Newspaper Page Text
I TRIPS ABROAD FOR TEACHERS WATCH THE VIRGINIAN 1 MARKET EDITION VOT* 1—No. 272. THE WEATHER—Unsettled; Warmer Tl-night. RICHMOND, VA., S A T i; R D A V, 0 E (.'• E M B K R Hi. 1!> H\ 12 PAGES. City !Mlim.t ««■«• Mttlw_3 ■r Mall Oaa T*ar. LOOKING FOR‘BOSS' OF KIDNAPPERS Police Believe Gang’s Oper ations Are Directed by Business Man FOUR CHILDREN UNACCOUNTED FOR Italian Child Stealers Have Terrorized Metropolis the Past Sixty Days *NKW YOliK, ]>ccember 10.—With in the n< xt few days N*nv York ponce hojM to capture "itu boss'* in th* gang of Jtanan kiunappcrs. whost upe ratio rtf arc believ* t ft* have been the m»n widespread ami mt*rti* ss* in the thiittiF of this torm of i rime. Through intornmuo noouuned tuna Aueatc i luazo, tn« boy K.d iiuppcd along wim Giutuppe Kongo from near ins ttruokljn m»me on .n«> vemoer It*, Afeputy Fi>nn believe** mat he Is at last on the tracK of in*- leader vi the khuk, ten ut whose mtniufrs were captured in a raid on th* ir hast Sixty-third street heau*,juarterj» an i ar« now held in bail each. ' ‘Tile boas is said to he a bu» in ea rn an who has directed the operations ol the gang. lie n* not a resouent of New York city. When he t« uxreated, the polite h* tiro a mr»8l »iarulh« aeries of dimioaunx will be t*rtn coming. Stole s|» fliiktreu. The firming of the 1. at go and Rin;j boys leaves four children khtnapped within the iast aivt> days tdiii uiuo counted G>r. It i* prin tuaiiy certain tiiat ail six children v . r* stoi, :t the gang now being r**unduu up an I it l* believed the four mtsaing chil dren will son be abandoned on th** streets, as was tie Kii.Xo buy iasr flight. Young Kizzo to-da> attempted to add liis Identification f certain mem her* of th» gang to that of Gie.huppo lam go, who positively recognized Ma ria Kappa as th* woman m 1 ho*,* house he w as kept a prison* r. and <dikfidrano. alius Vit*» t ab»r1n*». jw th* man who pos* d as the womans hue bund. iUzy. s M.*ry of the kidnapping co incides perfectly with that of Kongo. The two boys were being detained in th* room#1 of the t'hlklren’s Hu < ■!*»?> in I’rooklv n. ns Use police nr« taking o.o chances on allowing the lads to 'ad Into th»* hands of friends .*; the kidnappers or of being cowed oy threat* K * r. • h« n members of r f.* r families < ;Ri . n th/rvi a p«dU*<» man who understands Italian is pres . nt. This shoes what a d*speratc «i<o i the police believ» th* .* have to dout - ith Th* ’ say there »s little doubt that th*’ boys would either be mur dered <»r stolen again were th* al lowed t * g*» fr*c. NOW W W1S IJITTKC Tl\l .s TO I'lMI HI* (.(Kill t.Of.It TIMl'. t I’ll ( I . This what it did for Mr. Adurt Holyuk*. according I • tli»• story In told J usth e (Tun hfiehi ill Police Court Saturday morning Us: took two weeny. tiny drinks Kri >Iav night. Thin he met an absolute stranger and gave him Ins good gold vs atoll. laiter ho roj.ontoi| and meeting the stranger. tried to recover the time piece. Th». Strang1 r objected, hut al lowed Mr. Holyoke to take a leg silver wnteh. Mr. Holyoke then took man' more drinks, and finally ran Into the prnterting arms of Officer Samuels, who locked him up for the night. Mr. Holyoke is out again, tut the detectives have a description of the "stranger," and are looking for the good gold watch. STEAMER mm NEW' YORK-PORTO RICAN LINER HAS NOT BEEN REPORTED SINCE OCTOBER 11. NEW YORK. Dec. 10. -The steamer Arkadla, of the New York-l’orlo Rican line, is either floundering in the ocean ho mew here in the South Atlantic, far from the beaten paths of navigation, or she has gone to tile bottom with her four passengers and complement of thirty-seven. She sailed from New Orleans Octo ber 11 for Sun Juan and since that date hits not been heard from. No wreckage front her has been reported. Her cap tain, Griffiths, and chief officer, Girod, were residents of this city. Her pas sengers wero residents of New Orleans. SfARTLING RUMOR STARTS IN ROME ATTEMPT MAY PP. M \ OK TO RE STORE MANUEL TO PORT! - OIIB«E THRONE. ROME. Dee. 10.—Startling Portuguese developments having for their object the -restoration of King Manuel to the throne, are declared to he imminent u. messages that have been received by Manuel’s friends at the Italian court. Credence Is given to the report by the statement that Don Miguel, the Portuguese pretended, has called a con ference of his followers, presumably to forestall any move on Manuel’s part. Captain Bibb Dead (a»lali William K. Blbh. CAPTAIN BIBB DIES i FROM INJURIES ASSIST %>T \TTOR%K\ I.i:\KH \L w ho ki:i,i down stv.v* m < - i l Mils TO INTKHVIP Ill KTs SATI HDAV AIOKNI M«. ' Assistant \ttorney General Wil liam K. Isihb died at bis home, 260S Grove BVonue, nt ft o’clock Saturday morning a* a result of injuries ra coiv'd in a rail down the steps at h> residence* *u No\pmb«r 2f. Captain liibb bad b< • n confined to Ilia bed since the fateful fall. and. although hopeful bulletins sver. issued from his bedside by Hr. Oppenheirner for Mini" firm, be grew steadily »r»t* during the past several days and bu end Saturday morning was n c unexpected. t’aptaln idb* , .t weighing two hundred pounds * r more. tripped on a carp* i nt the h td i f a s»-< »*nd IluO* bight oj «tulr> in hi-, home on Xu* v*mt r . and ) efore he could regain his balance fell t » the bottom of the bight, receiving severe injuries to hi* head and limbs and internal hurts as tret! He wan found in great suffer' ing and distress by his relative** In the *arj> morning hour.* and a phy sician was hurriedly - ailed. I r. Op l»* iihfinvi r pronounced the case a gra • • one from the outset because f Mr fUbb’ long fall ami great v ight Aadvr «»| Pom-a. **apr;.in lot*, was born m lvouUa eooiity «:\ty-three \'f-ars cm * and re cedved his earl;. education at his mother s knee and in the schools near his home, in l u la n but w>M?n* ben years old. be mmed the reserve e r. , undrf e'mmantl of t'obniH 1;. T \V. I»uk«\ which waa organised in Albemarle count;* and composed of boys between the u«e of 1ft and Ifh and men from *P> to »',»» years old. He 'Viin seNiral engagement* and won uiHiis * *mpiiments f»»r his bntvcry and endurance. Although ended cap tain since the war closed, records in the oiTice of the so( r« tar> of mill tar.' records d" not show that he was commissioned. lie r«*ceiv< d the sou briquet bee a u>i- of his soldier b quall (C ntinuod on last page* IKE FREE USE OFSBlllUH IKIslIMKN IN TVI'K AT. KI.riTlON HOW—MAW A HI IH It I'. I liiUi'AST. 1 >*•<•( niher H*.—I’otitica! i \< St< ni. at U. at fowr heat to-day, following Inst nights riots that ro snlted from sewral • •raugomon voting lor the Irish nationalist candidates. Thusi so voting uro bring vailed trait ors anil thoir hmlisos mr tinder guard j to-day to prevent violence bomg done thorn. Scoroi uaro hurt In him owning's rioting. Revolvers, olubs and knives uoro usod 1 reely anil on*- bomb was thrown, severe!.\ injuring an < >range ntan. Tho damage to property "11! run far Into the thousands. Tho Urangrim>n are against home rule and their wrath when it became known that several of thoir number had voted for the nationalists, whose slogan is home rule, knew no bounds. LARGE FOilTOliE WAS EXPENDED Report Has it That Nearly $200,000 Was Spent in Ninth District BOTH SIDES HAD PLENTY OF MONEY Political Workers Said to Have Received Biggest Pay of Their Lives for Their Day’s Wages (Special t<» The Richmond Virginian.> BRISTOL. VA . Dec. 10 Th. fact that Henry (\ Stuart reportn having *pent more than SI7.000 in txlsp ram pftlgn in the Ninth di»tri< t. and that hi* oponent. who was t?uc< essf ul, ¥*p*-nt 18,000. created no nurpri*»- in the dis trict except ax to th** amount Mr Slernn says he sj*-*nt. It was generally though' that he spent eqimllv as much money as Mr. Stuart Tiie fact Is that it is a matter <>? common comment from one end of the district t<* the other that nmre money was spent in the campaign hy l»oth J'ides than ever before In a like contest in the district or any other district. In the State or in a senatorial or guber natorial contest. It Is commonly reported here hi the district, and has b^cn since the elec tion. that nearly $200,000 wax xponi by both sides together It is reported that tv." single contribution* to th*- cam paign fund <»f one of the candidates were for $.'.(*00 each and that probably of $2,500 each were received. These contributions ar** reported to haw been made last spring and probably before poll-tax paying tirp. and came, it is said, from out of the district. It is known tbtt* neither aid* lacked for f inds before th* time expired for pay ing poll t; xes lest May, ur.d It is gen erally und* rstood that both sides had money enough to pay the poll taxes of *-very -ingle person that c««uld be f< i? * to register upon u h<.»se vote they c ;ld count. Both Sides Spent Freely. An immense Amount of money was spent by l oth Sid*** for legitimate cam paign expenses Special trains barbe cue*. speakers, teh phone and telegraph bill** and employes, as well as the in creased circulation of newspapers, are among the items of heaviest expense on both gidees. As to h»ov much money was used to hlr«* workers mid improperly inftuem • votes there c-aa only be conjecture. It been freely talked that one- side put 111.000 in cold cash in Scot t county alone. Many men working ordinarily ft*r tl or $2 a day are believed to have received th* higg«**t pn\ *-f th* ir lives **for ?h* ir day s wag A vain, it must ?« 7* <* n.-red ,‘..t the !>* iiiocratic c.onp -igi was aimed nv!o ax !mi^ as t t.b .. Jib an cl .1 paigti. Stuart wa« 1 ♦«», (,u»u*d March 1 and Immediately th* use <>f money be i<in in organizing th* district and get ting poll taxes paid. Hy the time Slemp was nominated in July the Democrats were spending mu* h Ilk*- water for le gitimate expenses **f the campaign When Slump’s campaign did start, though, money was spent fast and furi ous. It is lutoi t.. escape tin- conclusion that the Ninth district Is almost safely Republican and that the only hope of rtR.Unine it for the 1 temocrats, under the prisent illstrlctiiuc. is for there to he B.nerul and \\ id* spread Republican dissatisfaction. TO HEAR PETITION ON JANUARA 24 Jamiarj »4 hu.i been Set !>j the Corporation Commimdon ns the day on whirh argument will !.<• hoard i n the Richmond. Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad's petition to in crease its passenger rati to •' fonts il mile. The petition was tiled recently as a supplement to the one placed with the Commission t*y the same railroad in 1 SOS. It is prohahh that in view of the i'uet that the Washington, Southern Railroad was allowed to charge " 1-" rents a mile, the Richmond. Fred ericksburg and Potomac company stands a good chance of firing allowed to tack on an additional half penny a mile. LURE CF DIAMOND TOO MUCH FOR STAHL CHICAGO. l»ec. 10 -Jack Stahl. firs; bfttittman for the Howton Rpd Sox. wlm 1* now Interested in a bank here. is likely to bo hack in harness next non non. One report ha* it that he will manage h semi-professional team here next season Another says he may be se* n with Comiskey’s white sox NEW PATTERSON PLANT COST OVER MILLION Will Work Force of Two or Three Thousand and be Heady tor Operations Within Three Years—Output to be Three Million Pounds Mr. K. A. Putierson, president of the U. A. Patterson Tobacco Company, stated to The Virginian reported Sat urday thut the company is going- to rr huild on a new arid more elaborate reale within the next few months. Mr. Patterson said that whllethe com pany had taken an option of'the thir ty acres of property on Spring Hill. South Richmond, it also had un eye on several othei» tracts and would probably decide definitely on the loca tion of the new plant next month. In speaking of the cost and magni tude of the proposed plant. Mr. Pat tern. n eald: “While we would rather not. enter into details about our plana, i can at least say that before we get through we expect to expend over a million dollars. The new plant Is to have a capacity of 30,000,004 pound* output yearly, ami will work a force of two or three thousand employes. More specific plans than these have not been determined upon, but we expect to have the new factory com pleted and In operation before the end of three years.'' The people of South Richmond are naturally vitally Interested In gettlna; this plant built on the south side ot the river, and considering all the at tractions that this section has to of fer to manufacturers. It seems more than probable that they will take up the opinions. The erection of such a plant in South Richmond would mean ulmost as much 00-annexation did In the way of iMiatness and population, and the tidal wave of tobacco Indus tries that seems to have turned to ward Washington Ward will be tlyit much farther augmented. 4 JACKIE CLUE'S CEUCJIBUCCLE, Gains Two Laps on Leading i Teams in Sensational Sprint> FOUR TEAMS YE i TIE FOR THE LEAD ' j Collins and Droback Drop1 Out, Latter Sustaining Broken Collar-Bone in a Spill XfcW YORK, l>i*eeinh»*r HI.— Tlif Non< at » o'clock I lilt morn ing nits: I mmu. Milct, laps. Rut.-Ciarko . 2.321 • lirhlr-i.ouilel .H.-tltl • Hoot-Moran .'*..121 ~ .-.321 ~ Mini n-'l lionut* ...2.321 •• Honiara .2,321 1 ai'iomn-l.a.Kteaii 2.321 • The retold lor the 12Kth hour is 2.hill mile*. t» la|i~. nuike In I Win* hj I femora a»tl Hill. NEW YollK, December In ,ir tensa.ional sprinting as has < \ < r been seen In Midleon ibjuaro Harden, ; Walter Itutt, o£ Germany, anil Jaokb <‘lark- ,.f Australia, the reconstruct- I e<i team in the six day bicycle race, rain ->1 tw,, laps on th* three leading teams early to-day and ar*. now tied for the lead. Despite the fuct that they had been pedaling around the track for nearly tix duys. tne pair cut loose w ith, bursts of speed that were (rresistlnie. whi.h roused the weary »pet tutors to the greatest enthusiasm of the week. It. gaining their laps uutt and Clarke allernat-d on tin track about every mil* and although Hehir and (jouilet. Hoot and Moran and Kogler and Hill f ought valiantly to hold their lead, the paid i*< hind' would not l.e denied Ilmli; (■rIiu'u I low I-aps. Hutt anti Clarke r.-nHy gained three laps, as the tinst lap they picked up wan regained by the leaders. Then at 4 o'clock Hutt and CUrke jumped to the front and riding like the wind, they swept around th* saucer and In si* minutes had got back the lap. Shortly before S o eloek. the prr !->rmah>~ w«* repeated. The leader* were nary of Hull and Clarke and although constantly on their guard to pr< \ ent a lump," Clarke shot out ahead again and was thirty yards to the front before the ethers could get weil started. The 'cannon ball" speed ear maintained by him and Hutt. Who relieved him every few rounds, until the evening lap was regained. A tremendous cheer greeted the achieve ment. Hutt and Clark* are now believed to h**e the best show for dual victory as they victtrly demonstrated that they still have n b>t of strength in re st r\ e. llrotiueh Is Injured. Collins and I>r..baeh dropped out of th-- race .arly this morning. I>ro buch suffered a broken collar bone in n stdll and Collins could not find a partner t-- take his place. At » o'clock llehJr and Goulet. KogUr and Hill. Hoot and Moran and Hutt and Clarke were tied for first place, having ridden 2,336 miles, t, laps. Mitten and Thomas had < >o - cred 2,336 miles. 3 laps, while West and Demara had done 2,336 miles, 4 laps .and Cameron and Hslsteanv had ridden 2.336 miles, 3 laps. The record for that hour was 2.4S1* miles. 6 laps. At lb o’clock tin four leading teams had ridden 2.351 miles, 6 laps while the trailers occupied their same rela tive positions. The record for that hour Is 2.50S miles, It laps, or IRf miles, 3 laps ahead of to-day's scon. IteUtlre Position I'lichaiigcd. At 11 o'clock the loaders had cover ed 2 366 miles. I laps. There hud been no changes in position among the trailers Th- former score was 2’.f>2S mile?.. S laps. At noon the relative positions of the riders was unchanged, the. leaders having covered 2.3S2 miles, 3 laps. The record for that hour was 2’,54S miles. 4 laps. At 1 P. M th. leaders had covered miles', s laps, with no changes in positions At 2’ P. M there was no change m positions, the leaders having covered 2,414 miles, 11 laps The rt mi is 2,36? miles, laps. MONACA CHANGES ITS GOVERNMENT I.ONDON. I tec I".—Th.- little p#in . ipality of Monaco, chiefly noted for being the site of Monte Carlo, has been proclaim, d a republic l.y its municipal council, according to an unconfirmed report in to-day's Pal! Mall Gazette. Pi ince Albert is the ruler of Monaco, which embraces but eight square miles anil is rurrountfed bv the Piench department of Alpcs Marltimes. except on Its Meditcrran .ail sea side. GALLAGHER MAY NEVER RE TRIED ASSAIliAXT OP MAYOR t.AVNOH Will. IMHUBTHUA HE SENT TO IN.sAVK ASYIAM JERSEY C’tTY, X. J„ r>ec\ 10.— That Jarac« J. QaUa*hert who shot Mayor William J. Oaynor on August ». will never he,-tried .for his rrline Is likely; His trial la set for Decern* . her 20. but it Is expected by that date doctors will have reported that ho Is mentally unsound and that he will he sent to the Insane asylum. . Mayor Raynor Is understood to have I expressed a deslro for that disposi tion of the case. < POPULATION OF COUNTRY BY STATES; States'. Alabama. ... ... Arizona .. .. Arkansas . . Halifornla . • . . Colorado. . Cor^necticiit .. Dataware . . District nt Columbia.. Florida . .. Georgia.... ... 1 da ho ...». . Illinois . .. Indiana . . .. Iowa ... Kansas .. . Kentucky .. Louisiana .• • . Maine . Maryland ... Massachusetts' . Michigan ..• .. Minnesota . Mississippi . Missouri .... Montana. Nebraska . .Nevada ... New Mampshlr New Jersey . . . . . . .New Mexico .. New York . . North Carolina . . North I>«kota. . Ohio i klahoniu . Oregon . . Pennsylvania Khodo Island. . . South Carolina . .. . . South Isakotn . Tennessee . Texas. ...... Ptah.. Vermont . . Virginia . Washington ... Wert Virginia . Wisoi nsln . Wyoming . Alaska . . H»«all . . Porto Rico. . Military and naval. Pnited States (Inclusive of Alaska. Hawaii and Porto Rico. Continental Pnited States... liild. *,138.09:; 204,354 1,574,449 2,377,549 799,024 1.114.756 202.322 3 31.069 751.139 2,609,121 325,594 5,638,59 1 2,700,876 2.224,771 1,690,949 2.289,905 1,656,388 712,371 1,295,346 3.366,416 2,810,173 2.076.708 1.797.1 1 ( 3.283.3 45 376,05 : 1.192.21 4 SI.875 430,57 2 2.537,167 327.301 9,11.3,279 2,206,287 577,056 1.767,12 I 1.667,151 6 7 2,765 7.665,11 1 642,610 1,615,4011 582.888 1.1 84,789 3,896,542 373.351 555,956 2,061.61 2 1.141,990 1.221.1 I :• 2.333.860 1 45.965 64,3 5 6 191,909 1.1 18,01 2 9 3.403.15! 91.972,267 I 90(>. 1.828,697 1 22,93 I 1.31 1.564 1 4 85.053 6 39,700 9 08,420 1 8 4.735 278.71 8 528,542 2.2 I 6.33 1 161,772 4.821.550 2.516, 462 2.231.852 1. 170. 195 2.1 17.17 1 1,38 1,625 6 9 4.466 1.188.044 2.805,3 16 2.420,982 1,75 1,394 1.651.270 3,106,665 2 4 3,329 1,068,300 4 2.335 41 1,586 ; .883,669 19 5.310 7.268,894 1 693.8 1 0 3 19.1 16 (.157.54.1 790,391 4 1.3,536 .502.1 1 5 i 28,556 1.340, 3 K, 4 01.510 5.020.6 1 6 3.048.7 10 276.7 19 343.64 1 1.854, I 8 I 518,103 958.800 2.069.042 92.53 1 63,592 15 4,001 9 53.243 91,219 7 7.2 5 6.6 3 o 75.994.575 1 890. | 1.513.40 1 | 88.243 ! 1.128.214 | 1.213.39X I 113.249 | 746,258 : ! 68,49 3 230,392 391,422 1,637.353 88.548 3,326.352 j 2.192,404 1.9 12.397 1.4 28.1 08 . 1.858,635 !. I 18.388 661.086 i 1,042,290 | 2.238.9 47 | 2,093.890 1.310,283 1.289.600 i 2.679.1 85 14 2,924 j 1.062,656 | 47.355 376.530 1 1.444,933 I 60.282 6.003.1 74 1.617.949 190.983 .672,329 258,657 317,704 ' 5.258.1 13! 3 45.508 1.151,149 3 4 8.600 ' 1.767,518 2,235.527 j 210.779 ! 3 52.4 22 1.655,980 357.232 762.79 1 1.693,330 62,565 32.0 5 2 6 2.979.766 62,947.714 Hill CIU IT’ OH FICEJFJETURH “WETS" U l\ HV A A ARROW MA JORITY OK s» IN LOC AL. OP TION F.I.Kl'TlO.N. __ CONTEST TO BE MADE _ BELIEVED THAT THERE IU:R»: slKFHTENT ILLEUII. "BET VOTES I AST TO CH ANTIF. RE SI I.T OF CONTEST. LYM'HBL'KG, VA.. December 10. —After two year* of a no-saloon regime Lyncnourg voted yesterday to Ito wet for the next two years by a majority of 8i. This is on the face of the returns, for It Is promised that the election will bo bitterly contested to the last ditch. This much can l.e thoroughly un derstood from the statement* of the ”<iry leaders to-dn; It la believed by them that enough voters have been illegally registered to more than make up the small majority by which their liard-fought campaign ended In de feat in the returns hs given officially. A statement was made at the hratl .(carters of the Anti-Saloon League lu Righth street, when It became ap parent that the "wets" had won. that there would certainly be a contest of , the result. The question raised is as to the I right of men who were not required P* make w ritten application for regls- i tratlon In the city to vote and it Is ‘ to he expected that the contest will develop some interesting situations. The "dry*" were defeaed by their 1 failure to qualify and register voters j during the past year, for it Is claimed j •hat a canvass of the city during the i campaign developed that about four hundred men. who would have voted "dry" failed to qualify themselves and could not participate in the election. WILL MAKE CONTEST AND EXPECT TO WIN Tht> following statement wan given out l>v Itev. James Cannon, superin tendent <il the Anti-Kaloon league of Virginia, concerning the result of the i election In Lynchburg "Tb- eft-urn* on their face show a wet tnalority i>f H5 in a torn) vote of which is 71T more than the votw* i list in the election of )SOS. Two weeks i before tlie election the League workers discovered that about 400 persons had been illegally registered, the most of them living persons who are supposed to have voted wet. It was publicly de- I dared on the platform at the dry meet ing that In the event the city should give a vet majority the election would be contested. But notwithstanding this great handicap, the dry workers went into th. tight to win and lost against tremendous odds by a msjorltv of only ss. "Tlie Anti-Saloon League will file contest at once and the case will in all irobublllty go up to the Supreme Court, as a constitutional question is involved. In the meantime saloons cannot he re- ; opened, and In the event the election is declared null and void, as the Anti saloon League attorneys confidently ! predict, it will be necessary to hold ' another election, which must be car ried by the wets In order to bring the • saloons back to Lynchburg. "The violation of the spirit of the , new Constitution by the registration of illiterate and venal persons, colored and white. In the election in Harrisonburg. Danville, Bristol, Roanoke and Lynch burg .s Increasing the sentiment among th.- temperance people that Statewide prnhlbItJan.Ji. the necessary remedy for ■ the protection of the people of Vlr- i gtnla from the nullifying spirit of the • liquor interacts." J ✓ <i BRAZIL QUELLS MITIMSER* MOW IM>KH VRKF.kT VMO DEATH VMM AIT> RIVi LKADEHX. mo DE JANEIRO, De. . 10.—An other mutiny in th<. Brazilian navy ended to-day after n five hours tmm bnrdment by loyal ships in the harbor ami shore batteries of the naval bar racks at Combra lslaml. where the sailors ran up the red flag last night, t'ornbra Island is only a short distance from this city. The btirra< ks muti neers were reported ny the seoutshtp ltio Grande Do 8ul. The barracks and the Hlo Grande Do Sul )>oth suf fered severe damage in the bombard ment, and It 1* reported that a num ber of sailors were killed. Shortly before noon the mutineers ran up flags of truce and made an unconditional offer of surrender. The mutineers were placed under arrest, and It i“ probable that the ring leaders in the affair will he executed, as It Is believed tfHPxhe unwarranted leniency shown the mutineers of .No vember 2'J was largely responsible t..r the present disorder. The Rio Grande Do Sul was one of the ships that participated in the No vember mutiny, along with the Minas Geraes. Kao Paulo, Bahia and Deo dora. Intense excitement followed the bombardment ot Comhra Island. Thousands of people swarmed to the shore and cheered nt the show of firmness by the government. EXPECTS GREAR TO GOME AT ONCE TKI.KI1IMH Jl ST HRO'.IVKD. Ollvf Hill, Kj.. Uw, in, min. < aplalu Tkuaui J. NrUakim, I'Mrf of llrlrrllvpi, HlrSatosd, Va. Urrrar under arrest. I'aklna Aral train fo- lUrkmoail. w iu:i . Chief of H'dice Werner expects r<> have Hr. ii. 11. Grcour In Kichmond within the next twenty-four hours. The alleged doctor Is now in Ken tucky. and is "anted here i>y the State Hoard of Cental Kxamlners for procuring a license to practice dentis try in the name of James Hat Speer and t. Illnc it to Mr Speer Hr. Speer is now in ltussell county. He has neen indicted along with Ur. Grcear hy the Hustings Court grand, .tury, but Immediately put up a cer tified cheek tor *1,000 as hail und left town. It is understood that Hr. Speer, being ignorant of the process through which a dentistry applicant must -pass before procuring the license to prac tice, employed Hr. Grcear to get the license ft r him. Just what price was paid is not publicly known, thought It la sajd to have been $500. l>r. ftreear passed the examination brilliantly, delivered the certtfieuto and Ur. Speer hung out his shingle a> Kebanou. Itursell county, where, ac cording h all accounts, he hus pros- : pored amazingly. The police now believe that Ur. .ikreour *w|S return with Detective Wiley, who was sent after him, with out a requisition. The detective, how s'er. has the papers with him. and should the man refuse, to leave Ken tucky Officer WPey w’lll present the papers to the Governor of the Blue Grass State, who will then be expected to mske matters right. / It is also thought by the police that Dr. Greear has made a practice of “talking” examinations, and that when all the evidence is deduced It will be seen that he has a llet •<>* “dupes” stretching half across the ooaUasnU TOTAL EXCEEDS Census Office Gives Figures Showing Continental and Colonial Population CONTINENTAL FIGURES 21 PER CENT. GAIN New York Gains Nine Con-? gressmen—Ranking Order Given showing of fcach siate in Union WASHINGTON. I)ec 1ft.—The mis uitu.f to-day announced the prea ••lit population of the Continent*} l niioi states a h t.». 2.266, inert?—e lii.ti i.t>i, or 21 p*-r rent. The population of the i.nited States, lnctuuing spet Hied nepenaenciea, l* 9 2. - u 2, i u 1, increase 1 6,2 15,521, or per cent. The population of the State of Washington is 1.141.990, Incraaa* 62.>,887, or I 20A per cent. This give* Wai hlngton three more ongrussmen, 'l ie population of the State of Wia .on-in i.\ 2.a.u.*t>0, Increase 264,81$, or 12.7 per cent. The increase la mflo lent lor one more congressman.. The population of the Staie of liter gin is 2.609.121. increase '132,790. ogc 17.7 per cent. The Increase Is ticient for one more congressman. Mne New Conger—.men in Mow Tt it was announced that the for New York State had been r.wte.t, making it it.112,614, incr 1.84 1,720, or 24.1 per cent. The crease is sufficient for nine new gressmen. The total for Florida was changed to read 752,613. increase 224,077. ©p 42.1 per cent. Florida gets one net*! congressman. The total for Alaska is given — I4,« 356. increase 764, or 1.2 per cent. , Tlie military arid naval population,**-' of the Vnlted States was announced as 55,608. The total for Hawaii, 191.909, lake crease 37.908, or 24.6 per cent. The ranking order of the 8tataft;' under the new census follows: New York, Pennsylvania. IUInoU* <>h|... Texas, Massachusetts, Missouri* Michigan. Indiana. Georgia New , icy, California. Wisconsin, Kentucky, h "fa. North Carolina, Tennessee, Aide.|j$ hama. Minnesota, Virginia. Misslsstj Kansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Art -as. South Carolina. Mryind, West' gtnia, Nebraska, Washington, Rico, Connecticut, Colorado. Mot Maine. Oregon, South Dakota, i'akota, Rhode Island. New Ham©£ ;l shire. Montana. Utah. Vermont, D|*> I trict of Columbia, New Mexico, Idaho* Arizona, Delaware. Hawaii. Wyoming* Nevada. Alaska. ' IV. Douglas 0. rrtnun in the Putnam mission at t morrow night. Pralge, pMO tlmony meeting at 9 *1 etas* at >:M A. M. ; Trwf fast at l:H A. ML ' - OFFICERS JMID 0P|i_J0lf >16.000 WORTH OF ‘-DOPE” THIRTY-SIX CHIXAMEY CAPTCRED. PITTSBURG, PA.. IVcember lte Ah u result of investigations by t oral authorities at Rochester, N. Philadelphia, Pa., and here, and simultaneous raids conductd in dclphia and this city, 116,000 of smuggled opium is to-day in hands of the government and th nix Chinese are held without for a hearing. The go van charges tltat the opium to smti_ In Philadelphia, shipped to Roche and then shipped here. PN IN MINISTRY AFTER RETIRE) THE HEV. (>. M. I.AKDETH, TOPHU AMI KIIHIKPII. I’HKAt’HU, TAKES ( HI HI H AT ALTA VISTA. Iietlnlte arrangements nave mud.i to liavc the Rev, O. M. of Danville. taae charge ot the Stri ct Methodist church, South, at Vista, lie will give every other L-, lai to the church but will do no JM toral work for the present. ^ Tlie foregoing Item publtshe 1 h>' Alta Vista Journal ts of wideepri ti-rest to Methodtsts in Richmond throughout the State of Virgin! cause of Dr. Lambeth's immense iarlty and force as a minister gospel. He was actively «ti the ministry for a number of yi two years ago he was compel!* . lire because of 111 health. His ft will be glad to U-arn that hta f has improved to such a degree permit of Ids reentering the actitn end they hope It wit continue he may continue his splendid tive work for the Methodist and his .congregation for many ye Will Sell Property. Attorneys William Ellysun Willis P. Smith have been„i by th** judge of the city court, to sell certain property 1 <*d in the suit brought Rivervlew Improvement Cotnf Mrs. Sarah Chaffin. The cult pending for the last five or gi* i Closed Am Mark of : FREDERICKSBURG, VA, her 10.—The public »chO»l ], city were closed Friday or*a rpect of the late Mrs. A. U whose funeral took pine* ■