Newspaper Page Text
Norfolk to Have Stadium—U. Va. Needs Coach—Other Sports H.-M. MEN RECEIVE YELLOW JACKETS WHO IIKI.I’El) i WTV CO* AHE HECOKATED. COAC1I W'AItKEV THE OOOIVS. ABMI-ANIr, V.\„ The. s. —Thirteen Yellow Jackets are the proud pose*, s ror» of the much coveted II.-M. mono gram, the awarding ot th*e de<*orn < tions for valiant service on the ath letic field having heen made on Wwi metday. Those who r< <t'iwd the monograms and whoso chests are swelling cur T>sponoiiigiy an- oarr; A. ivw *.cap tutn i, vv. ,intKr, l". i>. iiopKilia, J . At. v» ray. ft. t-, tome, M. r inner, J. i . islmpson. i ..po-.,. «.o. Joriaii, J. K. VVllOulo.itiKe. .1. 1 . V flMfOllatl. IV. 1’. Turner, |i, n. thine. i tie run- lor auiu.mig tetter - is »cry string' i»t here, a rnan mu mg m pntv in lour games, at least two "i n ot, n nre tnamplon* »hi|i games, Dei, re tie tun wear tne mon,.gi am, loir .. the end of th" season ultnoMt tne > ... t■,t• i• ot conversation ' ll the t t'ilo'.v Jiwkct uimfuo has la ell th- winning of tee cufi, non u'srrt ;i took a stji.Htt ol green matt rial and "hipp'd tin in Into file oiewn whicn Won mi championship. Tist loans of n " s;.,j,er 11,■ j,i. tnv “In, I,” have , utntr a. i'i r u good share of discussion. Here, liovteter. the orient is given to tuu systematic ■ v in which Warren ne xt miieti , ach S' parale part of his team hy vvr. lv- i,: v. .is. aim his judgment in tie style m' play, namely, m using only (ic: etis.v in, tit s and th* onslde t.e l.s. A eui'-fui an ti.M- <•' ail litre . hun.pi"i'.-*rvu» *. n>, s iow«j (11.= ; th> Were almost Iw uU al in tiiv pin' a > .!. IMimt thi- may hi. the talk so tar ns thi V oliov Jat ket* nre lr tulve.t always ends with. "Oh. well, vv . wen trie cop. This makes three i O ns that l;amlolph-.\lnee.n team* have v,. n under Warren, and of th other s. a- iiits tie . have tied thre„. Tin lettered | ia;.,rs have ch • *• d J. A. Chapman captain of the team for i all. Chapman has played right guard on the yellows Jn k-it l>.r two ytrsrs. being a sub th- year P fore. ih A a hnsay athlete. weigh* t;,g oMr 1-V> pool ,is. lit: i< a splendid UctiiirK" piuyer :• ml is also good ..t operur.! i. i - ,,n t iit nsivt The man at. r and his ic cumi will I ■■ elected •> the a'vhl,.*(! hoard at its to \l mcct t:<k Th' athh U' I'oui'd it.., , ' pr, ->■* . great u a 111 i' ai e-Ti .,, , r cv work o: 1 i.hU Warn it, tiud th" ?t iderit . id es “strung for hint not only ■ - t he d"Veloped ii championship and cup • inning team ■ > :t of rnt and sal material, hot heron*.' his .reed never K*t,. tin.' and he always toUl tin footbail g. tdiators they would win. His eiintidcn, e in t hetenm v.n nor ...!sp. i • tl In I'.tln, nor was it In t» ■ •revious j car*, when cops wore won ; the 11.-M. team, nor will it t.e ■M yesir, (or many of this years tars will inn tha mohsklrt in li*xi. Randolph was coached :hr uughout the last »i:i«.ni to play a hfenrdve game all the time, to wear awn the opposing Catena hy repeat - I punts tor hunt distances, and to use the tuiside k|t k w hen the enemy uni been sotfl tut!-, tagged to make improhiihle that the Velio a Jacket ho laugh the hail would he tackled • f,.re st oring. Thi < Is the sc rot tli, Yellow Jar kola' throe victories • t tin- championship series AH the .olios were played alike hy llandidph iticn, if thoso who witnc»«..i the ■ .intents will remember, and what r,m iy looked like luck !-i tin »;-■■. tutors was simply the working out of care fully laid plans. .1, A. chapman, thv heavy mul pop V'ar right guard of the 1,. mon ruui Ri.i 'k elev en of 1 "Spil'd two y, ul -. has heen elected hv the letter men :■ aptatn th' tS*t 1 team. Ills playing in the line was most material In the achlevemenl • • the trio of vlvorhs • hii h brought home the cup. mi l It - iit 'iev t tl h>. wall make an i xt ,11,-nt held general. The football muring. ..nd assistant manager have not v t I een elected, but will he chosen at the next meeting of the athletic hoard Ooirli Wurrrn will undoubtedly he retained. He expects i ■, develop th best fothall nine In the Faster!', Vir ginia intercollegiate > ntoMs, and to so drill the Yellow Jackets next fall as to make it Impossible for any of the other teams to get a lew k ut the cham pionship cup. Jim R-rcy te Fieht Ross. NEW tiRI KANsf. I .A , l >■»,■ ",.Tim harry mul Tocv Hi"" v*dl| meet in c ! u ei.ty • round bout h, fore the \Vi ‘-t Bide Athletic t'hih on Sunday after r,., a it Pecemher . Edison Phonograph for Christinas The best pres ent you can make because it is superior to all others. C.B. Haynes & Co. 5 North Strati St IKIES THAT HE APPROVED GAME jFATHER OF liAIJ WHO WAS kll.I. KI> STRONGLY' DENOVNCES ' I 4-ltllHKON SPORT. If th** choice had to ho between : footoail nna prize lighting, tho latter ; i» l;ii' to on proleri* it. m the opinion "t i,. rf. <,unti. of vsatrhe*, Miea., writ ing in the torrent issue of trie south ern < liurohrmtn. .hr. ilunns son ro <*ii(iy otoij from in* cifecls of In.iti . ties sustained in a footoail iiiiirit, unci .hi consequent!} writes witn consider 1 utile ifS'iiiij! on the subject. , This is what to has to sat : "Press dispatches ol recent date have gratulP.i.s.y. net to say maliciously, reported roe ;lS having suld that 1 con rloor. it tin- ‘l< atn of my son trom an mi l’. received in a football pructic* us r.itnpl.. an a* *idont, and that not w iliistarniitig my sorrow. I jtavo my ; full approval t" the frame and < .nsiii • red it as harmless ns baseball or any athletic spurt. 1 have never been. am not. nor ■"hull Hir be an advocate for the bru tal practic, miscalled sport of foot 'I he cli-cumutam os attending my sons death proves nil the nior. conclusively that lh* game should ‘ net or be allow ed.' I know that when , played by largj-r boys It is very dan gerous. but thinking that the smaller boy. with whom my son played would hardly endanger their limb, or lives. I i oust nted for him to engage in what was mlied ..nly u practice. the greater part of the time h. |ng spent In run ning signals Hut I now realize that the gnith- has been s> changed since I. as a hoy. played football, that ev erything connected therewith is nt tended by th- greatest danger; and thus I a. ••• for the great fascina tion which th* gam*' has for hoy*, ■'inly th. hoy before his death, , wh-ti his bri*th-r * imp into the room and they talked about th* practice he asK. *1 with with deepest Interest. If 1 would allow him to play again when h** g**t well.* These considera tions have cs-onvinced me that If the . * hoi* s wn** absolutely necessary be . two cn football and th»* ring of the prize fighter, that the latter Is fur to be prgf. rred. "1 nrn saying thi* with the hope that some other home may he snared the dark shadow of grief which has i ■ >ni< ov*>r our home.” TO BUILD SIMM ON NORFOLK FIELD mi \ wrru mum v ri \\ im PnuVIM, I M AAKTTK PARK \Mi (.ITIIM, IU«. <. AMI'S ! ■, i! tii TIi,- Kit-hnii'iji.I A irifiiilan. . NUHPUl.K, V A., lift, s— Backed i Mtitiu moni'w'il Interest* hi re, n ■ mmom*T,l in on foot to cnnvort J.H fa>i|t« l 'b M into h stadium for big ■ bam .all ft! 1,) Otll'T attilfHl. Karm » Th.. iiloii m to pull down tho pri—niit slruet'ir,. eml er.-.'t onnrroto -• utn and a bi*rli !'•: i. e around thf S «<*>• { It 11 ’ i . o'I that I* this In dor,’ th- its imt »• cure football, i l as 'L-.i':’ and nth' r s'noon thi : ’ ic- | ttn'. IjifaNnUf Fi.-lil lias (iron thf* t»-on. ■ >f n,on.. important at hit-Ur atrujritl, • and tin •‘lH'l.muro ha» always born ! fox 'd ti It" capr.i ity whotiovi-r ft tog i t'iitno ban I'ti ii piaMd hero — A RECORD FLIGHT DARING AVIATOR SEEN HERE FLIES 16 MILES IN 10 MINUTES AND 55 1-5 SECONDS. M KM I ’H IS. TKN'.V. Int, ' .— All Mernpl :- is to-day agog over the won > >Tful dying fi at of Roue Harrier, who 1 m a Rh-riof monoplane flew more than 1 sixteen miles over this city an.I «ur l i "iiniliiifr eountrv In 10 minutes and ' -f. j.. . .■ aii- Wednesday, i IJo not only broke the world's record for speed by Ilyins at it rate of S7.f>3 ititle* itn hour, but won $5,000 offered I by a local newspaper, and defeated j John n. Moisant, cinder of tin- Statue : .d Liberty and erou-er of the English : i 'bannel. l,o)ii Mnrane held tln> spied record up t ' Wt dm sday. Mornno. at Rhetms. hi w at a rate of fi» miles an hour. Harrier made his 'light tit an altitude I '"it feet and followed the mapped out course w ithout once diverging from u. Mo.sant. who was also com jet In g ; >r tin $;.,(HI0 prize and Southern avi tio.t honors, did not follow the course. • tit')- he Soared to at) altitude of 7.11110 foot to get into the most favor !o air currents and was so high up I ■ could not see tho buildings which marked the course. Ikt't iir .o well remembered by Jtich t e-ders «»; the matt who flew over the city the 'times during the recant avi ation meet. He tlcw over the city twice by himself and on the final day . t the meet engaged In a race from the Pair grounds to the city Hall with (Intros ami Simon, II ‘ startled Richmonders with his iiaredcvil dips, glides and short turn*, .cud seemed never to be so much at home as In the nir. Richmonders who sow him lly here and applauded him were glad to learn of his world-famous achievement in Memphis. SUCCEED POWERS N'JTVY YORK. Oee. 8.—It in prac tically settled to-day that Edward Harrow’s, f<> Toronto, will he elected president of the Eastern League to succeed I’at Powers when the club owners meet hero next Monday. Tho I latter is de lured to have seen,,the "handwriting on the wail" and to bo reifdy with an announcement that a ’'business venture in Ireland" will , henceforth take all his time. 1 larraws In one of the host known baseball managers In thtr f-ouatry. «t I though his record In this- line la not oa« la grow enttttWtaaUo over. (' 1MI6EMI1ET0 GET JEW COkCD CRAWEOHI* CAN NO IXJKUER. | SERVE AT l*. VA.—i9ll PKOS. PEfTS GOOD. ; CHA KleOTTKSVIlXE, VA.. Dec. S.' i A roach to succeed Crawford, who is not eligible to succeed blmxolf, is ne 1 n„r sought by the G. V. A. at tin.1 • V'nlvcrslty wX Virginia. Craw for.i • I work, e specially that of whipping his badly crippled eleven Into such snap* as to win the Carolina (fame in Klch niond on Tnnnksgtv mg i'ay, has boon most gratifying and sat 1st a dory, and the students will do the handsome thing by him when he leaves anti also deeply regr.-t his going. Crawford will be a nurd man to re l>l»ee, but the General Athletic Asso ciation will not pick his successor hur riedly. it is expected that a former star football gladiator of former day* w ill be scioc led. The General Ath letic Association Is considering several erstwhile wearers of the <'range and Blue for the coachshlp. The 1911 team should be a winner, as t ight of the 11*it' stars will report I or practice m-xt fall, and with a good c ue h should develop Into an even faster eleven than this year. Driver, the star halfback, whoso work on the offensive and defensive attracted tvi<i< - spread comment and compliments, and Varner, the doughty ta kb . will he missing from the I Oil team. Driver vlll not return to the I'nlversity next fall. He will probably accept the po sition of athletic Instructor at Wil liam and Alary, where he ha* an en viable record in all lines of sport. Varner will come hack next year, but the eligibility rules bar him, he hav ing played lour seasons, three with the V. P. 1. arid one with the V. of Va. College Topics hits this to sac on the 1911 football outlook: ' Eight members of this year's foot ball team will comprise tho nucleus for the 1311 eleven, with the possi bility of a ninth map. whose eligibility is in question. This was ascertained at the annual banquet given to the "V” men of this year's squad, when, in answer to a request of Dr. William A. I-nmbeth, director of athletics for this information, the following men held up hands: ' Finlay, left end: Todd, left half back; Bowen (captain for 1911), right • end; Towles, right guard; Pankov, b-ff guard; W .oil. center: Jones, fullback, anil Grant, sub quarterback. "The man whose eligibility is in doubt Is Captain Gever. The first year ho went out for football here h<- play ed for a short while in a single game. For three years he hits beep a star tackle on the Varsity, making the Ali Kouth Atlantic last year and this i year.’ 101 Mini LOSES TO 1CKENSCHMIDT I ION" WIN". WRESI I IN*. MAIN H IX TWO XTHAIGin VU.I.S IN CHICAGO. ' ■tiUMiW, IU*, !»*•<••. f* Mill ugh •I.-!.in tw>> uraighf falls George IlHi'ki’Mihniidt, tin "Russian !..<>n, ' Ji sko \Vc«t*-rganril. the liumj wrestler. went down t*> no in* glorious it* ; at Wednesday night. Tin iiuri was In the best of trim, i iti-ti :i ■ an eel, bulky as it looom* - ■ tt\ . Mini strong ns an ox. Altlimip.i !>*■ outw *-!gh«.*d ami outgeneraled the Iowan, Hack, ns* hmldt whs compelled t" • it all his s.-lence and strength t--» pin him to th* mat In one hour two minutes and tit'tei n seconds. Tin and time ag.-tin it looked as though the Hon would make quick Work *f . his opponent, but Westcrgaard squlrm • **i out holds that no on*' believed it ! possible for him to break loose from, and had the Russian on the defensive a i*rg.> part of th.* time. Roth men came tuck fresh and tit for the second try for fait, and both '' r* *ni th»* aggressive. Westcrgaard ■■e « uuttoux at first, having tasted the ; bitter results of getting caught In a double bar arm hold, but after ten minutes <*f car. ml sparring for an b*1 \ outage he g,it reckless and w as slip ped to a sleeping position by the lion in eleven minutes and twenty seconds, a reverse body hold turning the triek and winning the match for the sub ject of Czar Nick RICHMDNDT0 SEE HURD FOUGHT GAME .ST. VINCENT AM) NOKPOLK DU ES WILL CLOSE SEASON AT BROID STREET I’AHK SATVRDAY. Richmond lovers of football are awaiting the day of the game be tween the Norfolk Hines' eleven and the St. Vincent Academy team, both : of Norfolk, with the greatest of in terest ami expectancy. The elevens will i lush at Hroad -Street Park Saturday atteriioon at 3:80 o'clock. They will |>!av for $8,000. the gate receipt* and the championship of Norfolk. , Hath team* are heavy, fast and confident, neither hat lug tasted de feat this *ea*ou and neither believing the other can administer that uncut - : etui dose. Supporters of the two elevens will come t*> Illehmond in drove* and ] tvhoop It up for their favorites. Hroad Street Park will bo made to ring with the rooting* and ehoerings of scores or lusty-hinged, loyal and confident men. boys and girls. Although complete arrangement* regarding the official* have not yet been made, it I* reasonably certain that Pat Harry, the Georgetown man l who refereed the majority of the football game* in Illehmond this fall, wl serve in a similar capacity In this •» no Saturday afternoon. Poultry Show at Harrisonburg. HARRISONBURG. VA„ Dee. S.—Tlio second annual'exhibition of tin* Mutual Poultry and Pet Stock Association opened Wednesday morning. Nearly 000 bird* are on exhibition, making the beat allow ever given In the coun ty. Exhibitor* are her* from several Elate*. A' large number of prlae* will hf awarded th* wlanar* to-night. ..I ! The E. B. Tay lor Company 1011 Fast Main Street. JS&. 23 West Broad Street. Headquarters for Christmas Presents We Are Showing a Large Line of Chafing Dishes, Percolators, Brass Jardinieres, Dinner Sets, Bed-Room Sets, Sheffield Silver, Electroliers, Mahogany Clocks, Umbrella Stands, Breakfast Sets, Tea Sets, Fine Cut Glass. TWO STORES. — Sidelights on Six-Dav Grind in New York N K\V VOKK, I'ce. 8—i . •pat ' Power*, too rotund j j t<» rarry hi* »vn bed. whll M.v-uiiv r.- * i'-, M>‘.hi->n G>< rut n as ail :. * * .4 ft-u* .*t<trtinff ' 'Hi: .romott r tJ * and Peter Prunty. the v» t t ran anu- liv’er, tnd the bug who tries ct th* weary plodder# wend their way u* fam • and mi;rn*?\. _____ MOORE SMASHES * CUSHION RECORD MAKI-S KI N OF 15 IN BII IHRI' m vtcit Which hi: cost. | NEW YOKK. Dof. 8.—Alth-uigh !*.• f 1.>st hi* billiard match with Tom <<a’ I lagher, <Je»rgn Moore came out of • his three night*- piny with (tying fo! - ora by smashing the thrce-oushion record that has stood for twenty-live | years. In Ills play last niftht Moore i made a run of fifteen, one tm-r. than i Frank Peterson made In Ft. in i lgst5. riallagher won the mat U 1 to ' to 135. Sporting Squibs Jisfsrs Donohue. ex-White Six first baseman, end who played at the initial : comer for Washington during tue seu ; son of 190?. is another retired athlete ! Who would "come back." Donohue's I optics have been ailing him since the wind-up of the ’909 race, l'pnn the advice of un expert oculist Donohue submitted to treatment at Hot Springs. : Ark., and he now thinks tlmt he can ! play the first hats as of yore, On the way to the health resort D 'ii--hu<- "ui dentallv spilled a few words in regard to the White Fox. .lings o that tin secret of the Chicago American l.eagu team'* Sneers* ut> to two years *tHi ■ ! was due to the fact'that harmony pre ' vailed In the ranks throitgliout tD« 1 campaigns. As soon us row* i cropped up the ilub went to pieces and Manager Hugh Duffy Is now striving to reconstruct the onco formidable out fit. Hobby liyrne, the midget third base man of the Pirates, ia still hobbling around on crutch,< « In 8t. I.ouis as the result of a recent operc ic:t on the right font. Hlood poisoning set In and ■ little Bobby w is kept Indoors for a few weeks. The star player is on the - mend and expects to di n-aril the walk ing slicks In u Week or so. Jack lb-wan, the burly pitch- r of the JPhlllles, tic.mired in tile gigantic swap with the Cincinnati Red*. is i„. ! up with a damaged light arm as the re- . suit of 1*41 accident In Dayt-m. Ohio, j Itowan was riding on u. tundem motor- | cycle end the machine buiniwd Into A pedestrian, tossing Rotvan «uif his com- i i pgnUin from ths^v-jpwRg. 1 pitching ! was J; inr.<l, in," not j 1 ro k ■ : t. 1 it In., lb. u' i th» St. Louis Browns. has turned tlown a prop gs,,rship at unc of the big j Western colli cob. As a member "f the fa- ally Hwigri would b< expected to manage '> football team, whose earn ings he woultl bo permitted to pocket. “Baseball, not football, is my gam''.' j odd Hodges In declining the offer. Mr. Hedges has protested against the proposed, increase in the St. Louis baseball lioens.- to ISO a day. The St. Louis owner has a plausible reason for his objection. Ho • \pi.Mns that some days the Browns fall to draw in 130 at tin Rate. Jimmy McAl.-er, the shrewd manager of the Washington Senators, will stop at nothing within reason to strengthen Ids team lor next year. Me A leer is re ported as having stated that he was ready to break up oho «.f the host bnt t. no» tn tbe game if lie ran gain added strength by so doing. Uhl Cy Young s rating in tin pitch it:g averages for tbe past season offers some food for thought. The grigibed veteran woix seven and lost ten games during the 19u9 season. This has been one of the most disastrous seasons In Young’s long career on the diamond. A White Sox uniform will probably kerb Jake Stahl, first baseman of the Bed Sox. who says lie has quit the . 'in.. In order to attend to his bank ing work In Chicago. President Tay lor, of the Bostons, says they van huve Stahl If he run get a pitcher or two irum the I'hlt-ufii i . .o. The horn, lender will probably re ..insider if ho! reals that he can piny in Ids home ; town. Pitcher Mc<juUlnn lias written I’re.d- , dent Herrmann, of Cincinnati, and again promised to be good Sounds lik, "Big Mac" was (getting r« .»d> to make a touch. If Sam Langford will exert himself when he meets June Jeanette hi Boston next week'us he did In knocking Mor ris Harris out In the Hub Tuesday, night, he cannot help winning deets- • lvely, That’s the way the Boston er» tes figuri it. They ngru that Lang ford never fought with such ferocity and that if the referee had not Inter fere Morris plight have been fatally injured. Langford knocked Harris nut over in Brooklyn last winter, but it was a well-known fan that lie; agreed* to l«t Morris remain on hi* feet for: st* t'tnynds, "Just to enteptslr, the' yrofftt" . ^;,/n. 7 : - I GflTCHIS THROUGH WITH WRESTLING CHAMPION (.i:\rPl,F.K SAYS VO IMHCl’MKNT corn* BIUN<. HIM HACK TO M \T. l CIU< I>ec, 8.— Frank Crotch, world s v restllng champion, w ho has defended his tltlo successfully from the Invasion of foreign grapplers since he wrested tne championship from I lackcnschnitdi In 1908, and who an nounced his retirement from the mat (fame when he threw Zybysko last winter, arrived in Chicago Wednes day. From hU home In Humboldt. In., to be a spectator at the Haoken j.-hnildt-Westergaard match at the Co liseum last night. The tlrst statement which (torch made to several friend* who were eager to find out If he would he willing to consider a mateh w ith HackcnecLimldt was to the effect that he Is through with wrestling'and that no inducement could bring him back on the mat. "I am tl.rougn with the mat gatrie.' Uotch said In answer to a number of 'lurks about his future plans. "T made this announcement last winter end I am going to show the world that 1 was sincere In making the state ment." mi-sms will ME THE SOUTH llAItYAKl) l.AW SCI lot H, K1.EVES I TO 1*1,AY AT MEMPHIS AM) MOW OIU,KAN'S. CAMHKIIKIK, MASS., Pee. 8.—A great* r part of the Harvard law School football team which defeated the Carlisle Indians .1 to o last month, and which Is composed of former players from Harvard. Y'ale. Prince ton and the 1 ulversity of Michigan, will invade the South during the Cltrlauna* holiday* and, meet two Southern team* at Memphis on De cember 3* and at New Deciemlwr 81. X* (MM have been weeks. hut it wa« imt until to that Captain Hamilton Fish, Jr., nount nd their completion. The Memphis gam« will bo the pick of the Vanderbilt and 8a« waneo eleven*, and ut New Orll the All-Star* will meet tho beat me the University of Louisian* one or two oilier Southern colleggiHif Tile All-Stars' lineup will bo a* ttT lows: Ends. Houston. Harvard, Auelilneloss. Tale; tackle, Kish, vurii, and. rrumpaeker, Mich l guards. Hoar. Harvard, and Par Yale; tenter, t'ass, Princeton; quart# bad;. Hardier, Harvard; h.'i'fbael PfliTer and Moore, Princeton. Oortnjt, Harvard: fullback. Wliff Harvard. DELEHANTY’S LEG jg MENDING SLOWL1 TIGERS MAY GET JIMMIE Wi« LIAMS TO KEEP SECOND BAI PROTECTED. DETROIT, I kdc. *.—Conslde doubt now evisis that Jitrt I tele secured by lH-trolt from Walt ’ . 19CA. will l,e able to play next I The injured leg that put him < the gi>u;o las* s-ason is mending i lv. and it is feared tiiat it will right by tin start of the season. The Detroit management, to itself, now t ontom plate* securing i tide Williams, with .\l imeapolls year, u« utility inun. If Detail ■ u*. ft i." troluible that O'Leary will be th.e regular second with Williams, if secured, to fall ’ on. Folwall Stays at Lafayetfek EASTON, PA., Dec. FvlweU. of Philadelphia, was ert coach of the Lafayette football | Wednesday night. Southern R TRAINS LEAVE RICRMOMk | N. P.—Follow! n* tehadula fiauiaa gaMh) nfonratlaa ud sot (uarantead: 6:10 A. M.—Daily—looal (or CkMMH| ham aoii Ralaiah. 10-46 A. M.—Daily—Limited—Fte * j South. Drawl or Room Buffet SfeagAsg 1 Mrmphia via Aaharilta and Chattanooga. A 3:f0 P. M.—Ft. Sunday. Loaai (ai IWM niatirn tiata atatioaa. . -if 0:00 P. M.—Et. Sunday— Kajraaflte Law 1146 P. M.—Dally—Liati tad, for a*j South. Pullman rtady 9.S0 P M. : i* YORK RIVER UNE. | 4:30P. M. - -Et. Sub.—To Wag lot Battlmota Moo.. Wad. aad FH. 6:00 A. M.—Ex. Sua. and 9:11 Wad. and FH.—Loaai to Watt Pot TRAINS ARRIVE RICH! From tlw South: 6 60 A. M. Ml 6 40 A. M.—Ex. S3a.. 12J6 P 1.00 P. M. From Wtat Point. *«0 A. M.,dt W'd. and FH ; 4:26 P. M.. Em Su W:00 A. I Dally—Faat traiaa to < « Oo P. i Ntaport Nowa aad Ni JO A —Daily. Lanai to Nawp mk) P.—Daily. Load to Old ft 2:00 P.1 Daily— Louiaadla aad 11:00 P. j Pullman. 6:44 P.—Daily. ’St. LoutoChl Pullmans. 6:30 A.—Daily—ChariottearlS* Hinton. 8:18 P.-Waak tot Loaai to 10:00 1 TTtlhr I liaMinra T 6:16 P.—Waah days. To lynel TRAINS ARRIVE RICI l-oral from Eaat— SM A. M., Il Through Iraa East—1196 A. t Loaai iron Watt—*690 A. 1 20 P. M Through—7:00 A. M., >46 P. I