Newspaper Page Text
up TRIPS ABROAD FOR TEACHERS WATCH THE VIRGINIAN * V a VOL. 1—No. 275. THE WEATHER—Fair, Warmer To-night. RICHMOND, V A., WHD.NKM'A V, I> K < K .M J! \i K 14, U»l<). 12 |* A G K S . City SMliln ... *t«t« imhim_a By Mall Oaa Year. CABNEGIE GIVES PRINCELY SUM Ten Millions of Dollars For Promotion ot the World’s Peace EXPENDITURE TO BE IN TRUSTEED HANDS Former Governor Andrew J. Montague Named as MemDer ot board ot trustees WASHINGTON. O Iv< . i».— Ton minion dollars in nv«* i»t r cent, bonus Vmm t**-uay lormail.* turned u\t r iw Anurew rarm xn: to a *»•*"' year e founuaiion U »*• tneuiia' iron* vv iudv is u> go lowatu the cstaoiian nicnt ol international peace. rrt»bj* i«i iait uni »*<• ino nonorary prcMvtfiu d tin toutojauotl, " ant betiittor i.iinu wa* * ic*k* n» *y tn« trustee* iu lilt* active I'l iM'K III. in* t«.uni«aiiMji is to ».e perpetual arm 11 * • ni'"iu«Hi **l msji>».Miu * * * • nie anuuptuM htmu.ii income is H it entirely to tne Uu.m* - > Mfual the purpose <4 the foumiiM i"i» ever no Hiiticvhi in J iit. th** funus from the fruiiutlUoll a If t" toward the imo litioii ot *th«- n* \t most degratiing tnl »*f owls.” In the trust deed «‘armgie ':«.vs '‘Although w* n • longer cat our iellow-mtn. not sunk «n i*-«. Killing their imiai'Uants. v.. Mill kiti * a- t» other in war-like bar--.irktu*. 1 *nl> wild ar* *\ nmi. • ir<*rn *u mg that in dus, th*- twi utn-m < < xitm • **f Uo < nri-tnyi era, lor tn< -rrn* ot • ar i> inn* rent, mihc it d«- id* - not in fav«>r * f the .-right. hut always of the Mrong. l In- nation Ik criminal which r«‘i tjg<*s arbitration and drives its adv*r*nr\. and which knows hom ing ot righteous judgment. I btdievo til* short* St and easiest path to pence hr* tn adopting ITesident Taft *« plat !<>rm br!'.ii' the 1‘. a* * and Arbitration Society, Maivh 22. 1 -* 1 • ’ The trustee* are Senator Mhiiu Knot, N}> hoillf- Mun i Hirtmr. presi dent of Columbia. { '• dirge; l *r. Henry S. IM itrhi. tt. pr* >i-li nt *'t the t 'arrwgie Foundation t* r th* \d\un- • tu-iii oi Tea hing. Joseph H « inmt* A Hart K Smiley. educator. f »r. <*harhs N* Idiot. ex • president o! Harvard; Join** Brown Stott, solicitor of the Staff fdepartimo?t; John W. Foster, c'x-M'e* retary of state; Andrew J Montague, e Governor d Virginia, <’engross man \\ Ultam M. Howard. Leyirigton, U&., Ju*ig* Thomas Burkf. Seattle; G*»n gn K.«man Jam* h 1. s? *y »i« 11. San An* t *mo, Andrew l*. White. «*\ nmHusso th*r to (Jirmany: S. Fro-Kins, lawyer. St. Louis, Sirmid Mather, i«afik*'r, Cleveland. J <*. s* hmuuapp, railroad man, Gimdnnatl; \rthur Wil liam ii*si* r, regent rntwrsity **f t ali tornia, San Francisco. R. Franks. hunker. Hoboken. Charlemagne Tow er, ex-am !*a>sia* *r t< Germany* * >s~ » ar Strain, ambassador to Turkey; A listen tl. Fo\ lawyer. New York.. John L. . « ‘ad waliitder. lawyer. Wvv York, J«*hn Sharp William*, ?•*•! *t r *!i*i fr*»m Mississippi; c I*. Tayiur. ehairtnan **f the I’aringii- Ii*r** Com mission. Pittsburg, and Georg* \Y Perkins, flnan« ier. New York. iMali** Arraiigrd Tu-Ikiv. Final detaila of his gilt of * ,l!. ooo for the promotion of th* . i - peace, whieh Andrew Carmgi. :*• t«» unounc'v to-morrow at th* first s*> 8ion **i the American S<*< i« ty for the Judicial S» ttlement o* Int* i iutti**nal liiaputcs at th* New Willard, w*jv arraigned her* t*»-day. While the philanthropist r* nisvd t«> <?!s« l«ise htM ' Titirt^ plan, it is under stoofl that he expects t** . a worhl wide organlatation, whi*-h w it! )*** clo ut* ti by this vast gift. 11* has already tvdiwl Cli dF kXAY- dgu Ipbfs:. ?*' The di»trU)Uti*»ii of tin $*«oo.tM>o a year, which the lio.ouo.ouo * ihIoh - men! wilt yield, is to left entiredy in the hands of th** trust* * s. It was considered possihl* that the trustees vvo’uld co-operate with Sec retary <«f State Knox to promote th* prop*»se*l pence court. While Garnegie s gift was unexpect ed. it caused n** great surprise among the promoters «>f the world j*enee movement tn Washington, as in re cent year* he has shown an increas ing interest In th** work. It is known that he has been put ling aside other activity to devote himself almost wholly to the cause BOTH VERY ACTIVE PUTTING ON NAMES THE VOTING STRENGTH OF LYNCHBURG NEARLY DOU BLED WITHIN THREE DAYS—TO FILE V NOTICE. (Kpeolal to Thr Richmond Virginian.) LWCHBl’RO, VA.. Dec. 14.—The petition for the contest of the recent local option election will not. It is stated to-day. he filed In the Corpora tion Court here before next Saturday, the lust day on which it can lie filed. The attorneys are taking all the time allowed them In the preparation for the petition. Lynchburg to-day lias the largest qunlitlcd vote for next spring's elec tion since the new Constitution went Into effect. All day Monday and Tues day the offices of the treasurer were crowded by voters with money in their bands and In the two days nearly 1.500 poll taxes were paid up. About 2.000 voters had paid their taxes prior to December 1. so that the qualified list now has about 3,500 numea. It is esti mated that at least 300 or 400 persons Will seek to register within a short time. Roth sides claim that they will be In a position to tight the local option battle over again should the lust elec tion be thrown out as the result of the pwpoisd contesL ! <■■ > ’ . . HATTIE LE BLANC AND WIDOW OF GLOVER =u hattic i-f~. JibA-Nrc J LL MR*- • CIAREN CG K gjx.o-v'Kn: . WINSLOW TIKES FLING IT 'FIDS' ttoitt: i l%lI: oiot I I) m to oi l) i nn; m •IKIJK\ »>. T(... mu* h attention is im*tti#4 puiti Hit y day* to sp** tuciiiar diseases *«f the h')"ktt i.*rm cud pellagra t> p* , ar • ruing i** i'r :«.-s-*r i 'harlos K. \ Winslow. ' t >rk, who will dls us.« th* M Urn U’ui' Again*, i in a ;■ < tur<* at John Mar shall high »■ h *••*■: Wednesday mgnt iimlcr jiiispiro <*f th*' city board of h«a!ih and th* j * derat k»ii • rn-'tii- r-,’ i- i u i -. Warfare again-a >;»* ,*i ihvax * is to c<»numii!''* u.. h say *. ' ,.t m* r» at tention *hou «l l>. de\<*t*‘d to consump tion and other Uiscae- * that ar* rl.nmi:iK trids of » 1 tim> each yrar Prof* r Winslow. v, h-, .• a biol sri al ♦ Xpert ar.d an .iath**r;t> *n hy giene and situation, that at must thirteen oii> will be addfil t*> the aurag* life of man an » result *f the pliant hvulth rampAiKn that is being pushed through out the r*«m | try. Health boards. ho says, ar** mak ing marke d pr *gr* ss in th* direction i uJ sav ing th* lives of peoph i nn’t HriiulflU’ l^ipU*. Th* ; . «t way to a« * *»uipi,«h this r* still, h* belie\ i.v is t>< «*dm at*1- lh* ,.* *»|.*j** rtaht'r than t reg ;at* th* m Tim* s was wlicj, everything w,i* ,tt •• erupt* d by regulation nut it has be- r ;o*:nd that such methods omphsh I* •' result* oi a bt*m !•< jni < hiila* ter. Now. th“ campaign >■! education is ■ th1 ?d< r method with most. gratif; mg ? • .- It.-. Yuli may pasts .in ordinal. ■» r* julring separah di inking . ups for people in puidn pUm* he says, ami perhaps do toon* g**od by doing so It is n>t ever. to reg»e lat*- a man in his own home and re *piir* , F**r instance, that h simii hi >“inc fresh air into his sleeping n» -m u ho does not U‘« 1 mo inclined." Vs a result of the great work which health hoards and others pngaged iii tlie health ' ampalgn ;*.r*- a* emupif^h mg Professor Winsf-.vv says that it !« n**t so difllcult to-day t** g» l money as it was t* n years ag<*. 'fhen ii was ar fiislrr for ,t lire department t** get an appropriation, for th* wry j simple r* <is* n that .t pat out hr* s ! a mi the people knew d Hut the health : authoritle# had little t*> show for their i work ami they consequently g**t little 1 money. ITinv History uf Work. Professor Winslow arrived in Kich , mond W«*dn'esday nmrnlng. and is th* i guest of t’hiel Health t>fficer l^ev y. In his i*ut»ir• he will pay special at t« nti*>n to tuberculosis and other had | air** diseases like pneumonia and in | Uuenaa H* will also devote some * tittle t*» discussion or infant mortality * and )»t'ev* ntiv< measures in e *miection | therewith. In a*idttn«n. h* will tr>«ce i the general history *•? public health * \v«»rk. The lecture will begin at s 1 P. M. and will doubtless be largely at 1 tended. Professor Winslow has charge of ihe bitdogleal department of tin* Col lege of the City of New York, and Is also curator *.f public health in the American Museum of Natural His tory. MISS BARNEY WILL WEI) HERE i ' DAUGHTER OF MRS. L. J. BARNEY, OF JAMESTOWN ISLAND. TO MARRY OHIO ATTORNEY. I (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WILLIAMSBURG. YA, Deo. 14.— Clerk Geddy to-day issued a license to I Harry Loomis Manner, of Dayton, | Ohio, to wed Miss Martha Perrine Bar ■ ney. of Jamestown Island. Miss Bar j !iev Is a daughter of Mrs. Louise J. Hartley, owner of Jamestown, and of ( tile late Bdwurd K. Barney. Mr. Mutt* J nor is an attorney lira* th ins in Day | ton. Miss Barney left tills morning; for | Richmond, accompanied by her mother, l The wedding will take place to-morrow ; at the Jefferson Hotel. i --- Mrs. Harney and Miss Barney are at the Jefferson. HIS NECK. IS liKOKEN BY FALL FROM WAGON 1 ASHLAND, VA„ Dec. 14.—While driving a two-horse wagon to his farm several miles'from this place Tues day afternoon M,aJor Sykes, a new comer from Ohio, fell out and broke his neck, dying almost instantly. He was standing in the wagon when the i horse becoming frightened ran away. Major Sykes has been here only a few | months. He leaves a wife and eight children. VUIGKERSKAM TIIkS IN BUCKET SNIPS Attorney-General Discusses Crusade Against Them in an Interesting Fashion SAYS PUBLICITY SPhLLS PROSPERITY Urges Benefits to Accrue to Honest firms Pr<>m fair and Frank Dealing With the Public WASHINGTON. lV- . 1 Fubii <-it; . f'ir tb.- legitimate orporalton, spoils prosperity, in my <»i»inj.-i»." said Attorney UtT.' Tal Wl kcTdium u>-da> in discussing ins mmiit - ogunst "Ve k ft SlJOJlS. ii; pul l tmtin that business ■ orporatmli* should not corneal the ,n-i i»rui» >‘f their transaction*. t ut should make utem puouc, and should .u all times tlc.ii lairly and irankiy with their stockholders ami the pub i ii< in general. ‘This, in my estimateu:, is tin lust 'means of . neuuFugiiig coniidenec ,mi"ii|t th"s-. who have money to in i vest, nnd among those v. h - arc already vIm Khoiuers t.tit none ail, this puo 1 ill ny and lair dealing would almost , • nurely vlo a a ,s; with the many Wild :<t' linuiii lat schemes H-nlrii Ivor .■rued ill the Iasi, and which tm „"\ernn]i nt Is i ndeavorlng to sup press ty depriving them uf the of the m ills and in other ways. ' Within the ins-t t. w years tin American puldb has lost many mil lions oi dollars through swindling op eraii.ns in Imaginary enterprises, ‘bucket shops and get rich-quick 'schemes gent-ratty, promoted by al | luring advertisements and circulars if the investors had had opportunity to know tin real llnanem! condition of these companies and their l.ntsi ! ness methods, their savings would not have been lost Instead their money would have been put Into lcgitimab business i orporatiotis. "The main diiticulty has bgen that the investing public has been unable 'to distinguish, because of the se, re live policy maintained by so m&n.v genuine, bona-tute institutions. be tween the legitimate and the iilegiti : mate ones. The former can afford to i deal openly with th< public, but the get-rich-quirk concerns cannot "There is nothing that would do" ■ more to convert money to legitimate enterprises. A Federal incorporation j law properly framed would assist in i bringing this about.” iSENKTE CONSIDERS OVK CLAIM IS A TOW I XU BILL OF *#5,000 COXTKACTKO BY OKN KKAI; lUTl.KIt IX IHIil WASHINGTON, Hoc. 14.—Consid j oration of the omnibus claims bill was resumed in the Senate to-dav, ; when an amendment offered by Sen ator Frye (Republican), of Maine, al lowing $95,000 to the New < Irleuns Towing Association for coni taken by i Reneral Benjamin F. Butler in ISfi was adopted. Senator Bristow (Republican), of Kansas, spoke vigorously in opposi tion to the French spoliation claims feature of the bill. He said they were not meritorious and could not l>e passed In either house as separate measures. Senator •'Bate" Young t Republi can*!, of Iowa, took his first turn at | presiding over the Senate to-day. He was called to the chair by Vice-Presi dent Sherman while the omnibus ! claims bill wan being discussed. With the promptings of the clerks he ac quitted himself well. Will lie Uu'jr Confirmed. That all the president's judicial nominees would be confirmed In the route course of business was the pre diction made at the White House to day by Senator Borah, of Idaho. "I have heard some nebulous tall of these being opposition to-Judges Archbald and Hunt, nominated for places on the commerce court,” Mr. Borah aald, '‘but there has been noth ing definite.*' i toVIHACTOK MK'ABi: lit ItT BY la-TOOT H1,L, Will, I’ltnilt bi.y Hrtovri;. Though his bac k is br..k. n, the doc tors ‘ay thai Thomas \V. MeCabe, . '.ntrai mr. forty >eais ■•Id, ot 5201 N..nh Tenth street. may av« and walk again. .•I r. \t. < \. ■ fell forty-! • f.etiro.m a bulb.lug itj Itarton Jb ignis and «tt« r<-ni"»r<t t" Virginia ii • -=;• . There th. \ -ray ;i» applied. and when the plate*' de>el»|M-d it '■■■• found that ..Till . in th< spin- m-ar its Iihf, had been fractured. The spina. ■ ord. hoe . t . r. was tntu< t. and w hile the man is unable to walk as a re sult of the injury, th- doctors see'no reason "h he should not eventually n- .Air. At present hi is resting on i oil 'ith sandbags i>ii. < 1 up around him to k. |i hint stationary IP will probably h?.v to He on his bark i..r sumo weeks hvl'oru the ver t- brae menu. V A IV. It tll.lti > \l> H AI* III AVY VltniBUH IU si\|;sS • sp* • ial to Til-' lb. hmond Virginian, i KOAMIKK VA 1 lot. ii A state ment issued .. bj the eomptroller of the and Western rttllwav shows that th* inmerciai coal han dle 1 by thi road in November amount ed to 1.211 M.% i is. company eoal, 211.2 31'. tons, whi- h ,s a slight decrease eompared wIth 'ntoher. Th, IWa hoioas iieid i'll ith V94.1S;’ tins of commercial < < .. i 9».!>•'•* . coal. s|<»\ I l 111 1 UM.1I Hn N<* OXK \\ \s 111 ItT Sl’Kl **1.K, V.v Oeeern ht r 11. — A collapsed st*,ve i .-.lay set Mr.- t • one • a tin- room.-, in the Suffolk ‘'"log. building, "o upn d -e thro. grades from til' p'll'il. S. boo |s, Miss I^iuril Twlttv. in «li. - iorn th. blaze be gan. got her p d - out In good order. There was :i sligiil panic in tit. rooms above, ini! in* .a:, was hurt The (lames w,t, confin'd ’• one room The Weather HH’HMuNP \ A 1 r. H ,i,t for Kirn mo ml mol v - Unity: wail ami r:«in^r tt-mpi-ruttm to-nigbi and T hursd.iy WAKHlXUTiiX. 1* IV, l),.,' ; 4 Fore .as! f*>r V1 rt: :a K.::i woath.'r and rts lilt; tfni|»-ruu.r. t .-night and Tl; .r> I .lay \\ i:\IHI It CONDITION v In tin _ hour* a Morn, "a*> r.aahiard nor..** til** Lakes and Into th<. St. Kawreno- val !*->■ ti.using "I.-" i.-d moderation lit ill." weather ihl'.iugltmit the north. a*t - mil th>’ northern portion of t:... Ml* I ilsalppl Viilli > Throughout tin r<* • [ malnder of the country thr t.-mp.-ra uir*-s n* much h.low thr seasonal | normal, t i;. Pm. of freezing \sejuher ext. riding ^ "Southward 1 nto Northern Florida Tin**. unusual temperature 1'on.lition* nr accompanied l>\ fair wtatliar except ,n parts of tho Lake U.Klon on.l In Trias. Thorn will hr a moderation In i ;. weather In ihl« vl nlnlty during 't-‘- n.-xt 36 hour* l\ \ %rloi a HT11>. (Observations arc for tho 24 hours . tiding at s \. M . L'asiern Standard , time. ) hi at Ions Klchmom! . . AhIiiivIII. . . . At la n l it VtlnnUr > *11 > . . . Boston ... Buffalo Palgiii > i 'harl. Bton . . . ; Chleajjo ..... i Denver . Duluth . . dalveaton lluktnrusi ... . llavr." . Jacksonville . •In pitot . Kansas t’lty . . Louisville Lynchburg . Montgomery , . Now Orleans.,. New Tory .Norfolk . Oklahoma Pittsburg Uulolgh . St. Louis Kt. Paul San Franclsi Savannah Spokane .. i Tampa .... Washington ; Wlnnepog . [ Wytlieville I*. C—Partly o „ a' r. X3 1 g ~ 4i IS . 18 . 1 l ao :n . 20 20 10 . 40 . 34 04 . 30 . Hi .22 .30 . 4 8 ,20 .24 ,30 .24 .24 .22 .28 .48 .30 .28 .44 .20 . 18 20 30 Jii 14 30 32 32 48 12 30 18 32 54 38 40 48 38 24 18 52 .10 34 44 38 40 38 42 84 44 04 30 3* 30 Cloudy, _, u f c 2 w z -j. t IK 1 2 20 \ H 20 28 30 2 4 28 24 40 28 38 34 62 28 16 30 48 34 18 22 28 48 28 28 44 18 18 18 « *1 «*ur »*j«ar t’k*ar »'loud y < ’loud v «' i u uii y I'lfur t ’it ar 4 'Mr ('h nr < '!♦•«* r « loudy < ’l*»ar «*k*n,r CI«*a v « ']oud> i ’tear <'teur !• iTily Clear Cloudy ‘loud y Clear Cl* :i» oudy olid V Clear Clear Clear Clear < ’tear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear TWENTY-TWO REPORTED BEAD III WISE COUNTY EXPLOSION: SCENE OF ACCIDENT IS NEAR TOWN OF TACOM A, ON CLINCH VALLEY DIVISION OF THE NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILROAD i Special, to This Richmond Virginian, i ItOWOKK. V.V., I>00- II.— \ i-ihtIhI from Minefield ^u,s llmt a lin* i explosion nt fireenu mine, h siimll operation In Wi»' county, \ a., near la* coma, hnn enfomlM'd twenty-six men. twenty-two of «I10111 are -nppiwrd li» l>e dead. Tneoina is on (lie flinch Valley dlviidnii of tlir \orfolU and Western railway. Tile accident occur rd ai ** o'clock 111 i ~ morainic. All Have Periehed. Later.—Further information just received from Wise states the superin tendent of the Greeno mines, James Browning, is among the killed. It is believed that all the men in the mines have perished, making a total death list of 26. The Greeno mine is owned by the Bond Coal Company and is in Wise county. 1C0 miles from Bluefield. on the Norfolk and Western railroad. Relief parties with oxygen helmets and surgeons' supplies are on their way to the scene of the disaster. Wives and children of the entombed men surround the entrance begging the rescuers to bring their loved ones out. According to word reaching here, there was a great detonation that shook the earth, and. as if by magic, the entire population of the little town in lees than a minute's time had become aw are of the cataetrophe I ; HOUR THE SPEED1 — House Breaks All Records in Disposition of Appropria tion Bills $192,000,000 HAb BREN APPROPRIATED House Leaders Say All Bus iness Will be Rushed Through— Bill Introduced — WASHINGTON, Dp,. 14.— The hundreu-lhouaand-a-mlne" Houn.' be gan w.,rk .in itn fourth big money measure to-aay. when the legislative appropriation bill was Introduced, but us to-day was calendar Wednes day, debate on the hill will begin to , morrow. .No spendthrift ever disposed of money quite I last as the snort ses sion the Sixty-ttt.«t Congress has in tin lirst seven working days ut its existence. Nearly two hundred mtuiou ooliars has been spent out of the treasury of the United States ! for carious us.t» In record time. I The Indian appropriation hill, ear | rj ing more than eight millions; the j rivers and harbors bill, with about 1 thirty-one millions, and the pension bill, with more than Sl.iH.OOu.tlou, i haw been rushed through. And the 1 House has found time to talk about everything from the abolition of the Indian warehouses to a tariff tor ; revenue only. The work of passing the appropriation hills has been done in between." The Mouse has been in session just thirty-one and one-half working | hoars—1.890 minutes. in that time it'Tias disposed or about * 192,000.Ova. | That means that every hour <the i House has been in session has meant an expenditure of more.than six mil lion dollars—more than a hundred thousand dollars a minute. While a short session of iV.hgress usually disposes of the approprla l lion bills In hort order, the phenome | non of getting rid of three big bills ! within a week Is extraordinary. House ! leaders say that the speed will be kept up and all the appropriation bills , will be disposed of In record-break i ing time. Ik'lMie on tin* Itules. V tight that Involved the principles for "Calendar Wednesday" as estab : Usher! by the insurgents In their light ion the rules last session, occupied over an hour on the floor of the House tu I day. Representative Hughes, of New Jer sey, precipitated the struggle with a point of order. The Moon bill, re ' 'orinlng the Jludtclary, which was be . foro the House at adjournment last "Calendar Wednesday,” threatened to consume the time rtf every "Calendar .Wednesday” throughout tile session. Hughe* sahi the House should have |an opportunity to decide whether It would take up the hill as unfinished ; business. , Democrats and Kepugllcans fought vigorous! yfor a ruling allowing the House to Vote upon the question of considering the bill, and Speaker Can non finally ruled that the House had | thal trlght. The House thereupon voted In favor of considering the bill to-day. Cannon's ruling establishes ; the right of the House to decide Just i what tl shall do on "Calendar Wed ’ ticsday.” : ; ; LEGISLATIVE BILL CARRIES $35,325,219 WASHINGTON. I >ec. 14.—T/ie Uouf<! Committee on Appropriations to-dav reported to the House the leg i ieluflvt*. executive and judicial hill j carrying Mi appropriation of $36.325, j 219, which is $432,875 lean than the | estimates submitted by the various de I partmenta and is $188,953 less than the appropriation for 1910, exclusive I of the Increase from $2,000,000 to $2, : 500,000 to complete the work of the, i census. Returned to A-ylurn. Arthur Ford, who was arretted It 1 Richmond some time ago and sent i to Jail for robbing mite boxes, wa* I sent to tho Eastern State hospital for the Insane Tuesday afternoon, the ' police having learned that Ford kau recently escaped from that asylum. ■ \ it. t l a- , - k REIDS PAPER OR Or. Sycle Tells How He Got Result From Treatment gf Patient BELIEVES CURE HAS BEEN EFFECTED HERE Advanced Stages of Specific Trouble Better Adopted to Injection, is Opinion of Richmond Physician How to treat patient* for specific trout)!*- with the drug known ns Khr lli h's *)0t) was told by Dr M. Hyde In a paper which hr read before the Richmond Academy of Medicine and Surgicry Tuesday night. Or. Sycle claims t>* be the first phy sician who has experimented with this drug on a patient In Richmond and he believes that It possesses mU* h curative merit. On November 16 he Injected a dose inln a patient suffering from a malignant case, and the effect was simply marvelous. The man, though treated for several years, had not responded to ordinary remedies, lb- was sullerlng from painful inflam mation of the bones and found groHt difficulty In sleeping. Ills throat had become badly Infected, while there was a deep ulcer on one of his legs. Shortly before injection of the drug, what is known as the Wassermau test was made, showing the specific para site. Three hours after the Injection the pains from the disease had left the patient. In two weeks !h>- ulcer had become clean, while the inflamed joints were normal. The Wassermau teat was again made and no parasite was found. Wsaring Bright Smile. The patient is now progressing nice ly, Dr. Sycle said, and is going about with a brighter smile than he has worn In years A complete cure has apparently been effected with the sin gle Injection, although the physician would like to have some time lor fur ther observation before declaring posi tively that sm li Is the case. A strange feature of the drug, he said. Is the fact that It gels better re sults In tertiary or advanced stages ihan lif incipient stages, and this is probably out to the fait that it has mere parasitic bodies to work on when the patient has passed the latter stage. Not Ik*void of Danger. Dr. Svcle recommended that pa tients be trained at hospital* when the 606 drug js injected lor thi rea son that thi treatment is not alto gether del old of danger. He would never administer the drug if the pa tient had any optic nerve trouble or aggravated trouble of the heart, de scribed technically an severe cardiac lesion. After injection, the patient suffera from depressed respiration and (Continued on Ninth rage.) CICHETTE SPARK IMPERILS LIVES EEIX IN MOVING PICTCRE I IL>1 AM» ST.YKTKIJ A »2U,(h>0 UUZK. * ONE MAN IVJI'ltED. NEWAltK. N. J.. I).-.-, H —A spark from a cigarette fell In a moving pic tures machine film and lighted a 120,000 Maze In Nutley. a suburb of Newark, late last night, Imperilling the live* of lid* persons. Harry Stone, of 247 Ninth street, New York, the machine: operator, was badly burned about the hands anil half a dosen women who were entrapped oy the flame* were carried down lad der* by tlrctnen to safety. All that is left to-uay of Masonic tall, where the fire occurred, la. four rick wail*. The Interior of the u tiding was reduced to ashes, anu vlt^ it costly paraphernalia of halt > i dozen fraternal organizations, which used the hall as a meeting place, ana the stock of three establishments on the first floor. - » Nutley society was well represented U the entertainment, many of the borough's best known ritlaens and their wives being present. M- f 5 c 'iv; . i HATTIE LE BLANC IS “NOT 001111” Jury Frees Girl After Consid enrg Evidence for 95 Minutes ,1 COURT’S RULING FAVORED PRISONER Judge Bond Defined at Great Length the Doctrine of Reasonable Doubt ~ | CAMHHIIH.F.. MAS8., 1>«*. 14. U| — Iho jury in the trial of Hattie ! <' Itlniu-, the nrv<-ntmi>)<ar-eM ^ Krriicli.t'aiindlan girl, the young* *'*t iioniuii cicr to (arc execution on ilie charge of murder In a New I nglnnil court, to-day returned a verdict of not fertility after be in«r out one hour and tliirty-llve minutes. ("AMKHIDftK, MAS*!., Dec. 14.—"1 didn't do it I want to go home tritit my father." After making this pathetic appeal to Hie Jury, Hattie he Blanc to-4 was 1< d hark to the old East Cartt* ' bridge Jail, and at »:4S A. SI. tli».0 Jury was given the case and filed out::', of the court room, where for taw weeks and three days they have lit*"! tened to the evidence m the sevett teen-ycar-old French-Canadian gtrl'a trial on the charge of murdering Clarence F. Glover. The moment was the most intense of the whole trial. Judge, jury anil spectators smiled tenderly at tlto gin's simple words, given in broken English. When llattic was brought into court on the last day of her trial to-dajf she were her same blue frock and appeared pale and weak. judge Bond's charge was consid ered by lawyers as extremely favor* able to the girl. It allowed either her acquittal, a verdict for first 'ds* scree murder with electrocution and soeonu degree murder, or mauslaugh* ter, with various periods of fnspfhw onmenc The court at great length defl. t the reasonable doubt that Jurors m ! deodle before reaching a vordlct, attention was (.railed to the fact ... : the State presented only' circumstaift* : tial evidence. Applause (.nets Verdict. When th» verdict was announced ft was received with loud applause tor the spectators, who were crowded Intoi i the morn. The strain that the aev 1 teen-year-old girl had been uni during her trial showed in her meaner as she watched the jurors into the box to record their v_, : She swayed as she rose to her t 1 dry-lipped and white-faced, to a' the word that would send her to i electric chair or set her free. : leaned forward to catch the first | of the verdict. As the word struck her ears, she swayed and ' d about to fall. Then she down and the tears streamed do j her cheeks as Matron Warnoek k <‘d her and aided to support her. girl quickly regained her com.,. , and smiled at the jurymen throl her tears, although she was trem violently. After the verdict had been re Hattie was formally discharged taken across the street to the where her father and two sisters — given an opportunity to greet her. Clarence F. Glover owned a dr> in the town of Waltham, was found on the night of Novu 20, 190k, with two bullet woun his liaik. crawling from a aids i oi tin laundry. He was rushsd a hospital, where he died four Mi’ ! later. Mrs. Glover was notified' their home, but claimed to he 1 weak to go to the hospital. To several persons Glover ts to have declared that Hattlo Blanc shot him. I'pon a third of the Glover home llattie was I und. r a bed. She denied having him. verdict,? SOVERNOR TO OINE HIS EXCELLENCY AND MANN TO BE QUESTS OF TAFT AT THE WHITC HOU8E. Governor Mann anil Mr*. MunM leave Wednesday night for W* ton, where they will lie the President Taft and Mr*. Taft at ner Thursday evening. President Taft was charmed hospitality shown -hint at the ernor’s mansion on his vl*lt address the Educational Confi and immediately upon hi* Washington invited Governor und Mrs. Mann to Washington with him. The president indicated wished to dtsruftn several mat business with Governor Mann, thought one of these la tha qua Virginia ceding hack to the of Columbia a part of the Inn was given back to the Old .' 1M». MON SHi NOR GRIITEX I>1ES AFTER SHORT J WORCESTER, MASS.. M %r. Thomas Orlffen. John's Catholic and dean of ! of the Spil.xfleM dlocmeb ; to-day after an lllaeaii ef a day with an acuta doietnal trouble. The ebrated maaa yeaterday i i o'clock he hefan pains in tha abdoml hi*