Newspaper Page Text
DENY BUT m WERE SNUBBED DIFFERENT VERSION GIVEN OF CALLING OFF OF PASEDENA SOCIAL FUNCTION. PASEDKNA. CAL.. Dor. 8.-Reports that PaSedenti socletV women had snubbed tin officers <>f the Japanese training squadron in the harbor here by refusing to dance with the subjects of the Mikndo or to mingle with them socially were declared fulst to-day by persons who received Invitations to the dance. The dance was scneduled for i’ccein i-ei u and maity prominent women promised to attend, but the alTnlr was c.tlb (I o.’T because it conflicted with an invitation previously accepted by ■■ ro. commanding the fleet, Hid hi- staff. On Monday, December • ■ ■ i ■ ta id a reception aboard thi flagship Annma, inviting a imuibei oi visitors to Inspect tl\o vessel, but ui arrangements t..r dancing were made on that invasion. “OLD SLEUTH” AND “CaKIhR” CLASH WASUINKTOX, O. C.. Dec. 8.— ".Mi k ( arter" and "old sleuth will •arry their rivalry Indore tin lnter atuo Commerce Comma sion irt the hearing ot th< . omplaint of the pub lish'd of "tild Sleuth" against th • Adams, th t n»t• . 1 Stales, the Wells Fargo, and .National Express compa nies. Tin Arthur Westbrook Company, of Clet elanu. <>h|o, to-day charged that marked partiality is shown by the defendant companies t >»ard Street and Smith rlo i hronetcl. rs of the "doings ot Nick Carter Vc-ordlnu to the p tltlomrs, the lb.- e, nt • dittons of "Nick f'arter' yellow back., are shipped I .road cast to the waiting youth of the land, at the rate of l < out p.-r pound, w hereas the \V. sthrook Company ip required to par the regular m*rehandise rate, for shipmi nts of the talcs of "Old j South." DEPOSED SULTAN i MM LDSt MONEY COl liT OIUU U.S 1VWK TO H KN OVUt l Oliir.M; WUH If VOl \(. TV'ftKs UIIJ SKl/.i:. I' U f v I, f N I >* ' \r-disl Hum! Su :fan t*f Turkey, j#r*0>,*1.n] ^ '•‘id r t !»*♦ '.'•&*> of th*- gr* ater parr of )\\h h(**j*M fortune throng is t - .0 ti.*r. of the Supremo < our? of th* 1 m»*. r». u a * •. r <*ra**r#?d t to* lYnji**rul l<*nk of I > r i n to pay to \boul te. s. • iOJujl'i W ‘}1<U; ho depO«}t«*d ;n ’ : *' bank soverul yeat* It i* conoid-, P*o-„ ’ ' l 4 . .«• ^ ••sing 1 nrK w:ii thi* money the moment it ^ r* ' • <n to the ■!» rub r The bank had refill (i tv* turn over the money on the ground that At < clu, r* »jut "t j-,r it was f’*r » d by the V-oin*; Turks. wh< wanted to g< t the fortune v. h» re th«*> eoulil la;. *-ir hands on St. The bank. ar<u«d that a* the order ivhbh A’rflul gave f r the withdrawal t-i hi* funds did n**t hear th* $eeret tseaj that had h« • n agreed up'»n l* rv■ ei*n ih(Mn. t \v.*a * ertain that the *rd» r bad i i en ».i laito i through du ra .*.«•’ Th»- Supreme <*ourt d«u bled that the ord*: w avalid am! tx r* Tin* gen ii iu» signature of the royal depositor ind most honored drspito what, might heoonn* < : th» fortum- rmohe !"■.. i Geo. W. Anderson & Sons, 215 East Broad Street. Useful Gifts for the Holidays Persian Rugs A IK-.iut iftil assortment to select from. < omc in and look them over. Axminster Rugs Special for Xmas, size 3x6 ft., choice $3.48 Portieres Ideal gift. See our spec ial $5.00 ones; all colors. -- * Lace Curtains From 75c to $50.00 per pair. See our line from $3.00 to $5.00 per pair. Carpet Sweepers Anderson’s Carpet House “I have coughed and coughed until my lungs are sore and weak.'* Go at once to your doc tor. Do not delay another hour. Ask him all about Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. T. i take It or not as he says. WILLIAMS’ PRIVATE SANATORIUM . < 'I-' ! I< * VI'! ' i < » ‘ M l • »' M U i s\| V \ i » | «|< I < ,S ^ M ’ \ U \ I I h I I II >! •,< . I • 11' M \ I l \ \ i > I i \ r \ 1 i '1 \ I I I ‘. I - B. B. WILLIAMS, M. D„ Greensboro, N. C. Christinas at Lumsden’s This old established firm announces the completeness of Its SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL EXHIBIT OF HOLIDAY GIFTS of rare beamy and design wrought In GOLD, SILVER AND PRECIOUS METALS, ARTISTIC CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS W ARE, SILVER DEPOSIT AND ART GOODS. Watches, Diamonds and Precious Stones If you are unable to inspect our stock write for one of our Illus trated catalogues. It trill t>r mailtii to you without cost C. LUMSDEN & SON, Inc. •JEWELERS TO THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE" 731 EAST MAIN STREET. RICHMOND, VA Capital, $500,000 Surplus and Profits, $300,000 American National Bank OCR STEADY GROWTH TELLS ITS OWN STORY Accounts of l irms, Corporations and Individuals arc respectfully solicited. 3 per e'ent. interest paid on savings accounts. Compounded twice a vear. OFFICERS OLIVER J SANDS. President < HAS K. WINOO, V.ce-President t\ M. t C AMP. Yico-I’resident O BAYLOR illLI.. Cashier WALLER holla DAY. Vast.. Cashier D. \\ DI RRETT. W'. t'ashier MRS. EDDY’S SPOUSE WAS HELD AS PRISONER HERE Captured by Meshy's Guerillas, Dr. Daniel Patterson Served Time in Richmond Basti.c Until Wife Procured His Release After Determined Pfforts I i. J'.ii; . : r.ittf th* s* >nd h. j* mil ■ Mr*-. -Mery naki : i* InuiiU' r i'f liit- 0 tiristian S ..iencv «Hm tiled several day* H.1S.1 |)ti>. !liT ..I Will- ill 1.1 »<!<>• t riSM.'ll. Uichniotut. mien his wile t>c*.in i.i ai .w iniit the mysb-rbs <*f tn* tuitli i un utter being tu.uoii ■ a. .'ui'.ni spinal tr mrougn hypti -n treat ment. Vv not tic "ar •: a ■• ti th«* X-’rth mi.i th ’ r-k ...a l>r. I'jt'.-ro -t.. lliip'.iflu . t.'i.iV'tl. liftii d.-..vlo.i 1 -».i. ctiuiri wanted «.» g*-t into .»* ti• • n mi.i in. l..«t ii” 11in. n. iiii; ■■■n nohiltttioK w<-r* do iurcii. Ho w.-tit to Washington. witness ■ .1 ike ; r.-t <attic ■ t tin) lliiti to* on* io 11.. throng Kill'll pressed out if.m trio nation.i, i. ipital .uni Kas ituiiii prisoner ;■> •lj i..£»■ • i* guert w UlS. t lo u .is :n i bs* ■ at * tutik *v 'i **rol sent t-i i.ii*i’> l risen. HU wnt* received word tr«m nliis. ami ii. p| it!o* as mio 11 as, lor sn. n ttf poor •>: puts*' ami |.r in ph* - *1. at S*:r. tufUi. She trn It t*. obtain n.. roloaso. Untie r* adlng a bundle o! old !* t :* n. lrotn turn on. day Kite rime mam in h tin it Mi a**.* urged to consult i “1 >r. 1 httiiMs 1'. kp.miiny. h In. n.o. :heu advertising luinseii at 1'ortlanu, Mo., at* a tin ms.' in and hypnotic in-a - *r i i tht* Mi'S. When ltr. l'attor*»n lias null lor ho tiait mn o oven mkou :hr practitioner to . onie down to Coti orii t" treat lus v.tio, t*ut the nogo dutlun* had l oon trullloss. Hail innung l-utUi. Sin derided to an sin her husband Had ii tailed, and thus she • anio t. ■vhat might to nailed tin turn lute !><din d' her life. Sin was thou forty-on* rears id use. an invalid so trail n, ihysitfUe that she oould scarcely walk »nd yot *hi ha t an abiding tmth tlia. n Moltto main.• r site Mould be healou hrougn divine ugemy. 1’hlticR; }'. yummy iva« a HaeK slntth in Portland when If witness* u .ho demonstration of si iravolins n n. h ^hypnotist. Charles Doyen 1. runic. tie took lessons ot hint anu rad learned something id n hut ho ai’od “eleetrieal psychology" from mother dabbler into m temith my»te ' lo., na mi'll I <od. His own theory oas si hodge-podge In which his own gnoranco v.a-- a predominating jn trodlent. Nevertheless, this man had ljpnotii- power, and after a brief so ies of treatments he was aide com- i detel.v to restore Mr*. Kdily t<> health, i the celebrated her recovery t.y oil alo ng tip 123 steps at th.' State House j itid returned t<* her Now Hampshire : tome in 1862 with the glory of life In lor cheeks. . Hestored to Health. Mrs. Kddy believed that Ood had vrouglu this oure tutd was surprised \ 0 find that Qulmby was practically ‘ in agnostic. She had lost fear anil he foreboding sense which hung over I ter. With confidence was renewed, 'he took up the battle for her htts mnd'H release, went to Washington md won it. Then she devoted her eif to trying to account for the cure ‘ vhieh hail been accomplished In her : •Me by the man who hud been de louneed by many as an imposter and ; 1 charlatan. She studied Quimliy’s crude and cm- | ilrieal methods and wrote about them I n lengthy papers. This is on con roverstal ground, for the fo' owers of [ •frs. Eddy maintain that shw htrnlsh d writings which were later ascribed I o I>r. Quimby. while, on the other* land, it has been asserted that Quim >y himself was the source of the in- i piratton. The evidence seem* clear, , lowever. that Mrs. Eddy was the au- I .hor of certain metaphysical writ- ' ngs of this period, In which appear ihonetically spelled Interlineations by I he blacksmith-hypnotist. Woodmen Prosperous. Examiner T. M. Hobson, of the >tato Bureau of Insurance, who went , o Illinois with Insurance ofitciuls of ther States to examine the books ot he Modern Woodmeh of the World, I fraternal insurance organisation, has j »turned to Richmond and reported I* eoaUty to be In a most flouristUng * rendition Th* r« j>*»rt whown.r the **v * ifent shape in which -Mr. H >»!*•.» n t sad the M. < >. T U' wUl bt» in >rporat* «i in th*- report!* t** » made ii.ur I >«*« « m >>*-r 1. MAKES HEALTH TALK 01 WAYNESBORO FOLK MAH III Aim 1 -OMM1.SMOM--.H iii:ui i k> i.kcti hi: in moi n TAIN TOWN. I >r. Kihii .m Williams. Slat, health <'imniirsi.HH'r. returned to Klchmond Wednesday afternoon from Waym-s bbro. iiliiTr hi l-i Hired Tuesday night • n general h* alth matters He re ; - rts hf wns given tile closest i attention anil will doubtless he pr-> IiH«- ..f good result!* It appears that Wayn-sboro has fluently I < i n through an epidemic of diphtheria, and it was th* desire of the officials to ha\e Jar. Willlarna visit the place anil give the people the email i.f his i xpert knowledge and ■ xperi* nee in the shap of a special talk. As? tstam Health t'enimissioiii i Al ii W. I'rf email . left Wednesday morning for l.toydtnn to conier with j his hookworm erperts. who haw been wo rkitig that »e< lion. It Is understood •hat the campaign against tills para- j Ite which raps mail s vitality ia mak-i ing great progress in Me* klenhnrg j and adhti .-m counties, where it Hour- i ties on human victims as it does in j few other sections of the State. Koydton, th*- county seat of Meck lenburg. is the present headquarters of the experts. JACK ABERNATHY QUITS HIS JOB WASHINGTON l>. Deo S.~ "Juek" Abernathy, the wolf catcher, * f Oklahoma. resigned Wednesday as I'nited States marshal after a ses * Ion of about twenty minutes at the ( department of justice. "I asked them to tire me, but they j wouldn't." said Abernathy, "so v went! downstairs and resigned. The charges against me were absolutely false, but I whs just tired of the whole busi ness and kicked out” Abernathy was appointed by his hunting friend, Colonel Hoosevelt. The charges, which were not of a i * elminal nature, were not made pub- i lie. SALE OF WOODWORK BY THE COVENANTERS The Junior Covenanters. Company Vo. 1. will hold their annual Christmas, sale of woodwork, wreught-iron work, burnt wood, etc.. Friday afternoon and night, December 9. in the chapel of the Record Fresbyterinn church, corner 1 Fifth and Main streets. Special attention is called to the fact ‘ that the sale will not extend through two days this year, an heretofore, and > < very one is requested to bear this In ■ mind. The boys have outdone them selves this year and there will be an rmazing display of Christmas gifts for aale. DR. MIMS DELIVERS SPLENDID ADDRESS, i (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WINSTON-SALEM. N. C, Dec. 8.— Dr. Edwin Mims, of the University of North Carol'na .delivered a splendid lecture to the North Carolina Libra rians' Association Which is in session here ax the Salem Academy- Memorial hall, last night. A large number of prominent librarlanse from all pert* of the state are here end a splendid program has been arranged. j in EXPECTS I _ - jit’ MEXICAN bkvoi.i TION SIX' j IEKIJS MAYS HK W1H, BE SEC BETAHY OF STATE. I I I | i LOOKS TO CONGRESS AM. LEGAL MEATS WILL HE KA UAI STED TO PREVENT KATBAUI tion or editor vhkest El» roH DIAZ GOVERNMENT. WASHINGTON*. Dec. 8.—Admitting not oniy Hi<u nu is Jt revoiuituuiBi, out IIIHI I tV OApeCtS lO IHl Ml'xKUII B«crv , i«.y oi stuie it tne regime "t l'resl co-ttt ijiu z is o\ertnrowu, .N'tmtr Juan oancriez Azcona, in jhii Here penning t.vtiaoilion proeceuings, uis uasuu nun self ana ms cuse ui uetail in an in terview w imh tne L linen I're.-ts sv- j cured to-uuy through me ini' my oi a ispanian interpreter and a personal j trieuu i t tne prisoner. Semuiiems -Mil • liilW. Azcoha aaiu no was eoiinuunt tiiat j the t lllu o Wales wouiu r« mse to ae ccue to me nvinanus ot .viexico, ana j mease nun w mull a week. ms 111 ■ ar 1*1 ateai nas m n*» v. ,.-e cMiiea m.i revolutionary sentiments. lie inu mau 'i mat me * use oi in*' revoluilon ims was being utiellue.! i<> more suc uo Ulan me Mexican government ai ii us me new s uispatctie.e to tne out- , mite worm to man at*-. Heal lees Hunt lu'iunl Means. He iihs a tun realization ot what might happen were he to ne sent oack to Mexico—an eloquent shrug of nts enouniers wits, his repiy to a question of w nut wnuiil oe uone to him. ' it is h*-i ause of political reasons entirety that i halt in tn arreeteu, raid lie. speaking In Spanish. "The enargv that l oDtaineu money under tuisi pretenses tr ansurd. l Know tnls. J nope, too, mat tne t’nited State* wiil treat me fairly. l or these two reasons t am jiositiv e that 1 w in be out of this place within a. week—two weeks at tin- most." In t omt* triable l^uaru*r*. Azcona is confined in a cell more like a living room than a place or Incarceration. It is l«rg« and well lighted ny two windows opening on tne prison lawn. It has wooden doors and is comfortably furnished. Sup plied w ith books and . igarettes by Sei.or Madero, brother of me head of thi revolutionists, and In Senor Fer nandez. another prominent revolu tionist. Azcona to-day smoked and read, and waited for the habeas cor pus [iri . idlings which w ill be started by his attorneys as s"*n as the Mex b an kov ernmeut .takes its next definite Mf p. K«*l> on i oivm’S' for Aid. If court prm eeuings fall, his friends expect a "ngr*s*lonBi inquiry, pre paration for which is ahead;, under w ay. I am m yatl, but I am not un comfortable," said Az. na. Natur ally l would rather be out I have . Igarette*. books and my thoughts. For th- unpleasantness of being m -prison 1 have the satlsfa tion of Know ing that 1 am saving 1 y expenses at the hotel." Ascona laughed heartily at his own .•ke. then lit a t Igarette. and con tinued: i.vpicts to He seiTOlary of sue. "1 di* not d* i that I am a revo lutionist. If tin revolutionists suc • c*-d I expect to . secretary state in Mexico. It must not he thought, eitlu r. that mj party has i eux-d its * (tort*. News dispatches are riot al ways encouraging, but the present government exercises a rather rigid censorship the news that comes to this country. "I was n<*t particularly surprised at m arrest, although I am surprised at the charge against me. But they can't hold me. The charge is ab solutely untrue, and my attorneys nil! prove that when the proper time comes.” Azcona speaks Spanish French, Forman and Italian, hut knows no F.ngltsh. He was educated in Kurope and served as a journalist and as a congressman In M« xioo. INDIANS MASSACRED BY 1I0RSE THIEVES HASHTNGTI'N I>. O.. I Vi S The reported massacre of tourteen Indians In Rlk county. Nevada, by whit' horse thieves is being investigated to-day by the department of Justice to de termine whether the department lias any Jurisdiction In the matter. Enables an ordinary cook to make ; \ extraordinarily good “goodies.” 't Baking Powder has more to do witl successful housekeeping than most peopl ^ suspect. ti If you are minus good cooking, adi [, GOOD LUCK to your grocery list. h At your grocery store. The Southern Manufacturing; Co. RICHMOND, VA. f c 111 I a A ’a ; d 1 V ; r J M inor V f cc'ward. Steward M. Woodward. I Woodward & Son, Lamber, Laths, Shingles, I Saab, Bllnda and Doors. Yards and Puddings Corering Ten Acres. Main Office: Ninth and Arch Sts., Madison Ward. Branch Office: Fourth and Stock-f ton. Washington Ward. I The largest and best assorted stock I in the Bute. I I DREYFUS & CO. A Great Challenge Sale of Suits and Dresses To-Morrow We call it “A Challenge Sale,” because we actually invite you to compare and equal (if you can) these WONDERFUL SUIT and DRESS VALUES These sales represent further purchases from overstocked manufacturers by our New York Buying Organization, and IF YOU HAVE NOT ATTENDED OCR RECENT SAFES, DO SO. 400 STREET AND EVENING FROCKS 7 hie sale include• ail mr onn regular *'od: aj high-grade suit* ur t cell a* many errin' underprised purchases. All finer Suits are proportion ately reduced in price. .■» Worth $20, $30. $40 aid $50 Will be sold Friday and Saturday as follows: 100 Dresses at $5.00 100 Dresses at $10.00 100 Dresses at $16.50 100 Dresses at $24.50 There are three distinct classifica tions: 1st—-Dresses for Street and Practi cal wear. 2nd—Dresses for Afternoon Recep tions and Dinners. 3rd—Dresses for the Dance and Theater. t Materia/s- Silk-Lined Voiles and Nets. Marquisettes. Chiffons, Series and Aeolians, Novelties and Checks. 700 SUITS PLAIN TAILORED AND NOVELTY' EFFECTS. Adapted from French models. Worth $25, $30, $35 to $45 <k> on sale Friday and Saturday as Follows: 100 Suits at $7.00 200 Suits at $14.50 100 Suits at $19.50 200 Suits at $29.50 201 EAST BROAD STREET Serge*. 1 Vacated-*, Boudet, Diago nal*, Chrnati, Broadcloths, Zibelincn and mixtures in all tires. Altera* linns at rod. AJI finer Evening Dresses and Costumes proportionately re duced. t . DR. WOOTEN’S DEPARTURE CAUSES GREAT REGRET iSpciUt! !i» The Richmond Virginian.) TRINITY COLLKGK. IM'RHAM. V. C. Dec. S.—Every one hern w as nlct'ii by surprise whan it was learned hat R- .. John Wooten, of the de partment of Biblical literature, had :.een s-n; to a charge lii the North aroilna Conference. He goes to Grace Methodist church at Wilmington. N. there he supplied during the summer ’or Kev. Thomas A. Smoot, while the alter was away on a trip to Kurope. Die college authorities when seen were o able to give any light upon the mat er. Professor Wooten knew nothing .>* tin change when he left for Klixa •eth City last week to attend Confer ee- and the rows of his appointment .me as a surprise to the college com nunitj. Thi depnrtim of Profess..r Wooten eaves vac.itu the chair of Biblical lit ratur« ivt Trinity College. an.! It is ct kown as yet what steps will be aken by the < ■-liege nor who will ake his place. Genera! regret is fel* among the acuity and the student body because • f Professor Wooten's departure. He s a strong man and will be greatly nissed her. The professor is fully lompetent of filling any pastorate in he entire Conference. IEAVY LOSSES IN AFRICAN FIGHT PARIS Dec. 8 —Thirty-five killed, Ixty-nir.e wounded and eighteen miss Ig represents the French losses in the attle of Drijele. in French West fvtri a. according to an announcement to attle was fought on November 5>th. ne French column, under Lieutenant olonel Moll being opposed bv tt,. c-.m .ned forces of toe nuitans of ‘ >u.ulal. lessh&lit and Doudsuursb. Twentv ight sharpshooters, two commissioned nd five non-c. mmissioned onicers ade up the killed on the French sine, he natives' losses are reported as s*v ral t mes heavier. nu gkt MONBY FOH CHRISTMAS Spe. ial to The Richmond Virginian.) UO.-lNt'KK, VA., Bee. i». -Ot-cern* f-r 2<t will bo pay day for the Nor .dk and Western Railway. The 24th f each month is usually the day for istributlon of checks, but the 20th as been selected this month, in order iat the men may ha.. their money t time to provide for the Christmas olidays. Hejrtasoplw Choose Officers. Officers for the ensuing year were lected Tuesday night by Heplasoph onclave. No. 162. I. O. H.. as foi- 1 tvs: Past archnn. A. LB. Vonderlehr; rchon, Frank A. Bliley; provost, John mrhein; iirelate, James H. Lamn m; Inspector. Frank Merrick; war- ; er, George A. Allen; senalnel. WII am Bril). Trustee*-—W. T. Tyrer. .Tlllam tVord and L. Amrheln. and -presentative A. L. Vonderlehr. with 1 >hn H. Llnneman. as alternate. LC.T.U AIM) TD DRVE DRINK FROM CDRNEll PHAt A WOMEN HAVE HU B DI-I HKCTEO AT I'NIVEHMTV CITV RKSUHT8. ITHACA, X. Y., Doc. Those stu-j »nts of Cornell University who oc-; iilmsUr drop In the Dutch kitchen of i« AJkuun&rn er other well-known *tu-1 ! dent resort* to net a drink now and \ then were startled to learn to-day ft af the Irx al W. C. T U. will have in - troduced into the legislature at Albany , ! this winter a bill which will malt® lr a orlrne to sell Intoxicants within a ra dius of four niUen of any college or a i university supported by the state. As the? new state college or agrlcul- j ture is located In the heart of Cornell ! University. arid Ithaca is but a small 1 • U>\ the bill would wipe out every i drinking place and Student resort in | town, and the members of the \V. C, T. j T.\ rrankly admit that the bill is prin- : cipaliy aimed a? this city. CAVALIERI WILL TOUR THE COUNTRY UARIS, Dec. fc.—Within the uext two! weeks Mm« Lina Cavalierl Chanler expect® to sail for New York, where #h< wul begin u three months theatrical enfragement. With this positive dccia j ration of her intention to-day. the note<l ■ diva set at rest the rumors that nho j had been "bought vff'* b% members of the family of her husband, Robert \V. Chanter. from whom she has separated. ; Mm** Cavalier! Chauler intimates ! that she would not only sing in New York, but would aUo appear In a num- j her of other American cities, She d» j riled tha: a friend <*f the Chanter fain-) Uy had s< nt a chfrk for $45,000 to re- j lmbarse her should she abandon nor j contemplated trip. DEATH OF PROMINENT VIRGINIA EDUCATOR \Yt >oI*ST< >OK, V V . 1 >*<. 8.—Profes sor ('....per Schmitt. dun of Partly I’nlv, rxit.v ..f Tt nnessrr. died suddenly • Tuesday at six I- M , a: his home in ■ Knoxville. H- was formerly of Wood- | stork H< a as a son of tin* late It. Schmitt, \ M of tiio 1’niverslty of Vir ginia. Hi is survived by his widow and i two sons. I'.erney and Kalph. of Knox- i ville, and one sister. Miss 1„ Virginia I Sohmltt. of this (dace The body was j brought to his old hi me tn Woodstock ! Thursday The funeral services will be froiti his sister s home Friday. 1>KI>U ATIOV WMVHtSAHV VT TEMPI.E BETH AHABAII Next Friday, the i'th instant, will tie the ,«i\th anniversary of ihe *i*Mi ration of the handsome synagogue of Beth Ahabah congregation, on West ■ Franklin street The congregation usually take* note of this anniver sary by a special servl • . There will he some splendid music rendered by the regular eh dr, assisted by the i ('iP-rat Society of the congregation. They will render the hymn "Praise ■ the laird," by Kandeggei. The music, will be under th,- direction of Mr. Moses May. with Proto.vior Jacob Keinhar.1t at the organ. Or. K. V fa'lsi-h will conduct tfie service and wilt deliver a sermon on the topic, ‘What the Modern Syna gogue Stands For." Service begins at S: 16 o’clock and'the general pub-: lie Is cordially welcome. Or. Cailsch will also officiate at the Saturday morning service and will preach "ti the subject. ''Old IMcturer. in NVw Frames." S. rvtc.s on Saturday morn ing begin at lb:41 o'clock AUTII.I.I m IIATTKRIES i IN I IIMPfiTITIVr. Ukll.L. Information governing the competi tive drills will bi participated iu bv tile several butteries of Virgin a field arttller) n. vi spring has .iu.-t liven giv en out by Major T. M Wortham, bat talion commander and Adjutant Jen nings • Wise. Prizes have been offered by the fle]. ard staff ufbeers of the butt Ton. They will be competed for by data Is to b* •elected from the three batter es. Each batiery will ho d its own cbm petitive drill, ar.d will select a team Tie's*, t i*” will then compete for the final honors Tha b. ttcrie* which will take part iff the contest aru those known In military circles as batteries A, H and O, popu larly known respectively as the Rich mond Howitzer*. tha Norfolk Light Ar tillery BIvm gad Qrlmaa’ bat tar y of Portsmouth. » - SEVERAL ‘PROMINENT* DOGS ARRESTER WINSTON-SALEM. X. C.. Dec. This city's new ordinance forbidilBf . dugs to be in the street unless aeeoat*; panted bv their owners is attracting wide attention. Several have suggeeb" ed that in view of the fact that can outrun the officers that they should carry numbers like automobiles >h1 |g case the officers fall to catch them, thcg<i • an gut their number and catch them later. The dogs resist but can’t be rested for resisting an officer, have pointed out that it Is hard for dogs to face a capital' charge «f for being on the street. Several “J lronr dogs ami others of lete d have ben impounded. URGE APPOINTMENT OF JUDGE WASHINGTON. D. C.. Dee. delegation representing the Delate Har called on President Taft yeah afternoon to urge the selection of : trict .Judge Edward U. Bradford, Wilmington, as a Supreme Court tide. Senator Dupont and Repr tive Heahl Introduced the deleg which was headed by H, H. War Flowers HMUBROWM FLORISTS w 5 W. Broad Street, Ricfamj *1 UNIVERSITY COLLII :OF MEDICINE SSSBi | STUAPT McGUtPC, M. D-, P«t*lSCRY MEDICINE -DENTISTRY—-PHARE New biii’umg under construction, the tteople ot Richmond. Admirable laboratory building far use—large, bright, convenient. NEW EQUIPMENT THROUGi Own one Hospital, use lour others MODCRN LABOPATOPY Mr Member Association of American leges. Registered in Xew Yorfc. High 1 itition *nd expanses moderate, SEND FOP CATALOGUE I STATISTICAL BCCORO To the Womi of ^ Virginia If you are a reader RICHMOND VIRGINL vish to make some pin iuiokly, please send your iddnss to THE RICHMOND A O. Box 40J, kiCi P. S. -ulf you can not, Interest yourself* peri t sop or daughter S»wwf