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SilC WARNED ‘ leimsT FXKifls ASSOCIATED CHARITIES URGES FUNDS BE GIVEN TO ORGANIZED BODY riti»n< - »«m» ‘At I'K'UHrtry ,•>n*t f** i »;tv. • • 1 •• M ’ f ChTII Tm-f» t, r> K ■ • f! ll i<* V,*T I Oflf.V.i* -i! . flllii.1 * i .< t A t h' • > 5 s folk w'tir f-f ■ ft !-.» Chnti. i<-« Ttl Af~ ■ |lw»n*l k n«. ■: an ii-'i’i'i;-' h*« t« - M ** * f* ■ ■'' t? IUPi > ' t~l: • : • - be p »!: <i X» ■ ’ '' tJV- 1 ‘ ' thnu n* •' fcav< ’ ti'; : * «.-* • Ai‘ Iks? work ■* ’ not ■ *« ,* ■ m> f. Tb* ..r.itef* c R *#f *,r !ENR’ I***? * jgttMWT* V*>T“ • > POSTIL HULLS FOR CHRISTMAS The p- *-' ■**m4 : any MjlXlii llttl r. i •tan j?s hia. th- i member that the fv'ritp * 1 ■ K .,'h- - 1 «:! to interfere r':r'-h**' ■■■• th«* ••!-•«* i 'brletrnak e tbs’ pi re stamps not CMSt m* pom*ft- and must **<■ ettteh vm the t* * o* tv eitve!«v I! th< |«od folks d > r, •; -runt their ’< 11*• r^. n _ package* to Urs*- r in th« >fJV Imre and Anally meet an ignominious death in the dead letter office this fact must la* kept in mind along with •eversl other net. war. Items When Christmas packages destined to enliven the l !* dav for Home friend are sent as second < lass post age and have am It litth rn r re ;tg‘« ms “Do'not open until Christmas morn ing'' written on them. Its a sure thine that the friend will not open It .it all. The poRtoffice people ver\ much desire that the sender should put Ids address in the upp< r left hand er tier, a* well us the address of the part,' to whom the malt tf In-inn sent tmt any other writing on the rover bring* , .the article under the lo ad of first rises postage. and thi nrtlrb will hr held for that. ' Remember to put hath the address Of the sender and the addressee on the. package, and if anythin* Is wrong with the postage, the sender ran al ways he sure of receiving it bark < >ur patent ’t tther <!rf— - s h.-- .■ Mir< t 'tin-: it: lin rin 'i ». lr i.i, - the %Mv:tvr i;cv ci -inm in^ in soviet•» > in the el.i—with • ft* lull <!re-~ -uit t'.r th< NnimgtT par ent ir.e, in' pump- and : i. i. k -lik ht »r. Kvi ryt'.iinjk h.'n' : tht iv-t hhi ;i .* nun wants to !-w>k in- in »t. riv- 1 Inrun >h*H- Sir 56.56. [ In- Brrr\ s*h<* . i ■''» 1 mm:-. $3.50. .<4 ,id $5.60. [[<■•!■.i.i> i .aotve.r: Par.'h "lipiK-r- and iu" -v '■>' :•! • t- Si.25 up I hinrinc Pump- 54. 55 . i $t». Hunting Nhoe-. Ixggim;-. Pm ire- Ridrnic Br*ot«. Cu-hion >hor-, ,,n-: e?e I > <r. : 1 ;i. to vi*i? our ' Novell > Department" when huyirni mtt-, tor men or hoys. n*-a :. \( th* p«?‘kag* s t• > g> f• • a f>rHfrn f mtr' rr.ak* a p*»:nt •-!' look in nr up th* p<>st a ’ r^guia ttonp to if Th^Tf is'a pan-*! post * xehang- »••• twe^n th* tw.» «• *i,nm*s «*th**rwi5« tin timo> and mone> may t,. * If th* p*opl* wish to Iiv-lp ? h r- H*r j••* nnd <H**ir*- that th<!r parKagop Kr* t r<* th* aridr*>t*«*-* i;> tirnr* for «r 1st mu« morning. th*n ts n • !•* tt*r way known than t-• Pfgin matting the ar?i*h*s right now. APPARATUS WRECKED; THREE LIVES SAVED N’oRFOf.K VA Dpi 1 2. Hy dr lil.i rateiv ivrwklnK tli•* hnw ivaaoii h. uas drli ine In response t■ • an alarm *-l tire. I>> swerving Into tin i-nrti imc. Driver Oeorjp l.lttlr. of th. Nor folk hr. department, saved the Hies of a woman and two aildren. ,\e the apparatus turned the ourrior of Main anil (Irani... streets Little was horrified to s-■ the unman nud i hl|. itren ainvom under the purses' feet \ stmnk and sudden jerk upon tto teins wheeled the apparatus In tie ottrli. ' (n* of the horsey fell arid was til most instantly killed, yjhlh Little and thre* other firemen rot jhe wayo-h were thrown violently t" the pat. mint and | badly bruised. TELLS Of WORK MU ■» vmu >T' HI Ml* \’l ! ^ i ro\ mi, vmi i.rri i * » h M n*. DISCI SSh> >Ml DOLIN'» hi ♦ \mimm.M «»i MT«I\I U>hT\M loll l»l* ihm i \ i\ Jim himimv \n a *• iiixur I iU»*tt >'* * rf-i? t: ,1*0 < ; I r>, fraud* ir. • ?h*r M . K * - - S *ii . H n»f Miff f .« :t n* n tr*d t** <\.»iinr» .< s n r i>., ♦ <>f list* n«**i |>‘*v, Iroail** In 11«♦ uni': • 'To m*. If t*T d 1- nml -d*».U V. ■ninth ** “• ♦•rr.* . r?.* iir:r sNm'K SPhiMn- * •t . w hi?*’ »la\ «• tl'af - ! • ■ f fhr Int^ratuf* * o-T «»f M,. jrr*•!» report of Ip !* tiDii? (!• v s;, -r> of th* ?••!!! th* M!.*’; *•*•> ■ *r*( ’ ■ * Jff It*S V.!h tt If* • M * - 1*0 • ' th* flllfht Hk’OlT >t IfUlrSJ* ’ -c‘- : H-* V-H-l t « *:♦•? clr-t ifiioliS in t:« . ‘»*v r;c*.*i!?>t the Standard « »il s ‘’ompa:-> fit 1 t That*-* trust? Th — ' wer*‘ >*g '.“d nn»! stihinitu I To ' hr S <’<»urt Tv o (' dt*d S' ■'!*'« >Hit }*♦ 'Oft :!.«#» f.f th* o' J i«T‘ Mo<»*d and the d* ■ ih *-f .Juatlo Hrf f t-r iho> wtf] be rr argued next •n’O’Df. FVr t! ' setm» th’ nrftu *>i* nt* it» !h< suit Intolr.rk' th** qip'v-ti'>?. th- '•rKtitPTt<»T,.itit’- of too corpora • t11* '.iw will be r* [»*■;»'< A. I-i jt.f t>n«*nta wf i>• procured, Ih* hmvs. *■■ S-, : ■ : >. a gainst th* Mr <*h» * •«£•** tnr*fit pnHdni: p*i. rns, In t’hi - . ^ r* n »ip* l.**f hnrorjs. n < ■ i gainst flv*» par-king . *:■ p '*•«! ail* g*v1 to h&v* entered into! a < in-\ to control the meat trail* X* v, Ihiiflnral. Trust* Wer© Fined, Tin Paper Hoard Association a is Urvri ?:.;/><»*». Th#- Imperial Window <51a*s I’ompunv whs fined and the cornhluatfor: broken up nrvl abno Iri t’htcngo Indictments have been returned against comps fib-s and individuals in the paving brick trust The t aking of evidence In the ciSr of the “bath tnt* trust" has hern nearly ! cotnf ti*i| and that corn .» rn will soon 1 lane if* tribunal of Justice. Snip nr- pending against the ‘ hi eago Hatter and Kgg Hoard. Great Lake** lowing monopoly. powder trust. th« St. Louis Terminal Railroad Asso ciation arid various other rntnhinations Flv <>f tht hading men in cotton •. specula Mon were Pndicled -on tin •iiarK- of establishing h lotton *lc*»r i no-” and raising prices to such an xtent Mist many mills were forced to close. The attorney-general says that the lutcoirte **f this * aso will he im portun' in determining to what extent tic Sherman anti-trust act may he m-ed in breaking pools nnd corners. Right night riders, charged with in terfermg with Interstate common* . • I»aid lines amounting to $8,500. j The attorney-genenil reviewed the i extent, and importance of the work I arising fr«*m r* shting attacks upon and ; procuring the •■nl'orcena-ut of lie in l erst a.* ciinnifn *' laws An injunction , obtain'-, by tin Department of Justice ( last May prevented m -general • ittorens*- • of freight rat* k in the West from going; into e«f<rt. Tb* department is fight-) fug f » sustain in court several laws1 passed for the hem-fit of railroad *‘in- I nlnycs whlCji are being contested l»v* j tin railroad companies Mii'h space is given 1 • customs j fraud- Fiv' sugar companies paid to. 71 Cent* Sterling Silver Thimble "A Stitch in time Save* ho 431S Cc4of»te Sterling Stiver I>epoe»t oa Vine Crytttl Otut vscruL ^ BEAUTIFUL PLEASING Christmas Gifts Our stork ha-> been soemhled arid ar rankl'd with a view to facilitating selec tion. Its field for choice is so extensive both in the variety of articles and the prices, that presents suited to particular taatea and means are readily found. ft.50 No. 4<tl baby Food Sj'iiuO < upid [1 Sterling Stiver bright Finish Cordial Invitation Extended PotIce* Knife 4 Blades Stirling Silver Handle french Gray Fiimli Purchase Your Christmas Gifts Here It is the unique and distinctive character of Sterling Silverware displayed in our atore which appeals to the Christmas ahopper. An gifts they stand pre-eminently apart from the ordinary and the common place. WE BUT DIRECT FROM HEADQUARTERS AND SAVE TOU THE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT No. 4jt> Hit Pin Holder Sterlmg Silver 1-Jep. ait t/n l1 iri« Crystal < Height 6 inches Mall Ordora Promptly Filled Anything pictured here forwarded liu med'ritely, pc Inge prepaid, on receipt of tbo price, and <i<j livery guaranteed. Open Cvoninga Until Xmas. CATALOG VTe want you to at* the new edition of our must rated attains, betauit there Is more to a ho wand to say. JV< aead It free to any addreaa. Op—» Evenings Motil Xmas. SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS ! I t i I 1 !v- V'V •'I “ i - <1 t" 1 11 \ tin*' !-• v.ivi »-<•«) fnc ♦»tH» i a ntii ii.. i > runt vtnpb nr" ! * . I t \ pnihtpnthtg i • iHiiuv - t<• ' i > Ik tit out h* V i swindle*! *.?i from Or* v • - - •ml or *34 ; k'v t tfenl with - ’• fh* K'*\*m Oiicutscs ‘ mu**Hu£ «• i- u ml dr iv nth or i nr « or l<m ■ :MI#d jot I • ..I" MJh -y\ hi* h. add .. tiMilr l-N< r $3,000. i nn>k« it migar it* - v* mvmmH'Mt ami . v* or* oiiivh t»'tl rli* Frauds- Suit* j •t. \.-r an n thf m*' ornnumt ; *.} rh#*#**. inipor- i a I Hit !> . StlUlg i *iii iir«*s t*' tiu» Fh ♦ « outis* Plr<1 u'«U’i.1 trim vim \\ • •ut ful Snitggluifl. » n’.jr- m, VolYotS. ’ - ■ • .: * }< i * * -t rat or i a I?4 •a:». lias resulted In ] fMffrlttiro. the • 4 more than t‘2. \\i '•Ra » V |B \ 1 1 at la u ht o iirVtt lining i • *rt : * * * t » r 1»■ and* has t »iw smtiug sr.mgf lin 'stod to » ,» mlall* poi-sonn | In aril < rlniina nh-rtnKon » .is*. Th •bar that vilify, m !j»'r I'Millw pr ison v. lion had • • idvo wf.n • lorn ih« j *;!mr off* imprison •.- * OUt io|l!> ' i • tdr d ♦’ S;»K'ir u: tho IV i ■Mpipnnv r • it h\ Up m Sutrhi t . .n suppi • mihirkUiir tourists P i , ; .k t ho siMivm r lit ihlSS Ilf nu ll i "imiiiruous * > tourists. This* u*s tw on fount! to • v subsla ntini o*; r sport *o 1 in port a 1 h > h\ pf nph- ot t • break tip this i r osorutions im\ o Idition to forfeit s'' have gouora ll\ t! • <h •(*ndants havo ■■ n iT’i vy linos. 11 • • ourt refused :** • s. hut after th* '; * * i! such pHblirl . :-iiuf t<* roturn - i unde it know n i- would be pun \\ Ick'-raharn says -I : the anti-trust . . « ulingn w hioh -t t<» nteount lot iuia Sugar lo - • ?l!ii i' resulted • •rt.mont to dis s*. Lhu ket shops • .1 i.i in-, at mini TIp r*i w hh It $ 1 i’.i'..T r» port pot> work in j i !crnritlcm \ ■: ndnrs agar la.^UlteiJ i ■ * n:.1 tin land, am; ■a or Indio s with form -•lutloji roi « * n*-ra’ i. ’riot Attoi spooial assi lnoroa seal r tho prohi' • of tfrnttilth > ss ssSnatr P» r^orxnai'ua ■ ■ r.'.l tnirminltv gi\a th* Kovernrm In - rinimftiing tllsr! t*» r> Id-art L* a tore* • inu 1 > • n. tarn th f or 111 a lr.rgo vol ?. »i *. u w it or rights is. m proso'-ut ; i public4 land laws .* ■* an ‘JurititiR to ■ • v or> of $d 7!*.<>7 s i its l*mug lit land attained 1»> d . oil*. • in* d by tho At ; ; ,1 laws pf-rmlit ■ s ti» havo iJio sot aunts it; < iraml Jury la i ll h for l'odoral ■.lion of tho tuoop i' iruorn.,1 ^oppress • rumor t «* hoinls in f tpnir dutios and a statu to that would ■it pnw or to obtain OBITUARY Arthur C. Thomas. Arthur t'lovelnnd Thomas died at his father's resident e, ii♦ r Alice, Harnarr countv. in tne t wenty-sc. orul yt'iir of his age. Th* funeral will take pla* (' Monday aft* umon from the rea i ilcnec. William 1\ Davis. William I . Davis. formerly of this ( Ity. died in Williamsburg Saturday. Dec* mia.-r 10. Th* funeral took place Monday morning at 1 1 o'clock from llojfc Memorial chur< h. Dr. Wlllfnm Stcptor <‘lirteliftn. I'ltDANNA, VA Do* 1:.'. Dr. Wil liam Stcptoe Christian died at his home. Malvern Mill, near irhanna, Saturdnv Me ■ horn iti Middle sex > county, I'i1'" itiii. r Jii. Im3o, and had nearly reached his eightieth birth da\. He graduated at the Jefferson Medical t'nlli'gf ln lkf.1. He < spoused tin cause of the Southland and or ganise* d th* Middlesex <’ava!r.\, of which lie vvnw «derte(] < aptain. and muster* d in service in 1 h♦; 1 as Dom pan> <Fiftv-nfth Virginia Volun teers. He was promoted to major and later to * olonel. He jvas twice elected orator of th* Virginia Modi* itl Society, and w as unanimously elected. in h»'s absence, as president of the body in 1:o»4. Me was f-.r years county sup erintendent -bools; also countv chairman ot tie Democratic party. of which he vv,v an ardent supporter.. Me v as tw it (rrb-d. The wif*- «*f his youth was Miss Helen .Stcptoe. of North f’arolina His second marriage was t * Miss Ah*. Woodward, of Mid dlesex count', who survives him. He, h av es one s -n. Dr. C. <i’hristian. and one daught, r, Mrs. II. S. Itris- | tow . if* will he h i • (] from the Frbanna 1 Haptist church. of which he was a member. h> id Mima Hodg“ No. S3, A., r and A. A),, of which he was i also (i member and a past master. Interment w i:; 1 at the family ceme tery at Hidek t< day at noon. II. l». Murphy. Special h- Th. Kichmond Virginian.> \X"KST I’MlNT. VA.. Dec. I 2 — l\. D. furphy, h-t many years captaiti *»f HTtcrs plj incr between * It intoro on t hi- < ’hesa - dead in Baltimore found by Dhief Kn of the steamer At " o’clock \ M. His deck of the st* airier • had fall- n on his impression *»i his In falling he hail and sustained a >•* - eye. i nought to have l*. **n He has been run- ' • int f**r about forty am A*-corduig to custom, he was have he* n retired about two years and v hi;. he had been retired) y hc-caiise he wished n anoth* r position at Docust Point d' th*- si* »i* port and 1 <-uk*- lire . f. Mtarda-. ami - it • * r Sam 11 i r.ta a bout ' * >»d v was on f • h itimor* . a ini tec, 1 -a vf Ills He in th- i. roken his m*« ere out Hi- r h 11 is death • ’em heart fa Mur iriK to VV'-st I i»m th*- rapt he was nong the l 'aptnin Murphy was from Ktnealc. stnn reland ven years < uth* rn arm. daughter, f • th snrviv 1 r and Jeav inty, and was sixtv He served in the 11 is widow . a n adopt - sisters and two Kro ne tvfii ve-rv popu ide circle • f ! riends. 'It-. .1 »v. Hooker. i.-'li.Mi il I'.'I'h' l;n htnond Virginian. > i'l.AMHVII.M V A., 1». <• l.'.-Aliy. .1 \V. Ilnoloa !' this vieinitv. died leeeiitiv at ifii nir of her son, (Ion. J. .VI. Hook, i, . Stuart. She v.:,a vi'l'.v estimabb dy, the mother of a, large famib .1 generally beloved by all e ho kin her. Her body was | interred In th nillj burying ground at .Mr. I. VI. Ai' r's, in '.• pieHeneo o| a tom-out relatives and Irlends. Stie Mas a i mbor of tile *1, II. ehureh and let funeral and burial service.- Ma i . nduefed by her pas-I lor. Ki t \V V. lilgln. assisted hi . I lev. 11 l.a- ,nd othetM. HeabiN |». \lellol-. XnltKhl.K \ \., J lee. 1 'J. — Iteubcn l>. Nichols. high i otmtable of Norfolk, j and one id ih> best known citizens of the eltv. *i■■ .i Sunday night follow ing a pmtr.n i,, illness He was In his siyty-si m h > ir, and was a native id Hk hnioiid. in a lug to Norfolk after the Mar. lb is a (V*nfed»rate vot • ran, serving in the navy ■ f the t'me tederate Siii p| witnessing the battle betvvi n the Merrimao and j Monitor in Hamilton Hoads. He is!, survived b. ife and several ehll- ; drert. <1. smith. St il.'TII in 'STi i\, VA.. I tec. Hi.— <!. ,1. Smith, ay. | eight?-three, of this place, died bud night irom the re-1, salts of Injmies snstaine-d from a fall about one year, age He I* survived by his wide* oiiq daughter, Mrs i tialile Howard, of Lynchburg, and The Store of the Christmas Spirit. Xmas Umbrellas - for All. This i- a gift that is always Useful ami appreciated. Our as ssortment tin’s season is unusually attractive for men. women and children Prices range from SI.00 to $15.00. UMBRELLAS FOR WOMEN. Natural wood or fanrv handles at each price: American Taffeta, at $1.00. I 'nion Taffeta I micella", at $1.50. Satin Gloria Umbrellas, at $.1.00. All-Silk. I .kick or et lured. S2.50, S.t.00. All-Silk or I mini, Taffeta, S.t.75 to $5.00 l ine All-Silk Taffeta, $6.50 to $15.00. CHILDREN’S UMBRELLAS. Sturdy t ompanions for school: sound, wear-wort h\ wool or fancy handles; Mercerize 1 Cotton. 50c. MEN'S UMBRELLAS. Umbrellas, at $1.00; Union Taffeta Umbrellas, at $1.50; Tapeedne 1 nion Taffeta, at $2.00. S.t.OO. $.1.75; Fine All Silk Umbrellas, with faney handles, $5.00 to SI5.00. ■■■■■—■■■ 9 ' —.—11 1 1 We Are Ready for Christmas. Are You? Hr moil ion n for (rift sug gestion*—Unit you thought hear nice a piece of China, Cut Ola** or Siller tcould he as a gift. Leather (loexlsi So!id (iotri Jew elry, Parisian I retry Toilet .4 Hi des, SiH. Kimonos, Furs, IIa»<l tccrchicfn, Xeckercetr, Glares. Sill: Ihus'ery. Don't forge’ the ' Min's Corner1' for ‘‘IDs" -ineis erert thing fur man that is etr ric ihlc. Snmlino Jarhlie, Hath ami Lounging Rohes, S winters, (Hewer, Xrcluieir, Combination Sets, llan/lterehiefs. etc Put some of these on your hnluleiy shopping list. Extra Holiday Specials in Dress Goods. 25c All-Wool Tricots, 1 **c yard. 50c Wool Suitings. 29c yard. ;jf» inches wide, in Dim.onais. On « k«. strintv itxl Plaids. 50c Dress Goods, 39c yard. 36 inches t*ith\ in the new. r< effort«. in >; r. Br and Mixtures 75c and SI.00 Suitings, 58c yard. 12 to 40 inches wide. in < itv <)i*» Itorr. K \ (irwi and Hr> iwn. $1.00 Striped Purnella Cloths. 64c yard. 12 inches wide. real imported fnhrie-. in the sra- I win’s fnshinnfil/le .shad^v, on»> <>4c y;».rfl. $1.50 and $2.00 Novelty Suitings,OSc yard. 42 to .“rO inf ills wide, in the fadiionnhle fall and j winter •dmrhv SI.00 Striped Cheviots, 75c yard. 12 iw he* widf. in this s/ awn; > newest -inpe*. SI.25 Suitings, 79c yard. "»0 inehrs wide, in the new. Basket wr-< . (-amrl. : Wisteria. Brown, Green, .Navy and Mode. $1.00 Broadcloths, 79c yard. .">() inches wide, medium wripht. in Nnvy. (uirret, ('nilr-t. Black, Olive, .Myrtle, Tin, (Irtv and two shades of Brown. Buy a Pyrographic Outfit. W hat i- more pleasing t<>r a present than an outfit for wood burning ora Brass Piercing or Stenciling Outfit. Sure these are the most pleasant ways to pass time, and any hoy or girl would he dejightrd with an out- I fit. I'yroftraphlc Outfits, at 98c: others up t<> $2.50. Stamp Pieces, for burning such as glove and hand kerchief l«>xe\ trays, plaques. hand mirror-*, dresser boxes. etc., at 5c. 10c. I2c, I9c, 25c to $1.50. Brass Outfits. consisting of all the necessary tools and one practice piece, put up in a box. at 50,c, special; others up to $1.00 per set Brass Mounted on Wood, ready for work, at : 55c and 50c up. \ isit this interesting department there are many finished pieces that ere beautiful and perhaps you may get some points of interest from them. , Beautiful Queen Louise $J.0O The best Doll ever made for Full 22 inches high. made with doubte strong rublrer, jointed wrist, and a pood, durable sewed will go to deep has on shops and stockings, the prettiest and Ik st doll ever sold, at $1.00 \ :>r<ui11ft.t p>,•' <>f ,7i>>tito-] Holts. (!) well ffO PA ln;;«!r. c to waved wij*. fr ni 31c to wfa>vU Dolls Tea Sri-. Toil'! >(■'- end t.tinner Sets, all n"W < l»>«iaiis :uvi i "taring", :i 1 I rUr* f Q PA and «lmpes. from 10c io «5«/.DU Now jipvUrr Poa for tip.tiny HMD tot*, tied oaimo! he broken, tiu-o are from 10c to $2.00 Holiday Neckwear. |),iint> Neck wear fur gift giving and jwrsonal use, everything (.hat's new and pretty, front 25c upwards. A very at tractive line of Jainit«, stocks and Hows, at 25c and 50c. Irish Crochet and Kib bon effects. (»i.t tfie choice of these to morrow . The New “Ostend” Toque. 11 Tty not give her one for Xmas. For automobiling. golf. skating and general out-of-door wear. These' toques are just as becoming as they are comfortable. Made of soft eiderdown wool and the moderate prices as well as its good features make them very suitable Xmas gifts. Color*, white with white pompon and sweeping feathers, as well ns other colors, plain or trimmed; special, ai 12.75; others at $2.9H. ii.'th and M-W. otic son, U. H. Smith, of this place; tw<> sisters, Mrs. Snilie Hydnor, of Mt. Airy. \. c.. and Mrs. .Mo!Ik- Hortch. of Scottshtirg. The funeral was held from tlte .Methodist church, of which he was a Ttiemln r, Monday ulternooi;. Mrs. Saralt M. t'nllahan. Al>KX A X1 > HI A, VA.. Her. IS. —Mrs. Sarah Mildred Callahan, widow of Al an T. Calluhan. seventy-set eii .' ears old, died Friday afternoon at the lioim of lo r son. Charles ii. Callahan, eoin tnissterii r of revenue. 213 South Fair fax street. She was a native of Uum . i n s, and is survived i>> olio son. Charles II. Callahan. Her funeral will take place at . o'clock cfwyp t1 jdio’c at M o'rlock Sunday nfter ii"iili. Itoliert Madison llall. FIIANKI.IN. VA.. I »ec. 12. -Hubert Madison Hail, attfed merit; - sight years, mu. of -Mr. anil Mrs. I!, II. llall. of Ilinnom. Westmoreland county, died here at the residence of I.. I.. Hat field tit o'clock Saturday night. His remains were taken on Sunday afternoon to his heme in Hlnnom. where til- funeral will lie held Tues day afternoon. He Is survived h\ his father and mother, three sht. ra and three brothers. M;«.s Klizaheth l.’lil'hcr. SFFFi >I.K. VA . I —Miss Kllstnzeth Parker, nlnete n years eld. died Sunday . Hast year she was class prophet at the graduating exercise of tin Suffolk High School, and since then hail been teaching. Her father is ,1. I.owd i I’anker, owner of the Suffolk rare course. Hon. I . XV. SieiTett. !M< i.VTKHKV. VA . I>ee. 12. Hull.1 F. XV. Slerretl. a prominent and high ly esteemed citizen of Highland ('utili ty atpl a former inetnhr of the Vir ginia House i.f Ie legHtes, died Sun-| day morning at o'clock. linffalo Journalist Hies. HP FFAA Id i. S. V.. Dec. 1 i Wil liam McIntosh, for thirty years man ager of th' itiitTnl" Kwiiing Times, died early to-day from internal hertt orrhagi - ’VARSITY SENIORS HOLD LAST BANQUET'Ki. mu,, imi" r 12 - The senior Cass h*id the lam Kin i|iiet of its undergraduate history Fri day night, with ninety men In itttend- | attue. \V. ,\. Dees. president of the class, as toastmaster, opened the talk fest with a Short address to his class men. Professor >1. M. William? was the first'•laculty guest to speak. He referred with jatlflcation to the re ■ nt success in the I’ am! to the glorious record of the univer sity in debate. Professor 11. Stacy. Professor M. C. S, Kobp. anrj ip \iimtn were the other speakers front ' the faculty. Haan K, K. timhatnand Professor 11. AC. Waggstaff had be«n l scheduled t'» speak but wcr>> unabl" to attend. The response from the i nnnners *if th>- class were mad* by Messrs. Harry S,demon, J. K » >Jt*» r. W, r Jn> nar and Mr. 1'anl Hickson. Mr. Hickson |>r<»t«^s«t* <J strongly against denis in student politics. Mr. Richard (3. Stockton, of Wtn ion-Salafn. has been elected student reperesontative at large on the uni versity council. This election brings un the membership of the council to eight, the number provided for In the resolution adopted last spring by the student hotly and later approved at th* commencement meeting of the hoard or trustees. Hr. I. It. Wilton and Hr. Kdwlr) Minims delivered addresses at the sixth annual meeting of the North Carolina Library Association held In Winston-Salem the past week. Hr. Wilson fa president of the association. Hr Mltnrns during his residence In Hurhatn was Instrumental In gelling the board of aldermen to make art ap propriation of lit! for the support of ; a city library, the third appropriation ever made In the .Southern States for th*> support of a city library. For the ninety-first time In Its his tory the t'hemical Journal Club of the university met In Chemistry Hall Monday night. Hr. Robert A. Hall, who presided, discussed progress In systematic qualitative analysis ns de scribed bv I’rofesii.r Mill liken In th< Journal of the American Chemical fb> cletv. Messrs. Cowles, night. and ftacy read papers Which they had pre pared for the occasion. The one hundred and ninety-first meeting of the KI is ha Mitchell Helen- ; title Society will he held Tuesday, He. ■ ■ember 1in Chemistry Hall. The program "'ill be: The regenerative potter of the cells In hydrolds, Hr. It. V. Wilson; the reform of the calen dar. Professor A. H. Patterson. The society is now in Its twenty fifth year. It Issues a quarterly Jour nal which Is In a measure the bulletin of the scientific laboratories of th" university. Hy exchanging the Jour Hal with more than three hundred ientifio periodicals. th.< sw-iety hns necumuluted »»v<t ten thousand hooka , iifl pamphlet* whl h tiro arranged 1n (lie uni'erstty library. Rev. YV. It. Royal). far the p,i.«t four years pan< r of the Methodist fhureli in Chapel Hill, was appointed to tho llenderaon charge at the repent meet ing of the Methodist Conference of Eastern North Carolina. BARTEN BERS WORK FOR VOTIiS FOR WOMEN I'ITTSm RO. PA.. 1 tee. 12.—Bar tenders- I'nlon No. IIS has « nlisted Is tin Statewide ‘votes for women" movement and its members are to-day rounding up other hartetiders, follow ing an address at their meeting yes terday by Mtrs Mary E. Bahewell. a prominent local sultragi tte. At tha elpae tif the talk the beverage dis pensers voted to "pull for” their sis ters and promised to hand to every customer a “votes for women"' circu lar Hammond*s Flowers Their exquisite beauty and fra grance are recognized and appre ciated by every'one. Our exhibition of Chrysanthemums and Roses in clude the largest and finest select** specimens ever shotett anysihcrt** Sec the beautiful display sec are showing. Hammond & Co., Inc, 109 East Broad Street. for Themselves. Nomination and Voting Blank The Richmond Virginian TEACHERS’ EUROPEAN TRIP CONTEST. This coupon can he used to nominate any white teacher.- residing or located in the districts defined in the content, l'irst coupon received counts 1,000 votes (only one for any teacher) eneh additional coupon counts 1 vote. When coupon is neatly trimmed, signedund dq.osiu-d within one week of date issued. NAME. ADDRESS. Void after December 10th. No. 10 Nomination Counts 1,000 Good for out vote. — ..-•I. \ /; (Vs ■ ’ »f -irtsSijsfcjjASiiSySi