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Children’s Pink and ’Blue Eiderdown Komfy Room Slippers with fleece lined soles—Pink, blue and red wool. Crochet Slippers, all go into this sale. Men’s Imitation Alligator Front Leather House Slippers. Ladies’ and Men’s Felt Slippers. Women’s Crochet Slippers, in ors, also Eiderdown fleece soles, SI.00 grade. Women’s Trimmed Romeos merous other things reduced to Best Oxford Grey Felt, with fur to match. Komfy Room Slippers, all colors. Men’s Tan and Black Kid Room Slippers, in all style, cuts and size. Hosiery. Special Silk Hosiery for men and women, 50c and $1.00, put up in fancy boxes. w CLERKS WANT REST; MR. ALLEN SAYS NO POST OFFICE EMPLOYES WISH SUNDAY DELIVERY ABANDON ED-STEP BACKWARD. SAY6 POSTMASTER. Thi n s .< movement on foot nrnot k tin i '■ rks of the Ku ril post • #Hco to do aivrij with thr present Kundrty window tioli'The movement gained Htroni'.ih In this ilty from tin- >u«'cm that in sttepdcd tiki tampaigns In oth'T - It'*"' T'e l it' nt Ih trolt. Mlti \oti .1 to allow the clerk* onc tlay's rout In seven. Jitnl there l« no mall iK Ilvi n of ;«i . kind In that place on Sunda.t Other 1wtin .mil I'ith Itnvi- followid 1 i.-iri'iI n good example, .mil it la (tolng to bo ; nt up to ih- Richmond public some time so. n. V con mlt'o ' •' tht- i it off'll clerk* Keen oho.ion, und this .* .it work cm a plan of campaign T1 • tomrnlt t. . hope s to bring iibont tin ill siro’ inform liy sending returnable postal «nr iln to all residents. believing that a{ majority of them will !•< returned with a vol" ill favor of the move. If the cnumultee is siji cess!it! it. enlisting the, sort ice* amt consent of tho Richmond i hiisln •>- urge ntinlton* and other klti- , lircd hodb—. emit thing tit tinite should conic ot Ho movement. The fact that the window Will l-e ' cloned during the usual h • ir> on Sun- ! tins will not moan that tin collection j nf mt il on that il«v w ill be interfered with. It la prohi bit- that tht majority of people ire not aware that to ‘have 1 hla window th-Hverd require* the whole force of clerks to work nil through the dv of rout, whereas the new plan) will enable them to tret the rest that Is, due every one. each one having to work only or. the average of one Sunday out of five months Pont mauler Allan is not In favor of this move, which su ms to hint to he j backward rather than forward, and ns i Richmond has received the (test *or vice 'f her history under hi* udmlni*- ) tratiou. Mr Allan i» desirous that noth- ! tint sh >uld Impair the pre*ent efficiency of tho office. Tin clerks maintain that the fact that the service is no good i* the strongest advocate of tht* encour agement and they do not believe the fine aervtOf would he hurt in the least, j The decision will Boon J.e put in the j hand* of the residents. GREAT ADVANCE IN REAL ESTATE VALUES i KING WILLIAM FARMS SELL AT 125 PER CENT. INCREASE OVER COST TEN YEARS AGO. F.TNA MILLS. VA„ Dec. 12.—Some Indication us to the advance experl enced in old Virginia real estate is 1 shown In the recent sale of the three i fiirtna known as "Bleak Hill.” “Wyo ming" and "Burnley's,” helonging to! the estate of the lute Peter Paul. Hob- , ert Howard of Wyoming. is the pur chaser, paying $30,000 for the property, an advance of 125 per cent, over their coat ten years ago. The farms nre lo- 1 rated on the Pamunkey river. Another rule reported la that of the , “Plain Dealing" farm of K. T. Burch. , of Richmond, which has been pur- j chased by R. L. Klevens at $3,500. MAYOR HEARS FROM LONG LOST BROTHER SUFFOLK. VA.. Dec. 12.—-Forty four years ago Hamlin L. Norfleet. r a brother of Mayor J"Im 11. Nor- ' fleet, of thin city, left Suffolk, at which time the mayor ami his twin hr other ware hut three (lava old. On Satur day the mayor received a letter from the abm-nt brother, "ho has Iwcn Ionic mourned as dead. Hamlin Nor- : fleet, after traveling through many countries, married a French lady and settled in Uraatl. when- he has been engaged ever since in civil engineer ing The letter of Saturday was the first hews from him since his depart- i ure in 1K66. He has a considerable family, and says he has partially for gotten Ills native tongue. LOYAL TROOPS IN COMPLETE CONTROL l.ltVZU.IW Mi riM KKS St mill SKVI.KK I.OSS I\ K1LI.II> ,\M> worviuzH. Li i.VIx in, Dec. 1 —The Brazilian minister n < l ived a cubic dtsputi h to day front Hin Jane ire stating that loyal government troops were- now in eompleti possession of Cobras is land. when a two-days' mutiny of Millers was started Friday night and continued until Sunday afternoon. Nearly five hundred of the muti neers were arrested and one hundred and fifty either killed or wounded. After their arrest many of the muti neers made a concerted effort to es cape, but wen- recaptured aft. r a fight, in whli h a don n w ere slain. CASHIER CRUM TAKES OWN LIFE i KMHORLA II oft HI KIKD AT s\|» ACT OF POPFIiAH flANK OF | F1CIAJ,. EMPORIA. VA„ IV<. 1-’—This town whs inexpressibly shocked on I Saturday afternoon by ttie suicide of ; Samuel Hubert t'rulkshank, who blew . hln brains out with a Colt revolver shortly after 2 o'clock. Mr. t’mik ! shank was cashier of the First Na- i I tional Hank, and sua one of the most ■ popular younir men in this town. He ; was 29 years of age and no reason | has as yet been ascertained for his , rash act. Ills wife is prostrated as | an effect of his act. I At the noon hour Saturday Mr. j Orulkshank appeared to he In his usual i *ond spirits, there being nothing in ; his bearlnK to indicate that he content- I i plated suicide. However, shortly af . ter 2 o'clock he went into the bank's vault and fired the fatal shot. Ashland 1 (Special to The Richmond Virginian.1 ASHLAND. VA.. I>ec. 12—Rev. E. W. Goodwin, who was reported In Sat- \ ' urday'i Viriflnif.n to liave moved Into j the rectory with liis family, is still the ' i curst of Mr E. Potts, his family hav- ' In* not yet arrived. Randolph-Macon basketball team de feated Fredericksburg Saturday after- . j noon here by a score of 31 to 20. It ! was a hot game, but the home players I i put up the best contest. Mr. Willie Shelton, who was for so many yenrs treasurer of Hanover coun ty. hr.i hourht the Valden place be tween Ashland and Owathmey. News conies from Florida that Rev. Mr. I-awlesa, who recently went there for the benefit of his health. Is areally Improved. In his absence Rev. Mr. Holder preached at the Baptist church Sunday. both morning and night, to large congregations. 9 8 This old cotoMtehod firm announces the completeness of Its SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL EXHIBIT OF of rare beouty and design wrought in GOLD, SILVER AND PRECIOUS ! METALS, ARTISTIC CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS WARE. SILVER DEPOSIT AND ART GOODS. Wa cha , Diamonds and Precious Slones If you are unable to Inspect our acock write for One of our Ulus crated catalogues. It viU be mailed to you without cost. HOLIDAY GIFTS K C. LUMSDEN A SON, Inc "JEWELEESTO THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE 741 BAST MAIN STWBT. RICHMOND. VA SOUTHERN COLLEGES TO TRY CONCLUSIONS TRINITY AM) M.WVN Kb. WILL i:\bAUK in debate on tar iff LEGISLATION. (Speiial to The Richmond Virginian.) TH1.NJTV COLUiOE. DURHAM. N. 0 . D. 12.— The time is rapidly draw ing near when the eves of many Southern mllcgea will again he turn ed < n Trinit;. On DeiernWr IT tin debate with the University of the South will be held at Sewanc-, Tenn. This debute was to be held last year, but on a< < ount of reasons advanced by Scwamc the debate was indefinitely postponed. Trinity »i!! he represented by ilr. Clyde. O. Fisher,'of Cary. N. C., alui Mr. E. J. Londow, of Ashe ville. X. i . « The first of the two preliminaries tor the selection of the representative for the debate witn tiw arthmore Col lege. of Fennsj l\ anl.n was held last Tuesday night in the V. Al. C. A. hall. The deliate council last year decided to have two preliminaries lor the se lection of men to represent the college in intercollegiate debates. From this first preliminary three men will tie . ho-, n. and the second contert will come off on the night of December IT. The question for the debate with Swarthmore is the one chosen by the 1'ennsyUanta Debate League, and is as follows. "Resolved. That our leg islation should be shaped toward the gradual abandonment of a protective tariff. ' This debate will be held In Durham February 25, l’rofrseor K. L. Flowers, chairman of the faculty committee on athletics. Is in Birmingham, Ala., w here he went to represent Trinity at. the annual meeting of the Southern Intercolle giate Athletic A -eolation. The as sociation this year will he the guest of Howard College. In Birmingham. This association decides the eligibility’ requirements for students who partici pate in athletic contests as representa tives of the institutions belonging to the association. A great deal of interest has been manifested this year In class basket bail games. These contests have been well attended, and have afforded much entertainment to the college com munity. The game played last Wed nesday night between the sophomores arid the freshmen resulted In a vic tory for the sophomores to the tune of 11 to 15. The Christmas holidays will begin at 1 o'clock Thursday , December 22, and work will be resumed Wednesday morning. January 4, at 9 o'clock. Al most all the students will spend the holidays at home. DIAMOND FCLND ON DOOR STEP The diamond ring lout by Mrs, R. E. Craig. i>f 1415 Grove avenue, Hgt urd:iy night, was mysteriously return ed to Iter Sunday night. While the family was at supper the front door hell rang. No one appeared when a servant answered the call but a small pa< kage had been left on the door I step. It contained the ring. While Mr, and Mrs. t'ralg were away Saturday the house was robbed of the ring and about $i0 In money. Sev ern! rooms on the. upper lloor were [ completely ransacked and left In a state of great disorder and confusion. None of the money has yet been re covered. The detective force Is busy nt work on the case, however, and hopes to he able to run down the thief before many more suns have set. As soon as Mrs. t'ralg discovered the loss of the ring she reported the mat ter to Captain McMahon, chief of the cttl detectives. Captain McMahon made a close search of the house and examined all the servants. One of the .servants ,a honsegirl, he suspect ed. and after questioning her severely told her that unless Mrs. Craig re ceived the ring immediately some one was going to be put In the peniten tial. lie attributes the quick return of the ring to the talking he gave the girl. OFFICER SHOALS WELL KNO’ N GOSHEN MAN (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) GOSHEN, VA.. Dee. 10.—-Enoch Thompson, a well known man in Goshen, was shot and thought to be fatally wounded Saturday night hy Deputy Sheriff Wlckes, of Rockbridge county. The officer shot Thompson 'while he was trying to escape ar rest. Thompson was hurried to the hoapital at Staunton. I.-C. GHFM'C.U | LISTED ABROAD ! NSTOCK OF BIG FERTILIZER CON ■ CERN IS NOW QUOTED ON PARIS EXCHANGE. | . Common stock of■ Vlrglnln-Caro- ; ■ lino Chemical Company enjoy* the dls- i . Unction of being the tlrst American ' ; Industrial stock to he listed f,,r quota- I ! lion and sale on the Purls bourse. Thlt news, on reaching Richmond, I caused the stock to Jump two points I during the closing minutes Saturday and it is expected that greater sta- i hillty will be afforded smimoti stock of the company through large foreign holdings, as a result of the decision of the French government and the bourse In regard to the fertilizer eon- : rern. whose headquarters are in Rich- j mond. Discussing the matter, an officer of the company said: “We have so far only listed our com mon *tock, not having applied for our f bonds or preferred stock. With our company there Is an ample market in thW country for the preferred stock, on which «t have never missed a 'divi dend. Business conditions change, however, and nt tirm e we have passed dividend' on the com mt. stock, and the value has fluetuati d in copse- { 1 q lienee “The French government exercises a earef',1 supervision over the exchanges. The coupons on our e.unrnon stock are payable to bearer—not to the Individual . owner--and we were required to name a Pans hanking firm as our ttscal agent in Fram e We will ai-" ' e required to furnish through our French agent com plete reports ot our affairs, us shown by examination of certified account ants, and notify the IV- m b goxerri-i ment whenever we d* i.lart a dividend. “The purpose Is two-odd. The gov ernment wishes to pr'deet its people from unworthy foreign < ntertirisen. and ! what is more important to the govern ment, it w ishes to insure the collection of t!m government Income tax. By our irrangim*nt, w> are required to notify ii;e French governnn nt through our Paris banker before • aeh divid ud of , the amount of our common stock held , I in France. All dividends in France are : , i aid through this Hs< al agent, who j pays the government in a lump the in- j ! coin* tax for all From h holdings, the | | eoupotis of Individual hold* rs In France I i being endorsed 'Free of tax i 1 meins may I ESTABLISH AN EXHIBIT _ PROPOSITION TO BE TAKEN AT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SMOKER MONDAY NIGHT. The question of establishing what is known us the manufnetur< rs' exhibit will l<e taken up Monday ntrht, it is stated, at the Chamber <>f Commerce : smoker In the auditorium of the Jeffer- , ! son Hotel. i The exhibit is intended to be a > en s tral tonlay or a permanent character i>i which products manufactured in , Richmond may be viewed by visiting merchant* and others Interested in ! such matters. The proposition will be presented by Vice-President T M. Carrington, who has a tentatlv* plan for the exhibit. Suggestions from tl>e floor will be in vited and It U believed that the dis cussion will result in the adoption of, some definite plan. other cities have tried the exhibit scheme with marked success, it is de clared. and in the opinion of those who have riven the matter their attention i htroitlsbeilevcd^thal^jtlcl^' f ud^cim I Geo. W. Anderson & Sons, 215 East Broad Street. Useful Gifts for the Holidays Persian Rugs A beautiful assortment to select from. Come in and look them over. Axminster Rugs Special for Xmas, size 3x6 ft., choice $3.48 Portieres Ideal gift. See our spec ial $5.00 ones; all colors. Lace Curtains From 75c to $50.00 ger pair. See our line from >3.00 to $5.00 per pair. Carpet Sweepers TheE.B.Taylor Compa Main-Street Store. 9 k HEADQUARTERS FOR PRESENTS IN Metal Goods We can supply your wants at this store. Visit our Toy Department 1011 East Main St. profit equally us well by < -stabllshing ! nn exhibit. ACCOMAC TEACHERS IN ANNUAL SESSION! — NT 1*1 :n INTKN DK NT EC .C.EKSTON nisei ssi:s \ am k or normal i TBAINU) TKAniKUS. CAPE CHARLES, VADeo. 12.— Tho Aceomac Countj Tea. hers' Auu elation held Its fourteenth annual in stitute at Parksley Thursday and Fri day, j ih the larges* number of tenth, is in attendant e ever known In the history of the association—125 delegates. This was perhaps the greatest educational rally ever held ■ >n the Kaatern Shore of Virginia. The weather was perfect. The hall was crowded during each session and in terest In every way was manifested at alt times 1.;.- the teachers and many of the town people of Parksley and else" her-. Every phase of school work was discussed. Thk- associa tion was very fortunate in having State Superintendent J. It. Eggleston and Supervisor of Kura] Schools T. S. Settle. Mr. Eggleston forcefully ' cussed the value of normal trained teachers. Many fine exhibits were “brought frot»_the various schools, showing the k-Wi being done through ; out the county. Certificates of merit-' w ere aw arded to a large number of j pupils. The following officers were 1 elected f..r the ensuing year: Mr. K. ! .1. Clark, of Aceomac. president, Mrs. ! , <1. AV. Stockley. of Temperancevllle. : vice-president: Miss Hlaneh Joynos, of Onaneock. secretary and treasurer, i John D. Parks has been appointed section for, man on th, new railroad between Cape Charles and Towns ; end. BRINGS CAPTIVE HERE IN CHAINS ________ CHIEF OF POLICE OF EMPORIA J IS THEN SUBJUGATED BY CAROLINA GIRL. Securely bound with chains forged by the little god Cupid. the chief of j i police of Emporia . Major William ! Harding, brought Miss Annie Rodger- j ‘ ion. of Vaughan. ,V C. to Richmond : hundnv, and after consultation with Clerk Christian. of the Hustings Court, and ,h« Rev. Ur S. C. Hatcher, of the j Broad Slreet Methodist church, sen tenced her to lifetime imprisonment. ' she young lady smilingly accepting the j verdic; and declaring that it sulteii her I exactly. j When the chief left his home town j no on* knew of his matrimonial linen- | tions. He went first to Weldon, where | his prospective bride met h'tn Tin v then came directly to Richmond, where Uis knot was tied good and tight. The wedding was performed by Or | Hatcher just at the conclusion of a spe tlal service for the Maccabees. He re quested the congregation to remain in their pews a few moments and In about five minutes pr< nounced Major Hard ing and Miss Rodgerson train and wife MAW rtlOXV CASKS IX KIXt. W1MJAM COI’RTi tSpecial to The Richmond Virginian.) KING WILLIAM. VA„ Dec. IH.— Circuit Court was In session all last week and several felony casts were disposed <if as follows: Commonwealth vs. J. R. Walton, $100 line; Hits Jones, one year In pcniti ntiary : Isaiah I’eyton, ten years; Collins Hill, fir perjury a-quitted <\ 1 J H maun der* d.Undid Walters at:., m ale a line :m|:->‘hn here H> n. T. E. idfkt.i ’.Untied i ; i .p, and from the out* one vof the ate he may e eai'.e ’ h • in Court will continue all this week. Mr. T. A. Herly advertises all of his norm ,al pr> perty at auction De ern r 1; an ‘ expects to leave the county about January 1. Messrs. J. D. Gresham, L. L. Little page and John i-ncy are applicant* for tho ’ post-office made vacant by j the resignation of Mr. T A Her by j on January 1. DETAILS OF RIVERS ' AND HOD BIEL' ESTIMATE* BASED OS ACTl Al HE HI IREMESTS OF WATERWAYS > SITCATIOX. ’VVAriHIXOTON, L>. C.. Dec. 12.—Esti mates for'O^er and harbor improve ments for the* fiscal year to end July 1, 1012, as submitted in the annual report of General W. H. iiixby. chief i of engineers. I' S. A., made public to-day. aggregate $22,227,861. The estimates, the report states, are , made particularly low, as it is ex- j peoterf that In the future this work will be provided for by a fixed an nual appropriation. Only 211 pro jects are selected by General Iiixby as worthy of an appropriation next year. Of the total estimate made, it is proposed to spend 10 per cent, on the resti ration and maintenance of completed works In 136 localities. | The hulk of the remaining money is to go largely for work on the Ohio, i Mississippi, Detroit, Hudson, Dela- ; ware and Columbia rivers, and to eleven of the most Important harbors. Among the more important esti mates are For the Ohio For work on locks and dams, $1,550,000; for operating expenses, maintenance, etc.. $2,000, 000. Besides this. Congress is asked to authorize th< placing of contracts for future work amounting to $n. 000,000. There are two special es timates. one of $155,000 for lock and dam No. 26. and one of <220.000 for open i hannel work. For the Mississippi river, between St. I’aul ami Minneapolis, $250,000; between Minneapolis and the Mis souri river. $1,250,000; between the Ohio and Missouri rivers, $1,000,000; of the Mississippi. $450,000. and pre improvement on the Southwest 1'ass servaticn work "n Southwest 1'ass. $450,000. Cumberland river. $325,000. Tennessee river. $21 out). Delaware, below Philadelphia. $1, 200,000. From Philadelphia to Tren ton, $160,000 Hudson river, $750,000 for mainte nance. together with several smaller recommendations for harbors along the river and local projects. Detroit river, Livingstone < hannel. $250,000; general improvement. $275, 0 0 0. • Columbia rivet above Oelllo Falls to .«n;lki river, $25,000; Cellb, Falls to the Dalles Kaplds, $600,000; be low Portland. Oregon. *150.00"; mouth of the river. $060.00o. CORN SHOW 1‘HIZK W 1X N 1'ltS \ X NOI X( I I) STAI’XTO.V. VA.. 1 H?c. 12.—The fol lowing wcrt- the prise-winners In th> Augusta rounty corn show announced at a late hour Si jrday evening: Heat white corift sweepstakes, J. H. C. Orasty; second. Julian Pratt, Jr.: third \Y. \V. Sprout, member State Hoard of Agriculture; fourth. U. T. Thompson. Heat yellow corn, sweepstakes, A IV. Covine; second. J. It. Clayton: third. J. K Kemper; fourth, ls.uu ! J. Keister. Winners of special prises were J H. Clayton. W. A. McConih, K. 1* Hemp. J. W. Croft and Todd Hros. The prises w« re all handsome. The success of the event was most gratifying, the exhibits being of a high order and the attendance good. The show closed Saturday night C1IIXCOTI *« I K <‘V It r.csivi-:‘ s ,, i.u j\vi st. (S»f l'| •*> • - •:» c ' !'F r I MM. , \ . t ' - There I a I ■ ( n a it ' i the r ! u<;n.t‘ at i 1 ! e e T)-<> ' i '-ro - < mt ti i t f ■ vi saed 1 Tj in! bags daiy The Pennsylv ar l« P. 1 !ro >d Company h ,t *c r ccmre'Vd *o add two men to Its force in its ofBte and three to Us forte on the wharf, and has the tub Monitor of Mr. W. M. Needles. The schotter Vye is also taking on a cargo of three thousand bushels of oysters, for New York. The Ijidles.’ Missionary Society Of the Haptlst church will hold their regn Inr monthlv meeting Tuesday afternooa at the home of Mrs. Olivia ItoMlfWH) S 10 Barton avenue. Mrs. WilllnghglB. the wife of the Hev. K. J. Willingham, the corresponding secretary of the Bap* : list Foreign Hoard, will addreea the S**" . i letv. her subject being, "A Chrletm** in China." Mrs. Willingham made «* tour of the foreign flelds a year or WJ afire in company with her husband. All ladles are cordially invited to attend. , The Epiphany Guild will stive a can dv pull Fridav night. the l«th, at th* home of Mrs. Ingalls, *01 Harton nuc. tiih t otTiMKD n( rc«» ny A Hit ItMUKU BOOK. “Short Stories and Hoetris.’ by th#. Itlchmond authoress. Nolllo H. Owen, • published in August. 1909, continues meet with marked success. It Is y> t receiving favorable comr from various newspaper* and perk cals, of this and other States, aa e. as from many Individual scholastic critics. ... . _ This book was written, published distributed by Hlchinond people. r Richmondj 'I 1 ( . N I ii. i H ' fr ii-t i >M Brandt Office: louiU) ton, Washington The Urpwt and beat a* m Gold Glas bought as Xmas C changed to suit No Extra Charge C,£?6U£Cptica£ Opticians of the beat1 ill Hast Broad To the Womei of Virginia If vou are a reader of RICHMOND VIRGINIAN wish to make some pin quickly, please send your name , address to THE RICHMOND AC,El r. O. Box 4vj, P. S. -If you can not find i interest yourself, perhaps yq§| a son or daughter that l some spending money for i .So vou can send in their m 'MM W. N.inor Woodward. Steward M. Wit