Newspaper Page Text
Planned to Please And Benefit the Women Stories and Standards for Richmond Households KING CARNIVAL By K'.h; Tl'T MA 1 -<Cop- ; lg) ' tjo" l'rt , | Down t^»‘r < cut '■ turning. sit-in.; gey •!>•< teht )*u#htu nd .1 A >« un^ pi Frtn It. twining in i the throng, girl*. Jean V t comi truiii i i* then- tii- >; • ■ •*. officer Du V inend. the g- - •. 1 A thing nip.. i •• • - the #1*0 imk$ -.i n v Anu-r, an* t! -• the carm-. « u .. r apart, t*r u Mortal way T! .-hat nn.t! tl ,\1 n» !• .t tin it it t h domin in tin proie tt Ami all uhtikesy t l WB« I ! £ ! < -11, um.H 11j ■ r common ivu.i *ar main. e danced »n-t la tuti st* Iri of A sii.i' -. i lOOlfftlft 'I •« I'1 hebeic, the in, inert s,t <• fug Us- -iitran Into sudi.' threads -1 .pc untApeciea *r •Gene.-ami tin • hr! 1;tact < t . marcking th< CWpila 1 guard her* wnn a tc* from ten to r.« t. <, of trumpets, abt ..- • - ft -t . and Cayniva. w.u> e-mi:.* The girl J< an. Ht«;pn..* tl* < htrtr.f ahouting nnh a tn ''King l armsa.: Jt. r ir-*..i lunbi turns e-.ill.-u tea use-, •bounding sp.r.f ••; ilio t-t •be had icng-u l -r : i it** gay lit*, the om;. §M *>»f. the hlatui. rid. Km* farnival a He was corning r. -« •nUoh of the eve eh, the pat roc - He came, not .. onre.l in massive i tin h. It in me a r r -f ti alt. is ii'!': H. thing, pmdow tnochamsm, a gt,: • my twined with flowers hi - #f» a float, drawn on t-v a.. HHmIm. ' Be was a pr- « I twre, astride his po;4, r t..,r |-M by wee si a urchins Tl etc forgetting ,t Int.i a nev. d .Vi, that strange imaginative thetr yearly nn r> human harl-t. iut a ,t darn 'd high Plum-.! s i-rc-a rrouml ■re was wed hltn'ding of confetti, tin <i< it i.’wnltig din of shouts, another i-i.r.-i Ktmnnlc and the king was g ne. I..' But, following, came the .pa en And after that cavaliers and grenadier* if olio win* fantasy < n fantasy, new gor 5 gOt»u*-tivcried hands, soIdlers on IpWMKlug steeds, present and past. fn. t ’ gllll fancy. a strange and motley Jum ‘ Wo—and the dream was gone I'; After all. It seemed t ut a dream. t» vision, unreal. Intangible perhaps frith the res.'ess surging < f the , r the tension breaking with the pne* % ItIg of the pageant, the rea. tt i betting In, and the girl realized for the first time Iter material s-if ami ;$po, wear tt had .. n.lured. I-or tv. irotfr* she had been moving in nr Atmosphere of overwrought ex-ite •gent. 8he was mentally and ph\s tcally fagged' She turned to m i friends. "Alice, we most In- going.' Hut she found herself gazing nto th. rdTaeant eyes of * hodizen-d < o .imtilm aj«d already they - ■■ r- gone Surely she could n -t lev • left her •lone In all this seething madness . Alone! She who had t-.,n up, . (o_tHe streets without a guide or fri< ml SHe drew her hood done about h-i liHc*. fop once thanking all h-r h(hi '’fjjlM ahe was tall and slim In in Wroteeting domino, among the sm;)i <«>Petgners. she mlgin well simulate j tnan. Th-re could hn n i5#«at. And even now, shr illlar forms beyond «hr harm Ii » flippant pompadour and Pm tend am srjuirn. striving t - r, . p th. IWoe. But a strange face met to The Circular Staircase. Hv M.UtY HOBI.HTS HIM.HAH 1 roiTRimiT iooh ha Tin-; hohhs-mi uiui.i. < <>\ir.\s\ (Continued from Ye '.-rda> » ‘Listen." aha said. 'At half-i le down-*t:nrs rant. I . not g - - n > tol 11, and 1 heard Then I heard Halsey it ii. ad In « t> V, mlni:w. I !• . nm-- up land knocked at rn . <! o..r We talked for a minute, it < n I put < n drawing (town and shpp- rs, »ml nt downstairs with him. .Mr. Hail. \ in tlie titlltard-room. W. u.. talk ad together for j.* -maps !• e litotes. Then It war- de< Hid it -it M they should both g • a*ay :- " gji;"Can’t you b* more explicit" Mr. r»ln*«n asked. ' Why did th* .• g-> ray?‘ r “1 am only telling . what hup Ifted, not why It happ« nt d. sin- said rani}. "Halil went foi tin- . ; r 1 Instead of bringing it to in. house rousing -people, .is went n> tho |war road from the.stale. . Mr H.-,i was to meet hint at ih* l-.ot of lawn. Mr. Hailey left Hi. "Which way"" Mr. Jamies'it asked i»ly. “/'By the mam ' .-.tranee ti.- n : • |>;.wa» a quarter to S. 1 know rx Cd*Tba cloek In the hall Is stopped. Indies, said Jamienm. Nothing »ed to escape him. looked at his watch." she r. and 1 could see Mr. J <reI.--.-p s p, as if he hau mad.- ;< As for myself, during ole recltai 1 lift i p.-.-n p: my. I _deepe»t amaxen-.e nt. 11.1 you pardon me for ;. p. r »?” The detective was a y and I thought he was r-m. i'h raised. "What ar. your •; r with Mr Halley " Ida hesitat'd. Then she rams put her hand lovingly In m<: r.g engaged to marry him." the |#»piy. grown so accustomed to s>;r (•■that 1 eould only gaap again. for Orrtrude, the hand th.u mine was burning with f« • ‘ tr that." Mr “you went directly to bad?" la hesitated. •aid (Itially 1—i am hot ' «ad after I had cxttng iahod 1 remam tarred » .rnethlng I in lha btUUtrd-roiti. and I r- war bark there through the tall me whut It was vou ;<•!.!# -the} . l>< nc‘At h 1, m iii r J* hi* uih« a lit. il'-i'Cll' U III ;t souall uml imm*? .4 mi au'lli-, «v ui iiuiumaie «>i * »u. • n - i 04 all l\< i i .4 ., «•; * . itgluinf? fr**m ' 4! • M. 4N i ' li iii ill** ? M}’ l O *b 11 I'.l.K rU- * t*<r* l 11« > V\M I * t .. . it . t,t i v nu '.‘Uo i '*> i • ■ , ■ 1 1 - - v. * rc Jim to .. i • b : . p.. i. o. \ i :d n t tu. t, mi t in . • 1 j. • : : ,ai r Mw do 1 ti.-r hnniift to the hot . ,„ .1 i-. 1 iw .to Mini o* x-i' ...... ' > r eg, a iitUa I*ltt* r ... ,s ■ i - *.• ) r w li'i whs eni an .• ii ... that prangc mood. ."h» ini'"*' I, - .i it again, ’Who am 1 .'to V. o ' art gjri, Jya.n Nt 'iti ii 1 f ,\. . 1 ■ , , 1 . girl of gpleulld anti i o! ' : s- 1 lug hurt:' .1 : ■ that radiantly ambllt t.:rp v. t, tins very morning h» ; in <• .t [it- artoon tor ttif *t«ln . , •■■■ Ir.a wk ohe was riot that ■ .1 gft r. \ 1\ ft in' .isurt it or who; hut .1 ;n.ino■; t fio* had laughed loud m ri . n. 1.1 high holiday bhe ,s i. t any of the Joann her friend* ..! faintly know, bin, was a lonely 1 it--uk t ioid, the girl that < « ffar.i had rosed !’• r the lHat tlnv . i.oti'.ith th- all nr. tilng >lm* <>f ih> V- rmotit h .mn, saying "O■ -oiiliy n'utii of lif 1 n.l rail me when you want inr, iii if". I'll mint' ' I’.' ll In ail tlte o\t rwhfdmlng ev : .iii. ,1 1 new scenes sit. ha 1 for .•■Urn the tall, brave friend "f 'arl' < u. oi ne--r hn l th" thought of l :m ! . - Uu'.l . at Kent Th* re. tie o * i. r, thing If see Hied to wait. .o;rii hints tlic high tights of tier ■ I renin - This it: no rior.g sh*. had heard i him '''o il Spoffard." read the ■ lipping s.-nt from home, "has sailed f r I nin . Young engine' r plans t-i«lneHs trip to Haris.” and on down th' i-agi She had thought a’ ; rst th;,’ t, wou! i seek her out. then ■ I i knew in a moment 'hat he wonh. i \>r i T. i li'.s wav He would nev'r ' ni" itnlio he felt her wish Call if : on wish trie She could find It in tv r h-art to wish him now., hut Taris ri"t Nice. «n i many fireary mile, iv in between A crowd of shouting. laughing mummers was coming from down the stroi t, and the girl, In terror, stir ink hack beneath the shadows The. were turning In the way and hearing down upon her ”Ha rntrle.” the-, •■trip again, and now aha was dts .red’ A tiny, red-frilled creature with rap and llngllng bells, shouted hi rres the pathway, rteceliuig no r-' epemse she railed to h<-r crowd to fol low her. In a moment hey had tfdnod hands and were closing in The girl emurhed hack against the trunk of a great free, and wildly look ed for help. Waa there no one In all this throng of spangled, glittering fooler; to give her alt!? luynnd the honk honk of a slow n "Vlt '; car aer med to echo relief. It might be the city guard; It might be Ale t and Vaf. It was manifestly worth the chance "Allen," .-h« cr|e,l Ir. a frenzy of despair, ' Alice, Hu \ *1 1 ,u eii ;v- -Cecl' 1” V.<r a long time the girl gftr.ed Into the calm eyes above her. The el,-nr sky. the moving brain hes of the trees, rtic softened shouts beyond, the music find the dghts- they were as so mM'di stage scenery, artificial, insecure The "he thing tangible In a" the V r'.d I was the man’s strong arms about her *’e. i! and .Vh c' She could not re 1 on< lie the two and whispered some how, "Harts—j i"i—Ni* It" held her ’loser. "Hear, don't bother Die flood, you know. It tan pl'-d alt mv plans. I ran down t*. .Vice to ne the cnrnhal. 1 knew that vroi Were here. 1 heard you call. Tin car's hevond I’on't bother to e>;.. I plain.” Then she tr<mb;.'d and grew faint again, and he lifted hi r within ills arms as a child And ns her head f,.|) ‘upon his shoulder he bowed to criirh • to r words "Hear, dear.” then, "You i ‘ me. dear " and. King I’nrnival ’ J "1 < ;imnt it-ll y.tu.’ she said slowly. I ! did ti-• t b .. . tl < billiard flit «»nr« Why” 1 Th« detective's t ■» ti n ns j imperative. ’.in'- Mty important. ' M iS< l|i!,i \ 1 Wft.. < ryir.y (Jeitnnle said in a h" ton* Win n the French Hiit k in t) < dr awing ! ,<*!!. giru« k I g"t P and then- 1 ii* an! a step on tin * f t p->r« h. .vist '"it,.hit the cord-r«»niii. S<.rn<- itjib "ijj, a l*; was uofkliig ’v-iih th» la t eh, and i thought, a '"U>* <-f llalst When vvc t• • k the house h* < all'-d that his « ntrunce, and ht had tarried a key for it ever b i, <- Tin door opened and I was ahniu to ask v |,at h« had forgotten, when there was a flash and it r» p.*rt S *mt he.v.v oj- dropped, and. half * ■razed with terror ami shook l ran through th« lirav. itig-room and g .1 up-Muirs I vi ar< « lv remember how. £h* dropped into a chair, and 1 thought Mr. J«indes>>n in us* have tin oh* d. I - lit he was n<*t through •’You certainly rlur your brother and Mr Fade, admirably,” ho said. “The testimony is Invaluable, esp* cdall.v 1n vdew <*f the fart that youi brother and Mr. Armstrong had, 1 belle*' e, qua t re led rather seriously fcOMKdipie ago.” *■ \on.'• !> .. , I broke in. "Thing* art* bod enough; Mr. Jamieson, without ir. • ntoig bad te. ling where it doesn t * • t ifertrurie, J don't think Haisev k;.< .v tii' tiie murd'.-red man, did Hut Mr. Jarim son was sure of Ids ground ‘Tfie turn r“i, i I t he persist ed, “was adM, ;t Mr Armstrong * con dot to you, Miss ‘iertrdde He had b f-u pay dig unv.o . om»* atten tions M Ami I had m • < i, the man! When she iomJ.o » .4 4 . . t i saw the ■ nd«•■■■•* ; •>*-*)■ : ?■.; involved. If this der* t!\e t -uid prove that Orr* trodi< : and rM«ok--d the rn»jr fi* red man, nr i t>iut .Mr. Armstrong hud been annoying and possibly pur suing* her with hateful attentions, all V;~*> folded to Oertrudo a confession of her presence jn the billiard-room at the time of the crime, looked strange to Huy th« loast. The prominence of the famtlv assured n strenuous effort to find the murderer, and if we had nothing worse u/Jook forward to, we *era sure of a distasteful , publicity. £To be Continued j 1 NIX-NO-NEVER-NOT. i ’U» IHV: TtUlHKUL. The hood of HO or 40 years an** is on* o more- in l'«\or. There are many ('iuiiiKt'H, however, in the plain into ’■old-time . overing intended for warmth . 'Ho ne\y hood i < dainty a > l * dne, nn<J in many odd designs. N* t a.i nr1 knit «*r crochet and one of tin pretthM f-><- < . • i.inp w- ar is shewn in the illustration T • ma k• i * ',iar( : one yard of thin silk or word K-'oda in any iIim.mI ? hath , Miir<|i;Hatt- , veiling or voile would h<* pretty. * >m yard ol ehlna •ok r»«r lining. This should ho a < rmtra.^ inj? < oh»r. Two yards of soft, w u i * - rihbon t<- mat' h the lining and . tht<« ta-ssels the same shade, (hit two | strips of tin* marquisette, or \ «• iiink ! ! yard long and m- le s wide, slope ’ tin upper edge to tit* dt pth of 2 i in<■ h< a and < am a<ms- Thi* will make the front »-dg< of tin* strip 4 ] jn< h* s shorter than tin- ha« k Make the- lining Hi the sarm- way and s<*w tli.- two I■ i• ■«• •» tog* tiler, along iront an*l up to tin- .-nil Ilf each s.atn. Turn and blind mil. h tin- lining up the hut-u. Thin Mill mukt! th.> hoo.l reversible. The point! d i-ml should he turned down and Mulshed with a tassel. Tin two ends should hi- gathered and Iln islu-d with hiss. Is. Tin; ribbon is used for ties and is fastened " inches buck of th. front i (Ik. !l Inches from the top team. When worn the ribbons ai-i- ti.d in a how in front and one end allowed to hung down while the other is drawn '.cross the front and thrown hack over the shoulder. Very thin wool goods lined w ith silk niuk. s ,i warm and serviceable evening hood. PICTURE PU7ZLE TuU mar. U Utikiu* u> hi* sou *i>d d uagiuer. Can you tee ibsmi Hlfuk lined with B'arUt, white with any dainty shade aa lining, pearl gray and whit*1 and hades ot Invendur are all j?<»nd cornMnath-ns. Klderly ladles especially appn ; it< this head wear for evening llsi A plain knit hood. For tht- girl who skates or the . him thin- la a hood that la very . u»j to knit, l'se the newest soft wool and rather large needles. Knit a plain hand wide m .ugh to go around the face and an Ire ties long. Fold over ell. third and then fold again, making the hood of three thicknesses. Sew it up the huek, turr: ,md fold bafk from the face to mat' a thin roll. Tie with ribbon ties under tho chin. The new toboggan cap la rather dif i rent from the old one and Is knit of extremely heavy ,'arn In a round or melon shape. It nts closely over tho crown, coming w.-ll down to the ears. The border is kni: In a contrasting shade and the tassel or pompon matches the border. The edge of fir n the cap is rattier new, and If care i- taken to match the fur set of the ic . ivcr. will give addi tional pleasure. It is not only the work which counts when giving, hut the thought and personal love that goes into the gift. To the knitter who "loves to knit" the baby ball will appeal, knit In al ternating eiders and In melon-shaped pieces. Sew together, stuff with eotton and lace up the last opening with rtb mon. This Is m.>r sanitary than most balls, for If knit in fast colors It may lie washed frequently. Itnlm for lladriheadM. Why women like the baldheaded man It Is somewhat difficult to define, it may 'he becans be appears to be: : Thoughtful and kind. Trustworthy an l confiding. Whim sical. Past the follies and frivolities of youth. T'nusmnlly Rucrcssf ul. A man uf property. Opinions wily men l’.ko ini' bald headed man obtain".! by tho Dally Mirror arc as follow*: Ho 1h not silly like young men, lie accepts lefusals of marriage *0 nicely that ono sorry one did not accept him. Tho bald path look a so clean and nice. fino would like to kisa It. A doctor welcomes baldnoea when It mnui to him. os It Is a »'gu of aeilatenesas and dignified learning, which Invariably Increase* h!* prac tice.—I»n<lon Dally Mirror. TIIK <H KK\ OF THF. YEAR. When the aims ate low, and nights are Ion*. And me winds tiring wild alarms. Through the darkness come* the queen of tho year In a.l her peerless charm*— December, fair and holly-crown ed. With the Chrlat-chlld in her arms. The maiden month* are a state ly train—■ Veiled In the spotless snow. Or decked with the bloom of Paradise What time the rose* blow. Or wreuthed with Dio vine and the yellow wheat When the noons o £ harvest glow. Hut O the joy of the rolling year The queen with the peeriej* charms, l* she who comes through the waning light To keep the world from harm December, fair and holly-crown ed. With the Christ-oh lid in her arms —By Edna IJean Proctor, In NV tlonel Maga*ire. The Crowning Teat. | Aboti Tien Edict—may he never die— Awoke one night from dreama of hot mince pie, And saw a sort of v!»P n In midair. [With misty robo and Hunting golden I hair. j "Ootid gracious tnal" Ben Edict sahl "whore you?" The Vision smiled,—Pen Edict he smil ed too. ; "Sir," sale the Vision, with a charm ing pout, I "They tell me that roman.■< Is dylr* out. And so 1 am canvassing a little lilt. Just to Investigate the truth ol It. I must bo through my task or.- dawn arrive* I write the names of men who lova their wives " "That'll me!" cried Aboti, "put me right up top!” "Nay. r.ot so fast. tho Vision sail, "Just stop And think a ininut". sir, for you must own Vou sometimes speak to her In a snap pish tone. Vou let her do too many household task*. Vou never give her money till *he asks; You throw the Sunday paper* on the floor; And you forget to close the front screen-dour. Oh, no. Hun E<ilpt, you're * hopeless case, I guess I 11 go away now from this place." "Hold on." cried Ain u, "let me have a SMJ I I like to have her buy hats anyway, But when Hurt list wrnt to the print er's eliop, Aboil Hen Edict's name waa at the top! —Carolyn Wells, in Tho Delineator for Janpur y. The Troublin’ Thing*. Faith, linnets aru a trouble, lad; They must be screened in' fid. An' sunned b.-jont your cabin door, An' carried back to bed! Faith, love It 1* a burthen, lua*: 'Tie ever rive un' take; Aye, knowln1 how ye give too much An' nlver count the ache! ohlldar', ma'am, are worrisome, An’ fret an' trouble full On wlinmen whin tholr ehllder' cornel They have no peace at all! But aong an' lov# an’ uhllder', faith, These thing* you're gettin' free, Are th' things ye’ll And can rest ya *o, Are th' thing* ye'll mind have blest ye ao. When you're a* ould aa me! —Arthur HtrlngeivU) The D«liug*t«jr 4m Janugrg, yfHl HEART HOME TALKS ^yBarbarcz&Qi/d For a Hanr* Christmas. Klyht at the* besftunfhK of the holi day It would bo well for mrny I a woman to sit-down and dHtberntely plan for a sun**'hri tmas. She should definitely decide to out down hor gift. I’yt and h*r work. If would do this. cdiristmas would t o a much hap ];[*«' soafton for thousands. It would ooan» into its o« u «• fcr.iir tattle bv lltllo CiirNtma * ha* b* '• ’Hit' d. burden, a pack \v° carry on cur b.ok and Kroon nn*l r for a mouth •a six wo* k <. Hundreds* » f\ wnup a come to Christmas Hay worn' •■••it 'physically, end dUtracu*] mentally Th* y have worked and shopped beyond the limit of tboir strength, and dhoy buve spent beyond tlie limit of their pur**. Th rift Hat arrows. First on« and then another name !s added. The in* u ration Jti to rive jutt some little thing will not cost much. But a* every on * km w*. the thing’s nr«* b ird to find. Time and energy arc expended hunting for such gifts. Then in <A* aeration, fctnelhinsf iJ bought that costs more than \ s intended. • T) x :.s not .o; cxpeih eo only, :se it ml^ht not mu* tor a‘< touch Hut i* is • »nuuon to m arly all the ,U’ll , a the list, and ihu-* the aa;v remade i .. is fur b« you t tint’s ealeuNtionn^ Anxiety and v'brr' drive out t brHrr,,<- 1 • af-1 :']>» celebration loirs Its . hi* f slfrnHu -.m-e. "h< sun? thing hap:•>-:.« * * th* home end of ih*? preparations Th** decora tio.ns i-iww more elaborate tin Aim intended. Tils little thing and th.f litUe thing ur^ added to th** dinner Delecate Sachet Powers Made at Home for Christmas Presents Making aiu'h'ti powder* fi r OhriM mr.B gift* will rot only thn i“*t f>t the latim. but \s\\' lnair** better quality of »»• * nt Inckb-rtan; t.b»» rmner (hr* mixiurvH art* iit&d« (ho 'mn («*r. fr»r th*y nhouM hr put away to f ir «**vr:al weeks, Hurli’n > time thry must I*. k*-pi ju», ; th* t< i % <»r which b«* tightly : screwed on t«» exrludr air Whf-n nwkliiR th*-**- * • • t.“ the best quality of inuredii nth hi. *...t I e r ' | vhned, for others ar* * < «.;hnf«1 tiny I ere riot satlsfnrtory, ar 1 the o-i«»r frv*v I them will not Unit Heliotrope., ore? of ti e ,r -*f <b 1 .at" trrnts 1* wa<1<* fr^r < ro'-h; r p< ■ ,1 ,-f r iso petal:., d: le.l. f . .... - p . ,\itk br-unt?, |H>w ; o’.'. ar..- . f *o\v <len*d orris r- tvs a «. .> w- ,f V(, *.:;i ' bean, gr ,nd. a. . on, ,p- . ' H All trust n or kt d ir . •» r ;:ra!riji of j bitter alrr.•.».*.! ■ .?« n*; s, , t *,y I bba dlii# ' tf !"« ■:'■!'? :• I b- £rrt S ! the :.. > '• t • Orris r«.»ot a 1 <>».*-. is . r »■»x.r* frrt tfi'on of violet, »r-,(j :or i .. i jar uterus and r«■ v *-ss'»r■« si i» bv tor ina’t t Ufa v U-r a*. f-nt. A real vU-,'*t ir ■■ f: • '?: 0.l(1 , _ -. »*f powdr*»-u hr jib n, ’-vs., end or- 1 ,;!f If rains of musk, and oil of “man, one «-l*,hrh of nn . f ,.r..:.a flt»v/ers, one-half un eu . • wi 'nd '-iisstn. t-UliCe Of I S: polar* l Wo OUlu***-* , °f P»Ffisr*d Ulr. : , . cee-hsUf irrati-.s .>f el. ■; hjtrer almond. This l» mixed .r, sr.nw ivtv n. .1, h. ilot I • »pe. j tt tvil! I.o noticed that neither >f the form... i contains the r..o j edoi. but 1 If the combination * eh- a <» muio »« tt eh< ultl be th rei H will bi vio let tit hell. I t .pu. t Estvenh r sachet p. ajtr t, n . x;'.n Rive and ; U'^aftnt. 1 N rrrt4' fr ... ■ i ounce* of dried Ic v t di-r ft..were re ; duced to pondtr, . ur.d ne-lmlf' ; ounce* of powdo: t I It,'?, in, three • OURCM of cypn ? i J.O-.VC r nnd three, qoartt ra of u dram of Mlt.-h.ut, ■ oil of lavender. * 'lily h s;n::K t*u:o.:lty o' nr.y ,.er fun “d ponder Is i". tir'd for a piece of fancy wore., i.rvi t . mu‘Jt artiafac tn-; re Milt* will .<;*»>• he by ai-rliikllnn the »cent I «-t .. two thin layers of cotton b~tUn*. The fabric, w I’ ['tever.t tl.o « - rt from irK'le ruig It. on., siuit Rut .t..y ontt l^-er .>f htit not tvaddlnK, *hou‘d .. split ft»r mi. it purpose, Lfi..\use If the ct '.ton J* tint thick the ciit.r wrtli net eR.apt; '.’Uter cover In*- for Uo *- acetils should always be of thin material.., nth as silks etc J- Uured inercerUtd fut. • j rh-s make excollent aubstlt.itt* for, i silks. MARGARET MIXTER. | Two >ulu Arc Begun. Two small suits wore entered In ibe ettv courtH Wodtp.stJay the first by j ilr. W. W. l.efen mraiasi the < >h , VIRGINIANS’ DAILY PATTERN i A NOVEL DRESSING SACQl’E S2ZC VIRGINIAN PATTERN. nitu»*iM; NAcqin—so. ssm. Addrmmm ........ liw... \t>. IUM. To obtain thlc pattern iu out I until tin housekeeper finds herself sub j merged in (i sea of work, from which | “ho comes up Christmas morning ex : h Minted iirid unable to enjoy (he day a* sin should. Ill the (■•'ginning, one should decide i definitely how much she can spend ! ond Mioii sink to It. Get the gifts for the loved ones, and then. If necessary, si-ini * arils of greeting* to the outer . In io This v ill save work and worry ,s v II as money. These cards will i rrv jour thought, and such a. custom will ini n relief si! around. Many do to ml cards, but they acrid them only to the v rv outer edge of the circle ol .n.uualiitunces. Hut this year In clude more on > card Hat and fewer on your gift list. J’lati is deliberately to keen vour Work within the hounds of your str ugth The fatnilj would rather liuvc a fresh and rested mother than cxtr.t dishes on th< menu. Take ad \until:;•* ot nil the labor-saving help* pi.'fK/i' in tin j.rei...rations for the dry. Don’t go until you ale ready to rtrep, in r get an k< ved up u lth excite n .-in 'tint v i i Jo tod realise how lire! you are until ths reunum i onu s. I>e lerinltic t > t . • your work . soberly. Vtr.hibly. to plat! !• out carefully, be. tor" the rush yet a thinking, and then stick to vour thins. A sane C.iris’ ineau a happr Christmas a.ui no nfuii;mtth of worry alwui titil*. It’s worth planning for r r<o hi in ion fit rnirhit* C-rnpanj fLr I: t1 o: the otti> " h. Mr. is \V Whit* •gainst tisr Virginia liwilnny nrul Pow.-.r i 'nmpiLBj f": Tint firt*i mil will t.« hf»n! in the I-aw an 1 E ju’mV t'onrt, th« ari-orid In fnc City Circuit Court. .*'•> «l.-r:atatlotu» «-«ti * Had. <ir<* fit o V»»i» r« For attempting to vivisect a coi o erf ivi-rnnii. IV \ r'l.irr, the Hust ings C'i rt ji.ry \V !p <-1i\ s'nt.iirrt M > ■< • ri> o. also colors 1, re tivn i-rrs in rhn Ftn.i? p< nlf«nt!ary. Most* wist login Ms sentence at once. Daily Hinis Frcm Paris ru 'To <r\tttomr u»i«> •? ru>r im r-ouf.'» coruuwrr. -.»*& ju« waa ■»<>> c%i fnmh rut with r*kur.k collar.—* The lirf-silRtf sr.eip. i« «!»«» garment f luxury end ela. id solid comfort. There •- i.u r.-a‘ n why it should lift n l.oth ornament t ] .and easy .it O'-* siune tl»l< . The purulent Illustrated Ip cut with ho now peasant shoulder, thorn being 'ii. <eu?i w'v.n- tic sleet o Is attached f>> the yoV** hoi lorn*. T!.. lower por tion of tin KiV'tt'U Ih "itit'il to tin ,j j.or per' m iiiH ut thf lino of tho t at d from Mo point it hang* loocrtt In hoth front and bft'k. ThP stylo would bo prettv in a plain raatimer', with the edK.s scalloped ■ r bound In rib Ion. It will also rrve or tt: nrtol, chnllit, nut.'- n mid other fabrics. '1 bo pnttarn 623$ le cut In mine* 3] o 42 Inches bust measure. Modium dzp require* 1 1-2 ys.r-if of 41-inch Th Trial, wiih 4 ymda of edging and 3 1-2 yard* of ribbon. Servian Love Tracedj. Market Kadlyovltch and Lazar ■llmlioh,' both enamored of Milena ipasMtoh, the prettiest girl In the ' of Pruscovlt*. fb-rvlu. agreed to In ah their rivalry by mortal com at. Milena, much dlBbroysed. «n reated thrtn to wait and aha would nd a way out of the difficulty In nnking in r choice. Next day her ody was washed up on the banks ot he Sato,—T'it 11 Mall Gazette.