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\YI|;«*0\ «.KOW* l:LO :\T 1A \>M \l !U J*l»» T M\ m: ro.inv DEFENDS FAH.Mhh THU (.HOUCK HK( K!U> »u r miuj r ih r «»i « 0>H MCH’*' i*Hlt 1:. Wamua . |§Hfc>Ull4g fc**«*x tl-*p £H< va i ijua i>.*•<* r, H«K retar > SKi fat m* »rt .At no li^s « £IM •*.'• v. . Eft in* ‘•merit i nr • ill his felt • T i.’ - pUiUii mi** m no* w*»n .»ti mr> j*r«*aut* me i«rm ill a v.t; ue Uo Hun <x»i*h i&fcrtsi 4*r« year mi «u«“i ^ftKi «\ is * * < t .* -* fwfuue i-r ins s--. the v;-uj« spits* *n <%$' Iwt of loft, * pen. u WRiiii tru* * iftr have stcauiiy anu u« jiteU'epexKn uc« i li fKtoameafp. of a* Hallux of -arn p Th** com n - CftiS *X* f*-’i < v\ mm .u»ra pc*uvts <n t»* i‘hr* .mi.- ui i> ' « t»> tru- pr«'v ifFf‘?=M ‘ o Vi iifl - '.s i.t«At‘d at io«. tn» ar ). * - < r iun.-v-i ii -r the census >>*n: "I'driiijj this per *d *iisr*v uttura* pro «’i twelve >r,ir.v, our* rmt-rs *>i tine «♦*»m a,ivsn«>iii .a pr*** * • «*ni»mic *» . and a tiif total .131, '.151.000 the record that a\ *11. Ami greater than in ge «h*i« *h th* pr*--. »M.;;n<i m v by M p< r cent Wrinc the lie of th-> <v.rn cry u- that iHl and aiy* •* **5. ft*5 amount t'» m Ti«s f m«K'' • »t can t*e re* fconed as less than $], ^Wt‘,yy“ a .«air* > umcu*nt to nin th t tntcr#**i-tuMTing u**to of tr.< States hiiy aii of the gold and mmeti in a.i of tnc (ountruv earth in I so ft, and fttlil leave farmers iittU- p< * ket money. « corn cr**p is a national asset Pftorc than one ;-*n»e. it 1* not iy ^eaith «n exudem for th > ben*. hut t i* an aaaet of p«*r r-curr-T.f' S ear alter year, ghoul he agee. a stupendous of corn with incredible value fee produced " ill ©1 the cereal ft except corn nre tier worth only three-fourths aft i aft that crop. The great allied and st eel indue trie* had, in th** census year for v.-huh reeului ife heed published, Hd'l. a produc worth only fe«» per cent. ut the Of of this year’s « orn «*rop. The value ot th hay erop !« atn-ut ^,000. «(d*. The potato crop is third n order of any, and thf torn crop and the nival for ail cereals third in value. 1 r."$Phe farm value of the cereal crop* ““Willed $2>o,uoo,u00 In Isilu ironi $S, and the value of all crops do JlilMtOO.tMio. A gain was made, aver, in th< value of animal pro amounting t*> *4'.24, li been a year of high prices for kt nod animals, for poultry and and for milk and Putter, and these reasons thi total value o', term products Increased in l?l(i •4,4160,000 above the estimate for ta and Itnjwirtf- of Farm Pro duct*. ' Except for two y( ,irs. 1x9* :iD<| *|J, the highest balance of trade in products was 34SX.U04.797 for IS. a year iv hU h seems to mark the Bloating point In the course of balance of foreign iradt In farm Suets, In 1909 the balance <p - ed to f 274.210,162. and In 1 '• 10 decline continued to ? 11* 8.0 P . “It may be that In lulu there not that national surplus of agn tural products to export which the Mry had offered to other nation.' earth In years preceding; but. Sever this may he. li Is a tact lilted in the exporting trade that prices of farm product* In th year 1910, were high enough Invent that free export move, itt which before existed.” Se value of the exports of farm lucts after constant oscillation the easiest limes Increased to enormous amount of $1,017,38(1, tn 190s. from which there* was u line In 1909 and another In 191ft, which latter year the amount at $1(71,107.007. a value which bean exceeded only in the years |nad look, previous t . 1907. *% Share of Consumer's Prices, fh prices receive considerable at on iti till* report. In the farmer's (ft of the matter he receives vuri psreentag* * of the consumer's j for farm products. In the case' iUk. in 7 S cities distributed * shout the United Stutea where | •Ubject was investigated by the tineiit, thr farmer receives a scant cenl., or one-half of the price by the consumer. The railroads 7 per cent , go that the re ling 43 per cent, of the consumer s i la received mostly l.y the retailer, i termer receives hardly more than ►f the consumer's price in the case ill try; 69 par cent In the case of Cabbage 48 per cent, wheu bought head and 66 per cent, when per the I lit by the pound; celery, 60 When bought by the bunch. apple grower receives .*■>. Of the consumer's price when ee is by the bushel and 66 when by the barrel; the straw - grower gets 49 per e'llt. of the. net's price In purchases l.y the and 16 per .cent, when by the When the consumer buys a of onions at a time, tie- farmer fee 28 per cent, or the retail price, he buys a barrel, the farmer re 68 per cent. So. in the case of when the purchase is by the the grower receives 20 per cent, i gsnauiner's price, w hereas, when i;;pwrctya*e Is by the box the grower j l it per cent. The rule seems to be ' smaller the retail .|usuitlty th the farmer'* share of the <*,fi r's price. !f*il-Grounded Complaint Against tha Farmer. presenting many details v th | to the Increase a{ prices on farm I between farmer and con ,1b* secretary of agriculture tie- 1 that “the conclusion Is inevlt S'jtbat the consumer has no well eomphilnt against the farmer I prices, that he pay*. The farmer [ the capital for production and ! ft k of hts loosse* his crops I mercy of drought, and flood, , and tro t, to say nothing of j f Insects and blighting diaeaae*. hard, egacting,' unremlt A degree and range of tn 1 and intelligence are dema nd dculture which are hardly ! In any other <>< c-upation. 1“ the risk of overproduc- i laatrouriy low price*. Kr«m ; to end the farmer must steer j 1*9 escape perils to in* pro- 1 1 Ul his capital, on every ; tbs products are started t« the consumer. Tb« rnilri- "!. rem-rnllx **i«-.-?Mnc. rd'<i a !»rn nisev .i Imr.riH’ to tht* farmer - i rlr. * th:• t !>■ not 1:• r»:* Viter deltx • r\ y the rsxl!r''j;il the* | reilii* t“ "re utoreit *!!• rt till., are ire -.'.re,! 'rt.> t!>r virion* .reti- 11 qtmn Mix . n cr* or rmj.II. -e,l t . XI 1« r ri .* 1,.* i*n *.>. m r9 po wild*'. The x1e*ier l. . .* : i«k» thnt nre i ra.-tierlly -mull. exrept .l.-ait *n!'*!*> anil moh rl-kr «« Kroxx ,*<*t’ of their tr. in* t ■ do an »mou*.: .■I ;>u-lrt" *H xx in.'li is tntnll us ce*mpnr<d x* itlt their numlwr Hll$ II iS.TIQN FOB KASHMOR m It IN NoKlOlK MI nI <.<> UM K TO sl VTTLI. \M> s ! \\|) | HI.VI J- m pli hiardrur. alias M. I'oh.-n, w ho «trr* it- I in Norfolk. ►« v»ral w**ks ,-.k • at the ri-quc»*t of the Be.x tu. Wn**hington. police, who sa\ toe\ a ant him f- r nil* g* *1 forgerv ami tatnmg rnon* \ with worthless • li* » kv win ha\»- to <r*. ha k to the north n. at Stnt* ami stand, <*>• < rn«»r Mann hn-tnjc honored the r< qmsi m t«!» :i["n him for tin prison* r Immediately after requisition «h* gn.v.ted Thursxla. In Itichmond, limit r s n • r I ft John Stringer. of King Coun t . in which Seattle lies*, w ho vv a** in Norfolk. awaiting the outnmif or ;i hearing In the tlovornorn <>fh« • , went to the “jail th«*ro. got his prP mer and start'd tvrst with him. Thtirsdftx morning Governor Mann heard argument from Atorney Wood '••**',xt'_ of Norfolk, who Insisted that the prisoner had committed n- ■ rimlnal ofTrnsi Imt persons having i ivi! grievance against him wiMitoi to get him lack to Beattie. The ilnvrmar wa*» m»f satiKfted that his was trin1, and honored the papers which Stringer brought her* T.-ti dap 1C". AFFIRM DECISION AS 10 CAYNOR AND GREENE Judge Rtw»* of the t'niled HUiUp Circuit Court of Appeal*. Wednesday .Afternoon affirmed the decision of the Circuit Court of the Western district of Virginia in th< cas** of Mary C. Lc;*r*, administratrix of Janm* l>. Leary. appellant, against the Cnited States «<f America, appellee. ht was “lie of the men mixed up 1n the groat st«al pulled off in when almost $2,000,000 nf government moro-y xvaa grafted m the dredging *>f Savannah harbor. Leary whm the bondman of Greene to the extent «.f $40,00<*. which was forfeited when Greene lied to Canada. Afterward Grown* was recaptured and brought to trial and bis widow sought to recover the money ->n there grounds The bill, which was one of intervention, wan re fused by Judge ,M (Lowell on the ground that it was ‘ against public pollcv/' BAKERY PRESIDENT IS UNDER W ARRANT ACCUSED OF VIOLATING CHILD LABOR LAW ON TWO OCCASIONS. Two warrant* wew Thursday after noon sworn out l>v Special Agent .1 H C.Tlndinst, of the State bureau of labor, fgatnst Mr. George Smith, president and genera! manager of the Virginia Hairing Company, < hurgine violation <u thi child labor Uw. Tin warrant* a Ik *. that Prexidvnt Smith has b*»pn working two girls • trace I’r urn rind Mabel William* - nh-. i are under fourteen year* of age DEFENSE OPENS IN IE BEtNC CISE co t \ s i; i. < 1,41vi* k\iiikv(>: b.UV^T Gllil, IN IM HRU i I lift MN'p \ \'|’| 41., • WUITUDUK. MASS.* Imv. 8 T•>,. , defense of Hattie I,* ft la nr, the Kr',iicb - ('aiiadbtn girl on trial charged with 1 ti qi untar of Clarence Oiov»*r. tM Waltham lauruir> rna n, opened to-day. A Farley Hri'Wcr, Junior counsel f<>r the girl, outlining the ,*amc He d*-< lnr ed it was impossible for Min* I^Hlarv to have Kill* m (Hover, that th* only ev idence present'd b\ tiir state was purr ly circumstantial, that no motive had b«m» shown, ami that th«» slate Im1 fitlpprcssed * vldcnc*1 favorable to the Kiri. Attorney Johnson. for the defense, cubed district attorney' Higgins a hi< first vvttneas, declaring he expected t * show that the Mut" had Mippressed testimotiv that would have freed th'. girl. Judge Horn! refused to order IHk Kin* to testify. RESIGNATION IS QUICKLY ACCEPTED WASHINGTON, Dec 8. The resigna tion of I’nlted Status marshal "Jrtek" Abernathy, the wolf catcher. war re ceived by the Attorney General to da , and quickly marked accepted. Accom panyinir the resignation was a reipn-*1 from Abernathy for tift'en day* 1-avt >f absence, which, w as grunted. Th** resignation i* to !»• come off* » t ive December ■> 1. HHd. ‘Abernathy win ua*» Ms leave in taking ft trip to New York where he wll confer with Col. Itoowe rep. Th« ‘’wolf '-archer’- declared, ho we ve i that he will make no elYort to ’ .iv#- velt tnk(* up his cans - iXbernnthj went to New York last nlgiil and was notified 1*' wire of t.h> accep tance of } jw reaig nat Ion YOUTH KILLED BY CARELESS SHOOTING INDIANAPOLIS JND Dec. * —Albert I’erJn. 1$ year* old. )* dead to-day and j Mr -chum Je*«e Osborn, age sixteen. D n Jail, charged with manslaughter e> the result of n con test with rifles In which each tr4*d to aim a<§ dtractly «♦ the other a* possible without hitting In the dusk, last evening. Osborn try ing a final shot that Mm friend could roar th* hum of the bullet passing his ( ar, shot the fvrin lad in the forehead, killing him. SIONED STREE CAR; PAY HEAVY FINES TORONTO. ONT.. Dec, t.—Chari* • Smithson and Samuel Prince pleaded Kullty In police court to-day to throw j !f u stone-4 nt street car* during the rhit.r night. and were fined |20 and '•-sis. '1 he • ompany will prepare a bill f dcmugcj gi,d be reimbursed out of j 'in** imposed. The six other fneti ar rested were remanded- for a we#k lb ‘ Mill of 1200, each. There trim no dam* rnstrs lion grid our* w ere not disturb* 1 FINDS PHILIPPINES IN GOOD CONDITION Secretary of War Reports Progress n Prosperity, Luucationi > - and Health m Asiatic Possessions. WASHINGTON. D * < \, 1>. .. S.-Tht* r» !•< rt of the neon,-tsiry of wm upon his r* r* nt visit to the I’hiiipi .in 1*1 nIts}.- h t - •.1*1 i ll issii* d hy t ht War !>» pat *iih nt. Fairing the • * tarj ‘s stay in the inlands, from July 2 < to September J, he inspected practi uiy uU th< public institutions; an army p**ty and held many public hearing* The administration of the various department* wur< fmmd to be in i g- m rail* satisfactory condition. The «i r.tnrt of war speaks wry •*y mpathetb nil of the aspirations of th* Filipino p.-opu* for independen •• ami says that the public t xprcaaioli l* '* j N |f.i neral in i»vor «d same. hut that mat y c f the (-opycrvatf\*• and substantia) men would view °u< h .» result with consternation. J? * Sale of IVItir lounN. The secretary dwells at porno length upon his investigation* relative to the recent rale of iriar lands, which was fflwn nun'll fi■ t"r 1 * t> in the last Meffsion of O ngr« ■ s and the public press, but found no ba*U for the ex treme statements then made The number of Filipino employes In the civil service is shown to b< steud ily increasing and that of Americans proportionately decreasing. it being the policy of the a dmini-dratb»n to proceed j».« ruptdly a.** the good of the gervli e will permit in increasing the Filipino * mployeg.* • * The agricultural industry 1ms been alrmet prostrated in many portions of the Islands through Joes • > work animal* by rinderpest. speeihc pre ventive by inoculation h »* been found nnd the disease j.« now well under con trol. 'Hun has been a marker! develop m* nt In the disposition of the people of the Inlands to exert themselves and to assume tax burdens lor the pur pose of se< urlng good roads. ’ * \ 11 lif*|M*r* Sc«r(‘lWtr(l. Practically all th*> leper* havo been segregated and transported to the leper colony on the Island of i’ullon. where there nry now about three thousand. Apparent cures have been effected by the use of rhaulmoogra oil and further investigations arc be ing conducted. The secretary found mu- h of in terest nt the penal colony at Iwahig. i>n the Island of Palawan, where thou sands of criminals live together on a penal r* nervation of 270 nquaro miles in pence- and carry mi industrial and agrh ultural pursuits under an Admin istration largely controlled by them selves The prisons throughout the islands w«rc carefully examined and the cleanliness, sanitary provisions, ventilation and food and its prepara tion were found to be beyond criti cism. Th#- financial condition of the islands is very satisfactory, there being a sur plus of **;,:ilM.7tu.r»b * • * Th« Agricultural bank appears not to lut\» been «d' the assistance to ag riculturists which was anticipated from its creation. * * * A very deep and widespread inter est is being manifested in education on tbc part of voting and old and the burden of taxation for education is cheerfully borne. flood progress i* HOUSE T1CK.ES APFRDPRIflTION BILL IXIMAN MKVSlHi: ( AUIUI S \ TO. i u. or \ i;i:im < - tio.v or WASHINGTON. l». C fuv H.—The ' f«-da roninn'in’Hl work upon th<* Indian appropriation Mil. tin* first "i- the Mg appropriation r;n-aaur«*i which will (onstituto the bulk of th.i* session'** work. Tin bill rarrio** ap propriation* totalling *v 1 f,n,f»sr.._ <-r $#f. l.fWRl less than the npproprt, Hons i.»r 1911. Moon Sik*<’o<hU iN’iiby. UoproHcntatix« Muon ( Rcpuhlicun, I’cnnsyIvania ) whh to-day appointed by Speaker Cannon a member of the committee on employer*’ liability to succeed It? pre*entati\c Dcnby (Re publican. Michigan». w ho resigned from the committee to-day because of his defeat for the next Congress. thi* J\m> im i n I’Hoxhtia *(\\ vm:n. t\ ASIII.VdToX, I U r s. The .liirao River « Mh-souri» dam bill, upon which Room* v»dt wrote f\t* famous water ve*o mfR«iiKP, popped up in the Senate to day and v\ an promptly swatted by Sen ator Burton < Represent ing <»,». who ob ♦■Jc t e«l to it* t onHldcrn t Ion. Hoost velt f'»n<p inijefi the bill h*v an.-** It gave a “valuable privilege which I ; Ms very nature i rnonopollM l< i:vi:nv coNonrssMW ll.\S \ (WDIDATi; WASHINGTON, D. <\. lire. s. -To day brought t<»rth another crop of candidate# for the Supreme Court and the Court of Commerce vacancies ! Nearly every member of Congress who called at the White House urged th*ir candidate on the President. GOVERNOR APPOINTS 10 PEACE DELEGATES \VM<I<-K N'OH'N Ml\ MtoXI \l;|; ovi ii stxti; to xttdxd rox X I MU IN IN XX XSIIINOTOV. trovernor Matin Thuraduv mimed John Stewart Bryan. Judge (leorg. I,. Chrlrtian, A I’. Dlcklnuon, Fred U. Scott. Arthur I.. Adamson, of Rich nond; Chaidca llall Davl*, of I’etera burg: W. H. Copeland, of Newport Vi■ w. s. Ilcth Tyler of Norfolk lamer U. Colon. of Alexandria: and Hubert A. Hutchlmii. of Mnmirisao, nx ielegate* from Virginia, to the cnri .ention of the American Society for Judbial Settlement of International I >1 a pule*, which will In held in XXlnsh DRton Lnn I lecojuber 16 to 17. The iio'tv./,rs wo re named at the , of Theodore Marburg, Sec- | ■ tary of the Society. Among thoae who will apeak at ho j ••invention am l*r**ldent Taft, Seerr- i :ur> of State Knox, Sanator Kllhu toot Charlea X\\ Flint, Joaoph Choate rhemaa Nelnon Rake and the Dutch VRnimer. ASKED REDUCTION; GOT AN INCREASE J I Spool*) to The Richmond X'lrsrinton.) POAVOKB, VA Dec. (i—In th« t Hctciourt Circuit Court laat evenin'* i Ihc Facie Ror |. T line Company nnd the Moore Dime < otoMicy applied for a reduction of the e**.>a«nt«r.t on mln '•rul properties. The court reduced the ' Rattle Rock Company *1.770. In the .!*«■ of the Moore Company the ;«M*aa. ! J nent ««■ Itterenaed *7,000, It develop- j ink (hat the a*i«e**or had failed to tuhe |! note of • large coimniaaary building, j l being made in learning 'l''' f'ngllsh i * * •' im suitemcnt of < >rl* and ini- 1 pi i i.i mn.iv* mm tne iuft mu oi.»lne»s ' "i l in' hi.uni* ini* Kiimi.V incri ased i«ini«' itiu i. * * * i In- progress |„ promoting better; henlui t oliullioUH im* g. m steadily on. t l-nr Im- quarter ernieo Jurn itu, 1*1*1, I t.n- ni nth rate in m, . nv of -Manila ; nn- .. I, n I per 1.00U. util'll compare* ; favorably ivlth the drain rati- among oriental peoples m an- -i tne Asiatic cities. 1 m* n-Tetarj riinki* specific n*cfm> nn-iidati* ns mi the foil . , not subjects: . it. I'Tiruary 2*, .; • 0. Congress micb an appropriation of 5 511,000, en ril ling the War Department to e\,r 1 be an option on certain coal claims mi the Island of nature cut bus since failed to make provision lor t()p de- 1 vi b pinetit of same. Thi mines have beep under the quart) rmaster'a de partment. but their dc-evloprnent has not been possible, there being no ap propriation. The secretary recom mends an appropriation1'of J25O.O00 l"f this purpose, it is stated (hat In time of extreme need tie "..'line of tilts ■ -'a! property to the g-■ rnm*-nt would l.e beyond calculation in dollars and cents. > » • OMVim s tl.AIMK 1UI.I. TO I»K Crtl.l l ll MONDAY A SI 11 NOTt ix. lie s—An omnl liu.« claims bill. cart .a vast »*• gr»gnt|on of demand* n the gov ernment for moni'y, v. be < svllori up In the Senate Monuai for nctlon. ac cording t" n statement made t.v Chair man tliirnhiun (Hep. v u.). „f the Corrtrntttsc on i.Talms, to-day. Th«Tf are l,Tnj claim* to the MU. end ih» total amount Hiked for pi 12.040,046. The claimants represent ■is States and Territories, h geogrnph ica! spread regarded In Senate circles an liable to muater a heavy vote. These riairne have ripened In con gressional pigeon hole,. for man* years; some of them for generations. A largo number are fer losses suf fered by Southerners during th. (’nil War, but there are hundreds also tha* date back more than n century. Among the Southern claimants nr* 217 churches, They are mostly for church buildings dest-r.. ■ I to furnish materials for the us ■ f the l'nloti army NEITHER MAY ACT AS COMMANDANT Washington. r> * ip., s.._At torney-fb neral W1ckersh.ini In an opinion sent t*> Secret an .*i the Xavy M* >*'c to-day concerning tin* admin istration of the Marine r.*rps sabl that neither General Klllott, tin- retired commandant. tor Coti-.ei |;|,id|,. could a* I us conunandani o; th«.. The attorney-general said that the cnl£ Holutlon of the pt.alem was for the .secretary to sign ,11 orders him self. .VI ever Will not appoint a com mandant until emigre* has acted upon the legislation propos. l,v hint in his annual report. ROANOKE LANDS NEW INDUSTRY (S||. .i;il t,, The liiclitriomi Virginian t ROANOKE, VA., | tec. K- Plana have ' • • ti p' llti'ti.l l.v ell'A Elliott for "" here :ii „.n curly tint.- ,.f :i lai't?' brick lurtorv building t,,r tn.r itiHiiiitHi-tiirc Of ,iV1 rails iUHi stuns i tlU.loynifllt HU! j; | V(.|| to ktrlfi ami men to m:u t with. I.I< ! \sl ;.S I.IIANTI II TO 'i vs> iiimi.tia CoiPi.i;s w xamxfjTf i. to rnarr t • Hi.' If *110W1 htf \ , "a mi K. /-until. of fmitooro, Va„ n twenty-.MX. (if >f)u tvov. i tuna I,., , Ocnrge VV. i i.i.i I flu ,vt, . 'oz/y M , | O Han , \ a. I In, k, Horace A Hcut lUcninonfl, Vh , twenty live, of Knv william " Ofc. 5. U riavo neon granted ■unia con joes man, trnrty-nine, ■ i.tiimtt .vtct. itire. t int. Va., Mac t-cod l tvciiiy-t wo, anti ' iity-onu, of t ’nt-r Henry B. Angus, f'l, fori y-nitf, ,,f Wilt tain j ty-iour, linn live. bofn o' ■b .'1 Lai tit . Henry li. lami \'H., t vv, nty-tUe .1. I inward lienrv s. no Amy Armstrong, w H-mngton, oa. The 'i mior. •finings l-cmi r lit lino Batchelor, twen tfiillun, twenty* ml. Va. The Km. Tat I. anti i of III Wen* Holland, Jr., twenty-one forty, of Oooch rKh' C. Bow lea, lp. Va. The llcv. ".("’in hViUa.r' 1 "n‘ twenty-one" both of Richmond, Va. The Key. J. How. aril Went.. KHk«’,KAWu;;°^ ',!- anti of IB, hm v c"11 f" enty-one, both r Richmond. \ Tim Kov. C. j s Hunnlcirtt. • “ Wilt re,I II. Br. r,on (wen,v-aevto, both r IM h twenty-one; M. UUb ’ Vn- Th" Hev. J. Smith, u *• H I MoXN wil l, III ,1* KM I* I I* rill; I ftn MUCAOO. 11, .licaflon that the strike^,!'Vo^l'/ga'r '.o®. recognition th* . "HI tlovelon into an all-winter igh, the uniIona to-,la, started to get tlnam '85r^“2; a*. • ! r'»rnjoiI to-dav bear iruit will eontnbut 25 enti « r,rltl, 4 ««o'r' ” *,!'rt that 25. oo*j ■1 tho 40 000 O f ;irp getting their their'?0!? fr°,n U" "mml“»*ry stores, th hr ieaour, , » having been entirely exhausted by tlm t, ,, weeks' war. oj B.OOO fuinliio, they my. would ValW* *l,?l"r',’1 1 ,h"y 'Vf‘rr' not *iv<r' ,a"J. nl‘'' a,,(‘ .. families are in v M,V‘‘r ' vlrtlon ,'or unpaid out. More than v-noo children art being dally supplied with milk Ihrough the relief |,oar(,g I IVH,I, HEAR ( HAItKES nrtoi t.iiT by kh ilardh t'har*e» brought by Councilma Itlcharda against Assistant Engine, Todd, of th,- ,it, engineering d< oartment. will be hoard by the »j„ 4al Investigating committee Thun lay night at 8 o'clock. The commute, has already mat! •onalderaWe headway, a number , Yltnessea having I.... tl examined an i uuantlty of testimony having h,. aken. ” * llnttrtioa Permits. Inspector Beea i iip^dav au'horlze'l he follow Inw repair*: Mr. H b. Wallerstein two frame ten- j '/0,,r d»‘l||nKS) So*. JO. 82. 21 j nti .8 West t anal -treat, to coal $200 . H«at, of John A, Iielvln. brhdJ stores •$2*’ * ant* H ilovuriM^f* itrcii, to cots' A Mi IN ItKAIUNI.SS IX) H LOt’AI. OPTION KliKCTlOX IN I.VXCU !H H(. TO-MOHKOW. LiVNcmirau. va., do>-. s.—Con gressman 1'urter '.Iiuse. George IS. Citskic, and H* v. Gc< rgn K., will Cione the campaign tor ihe Antl iSaloon forces lo-nignt at the audi torium. after one of the most atren uous liquor buttles In the history of the city. It ts expelled that the speakers to-night will make some warm answer to the charges ami i‘ 1111'mciita mailc hy the "wot” speak ers lust night. Preparations have heen completed for election day to-niorrow. Moral hundred ladles will serve lunches at the polling places; and there are many men who will do all they can to get out a big vote. MORE TROUBLE FOR MOEQUllU REAS NEW ORLEANS, LA., I Me. s..Agi tators from two Central Amerunn Republics arc yutpeuitiuns here to-nny. determined to oyeritirnw tlte existing government of Hondu ras anti Guatemala. .Men are oelng enlisted arui munition* nt war nsrem bleu by three ugents of Jose Zemyu, deposed president of Nicaragua. wno piune the unseating of Lsuubn Ca brera. president of Guatemala. Representatives id former President Honllla, of 1 loiidtiras, and his lieu tenant, Lee Christinas, are active in e (nipping an expedition against Pres ident l'uvUlit in Honduras. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY TO MOVE HEAD QUARTERS FROM ATLANTA. The N-w York Life Insurance l oin liany v. ill move lie Smutiicrn heuuquar h rs from .vilantn p> Kieiimotid on January 1. ateotomg to an announce, tnenl made ny • buries .'I. Heuoiem, "i.longer o; the Kuhtnond otnno of tne company. "All details for the tratister by the first of the year have already heeu made.' hi sites "atm alter that elute i.K iimond iv ui be nt" eieu.ring-no.isM for all i he houUicrii business or ms i oiupany." Mr 'I had C. IP 11. of New Orleans, Will be Ulajiag*! ui III* RUnnioltd eu.CM ar.d 11 is pei ■ t* ■ r of agetuies. uimi ,vir. In uou'ih wilt b - tiansteried to .\»«n v tile. sir. HeiiMein has been in charge of tin lui'ii lor me last ovt years and will It'Hvt ;i host oi friends in Rieiuiioiid v in a h" sets out lor his new post si no:mi: muh< <.»«\ms I »» » . M WHIT*. Two writs .*f frror nj»*1 nuporcHa* W i*rr Kt'ililtn l>y l lie f'Ulu t ill*' cuui i of 'jnui'ftUH.v in one a irmt m arm is Uivuat'O, ui.ii m Hi'. »nnvr *•»."*•*» hwmmhi as coin l>riiHitiu» fur nr-,x<i wn.i* v* ■ i uni* I<• r a i u i *i im nr»t writ wtih K^ntfl to * >ltvta < 'ruu'hiiaio. who i4pi*< ai« \j ii«.'in iiui u* oinon «»i tm* f riiimiin vounry circuit t.'nun, wmni miuert-n a vcniii t « Hiry \hk vvitu n *. u') (iarii<nr*"i anui.j-t m-r ivrnt in favor of tnr»“- i> i.t fa n. Mary i *. N'ciihh aim \\ . c . ohhn aerf*. .Mrs (TutchrteM inherited proper!, froru her f h 111 ** r and hem if. Tne otmi parties claimed too land as nr ‘Hiice trout ncr wrarmiafnor. atm in a mm n<»t >:00 \n appeal was *rani«-i her. i np Danville Circuit four! at its <>e. loht r term awarcum \V. T. i/wmi jM.'i'". as uama*os ror injuries received wmic cmployo'i in the freight yard of cm* Soutiidn lent.road Micro The ra.’ road'e petition tor an appeal was "Tam ed. On Yiookout for Smallpox. That smallpox may be •■xpectm] to apear In tnt* .state within a few dayp is the auhstance of a warning aent out to-day by the* Health Department. An yet ther<* have been few rases of the disease, but as tin people of the •Mat* an* not aecurin^ the nec^aary protection by vac* Inauun, the Health Department nntlcipateH rase? of the disease in many quarters. ARGUMENTS HEARD IN THb LEMON CASE WASHINGTON. L>«e. 8. — Argument« on the charge the refrtgi raior rate* made hv the buuthern I'aciflc Company for shipments of oranges and lemon, are exorbitant, and whether shippers hail the right to pre-cool their »rnlt. were heard by the Interstate Com mereo Comtssion to-day. Both question* were In what is known n» the "lemon case" In which the Arlington Fruit Exchange Com t>any and other fruit companies of the tactile coast complained of an increase of ir> cents per hundred pounds on ments of oranges and lemons. The commission already nas ordered this rate reduced to the original soiled ulo. but the Southern I’acinc Company Is lighting the ruling. C. H. Circuit. Court of Apjieul*. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals reconvened Thursday, with In ult Judges Goff and Pritchard and District Judges McDowell arid Jingo in Utendanee. The following case was argued: No. »95—Virginia Hallway nnd Power Company, appellant. vs. First National Hank of Kiehmond, Va.. ap pellee. On appeal from the Circuit ■ ourt at Klchmnnd, Vn. Cause ar fued by Kppa Hunlon. Jr., of this etty, or the appellant, and by George Hryan and John PiokrclI. of this city, ’or the appellee, und submitted. Cases In call Friday: No. 887—Felipe liarreda v flams, appellant, vs. Alexander Brown & Sons, appellees. Appeal from the Clr •ult Court at Baltimore. Md. To lie irgued by 8. 8. Field and James H. *reston. of Baltimore, Md.. for the ippellant, and by Edgar H. Gans, of laltlmore, Md, for the appellees. No. 998—Fairmont Carriage Works t al.. appellants, vs George It Ho*ue, rustee In bankruptcy of B. O Wll lains. bankrupt, appellee On appeal rom the D.strict Court at Philippi, ,V. Va. In bankruptcy. To he ar med by Howard X. Ogden and Charles ’owell, of Fairmont. 'V. Va.. for the* onellants. mid by Noyes A Hits, of I Vboolj my, W_, jVH-.._fgr_jho appellee. i MIST. AlST—‘vVE DNK8DA T. llfccIfMTiTffT^', j one large hound dog, black and tan I spots, bad on collar lJberal reward If returned to CHA8. hi 8THANO. 17)1 K. Main street. Phone Madlsoi 1IM, STOCKS AC IE THEN CO 1101 GAINS OF OPENING ACTIVITY ' LOST IN WAVERING TENDEN CY WHICH APPEARS I LATER. ! NEW YORK. Dec. '1Moderato strength Avtu? «hnwr. In the stock mar ket at the opening; to-day, prices gen erally ranging sllghtlj nhove yester ' day's close. A wavering tendency nulckly developed, however, and the rtuins were lost Material Concessions Mh.Io. After the early trading the mar ket again became unsettled with many Flecks supplied at material conces sion!. in prices. Government bonds arc unchanged, with other bonds ir regular. Only trifling changes occurred In the lest half of the f< renoon. with prices lit mid-day ranging slightly tinder yes terday’s rlo»e. Steel Declines sttghtli. Steel i tunnion declined over two points from mld-dav Ogures but later recovered a good part of this loss, t. n lon 1’acUlo and Heading were hoth < x tri-mely weak for last of the after noon hut Utter rallied. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Open. Closed. f.:r *S 40’j American IVat Sugar.. . Am. Art. Chem. Co. Allia-Chalmer*.. Allia-ChainVT*. pfd. Almnljramated Coppe*. . American Cud . . .... American Can, pfd . . ..... American Car A Fdy American < ar A Fdy, pfd...,. American Cotton Oil ... . American Locomotive... American Loeomntire. f»i.\ . . American Smelting . American Suagr . A mer. Tel and Tel. Co. American Tobacco. com. . . American Tobacco, pid. Anaconda Copier. At chiton .. Atlanta- Coaat Line . Baltimore and Ohio. . . JOU . Brooklyn Rapid Tntnti'. 74s, Canadian Pacific. R>2 Cheaspeake and Ohio... SO5 * Chicago Great Western . Chic. Mil. and 8*. Par,!. 12054 Chi. snd Northwestern . iil5* 31 ’•I !2i *• e-A C G. W„ pfd. Central leather. Colorado Fuel and Iron (''dorado and Southern Colo, and .South., !»t pfd Col. and Setith., 2d pfd. Consolidated Um Deirwar# ami fiudaou. . . Denver and Rio. F . com Denver and Uto (».. pfd Distiller*’ S*-r Cor Kri# . Frit. 1 at pfd... Erie, ad pfvl.... 1 < »eneral Fleetr.<>. Great Northern, pfd ... Great North. Ore. Of* . IlliODOi* Centra!. Int. Metropolitan . Int. Metropolitan. pfd. 1 r.t. Mer. Marine, com. . In’. Mer Marine, pfd , . International Taper . International Paper. pi«l Kanaa* City Ho., coni Kansas City So . pid I-oulrrUle an i Nashville. ■ Manhattan. Metro. Street Radwa i Mo.. Kan. and Terns Mo . Kan. and Tesaa Miaai/uri Pacific . National lead . New York Central N Y. Or.!, and Western Norfolk and Western. . Northern Pacific...... Pacific Mail . P*tmaylTanie . . . P-’oplo'a Gas. Preseed St«* 1 C* r . Preseed St*#-! f'ar. pid, Rwy veel Spring ,com, Reading . . . . Republic Iron aivi Steel. s Repbulei J, and S . pfd Rock Island. Rock Island, pfd.. , SWBhrffield. Southern Pacific. C--s Southern Railway.. I Southern Railway, pid . ., /,u Tcnneeaee Copper. 341' I Teiaa Pacific... Colon Pacific. L uiUk1 States Rubber. Cnited State* Steel. 7J1 ± i Cnited State* Atari, pfd . j -,!a Va.-Car. Chemical... cq \ n,-Cur. Chemical, pfd. Pfd.. . 45 Vi 110* | 113 - 1041* Mia Ml’ 2*’» Wubaah. 15?* Wabash, pfd. 3^k Western Co ion. f>0?4 fi '13 ft 4 WH iO WO ’ 4 105 Vi r\u VJ2 .’l-M H m HO 1M 12 S 54 ' s 02 45 51 * l n. i 'Mi l4 112S !t 4 I., 20* j so* u ' ♦*>»* iu ?4’i 8 v4 it;? 3515 7 *4 110R 00 1 of 4 33 fl9*i HiniMOM) STOCK MARKET. Richmond, Va., lice. 8. 1810. Hid asked \ it. 3s. Old. C. & It. 1838...,8* 8#i<, I'MilurlM. 2-3. C'. A ri. 1981.S»t; 8914 A. C. U K. R. Con. Tr 4 P c 83 O. A O. Gen. Mer. 4t*s, 1882 ioo Oa. Tar. lot 6a. C 1323.113 <i« and Ala. Con. 5e. 184ft..193 Nor. A West Hjr 4s 1936 . . .(13 N. A W. Ry. Porn, Is, 164J .88 Rich. A Dan. Hold 6« c ..101 Soft board Air Line la. I860 81 Seaboard Adjustments . Ho. Hallway, 1st 5s. 1981 . . if»7 West. N. C 1st. 6,s, C. 1811.. 10.1 V«. Ilj. & l>. Co Prof.71 V«. Icy. It I'. Co Com .13 Atlan. Coast Dine Com.. C. * O... 89 Nor. and West. Com.96 K. t’. A- Dtv. iddla.270 Ho. Railway, prof .59 Ho. Hallway, Com.. 21 I'lrsl National .Sdo Merchants National .575 Planters National ..675 Savings Bank of Rlch'd....«3 Union Bank of Rich’d.330 Va. Trust Co.uo Va -Car. Chem Pref. *p. c. 121 Va. Car. Chem Co tom . .80 123 SAI.RS. 4 Shares Va. <'ar. Chemical I'fd at 12014. NioioMi Titiurco Htnic r K chmond, Va.. Doc. 8. 1810 1 Rrlghts—-Cncuangru. urn., 4.„,u fe ce iil>. Dark Tired—NVw. -Heempts j continue vety 1 gin and mutket firm at '■ quotations. Sun-cured—Hece pts con tinue .ifttit; market fairly active m ! prices quot* d. DARK ST K MM1NO— N EW. Duffs .•..$ 6.00 V $ 7.00 ■ Short |g»f . . 7.00 1/ O.UO Dons Deaf . .. 10.00 y ty on HROW'N SH11‘RING—REiotlii!Rfcy, Durs .i, ft.00 >)a r.;.o Hhort Deaf .L 7.00 y Dong Deaf . 8.00 (y 12.01! Wrapiwr* ............ 10.00 <U 16.00 lmioiiTS. / SiloK.DIts—Commop I 7.00 C (.50 Medium . D.00 O 1 Fine . 12.00 <m la.t’n Cl’TTERS—Common .. 11.on 4t’ U’.io Medium .IS oo it H.r.ti Fine . is.00 t'i> is.tiij Fancy . is.oo it 20.00 FILLERS—Common ... 8.00 4< jo.oo Medium . 11.00 Good . 12.00 tip 18, 'J Fine . 14.00 it \ | CONSIDERABLY ABOVE WHAT HAD BEEN EXPECTED AND UNLOADING FOLLOWS. ■ NEW YORK. Dec. 8.—The ginning - j figure* wore considerably above nm j of tlio estimate* and rtarted sore ■ i heavy unloading at the opening, . ; which Initial prices were off 3 to l'> I points. To-day's report had the effe. t | of changing the views of some who I hud been ^expecting a very low gov ! eminent report on the crop to-mor j row. Although bulls still maintained , that big ginning figures merely Indi ! catcd an unusually large proportion of ‘ the crop ginned to date. Tito opening prices were as follows: I tecember. 314.65(it 14.70: Januar'1, 314.«4#fl4.«.V, April. 114.96: May. 115,0 315.03; Jul, 31 4.96 <0 1 4,‘U!; August. 314.60. I INCREASE SHOWN ;IN BALED COTTON WASHINGTON. !»'•• S - V rotten ginning report Issued by tne Ony-i . I Bureau t<»-day shows 10.13y.r*$(» bale . counting round a* half halos, glnnc-i ; from the growth of l°HY to Oeconilvo* ; i. a® compared with for 1 y00. Round hales i no luck'd this year nr** i 101,6F»1!, n* (*un pared with 134.39*1 f- .• ,<»>® Island hales Included this jv;,r «re 66.651# a a compared with 77,’dM f r , lf«09, TWO DKC.KKKS BEl-OU ZKKO AT LVir\\ (Special to The Richmond Virginian > itOAN’OKE, VA., !><•('. s.-—Reports received by the Norfolk and Western Railway show that it was two degrees beh.w zero at Lumy this morning, with severe wintry conditions pre vailing throughout that section. DR. WINN’S BUGGY SMASHED BY AUTO The horse ami bugg) belonging :■> Dr John K. Winn, of lit North Fift street. an struck by an nufomoi>i. Wednesda ■■ night while standing in front of Dr. Winn's office and thu shaft and wheels demolished. The accident, v, Itb-h war due • • .treless on tho jiart of tho driver . tho automobile. did not serve to tho machine. Tin- log oar was tin . :ng 'vest on Or»eo street "hen i' down Fifth toward Krankilti and r. ed otio side of tho buggy bari- Tr hors was thrown to th« ground, es'-ajied injury. No damage -.vus a; l-arentlv wrought to tho oar as backed clear of the wreck *nd dc-i od away without waiting to disco- t what harm it had done. SEEKING HEIRS OF RICH Pv>R 1 UGUESE if there are two PiTiBSiH-i' v n tinmen in this city or neighborin' .. who ran ooa»t an urn «■ with tire -.sat. of Jose .silva da Terra, they can !;>>. their pockets with a tiviy sum !•; mo Ing l hemselv .-s known. The IV.t. r authorities hero nr.- kin* t-v.. ;.o, , men. whom 1 lie; huv ■ been inform*1'. Hi'** the heir? t*. the • <ti'.t. of the (tontliman abovi tunned. v ,m is . 1’ortuguisc capitalist IP ini; tc■■■. th» Az..r. ■ N "v tefor an.v o 'll .<;• |. 1 s < .rii1 cash, they must alo mak. It pioii, that they nr« the grandchildren \nthuny Silva, a cvltiz- n ■’ lt!< hts: ic for the Inst lift, oarc Tile capital sa'-* that he is anxiotn r • tRapo— , tin" money to tin proper parties. I . don't everyone conic at once . s . • r all efforts to locnt" Silva or tils gran 1 children have h..en vain, and it do < no» add to the ease o. 111• * search when the capitalist slat' s thru they reset • In 1 Rock Edge, suburb of 1:..•hmoutl.” WORK ON ROANOKE TUNNEL COMPLETE n\s iu:i:\ t\ i* i lot lit loss nvi: VI ,\|{s_n \M |. |v, |i200 n i l ‘ LONG. I (Spei i«l to The Richmond Virginian.) I.YXCHKI'IIC, VA.. Dee. S.—Con tractor J. H. Stone this morning an nounced that the Klvormont tunnel of a new rout'i of the Southern Rail way through this city had been com pleted. This announcement marks the end of an undertaking which has been in progress for five year*. The tunnel is 1,200 feet l"ng, concrete lined throughout and containing double trucks. The work was greatly delay ed by the lire which burned for stg weeks, started on August 19. 19oS, and which caused a portion of the Rlvermont Boulevard and Water street to cave In. Fairmount Mr. John Gary, who has been very sick at Ills home on iho avenue for the past week. Is slightly Improved. Mr. and .Mis. lleroert Uivens anil children are the guests of Mr. und Mis. j. O. Mlnaon on Tvventy-iirst street. Mrs. Mary Pollard is uhla to bo out tigaln. after an Indisposition ..of teu days. Mrs. Mablc Jmkirts left Monday for Roanoke to visit her sister, who is very sick. Mrs. James Bailey, of Baltimore, la the guest of her mother on Mostly nreet. Mr. Eddie Carter lvus returned from Lunenburg county, where he went to attend the burial of his wife, who died here on Twentieth street Friday, and was carried to Lunenburg for inter ment. Mr. John Griffin left Monday for Pe.ersburs to spend the week on bus iness. Mrs. G. W. Troxler, of Philadelphia, Is the „uest of her mother on Bald win street. Mr. Joe Muynes, of Twentieth street Is visiting friends In Bowilng Green, Va. Mr. and ^trs. Ned Hutcheson, of Chimborazo Park, was the guest of Mrs. S. It. Gary on the avenue Sun day. Mrs. A. Simpson Clayton, who has been very/111 at her home for tin past three weeks, I* able to bo put again. Miss Bella Snider, of Barbervlllg, Va.. Is the guest of her cq lift ns, ths Misses Stokes, on Carrington Hint