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IOKMOR PLEASED WITH HOIS' WOHK lHIKI KXKtTTlVi: «.K\TIHW* OVER I\TT KI>T IN \t.HRT I - TTRE SHOWN IN \l - t.l ST.\ CO* N IN l>” l»r 2*. irrrn mot1, • rn an «<*r* pnjrr-w-nm <>n attm ! .nd man'f •: i»: - r K r «>f thinp* V, 'V‘- C : ■' .• T‘i «**nt*nt with 1 t #»r th>'- nmn i tUC< «*{' it. t ■ lnnicnwly pleased with th<‘ \ ogu^t:* County Corn Chih v nrK hi* h . he saw In Staunton Saturday "hen I* delivered a speech there -r Mann returned to htsi.dv*K M n.i*'. He declared he Was greatly gratified to note increasing mt.-r-st among th" farmers ot Augusta • unty in ngrtou’ tore and «ai.i I no.ait > v r 1 to the Stab "They have sum- of th< dn*st land in th< Mat-, in Vugu*'.* *■'»"> lh governor, and they gr..** g--*"! The boy *vh * won th* than 1«» to.»he!« •* It is » fir sign • farmers in a :• agricultural n ‘tint tcreat in * Th« im for thi n an ’ h product iv. land 1 nhat he i* d.vr.g t with poor 'and and atud? tnten«ltb d farming in \e* «t however lh-v >r. g< re r gV ah< »d end n.-twtthrtandir.. *h- 'r g • ->S Ion and lar*- yl« Ids «h > ir.- n t ■ ■•nr. n nut are aft* r tin •method makine th*ir farms prod ny.r Gov>rr, >r Mar.n sain in Saturday s meeting nt hi--h < -mmo aioner of 'arie-.Tlti.r- Kiln* r t 1 >f intensified farming w .»uM r suit In the- «PJ> i: tmeut o’ ;> • >-.uttv agent in Nugnsln T’bs th- e- ' er nor declared -■ h- ':• in. r. tti - any other v'r.e - ’ nr tlint doc* The < :r,l :-,c- f n \ • • ginla. Inn ha ! <1 !.-■ -••’ ■ rmmrk.i!-i) irm-id work. The g, nt i. nano .1 th. t'ttltrd Board • \eri*u’.t. r ■ r-nb •! under an a.-' •< *h< last b giiint >r ■ from th- thro. i--«t no — ( It; the ounty n h hr is t ■ >f Ilia ralra* Is ?' " a year, ha trMeh is pa id •1 nt and half by the united board tt-« dutv is to give a | poaaitde instr - -tioc In farming to everyone in the o.-mt, •• b "ante it. and to go to th* h.»rr.. s of tndoir jgf- farmers and explain 1n detail. on m er and with rnaehfner' in the tle|*l. ^^^_tever t)>.- lurid -n n r • irhes to MOW. There are thirty -fo .r • mitv agents work at present Henri.--, is the ».*niy nearby county nhieh ha« not a( jMjinteU one. MACMCItliAN 1'Hr.VHI.s former method nm <o\ VERMON '!OHr. EPKE<TR I Conversion* obtained In the Sun day KhO''! are ttir more lasting and enduring than those r> suiting from re meetings, according t-> Hew It ,M Mat-la/hlan. paMor of tin Seventh street Christian church. I>r. Mai lachlnn cniphasibed tui point In the course of a talk at the Railroad V. M C. A Honda' after noon. Child™ n win- Iwimn Chris IlMi through the inrtm r>■ -<f tin Sunda; s'-honf make loiter and mar* desirable church members in ever; he said than persons won to the cause of Christ during i v itenicni Incident to many revivals l)r. sire»«,.,i i Hi.'* lad the purpose of shotting tin p<>vet of the Hun da; school find not thmugn desire to tv hack ret It rIs in b*u. eral. Some of the questions answered i.t tver< Is there such a thins ns nvereloii fan character is- . hang 7 la the change sudden t gradual' In some eases, J > kj • St, I'hiiI'*, h* showed that tin* change l« sadden in others It conn s gradually, verj much as light comes in through a window h»-n the Idlmis arc slotvly opened. number of questions ft- in tin Audience were propounded. loit tin minister hail no dlf(lenity in answer big them read!!; and to the < ntin satisfaction of the rpn-sttoners. Rev. l>r. Janos i'ann»n In a brief talk, egpressed his heart' appr-e ,v O the question method ns practii - d at the meeting, declaring that it ses.-m bled ninnitar intth" 1- practiced b Christ. meeting was opened with | t.r Mr. liruce M Incur. of f|u ag of the International *• ereiari. Mr. Minear left for .New A ■.r • q. r day morning Takes tke Place •f All Otker HI*Kt 1AI. SKKVK KS IIKI.I* IN IION ok vrw rwrou <>i u k.ii vtih:ft. A nioM Ik ait> >•••!“ . •tl Rl\ . I <r John J. \V1 in r. tin m l«Mur of l>«-l)fh Str*pl Ihuiilvi i Imr.-h •t f.-rvi< hr hi Suml.-i ' ■ftnlt. Mlnhtrrs 1!i< I kijif ,**t n>Ki >th*-r d< n .miitjth'tifi nut tn i|>ut.>tl m th«- Krrvh'i.- K.\. 1: I. r, ,,| H K'TtJitlJI •(] M-li.tloli n.HovhitJ thr «»p*nlnir hymn. and in- mi i*T.ii,.v .j fay Rt't. J K. Joltnaou .vith I'taw-r, Mr. J:. K. Winfri • . of u,. .j. „ COM. •xi.-nd.-d tin ..tin on the jj#rt of ill” i lini. h. Othf-r tnlnirtr-rn parti, ipunity r. . Hit. tjr-rald ftili.i t-Kon. HtfV. W. tj. Hall. lU t H. il l’ou». I!, v. \V i’ jimih T>r. i’otoHt. of Kurinun I'm. vtsnrity. Orennville, S as a!... >jr»#cnt. , In hi» response. Dr. WJr-ker referred t io tk* fa< t that h. Baa • ilut at* <1 at Richmond t'olley. . hud murried a Richmond Kiri, and In was JouM; |M. to- he in Ku-hniond otne mor One of the feature? ■ i tin 111.1t fi la* w«» a solo h> Mr t ‘. W Hunter. rt'PlWftlfaily f'tr; a .-at In tin- <-hnr. h 6 - filled. mnr m TWO YEAK 8 tin of re fsxuse salve r ittf solely M it sow to tut Cnmp, "wM ft.#!:. _1 (ttwi )t« ®#tI? a to m> OS8. Always _ i i%Pt“y •• It k‘e. Saw at* okI« tt, c» s«*i t , •». 91JOO ffelwlh JtIUf tin. *. H.C DR. WICKER IS CIYEN VERY CORDIAL WELCOME Schwnrui'hild Bnm. Appropriate and Elegant Christmas Gifts I tilt •iNment ‘’I < lmMtn.1-" iHi» •* now .-it it tx'-'i. :*n<i select imi nuv hr h;i<I ;ii th«* most ri-ti'<»n a Wo prior \\ < urg- your ir^section non. so a.« to iivotil the crow dine at the l.-t moment We are .-hwina llu> newo*; and tm>M rvlilsrio effort“ in Broot he*. Necklace*. Locket*, sitter BajJ*. Watches. Bracelet*. Kind*. La Valller*. Card Purses Diamond*. Schwarzschild Bros. Jeweler*. Broad and Second Street*. WHITE IS NAMED FOR CHIEF JUSTICE • .• row a fr«»m Kirvt 1 *ar*• • t. . > . ear.*, Ar-'lii-uiti. t nir< 1 > \r oil. i out arr <*n • •fnfii-'rr*/- ^• v:rI; Hunt. ninth < \r a it. threw y»*ars **n uomm*w< * ;rt t'arianri. »dtfht circuit, tw.> ars ti romin-r*’-' f.-urt. and Ma^k, «e* unto * lr« t:n on** y-ar on romnvT *m»rt President Tuft Tan at hr«*t dotw mtned t- *#»lect Arthur « J unison f»>x thfs r>mm* r- eourt It wa* .)!«- o\ or-*1. h'>Wf'V'*r. that Henis'di* app'dnt m*-nt would havo given Mhhtgan three rrprementat!v r« on th*' « 1r< >ilt b**neh. In order to ohvjat* th!*- President Taft i ho»o i *arland. ft i- und^rtitmm] h*sr • that "to* of 5h<- •'*i>Jo< t*t of Archbishop Ireland's • aM at th< Whit*- Mon**- a for.- week* air« wa» to nr st*- .1 «ti * Whit o’* • !o v.itfon to the ohlof Histberhlp. White i« a d* «*ut Tinman Cathallr. WAHMtNdTON, l> <’ I *• 1In the aiiroimr.-niotit that AftwoejaP .fun *we \\ hfte has been «ho**Mi Hiief .Ins ijoo of tli*' i'nlt'd Htat*-K niHnj people here 10-flflv *?* • th- future posM hlllt' of W illiam Howard Taft ' **t f»<-r*«rn I»l!fth1ne his known ambition to bold tint! tin While I ft *>r» years old and i n -t In tho h <*t of health. H*’ will haA *• r^neh ofi tin time of j »* *r4«i i»lo rettr**meni within five years Taft’s friends be lieve that in en«** of u vucamy in the. rhir-f just ieeshlp. after Taft Wfives th** i•rosjd*,?u*y. In would h* the most for ! midrib’*; ‘ undjdMto. They contend Huh ttdft true whathor the President ft? that iinu- should b* .* Democrat ur Kcpunlu mi, Pro* uont Tuft i :« 1 fifty thro,. v*-Hr« old and m mimst health. When Whit*- im s**\*nr Tart will I** titty - -k’u. If Taft should not s»rv. mor** than * -m t* ■ r! i In th* Whit*.* H-'iin'1 his friends now 1-dh‘V" that. he is almost o.-riar: to Miu *o*od to th* chief Justly ; ship. jtiftth-t Wi nto hjaft !’«•« ii in tin- hand®1 of ph;-*d« iaiis f-T y*‘V« ral > • n s 'Pho p< ,•* d-Uit >• ct tho asS4>nato Justi* * shin ' oj^hoo poa,\ ily »«n him. unit his • mint- l*.:ir that U“ tdoo-i duth-ft <• i in h nho.«t j i id no a i posohm ma> so im rrii, o his o;tr«‘s as to nll* « t. }ji.s pn> st i a I w * i tar < An AifomplislKil Man. A man •*! f.roat wealth ami fcri • f*t loirning. ^dth Ionic junnml • • p-rt ♦ ru « . K*i\vard iHngifiss v\ ni»« . v. no is to prosid- mi. r tn* nation s litwh' >t tri»um;»l, is known t-> hi* n n-Tids .*(•' "th'* ni"d ;h - • mpJifthuti man >*n fin Tu rn li in Arm'rh lj,- ha yuafft «*! ;ig. At th** pri * »>nt tim* hi»* howlth i* n*»t -o ptroim a« it wns during th* iast r»rnu whmi h<- w ;h known m* on** of th* most •^irantioun *d thn nut 1 *•* Among hts unupio is tlmt. of rcn*iM< .ting a. * as* a ■•••..rdtnir t*» th* \ r.-n h «-o*if. in that lungimg- . and -*t oxtampoi anoously «hdi\**rif»K his opin ions l U- Ir th*- oniy justi* n now on tho 144*11 <-Ii who i xpinlns Tii' opinions v. ithoiit h"U i-. Th** nev. chief Jnstb •* ovmi* hug plnntntlonM in hi« native 8tnt«* #»f I,.tu. j-ihum. and married n. Misx Hibson, a wealth} Ionian, II* lx. how. v. r. a man <»■; Htr.pb* t;i«t**« ami democratic itints Hi* and Justice Holmes- the ♦ nr a U; d • in rh*-v - *o| In? ft, ttx Ibpublnan gen* rnll.v walk t*» and from the court. f -gethei Whitt Ih mi her stout and haw small twinkling lit- speak* with u Southern unnit, and has an odd iti df‘<'tion in delivering opinions, start , ivipc off « ith ii xt-nUMi'#* In a full tom d rumbling b*w*«. ami con* luding in a l»und> audit*)*- baritone. 11* lx v*»r\ popular among Ids colleague* mi the In n* H t h • Supreme t\*url bar ami jth erupt -’. s at the < ‘apitoj \ (though a Pomoefat. Whit** has ;t ' decided tr» rid t >v ard lU?pul*lh aninin. lit* is independent iii thought and a* - tion. lit* support* t! ttir Income t.a\, - stnlmd th»- .Kovt'rrmit’Ht’t position In th*- famous insular < ah-«, hut ua~ In thu minority against thf K^UTnirntii in tht North*? n S* rurities uv, .Ib is an auth'-rit.' 'mi !’« <j«*rnI p*\'.*r~ tinrl Jurixdi’ti -n, as v.ell ns «»n admi ralty hi' . Mr>. Whit** o - nr nnit li \ Hlua'il.' r* al • 'tat* . including a half interest m th* building at l itth uvt-nuo ami Hr--ad wn\t N< w Y*>vU. •*upl«*d l»y Martin s restaurant. That building alone i h* l*i at * * 11 r million dollars. lt|W«t«-<l |0 \ |t|M lj l| ( Hllghi w. Jt Una h arm'd to-dav upon un <) I* Mi'Mial'lf authoilt that I’rcrtldent . Taft up to vesterday expected to ap- t P‘»mt Argorlat'* Justice Hughe- to th chief Justice .ship, i »ppi*Hlti«*n to Hugh**#, it was burn * d. iamr fmm Judic ial quarters, and it is » v. n hint**! that th** mrmhsrs o' th* Supreme t'outj, so tar overeame th* ir dignity as to allow th* word to be j*a>s»*l in a roundabout way to th** l‘r* sid* nt that th* v would n»t i *. pi* us* *J. Th‘-r- a - s jch t* htiP al obje* tp.i, t * th* election of th** young*-M mem b* r *if th# bench to thf # hi*fs chair, and some foiling of resentment on j th* part <d' th*- older member* of the ' b* n* h. Th- r«* wax ft strong fe«*!liig in favor o! nior \ * •< iat«* Ju«dh i fiar lari • *tlo r **;.po,;ti •• to 1 ogho*. on ins bri '■ jndp mi *• xp»-rb-ti< **. also r*fti« h* *! tin pr»*y|<j«'-Hi It was b arn#*] that Wall dio i ***i iiy *»tft. , . • , t** prevent Hugh' s i’rorh being ap pointed. Tan an n*»t fa\*>rabiy »iis j pos*d toward liarian on. ac* uunt *»f , | hi < advanced age. aeyent.* -aeven years White was th«. j;**xt member of th*> -! ruurt in point **; Mervity, and ax White and Harlan t»r< great frienda. hi i-ie* lion '‘-as df**ai*d ratls?a*.t*^rv • all yr'-umi. ***nat«; Maj Act l^roui}itl>. It \# probable that the senate wi!! *peedi!> confirm the president • non.' - natjohii. pi * hit h care Ju*tb * Whitt and I'cnintfr and T.atuur will aw uni Inlu their new place* «>n the reconvening of the supretm i-e’irt after its holiday r-' i w on .Inn uary The law , routing th. e..miner. • eo.irt provided for the appointment by the president of live new olrrnlt judges to bo assigned B". judges Of the new curt. In rare of future wtuui rie*. eireult judge* will h assigned to tile rhlet Jiiftlv. of tin: nupren curt Th. np|."l!ii.,f> t > the • >>ni rn, r ' curt .ha' e life jot a .<• .'ip ill judges. ■'Mi mi rsi.ii.' . ■ miner. commis sion. whleh ,* left w itlmtlt lie IT■ soling member l.v the promotion >>r • hairman Knapp will it If > I. •< t his successor WALL STREET IS PLEASED WITH WHITE MIW YORK. lieu. 1"—Wall Street 'lew* the selection of \efmiate JU“ tlee White to he rhtef Justice of the I tilted States with grattltoatiun lds cumlng the «uh.i<>< t to-day, the New York New*, organ of “Th. htr>... . ■ .. under a Wn*hingb»n date lln “The solrdoUl of .'o tii . White j should be r. garbed w itii talitlH tloti , »«> all ronaervativ. . \mong ro(i»on» • for this conclusion. two stand out pr.>nttnentl>. “Klrst— fteormite In a (treat legal mind, a profound knowledge .u ■ onetitiiti.ii-.itl law a. v rj *denr and ineirh e judgment, together with a knowledge ... precedent and iln iriot.e ..f the i ourt i Mending mvi many ; ear*. “St oid - li.-etuif.t liie b. iit fif inind , « each ae t ‘ make him an unbiased 1 inlge unmoved hv popular clamor ] h- ii if eomea to deriding upon large ipieMlona involving individual liberty and rights of propertj. It i« not wise to try to fix a .’fis tic a possible pttitwde ,.u future ea*rs b. hie past decisions, tint It Is poslblc t,. sir. up n. justice's ganeral mental , altitude. • tin this basis Justice White Is re garded by the bar a« possessing ..tie of the greatest legal minds of this generation. Right* of proper!" and tin. rights of the humblest individual ■ ill alike receive fair treatment In the decisions reached t.y ids dear brain.“ Society Mr. William I’. S. Mayo ami Mr. Will la m f’niimr will had the german Monday evening In th" Masoni.' Tom |i). . when the Klehmond (icrmin Club "ill glv. Its 11 rat entertainment of inr M-iu*oti. An unusually poptilnr and prominent bevy of debutante* "'ill I" I.r. anil'll nt tills g. rmnn. whb li '.'.111 I" probably the most **de. t and beau tiful among (hi daiin' that "111 la gl vi n l. tin- t lub this season. H..'"ration* will be in pink, tin debutant- rotor, in l»otb tin ball room and dining room, "lib palms and srni hi\ lisf d to glv. a bit of , entrusting gr. ell. Thr didmtantrs. ns has brrn thr ruatoni for y.-ars will br the Iwn oi-fl guests at thr ilrst "Monday." Imitations Out, Mrs. '[’alleyrand llartlrtt, id' X* v\ York, lias issued Invitations to the marring, of hrr daughter. Agnrs, to Mr, Howard la* M'Ttaln. l'ortnrrly of this l it', bill now ronnlrctrd with on. 0 th. Western universities. thr . er< loony lo take plan' on Puturda1 rvfti Ing. I'n.-mbor 17, at 7 oYlork, at thr ‘ oountry honm ol (lo- In id. * mother lu X'm Voj-k. Mr. and Mrs. William Mi Haiti. par . nls of tbr groom-. Ir.'t: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whitt't aim .Mr. W. 1' .M. Main, "f this i;il. . "Ill go to N. u York i tor tip w* dding. ( clclinilr nrtUdli \iinitrisary. Mr. and Mrs. William Hum'll Joins ••ill la- Inlorntally at liomr to their i friends at th"jr r. sld.-te • oil I birton 1 (rights Tu.'S.lay ..filing. li. . . inner !... from s t" lo o', look, tin o. , asion •ring tin- fiftieth anniversary ot their nmrrlag. . Wedding of Mill'll Intrrrsi. Imllatinns huvr bn n ... In i. •irotn In. and Mr* Th. ..dorr I'reling btivfrn Hr Witt for tin murrluge of th.'lr daughter. Horer. to Mr. Jeffrrson lluy rs Hurl* on thr nft>-rii.»>u .of Wed nesday, He. ember its. at I oVlo. k, in Ht Stephen* rhur.di. t'olorndo Springs Col. Mr. Hails is tbr grand son of President 1'avia, and hi" mar riage is unusual interest throughout tile South to tin friend* of bis futbrr, ns well as his own. hut especially so in Richmond. the capital ..f tlv- e'on f. (let ary. Will Mark UolHTtson Hospital. Mr. John P. f.ightfoot, jr. will muk" tin addr. ss oi tin on usfon 'Tuesday afternoon. l>.u <mb.r 11. I When a tablet marking tin- sit,. ,,f til. K d>rrt*oii Horpltal, at tin northwest .corner of Third and Main stmts, will hr unveiled by th" Coat"d"tat' .Me morial Literary So. l.-ty at t oY|... k. Mr l.lghtfoot Will reliit. the history ■ •I this hospital, w hi eh In .linrge "f Miss Sally Toini.kiiis during the Confederate wui. Tin- Veil will be drawn l.y Miss Tompkins, who lives now- a! til" Confederate Home lu lilis etty. Mi. llennlo, chaplain of the Sons of Confederal. Veterans, will jm-sid. ! over the ceremonies, mid w ill offer a praye r. The Hollywood. 'takw and br.w Meinorlui Vssnciutinn. all Con , u derate organ iitutlolls. of tile rity, and the publie ai r united to attend this unveiling'. This is tin third tablet to 1- un veiled by til" sites committee nt the i onteii. ruto M.-niot iul Literary Society wlii. li will noils tin liiatotnul sites in and a bout Richmond . . itin.eted with I the v nr of '(! 1 (o 05. Miss Hedge* to Eentsrtsin. Saj ■< a XoriV lk pttpet : "Miss ftosi - bud House". will entertain ai bridge at 11:30 o'clock afternoon at In r residence in fritockley Hardens in Inmo.- ot Mis, William l.udwell llald win. “ta- at tin' season's brides." Alins llodg.-s, win has lr**nm*ntly , het ii tin K'mst ..i Mrs Mann at tin i ■ \< ' litivi- nuiiisinu. is w. II 1.1 wn Ik-ic, Lambeth—Bolling. At tin- residence of Mr. and Aits. Samuel Ai 1 Jolllf»it. In Bedford City, an imprest.hit wedding eeremoni was celebrated at A o'clock Thursday after- ' noon, when their daughter. .Miss Mar garet Walker Rolling. was united to Air. Sen del Rnnmerlield l«.n.lotli, Jr., tin- lit v, S. S. Lambeth, I >. 1 >,. the tatlli r of the groom, porb rmihg the ■ erennu >. The Marring. wa> very simple and i,diet, the immediate nietnhn s tif the, i two la rallies la i i IK present. ' The bride was attired i.i a stylish ^ -hit *»i o dark, rieii red hue, with hat: Mid gloves In i on espoml, well adapt ed I" ner brunette t pe in li<.anti . she ■ - .1 II .-I a tt 1 a ■ t i ■ e ' IIIIUK la-lr and i ohS* o' ll ilislbiKuiHlied lineage. Her 1 11hr.', who is tile < 1**1 k ■ 1' the I'hcdlt Court "• Bedford. Is i son of the late Air. Robert Bolling .whoa.- home, ••(Vn ler Hill." Ill Petersburg. was one of the, most, fomouH and elegant or the man- ; slons lr. Virginia. Her grand- : father, Mr. Holcomb, «,* tnr founder of Bellevue High School in Bedford. Mr. Lambeth Is a young attorney, who nne ..ears since moved here from I Norton;. Jn addition to h'» legal prac tlce. no hold* the position of district' rupef isor of schools for Bedford. At the conclusion of the wedding Ha n, ,’ij a d »1nr> supper tea* served, nftcr which M*. nr»d Mrs. Lambeth' dim** i* (ho station titm! took the cast- •• bound Momphio special for a wording >Mir? rpoj* their return they will b«* "hi l.onn ’’ at the hardto.m Main- , b* th home hi Avenel Plflco. Alt j •> gh no In'Matlobs were issued, they w< rr the r« • lpi<Ms of a targe and varied n l!i*> ii"H of beam If ul and * alu.i h pr» sent*. In Honor of Mu* Old I. . Marry Ao’omjiI ttrinklr> v. ill * nt* rt in Ht bridge followed b\ a tea, to . b. given HutunJa> afternoon, l>» ii'n.'tf r 17, at her , pnrtuent. hi the' Hoteiourt. Norfolk th* occasion being in lion *r of Miss All* «>ld. w lii'Si1 nuir rla^' Mr. Wlilimn M. l>ey will be a brilliant social »*v«nt of this month, inking place on 1»< . »>niber Miji • Katherine You go, of this elty. • \* im v. Ml ho maw) <>f honor nt Miss, old's wedding, i* n.»w visiting the, in ah -eh 11 in' Norf'dk. when* nho Is : *nng delightfully • nt£rtnined. MissFiit<TU*lnr«l. Mk« Gladys Mnrunetclu was given a far-well party Saturday night at h« : Ik'Uv*. til If Milkr avenue, by a number of h"r frit-mb. The hou •'.an Ve-autiruih uiid tastefully deco fated in holly and mistletoe, the faint* * d'*r« b# ing carri» d «ojt In the refresh- { merits. Mi« s' Martt n> t**:!. ' a* nasicied in j receiving b> Mira Mouie S.e.*i\. '’’he I feature of the oVfi :ng v the flute* >» b * rendered 1> Mi. K>n/n* Quaries. i whlb* ganns and ua;i« ing afforded amusement ^or tl" giirrts. Those present were: Miss*.** Kutii burrow. Kathleen o’Hanu*.n Marian Wallace and I.oulre Sea}; Messrs. fer<v Farr, | Frank Farrow. Versa! Ikt-kburn. 1*' rcy Yarborough. K**n.zie Quarles and Austin Mart»-n«teln. Miss Martens! -in '' ill loti' e Tu ' •>- 1 da* for an extend *d Western flip, t. O. r. Notvw. Th* hiclimoml • dapter, F. I*. F.. is invited to attend the mu iling • >f J the tablet marking tl:** site of the J ltohertfon hospital, on Third and ; Main streets, Tu* sday. Pecvtnber 111. j at 4 P. M Th regular meeting of | the Uichmond Fhapmr will be at Me* j I'amp Mull Wednesday at 11 A. M . when question* importune. will *•* m * h« fore the < iiaptvr. liridge I arty. Friday afternoon Mr?. P. U. Wnn■ >r. ( f Tloaiiokrr; • ntf'rtuined a few friends informally at bridge in honor of her house guei-t, Mt*« Lbie Trneauale, of j Philadelphia. Four tables* were en gur'■‘<1 in the game and at its eonolu rf< n a delicious luiu he< n was rn- i toyed. Mrs. Weaver’s guests were Mr.*. S. J >. Shackleford. Airy. Lynn j Hammond, Mrs. J M. 1‘Mleiffh, of Richmond: Mrr. Clifford Tice, Mif. William Watts. Misses Rena Kvans, ■ ,b«n Watt*. Man Tice, Cnrlotta Kin tired. Sarah Cox*. Willie T>nn. Mae McWhorter. Josephine Koehler, Mary Butler Evans. Mrs. Weaver was assisted in receiv ing by Mra. J. T Strickland. Prr^onaN. Mi-y Helen Campbell, who has been visiting here, ha.-- returned to lmr home in Pulaski. Mr. and Mrs. J. If Stuart, of Elk Harden, Va , hav. arrived in Wash-, i tig ton. and are nt the draft* n. Mrs. Harry B. Wavland. of Albe marle. anil tor lit'1. children ar - here !<• a pen 11 the < ‘hri-uicts holiday1* with her pan-nia. Mr Mini Mr>. (Jideon dav enport, of \\'« .-l Franklin street. Miss Louise Richards* n. win* has b.-en spending several months in Ty ler. T xas, with friends. is expected to return t<* Kiehuemd about !)»•* <•111 b. r L’e. She ha.- recently made a delightful tour through the State, staying for a while on a large ranch. 9*0 j Mrs Thoina* ladling has returned* to Richmond after a visit to frit nds ! in Nftt A oik and in Iaiuwar*. * • • Mr. Chari* s Sutton, Jr., has gone 1 t.* Newport \« \> •* to attend the mnr- j rlage < f hie sifter. Miss Nona Sutton, to Mr Eugene IJ Lskey. wlri-h \\:U lake* place next Wednesday. TWINTV-1 HI VOl'THS IN 1.1ST IN nmisTi w ( u sk vr mak slIAU.-M UKKT CIU HCII. A boys’ brigade, compote d of twen t: -ilvn <.f th- boys ot f tio Hundny rehool ot th< Marsha H-Street Chrr - linn i huri-li. - ns organized under v**r.' favorat'li c ireumstances on tiun da.v nia>rii«iiii. A very interesting talk to th" h" was made by Colonel W. 11. IhMT' II i ho was followed hy a drill hv th- < "mptiny of the Seventh Street Christian ehureh. tinder eom ilinnd of Major Hubert* Fleet. \V. If. Iloln.on will be commandant of the new i impany, while. V,'. .VI Fugard ha- n at leeted ns captain, (With Frank Ho1 .« m first lieutenant. 1 The cotnpi.tiy 111 meet again in the ehuri It on Krt.iny night. when a eom l plete organization will he perfected. Ah "ifi r is non oeing made to * ' lire the organization of a boys' bri gade in i'll r . httreh In Itlehmond t" beeoiti" numbers of the I'nited I'.rlgnd" of America. The object Is to give mllitnr training: and religious rdtiintlon t " th. i>o> s of the country. Th" hriffnd" is now a military or ganization in the sense that th" im»'hi lesome d< sire for war Is to he inutileated, but Mils feature Is merely to attract-the b is. to (five them ath letic training i d to teach them the Value of illl.rijil.'Ue. The evening - rvlccp of th” eongre g, ti"ii were ■ -ducted by (he mem bers of the Paraca Haas, addresses being made b Kev. J. T. Watt* and til' pastot. I: tdaorge AY. Kemper. SUGGEST Mil. CATLETT US NEW ASSISTANT fUIiL\l>s OF loRMKR ASSISTANT, ATIOKW.Y GENEHAI, BKMKVK i UK TAKE OFFICE UIAIN. I I orm<T Af-slstant Attorn **>' General Hubert Cati-tt - name has been given Attorney Genera) Snmuel Williams an a probable r. fptent of the offiee made vaeanl by the death of Assistant At torney General w. E. Blbh Saturday. Although Mr. I ’atleft opposed Mr. 'Williams In the primary tor Attorney j ;, the !,uier received the sup- • geetion of h , rxttvhlle opponent's name w 'th e. >. in- upprcekitlnn of hit> worth to la r and l!tn. "n for the ol life. Mr. Wlllifif ,id hetore taking of fiee that he ' appoint n Confed erate soldier or the won ot one as his assistant Mr 1 mlett does not comet 1 in that elans, h it he is a grandson of ■ : Patrick Hein The Attorney General has the names4 of several other men bet ore him. It j Is believed he will select the succes sor to Captsm Hibb from among the i lawyer* in th» Southwest section of | the State. Mr. Williams will not name i Ills assistant tor several days, however, put of respect lo the memory of Can tfiiii Bibb. OPENS HEM! BUT SOONEETS STEM litio ta i.ak tone; vr opkmnu «*l ,\l MtKKT. IU*T EATER SOME STOCKS SHOW HEIGHT RECOVER',. NEW VOliK, I* 12.— After it lit tle Irregularity nt the opening of the slot 1; market to-day, a heavy tone de w-lop,-d, hut tlii m.if.-f soon .*<<-a died mid nt the end of the first fifteen mitutus some stocks showed slight recoveries. Disposed to Taka Star 3ida. Eat i* the. market developed a firmer tone, wtth recoveries of part of the early losses. There tvns n general dis position to take the bear side, much being i inde of the tail of labor unrest. Ope of |*r. sklent Taft s Supreme Court pomlru.iloiis. It eat .said, also has often filled against corporations. <o.\. rmnnr.t bonds .ire unchanged; other bonds dup. The eon! stocks were the tiro rig fea tures of trading nil through the late forenoon. The market held brut after noon «nd e, her. i hn io;.-t ui importance oe enrred they were in the simp. of frai tioimi advances. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Op**rt. CTorod. i Au.f'ii- an B< sr Sugar . ... . 3) 4 ) A.-,). Agr. ('how. (•'». A!!1? Chair. . . Alira-Chamber*. p:d ....... I AImalgama'cd CYppe. . . t*4 At | American Can. ... . ' American Cun, pd. 77.’* I American Car A I dy.. 4k * ."O i 1 American C ar & Fdv, pfd.. ! American Cotton Oil... .... \rocrkan Locomotive.. Arnrrican Locome!ive, pH. . A mer icon Smelling. A mer. an Fuagr. Amer. Ta!. ar.l 1 d. I • American Tobacco, com. . . American Tobacco, phi Anaconda Copper. . Atchison. . Atlantic Coaafi Una. Baltimore and Ohio. . Brooklyn Rapid Transi* . Canadian Pacific. Cheaspeake and Ohio . . . Chicago Great Writ#rn . . Chic. Mil. and St. Paul . . Chi. and Northeaster?*. . . C. G. W .pfcl . Central Leather .. Colorado Fuel and Iron. . . Colorado and Southern . . Co’o a“»d South., let phi. . Col. and S'Ufh., 2d pfd. . . Consolidated Gas .... I Meware and Hudson Denver and Rio. I . com. .. Denver and Rio Cl., pfd.. ., Distillers’ Sec. Cor. . . .. Erie.. I ric. 1st pfd. Erie, ml pfd.. General Klactric. Great Northern, pfd . Great North. < >re. Ct/s. flltonoia Central. hit. Metropolitan . Jnt. Metropolitan. pfd j hit. Mer. Marine, com. ] Int. Mer. Marine, pfd. * International Paper . .. International Paper, pfi.... j Kansas City So., coin. j Kansas City So.. pfd. i Louisville and Nashville . . Manhattan -.. Metro. Street Railway . . Mo.. Kan. and Teas*. Mo.. Ken. and Texas, pfd. . Missouri Pacific. National Lead . . New ork Central. N. V. Oat. and Western . Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific. i Pacific Mai!. ... ,, Pennsylvania. ......... People’* G*«. . . Pressed Steel Car. Pressed Steel Car. pfd. .. . Uwy. Steel Spring .corn_ Heading..... Republic Iron and Steel. . . Repbuici I. and pfd. . . . Rock Island . Rock Island, pfd. SI-«aa*.Sheffield. Southern Pacific. Southern Railway. Southern Railway, pfd. . . . Tennessee Copper Tests* Pacific.. ■ Union Pacific. . . . ... United States Rubber. ! United States St re I. United States Steel, pfcl. . . Va.-Car. Chemical. Va.-Oar. Chemical, pfd Wabash. Wabash, pfd.... Western Union. ?Cs I na», m'4 iiiK 3v’* 39, ! 7 00U lOu’a ! 105; -J 105', j 74 I 19i” , 10 ' j ro>41 o01, 30 s* | a i 'i as t'.i’, : jj 40* l.Wh> lias-. l-C* 122:, 1914 £3J. 55H 14’, 13.4 .'3 4 .:05, 4-”* 45 4 £2'* u.'U 1*71J 129 129 io:,4 31 US 1471, 30 494. 49:4 1134 lufi at** 24’, 6u 1394 16s', 83 4 734 7J4 02 Cl*4 74 71,4 RICHMOND STOCK UARKI.T Richmond, Va., Dec. 12, 1«10. l'IU V;i. St. OKI. f, * !;. I ■.•.I..a sii, Centuries. .'-h c. & it. nm.jn, snc A. f. K. It Con. Tt 4 p ,..94 c. 4 O. Gen. AI, r. 4»*», 1992 leu ila. I’no. 1 Ht tfc, C. 19; .ii;i Ob. ami Ala. Con. 5a 1845. .10;: Nor. A: Vest Ry Is 1990 ...,9S . . I fcien board Air Line Is. 1850..87 \. •Seaboard Adjustment* 5 p. e.7« .. So. Railway. st 5*. 1894... lor. K. F. & I’. Co. 3b. 193!.*7 Va. Hy. A- P. Co Prof.... Va. Hy. A- P. Ci. Coni .23 At Ian. Count Lino Com.117 ! c. and o.»o ’ Nor anil West Com...97 n. F A P l»lv. Oblig. 270 7;, So. Hallway Pref . 40 He. Hallway, Com. ”4 CM? . lia Flrat National .307u ... Merchants National .675 * ... Nu. Hank of Va .UR Na. State and City ....175 Planters National .«75 . Savins* Uank of Rich d.... IS Va. Trust Co.120 Va. Fire and Marine. 65 Va. Car Client Pref 8 p. 121 124 Va. Car. Chetn Co Com.60i , . .. \H Car Chera 1st Mort. :■*. 1^23 . 100 I SALES. 5.500 Vh (Old) 3s. at 84’. fjc • 1,000 Va. Car. Chetn. 1st Mort. 5s, 100. "n an in un< rnjenl of tiie death of Mr. John c William*. -suitable resolution* wen- pasted and order.*! to hr recorded and published. * * Richmond. Va., Dec. p> 1910 Mil MONO TOH.IPt t) MARKET. Brights—t*nchnnge<!; firm: light ra celptB. Dark hired—New.—Receipts . continue very light and market firm at quotation#. Sun-cured—Receipts con tinue light: market fairly active at 1 price* quoted. P DARK STEMMING—NE7V. Lugs .? 5.00 ® f 7.00 Short I-eaf . 7.00 6 9.00 Lent Leaf .• • • • • 1°0# '3 IS.DO I URDUS SHIPPING—REORDERED I Ll.l*t> . .. #.00 Of 0.50 Short Leaf. ” 00 4f * 50 I.on* Leaf ....... . 9.00 sj); 12.00 Wrappers ... 1“ 00 ‘it le.vv Absolutely Free! A Beautiful Bust of Hiawatha with every purrhuse of $2.00 or more; or a Full Life Size Cherry Boy or Hummer Ciirl. measuring over 4 feet in height given for a purchase of fo.00 or more. We ncnl not dwell uttott tbe Beauties of Italian Art, it is well known and every lady should avail herself of tlie opportunity of sroitring a beautiful present; if you do not rnre for it yourself we will send it to any friend you may select. WHY we do this It was a yirir ago today that we entered into ’your city and the ladies seem to appreciate our efforts to give them beautiful material Hair <roods at Prices consistent with good work and the be«’ of hair- Popular Prices has l>cen our Aim. Now during our Anniversary Sale you do not pay more for your gotsisbut. pay less, fur you will get the advantage of reduced goods in all departments. Ask and see that you gi t your Present. Clearance Sale of Ladies' Fine Hair Goods. The like has never been shown in this city before. We had a very large ship ment of Puffs. Chignons, (.'lusters, but owing to tht expressmen .- Tike in Now York, they vvfre delayed, and just been delivered to ti>. \\T pro|mee to sell you these at your own price. Ladies -liould come early, so as to get th • pick of best shades arid styhs. {'.lusters, regular ifYOO value. nat ural hair. not imitation: suit* price. $.1.50. There nr* 500 in thi- lot. Chignons, regular $v(H) valm nat ural hair, not imlatinn. $5.00 during an In. Chignons, till overhead. !() large puffs, regular $1 IK) value, during • •!• . $2.98. Clusters, Beautiful large ( iu-tt r of Puffs. regular $."1.00, $2..50 tmd *>-.00: during thi- sale, 9Hc. Come arid mv these, the REAL HAIR kind. nevcv heard-of-before price-. Chignons, .all shinies, all -’vie-, regular $4 (M); during this -ale, $1.59. Grey Clusters, $8.<K» value, Is-au tiful natural nil hair, $5.00. Grey Clusters. $5.on \ahn, all hair: during this sale, $5.98. Cold Creams, 'Jnr kind; during sale. 10c. Cold Creams. .'Or kind during sale. 55c. Massage Creams. 7.V hug. ,.r-, 55c. Massage Creams, o»i> I > e< j r 25c. Hair Nets, all mer, 5c. Hair Nets, 2.V kind. 19c. SWITCHES! SWITCHES! SWITCHES! Switches, $1.50 :«ini SI 7"> natural liuir finest ijtiu'itv, 08c, Sw itches. .$2..'tO anil Si’.tH) nm .11! natural hair, not the imitation kind, $2.00 during thi- -ale Switches, $5 IK 1 hind. Ih-cu!itul all hat) natural shade": ihirir? tie- • :i!*■ 55.ON. Switches. >!■', no U-t:n ! '••litehe", all lone natural liter; durum sale, $10.00. Orey Switches. .!! !• 11 .■ Imi’-, liettuiiful mOttral i-.l* nmiar s_’o. $'.!') kind: during *!•■- .", and $:n.on. (•rey Switches. *vOtl a , $5.00. Crey Switches, $5.00 me 55.50. Switches, all natural h-ur. fu'ilnr fvtttl vnltii : tlnritib 'hi- -• ■!■• $5.00. Switches. $in,s! , r,, .. dunne 11ii*! ■■••le. 55.00. Transformations, ill 1 ■■..nd hi ad umler whii‘, S.'idl'.l value; durine $5.08. Transformittitins. *1 im ! m.1; lilt ing thi-- -ale. 82.hO. Richmond Hair Emporium 221 EAST BROAD STREET. RICHMOND. VA. BRIGHTS, onunon * SMOK i*;m Medium . Fine .. f CFTTISKS—Common Medium . i Fine . Fancy . ! FJLLKUS—Common i Medium . Good . Fine . i Off U{ JJO 'u i: oo 11.00 . \ :i 00 l*>. oo 18 -*0 8.00 1 1.00 12.00 14.00 0«* 00 »i o V*»l On ' ! H.i : o « I hlrago (train anil t*rnvl«lup >lnrkri%. rhlfHRn. Ill . T>f»' 1 The leading futures to-day ranc- d a follow* WHK\T Dec.'.ML -.1 May . . '*yt Ju'y .93 \ 0 1 CORN— Dec..46 4* 4.V.„ .M* v . 4 7 *-, 5 7 * ; jui\ .ih\ i: \ OATS— T>«< .11 *4 3 ! H Ma .34 L Juh.3 4 , , . * FORK— Jan. 1910 m«3 .. . M lii&ti— r>f. . ...... Jan. l »»*■** May .i i»0o LARD— Jan. May.0 70 1 •> 7'« • 7HO 1 o: o i o i o ■ * s; HEAR HABEAS CORPUS OF RUSSIAN WOMAN « M» t:; plea. Hint she las l f l/» * li informed <<f the charge against 1 *r a; d that shy tins n>»t b«*en allowed to *■«*?» suit oimse]. l.:a Ctekewloz. now 1« Ik ♦ •cl in tin jail, has n« n gram ■ «’d a writ of habeas corpus by Judvr* Nathan Goff. of the Cnit*d Stun a « ir cult Court. The woman petition* for a. hearing: in Richmond, averting that she earn* . from Russia tlv« years ago and \ . s ; admitted by the emigration authoritb -* She h’taiiie engaged Ii» dement hw-rk and went to Norfolk last month. In spec tor Morton, following his instruc tions from the Department of Com ( mere'' ami Labor, arrested her and ; threw her Into jail in Norfolk The ease will be heard before Judge Goff . « a \Y* dnesday morning. Oo to Convention. Chief Deputy of the I’nited States lutern'il Revenue Service Thomas f\ Meany. in company with Collector Lowry, left Monday morning at noon i for Washington to attend the conven ! tion of the National Internal Revenue Officer* to he held in that e1t> M« nda: , and Tuesday (DEEM IS GHEES i FOB TRIAL HERE HKOlGHT TO KK'HMOMi UtOM HE.VTI C KV. VOIX; DENTIST PHOMPTI.Y GIVES BOM). ' '(fleers r>f ih<• Htate hoard of denial ' Ptam1ri«r« ale Busy working up their , ! case which they will present agulnst ‘ Iir. O. H. Greear and "Dr." James I’nt Speer when the charge of improperly ; procuring a dentistry license is called | in the Hustings Court January 5 next. Both men have been indicted, nr | rested and hailed. Speer, whose home is at Lebanon, Itusrell county, and who is charged with having practiced under a licence, procured for him by Dr. Greear. was balled In the sum of 1 *1,000 Thursday. I Dr. Greear, who is alleged to have I impersonated Speer before the cx I amfnlng board, and who is said to 1 have rec rived $500 for such service, was not, arrested until Saturday. He was in Olive Hill, Ky„ and though the police of that place had been no tified to place the man in custody, they merely had him under surveil lance «h tn Detective Wiley, of the i Kichmond police, arrived. The detective and his prisoner im mediately boarded the train for Vir- 1 glnla, Dr. Greear making no resist ance. They arrived here Sunday. Th > . dentist .was taken before Judge Witt and Immediately gave bond. lie then took tin- tlrst train for Kentucky. Dr. Greear is a gradu ate of Wlljiam ami Mary College. He declines to discuss the charges against him. DEATH NOTICE. FAN TONE.—Died at the residence of' lrer sisfar. Mrs. J.'Willie Donly, 70D„ Graham street, on Sunday ai 11 I". M.. JOSEPHINE UAII.EV FANTOXE, wi j dew of tV’UPain F. Fantone. aged JD i years. She leaves three sisters. Mr*. John 8. Fan tone, at Norfolk. Mr*. ,I«~ Wlllle I’only and Mrs. Fannie Baker. ] of this city. Notice of ftlneral later. 1 \ . — While ilwvornor Mansr^ •* p to H;UT> St. ‘M'lg* Tn**ker"> f|’t* 5>T f^r »n * \t«.1 m*. si<*n tn* '■ gV-ia?are to p-t *i law b *.;.tiizlng th*'* ;Tun».r' , h-* i jvr i.' Mi v. 'th : . rahi* . oni on vt. }>; the mae-ru; papers throughout th** Slat , «>no editorial writer in N« r* mK ha- taken a ding ai tie tli!.'! • \» a!sv* • for "< mti'MXtns U « who pa -<d < n the cases of tn»-;. ‘M*s* <t primai > in nt* r* ply t** >1 r Tm-kor. a \* j - rior iiarin -am. "I Im-.. great r* *r>- t for these judges • tip ■»*•»- u ho ruhai ih- j rt * nr primary .i.-iv unconatitn it*,?*{■•;•, th*y ar men f high » har a* t-r. arm * *d| »**pnpp. d :ro th** hath • • : th< o*firr th- > h*dd. and I know they rvruh -r< d th* ir de. iejor.* rrom a >•>!,.*<• . r public duty, l»ut I am jimt a* ‘■or* thin they w or** mis- *.k. n in th* *h* ,:.'iKn.',ntl ami that th. .aw i« onns*tt i. oiiona! This i th< i-riti* ism tire .hi ( • XeClltiW* Ih : aid to hi*- illftde. <!"v« rror Mann raid M*>n*ia\ that ha ha i no hit**ii;ion <u cnticUing th* :hdK*« in Nuriuik «*r rortamomh, >uu h* wished to mnk< it plain that n* believed th*- pr* sent Inn it* <owdUtt »i* nal and sutfU ivnt t> punish alleged ir .iid in j»rf?nar> ep-otlMis. i am Mitif-hed that th.* lav-. I* con stitutional and that th* unigs before h*>in argument on the indictment *> was heard wvr mistaken,’ redd (Im* *rimr Mann Mondn.. “The trouble ‘* * ms to he in our court r* porting *m. The • .institution peoples that v hen th .supreme « ourt of up Is mak'-K a decwton it mn-«t give us r*-RK>ms. In th** Jackson Wire cafte, however, ther* n.i« no decision and no rear ms were assigned, the court merely declared that ft had considered th reeofd of th** *«?♦<• and so 1 otmd the declFioji of thi loner court plainly right.’ HUNTING NEGRO WHO FIRED ON CAR CREW Kvery member of the Ifichmond police fori-,- Ik looking for th- negro who Sunday afternoon, in order to f Vink' pursuit. Ifr- d three tlnn i at 1 Mot-Titian Hurton anil Conductor Print, in chat go 01 a Itr-ad street [ car. . The shooting oevurr, •! near Twen ' ty-n-vi nth street. Th-- negro hud | Itortrtlt d the ear and appeared drunk and almost I nmediately began to abufe the 1'iniiiui'tiir. lie was placed under arrest and ofTi red such re«d*t j am i that tin rorvieof ,>f the motor* | matt had to he called for. After ftirlout resiKtane,. the ntgro nil liaaad ' to jump from the ear. When he saw that lie tuts tollovvef by th-- niotorman and conductor he drew hts revolver and tir'd at them three times. All of the bullets went wild, though on ■ crashed through thu I ear. PALS OF WEISIGER ARE ALSO CAUGHT 111 the arrest of Frank Weisiger, /*■ John Howell and Kdv aril Nssh the police think thiy have broken into the "overcoat gang. ’ which for th* last.month ha* been making the lives of many citizens miserable, breaking Into their homes at all times of th* day anil night find stealing their over* eoRts anil fur wraps. Weisiger Is now In Jail awaiting ac tion of the grand jury. He was ar rested Saturday night by iu-toetiv* Hailey. II** had gone Into a pawnshop to dispose of a eortt and when 11 Ucs t In lied by the detective could gile n* account of tiuw lie got It. Justice Crutchfield .Monday morn ing sent him to the grand Jury, and at the sarno time caused the arrest of Howell and Nash, who had slipped into court to i«n how their alleged comrade tared. Howell and Nash are now in tU* First Police Station and will- tie given a hearing in Police Court Tuesday » morning "I firmly believe that these lujyg have been taking mo»t of the overcoats reported inintlnfl." declared Major Werner, chief of poulica. Monday morning in discussing thalr cm*