Newspaper Page Text
Mil SOOK [DEC! ! Y.M.GJlBUILDIIG i»KTT;n.sBi n<; visited hy state ! SKCKCTARV ACkl.EY, WHO IS I-OOKING OVI K m.LU. LARGE FUND ON HAND i - KAt.I.KS H.ECT omi KR>-REV. ; PE.MHKOKK HEED VCI'EITS ('VIA To s JOHNS—IIOSPITVI. 1)IHE< TUBS MEET. tSp*:< la;- t * The Ub'hmoml Virginian.) . i'r. L r> tv£?i >( K<», \ :\ , 1 >cc. Kc*v . ?emi>ruKv w. lu'.-d, of Berkley, Va-, •iK3 h< a'pu*a tnc* call recently * x t* nueu *»v cl J-'iij) * t-.piBoupai cuiiren of Petcrsm rg to become u-s iu rec- , tor. Mr. K« •«! will -Miter upon to*- . di8c-ha<g<* "i ru* a:iiiw on l^iemlicr 1 IV It** ii j: y ! ■»*♦.■ n « T St. i’llUi'K , • hurra in i. -rhi. y f<»r some time. An aiarrn «»t hr*- ivir turned in • hi Woiin* -mia> aljirrno oi about 1 • • A k* k. ci;i•■* to thA nirtr.itig ot a bail *#1 cotton on Sycamore street at the ut«»rc of Arrington «v (Jreen, the prop* tit; of Ho^frv Vv Met a he. it i-s thought th- t-nton taught lire from a < igaretu*. Kkrl*. Officer-*. The follow in officer* lia' . \ * • a ‘ C ir- ted b. the ivtershurfr \-n , < *r«i< r , of Kaglea. <r the ensuing term: V.’orthy I*; t loom. Wh iairi H. Kaf U r j . worthy \i e pre.« nnt. J.»<*: T Ufotvn; vvorth.v rhaphun. J:i m - ; M. ttaundera. worthy treasurer. Civ urge l >>w«:om worthv in*»Uh‘ g«*rd, J hn Hher* r -,s *rthy k .aril. \V. 1 -• * Wher-lh>' . Trii"U-t-!5 V-.'. AY *■• Iis, I'harU .- },*. Scout. J .’’an 'I' fi -l h. I’h.vkh tan. hr \Y. !’, J Sand B«r» ltc*nnmil. ’’he *&rni bur;. iri the \jj-pomattox i ivnr, which have impeded navigation. ' a\ - been r»*rn< * and the s’*-amer A rora ha* rest;u.* I tnr^ between FV t«-r*hurg a: •! fM.. hrr*> "A This U of , >.!■ rtar--r t<- fhlpper? r both ei?.,*. The n-errhantM who .cere '"imei «-ut the r»»'Slt fir ha'. O received RFf’ir j. rwe i\ -m tne < Hd ! »•>n. :-:•»ri l ine that freight fr%-m New York to th!« con ’“Hi be ruKio-d to them with ;* itfth b; *biy as » pov^ibt? Hcitl Mlwlomin Meeting Weunt*»aa: night at up >. ■ ,»<id j 1 ehbvT* nan chur«’h » *p« <o.*l J. iO!« >■■ * ary program was a: rang* ■ tor the « . « It being the niue-nonar v even inr An Hlum’uate.i map was pi * - 1 .m !. the tMiitiu where the S. -uth-*rn i'rtS. ’ T>-ri:ii: «■ h*v» h ha- imsm «;be rg aev gjiiite.i t !. .irniog ’ ip- >. Th*. i; ■•‘•tirp was r.«u iu b't! c ntPc*l> t > la\ and as intense*,*, n-stir**? IWniuiHtu Uosiiin/ >oi< rioii/**! A beantif-Jl wechio g • ■« **■ i iae,} UVih.t eifly ..IgJt at nine • w t*t th* r-sloen -e » r th* l—hb * par e-.!R on 5>-.*oth Sy*'.nm**re stre- t v. hen Me- Kavh^i K:n>- .. • vught»>r *>f Mr. ami Mis l!«rr K hit** >, v. a« untied ■a marr! tKf t . Mr. W hiam t rruo b-vo S ps*l>%v • u. »f Nub*Ik. The parlors v * r»- h- yir f-o- •!* *r no-H for the <h > ashm i»nrt th*- ■••ere jn -n v •• as p* rforn.ed I \ K* v. t *. H 7. tM »n pa -'P-r **l tile >* < oiui I’rc n byterlan ♦ ’hu^eh After an e\* ndecl t >.,r the young fmjp!< vv: > r, •nr- f*> W ■>; whe-e th* (riut.m |* *ny. gv*{ :n b v \ . M « \ C i r* 1« »* .Mr. ;*• A. - o State h* «tc f.iry of th* Y. M t A ha - 1>* • n m Pet t rsbiirg. p* *king • * r ?t- fu «! an 1 ertAining facts r-;y.' t*» push fog forward t * f aiiujng • f a ^ M. « in tbb- • tv A • -nlhifug vdil *!oyi i .*•*?*. '. e S' ,n erc-oteh - n Wa^hingt *n street, where tii*- organization >wnw k sph-udld lot. Tho> .cis- in their humis a *-*at i 1 C».*«0'’ a fid ! £ an a ‘ u Uv < a n \ hsc* trr r ViH'.it- they .-odd H. •; ra n P:.iVi clout amount f>>r the » ?> t'-*n of a hands* >m«* building Sditi* Hospital hirtMor** lies’? A regular meeting of *p* «n.-»l t ”ar ! of I)tract up* of the C plt-;il uajt hold \V. un< ,!,t. .it tio -lp v. pital. At this meeting r utim bisin*■-** tr i.sHt t« d. th*- hospital ,!,vpeo* ted. and contract:, for auppliea w* re awarded for th** etisuing quarter. The h-ard Is c rnj> >»oi <>f M U**hf*rt OllU.vm Sr * f Totem yrg. K !b i' .<>k. f v rt' ;k. ar.d .1. H P.* han jinii, of Surtv fount:, A charter ha^ b? ♦ n granted Vb vv nuin Pros. ln< .. <*f Petersburg--—c api tal stock minimum. liiO.ouOO; max imum. 150.00b; objects pa- King house, and storage plant President John c’’. Bowman; vie*. •- president, P. H. Bowman, secretary. Ib K Bow man, all of Pctcraburg USE OF WHISKEY USEDJIS RUIN SAD STORY OF RESPECTABLE' MAN BROUGHT TO DISGRACE BY DRINKING. "I wn crazy with d-bnk when I did It. I didn't wnnt the hide, and I d'di ’t need the little for which It could have been sole*. Whiskey 1 has just ruined me." ■ Three were the words w'.’ Josef h llunkins. a print-r, about 50 jeats *>l«t. who appeared before Jmdloe Crutcli lield It, tlir police court Thursday morning to answer th ri.uiv of ; Ir-nking Into the establishment of Mr. <’ E. Taylor, of 1815 Rose street, u>d stealing a beef hide, lie was sent to ! i the grand Jury. Hankins pleaded entity from tin- out- ,! set and was deeplj* repentant—Hot the surface-tear kind renters*- frequently teen in the police court, hut a deep i sense of ills sin and h sorrow rarely witnessed in the petty thief. if.. whs well dressed and has h-m working steadily, ^He was reared in Richmond, he says, hut has lived in a number of cities, following the - nil of his trade. The man Is unmarried OBITUARY Joseph \. Maury. Mr. Joseph N. Mttuzy, a retired farmer of MeGaheysvIlle. Rocking-i ham county, died stnidiinly Tuesday night at St. Luke's hospital from heart failure. j He waa active in public life In the i State, serving as steward In the West- j oru State hospital at Staunton and acting a* county assessor f jr a long time. He fought through the Civil War aa a member' of Sixth Virginia , Calvary. Ills wife, who was Miss 51 urge ret , noiRDEBt. Ada will tit: your house with board-', BUB RICHMOND VIRGINIAS! WART j Schwarzschild Bros, for Xmas Gifts. THIS ELEGANT STORE PLEASES ALL. Pleasing to the eye because of the elegance of detail pleasing to the artistic taste because of the variety and perfection of merchandise— and pleasing to the purse be cause of the reasonableness of prices. Never were our stocks so satisfactory to meet the de mands of this happy season, and we invite your inspection of our display of DIAMOND JEWELRY GOLD W ATCHES GOLD AND SILVER NOVELTIES of every det.ign and descrip tion. Schwarzschild Bros. JEWELERS Corner Broad and Second Streets. Varney, of a prominent Valley fam ily, died in IKS*. of their eleven children, nine ar- still living, as fol low* Thomas K Maury, a traveling * ,1( Mnan, of Staunton: Mrs. Edward h eip'ra an l Mis 1’rentlss Weaver, of Island K -rd, Korklnghatn county . lie,. J. lui.vton Mauzv, u distinguish * I Prcsl yterian minister, of St. Louis. Mo . < 'hurl. fi H. Mnurv of tile Kock intc: -m Nations! Hank. ,f Harrison t urg .Mrs. J. it Hyer. .r Winston Salem. N. C.. Mr* Howard Hop kina, of Washington. J.>. Hal Maury, of St. Lou'* M<., end Mias Margaret Maury, of MoOahejaville. Mr*. Mary Temple William*. Mrs. Mars Tempi - Williams, wivi ew ->f 1-r .fame* K Williams, rl W-dr. »day afternoon in the aeverty Hghth j-<sr of her a*., at the home of her nephew, \V X Fish burn 310 least Franklin street. The funeral wll’. tip performed In Jam-s' KpUu-opai church at l o’clock Thursday. James t . Tolty. Mr James <’ T-uty, of 2 a j*> Beerr street, died at his r<«l-i-n■< Wed r".-da; morning, trs th- twenty-ninth y-ar • f his -ik*- He ’eaves his widow and a - >n, (Jeergt. The funeral will h. held r, the Kai.d Iph istreet Baptist i hurt'll at 3 ••'"lot k Thursday afternoon. Walter J Tiffany. -t < to The Ki hmoml \ irgmlan » BilKSl l lt<J, \ A., j *ei s —New s fas . lat been received h-Ti- of the -oath lu /klahuma on Monday of Waller J TIBany. « -ri ..f H. TUTan:-’. Mt.hjioburg, th.s county. He vv.s hvwui -1 • • -r v-ars old, and death was l ie to typhoid f. u-r. lie ssas a re ;,r graduate -» the law department o' the I'r.iv -rsity or Virginia. He was i or (titer •■ Mr Harry I tffany, of I." i - urg. Predict* Own Ih-atli. J'b't FT. -NT iJAP. VA . In Mrs Anne t’rlsw ell Prescott died si-ti d*nl\ Tu-sde.v tiijtht, having predict 1 i.-r ..loiith sc.era! day- ago. Till- body n as shipped t . M-iart 1 p-asant. Penney ; • ania Shi s s irv-lvo.l 1 her fattier, broil •r s..n, naughter and husband, K J. 1 To -tt e< niptr.-lcr the Ston- gi I'--*' and Cog. Company and Went* rest.*. ilimtiy bull r»-a U i.V.'Hll. TKl. \ A . He- 1,-HilC r* r Ander«.in w-i - tiad been In hus oes* !> Iti- hti! •nd until recently, nine h ue, tour VVtni'heet* r, to die, i ;»i p-isS"i| uw«> from tuberculosis, in ‘ tlurr -eight years, lie leaves hi* . .rent- and brother. Rev. Courtney \ tiderson. i (.enritt' tt. Id wards. t T M'Kl’KK, \ A . 1 ie( s. — f?e-irge W. Edwards, died here yesterday of 1 neuni-'tiln, aft-! one we-k's Illness, txed stunlv years. Mr. Kdw-ards for ih. past twenty-flv e years had been tu employe -f the Southern Railroad, tn-l !■ r lh> past ten iirirs the bag oe- master at Culpeper. Mrs. Annie I ',, sin lev i-Al.KM. VA . I in. ' Mrs. Annie il Shilry, aged sixty three years, died Ti..-si.u.. ni -ming nt o clock at the ft .»>.*• if tier daughter. Mrs. Jessie Martin, at. Hdgrvvootl The funeral V lii oe heid Thursday from the home i ltd Interment will he in Ku.-t Hi:! 'em tcry. Mrs xisnn t ariaM'lcr. STAI NT- IN, VA I tec. -t Mrs. snsnn Carpenter. of ('utnberlnntl. Mil., Bed here Tuesday night, while on a • lslt to her daughter, Mrs- l,,mis Hawkins aged sixty-two years. Be tide* her husband, five children wit •ive. r>elcgnte« William Cardwell, return-; *d to Richmond Thursday after hue- 1 ,ng witnessed the swearing iu of Senator Claude Kwatison, and his ..uithful seereturj'i George Mundy Mr. Cardwell was in the Senate rallery during the ceremony and ap ulauded Senator Swanson after the alter had gone through the formall- ! ties and took his sent as a full- ' lodged Bolon In the upper house of -Ogress The erstwhile speaker declared that Mr. Swanson's appointment to th> "ommltte-e on Putdlc Buildings and j • rounds. Bduc-ation and Expositions ; neant a great deal not only for Vlr linia, tuit the entire south. Before he left Washington, Sena- I or Swanson Informed him that Vlr- [ iinia would get all necessary public j mlldlngs, whatever work and effort j t took to get them. As a member of he Exposition Committee, Mr. Swan ion will doubtless cast his vote for j Sew Orleans, "The Logical Point” j or the big show to he given in oele- ; iratton of the opening of the Patia- j ma Canal. Ban Francisco 1s the >ther bidder, hut Mr. Swanson and j ill the Southern Senators will vote j or the Louisiana city. Mr Swanson was given a most cor- ' llal welcome in the Senate by his i vhllon colleagues In the Mouse of Rep j eaentatlves, said Mr. Cardwell, and > >n all sides he wsa greeted with the ! itmost warmth u*.d cordiality. Mr. Cardwell expreased some snr >51 sc over the fact that secretaries o Senators must also take an oath of ofBce. He said, however, that ilunday, was sworn In like a true ktuthern state*man, LIBERALS PRESS | SAYS TORI ICS WAN TO IHSI’YTK POWKR or MRM.IMKYT IN THKIR DKfiPEIiATTOX. LONDON, Deo. 8. Notwithstand ing that it is now assured that the Tories will suffer their third successive' defeat in the present election, llio Liberal presa to-uay sounds a warn ing that the defeated Hide plans a renewal of its obstructionist methods in the next Parliament. The Trader, chief organ of the Liberals, says: "Then is a di-sperute plot afoot. Foreseeing certain osteal, the Tories plan to dispute th* new Parliaments authority. Lord Hose berry. who is the peer's real leader is against the people. It is another <}uy Fawkes gun powder plot, ami Parlia ment Is to be blown up in Its cradle. In the face of three adverse elections, the peers are sltl! to try to rule.' The Conservatives gain in yester day’s polling, which changed u rod loss of one t>> a net gam of three, are responsible for the most extrava gant claims And statements by press and politicians to-day They are urg ing with the utmost vigor that tin results mean that the people do not want the power of the lords at • ish*“d. Lord Koseberry and Arthur Balfour united in a statement that "the election is Insufficiently derisive t<> warrant the destruction of the lords' veto." Tt IS perfectly clear.' they sir, "that the Liberals have shown tie r. selv.ia urvab.c to execute th< ir > tl policies." The strength of the parties u ih< beginning of to-day's voting was follows: Conservatives, 1 7u. Liberals lilt Irish Nationalists. ;!S: i.ahorites. J'b This makes the coalition strength I “ 4. Virginia Weddings Clement*—T ompktn* M* )RTSMOl'TH. VA.. !>*, . * V.* Emmett Daniels Clement*. a progres Fixe merchant of th»s city, and Mi^s Edna Boyce T»*inpkine. ■ f Klatburdi. i« I , were married \VedneacUi> in ti first Baptist i-htirch of that town. The > ride is the daughter of Mr. and Mr?5 S. Tompkins, of Flatbueh. Mr. Wil liam S. T-anrhorr.* . of P^rtHtr i;th. v • - t est man Mr m.M Mra i'!» -m- mw ’ f* at homo after December * their r» ?*<Tenee. ! 0* Oowrt stre*'< Wilmer—-Wiley. JjVNrHBl* Kt J, VA.. !>#«-. h - At the parsonage * f Franklin street Baptist * Burch the pastor. R*v W. T. Wing field officiating. Miss Mary Wiley a .•« married f.» \Jrf T<-;i! Walker W :n:*.r. W: i ion—Stanton. HAM PTON', VA.. Her C—Oifl Spencer Wilson and Miss Elizabeth E!va Stanton were married adav afternoon ut ' o’cl-.x k 1?. t‘ • home *-f t'l*' bride, near the city, by the Rev. J -hn Anderson Jayne, j a si. or of the Church of Christ. Stuart—Meade WINCHESTER. VA.. Do* - In-' efead of continuing on to Charlottes vine to visit friend?, as :r;t ended when she left home at White Post. Clark* county. Mia* V ivian C. Mamie, dausrh ter »»r th* late Edgar Snowden Meade, ehi. ged her mfnd when Jnr>n K. Stu art .<!*•■ of White Boat, -met her lr Washington, and they were married Tm-sduy by Rev. Ch«rV*s T Warner Moth are members - .f prominent Clarke ce.jnty families, the bride being a lineal descendant of Bishop Meade, an crr.l n- nt Episcopal prelate WANTS BARKEEPER WHO IS TEETOTALER "1 tun e heard o/ many .urious things, ' observed Rev. Morris S. Ea gle Thursday, “but I heard somethin* the other day that takes the ukp. And It was nothing less than a story to the effect that a saloon 1st was adver tising :n some paper or other that he Wanted a barkeeper who dldn t drink. “Now, that strikes me as the height of humor, not to mention tin serin s side of the ivse But It goes to show that even the whiskey peopn realiae tho importance of the i» t that iluuor is not an e-sscntlai attri bute to life. " Dr, Eagle is rector of Christ church, who has a nourishing congregation In the East End of the city He has been a foe of the whiskey truffle for many year*, and is an uncompromis ing opponent of the licensed saloon. Just now Dr. Eagle 1* especially In terested In the athletic association being operated under the auspices of hi* church. The organization is known as the Christ Church Association and maintains a physical director and thoroughly equipped gymnasium. It has 15b members who belong to prac tically all denominations, no questions being naked of them, A reading room Is also maintained, and in many re spects the institution is operated tike a branch V. M. C. A. The association was started during the rectorship of Rev. ii. <ui* Meade, predecessor of Rev. J)r. Eagle. The work is carried on in a build ing erected for the purpose next to the church. The Weather RICHMOND, VA„ Dec. 8.—Forecast for Richmond and vicinity: Fair and continued cold to-night and Friday. WASHINGTON. D. C„ Dec Fore cast for Virginia- Fair and continued cold to-night and Friday. WEtTHKH CONDITION!*. Most of the Interior of the country is occupied this morning by a condition of high atmospheric pressure thut is causing generally clear weather over nearly alt districts between the Rockv Mountalns and the Atlantic Coast The only exception to this rule Is an area of cloudiness and precipitation In the Lake Region This high pressure will drift slowly eastward during the next 36 hours and will be attended bv fair weather In this section IN' VAlUOlg CITIES. Boston . ns New York . si) Washington . <. 46 RICHMOND .. Norfolk .to Atlanta . Ss New Orleans . 4S Galveston ., Jacksonville .. Buffalo .... .;s St. Paul St. Bonis ..3s Kansas City . . , .63 Chicago ..., 26 Denver . .. ,5s i Salt Lake City .5d i San Francisco 40,| Portland Ore . ,.il Memphis ....46 PlttMgirK ......vj«.......34 :-V : FASHIONABLE AILMENT l CAINS FAVOR RAPIDLY — - SURGEONS ARE KEPT VERY BUSY ' THESE DAYS WITH APPEN DICITIS CASES. ! Aj^endicltiH Ih P'Uiii^ to be .\ popu ! mr ailment with folks these <lsi> ««* . ording to the nimn»<»r of ease# being constantly received at the Richmond . hospitals, Hardly a .lav e<n s by but tl at several puticnb K'i under the knife ip Richmond for n movul of their ap pendix. I On** of the latest patient* to arrive is AJr. <’ K. Hall. . druggist, of Cov rnKtun, Va.. who ii-auh <i lure W'-d* re.-day night In aimost a coilaps.’d state. He whs taken down suddenly with appendicitis t P .uirelay and w Lien he arrived at the Johnston-WH >if- Sanitarium had to rtninvi'd to a a aril In an Invalid « hair. H;s eondl tioii is such that << <»: ration tali’ r be performed for s* \* ! days, the d* > * tors say. Mr. Hall is a. broth i - in -Taw of R*. v M irrN S. J'Jaffle, }*-.*-r• »i Fhrist Kpis «opai fhnrch. who m,.-- am >ng the call <rs at th< sanitariun Thursday morn !OM Rev l»r. Robert F-u-syth. re<t**r of Si Paul’* Kj ' >}»tl < huroh. wh** •rub. rwcnt all op'T.i111• l> for append! - * ins .it the saniu: . - several weeks ..y c * ype-ta to •• »he ln*t ifution i ritiav th*1 . •.r’ r • >*u-ri happens. Hr. l orsvrh has 'id , harder time than is . il In sm I. . .iuh. l it he p'pidl\ regaining htv strength i p« - to he ftoi• * i: .gain Mr . \\ F. Stew 4.f » h* ruv. , • 1 ' ’.via' ha* be* h nr rg tr.-at - • -'■it at the Manila- , ’eft f*.r horr. Thursday nun Ft in proved in health. Hr*. >t»'veii*»on h- th*- wife of th f*»rm€tr speaker *■"' th* S-.:;th <*ar-'di.H l-»-|fis!at arc. Hr. J S VViniarr. • of Florence, S. 'w*ut under the k -.if*- at th* sani tarium \\>dnr.Hda> . d :* now doing edi cly. Mi John Skelton \\ iihams. thcRirh •nd »e pita.!tat. \ »• .v as receiv ed e r p- sanitarium la*’ *<«-k f-*r spf- ai t r■ a t re-!: t for a Y'••■:!. *■'; to h-a v tb• Institution in a few days. FAULT IN THE LAW NOT THE OFFICERS Tli*- Henrico c'fintv constables thoroughly Indlgnunt over the re ; port «'f the audit' rs to the . • t nty Mupervt* -r«t that fo n,ot t make in .Htnoati -to: as to th- :r ehteiency, The**1 orlu.trs. whose duty it is to collect the cog taxes f.-r th. county, say ’h<' blame for th- . r»s«-nt inadequate system should be ...Id anywhere hut ■>n th. :r shoulders They assert that it is practically in possible to collet ; Lax. s that are j asse&seii now, as mnie of the < ! to he taxed haw ten dead Se-.vrai years, others are ess. ssed w here there are none and many people who hat eotwe t-» the fourth ■ Sl. ;inti asked lor their entire tax hit: and settled it refuse to pay this ill In addition The constable* ad arret- that th i it'sent system ..f handlnir out the pill* t" them f' r the w:,o!.. county i j is a farce. i "The "ply teas foible nay to !*\y th.-te t.ixts." said one of the otti ere, ' < • put the dog tax along with the j other personal property taxes and ‘ : let the vh"> amount be settled at I j once in the treasurer's office. The i I the ossetsors make their as i sessnients now make* It impossible to collect." The contains are determined to lay the whole -ase helor. Jung, c "tt when they ar. summoned to give uti I account of their bills ROOSTER COSTUMES READY *0a USE | TilANTKC I 1 It” OITFITS WIUL I1K SHll'IM 1> TO AM HR It V IN \ I HW DAY'S. i*AKIS. s.—The #500 ro*»stor t I'Jtunif that Maude Adams will wtar In Hnctaria - play. • ‘Chantt* n r." as v,,li av ahttut seventy other costume* :< r th* Nmeri an production. an- n *\v i vmplt ted rtr;.. will be shipped with in a A da>.-\ The e ’i-unues vero mau* > thi* hrm that made thns»< f-*r the S» Max tin production, hut are said u> r. . h ?mtr. HAITI/.! U" | i>( M) Mih>nmiim; I’lAM l'AN \ 11.1.1', VA., Pc. v“—While searching :<>r a sultahK site on tht bunks *>i .t , r< ek for baptising pur poses a umniitlpt* from the State 1.1 tie baptist church, at Stokeslanu. discovered i ''"tu whiskey distilling: plant. The plant had recently hern in full operation am! ail of the paraphernalia had been left by the "moonshiners ' The distillery w as within .< fen hun dred yards the church building and the members of the congregation ar enraged. MJUJONS (il VXTITOM \ VKi: HIJNtJ APMIMSTEKI 1) Statistics complied at the State: Health Department show that during i the present year the di parim-nt has i distributed lit.(>00,000 units of anti-| toxin t" cttlaa us of thi State and ■ that (luring little more han a year! th.- department has distributed 2:;,- j OOu.OOO units "f this groat diphtheria j remedy. > As evi-r thousand units of anti-; toxin sold hy the department under the arrangements with the manu facturers represents a saving of one dollar to the family making ill. pur-; chase, the d.purtm. nt has thus saved in recent months *2.1.000 to these allilcted households. This sum is more j than the amount of the annual ap- j propriation for the department. UWVKHS PLEAD “WET" t \SK IN LV.\< HIll Kt. l.VM'HHriM, VA.. Dec, »V—John ! Lei and Kan.lolph Harrison, promi nent local attorneys, Just night ad dressed an immense audience, num bering about 2,600, ut the city audi torium on behalf of the "wets." Many persons were unable to gam admis sion into the big auditorium. SKAHOKN TO KIKE PINAL VOLLEY SUP FOLK. YJU.Ih-c. S.—Thy final volley in the local option eampulgn. so far as the "dr.v«" are concerned, will Do ilred on Sunday. December IS. election eve. when Seaborn Wright, of Home, Ga., will make two speeches. Oldest Inhabitant Dead. SrSQUEH ANNA. PA., Pis. 8.—; The oldest inhabitant of this county. Alonao Hoyden, died early to-day. i lie wa* eleven months more than 100 ■ years -old. Entil taken 111 with pneu- j tnonia a week ago he was able to • work around his turn and to read ‘ without glagsea. An Advertisement Christmas Morning! Stockings filled to overflowing by jolly old Santa Claus; packages to open, amid pearls of Merry laughter, screams of delight as one after another each present Is brought into view. Excitement and pleasure shines in every eye. “Merry Christmas!” is the watch-word, and “Peace on earth, good will to men,” is the keynote of this day of days. In every home some expression of the holiday spirit is manifest— a rag doll and home-made trinkets, or pretentious presents that rep resent the expenditure of much money all are promoted by love and kindly feeling. Each one gives and receives, and there’s happiness and joy for all. In many homes the happiest moment is when the whole family gathers about some present in which each has a personal interest, one that will be the medium through w hich the happiness of Christ mas morning will be continued for years to come. It may be that you have for a long time wanted just such a present in your home—a Piano, an INNER PLAYER or a Victor, and if so, why not come to the Cable Christmas Sale and select it now? Never in our seventeen years of business in Richmond has the Cable Piano Company had a larger, more complete or varied sto.k from which you may choose. New Pianos from $149.00 up. Used Pianos, in splendid condition, from $75.00 up. INNER-PLAYER Pianos, the musical marvel of the age. Victor Talking Machines and Victrolas, Small Musical Instruments of all kinds; Violins, Guitars, Banjos, etc.; Sheet Music, Music Books, Albums, Music Cabinets —in fact, everything musical from which to select, at prices and on terms to fit every purse. The Cable store is packed from cellar to roof with musical mer chandise of the most reliable quality, and we bid you come NOW and make ready for Christmas morning. Cable Piano Company 213 East Broad Street. NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND Waattiftn Ward I Irma aad tdTrrtlitantt rmlrrd at Vlr*i*ta Bar am a. J. W. Craaa'a Stare, 13UO Hull alrrrt. 10 HOLD BAZAAR FOR NEW CHURCH LAIHFjy OF s'l< KKTON Silt Km ri.A\MM. run me. kmku TAIXMENT AT THK TKM I’l/K \ KX J Wi l li. The ladles of the Stockton Street Baptist hurch have begun making plana for raising the funds necessary to build their new church. begin ning next Munda.i night, the iadie* uf the church will hold u bazaar at the Miirtoni. Temple ever; night 11f the week Th* plans promise to furnish dtaghiful entertainment. The bazaar committee, headed by Miss Holy Prior. have only hau two weeks to work In. but by setting out with all earnestness they have accom plished wonder*. There Is to in* an admission te« uf ten <» nts to the hall, and. once within, lots more than ten ..-onis worth of lun will be afforded. The program tor each night's fun is to lie arranged by a different lady, ami the whole to h, under Mia# Price's supervision. The program win probably in lude songs, recitations and other entertaining featur.». a'! of which will be different each night. In the hail are to be fH o booths, .ontaiulug a wide assortment of ar ticles appropriate for Christmas gltts. and each booth will be in charge of attractive vendoers. Ice cream, cak jnd candy will be for sale all through the program and other refreshments will also be on hand The merchants of South Kichinond have come forward nobly to aid the ladle* in theh undertaking, a great nan v of them offering present# from their stock what ran be sold at the i.izaar. If any one desires a season ticket for entrance, the- cap be jmr t-hased for 50 cents, and entitle Uj. a ilder to come and go as he or she pleases. Tne proceeds of the bu/siar are to go toward swelling tin new church iund. HEAR CASE OF BOYS FOR GIVING POaSON Friday morning at 1" o'clock >lug utrate t'hcatham will cundn -t an ex iminatlon of the two negro bays who ,r<* charged with attempting to poison he family of William Kandall. The ourt will sit in the Oak drove ciurt u.use, and there should be some tn erestlng developments, us the would >t> murderers have refused to talk tnea their capture. The only word that has been gotten ,nt of either of them Is the statement ,f the younger, that he did nut know or what purpose he was stealing the mris green which the elder negro used to poison the family of his em ilove. The elder will advance no xplanation of h ; crime, and while very one Is sure there must have ie«n some causes that led him to ake such a desperate step, no one can ffer any. This will probably be irought out In the hearing. The boys. James Thomas and Krnest Irtciif. are about sixteen and four-* m lAut. f FOR 8AUB IN tKB RICH MONO Virginian Want Ada, will bring yon n buy on V teen years ■ >lcl. respective! >. and were apprcntli «d by their mother t<* Wil liam Randall on the death of thetr fattier. The bo>e fled Immediate:;' after the discovery of their attempt, and were captured several dais later in Hanover county. The case of George Fausnett. who Is charged by Gill lima, with hauttng t»n cords of wood from timber lands holonglng to the latter, will be ar gued Friday morning before ’Srpilre Cheatham at the Oak Grove court house. The defendant has engaged Mr. Harry hir.ith, the prominent crim inal lawyer, as his attorney. EXTRA POLICE FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON Prospective celebraters, Christmas eggnogg iiriiucers. and other mote dee per.! t< characters had better bo on ’ then p's and <i s during the Christmas holidays and be mighty careful how i hey step, because ttie police board of j the city of Richmond Wednesday night named three additional otticers who are to patrol the streets of South Rich mond during that time. Hi the shop keepers, the police force is making i preparations for tile usual Christmas i rush. 'the extra-heavy force is calculated to keep the city uulot and will he re duced to the regular number when the holiday s are over. OFFICER JONLS RETIRED AFTER LOhu SERVICE Uiflrei H. C. Jonus, of Washington ward, was honoraoly retired \v funt-s dc.y from tho active service of tile. Richmond polite n.rco at a meeting of the board if police commissioners. Policeman join.- had given the best years oi fits life to Keeping the law and orner. amt hies been on the roil of , the Mancnester force in the uelgnoor hood of forty-live years. He received tils training ill the Civil War. serv ing in the » ontederate ranks, and en iisietu it the police force soon alter lees surrender. tie goes on the ro ll rod fist of tne Police nenevoietu As sociation anil will receive the same pay as the on,cars retiree on the tvicn ; menu sitft. C. T. ’iinslcy, a former motornuui on the peter, outg lnteruruau fine, w u» ap i pointed to hit the vacancy. Mr. ims I c-y is •> fiet i men in i..»i„iu ana n». J ii.i- BiuiWnrt tiuiiu tiiiit goes With em : cient work, . Roll Of Ouk liMlVO. j The honor roil ot emu orove school for mouth of .November Is as follows: 1A groin itnipn Andrews, Juiian Hague, Km mono .Traytor, Bernard seueit, r.steiirt Hague, Mar' Hines. Annie Cowman. IB grade—oscar Good. lsiw , Mays, ijeorgle Nunnauy, Thelma Al ley, r-tnel Atkinson. Bernice Cheat- I ham, Ruth uooue. Barbara Pierce. 3A grade Harold Payne. Edward Hertford. Eugene Rudd. Hazel Cheat ham, Martrar,-! Eldridge. Edelweiss liohson. Hi grade—Virginia Reams, it A grade Vernon Parselev , fill grade—Eugene Hobson 4 A grade—Julia Goode. Loren* Moody, May Nunnglly. ! 4 If grad*—Leda'"Cheatham, Maude i Goode, Vera Hedford. I.oulse Rudd. 1 7A grade—Annie Brewer, Hugh ; Winston. Walter Guy, Louise Parsley. ! 5It grade—Elsie Schmlnke, Pearl i N'unnallv, Carlton Redford. John La- ! itluun Virginia Ralley, Sarah Jones. i In marriage to Mr. Alvin Vincent, this city, Thu Rev. T. W. Roll the rhrtstian church. officiating. Lohengrin wedding marrh was ud by Mi's Cola Gill. They were tended In Mias Lindsay Donahue Andrew Pugh. Thu bride wore a heauwm traveling suit ami white satin They left immediately for Wash! They will be at home December It, l’erwn»l Nutni. Mr. and Mrs. James Hyland returned home, after an extended through Florida, Texas and the H. I’. Beattie. Jr, is visiting aunt, Mrs. Brazt-ale, in N News. Mrs. W. M. Brklgeforth, of poria, is now In South Richmond, win be the guest of her moths January. Miss Mattte Ellington has from Crewe, where she has been several days to attend the of Miss Eliett Thu regular monthly meeting df Foreign Missionary Society, of th# catur Street Methodist church held Thursday afternoon *t church The meeting is one of Importance and all the member* at society are urged to be present. OLLIE WEBB IS PROMPTLY ACQU DANVILLE, VA„ Dec. S.—OUie tile eighteen year old boy who Claude T. I’owilL a youth at raroe »r» and a brother of hla heart. Cora May Powell, sixteen jptj old, was acquitted by a jury last I of the charge of murder. The tragedy was enacted at the home of E. T. Powell, a i_„ tor, fattier of the slain youth, J accompanied Miss Cora May home from an entertainment ft n. tilled a abort time at the Young Claude Powell objected attentions paid hie sister by Webb, and according to the < Introduced, attacked him with as he was leaving the fcouae. was armed with a pistol and shot ell six times, causing death ft1 hours afterward. He carried ft because the boys In the neigh' bad thrown stones at him. The sixteen year old girl, ft heart of the boy on trial and the slain youth, was the only itese to the tragedy. Her tended to Justify her claim of self-defense. Tha Jury ease was out only 15 minutes returning a verdict of acquittal..^ WILMINGTON WOJ OVERCOME BY PHILADELPHIA, PA., Found overcome by gun la mont house here early to-f Thompson Craig, of Wtlmt! Is dying in the Medic hospital. When the wvnwg ' tnto the house two datyg plained she had left her Wilmington after a dispute ' husband. Mrs. Craig, who is forty had been unsuccessful in for work. POULTRY PRIZES WILL »E AWARDED HARRISONBURG. VJL, Nearlj #IM) bird* are ent second annual exhibition tual Poultry and Pat elation, which opened the Sublctt Warehouse h ltd tor* are present Staten and among the coop which recently eftf prize at Madison Square It- L Simmons, ftn Judge, of Charlotte, X, the fowls and ft nua * be awarded!