Newspaper Page Text
Baseball Magnates Swarm to New York -Sports of All i NEWYOIK IS NOW BtSEBALLIUIEGCl THHKi: nin LHAGIKK HILL HOLD SESSIONS I\ GUTIIAM THIS WEEK, TWO ELECT PRESIDENTS AATIOVAIi A\D K A STM IIV OltHM Z\TIO\* WILL *KLKCT I F\1»* KR«-.U\( »| SKIAI^i * \ FI .. NEW V* »JU\, I’ci. ill. This will be baseball wn-k jo New York. Within the n*wt throe ‘la; - the e»ub owners of three league*—two of them major -—will me«t her» in annual rnnven* tion. elect officer*. disc-uss amend ments to rules and map nut their plans for the »ea»«m ot 1 f» 11 Two of the leagues—the National and the Ka* tern—will elect pn sidem*. In the American. “Han Johnson stiil haa nineteen year* to servo of a twenty-year term at $25,W>0 n ' tar. JThus far there has been little talk of any opposition t*» Tom" Lynch, pres ident of the National League, hut the friends of Kdward O. Harrow, of To ronto, who managed tb« Montreal team In-^t year, will put him forward against ”1 at" Powers, of the Hash rn l .e;i g^i. . Harrow is said t * Via' . pi« dg« * of live ejut s. Toronto, Montreal. Buffalo. Haltiniore and Newark, while it is un derstood that r. jerse: <‘i!> 4ind 1'roviden will support Honors. The result will he known t - -morrow afternoon or ♦ miner after the annual meeting of he Pastern Peag..- . Harrow Is said to hnv. pledges <«f live c lubs, Toronto, Montreal. Buffii--, Baltimore and Newark, while it «s un derstood that Ftoeh. ster Jersey c ity and Providence will support Power*. The result will he known to-morrow afternoon or evening after th*- an* uun.l inerting of the Hast* rn !enen-. Will OpiMNi* lUirrcm. Last v t or it whs re ported that Powers bad promised n <t t.» inn again, hut it is kn<«.vn that n \r>-n« pressure has hem brought to *ar on him t*» allow his name to b i-r<•«, nted again. lb has b* *•*» negotiating for the !P»st*>n Nationals, and it 1s under Mood that if he 13 sure h* .n i*u> a fontrolling interest it* that < U '» h* will withdraw. in at.- • vent, hi* friends wish to name hi* lessor, and will oppose Harrow fj< r«> f -r tt meeting tu-morunv an Jac k I mmu o .vju r and manager of the Baltimore vis-: Pr*-nlent .1. J. MePafey und Manag'TM J K-dlev, of 'r-*ront ». Manager .1 ■ >1 tPnnif. , ->f Newark; President < 'hart, r T. «*hapia and Manager John Gam:* •. * ?y. h>. ter. and Manager Kyan. < 1 J r < *ii: • The- National league n hi rr • t on Tuesday and the .American 1 - j sr * *:» Wednesday. TO BOLSTER SOX WITH RED BLOOD ((»MlSKi:V IIA* III" I Vi: ON M W i*i.\\ i ll'* i on ( in* \i.o n;w. rilirA«> •. I i _■ II i its iii.-M vf proeurlnjg ffif r!iri»tiK4> Kiltt f‘T t'hlmg" tans In tin rt.r non White- S .\ t■ Iuy< rI'lutr! i ■'■ml.'l;*'!'. acci.rn j-anh >) it. «iil<-nt Kan Jnlltmoii. >•! tlx- Anii r, .a laatrao. l.-ft In r.- f>-d«v f ir .Vf« V- l i. i > a! tend tho annual mi'tmK " t). !■ a.*ru‘“ <‘,.mixlii > «a>d It" i-tii - non ho nanls. and that ho ha- ln*l>< * isuid lti«r Mifti.-iont in- a blond t • mak>- th« S-.x a (iHir.ant powtlldllty next a. aa.*n. I'nmtskfV ii- bolU.a • (I t;* be an r Pit- h ir ... ft nil fall'll' r t’arrit;an. m Boston. If ho e-aptur. » Jak. Stahl, tlx- Itnd Sox first hasori.ail of last sna )ion. tin It Is r> ported h<- nut' Iho-o three. with l.ord and Mct'pnnell, would mean that the White Hox would have the backbone of the Boston team, which early last spring looked like pennant winners. FOGEL TO SUPPORT PRESIDENT LYNCH * i head or I'iiii.i.ies wants to i SCRAMBLE ABOARD BAND WAGON AGAIN. 1 % NKVV YOKK. December 12. - Th announcement from I’hilad* Iphiu that Horace Kojrel. president of tne Phlla- < delphht National League Club, had decided t“ aupport Thomas Lynch for r* -election t-> the National League presidency caused iv particular elation in Lwi' h s office lo-day. Lyin h's r» - election v/as gem rally considered a t -ri K«iiif conclusion and Fogcl'a action .vHs credited ni* r» lv t*» hi* d* sir. t.» get on t" the hand wagon. Kogel has heretofore been lined up , with ('harlfs Murphy, head oi the Chicago Pule, who is known as an i enemy of Lynch. Kogel accompanies ' hia announcement Mith a bouquet for ( Ip n h and the statement, there b n » clique at • uk t<» defeat him. i snow no effects OF HERD GRIND sl\ DAY (All.Isis IIMSII IV i, (.HI AT I'lnsICYI. SHAPE— Ol'EK I M S ( ItlTIt 17,1- D. i NEW VoliK. I >c< ember 1?.— None . f the rid.-r‘ Who p.'i,*?Ptl through the >,x-iin\ bleji'le r»i • vhlch ended In :i victor? for Eddie Hoot i;»id Jimmy , Moran. With .... S . mtl< Hill '< laps. ; r ■ ile.*.- *how*'d any * vll .-IfcetH of the ttrituT. This .-unrfitiotir i« remark* it.:. ... nose th' rio <■ was th. hardest pulled off. 11;t■ -rf*et • ,i v ith tnore hilling" sprints than > -r before. There i* eonalderable . ritb i«m, how .. r. over th manner in which the .too »>' mu, knowing one* calling • ,■ .. turn otr tho Clarke-llutt < oirtbina it -o! before tb*. r.i' e wa< run. and on s-'l'.'tlns the winning t' ini in •ho «a:ne breath. Tbl* I* the fourth time a team • on it Hoot woe :t memt., r vo n the : • -. Knot situ; Horton winning In ::«l: Hoot and F'gler In 1905 and 1 << •... uriHil U t and M ran in !»!'• n oio.iton Hoot was on th. team Minins eo ml place laat .' ear. OF BESTiNG COTTON WIHTI m WYVVI K.HT U. \1N M Vl< : WITH .1 \( K JOUN -S •> TH \IVKK. l FITTS i. i IU3. ! ’A., !>-*.niKr 12.— "I !i drop him -tiro this time." i*< ; u . <1 . > ■ K i l»iak a« h* Mi*w Into tou t -«lio from hiv- Ww Jersoy training rami' looking lit f »r ' attlo u i!h <'. • r«‘ at tit* Fat <»r Tt nu'i'' | -iinTf'iH night, fKuh.-Lv • itpoin?' .1 the » x train, r J • k Johnson her- n month ago. ■- t it • :•* s * ■. '"v< th* Tr* w.v no; ni:i<-n t » < i. ^ ! • t V. t rli th« 13i. nut \m»iN i v»i:\ i < wm.t to \\ i> r »*o»\ i. i.-*; hi) !•» Th.- Ui« tiui«»!ui Virginian * m;atmsy< Li.5v \ . i»<*i i. h r. WUUhih \ h.iua. ••• Iikt< from i' -• T,r*i • I i s i »‘ir t, ;. . annouio.l That a »*.tmj** t i m examination far « mlet tr< t| t v. ■ ■ • > na 1 i • tri | t i i .• \*s . > {'oint \Hin>*r> Ai ii'lcnn wi 1 l>< held 1>\ th’e o prfessor j from ltum a-.*i"MAr\ <v.iVv:». on l»<•-.-mb* r ■ Th** oru» friiktnK tho ' iuhe t percent a*; w i) ho appointed o»dot and the s» oun I two altei nates A Nplicwnts must he r» of ‘ •-** Fir-r PWtrht and not undot* !*♦ vrnt> t‘U years of Hjio. HERE IS A CHANCE FOR EVERYONE $120.00 Paid ia CASH PREMIUMS In addition to rwiwn ing. mv WHJTTl N \TTHFS cut from YOUNGER** l-ACK.V.i: ROASTED TO! I FES one ixmftd FtrkH|m. and CO I 1*0 NS tnan“j mp icrtttm *'.^-nature* in l. - 1--, 8 and 5 rw»urnj Tin Parka*?* ot the rats r'f one cent jwr ptind. 1 wi'l pay in CASH $130.00 to the c«o«unitv» turning in the number of nr " KITTEN SHi NA1 TIIES, or cor PONS $ my wr%tur, tignaiurr* hv January 1st, 1911. Distributed aa follows; First largest number...H' M Second largest number. $14.99 Third largest number $11.44 Fourth largest number.... IU44 Fifth largest number . .9 11.00 Slith largest number .119-99 Seventh largest number . 99.90 Eighth largest number . 99-99 Ninth largest number .. $7.00 Tenth largest number . 94.90 Eleventh largest number . 9*.©0 Taelth largest number . 94.09 Thirteenth largest number . M.44 Fourteenth largest number...,, 92.99 Fifteenth largest number .fl-99 /«• r-; hq tnj PACKAGE HOA>Tt't> COFFEES, yo * can rah. r your grocery btJ end ti*4 (ho in y b€*t 11'yes o+thc market .{ trial unit courtn<* pou. I park all grade*. The pricei of rny Coffees will meet th** views of all consumers. Insist on bavin* YOUNGER* t* C01TKE8 IN PACKAGES, bearing [I,. C YOUNG EU'rtl WHITIKN SIGNATI RES and save 10 to 35 per cent, in prices. Hstis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Younger's Coffee once tried, if properly prepared for the cup always used. For ssK* by all dealers. If your Mer« chant cannot sgpply you. ’phone «r write me and 1 will give you the name of n mer chant, who will be glad to furnish you tuy Coffees. Uaturn all SIGNATURES and COU PONS to L.C.YOUNGER IMPORTER AND COFFEES ROASTER 1M, IM VIRGINIA STREET PHONE MADISON Ml. RICHMOND. VA. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER BY BISHOP THE SHIRT BUILDER. HE WILL GIVE YOU PERFECT SATISFACTION. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SHIRTS. REMOVED TO HIS NEW STORE. 30 North Seventh Street He Almost Visited the Sun HIS_ martwet. ready to start : l\\t\ I'llAX< 11. i ■ hi1)i r 12. - I Ascending from the aviation -field Mona. At. Uagagneuv established a now w.Tld'ii altitude r i .ml, i "brig to a height of 10.4&f* fret. Tho aviator landed halt- fro;o p a; tor a remarkable ;>lano. He used a Hlerlot monoplane. Tho previous dfioial height record was made h> the late P.uiph John* cne. a ho during tile recent nie.-t at Helmutit Park roared !>.7li feet in the ait. At Philadelphia, oil .November t'll. Alt. J. Armstrong l>r. jc.d made a re markably high flight and claimed a worlds record. When this was dis puted Mr. Mr.xol r.epiostcd the Phila delphia officials of tin weather t — r* . u to examine his barograph. They did so and credited him ■. i11 > an alp : tudo of »,s!>7 feet. These figure*, how ' V' r. have net. heeu officially accept.-.] 1 b> the Aero Club of America, Mans. Legagenux is the ti r sr ax-la tor to cross the magic point of ten tnons nnd f< et P.nd that he has .'one so ' with a margin f• ■ t ioavrs m<i r>■>.111 fur ilispnt as to th- mcn.-ur- - mi nt <>r as to th* a pioirat ion o! th ono hundred moo r il«\ nmlrr wh • h uni altitude ’ t-■ 1 mart -vf tli pterions rotor,t o least "in hnn I ilrt .i metre* of hi-h ru:- Mr. I'r> \r | wa« th. first \ieltm. BUSHNELL ANNOUNCES “THE CONCENSUS” ELEVEN Editor Anxious to Know Personnel of All-American Foot bail Team Get:- Experts in All Institutions to Vote on Men For Various Positi »n> Nl". W VdRK. t 'f-o-mIn r 1 vvA "eon. ensns" all-Amerii in .11•:111 eleven. puhiirhoti In th. fort»n’,.mins n.'ur ' Ke<*hoV, Weekly hy Kiiward H. Hns-hni’ll. editor of th” nffi. ini year l«»i>k of th” i nt, r-'’ollicMt, A * ■■ ! tion of amateur athlete? of Am, run j shows a remarkable unanimity I | pinion among th.* experts. I-Umtinell has <»htillit‘Hl tile individual j sol”, tlons of sixteen men. v hum ho r* s.tril a* the host export* in America, t ' ;rut * a* h of th, * *o y i \ t **- n m !.** lions h* hits forinoiJ a ’ •■nmpositi " t. mi. Player. < oiiege' K11 pat tit k 'loKay ItriihriHil, < ll/l’Ily I Seller N.nll) I.. ''initil '.prrtiUhmc Wi-inloll l’i mlleton .'liTnr % rtle Harvard Michigan. IN >‘i.y\Ivanla Harvard i Yale llartanl . . lirovv ii i Harvard IVtllCtHMI l‘i*n"kylt anin i •: th. remaining i• i:y vrs . |,-r*:-.1 th-- votes H.-t. . Km’s Pi,,.!• tt. Pennsylvania rSf-it, <*o'.h-g. , MurV*. I’stmsv Ivania, l, Kyri h I’TiieiJ. I: Wells. Michigan. 1. W'ithitigton. Hart ard. 7 Paul. Vale, f 1 wof . Army. 1. ' P ar.Is — P.r.,1'. t. V." . 4 W. ir. Army. .Minot. Harvard, l: Wilson, i rim -ton. !. < eiart -rliaelvK—ilatl. t. t'orneil. How i V i! e. J Thi ' xperts fh * not* «.l ait It. V I!. Shni p*-. * V• i '*ij, .Hnmkdn; David )F «: t *. I h*o wn : it. i < *arl Will la ms I ’• nn< h •;»▼*><«: tV-.ri] Marshall. Harvard; S\ V. Hera n am J. M. Moffat 1. Prim-*VY. N. M*»ri >'*•». J Vnn- Pania; Tlmma>: M * * f • phy. Harvard. A. Whiting ' \ Charles Mcwru - . <'«1. F'iar»-n«,,> Weymouth, \ » F • Fred Dstrt— month. U#i'.!;pn«iiii H. H. Havkott West Point; W. it Dkeson. la-high, anti W. «' <*iow«-U. Swarthmoi Tin* » m|M*sito t**am t'.d!ow>; IWillon VoU*" < ;i‘l. Vote* n<-sri\(ii. Kml link!* (•mini i outre (■uavil T;» ki«* Kud (JunrteHuu k M.ilfbaok Haitian k I ullhu* k Half hiieks 'I K.: . Hr I, Halt oil. \ Full! u- kv Winded. IP.: •' l\JU<La. 1. It will son* ■ is t- am, almost of i tin t.-am. K • !i«l. and <Y von? r\--rush, <a jving m i t 12 It . 1«; l«i .Hi it . Hi 12 .....It* Hi .Hi 11 . .... HI H Hi .Hi Hi Hi . ... II* - MuKUt •! 1!; vn. 3: i’or •vy. 2. Hart, i r\ ard, 2 : ;i IVnn Daltort, Nnv\. i. noted that the though the • xports Mo sam« mind - n so \. otinc patriek of A air* a> a r /•ns. of ! vnn. .v ivanta. . ■ ar*- tin • •] ' tv* m* n r* - • a tiro 3 ♦• • a ■ - M tv higan. • -tt, Harvam GIANTS WILL KEEP TALL TWIRLER HASN'T YET DE LIVERED THE GOODS, BUT MAY NEXT SEASON. NKW YORK. Ivr -Although it is • hnitunl by Manager MrGraw of the biiam* that "Rubr’ .Manjuard, th« $11. 000 jiitc htug “marvel" purvha^od from lndiaiiap**1 is« s< .vrui urn Km.* bas faib'd t'i m» • \j>< v tatioiis. i: t» is m» oluuu v of hia bring «tis*j#r . «| «,f t<» tho l*hila"K l{>hia Athletics in ;io <>i«iuiu c with a suggest i«>n by (bitcktr lb*. «I \ ].i\ .j tin1 world’s < hamlhons. Livmgntotn* cvuiirht Mar^oat.i ;:t In and it t» its largely through hi* work that tho tw it h r Hash* «! fuTOHs tJ’« b.i^Vutii itor/.<»n. Living-, Kb.iw 'a t»*nvimr«l that Mnruunnl has .•t i’ b.oidbd i*rojrt*rly h> MKlraw ami say* that woro ho with tin- Atb loth s. with Itimsolf to vutvh. “Ruh, ,‘. would b>- a trmwiuloim winner. CUTLER TO REENTER THE FICHTINC CAME I’AMoi.s (.lurri.ui mav r.r ••witrri: mans iiopi:- — I’KilfTS t)K« I'AIItiMt 18. niK'AQO. 1 >• < mix r 12.—Once touted to John U Sullivan a* a chati! plon possibility, i'harl>'K fat lor. the fhiengo grappler. ir- once mort to . nt, -»• the ring as* a potential "v, hit. man hope." fuller uill make his r-up ixanitiee in th• rltiR ugralnst an un known near Winnipeg, fanada, I - cember is. futler at one time was a member o. John U Sullivan's road snow and at 1 that time showed promise. latter Jim Barry nipped hie pugilistic aspirations , in the mud. If Cutler makes a creditable showing in his Winnipeg match he will try for a bout with foil O'Ke 11 y. FOH BEST. FOR HEAT IV THE HlfHMUM) Virginia want «ds will gel you a tenant. 1 BASKETBALL FIVE I W1 ' VIIMI I m 1*1. V> i nt-r t, \mi. \\ m iiin MAT TIN !> \\ ' After :i \. rv hal'd p; ti th. i! all ; am < tin I:i Hu» it*. r- has lx', u s. t -.1 • • ■ *. n Jones. Althorgh it S jut!-.. . t • Hit hr. should ,n; mernhrt p- :>t t mi imt show nt> ill |»rr»j.< r form m - ■ Tn*• of th.- s< rut. s prove t h.'iiit- ■ 'J--S h--i t. r m. n :->r tha tir«t • , • i Altar lli- i£pr> senlatl' > P ■ :n ha.: li. ■ I! picked It I1SS Jilt! .1 against Ill MTiil. t.-um witch it mm ' t. -. 1 i. th. Hi■••!•>' < I ■ t'> lh. To ; "i 1. ■ i njr mill V'-t- ip.'.n til h«in*»r upholding t!*• r. .tai'-n i tit.- Kir-hnmmi M.nvitif r- It: alhl. li. i <a i-.irri I lt.ll and Sag. i-l X.. i)"!' lore-ards: >' rpomi ll.irr.' Ticker ri'iitrf '. s' ng. ants Tilley i1'. i>t.iiii t aim tint' <• a guards. \\ .llh- a •! .1 th. m. II named al'. men at the gam - a i hav. n > traul’l. throwing goals - ".My <ai. great sir ngth «»f til. t- irn is f'or poral I!..!!, who find- it cash r t>> throw a it;-aI than to miss it. f..plain Tllirj. who ha.- < Itarg- ... th. s.|tia<i .-n th>* lln-.r, eoiihl n«>t put up a har.i a praetie, a- • usual on 1 Hi., ir.t of IiIh arm m-uig a lltth sore Ir.'in hir vaeci nation for typhoid l • . r. hat his pin.'Mint in a omit Ih. t. am even vth a s*>r.- Sorgcatit !-'■ ay, v ho pin • d a har.l game with thi- >< r;:hs against tin first train. "Ill certain!' g> 1 some body's joh on the first email II h“ keeps up his good work. As the tirst team "ill Inn. to carry an extra, man as substitute .>a all trip . it is expected that til, iv n til he a warm font.-st fdBhhls pic I'll muimjtftnHt ol th. t. urn "ill e<iulp ever- man with the latest and heat dj.-ugn of ' l>! aniforui and sliocs tliat can lie. pi *•« nr.•d. and every need "ill I>e urgently attended. In order to make the present season the hest ever experinced hy the ean- I none< rs. The schedule of gam* : ha - not been completed for p’lblieath n yet but'"ill appear as soon as the ne.vssary ar rangements i an he made, although it is certain that the'first puldlc con test "ill he held at the Ihovitler armory in a week or ten days, the • exact date "ill- bo advertis' d later, , ."4 I jp^:--=u. National Bank of Virgl Capital, $ 1,200,000. Surplus, $600,000 1',. IS. Addison, K. I,. lJemiss, T. II. Kllrtt, II. Thoo. Kllvoon. < .eo, L. Christian. T. A. Cur), Carl H. Noltintr. \\ illiam T. Reed, .1 W. Rotherf. Wrn. Northrop, DIRECTORS: T. C. Williams, Jr.. K. C. Laird, li. H. Lindsey, W. P. Glinri. ■vv*h lunton, Jr., R. G. Rennolds. W. M. Habliston, Henj. P. Alsop. H. Rand. Wollford, S. W. Travers. J. G. Tinaley. Jno. T. Wilson. Jas. A. Moncure, Jno. Skelton WilliaaaQ F. D. Williams, JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS, Vice-President. OFFICERS: VV. M. HABLISTON. President. O. S. MORTON. Assistant Cashier. W. H. SLAUGHTER, Assistant Cashier. \V M. ADDISON,‘‘Cashier. WILLIAM T. REED, Yics-PrcaidaMi JOHN TYLER. Assistant Cashier. J M. BALL. Jr., Assistant Cashlar. Accounts Solicited. 3(/< Interest Paid in Savings DEEP RUN CLUBMEN ENJOY A FIST DRAC xixnx kiim i;> ritoM i»i ri:K> Kt K«. JOIN l\ C IIXSI —M\. M.H 10|.|,0\\< KIN Aii‘ith»T in ?t. m 11 < 1 dMightful drag v.i-s onjnypd hy tho I>««n Run Hunt FhF. Hitnrda,* afternoon. ' non a s< or«* . f i'. r^r«l'urtr rid<*» ram** nvnr to , .Join in flip sport. Mth-uiph th** g<Mmr "as ht'iwy, th* hounds s**t n fnrt nnd ! fnrioup par* . and th< hor.'^s follmv Starting from \Y*sF*rook th* thirt or mor** riilfrjt Fdlou dig thr» p»rvr>n i oijpics of wiping and «["■*".: hound** ‘ran thr'-uph .Josoph hr1 an Fark, Mor ri.sonX I Ha*- kv.« )l- • F*thlf'hnm « hnrrh through Kvmh's and th< nof to liroad Stri**-t Road for th'1 initial rh< • k Hunt* man Mort*»n thr-n took . tK.• hounds to ''innti’l and cart thorn again. Th<* : • ft r- h*d th< rid* rs »*• ?hc Fount ry f'luh fit a im «(. rapid and »i♦ 1 ijEfh? ; ,d ]»«* • . and a larpp* <rowd w;.ts in .at th* l;!!’." in front *>! th* olub housn Thf>- riding Huntsman Nfor II. on <»v* Janus XV. <Jravr»s. ton on pJrand'* XV. «» X’ -ung. M. F. '"hip. on HighspF F. i » Harris, whip. on Kat««. MK- Ward* Id (’run on Till H ;;*kur. M<kvai ndolyn Knfhorford. on <(p?4>‘,n K**,«> ; >!. <\ ho ksont \j F | i of KivorPiflo Hunt. >‘ 'tt r- ‘ )rg on Sat f «'onv. . aiu-. . H F. Sj tiTior. of Ft t.-rvY» irg. op Her Kiv • : .1. XX’hitr*, on iron Frill'.•, 1 .1 « * Ma!h r. • • XV- r- h< M- r .1. \ Mrruu h, on Kad> Fram-os: F li. Klllngton. on Kohin Hood; Krskin** ; F* id ord. on Fouhatan \A< utonant T.Jt di.-, [ , s. X . on !'oh K : . arid XViPwr \ >■ tlnor. on Su •o-thoart. Following th* drag Mr and Mrs. F. F. S\ dnor gave* a dinner part at th** till*, tight g*i*-‘t* htdng • tit* rtain ed. mm 1$ MATCHED TB FIGHT CDNLEV 1 'HI' Ail* ' I' • -(inl'-r 1 2 AiKlm;? in-r* t't-da.’. f r«*m \ ' < >rl**an« sny tT>.*t .Johun;, uitiim cnam * 111 f j !.'•,'«!■ I-i 'on!---. haw* ntrr-* d to i-r a t” ■ nr round - ontost t in r *Hp "A ••'O ! i • i •••!?!. 1> t T*' «| i 1 * • *•: t i o J t o* MK, !iorit fat.Vfvn tL- ’iff!.- r.;io*,. r-onl.v ha. • .dim: tiff th*$, tit- ou 11115 l" virt'>r!» s in *’iili?'-mia ;it ght^ ut».»v.- tho-. ' ■ former tiii. hold* -rs. i'ntiR*:i > »n-*l rvn-ui f ‘ K > 1 r »hs a if it Oiarh-.V Ei«l". • ill .W’.v «»rl* ,<n,-. « u :i-.n \s oij in i* rt nnintis. HAi/n.vh ►»;!: \,i*. i-., hi ii> annua! f- ]»• r I to (»>•• A nah ar AtM- ttr ’ l I >r. M «i ink, clmjr.-mn 4' f tin na t !oi-,:*! f»,,sk*-i hull fomniitt* «* • i tin A .\. I' , «i.*ni• fI fh« attempt on lio pal t o tiu- \ \. I t>» control nth }‘ rm sjM‘rtt; in roilo^--.,, |,.,t t , keep ath !«•'' n ! tit in tb< A \ 1'. as <|h;«m p. . In-, Guloh p.-int* mil th,ti Southetn Railway. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. N. U,-~Followmg rchfHiu!« figure* published * nformatioe and not guaranteed » 10 A. M .--Daily— I oe.d for Chariott* Dur ham *11-3 R&ieigh. l!P4o A. M.—Daily—Limited*'— Tor nil po ni South. Drawing Room Ruffe* Sleeping Car ;> Memphis, via AaheviMe and Chattanooga. ;..»o p. M.— f x. Sunday. Local lo* Durham sa I P ’•tftfioa**. t* M.-~Kx. S itidav— l\my J ,.-u’ 11 io I’. M.——f-imifed. hut aii pno;» Si*uth. Pullman r*s»lv i> 30 I* M. YORK RIVER I I.Vi .? no I\ M.—Ex, jfnu.—To W cat ft.. ..,nn«cna. ft ' Ra'uuuste Mon., W»ni. aruj Fn. - ‘*0 A. M. ~1 v Sun. and 2.Id F. M.—Mo* V» t«l. and lri.— Local to Wv,* Point. TRAINS ARRIV E RICHMUN'H From the* South: l>.£0 A. M. s.uA /». ,\J., s n» A. M.—Ex. Sun.. 12 Jo P. M.—t*. Sn C.« OP. M. I rom V\ “t Point. 0A. M . rl.nilv; I A. M Wed. uiid Fro: 4 P. M . Ea. Sun. S F. BCRGESS. D. P. A.. 1*20 L«*t Mam Street.. Phone Madiaon 4 ».*». Chesapeake & Ohio Railway W OO A. ) Daily—IVt trains to (>!1 pccoV 4 ■•At P. ♦ Newport New* erxl Norfolk, V:IO A.—Daily. I .ora! to Nowtoit New* 5:00 P.—Daily. Local to Old Point. 2:00 P. 1 Daily—Loumiilo «ua Ci^irianat* 11 .00 P. Pullman. t 45 P. Daily. “St. Louie-Chtcago special.** * ,, Pullman*. S20 A.7 - Daily—Charlottesville. Week day* — Hinton. 5 15 P.—Week day*. Loral to Gordoaaville. 10 00 A.— Daily. Lynchburg. bit,, C Forgs 6.15 P.—Week days. To Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND Loral Iron* E/m!—is.‘25 A. M,, 7:50 P. M. Through item Ewt—1 [ :35 A. M.* 0^15 P. M. Loral lrorn West—A. M . 0:50 A M.. 7:20 P. M Through—A. M.. 2:45 V. M. Jawea River Line •**:&> A. M., 6.15 P. M •Daily except Sunday. Richmond and Petersborg Electric Railway Cars leave Msm-hr.iti, iScesush and Pau/ 8ti*et», lor Petersburg: •«. 7, *9, 10. II. *12 T. M.. 1, 2. *J, *. 1 ••■VIS. fl, T. 8, •»:»<* P. M. 11:00 P. M lor Ctmte.', 12rC0 midnight (j; I'tMuir. Cars tesvo Petersburg. loos fcyesmora sums, Is: Manebesre 5:13, 1} ,i, **7:1.',. *7:35. S:55. 9:36, *10:35 11:35 A. M.. 12:35. *»d5. 2:36. 3:33. *4;3*. 6:55 t>:35. *736.8 35. 0:36. *10:40. 11:40 P. li * Carries baggage at egptaas.u ••Uhiiiad. escape Sunday. and nolidayt. All eat* from PcMtsbuig couucvt with cats (at Pi'luucuJ The Ten Million Dollar Bank The First National Bank. OF RICHMOND. VA. I he Hank that has made a specialty of building up the Maat*» factoring, Jobbing and Retail business of Richmond for nearly fifty years. Come in and talk o»er your banking requirements. OFFICERS: John H. Purcell. President. Jno. M. Miller, Jr., Vice-Pres. and Cashier. ^ Fred. K. Nolting. 2d Vlce*Pres. ' \ Chas. R. Burnett, Asst. Cashier. J. C. Joplin, Asst. Cashier. " 4 W. P. Shelton. Asst. Cashiar. Ale*. F. Ryland, Asst. Save Part of Your Inc Deposit in Planters National I? will prove a wise. safe, profitable course to pursue. Heady money brings you more money; it gives you power Money that slips from you amounts to nothing. Money .Savings 1 tepartment earns THREE PER CENT. Ranking by mail is easy. Just send your name for our 'How to Bank by Mail.” Planters National RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Capital, $300,000.00 Surplus and Profits, th- \ A. I'. he- ■ otuieg to say regard- | Sag * -dm institution offering* ♦ Uriah re i/.t s. hut points out that indi viduals » . mpetiug In sin. h games will be barr**l i'r< n nil competitions where \ SI. rules «•< ntrol ami are ob*«tvcd. Will Loss Membership, i’ i>n*k*tt>a!l particularly tin* A A. r. i.s especially active, and announces that aii) organization breaking rules will, through its national registration « ommiuee, b- removed front member ship in th* A. A. T. I»r. Gulick's re port. which is an interesting one. in part follows: “S'inif jnoj<< • have tin* impression that 1 h* Atuait in Athletic* I’nion wishes t• i control athletic sport In col lege*. U hat the Smatcur Athletic. I'n ion <h-sir< s p. do is to control athletic, sport within its <>w n hotly, anti the' mam object of tills control i* to see that aibbtb sport shall !>*• fair at id fairly conducted. It desires to keep the professional i rom competition with th*- a. at*** c ’ll wishes to eliminaP those who cotiipct* under assumed names. It wishes «o *liu: mate thus*4 vvh*» have been suependod for violation of the rules o clean sport, and so on. In do ing tics it has two major methods - * for the identirh-atkm of the indl- j vitl’ .d »this is ngistratUou). and tiie other for the ideutiftcation * f the > <this is sanction). To Control Its Own. in basketball th*- Amateur Athletic r»uo;i savs that un> person competing without registration and without earn. th n will not be eligible to compete In ai. ' sp-.j-i governed h* the Amateur \thh th Inkm. This Is m*t an attempt Pi control th** athletics of any other It u .in attempt to keep nth-> i# th ‘•p it within, tin* Amateur Athletic I’nioc h* dean as possible by saying’ t• • . ; y men that if they wish to o m p* t* 111 guiun* under the sanction of the A mat ••or Athletic T*ni*»u they must live p p lie »•* guiarl> established rubs of cl*-ai -p'*n. If a college, a prepara p.»»-v school. a:i industrial association, fliurcit «»r a lodge desires to have athlet e* sp a t in which cash prize* are ..ff t-mJ ad ] a which professionals are alb v . d t«» c* i x i * - t * with amateurs, the! Amateur \thletb i'nioii has not a word p, but the Individuals competing in *uch games cannot thereafter cun pete in games held under the sanction ,,f th* Amateur Athletic I'nion.” FOOTBALL RECEIPTS FALL BEE S30.00Q "PHNNsV" Ii<>ST nils AMOIXT P\ST sr.ASOV rOMTARKK TO VKAIl BKI’OKK N.;\\ Yi>KK i>< At the meeting of the board of directors of tlo- I iiivt-ruiiy of Pennsylvania Ath- j lot it- Association. Treasurer John C. i Gilpin announced that football re- j ccipts this fall hud run far behind \ the average and that the loss for the feas- n of. 19.10, ns compared with l v<>9 would probably aggregate >30. o0<: Such a state of affaire la a serious one for Pennsylvania athletics, for ir past years football has been looked on to carry through the other branches or sport, .very few. of which uav expenses and some of which are Active Interest Savings 12 North Ninth Richmond, BRANCHES I'ast Broad Street, Twenty-fifth and Williamsburg practically u (lead weight iy. In past years, with the profits $30.ot»0 higher, the Blue has Just scraped all Interest <>n the mortgage* property ami putting p: tng aside. How It will Is a problem that th« which goes Into office f«| annual meeting of the Tuesday, must decide, that the ne*t .'ear mug strict economy with the Red and the minor, non-sup will suffer. The members of the think that the decrease was due to any dlssattsfi public mind over the new rather to an unfortunate counter attractions which been equaled before In the first place, the excltei winning of the American, nant by the Athletic* ( sequent struggle for the ptonship carried baseball into the realm usually football. Then on one was the automobile race as an additional count i m the day that Pena gan Princeton was Vale only a few miles the attendance suffered, the day of the Cornell tlon meet was In full Point Hreesc. and fhouj would ordinarily go to Cornell game went to i Urahame-White Instead. Before the meeting < of directors the toot ball held Us final meeting of chose Charles P. Itavla, In the college do pa her of the lH-lta Kbl tstant manager of the year. it. K. Hchellewt, manager at the prsfM probably be promoted I manager tor next year. Th# election of a year's football have been held taking of the i graph, had to snowstorm twenty titled I players, naf'g*