Newspaper Page Text
Wants; Help W>ntwl—Milt. ! W'ANTKD—BRIOHT BOYS TO~~DO light work after school; (rood pay to boys who hurt If; special nrlges given 1o the bent boys. Apply S P. M.. Clr < Mating Department, The Richmond . VlrglnUuk _ Help Wanted—Female. WANTED—BRIGHT ACTIVE HADES- | girls tor all departments, with or without experience; reference re - umiefl- Apply MILL1ER * RHOADU. ) WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED SET tle.l woman to assist In care of chil dren and do some house work. Uef r ronce required. Apply before ten A. XI. or after seven I’. M.. at 500 West Franklin. WANTED—CURLS TO WORK IN OCR book bindery, W. H. ADAMS, 9 North I Twelfth street. wanted, a good cook and cleaner, room on lot: must have good references. J. H. GRANT, 1411 Grove avenue. ' WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED HOfBE Situations Wanted—Male. ASSISTANT REGISTERED DRt'G g 1st wants permanent position after January 1st, preferably In small town: verv best recommendations. Mdress DRTGGIST. 254 Bank St., ■Norfolk. Va._ _ __ COMPTKNT BANK MAN. ELEVEN years' experience, desires change January 1st. official connection small bank preferred. At present employ • d. References. Address Box 184. Suffolk, Va. WANTED, A POSITION TIT AN Ex perienced lumberman, who Is prac tical In the planing mill, sash, door, , and blind business' for the past sev- ; oral years traveling Virginia and ; • srollna buvlng lumber. Address t. W ILLARD BANDS, 558 Washington | St., Petersburg, Va _ ! Pf R8T-CLA88 ENGINEER AND KLF>'- j trlclan wants situation. Address EN GINKER, 1-' Malden Lane. City Situation* Wanted—Femate. AN ELDEULT LADY WISHES A Ltlaro companion In a reflpoa family, or would In hou#*- j and a*wlhp. Addrft#* A, 1014 Kawt Olay, City. . EXPERIENCED TYPEWRITER W. -Ires position first of year. Four , ■ cars' etpertsnce In office work j References. P. <>. Ro\ 82. EXPERIENCED, THOROCOHLY < M petent stenographer desires position Rhone Madison S2S5-.I _ WANTED, POSITION JAM ARY PIRhT bv voung ladv stenographer, not afraid of work MISS R. L Chase i 'tty. Vs Bo* 71. prune STENOGRAPHER. OUTSIDE | work. solicited; will mil for dictation, ; firM-claim raferftnrex. Room 714 Mu* I lual TUdg. A21l^ 11 M»dl_»on_3^T* Miscellaneous. I MWREI.I.A*. COME AT O.NCE T*' NEWMAN’S FAC cfiry mile of umbrellas ar.d «et your Christmas presents for half prlc®* i mbreilaa from MS .«»nth ufi fo >1S , hirer We have $5 and 17 umhrv) in.all ihw® ■ (ft* Id. silver ami pearl end Ivory handle*, best ->11 k ease an 1 •.,«sr| I i :nateh. with » nice Chrlat • i rim* !>o, for $? '»* We will «1»o re i over, your urrtbr. lifts from now un< l Christmas for 7T> per rent less than . solar orh* Pont del*', crime at ■ or,,.- NEWMANS IMHItKl.lA FA«' Tol:V. Jl» K llroad street. Phone Monro*- 7101* •H:W H HI FUR THE HIILIUU*. N1 ‘T111 NO IS Mr »KK A PUR' >PR1AT E and last Ins for sift purpose* than nr., jettelrt We fire s'; twins t b. utmful and 'at e halve lint ; SCMKER'B testabllahed 1 SS7 *. 140.1* Cast .Mum strt.o <nec to cornet j Courtwent h t iv pm sT"i;r: vor iviu, fine . very thine 1- the tewelrv line SCHEER'S’ (established 1447), 1401 (last Main Street tr.ext t■ ■ rnrwr * Fourteenth). HAll.tXG. HOPSEHOLP OOOPtt HAUEHD. STOR * (1. Packed and shipped, ‘‘all W Fred HI-hardstin's sT'.tKAUK *v TUAXSFKK DECART.ME NT, Main .v He ‘.vldef* streets, phones Madison *47 da": Monroe MS nltrht. “4( HBKH'tt OPEC I %I.." GIVE THE HuV A St'HKERH SPE (‘ItUI WATCH THKY'HF. tJCAK WTKF.P •WIIBEKV" iKSTAH I iSHF.P 14*71. 14H.1 PAST MAIN ST (SENT T‘l CORN UK FOURTEENTH I CHRISTMAS PI!' 'BLKMS St'I.VED enll on N KU’.IX & SON. INC, «M H. Broad. < AMF.II JF.W El.HI . IS THERE ANYTHING MORE O A NT FOR GIFTS THAN A OF CAMKH JmVKLRY? Wf SHOVVINU A BF.AVTIFIE ■'St'HKBHT iRSTAHI.ISMEl* 1403 FAST MAIN STREET To CORNER FOURTEENTHt KRK PlHt'E 7 AHF 1.INE 1*47 1. •NEXT, PHONE PS FOR QUICK SERVICE ON Bar:ire. Ratrobe and Furnace work. YA. PUMPING * HEATING CO For Sale. KOU PALE. THE HEBT PAYING, frreen wroc.ery on west Broad street, established In 1 MV4; some of the best, trade ifi iho < tts-; Iventory of October I:M h, 1910 was 10.372; 'took larger now than then; will well flock and M'ofl will for *0.000; largest and beat .■onl|i|ieil store for th" business In the i-itv; rent reasonable for the loca tinn. Address IV. E. HASSKl/lIlOV 1. :i]S tv. firoad street. Richmond. V». i IXHKDEKMKU DOUBLE AND SINGLE Kims. 1»*» than factory price. STEIN ERS, 1441 K. Main street. OUR PLUMBING RBI'tilt DEPART- 1 ment Is is at your service. Prompt attnn’.lon. VA. PLUMBING, HEAT ING CO FOR SALE—HIUYCLL3. ALL SIZES and prices; n >w and second-hand, at TOMPKINS. Sll West Broad Street. FOR SALE—A VERY ouxhbred. well-broke tor (female) 3 years FINE THOR* Lewellyn Set- > i.or \imiuie( « .vmiB old; a. perfect beauty; can be Seen at our store. K. ' \V. EVANS * CO.. »313 K. Cary St. FOR SALE. A LA HOE AND PROS peroUM machine shop and foundry Nft eamln** now over twenty per1 cent, on capital stock. Apply to Dos ; »:t city. 100 SAMPLE TAILOR MADE SUITS i all sites; worth double our price. IS. i STEINER'S. 1441 B. Main Street. itS LADIES' SO YEAR GOLD FILLED I watches, only 17.50. STEINER'S. ■ llll E. Main street WALTHAM AI?D ELGIN 14 KARAT; solid cold watchos, only 115.00. worth *25. STEINER'S. 1441 K. Main St. FOR SALE—TOYS AT COST. 1 LOSING out balance oR-stock at TOMPKINS. | 311 West Broad. PEOPLE COME WHERE THEY ARB • invited and stay when property treat ed; irlve us a trial and be satisfied. N. KUHN * «ON, INC.. M0 E. Broad. — I FoiTlVAOoks do Tf“rIchardson BROa SIS Brook avtk *. Mala Street. sis I , Want Ad. Rates. One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for Jess than ten cents. No Ads talien for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. I ^Contract rates are much less. Phon Madison 1758, and Manager of Classified Department, will call. Real Estate for Sale' BA HO A INK by CAASKI-MAN & CO.. No. 21 North Eighth street. *no acres ur~nT:u. timbkkkd lend, estimated to out about 1.000.Mm foot Of original oak, beside* a largo quantity of pine; situated about forty mile* of Richmond and about, one and a half to throe miles of sta tion; thl* la a big investment; let us show it to you. Brier, ft 2.50 per acre. TEX ACRES. OX* CAR LINE. W ITH an elegajnt seven room, two-story dwelling, barn. pump, cornhouae. shade, etc.: nrettv place. I*rlee, $t,;oo on. NINE ACRES OX CAR USE: PRETTY orchard and vineyard Just hearing streams through the land: poultry houses, eapaclty 500 head; pump of good water; nicely painted and pa pered dwelling of five rooms, all In perfect order This Is your opportu nity; only $2,100.00 123 ACRES OF OROVNU. ARE IN saw timber, excelsior or cordwood: pretty streams; m* swamps: no buildings; threu miles of railroad station, twentv miles of Richmond. fVhat! Only »<r.O per s.-r" That Is Is what It 1; »»0 ACRES. TWO AND A HALF MILES of Richmond, colonial dwelitrg of ten rooms; In good condition; two amd a half acres In a well shaded lawn; two-story tenant house of live or si* rooms; large quantity of saw timber; city mans hotne. one of the best neighborhoods In Virginia west of Richmond See us for In formation of these bargains. DON'T FORGET TO ASK FOR »>1 K free illustrated catalogue, containing BOO farm bargains CASSKIe\lAN A CO. Headquarters for farms. No. North Eighth street FOR SALK—ST. JAMES CTREE 1' near Clay; three frame dwellings renting for IS*# per annum These nre splendid renters, and can he bought at an extremely low figure, as the owner Is anxious to sel':. RKiR RHTATR \\ K iiam: ANY AMOt KT OF MONET tt. loan in real estate Negotiated •julcktv anil at reasonable i harts’ .' HFT/.RER. Roll Estate. Rentals l<n»n«, 1013 Fast Malt street Rhone Afadlson 312.° [ HAVE V NICK :■> FOOT 1/ >T "N t’olotitat avenue 1 v. FI sell a* a IM; rtrtee a* I need the mono;- worth $7 ut hut 1 wilt s, ii for *eoe_f«a» ea«t,. balance ft* jer month: a chance for some one to liuy a gnou lot on eS' payments. Address 1'. A R< i A f \. Atf Virginian Ri M iK 1IRAN NEW SKYKN H"".M house, hath. rang.. house wired for electricity and piped for gas. lot SO* t 2 * feet $350 cash, balance f20.c*i tier month takes it Rocated In Falr motint. one him'a ear a’ school. SEVEN ROOM tlolSf:. STAHRK IN reat. cement ’arc. north Twent fifth street. 1000 block Terms $3*« .ash, balance 1*0.00 j»er month, start new vmr right t»y bu> lnp a home, see Not >N A NT'FA N HEARTY CoRP.. No. 2» North. Klsrhth A reel Madison Mo IF VoF HAVE ANY RUTS IN Till: West Kn.l for «ab or surhurban prop erty list is me s I'll us at onee; also any farm property , we have a cus tomer for von now AMOS A: POIN IiKNTF.R, '110 V. Main street. $250 \\ iu. U Rt HASH H RAFT I Ft"!, lot. Fifth avenue Chestnut HtH. <>r will trade for small house W 1". Ff ’ RCF.1JL JR. t'o. ICO North Eighth street. 1300 FUR HHMKABRI: coIlSEi: I.UT. Third avenue. Chestnut lilll v‘tnnll cash ia> ment : balance monthly. If ■1. sired. At' K. I I RCERR, .111 Co. 100 North Ktghth street tsi.'iVT’Sii eoi.t Miu. rrib iiAcK handsome lot. Stuait avenue near Robinson street . car line reasonable terms AV. F. fMRCKRR Jit. <’U. 100 North Flghth street t'Sl'ui rKR~FOOT All RR }'\ lit'll ASK one of the best lots on Hanover ave nue: 1*S # deep, small cash payment See us at once about this AN. K. . rent KK!< JR ft*, too North Kl(?luh street. 11.70c WM.R~lrrR‘ MASK TWO r>K alr.aMe houses, renting for 31.'."0 per month, small .ash payment. W F. ITRCKKR, JR. Cii, 10c North F.lghth street FuK SARK. NOKTHSIDE ROTS MB At l 'U f’.'YIilJ, .tviwusus'rt * • • * * tlftil lots Virginia avenue and corth side avenue: aranc.lkhte sidewalks; shade trees and other Improvements: only twelve minute* by Highland Park <ar to Seventh and Ftroad strOeta. prices from 1100 a lot up: small cash payment. See AY. 13. Pt'KCKRR JR.. CO.. 100 North Eighth .. .. Special Notice. WE OVERHAUL STEAM STKTEHNS and make them work where they haven't worked before. VA. PLXMtS ma. heating co WANTED THE PAHTV HoLDINli I'liuuan 1«70 to call at our store for don r. w.»ah»bt *cp. Real Estate Wanted WANTED—TO RUT FA11MS. 8 ACRES and jnore; atato lowest price and full descriptions, distance front nearest town, railroad depot, also Main road. Address r. ■)■ Richmond, Virginian. Shoe Re; 7MJ. HALF SOLS dies “ •r; T» mJlSOL epalriag. ■owyAAWwv MEN'S SHU ___ SHOES; LA iea «0c; child rea'a Me And up: ev ry pair sewed. DREW'S BLEc R1C SHOE FACTORY, 7IS E. Mam PhoBeilonroelMT. Real Estate For Rent 23 SOUTH MAItniHoN STREET: Con ner house of * rooms: In soon condi tion: rental only 112.50. It I,ANTON A CO. Personals. WE HANDLE DIFFICULT PKOH loms In plumbing and steam or hot water heating, sanitary plumbing, sorvlcable heating. VA. PLUMBINu, HBAT1NQ CO._ COTTON DECLINE IS SOON CHECKED i XEW YORK. Dec. 18.—At the I opening cotton waa easy at 9 to 18 | point* lower, following disappointing : Liverpool cables, whlcn ehowed heavy ! unloading on that market. There was [some good bujlng at I he'-outset here. 1 however, and the decline waa soon checked. Uptown sentiment seemed to he supporting the list on the idea Rooms for Rent. LIST YOUK FARMS AND CITY PROP- I •rty with TAWOR REALTY CORPOK atton. 412 E. Marshall St., and eet Jiulck returns, _ , FOR RENT—FFRNISHED FRONT room, with heat: In private family ’»» of phone Madlaon 201*4-J. - MCE ROOM FOR R ENT"*AT "30$"W EST i Ofave street. FCRNIS/Ted" ROOM'S FOR KENT, with board: also table board: stood I table, (rood service. 201 East FranK Jln street. I HEATED ROOM ON SECOND FLOOR. opening Into bat! Apply 150* Park j _ avenue. I ! THREE UNFURNISHED ROoMH Ft '*( rent: bath, convenient terms, $7.50 Js00_West Can NIt'E. brioiFt “room. fvknihiieTf ' of unfurnished, with or without ■ hoard. Apply 410 N. N'lnlh street. ' >N E < .1R f WO DA I :< :>7 ATTRAtT IVK ecnnectliiK rooms, furnished or un- , furnished Second and l'ranklin. • Phone Madison *>241-1 Ft'RNTsHEi* ROOM?" Hot A VI' COLD I bath, use of telephone, centrally lo- j _ rated. $08 North Fifth Mre." •FOR RENT * '< IMPORT ARI.Y FFR nlahed rooms. light housekeeping if desired. 11! Kao day, 402 "east" Ma7n~ST ”NB1V1,V FFK ttished front rooms, use of phone: i transient, FOR RENT. FVKNIftHWD ROOM': steam heat.. Apply 910 West Main st. «ir EAST CtiA Y WEI,I. FURNISHED rooms; large. small modern conveni ences ■ WANTED" TO RENT FIVE R< X'MS • a flat, with all modern conveniences, facing Libby Hill Park Apply 17 North Twenty - nlnt h street. ! TWO- NICELY FURNISHED "SECOND floor front rooms, for light house- , I Jteeplng 201 East Alain street FRONT AND OTHKRROOMS NEWLY I furnished, with all convenience*; lust location. near to business, hoard can be had. Apply 15 South, I Fifth street | WHEN IN THE CITY ST* IP AT 15 ' Eolith Fifth P/Verything th*» h«*sr NI' E ROOMS FOR RKNtT N" ~■ North Sixth : newly furnished, nil conveniences no better location. ONE CUBAN. bAWIK, JUCBLY FFE tdjhed front room, with or without hard private Herman family. r>" < hildren. new house; modern conve nience*. .., West Clay street. FI UN 1SI1 ED FRONT ROOM. MI I 11 alcove conveniences: gentlemen pr* - f-rrc-1 fall Tuesday 15 South Feat FOR RENT, "one FI RMSHEfi Rohe modern convenient e«. I hoc,*' Madi son 475-J* or c«:t No 1224 W. Main str- et. TWO LARGE • '« 'XNKCTINO FRONT rooms, new ly papered. hath, tas. etc Apply 17 S. Pine street FOR RENT. MEN "NEY. A~OouD Idf t le Third story flat, three rooms location; terms right to right party Address P. o. Ron ♦"!. Foil a nice W a rm room and" i n" • cellent int-ala. go to 70* East Frank j Jin street , i FURNISHED ROOMS nice" heAT ed. furnished rooms, private family , m-n only 5*17 N. Sixth street. FURNISHED KOI 'MS Ft >R RENT", j with heard, also table board. 2,05 E. that it wa* a good purchase on every • reaction Cotton price*: December. 14.65ti 6?: January, 14.734T7S: March, 15.0U e#6; May. 15.:: (MS: July, 15.19 -g? 2"; August, 14.S«4f XT; October 17.41 , <} r,f>. iiiMtui* dewy rvr>r.ciHKi» mherf He mil/ mu: Bishop Collins Denny. who lias been visiting Ins daughter, Mr*. J. IV. Dtx • •ii, at lb** Methodist Institute, has been considering the question of his future location. Previous to his elec tion to th“ bishopric he was profes sor at <he Vanderbilt I'niversity and is still lit ing In Nashville. Owing to th< fart that he was a member of the Baltimore Conference and his minis try was tnrgely In Virginia and Mary land. his thoughts have naturally turned toward these two States in considering the place for his future I residence. He has visited Baltimore amt ! Washington and Kit hmond, and left Monday morning for Koanoke an<1 : Salem, both of which places desire him to locate in their midst, he hav- i ing been a pastor in both plants some t years ago. Bishop Denny stated to a i representative of the Virginian that he had arrived at no decision in the matter, that there were weighty rea ( sons for Baltimore. Washington and 1 ! Richmond, all being Important oen I tors. Bishop Wilson is living in T4al ttmore at present. The M. E. church, | South, lias had great development In j Washington in recent year, and being the capital of the country, there are I perhaps more reasons in favor of ; that locatiijn than any other. Bishop Denny greatly appreciates j th< desire manifested for him to lo cate in Richmond, and will give th. matter \/<ry careful consideration. UH IHA DEMOCRATS WILE DIMTSS tO.WEMION IDEA V mans-meeting of Louisa Demo* i erats will be held Tuesday to consider ] the question of holding a State con ! vrntlon for the purpose of formulat ing a new party platform. In the communication published in connec I tlon with the call attention is called ■ to the importance of a legalised prt I mnry. and it is urged that the con j ventlon formulate a mandate for the passage of an adequate law at the next regular session of the ldegisla ! lure. Officers of Fredericksburg Council. ; (Special to The Richmond Virginian, l KREDERH'KSHI KG, VA.. Dec. IS. —Fredericksburg I'ouncll, No. 41«. Royal Arcanum, has elected the fol lowing officers: Regent. T. H. Har-1 I ri»7 vice-regent, K. C. N'inde; orator, : J. W. Thomas; secretary, George T. i Downing: collector, Captain W. F. , Cootos; treasurer, J. F. Brown; chap i lain, O. J. Owens: guide. R. E. Hotel; j warden. J. O.. Brummett; sentry. R. ' E. Rode. Delegate to Grand Lodge.1 * ('a plain W. K. Cootes. roB sALii | | A FOR SALK IN * THE RICHMOND Virginian want ade . trill bring you a i buyer. k I ( H.BBELK “PEillCIOUSir XllllE . i ——— HENCE Kf< svm;il» OTOClAl \ DECAPITATION AT HANDS OF | WASHINGTON AUTHORI TIES. HARRISONBURG. V.V.. Dec. 1 ••— Charles M. Iteegel has been removed ; from his office as postmaster of Har risonburg and the name of Wllmer 1.. Dechert, a widely known Insurance man and a wealthy eltisen of the town, is already before the authorities in Washington as his ruocessor. It is regarded ad an assured fart that Mr. I Herbert will he the next, post sstei. It Is reported thut Randolph llene berger will succeed T’aul Dutfow as assistant postmaster. Tilts appears to he ,.ne o the Inevi table result* of the pnlttleal revolution which has taken place in the Seventh Congressional dlstriet during the last three months, and especially the out come of the frequent Investigation i Into the conduct of I’ostmastef Kee *el. who has been constantly under lire for several > -are tinder the charge of pernicious political activity. Dur ing the recent campaign for Congress in this district a number of postof lice inspectors were hovering over va rious portions of the district, ami now it Is said that Kecjf.l S head is not the only one to com- ..fY Many changes. It is reported, will be made through out the ten counties of the district. As Kecael was the aetive leader of his faction, backed by the national adminlscant. Jt appears now that the John Paul faction, hacked by the na tional administration. Is getting into the saddle after a tiresome wait of fourteen years. GIG BITCH OF IIOMIMTIOHS Washington, d. c„ Dec. i- — Presid- nt Tnft to-day nominated : Maxwell Flak'’, .f Missouri, to lw* consul general at Tangier, Morocco. To be consuls: William W. Handley, of Not York, at Naples, Italy: I'nrl Hailey Hurst, of th*- District of Co lumbia. at Hyon, France: Hen j, Kcena, of Micuignn, nt Florence, Italy: Ma rion Hatcher, of Georgia. at Chihuahua. Mexico; Hunter Sharp, of North Caro lina, at Belfast. Ireland: Bdxvard D Winslow, of Illinois, nt Jlauef), Her-, many. To be collector of internal revenue: For the district of < tklahnma, George L Knott, of Oklahoma. To be receivers of public moneys: | Vivian IJones California, at lnde i pendeuee. Cal.: Shields Warren, of Florida, at Gainesville, Fla. To be register of land offlri at I Gainesville, Fla . Henry F. <•hub's of Florid To Be Postmastsrs. Connecticut—S Ford seelej, Wash-, ington depot. IHiito.t—Adolpi Fehrmann. Pekin. Iowa—Robert n. Oldhant, Green field: Harry P Clinton, Russell; E. n. | Newton, Anita, John C. Foster, He drick. Kane.-s—W. I' ( asey, Atchison; James M. HalF-tt, National Mllitary IF mi . Mary C, Dykes. Hebanon. Mrsrt-chusettS — Godfrey Knight, A -. o'.. F rank <\ Barrvtva, New Bed ford. Alfto.Tgsn—Everett N. Clark, Wyan ! dotte. Minnesota- Daniel A. Malloj, Wal i nut Grove. Missouri—James H. Hay, Holden. Montana-—Max Jacobs, Fiat Helena. Nebraska—FTfank A. Prucha. Hov i ell. New York lamtiel L. Rile;.. Broiix i vllle. Ohio — H. F. Orr. Medina; Charles A. Moodey, Pain- svllle; John A. larwrie, | Seville Oregon—-William R. Olds. Grass Y«l ; ley, Pennsylvania—Halite ,\l. MeNitt, ’ Mifflin Rhod Island—Albert. C. Handers, Newport. South Dakota—Henry Heintg, Klk 1 toft. Vintt ta -Frank Stearns. Glen Alien: Howard T. Jenkins, East Radford: C O. M 'legend - r, Salem. Washitigtott-—Alegnnder Jolley. El ' ma; Walter Fl. Craruntattc. Aberdeen. ! Vi'yi tnltig William Rogers, Green ! River. Favorabls Reports Made. i Rep-.-rte in favor of the confirmation "f the following nominations were d< - i elded upon 1o flu- ftenati committee ‘on judiciary to-day . Fred rick W. Hehiuann. of St Houis. to be scdl< ltor-lfeneral o' th< United States. J. R. < Uirk- . Jr., of Ft.ih. solicitor ; for the State Department W. T. Thompaon. Nebraska, solicitor ! for the treasury. The following Fnlted States district attorn e. s: Fl. Fl. Randolph, weston district of Houisiaua. I F. C Wetmore, western district of ! Michigan. Alexander Dunnett. Vermont. I Oscar Cain, eastern district of Washtrfton. i B. H. Rodey, of New Mexico, Nome division of Aleska. F\ E. Hinkle;-, of California, to be i distr'et attorney t'nited States court j for Ch'ra. A. J. Martin, tnarahal of the western district of Missouri. Hen Irgotif, marshal for Hie west ern district of Isoulalatia. Fultort News News items may be left at NH •en's Furniture Store, or pliOuetl to Madison 474t. Mr. P, J, Kruse, of t'hlcagu is visiting his aunt. Mrs. Nelsen, of Williamsburg arenue. Mrs. Lewis Hansen Is visiting reia j fives in Portsmouth. Kreetlas Holler Mill. (Special to The Richmond Virginian 1 fjLAMSVILLK, VA„ Dec. 12.—Mr, I. C. Dehart is putting In n large roller mill plant at his home, seven mlios northwest of this village Entertain* Brother Pastors. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) FKEDERlCKBBUHO, VA., Doc. 15. —Rev. J. H. Jacobs entertained the ministers of Fredericksburg at supper at the Methodist pared nag > Friday ■light. The bountiful repast wa* fully I enjoyed by all and a pleasant social ! evening was spent. Those present j were. Rev. J. H. lienderlite, of th* , Preabytdrlan church; Rev. It. A. WII ; Hams, of the Baptist ohurch; Rev. H. J. McBryde. of St. George's Episcopal; Rav. H. H. Barber, or Trinltv, and the Most R«v. Jacob*, of the Meth ! odist. •« i'tefljs J. Bellamy Dies. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Dec. 12 — Charles J. Bellamy, owner and editor cf the Dally News, died eerly to-day of height's disease. He was a brother of Edward Bellamy, author of Looking Backward." . ■ SOE AMID FOR URGE SUM ff.tershihg «b\ bei) tx v (IDE1T DEBAM) *1«.0«0 MIOM \TLAXTH COAST LINK. PLAINTIFF’S ALLEGATION; FI'BERU OF TBADDEtS GRIFFIX Ori t BRED TO-DAV—RICHMOND STORK TO OPEN BK AM'tl—BFA . Oil. STRIIITIXU PI.K \SF.s. 1 Special to The Richmond Virginian.) [ T’’r.O, VA.. 1>«se. 12. - Two | damage suits aggregating IJfl.OOO were j tiled Saturday with the Clerk of the | Cuiirts llnliprt tlllltatrt against the < Atlantic- Const Idne Kailway Com pany. These arc ttv- result of an nc-rpl. nt which occurred Deeember IT, ino:*, at the Intersection of phoenix and Diver sfaets. In Petersburg:. In ^ whtc-h a furniture van was demolished anci two men, W. AV. I'petuifch and j Clifton K Hlndoek. the plaintiffs, wore Injured. They claim that In convey ing a lot of furniture to the Phillips lino on that date, while crossing Phoe nix street, a freight train with loco- ; motive attached backed across the street, striking the wagon and hurl ing the occupants to the ground. Mr. Cpchtirch alleges thnt hts back and left shoulder were badly sprained and his loft arm badlv injured. Knr these , injuries he asks 110,000 damages, j Hladock claims that in toeing forced to j .lump he was badly shaken up and , his right ankle was sprained and In : ; consequence is asking damages. The case Is read' for trial at the January term of the courts, and Mr ; William K. MoKennev is attorney for j : the plaintiff*, while Air. William B. i Mcllwalne is attorney for the defend ant companj Oppow <)|ienlnii Aliev. Considerable opposition t-• the a lie' . P> Ice made in the tear of Sj cam ore .street and between that street one! u'nion is expressed by property own-: era This alley is deemed nn essary In case cef (ire. and the Council approves its construction, and Engineer Mudd is now making plans for its construe- ' tlon. Propertj owners on ITion street i are consulting legal authorities in cq>- 1 position to the proposed allej. To Construct Drinking Fountains. Drinking fountains are to he con structed in the public schools of the ••it.v after the first of the year. in- ! dividual drinking cups as iu>« used : are considered Inadequate and im proper. the children losing their cups ;1#nd borrowing from others. The fountain svstem is generally approved .by all Interested in the schools. Teachers Hoad Rejiorts. At the teachers' meeting Friday I afternoon reports were read from • those who had attended the conven I tlon recently held (n illchmond. those reporting were Miss Carey Meyers for I the high school and for the primary school.'- Mias Ethel Pilcher At Frt - day's meeting Superintendent Jones • continued his lecture on How to Teach.' nintral or Mr. (•riffln. The funeral of Thgddeus Griffin "•ho was accidentally shot Thursday in Mecklenbfhrg county while hunt ing. ant] who died as a result t*f hi* injuries Saturday morning. "’«? held at the Washington-Street Methodist t’hurcli Monday morning at 11 o'flock services being conducted by Dr. George E. Hooker The young man resided on Sycamore street In I’etershurg and iva,« tveil knots n and had a largo circle of friends. Mr Griffin teas about ; seventeen. years of age. Newsy Votes About Town. \ Richmond department store will j erect a branch store on Sycamore street, and negotiations are no tv pend ing looking to it« construction. It "ill be built in the burnt district, and 'fill probably be built by Petersburg capita! but-w ill be leased by the Rloh rnond firm. The High School Girls’ Diterary Club had a very inter-sting meeting Satur day afternoon and an excellent pro gram was rendered consisting of read ings and music. Miss Mary Moylan Hanks presided. The mother s club of the Peal-od.v school f--r colored pupils has collected Ml*, which is to he expended in im P'-rving the appearance of the school by pictures, rugs and plants This club ha-s fof its purpose the improve ment of sanitary conditions among the colored - hlldren -f Petersburg. Rev. t'harles R. Stribling preached his llrst sermon as pastor of Tahb Street Presbyterian church Sunday to large congregation*. His congrega tion expresses themselves- as being much pleased with their new minister Virginia Weddings Pennington—< Urey. . ( The Richmond Virginian ) HEATHSVIEEE, VA.. I>e\ 12.—In i citations have been issued to the mar riage of Miss Sara Louise Carey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jett Carey, of Hague. Westmoreland county, to Mr. Edward Moody Pen nington. of the same county. The ceremony will take place at Cople chapel. Hague. Va., Thursday morn ing. December 15. After December 25 the couple will reside at “Wood burtie." In Westmoreland county . I - Hinson—Hayden (Special to The Richmond Virginian.! HEATHS VI LEE, VA., Dec. 1!*. i Miss Annie Hayden and Mr. Carev Hinson, of Richmond county, were married at Oakland M. F. church on Wednesday evening. Rev. Starke Jett officiated. Tyson—Scott. '■ (Special to The Richmond Virginian.> CAPE CHARLES. VA.. I>ec. 12.— : The marriage of George T. Tyson and Miss Lula Lee Scott took place Wed nesday afternoon in Holmes PreSby . terian church. The interesting event ' was witnessed by a large number of friends and relatives. The Rev. W. C. Flournoy performed the ceremony. , Mr. and Mrs. Tyson left on the after 1 noon steamer for a tour north. They 1 will reside at Cherlton, Va. I la in ey—Dunn. | CREWE. VA., Dec. 12.—' Rlcndon,’ the home of Mrs. Mary J. Dunn, at I Nottoway Courthouse, was the scene ! of a pretty wedding oti Wednesday af [ tsrnoon. when her daughter. Miss | Georgian* Dunn, was married to Dr. ! George A. Hanvey, veterinarian of the Stub United States Cavalry, stationed at Dee Moines, la. | ---- Issue for Convention. For the purpose of reading pa per# before the American Surgical and Gynaecological cojjvsntlon, which , meets in Nashville this week. Dr. Rob 1 ert C. Bryan. Dr. • Stuart McGuire and Dr. J. S. Shelton left Sunday night ftff the •ITenneHee capital. The Nowlan Compel LEADING JE' 921 Em( Mih StrMlt Are headquarters far Elegant Watches, Jewelry, Starling Silver, quality it considered, their prices are the All correspondence given careful attenti Goods sent on approval. Express proper WuuaclM War* I (ran «4 AlTirttMaMM I. W. Craar'a Mara, 1 Ma Rail slrse*. ! MANY ATTEND FUNERAL OF liAPT. A. C. GRIMES Th,- funeral of Captain Alec 0 Orimes wan conducted from the He eatMr-S'raet Methodist c.lurch Sunday afternoon at .1 o'clock, and the Inter I ment nny made in Maurv cemetery. A large number of friends and rela tives followed th<' body to its Htlai resting place The funeral service* were perform , mI by the Rev Wcsiiey l>lxon in con junction with the Rev. (’. T. Forres-I ter. The active pall-bearers were. J. C. Hlake. ft. R. Hague. H. P. Hancock T. R Morton. I! H. Roving, 8. 8. i Wright. A. H. Wilkinson atid W. E. I Rowlett. Those asked to act as honorary pall- 1 i bearers wer • W J Rrooks. .1. O. [Mode. W. Harris, Captain Merman J Moseley. | ir SV. .1. Craig. I >r T. 1‘. j Jones and I >r J W. Rroadnfi.x. JI'STll i : M X PRICE HAS FI LI. MOfiDXl IHM'Kirr Justice Maurice had hiR hands full when he arrived at the police court, part two, Monday morning, trying to. rtratghten out the path* of several parties w hose feet had wandered front the trnil during the day of rest. The .docket was headed by Afar- <'. Yutes, , th- "C" meaning colored, who was charged with lifting a stove from the | Southern Furniture Company'* store Mary was searched, but f 9 the stove ! could not be found on her person, the - case w as dismissed. Peter Scott, colored, g"t rough on ! s street corner and w as pulled. The justice looked at him and ttaid, "Tj;n dollars and cost* " Peter faded. Charles White and Mat Jones, both boasting negro parentage, became in censed at each other on the corner of Eighth and Hull streets and Charles I Algenon "bus him over the haid." The Justfc asked for $2.50 and costs [from both parties. : SFK VICKS OF INTEREST l\ SOITHSIOE CHtfiCHES Th.c pulpit of the I >ecat rt-Street Methodist Episcopal church was filled Sundai morning bv \V A. Christian, presiding elder of the Rich mond district. At night. th- Rev. ’ J. W. McAlister. secretary of th- Anti- j ^Saloon league. presided. Rev. w. tBurch spoke Sunday morning in the Asbury Metfiodlst church on the subject "Itip Work of a Live Church. 1 and in th evening he gave the first of a s-*ries of lectures I on the office., of Christ. The oongr* gation of the Stockton Street church worshipped Sunday in , the Odd Fellows' Hall, the pastor. Rev. ,1. T. Haby. conducting both services. The Ret. .1. \V. McAllint»r. secre tary of the Anti-Saloon I.eague. spoke Sunday morning in th.’ t'entral Meth-j odist church, and tin pulpit was filled at night by W. V Christian, D. L>., | presiding cider of the Richmond dis- ! trlct. Th: i,f tin Oak tlrdte .hurt'll w re conducted by the pastor i Rev. 1>. «!. lauicatster, who spoke "tt the subject, 'The Retiner." tn the morning ami “Carelessness" was his theme at night. The Oowardin Avenue Christian ' i church: Worship was conducted on j Sunday by the pastor. Rev. F. IV. ' Long. Th. Subject of his morning J i'l>. • ttrso war “Th • Pharisee and the Publican.' and at night he spoke on j ''Hod s < 'all to Adam " I'r. t. it. it«> spoke in th. Raiu hridge Street Baptist church Sunday night on tin subject oi his recent trip, i through Argentina mid RrajtiI. STtK KTOV street bazaar OPENS MOSl»A\ Mt.irr The iadii -■ of the Stockton Street , Baptist church will open Monday the j tirst night of th. ir hazurtr in the Ma ■ sonic Temple, and the program pro- • ; vid-d is an interesting one. The ba- j xaar will in continued through ever.' j j night of this week with a grand wind i up Saturday night. The program for each evening will be different, with j th ■ hail lined with booths aud fair | vendors. i The stewards' meeting and the first ! quarterly conference of the Central Methodist church will be held In the church Monday night at ft o'clock. Personal Notre. Mr P. H. Roving. Who hug been ( sick nt th ' home of his brother. J. H. Loving. of Swanshoro, hag returned to his studies si Richmond College. Mrs. J- H. J. Holton. of Itock.' , Mount, is the guest of Mrs \Y. H. ’ Bolton at their home. 1209 Hull street. | Mr. \V. .1. Carter has returned from j a business trip to Xew York. Mrs Martha Weymaek ts reported { to he critically 111 .it h r home. 106 Cast Eleventh street. Pan Capon’s horse g.t away from him thi ether da\ and went for a stroll through the streets. His for- , ; cite cost his master $1 on the charge j i of violation of the city ordinance. 1 The police are on the lookout for ; | one James Park*, whose company is : ! earnestly desired at a pink tea to he held in the basement of the City Hall, j | Hat anybody here seen Jimmy? FOI H MEN ASPIRE I TO VACANT Jl lMiESHIT Announcement of the succeaaor to ! Judge John K. Maaon, of Frederick** ; burg, who died last yeekj_.wllLj>rotw ' r ably b<> made by Governor . nesday. A deification favoring th® rn-nt of Former County Jt " cure, of Carollno county, w® the chief executive Monday. Judge Moncure, the Governor! fore him the name* of W. 1S> of Caroline: George Haw, of and R. H. I* Chichester, of icksburg. The Governor ha* riven non® < delegation# or writers any indl ns to whom he will name. GIVEN JAlIi SENTENCES AMI HEAVILY Tiiman Thompson and Mr. Walker, who have been living f several week?, were Monday sentenced to jail for six moot and lined *&0 by Justice Crutch* Police Court. Thompson has a wife, whoa® is on Heverlv streets. Mr*, has a husband in Lynchburg.^ have been living a# Mr. and H. Walker, but when a Treated day night by Detective* Kcllum . Atkinson both admitted tfU4t With them was Mrs. Walkw’* girl, who is just three years old has another daughter about 91< old In l.vnchburg. The police were requested to the couple by one of the ^ county constables. It appear® l bad been through a f ceremony, the ritual » c‘° by a man named Y^e® burg. This man rf , . suicide, flrr* wrltinW 0/"*tt fa he set forth his etref'.g them the performai e o'f marriage ceremony. , Shot From Ambush. NORFOLK. V'A.. Dee. 1* known assassin In ambush instantly kilted William ored. Saturday night while to his home at Huttonavll' miles from Portsmouth, ac< by his wife. No clue to the or cause for the crime has tairigd. _ Eleven yean making title 1 ;tV. Office, 603 East Maid rPhone Monroe 30T4. Jo burn should be cut I body clear of knots sap Is down. I have it ffltj pine and slab. Try dM man. Madison 1< R. A. ROHI LAWYI TITLE EXAM! HELP. IK TOU DESIRB, A ST| typewriter, or help ox a ^nt^RtrOjmoj^VJSSlalSS REAL ESTATE. Why Patronize Concern Who “Who But Ui i If von do it, it will in the add ‘ We my OVERLOOK THE I which at this writing is and make a selection th« ! who wishes to DO FOR YOU. , choice should be US, we square and honest service, a motto. YOU will not be i neither will WE. Yours to a EDWARD S. ROSE < Real Estate A| tkme No 11 North Elev 13% Invcstnw Priee, 11,800. Annual ' Alwavs renter!. Sec us. MeCLURE-DA’ TAYLOR CQ.P 104 North iCOS 12% Invest I'rice, S3.S00. Annual Broad Street business McCH'RE-DAVl... TAYI.OR CO:J 104 North ' FOR RENT, FlRstT FLAT, 1114Floyd Four rooms and both, once. BROOKE * 10 North FOR RENT, 942 Rent reduced. BROOKE ,30 North