that the head of the department i. whieh they were employed de elures that there has teen no injury' such as that upon which the eoinmittoe founds its ar tlon. Somebody else sn i that the men were in jured,-but not In tin- n n whivh tie- committee recoinmending their payment, descrilied In stead of there having been one accident ;ii the gas works, it is dee la red tlml there w<-n a series of small aeridents ntnong g,i„ works employes. These mishaps, i, is i lam . u. happened to eff erent men, at diffi rent times, ip ditT-- ent phe a All that ii would appear the Committee knows about the mutter is that the. were hurt, some where. to. somebody, or something. And the Committee is unite eertitin that they should be paid. In sueh eireumsuinees it requirt no esiweial acumen to determine that the next interest, slated for an accident is the « it", ili nt cad of the people ii hires to do its wot k Ail this, you may say, is a trivial matter The justness of the claims is lest tc titled to by I he smallness of their amount. There is not the shadow of reason to suppose that mu attempt is making in this instance to victimize the iity. Hut. It is quite apparent that I IS"S such ns these indicate other possibilities in other cases of more importance. City money should on no eon-sim-ra tloti be spent without an exa, t item of charge ii will pot do-for those having the power to expend the city funds to take anybody's unveri fied word. It Ik a tra\ -sty upon the method of city administration that a i latm should be au fitted without information of an exact nature That iri the case of the g is house employes the error should have been - harmless one is merely an accident of chance. and not remotely because the system of b r iuf .s in vogue p. the city was . such as to guard against improper expenditure. The most convincing logic i„ that of the oh jeet lesson, and as such a 1. on this matter ot payment of a small sum upon absolute want of knowledge as to what and for what its payment was recommended should he viualde as showing t lie possible results of a emit < mint ion of methods *hi. h, adopted by any financial or cummer, ial institution, would bring bankruptc y as tie only possibly outcome Tim size of the city's Imsi ness is the chiel reason why 'it should lie eon ducted In a business Ilk' way It is in the ion dlp't of. the trig bustle a It., small losses In come tie great ones \ loMil \l. \M» COM’ltMiiniiin i.l Mill i\\ ni.ij,. The!.' iiiis been not.iti!j^ moit tomi al in : in* newspaper world than »it-■ attempt on iln j•.i-1 of the Kiohiuoml livening Journal to poet in its editorial iidumns a- tin tiuanliaii Ante I of thf ti tup t .line people .m Virginia. while in Us advertising ioIuiuhh it i inn .uni abets tin- dts tillerb s anil tinnvi-rifts in their efforts to tit1 fc.ii o tin valut Of laical O. lion in ilrv count left mill cites lij Ihc nefarious ".mg" trade. Kitfn r tin' Journal i*. u victim of n fiitirf ),t k of high in I'm editorial or in its business depart incuts and sees nothing i ontradh turv in such a |n i format)1 i or it iia a very poor opinion of thf reasoning lartilUit. of its readerr anil con slih-t s tli cm a credulous. uni lit do aft. or it i. utter ly careless of any sense of n poiisihility for the imprfM'ioii its rouiKi' iua> multi' ii|ion nnybmh \ t h m t tin da).- ago 7 • t oo. a inn. if riiif n alp. publisher! in .in adVfrti .1 nifiit, containing w \ fi at itfins. a commendation ot I- nm h Brand' Thf mistake in i urri'd in tin- ha-te ol getting copy to thf prlntfr at .1 lain hour flic standing rulf in Tin Itri/ttitan office forhlda thf liiseiiion of any advertisement of intoxicants. morphine, opium, or coniine preparations. and this ruh Ik well-known to thf public lint the lourital in iis editorial columns 1 rltleizeil 7 If I njiiniii tor this insertion, and tin 11 dee la re I that Ilf sauie linn won 1<T not advertise with t he .lonrn; 1 hfiausf the Journal dm not talk to suit dealers in liquors. The implication was ilia' the Journal was so much more pronounced against the Honor truffle than Tin l . yinuin that the stores which ml vertise liquors would not use it.-, advert i si ns columns. 1 he comical and contradictory thing Is that despite this editorial dc lwu^Iion, tin advertising columns of the Journal piJnf regular Iv the picture of tile Inspector of Stititij Brook Oistilli r.v. along side a imllh of whiskey which he pronounces "pure." and other liquor adver tisements also. And more coni leal stilt in (he ver> same tapm of the paper in which ii was declared in the editorial columns that the firm in question will not advertise In the Journal because of die satisfaction with its view's on the liquor ques tion, there appeared In the aovertisinK columns at; advertisement from too vet" firm" Comicali absurd is it not? that, so. h 1.lietlon ehouh exist In the columns of the Guardian Angel!' In an Issue of a few days later the Journal de 1 !areil that "as to the liquor question this paper stands where Governor Mann stood the last time he was heard imbliclv. for the prineliile of Local 1 Option.” This i* misleading. ami is a a contradictory a* half truths always arc. (iovcnior Mann in •» letter mid reused to Ko\ li. I*. Atkina ami B. T. Iiudmiu. on June 17th. !'jolt, declared that, while lx lieviug Unit tin* loial option inethtxl is cal ■ ulated to produce jienuatient n'aulta, yet ii Hit ia-giaUiture passed a bill giving the pcoph lie- right to vote on the question of State-wide m oiiibitiou lie would si„n the bill, and further more declaring that .1 local option citation should lie held in ati\ oinniunitv lit which he litcd he would voti ‘ dry.'' and furthermore «le ciaiing that if mi < leeliou should be held on the question 111 Mate-wide i ’i ion lie would vote "dry”. 1 In Journal was compelled in l'."1!1 to declare its position 011 the Liquor yuestion and Slid pus ■lively that in any cIce .pm held on the question ■ ! Maic-wide Prohibition i( would be against State wide Prohibition. Oovernor Mann declar ed Unit lie would toic for State-wide Prohibition M. or h an election. And yet the Journal HOW de ll;.Is that P stands wh te Covernor Maun stood tim last ttnie he was heard front, liow comically rout rail ictoiw ;' The Ulchniond Kveiiing Journal standing 1- 1I11 Covernor Mann on .tnv ejuirtioli, and cap. ■eially on tic liquor question! Hut per ■ t'es since it has beep .old In the liquor people ilit; its position is not satisfactory to thini. it will contradict itx-df gain and will now work for Stall-w'idt Prohibitum to spite tile liquor men. Tin Journals latest eiiort is its sorrow over if' failure of I h- 1 > 1 ;nti m n to prinl the speech "I ilou Carter tiias- 0:1 the subject of Prohibi tion. The Journal works itself into quite an alarming state, as it lisiouraes upon tin fact tiiat /A- 1 ii'iuihn 1 luia not published an: ex tract front this speech and lias not complimented Mr (lias.-. And when the Journal discovered that evening in the first edition of 271 c \ i <nniaii a \c,y full rt poll of tin speech it added a P. m to lis- editorial, stating that 77m l irtmumi had published on the h<fk page about a column (>T Mr I1IHFB Speech. Mils Was rtUBUStftlllK. II u r- calculated to produce tin- impression that ilii speech had been printed in ail ohxtvr purl, o! the palter, when frankness anti fairness won 1<1 have r-.ii< 1 lliat Tin I irtiuiiun had published on the editorial page of the paper a very lengthy report of Mr. (Hass' sp-vcli (in fact about as lunch as appeared in Mr. (Hass' own paper, lie N'ewsi, And frankness would have led the Journal to say llie next day that In the regular edition of Tin i,/pi,1,0, tha; day, a leading edi torial quoted a strong paragraph from Mr. Glass speet h and < indorsed it Hut tli Comical thing in conneciion well this incident is that while the Journal was proles mg sin h solicitude, le t the "temperann I tr fit ninn" should not publish Mr. Glass' speech, it actually ferggt (, ?> to puolish tlie speech or any extracts from It in its own columns! How could the Guardian Angel of the Temperance people who had hem deprived of their rights by the by pori itieal h i fin a inn, tail to print in full this great speech ori the evils of the liquor traffic'.' Can it b" possible that after all its auxin;, for tic publication of this speech, it. was umertnin what the "Inspector of the "Sunny Brook Hi tiller' " would think, if be should see this ... in tin* very next column to the picture of him self and his "I’ure" whiskey? That would be eotnieally eontradieton would it not? In tiie issue of D< reinoer the 17th the .lute mil p even more eoinicai usual. And on, mn almost hear the flapping and see the shallow o', the dually wings ot tin ir guardian angel as ii endeavors to shield the temperance people ol Virginia from the artful devices of tin: suin r intendent of tin1 Antl-Sdloon League I no retire lion i intended upon ,hc Inherent nature ol tin Angel, Inn had company has left some aoot • and smut on the original ivhiteneis of it wings). With an asumption of great caution, which is comb-ally contradictory of the rest of tut edi torial, it <lei lares that., t oncoming tin assertion that if . the S iporlntendent of the le ague "is allied with the 'organization', he c allied with in*' liquor interests. we hiivt* notning to sav. if other* wish to draw that conclusion they art1 welcome. and wo will not sui they wrong, "Itilo carefully refraining front .1 -111 i.k that they at'o right.” Otto is forcibly reminded of an oh! town gossip win* wont from lionto lions*’, i tid tloi i itoil that site had heard its ass itod that the preacher was patronizing tlm diatn-shop, for In- was seen to walk in that dt a lion every day. She would not s,n that tin' :i--;iion was w rong, hut sin would carefully refrai’ front as sorting that it was right, lor Bone [arsons did say that the street which pa.-sed the .tloon, was Ihe shortosi way to his study at the ohuroh. Mat if he did nut want to so into tin- saloon, why • lid lie i,(it go throe squares out of h: way. and g" down a muddy alloy to g- t to his study? The chain of evidence presented hy the Guard tan Angel to prove that the Silperit; :. dent o' •he Anti Saloon League is in alliance uitli the liquor interests is of a similar nat'i ■ He is declared to have been in alliance . the "nut idtine- iccituse in-* worked for tic- tion of lodge Mann for i inventor This t . non se <Ulitlie- There Weie only two cam'.j ■ «te« for i iovt-runr Judge \laiia ilcchtred tin. ju any fan al Option elect ion lie would \<d. y " ami tlpif in a State wiih I’rohiiiition • • , foil it w ould vote "dry .- Tic opposing < annulate de clared that :u any given Local Option election his course would be determined by t in iistaneea ami ill a Stute-vvidi election in- ild vote "v- et t' it was natural to ; pose that the Superintendent of tit- Anti Salm : Leugue would favor the candidate, who dei kited that lie would vote "dry -, and the fact that the "mu t him- is saiii to have voted for the .. man Is no proof of an alliance between tin . \: t i-Saiooii League Superintendent and the "n. i. n,,"_ Ii wottid certainly have appeared as cot,:; ailictory as llie .lomitalK various dc-vioi:. twist mgs anti turnings, for the Superintendent i Anti Saloon League of Virginia to liav- worked for a man who had declared lit- would to-- •■wet" timl‘ t- eertain local conditions. ;tttil ;,<> ’.velv so, in a Slate-wide i h-otlon. What s-c ,t UI’, a|. liance would tie Journal have ,ded oi Mnag'ic'd under such condition.’.' Tin only proof presented that tie- s p.,-rintend <■ nt of the Anti Saloon League is now . alliance with the "machine" .ml thcrefort [t|, (jin "liquor interests" is (lie attitude o, t,, paper. '/'In Uii'll moiifi \ iiiiinhm. on the ttlon of eailiiig a special session of General \“s, uibly to legit li/e the primary next Hummer, ,( on ttie question of tailing a Slate Convi to pass iijiolt the liquor question. And In ,use ttnj iltmroiiin Angel has attributed such mives as a reason for the position of Th- It, . thuum, without any regard to tie guments t: i\t it for 77ie Vir{limnin'H pOBiti'm Thr |',> <iuiiiin is showing how comical and > ■ uiietorv the Journal Is m its discussions of tt,0 iiqm,r quest ion. Vecording to this reasoning tin limes-Dis jiatch and New-Leader are both to la underlined for neither of them are now calling v .. special «-ssiott of the General Assembly h d'-ed the idea ha-* practically been abandoned nv nearly all tin papers of any weight and intlu- a, jn h,,. State. Concerning the Convention Thr l •)■,/,,luln ex. pressed its opinion In yesterdays is mu- and if the attitude of Th> Vlrt/inion indicates an al 1 iance with the "machine" what dm s he ttdi link of tiie Lynchburg News indh at. * The pa|ier.s which i.rt* booking tiie Convi rtj,,n ,n„st persistently ate ' opposed to S'ate u ,‘e pro hibition. and carry liquor advertising As long as the Journal continues the effort to pose as the Guardian Angel of the temperance people and at the same time to proclaim the virtues of Sunny Brook Whiskey, the public need not b* surprised at any comically coutra 1:i ccef,,... . : . dletory stunts which are executed iu Ha columns, tor guardian angels and Sunny itrook Whiskey are likely to contend the one against the other, and produce contradictory results. It Is some what of a Itr. Jckyll and .Mr. Hyde performance. I’. S. If the Journal Intends to continue to ikjmc as the Guardian Angel of the Temperance peo pie of Virginia* it should familiarize itself with facts and not betray Its foreign raising by sued blunders us appeared In its editorial of the 7th on "Lynchburg’s lxu-aP Option Election." Jin one paragraph it refers "to the campaign of two years ugo," and In the next paragraph It ex presses its pleasure that, "four years Intervene between election, instead of two as heretofore." Keaily this is unpardonable contradictory ig norance in a Guardian Angel. It surely ought to know better than contradict itself in the same editorial, and it ought to know that the law was not changed. This exhibition of tangled ig norance will not havo a tendency to cause the I'craperanee people to trust themselves very con lidentlv to its yearning, shall we say, pathetic guidance and litre. If tlio President had been the ex-Presidcnt. Attorney General Wickersham would never have dared to keep waiting in an ante-room tlie only man in dhe world who can catch a wolf with ills bare hands and (trove it by the contributing editor ol tin- world's most authoritative high broiy magazine. It would simplify the task of those members of Congress who will vote to reject the confirma tion of Supreme Court Judges supposed to hold objectionable views of the law if.pll applicants were required to write advance opinions on cases of importance. Every Mug lias its price. The English love of American gold carries with it the obligation ol accepting the young Astor as an Englishman, it is quite evident that some people will do any thing for money. The waterways conventions generally result in the blowing off of enough compressed air to deepen the channel of every trout stream that is ambitious to become a coaling station. it is remarkable (ha- an Astor should over have permitted himself to be elected to a body named the House of Commons. The decision in the Rallinger case was tit least not one of those things which take the country by surprise. Jack Abernathy had rather give up Ins job than to have it salt! that he got cold feet. Some of those men who were injured b\ t :t; gas may have blown it out. PEOPLE’S FORUM * iilit'U Uor (iftHTiutr. Kdltor Kp iitin.ud Virginian: Sir,-- i'nii uiii permit an •‘t.Hd i ,>u ■ niteties, and who at the sarn>. time i* a ,,ne mulft farmer, t.. civ.' the public his .stiniat. • ■I a certain prominent citizen, still of Ke h nii'h but also of Muvamin, espeeiall.v as h" would do so without tile least Inclination to tie Iriililloim, The ll..n, ,1 Alston i 'a bell, since his pur ' liase of the “J'olnt of i ork" farm at the .iunetion tiie Hlvanr.a ami Janos Hivir has km Zealously and eft. . tlvel) ro-i.pi rate,) with "hr ■ ■ aoltiK citizens in eiTi.ris t.» em oarage an Interest in publlt enterprises, sneh as .-du «all"tia.l. agricultural. and the annual rallies "f the ("oniederate soldiers that In has, with ont tiie least political ambition, «... rfti- as the urii. r himws, s,t our p* .pi., t., regarding him js a n ib. material possibility. Highly Hlm.i'ril and us. .1 t" the b.-st social environments, his many pubic ado!. . this countv in the interests mentioned have n. eii etinra. t. rizcl hi that prio-Ueal good sense, ■haste Jnngni.gc and miseliibh puldie spirit, whieii r adili stamp him the thoroughbred \ itvmia s.-nUfmiin possessing e\erj .umiifiea torn for tile pehltmn to which hit, friends her. would him. Having already iri the Senate and in other positions render, d Ii - elate vaiuabi, services, and lie having been l r< quenllv in ard *.i. tlo* |i.ditieal hustings m address. s mat ked l>> dace- purity el style, ra n ■ uiture. lie.ilom form the aria id the d< rim gogne. ami I nan the too . .onnion use of . ar.. ••r Indelicate armed.des, should lie become tie standard bearer of th- Virginia ih rimcra. > in I '■> 1 "nr young men ami maidens, t..., eouid follow nun in tiie canvass for valuable inlor mation ell ) ill b i le quest a .pw Witlmut tile i as' apprehension of a slmek lo rt lined i.i.-te W t. y rot 1; Union, i>.mi>er ... Mr. l>ri\ol Vindicated. Pliil.tdi Iphinns must «**.•! gratithd i,; th prompt ' liKili atiun of j. Armstrong (irrx. is 'iaini to hold tin- rw ord fur high living. i ><s pute ”f tdis daring young aviator s re m d was based 0)1011 a fine drawn theory about the mln »>*«• variations or the barograph needie owing to thi mill-mi' of altitude uyuii that wonder fully tli-lltHe mathematical Instrument Mr. J >roStd is an aviator lrom chop. ... Ho is impelled l.y a pur.- spirit of sport In attempting fears of high Hying w lie re death ma-. no in forfeit of the gano. A'o man was ever loss tinged with t-oriimoridallMm than he. So much cannot ho said for either American or foreign' aviators of prominence who might easily it, , named a* looking greedily to the cash r, turns of the risks they run In Onir perilous per l' irmani’es. Knvy. a moat unsportsmanlike renliment. ot ins to have I', i-n l , hind the protest id the Aero i'lull oi Ainerii u. That Mr. In-evel. in tin- oxen iso of his right to private judgment in a matter where In was an export, should lift's disagreed with the Aero I'lub oi Amen, a in regard t-> the contest for a flight around tin j Statue of Idhert.c could ortty 1 e a pretense lor tie animus that has been shown m ttiiK pro ^ test. Ooveinm.nt experts testing the instruments la th- I luted States lit bora lories at Washing ton hate found a variation of 7.: feet from the re orel of fd'To as originally made to. tin ; barograph. This leaves .Mr. I>ri-xel'« actual as- ! eetil at lika7 feet, of is:: fe.-t higher Ilian the Praia us record oi tin- lll-fsued Uulpti John stone. 1<7 I 1 feet. Ill the fai e of this finding what can the Aer > Clut) of America do. hut accept the report ot th.- official experts? The public will eeroilnlv do so. Any hesitation of the national organi tlott would react egaiu.-t it In the popular es timatfon. Meativvhll, fcljejUptions are dm- t-,i Mr. ltrexel and the Aero t'luh of Pennsyivauia which has ha' kmi him so loyally. — Philadelphia Press. .Self-.Voting Strikebreaker*. Tvv , women ntet in u groi i ry store a few days I ag" ami vvltile waiting on another customer a; clerk heard this dialogue.' ' I las Tommy gone ' hack to work?” “No. he'll not go, he says, till , tin- company gives In. Has your hoy gori hack?'' "Sure—he was off this morning early.”! Ik it a scab, he is?” “No—but If in- stayed i home he'd have t<> run errands, carry up coal,1 take out the baby, carry his father's lunch to* the works and do other things lie said work ing. for the company was (kin next to that.” i Wlfen they were leal ing the story Tommy's ! mother said, with a knowing wink ‘T guess | TomT be back to work tomorrow.' The ; women ware the mothers of striking "A. |». t." | boy*.—New York Tribune. 1 I . ...... • *', V, f, i1 . ' . .V-.. .... . ■ , ' J CHURCH HILL NEWS <»vin linn* lnirnd«tl for IhU column uiny t»c left In person nt the Church Hill lliiuk, or 'phoned lo Mudlaon 73Sr.l A quiet but pretty marriage took bluet- last f»v* ning at tile I'nion Sta» tb>n iMiraotuige, \vh«'u Miss Ida Belle Hawley in'ramr the bride of Mr. .diaries B. M<.nis. Rev. K. II. i’«Hm ivh.s the oilh dating minister. Tim I'l'klt- wore a handsome going-away £«*u n «i blue cloth, nitu hilt ami Shoes to match. carried a hou piei oi Brides ros.s. Immediately • hir the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Morris left for Washington and ou»er Northern points. Returning, they wbl i e at hoim to th* ir friends after De ’mher Id at 2011 Kast Broad street. The Kev. and Mrs. J. B Dixon, of :h'« Methodist Institute. win have as heir gut «t.s this week ttv latter's ‘fa • her and mother. Bishop and Mrs. ’oihiis Denny. Mrs. Denny will speak »t Dark Place KrtyQny afternoon on ‘The Work in Brazil. ‘ aim i.- espe hilly desirous of meeting the l>! the various missionary bocieUes • hronghout the c'it>. The congregation of l.eigh Street hutch will tender their pastor and us wife. Kev. and Mrs. .1. J. Wicker, t reception in the basement of the hureh Thursday. Deeemh. r S, at S • (1m< k. a delightful musical program las he on prepared, and light refresh ments will he served. It is exported hat man} will avail themselves • *f thl* ‘pportnnity t.» meet th- ir pastor and lis v»ile socially. Kev, and Mrs. Wick •r are d--mi< ih d at M.'s North Tw * nty Iflh street. Henrico Bodge >f Mason-. N'i>. 13 0. met Tuesday night in th- lodge hall on Vwentj-fifth sir* - t and elected the • dh.ujng officers, who will serve for k» ensuing v«-ar: Krank T. Bates. Jr. worshipful muster; .John V. I*iin ii!u:t"ii, senior warden; li. B, Brown, h-nior warden: \\ M William.?. lreasurer. Biareuc* i: Hughes, soc r*'i.iry. B. 1.. Williams, senior deacon; >> . ir K. Hord. .lunior «1« icon. Fh B Jarrii-on, chaplain; George Pitt, strw inl. and I. < ». Phillips. tiler. Th*- s• "\ ie* s at I’oeon Station Med ia ‘-.lav e\*idng wt-r* unusually beau tiful and in I pro*' i\ * . Hex. K li. po*t? el'ios*- as tin- basis his remarks Ba le'- of Daniel, pr»*achin« a forcible and stirring sermon. This was followed ■ the r* n«!i11, r of tie cantata “Dstn n l " 1 *v the large i huriw ihoir. under ta- di nation of Professor Schoodker, which was greatly e; j *. \ ed A ver amusing entertainment lakes place Thursday eveniu-.: o the home of Mr.®. W. M. !tickers, 4b> North Twenty seventh street. Thi - will be a “ghost party ’ tor tin- benefit of tin jr-mu Blub All the young ladies at lending wHl la costumed ns ghosts will ! • auctioned off to th* highest bidder Th«* services «-f a well-known v. ir have been engaged ns auctioneer •ub much fun is anticipated. Kach f litiemau Will h* # Xpert*-.} to take hlf» chest partner, thus secured, Into sup L*r. which will 1< served free of • drug An enjov,,h|* • ■ ■ -g s es sored all who attend. The Bndles' Aid Soviet} of 1 ace-dug Me norml church 1« holding u s d* of fancy In tne-taado articles and home made randy in the*, t '-munt-nw♦ alth Bank for the remainder of tills we-k. They soli* it the patronage of their con gregation and friends. The K* {oirng Birch.- of the Woman’s foreign H is-u. nary Society of Si. «imn* s church mo-N Thursday at 1 ••‘clock with Mrs. <b->r,;- Wulford. "-. Ox 1 - Br-»a l street. Th-- b-- k on ‘ K < 1 • a. ' vvh k h lias ♦engaged tin , inie’s att'M,tion ‘dm* early fall, will he r.ii hsln-d at this meeting. Mr-. Wills. ,m Atkins*.n and Miss Alice \Y.di'«-rd be ing th*- readers A so* lal hour will foB lev. th* program. The Y*em. Ladles I’oreign Missionary Society will meet ith Mis* \ii« «- Walforti this evening at x o'clock. Mrs \\ Me I )aui*'l. --t Newport News, i the guest of in r friend Miss Bottle Thaeker Mr« .J 1, lb *! '- e. e:ite fciek in la r h-" * on 1 Led Mm shall street. The Woman's Missionary So, i -> Heigh Strec-t chur- h w ill heed their monthly m* . ting Thursday, !•* u-mli.-r •N- -'B » o'* lo« k. in th*- iude-s parlor of the chur« h. •'I'N P‘ ‘‘ 'h n-| -*f North ThiMy Second SI I t -d. W ho has la en pu t, sn k • "*' Hu- p't -T thre*- a i - s si j ft i ring with an abscess of the throat, is aha i“ he out again Mr. .Jano s Burdett*-. of Kant Broad dre. t. left Tuesday f*>r Bharlottesv id.* and Staunton on a h -ire-s nip. Mr. Binwood 1’gg-- ton is unit* >n k in his home. 3.00! l a t Marshall sir- -i. Mr. Kd. Bit harimin. *>f North Thir !>-third stretd. left on Tuesday r.*r \Yshiligt* >ii to vp'-nd several da\s Mrs. U. N. Wild ho r* of ;:b: |-;at»t Broad street, who has been quite ‘“lek with grip, is improving. Mi>s Minnie c'ovmr i'haup of Bhln. boraxo J’ark, has returned from a week end visit to Mrs. Sam Mallory, f Meadow Station. Mr. .J. B. Dickerson, Sr. *,f ?nif, Bast Marshall street, is c\tr.-undy ill In his homo and grave fears are en tertained f'-r his recovery Highland Park Mrs. l.ulher It. Phillips and little rinuvhtcr lire liottn again, after tt pleas ant visit to relatives at t 'oncord. .V t’. The Home Mission and Sunbeam Ho riety of tile Metllodi-d , hurt'll will lie’;l a I 'bn-tuias salt n|i Friday frutti : ’■ 10 !’ M. at tin home of Mrs. U II. !'i rgusson, on First avenue. The X'orthsidc l.odge of .Masons will law a ealitd meeting on Friday even ing, US tiny will bate work in the third decree. The tirst quarterly conference of the now t’onferenei year wa- held at the Methodist i litTeh Monday *wetting. Mrs. Fred If. Kvci.s-u returned Sun day evi ning from a short visit to New New . i >ld point and Norfolk. Mrs t; [.. Satl* rw bite, of Fourth avenue, who was operated on some time ago at the \ irglnta hospital, and hits been very III. Is some bet ter. The Woman's Missionary Union of Xorih.-ide Baptist ehureh will meet Thursday afternoon at 4 o'eloek at the homo of Mrs. S. II. Temple man. Ail citizens contemplating lighting their residences with electricity will have to furnish u certificate of in spection before the current tan be turned on. This certificate cun !><• dituined h\ applying to Mr. Apper «on, of tlte Southeastern Tariff As sociation. The I.allies' Aid Society of the , Baptist church will hold a Xmas «ale of ftany articles December 11*. _’U and H l at the store of Mr. A. F. Hong ort Fifth street. Mrs. U. \V. Harry is spending this ■vei k at her mother's home in l'rince .o-orge county. Despite the Inclement weather, tuite a goodly number of ladles of he Foreign Missionary-Society of the Methodist church met Tuesday alter- j noon at the home of Mrs. W. A. , Beard, on Fourth avenue. After de- i volional exercises and routine bust* ... ■eV.v i -.V! ^ "V i. > ’■ . k -f-ii i ness hail ba n transni ted. the society had the pleasure el hearing an In teresting talk by their district sec retary, Airs. W. It. .Newell, of llich mend. i tie town cutinell met in regular session .Monday evening. A lurge ameiint of miriness was transacted, led i.nly routine, Init that pertain ing to the installation of a new wa ter system, which the council, with the afcMt.taniP or the engineer, Col. 1'■ IS. Itiirgwyri, propose to give to our citizens just as soon ns they possibly can. The council decided to erect a lOd.iMdi-gallon stefd wa ter tank mid a f.O-horsepower oll btirnlng engine to lie used to drive a ou-gnllon per minute pump tut tie Pauline Kleanor .Miller, of 'I.', fifth avenue. celebrated her •sixth birthday g.n Monday afternoon trow 11 to 5 o'clock. The following guests were Invited: Virginia Smith, tllizubeih Paulk tier. Marlon Reynolds. 1 lorolhy Key nobis, Hilda lnukhurdt. Jean l'es. Cecelia iirlmtn. Allen Car roll. Klizaheth Harrison. Katherine Carroll, Kthel Hedd. Julia McClure, Katherine Williams. Shelton Smith, Chris Quarles, l.elia frames Wood - ward, Inez I.ixt Virginia t.lee and Virginia Terrell, After playing games the i hlldreu gathered around the ta bl» In the dining room, where re fresh tm nt- were served. The center pi- , was i miniature snow scetia and mu< h pleasure was occasioned by the pulling o! favors from the huge 'snowball in tin ..liter or the table, l.ittio Paulin, was the recipient of many pretty pres rfts from her little* friends. following is the roll of honor of the Highland Park School: first tirade -Grace Shepherd, Ma rion keynoh# Klsle Miller, Julia M.Clur* Alarm i Macdonald, Ktlza beth I :iu Ik tier. Her truth Crowder, Prattles P.e.idles. Ualldolph Kudin, Hugh <In sham, Gordon Clarke, llar r Kurkert. Ueurgo H.ihlke. Second tirade Katherine Carroll, Ala I .finer, Hugh Clippen, I a nil b; lira> Thelma Glide, Mlise K* s*. Alyr t '■ An ore. Inin Tiller. Hor,,thj War ren. i.amar Williams. Florence Wood ward. > rur.l—Hunter Headlcs, George Pl.-ree Margaret Anderson, il'eljri t'rowder. Kiizsl.eth Harrison. Virginia Knox, Grace Reynold*. Jrma Til . r. Gru< i T k. r, Horn thy Wil liams. I "Uitli Grade—Virginia Quarles, Helen Ki< hards* s*. Judimn Harry. An drew it..h'ed. r Kdgar Crawley, Nel lie Hrunkeuhod. fifth Grade- Dunn, Ray Houbles, Thomas KufTlli. Rosa Hud son, Annie I,... Howe, If.deu Kudin, Ad. la Id e Tiller. Sixth Hrad..—Norma Palmore, Isa bt I Thomas Sex . nth «trail*—Kindi n Harrison, i a rnsrd Ch* at ham i A Grade--Gorge Ku’oank. Mar gm fit. I.uhlke Hobble Tip k. HatPo H" >■ Kiitl- Haxis. lteb.-n Wilder, J.-uniK tte Quarles. - A tirade Alary M I inwall. An nie Allan, Hath ilowriian, A tirade—tflaniln Huffman, Prank Yarbrough. l A and 1: tirades—Lena Gary. I’airmount -• 1 h. chairman of the Christmas er> ti nmnm-nt committee would like f„r all no i hildren t • meet her at th. iiuptiHl - fir. 1-rbiav. evening at 1 o'cti* k. Mr. John tinrj. vho has been very ?nk at lus horn.- lor the past teu ha's, is slightly improved. Th- regular meeting of the Citi zens v\ ssot iat i-m "'111 he jlclli at the i .i -- in Hint s- lie I I 'r oa.i night, AU memhi rs ..f the n*sot lattoti are enr iii stly requested to attend. Mrs. Kdvtard itooile, of Lynchburg, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Walter Hugh s. on Twenty-second street. The regular ehoir rehearsal will )>» hehl at the home of Mrs Simps-m i' ..' tor, .No. iiioj I'airmonm avenue, on Friday night. t'> practice t tie t'hristmas mush. Mr. ami Mrs. Terr;., of Hates'ilie, are spending the week with Mrs. Hurtles on Maddox Hill, The regular meeting of the Baptist Voting I'-ople's I'nion will he held at the ih-ireh Thursdu) night at x - " k. Mr A. >S. Clayton will be the M" ;klT. Th" i la t»t i s t Association of Rich m nil urul Southsldr will meet vvlih th.. Baptist eongregatlon Sunday af ternoon from :!:Sn until fi o'clock. Mr Kay Hobson has returned from H.wiov.-r. where he accompanied sunn friends on a bunting trip They were ' ■ I ' sneer;sful, and bagged itu-n rab bits and many birds. The regular meeting ->f Ideal Coun* ' :l " as held at the town hall Tuesday night, after win. h one eandldate was initiated. This eouneil is growing and Iml. bv the lirst of the year to get Ir: all of their i andidates. On Tues day i i'h! ne t they w ill have the nom Inalloii of offleers All members are tino-d t-i tie present The Junior Onh r 1'nlted American M'■ .-Viatries will inert in their hall to night (Thursday>. and a large attend a 111■ i1 Is hoped for. Barton Heights The ladles" Aid Society of tile Rap tist ehureh will hold a Christmas sale . t the home ■>' Mrs. C. C. Broaddus, 1 dO-l lainh avenue, nest Friday, begin ring nt :: T) o'clnek. Almost anything s-italic for a fhiistmas gift may Vic lutmd ;-i Hie Me. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. M*. both of whom have been absent from home for tei days. Mr. visiting in Salem and Mrs. l/e visiting her sister. Mrs. On to. of Sussex county, will return home Wednesday. Mr. 1,other CoghlH and family, of West Virginia, tire visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs T’. H. Coglllll. No. 72# tlri. nwooil avenue. Mrs. A. W. Maddox, the wife of Professor Maddox, of the State Nor mal School at Farmvllle, is the guest of Mrs. C. It. Kuyk, at No, 512 Motitelro a venue. .Mils Juliette Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hi At. Anderson, formerly of Churli Hill, hut now residing In Bar ton Heights, has accepted the posi tion hi’ orgaai t of the Baptist church. The. Radies’ Auxiliary Society of epiphany church will hold a meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. B. Taylor, No. 71» Virginia uvenue, and pack a Christmas box, •which they will send to some mission station In the mountains of Virginia. Miss OUndTS Mnrtenstein wBl lea vs next week for Chicago and Quincy, , 111., where she will spend ssvsraJ wsefcg visiting relatives. . IA I. ;.. I ; - ■ ■: if'V; '-.' ■■ ; ■ .