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Ha «ut?, but 1 am Just as miii ihat were i..istaken In their Judgment, ril that the la" le constitutional. . tltn Jackson WK taw. "This conclusion Is full} justified ■ hy the cose of Commonwealth against iatdtson Wise, Jima" m a primary ejection, who * us indicted In the Hustings Court «t. tn«- . tty . ; nond, oti the 21st of IVuniS r. IP",., under the g-tperal law, tin satin nm‘ r Which the Norfolk election "t- —rs ware indicted. Thtr - "as a dim... t»r to the indlotnv nt because the tit •• at the act was not broad rnoigh.t ■ cover its provisions iu r. spent n< |ti Biary election?, and th cate, as l un derstand it. tin same In u'l r. *iw t* aa^he Norfolk cas*-. Judg- Witt ruled the demurrer, or.'l " ., found guilty cl a tnlsili noun r wu I his punishment llvd at • .icm.-nt In the jail o: tie «-Uy i: hm-nd “r ninety days. We,. I hi? . • •nnsrI, presented his p- tltloti t" tc S'.piTine Court of Appeals of Virginia f"i a writ of error, v. hi- h > as denied le thal coutr on th, Huh • \pid, I'.*'", thus establishing th* constitutional;! of the fact i" 'fi th. r. g.ilarlt: and purity of priniu> ■ • tin.-. ",tj you lxit your : it. r arg-i; Upon th. di-.i*i>ii« if lln Nor.oik Judges, which is direct!} opposed l" the decision of the Supr.-irn *'ourt. f night stop In r and t • titled In 'nr position. It t I thin!. It .t fa.r to the peep-.* : the h... oiul l hstrlet ami to the ofto ' r- • hurg. d with the man agement of the purl} holding the pr. mary to stale, that upon complaint of fraud, the charges were at ••nee Investigated, i new primary ordered and held, artel a result reached Which Is free from all taint or charge of fraud so far ns I am informed. “Third, booking at th? r. ijuest in your letter from tho standpoint .-f the fttate. I : • g to remind you that tf a spatial sc-.-don of the I, gialat.-.r. •houid now t-. cal'.td. on* of lt« most important iutk-s would l e • > t a gticcetxc-r t-. Senator L’anM and thus deprive the p. op’, of th. State Jrom . deciding hy primary s ho that su, - censor would he. and s defeat the declared policy of the state In re aped to the choice of l tilted Stat> s Senators. “Fourth I do not think with a l.w declared to he constitutional to. our Supreme Court, maktnr th. provis ions regulating atoi controlling g. n era! elections applicable t" primary •lection*, and under which wo have lived since 1?"4, and which thrv Legislature* hate declined to change, although two fills were off rod p> the Leglslat f 1'•<>•. one to the Legislature <>f I'.ki* ami four to the Leglslatur. of ’910. nmi.- ..f which passed beyond It* i'.rst reading, that 1 would b* Justified in calling a spe cial session of the T.egislaturc. Extra s>e-*.|<(n lii|* n«lie. "Fifth. An extra fi,.«*lon >•.' the l.csr Islature would cost tn*.\itabh from Sixty to flxlc-flv thousand dollar*, - and perhaps mm h more. While v. • sgpendlture would be too great v <-v the purity of cur elections at stake, gueh an expenditure In tit" clrcum •tonces would bu unreasonably bur densome to the tax-payers of the State. “In conclusion. I presume the Jet ■ ters of Messrs. E* hois and Mclntyr* have convinced you that you w,r. pot correctly informed in respect i • the recommendation for a legalized j primary in the report <>f the special ( committee charged with the Investi gation of the frauds In the Sc nmi district primary. And now that your I attention has been tailed to the de cision of th*- Supreme <Y>url In th* ease of Jackson Wist . and to the duty of tho special session, tf called, to elect a United States Kenator to All the vacancy occasioned by th* death of the beloved and lamented Daniel without the opportunity for u primary, and to th- enormou* r\- ; pens* of an extra session. I trust }.ni Will agree yvlth me that my decision j not to cal) »h*> legislature t -gether U wise and for the best Interests of tb« people of this t 'oimnonw en 1th Certainly this is my conclusion, and is one to which I must adhere. "Very respectfully. "WM HODGES MANN. “Governor of Virginia." MDISUNT WILL TRY TO LOWER RECORD 1IHNK& HE CAN BEAT THE WON BERETX SPEED ACHIKVEMEVi ' MADE BY BAlUtlKK OV W'KKN ESDAT . MEMPHIS, TE.WV, Hoc. H.~ An Aeroplane ipeeii r-• urd nf ! •: miles ; In ten minutes w ill never stand ur A world'* mark, according to John B. Moirant, who to-dav will emieator to lower that record set h< re lime Harrier jeuerda? Barrier's speed averaged sT.9'1 miles, an hour when he nut-winged j tloisant for a $5,000 prize. Both used Blerlot monoplanes, anti Barrier Is satisfied his record will not lly lie beaten. Barrier was up I ten minute* and 55 second* and ! covered 16 miles This lowers tin , teoord nf Leon Mnrane. established j At Rheltns. when 65. miles an hour . WAS Attained. I STEMIER SINKS IN DEEP WATER T/JNXXJ.V, Dec. k.—The Brlttsn ■teamshlp Blackburn, bound from shy. England, to Antwerp, was collision to-day off Sheringham, the steamship Kook. The gkburn received a gaping hole in ■Ids and soon settled down Into water. Her passengers and took to the life boats, seventeen Am b«lng picked up by the Kook, boats, containing 30 sailors and gars, disappeared in tin dark Nomination and Voting Blank i The Richmond Virginian TEACHERS’ EUROPEAN TRIP CONTEST. Thit coupon can Lo need to nominate any white to.vhcr, rc-iditiR or located !• the dietriet* defined in the contest. First coupon received founts 1,00ft •otea (only one for any towht-r <swh additional coupon counts 1 vote. W hen jupoD is neatly trimmed,signedand deposit*I within one week of date issued. KAME. . ADDRESS. Void after December loth. No. 7 Nomination Count# 1,000. (iood for ant vote. ;■■■ .V , J Just a Word in Confidence Whether HE is young or old, big or little, rich or poor, a remembrance from this practical iist cannot fail to give him pleasure. Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Neckwear, Silk Mufflers. Pajamas, Fur Rolie*, (■owns, Club Baits, l,uncli Baskets. Safety Razors. Sflk Suspenders, Cloves, Silk Umbrellas, Silk Scarfs, Bath Robes, Smoking Oats, Hat Boxes. Wardrobe Trunk* Thermos Bottles, Jewelry Sets, Full-drcs* W car. (Janes, Flasks, Collar Pouches, Jaeger Kobe*. Opera Hats. Suit Cases, Kir Rags, Military Brushes, Toilet Sets, Silk Hosiery. in Christmas boxes ready for tree. O. H. Berry & Company, The Men and Boys’ (lift Store. ECONOMY THAT BEATS ALL FORMER RECORDS Secretary for Treasury MacVea^h Submits Annual Report— Wants a More Elastic Currency System WAHinXrtTON. I)«•«'. R.-Economy• that heats nil recordH is tin- keynote <■!' tho annual report of Secretary VrauUllu MaeVoaert. of the Treasury rtf part men t. which was sent to ''un gross to-day. Tho estimated (ordinary expend t tuna for next year amount to $63''.• 494,013. Including l'nuarnu canal ex penses, jrul.920.Xf7 'x hicli will I" r* paiil to the treasury by the *»!• "I bonds th** grand total is ?«jH ,. 11 i. - ht>0. The total appropriations for this year were *7 21,3 I 3,»<>o. The appropriation* for the ordinary expense* of the government \ ere lor 1010, $f,93,313.16*: for 1911. Xf'.,s:i,-153,900. The estimates tor tie next fiscal year, beginning July 1, arc *68<>,4»4.«1 Heforin or the Currency Reform of tho t urreu.-y e-. tie- next subject considered. ''one, ruing it Secretary MaeVeagh sa "We can continue to have pattl. or «■« cun stop hat ing panic?, exact!:.’ u.x We prefer, it will not cost a pen ny to prove nt them, nrul it has cost iih untold millions ami untold suffer ing every time -we had orn It is tor ihe government to say \vh- tin r i: " ill have panics In tho future or ninth r It will IP't.“ \ Scries of Tumble. "The whole linanctal hlstor; of the country." according to the report, "Is a lung sc ries of' troubles ami agita tion, and non that w e have In xight the establishment of a real and l“ r manent banking and corn m xyst.m that will be both safe and sum. it makes one most impatient to : - c :t accomplish.'d. Test of lluotl Itfinking. "We have po way to liter, a > "nr current \ when it is needed, except under the \ Idrleh -,Yre. land Inn. which will K.'on • xplre. and which is only Intended for < mer*. rides. 1 tnipr our system ordinary transa. lions of business cannot go fonvar.l uninterrupted In a time of stress nhd strain. And jet the . (Inal test or u banking and currency' system is that t>.« ordinary banking facilities need ed by business shall be provided at all tiinos and under all circum stances." Treats of Sugar Fraud*. As to customs, the report in part says: "The sugar frauds were found to cover in one f .rni or another near ly all the- sugar coining into N'-w York. The total recovery of duty amounted up to ?3. IOO.imhi. Hcgnrdcd a* Jake. "It became necessary Jfroin the outset to correct the palpable vices of the system controlling Importa tions by steamship passengers It ..a not simply that «• luul tourists woe violating the laws, but the Irregu larities "f the service <m the pas.-eti grr .locks and tlic example set by those tourists had made the Atlantic steamships open runways for profes sional smuggling, tienuine passing. i s and professional smugglers und* r th, guise of genuine: .passengers were not only smuggling by means of false declarations, but they were bribing theohioujecheiitinBthegevernmeiit muklng; faliiii tatitemcuts and bribing f(!lt Ul» mis regarded as a Jok,-. Tin Iiii \ lUililf. however, 1st coming to paste Amtrli'iui citizens ar-■ more mul muri conforming l" the Ian and to their olihgutiuin. as citizens. We are ati n*jj* 1J% e-dlecting from passu ng-*rs of -N'en Vorli about four times av much dutieg ;,m l*ef<ire. Th< percentage ot iucr-ii*' is equally large at lto.-t"li. ln)|Hirl I dues I mler l ire. •’Numerous Import lints or, under investigutlon and tile amount of laxity anti dishonesty that lias crept into the Import business through under valu ation Is astonishing, m.t to Ml V ap palling. ' i’olltics, hiU'e been td it. lurgt extent eliminated in the customs lee at .Neu \ ork, but \l;o Veagh says ttiat tiiiiil cxeellrn. . mu attained only !•' the Inclusion of all iion-imlitical others in the classified ?■ rviye. "There Is no practical wuy,” Mu ■ \'Utgli anfs, "to tint the government rvlee properly on its feet without a lair and just method of civil a.rvicc retirement. fortunately, this retir ing provision can be matin without tlie expense of one dollar to tip- gov ernment." No Way to s;uc VMO,(H>0,ood. "'lien the public expet ts that there could be .( saving of $ IHoi.uoo.tmo a Mar ill the expenses or tin executive depni ttmiits, Mac Veagh oiis-rv s, u is laboring under a mlsoonc. mion that is nr.' li.irrulul. The entire ap propriation*: for ordliiiiry expenditures last j oar im r.« only *t!(iu.()(•(•.UOO, Postal N,tlings Hanks. As to postal smiiugs banks, the re port says: "The tin. Iimjnarie<, jp the ease of th" postal savings s\ stern will ter.' .. hair been sutlleientJy considered and nilopteil to permit the system to he put into actual operation. The economic effeels of this now bank upon the operations of llm treasury and upon the general filiation of the nation will he observed with great interest.’’ Instead of the present method of having many .appropriation hills, Mu< . Veagh advocate > the adoption of the budget system whereby through »*o • Iteration practically till the appro priations would be made iu pjjp TIMBER DEAL IS CONSUMMATE Y IlMMNlO 1,1 Mill H SU.E NOTED—\t:\\ H % ILRO % II TO lllll.I \ OPERA TION lUHIMIIEU mil. HSpecial to The* Richmond Virginian. > HOANOKK, VAt, Dvc^iQbtr S, 1 JaiT«‘ timber deal was cohMuriunatcd un \v*:M*ri». North Dnrollim a few day* ii^i.. S. Moiitgoniory Hmiih sold t » t|,.» \s br ine; Itinnht'i’ Dorn pa nv a larwo trm-i In Haywood county for ♦*<>»». ft is .-aid f hut Mr. Hmltb paid ?8.ouo tar tin. trac t Hvp years ngu Lak«larol D>dy <-f Martins elect* I tdeeiod the following oflirc» -■ Tuesd.»y night- worshipful mu .-tor* UM-ar •;rav-«, lO’nloP \vaal« u. Hampton I’ayjn Junior wardeu, Henry 1 lorrlrurtK n ti uisur- rN (*t’>rsc 1’. Monro*5; • .*r. lary, ll*-i rv* Uunntngton: >«»nlor demon. \V*H#ori; Junior * I« a<-»ri W. I., Duvia; t tmplalo. ani'1 Hnwman; il!»*r. \Y. I Haldwin; steward , .1 w. l,< led mol I’VrgUHon Mownon. -\ f \ ** .• election .» tilimpU-t Uii served Th" Norfolk nd \\ • stern i - expert in* Information «!itii\ com-eniing the schmiulo «>? trains on the \\ I m.t on-Sa lem Houtlihomul ralUvav. which is t< enter actively upon mm career De-com ber 1 Cd h The miniher of pas.S' i»K«*r train to be opera!* ! over tin* roa 1 t not known and will probably not « * known unt;l norm* time after the road is opened for tmrlie. \f least on«» pas s« nger train will l»e run ea«*h way daily and the number will bt lrter«*aKO<l as conditions Justify it l'ltlmat**ly, it is believed, several j*Uf* nc r trcilim dalle north and south will t re.|ulr«d i> take car- < f local business, h i< pr*. - dieted that • y* nni i!!v i i;. S.nahbound will form a ri unectlntr link f«*r an im porta nt pa. on ter service l»**twetn C*hi t-asro ;tiui (*ha: b st-ip. »s, »' Nominations Sant to Senata. A\ A SUIN'*/Ton. If. <\. De. . S. Lrf*,*ldont Taft hat- nominated Churl** !*». Ttinberjakn to be receiver of public money* at. Sterling, t’oiorado; tJaptaln Albert Aborts to be rear-admiral in the navy. . Jit ft?-. • xWv B. sfvi-t’o.*,-.*. JOHNSON 'LICKED' DE SEISE HINDS m.<.i:<* > k i.i i> \voHsr ui I \C Ol M l li \\ mi M I N I siiu nil*. ■ iii< u;i >, i j,, Although it • i t him c i •:••• to admit jl, Jack lohmion, Jj.-. .."light champion • •i ti;. world, hu 1 i ' confess to-dgy I hat In vii'- ■ -11. '.. < i " night by )• n11- dozen husk.' ■ [age hands at the l..i .Salh- Theater. . hen In* trl»(l to tin stag. mu a friend.” .1. • hns.♦ a later i i'. a ted such a com* iii 'tbiii uiiiniiir the theater that 500 i . r-■ 11h gathered and Madison utrc-et a- blocked for t . my minutes. Johnson, with his wife, occupied it •la'a box at tin bei I'ormmiee of ■si. • ete.-t Dirt in Maris.” Imrlng the uli riolsslon John s. nt his card 1" AI.-\ farr, a menr . r of the company, v In.n! Johusi n said v.;i.« a “friend." 'aii seat v. urd l-a. h he was too busy i.» une to the Johnson box. where* •I'.'ii ih- fighter decided to go fo (’air s .It. using room. A! the stage door Johnson was stop bed b> the door f. nib r, but forced ! liia v av onto tin 'lag''. There he war hu t hy one of tie managers, who ask'd him to withdraw. Johhson re i used and half do/ n s tage hands pick- , ■ d him i|) hndily a in I threw him out in!" an alley behind the theater. Tin tighter made his wax to the rout of the house and demanded uiT H'lsxion buck to hr .sc. Thir was re is * i and Johnson started a scene. Mis Mi", who heard of the disturb anee. Joined him :n the lobby, and Mxally induced him t" leave. CLASH OVER A CHANGE OF RULES UASItlN'UTOX. I). C., Dec. *•—! When .Senator Cummins (Republican, l"«’ai introduced Ids resolution to amend tlio Senate rules In a way would permit tti• ■ umendmont of particular schedulis of the tariff law, on.for Hale t K.publican. Maine) In- [ ndo'd tin* clause of rule..* which require that notice of ;t ny proposed rhnuite must lie given In writ Ins one day be fcr»* the proposltIon Is offered. The resolution was then read. It provhle.s that no amendment shall be offered to a tariff nil! unless germane to the schedule iiffceted. Senator little said it was sweeping and even revolutionary and might. in time sub vert all attempted lejflslatlon. Cummins said 1 *■ did not believe ills resolution contin ted with the rule invoked. He said it would be easy to comply with the rule, lie resisted a pidnt of order raised by Hale. Vie. -President Sherman sustained ; tin point of or.U r Cummins withdrew the resolution snd \ill (five notice in writing of its contemplate d intro'im-tino. WITH DA V r* WHITHER EXPECT MORE TOBACCO The receipts for tobacco are a mil - ! on t.ounds short for the two months . : Oct * her and Now This short* tore is due, the belief is, to ttie* pro tr o.-d dry «'ell till has prevailed re. w iitlv which lias made it impossible fur tin* farmers to handle their crop. Tip tobacco men Uanta ill Richmond sav that If the weather vvi!l turn a lit tle warmer, aft r too rams of tlie* last two few da', s, C ■■ market will be fairly Hooded with tobacco. Tills expected rush of receipts will not le. any means damage tip* price ns the demand fur tiie weed is full" as large as the crop will be. IGOWANS p King of Externals Is the one StanJarj prep aration universally and enthusiastically endorsed by Doctor, Druggist, Lay man. GOWANS Cores Pneumonia, Croup, Colds, Goughs, Pleurisy and all ailments caused from In flammation or Congestion. Gonrans Preparation hoa on* of the largest tuid moat kh tie factory sales of any preparation carried in oar stock. Me consider it WOOdfTlnl ■‘•wrens. THE Ml It HA f DRUG CTX. Wholesale Druggists Colombia, S, V., July 11, 1U1U BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT II THE flOUE AIIDr.nti.i. SI. (4h. 3S*. •OMAN MEDICAL CO*. MNMAM. M. 6. tanth*. ft KMtf ntowtet M m> trtnkl BAG i * COAL 10c Be sure it's Nelson Jit Ladd’s and you’ll Ret the highest grade coal It WILL GIVE THE MOST HEAT AM) LAST LONGEST. ASK YOLK GROCER OR Phone Mon. 1096-1097 NELSON & LADD 1UM-5-7-9 EAST CARY* ST. 1 li (j ! J I L t> i fi ; n THE IDEA i ti Man. A. A. Yoder, would be Kind to t,lo f/iiitr print in«. Same old place, 1106' Capitol Street HtoiiO and we’ll cull for * yout? work. * 4 v This Store Will Not Be Open Nights Before Christmas. Men’s House Coats and Bath Robes Make Ideal Christmas Gifts. \Yc are ready to show \ou a complete line of Men's House Coats, Batli and Lounging Rohes, every style exclusive here made up in the best style and there's not any men that wouldn’t appreciate one of them. Men's Hath and Ixmngir.g Robes, niado of imported doublc f:i<-ed German Blankets, in beautiful jacquard designs, made with deep sailor collar and side pockets, cut full and long, with large box pleat in back, seams all double, sewn and welted, small, medium and large, sire ranging in price from $2.98 to $6.98. Men's Three-Piece Combination Sets—Consisting of silk Web Suspenders, .\rin Bands and Garters to match, parked in souvenir, boxes, complete for 50c. Men's Suspender*, made of elastic trimmed with strong leather ends, and patent buckles, put up neatly in boxes, for 25c. Men’s Silk Neck Ties, in a beautiful range of colorings, newest and msartest color combinations, best stylos, in holly boxes, at 25c and 50c. Linens Make Practical Gifts. We JkCcniion a Few Specials. Xmas Candies That Are Pure. Beautiful Hand-Embroidered Center Pieee*. Shams and Scarfs, with hemstitched edges, only PA each. JVC Embroidered Center Pieces, round with scal loped edge, only.. Linen Napkins full bleached, very fine 1A weave, 81.-ft value for. . wi.Iv Mercerized Damask, a full line of new pat terns, 54 inches wide, yard. frame quality as above. 58 inches wide; special. . Pure Linen Damask, 64 inches wide, 75e PA quality, for.Q*/C 25c 48c 39c A full assortment of Turkish Rath Mats, in blue, pink, red and green designs; make very acceptable gifts Pries 50c. 75c. 89c, $1.00 and $1.19. Women’s Dressing Sacques, 50c Just received a new lot of Women's Flannelette and Outing Dressing Sacques, beautiful patterns of blue, pink, brown, tan, etc., well made and very PA unusual values, nt 69c and.DUc Long Bath Robes for Women. We have iti unusual attractive line of Women’s P,ath and 1/winging Robes, satin and ribbon trimmings with large belting cord in all the popular colorings, in several different styles. Prices range from $5.00, $7.25 and $7.98 upwards. $1.50 Rookwood Vases 69 cents. 1 nderglazed decorations, as sorted shapes and tloral designs, SI .50 value for 69c each. Miller i Rhoads has a widespread reputation of handling nothing hut PURR Candies. Every body realises that nothing can be more Import ant than that the Xmas Candies should he ab solutely pure and beautiful. Miller A Rhoads Candies are Fresh and Pure, and they are safe Candies to buy for Xmas, as well as the moet delicious and most reasonably priced Candies to be found anywhere. We make special rates on Candles bought iu 1 large quantities for Churches, etc. i I Waist Patterns for Xmas Presents. These patterns would make any woman a very appropriate Xmas gift, one that would be pretty and servicable. Very fine quality madras, full .4 yards, enough for a waist, tied with ribbon In a holly boi, at 50c, 65c, 79c and 89c each. Give Furs This Christmas. The handsomest and most useful gift you could select. Fashion’s Latest News.-~Of the late season styles, the commendable Idea of having Furs to match ia obtaining considerable favor with discriminating drcMer*. Hats are even trimmed with fur to match. We have a full assortment of Furs, Fur Coats. Fur Lined Coats, at very moderate prices. We invite you to see our line of Furs. Sale of Oriental Rug*. The superior quality and unusual assort ment of the rarest patterns and coiorings, a. well as the remarkable low prices, make this one of the most important events. We Invite your special attention to this rare collection of Oriental Rugs. OHNSON DISCOVERS HOPE OF WHITE RACE X.VIMS MON AHAN, SPARKING’ PARTNER, 1* COMIMi HFAVV. MATCHES HIM WITH HANK GMFFIN. Ja>.k Johnson, oddly enough. is the! atesl person to taring /orwnrd n osalble hope of the white race. For rune time the negro champion lias ecn boosting the game of Walter tonahan. his sparring partner, who, e admits, has get quite a hit to learn, j lit w ho he claims has the natural j Witty to make a good heavyweight, ohnson has ceased from using Mona* an merely us a medium to show his w 11 excellence, pud now, while in nforced idleness in Chicago, is teach ig his protege much of the tlner otnta' of the game. Fight managers take sufiltient no* lea of what Johgison says to lie will- i ig to give Monahan, a chance, attdi lie young man will appear In 1‘hUa- j elphia shortly, probably boxing Hank , Irintn, a negro heavy. Johnson is lalting the match, and will bo be- j Ind his partner. Mealtime the champion is having I lore legal troubles, a Chicago garage j aving sued him for $21.75 for storage , ml materials. Johnson admits the! ebt, but says lie thought It had been' idt. He will settle out of. court. The Santa Claus role is Jack's latest , oblty. And. just to prove tiiat he's' n the level, the pugilistic man of the our is going to sink 1,000 cold Amer. i an plunks iti the Christmas trade i*t by waj of displaying ids undying ?! Hern for friends anil constlts ini arious parts of .the I'nited States. •T’vo made up the schedule,” said ohn Arthur in Chicago, after nam* ig a string «»f relatives and warm dmirors who hove stood ity him1 trough thick and thin. "T!ut that's te easiest part of it. Hooks us if > 11 have to engage a shopping agent > attend to the heavy work.” Next in importance to the distri utlon of presents, aoeoicling to Jack's; ne of chatter, will be the Christ ina dinner. Hast year lie arrived ; no day late for the big eats—reach- \ ig Chicago 1 iceisni .■> 20. one year cfore the dusky giant was busy de ironing Tommy Curas and officially Inching his right to the heavy right title In far-v>tT Kushcutters' ay, Sydney. X. I5. TV. Hyatt Is Wait Paint Captain. iVKST POINT. X. Y„ Dec. 8.—Cadet j b«rt F. Ilyatt. of Arkansas, was1' unimously elected captain of next » ir'a football eleven Wednesday. Ux- : The Xmas Spirit is Here! If you haven't the spirit of Christ mas yet—Visit Miller & Rhoads and you will be filled with Christmas thoughts—It is a good thing to ob serve Christmas. How seldom it comes—only once a year, and how soon its over- - A night and a day. A single day of generosity! A single night of merry-making! and the exchanging of presents, which is a cheerful old custom. The finest and most expensive Christmas gift is not appreciated most, but the one given that Is useful as well ns ornamental and carries with it Rem embrance. Thit Store Will Not Be Kept Open Any Night. In order that our salespeople may serf e the public more faithfully duri ng the day, we have decided to close this store every evening about the usual time—You are Invited to shop early in the mornings when the salespeople can serve you properly and w ill give you their best attention. Shop Early! Shop Early! a't T»-il 1 graduate In 191". Besides playing foot hull. Hyatt is the Arm? crack baseball pitcher and lias the reputation of being the coolest ami hardest man to rattle that Weal Point has ever had in the box. M’GUISJIN TO 0EFE0EE LIGHTWEIGHT BOUT PHIUUGLPHIAV WILL IUS THIItl) MAX IX HIXC; WITH COBB \M» BRITT. BALTIMORE. Bee. 8.—After ion siderable wrangling over the long dis tance telephone. Sammy Harris ac knowledged defeat In his argument with Johnny Hpattola, of Philadel phia. concerning the referee for the 15-reipui encounter to-morrow night between Young Britt, of this city, and Tv Cobb, of Philadelphia. Tin argument between the respective managers aneut the uuestion of the third party took place yesterday al teruoon, and the result of the verbal tilt was the choice of Jack McQuigan for the job. -McUuigan has refereed here a number of times and always given the highest satisfaction. Har ris had no personal objection to Mo Gulgan, but. did not care to give in because Cobb's manager iiad regis tered a kick of gigantic proportions against Buck Alexander, merely be cause lie was front this city. Cobb ha* been working with Young Hammy Smith over in Quaker Town, and is in the best of condition. He w ill S'ale close on to 1-8 pounds, and will have from eight to ten pound* advantage of Britt. The lat ter is now under tha 120 mark and he will only do a bit of light work to-day In 'order to reduce his weight any more. The fact that the Quaker ■Alii have some weight on him Is not fvorrylng the Harris protege, for he is tit to go the limit, and at the: fast est sold of pace. BOMB OUTRAGE; NO ONE INJURED l. AK Atil : OF ITALI AN COX SIT ■JtAMAOKI) BV DYNAMITE EXPLOSION; 1 SEATTLE. WASH.. I'ec * —A narage In the fear of the home of Dr. Chilione. the Italian consul, was dawn up with dynamite Wednesday lay and every window lu the cud ini's house was shattered Several •ther houses in the/vlclnlty were also lightly damaged. Xo one was In jure*!. / , • ■ • -.- e*“——-asa—f Ohllkme declares t lx- dynamitic* " an not the V. ,,rk of ih.> [>!a.-lc Hand, but of ."om*' personal eu'-my in th* Italian colon;, from which the con sul shielded som-"1 one, ' ‘tiilion. ha a the police th* names of so\ >rn] suspects. The con sul's house is non under a hea\|r guard. BROAD STREET PROPERTY BRINGS GOOD PRICE One of the lament realty transfer* made lu the \ iclnity of Richmond fof ti' rne tirne was put on record in the city <'ham-cry Court Wednesday afternoon, making note of the sale of five ar>4 four-fifth acres at the intersection of the 15road street road and the Rose, feath road to Mr. Kdwln Pilcher hjf , Mr. Henry S. WaJlcrsteln, the prio* j aid being JiiO.OOO. Only a part of the property lie* within the cits limits. A deed record ing the whole transfer is accordingly Pled in the clerk's office of th« Ilenrln) Circuit Court._ WATCHES AND CHAINS Fur Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or Sweetheart can be pur chased from immense stock Ju*t received.